tv Moyers Company PBS July 9, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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ut ten times the amount of information in the book. and the book is really centered around ten very important stories of how people have really changed their brain and in a sense, changed their age and changed their lives. but it gives you a very specific outline on, what are the things i need to do today to have the best brain possible? >> so they can get the hardcover book at the $90 level. if $75 is more comfortable they get the dvd. now, obviously, we're watching the dvd right now, but there's a second dvd, and there's a couple of interviews on that. >> well, there's an interview. so people actually saw me, in this last segment, do all those great pull-ups with with that big weight around my waist. >> yeah, right, congratulations, by the way. >> so i interviewed my trainer. and i always tell people this isn't hard. you just he to be consistent. i work out for about 35, 40 minutes twice a week. that's it. >> right. >> you know, besides some of the walking that i do.
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this isn't hard, but you have to do it in a very specific scientific, brain scientific way. and then there's a great interview with my wife, tana who created this new wonderful cookbook live longer with the brain doctor's wife. and this is how we eat at my house. there are recipes for shakes. every morning, i start the day with a great protein and vegetable shake. the stuff e puts in there-- first time she made it i went, "i'm not drinking that. i'm not a cow." but it tasted great, and it's good for me. there are recipes for lunch and dinner. great salads, great fish recipes. brand-new study just came out that the more fish you eat the bigger your brain. i mean, how exciting is that? >> whoa. >> so she puts a lot of science along with what are brain-healthy spices that you can cook with. so it's just an amazing cookbook. i'm so blessed to have her as my partner. and in addition, there--
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as you were talking about-- the six-dvd course high performance brains. it's an all-day seminar that i taught that people paid hundreds of dollars to come and see and it's exclusive to this package for public television. nowhere else in the world can you get that dvd set. and people will learn how to decrease their risk for alzheimer's disease, how to decrease things like depression, how to get in physical shape but also get your brain in physical shape. in addition, a lot of people go, "well, i want a scan." >> yeah, that's exactly what i did. >> they saw the scans of the military captain the marine corps captain. it's like, "well, i want a scan, but i can't afford it," or, "i'm not near one of your clinics." and so, based on thousands of scans, i developed a whole series of questionnaires to help you know about the health of your brain.
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there's a preventing alzheimer's risk assessment. there's also a memory questionnaire. and there's a questionnaire to know specifically about the health of your individual brain. in addition, there's this whole online community that i created that will test your brain. and then there are hundreds of brain-healthy recipes. there's a food journal. there's a brain journal. there's--okay, step one through ten. these are the steps to do to get yourself healthy. it's critical. in fact, why don't we show them a rolling of the whole package so that they can see what they get when they--what they get as our gift for suppoing this eat station? >> announcer: the amen clinics high performance brain master package contains all the tools you need to help you live longer, look younger, and boost yo energy, memory, mood, and focus. it includes the two-dvd set of use you brain to change your age, which has an extra hour of bonus material; dr. amen's latest hardcover book use your brain to change
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your age: the secrets to look and feel younger every day; a new six-hour six-dvd course called high performance brains, exclusive to public television that shows you how to boost your brain, energy, memory, mood, and focus while at the same time decreasing your risk for alzheimer's disease and other diseases of aging. also included is a new cookbook from nurse and health expert tana amen which contains over 100 amazing recipes designed to boost brain function and longevity. and you will receive a one-year membership to dr. amen's revolutionary new online program "the amen solution at home," designed specifically to boost your brain in just minutes a day. it is a $360 value and includes sophisticated tests to help you know about the health of your brain. and then, based on your scores you will be given a specific set of exercises to enhance your memory, mood, and focus in our award-winning 24-7 brain gym.
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you also get your own interactive daily journal to help keep you on track. this is one of the most important tools for improving the health of your brain. plus, you get unlimited access to the online relaxation room, where you can log on anytime to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain with our guid hypnosis and meditation sessions. plus, there are exercises to help you eliminate the negative thinking patterns that drive depression and aging. and through "the amen solution at home," you'll also have access to an interactive community of thousands of people dedicated to brain health and get ongoing support and much, much more. just ten minutes a day on the site is all it takes to boost your brain. and you get all of these tools for a year to make your new habits part of your life for the rest of your life. >> daniel, i've got to tell you, i've had a chance to spend time in the online world that you've created in this high performance brain package.
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and it's just extraordinary to me that--'cause i've had envy-- i'm like everybody else who watches your shows. i wanted to get a brain scan. it's really expensive. it's not in the cards for me. but with this interactive questionnaire, the questionnaires, and the program, i really feel like i'm on track to do the things i want to do to increase the vibrancy of my brain, and it's very, very customized to me. and it's reallcool that u've got the technology there to not only give me the questionnaire but then assess it and get me moving forward. >> well, that's really exciting. and we have thousands of members on the site, and i get these wonderful testimonials. so i do exactly what you say. and we actually study it. if you are compliant and you do the things we ask you to do, there's a very high chance that your important numbers will get betterthat your memory-- and you can take these tests over and over to go, "well, how am i ing?" so y start witthe baseli
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we then give you specific exercises to optimize your brain, and then you can test it again and go, "well, how am i doing?" so people can actually see the progress they make, and they can earn points, which, you know then comes with gifts and things like that. so we're trying to use all the online technology. but in addition, you know, if somebody's, like, not--they're afraid of the computer or they don't really like it, we give them all of the other gifts, from the dvd and the book and the questionnaire on paper and the all-day seminar, to really make this information part of their life for the rest of their life. see, this is--you know, i always say my programs are never about losing ten pounds. if you want to lose ten pounds do it somewhere else. i want you to get control of your brain and your body for the rest of your life. and over the last couple of years, i've been thinking about how important your body-brain connection are, because if your blood pressure's healthy, your
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brain's better. if your blood sugar is better, you brain is better. if your heart is better, your brain is better. anwithout a od bin, u make bad decisions, which then steal your life and they kill you early, as i talked about in the first part of the show. the number one predictor of longevity is the quality of the decisions you make throughout your life. and that comes directly from the health of your brain. >> and--so i don't want somebody listening to that and going, "well, jeez, i'm 55 years old. i've made so many bad decisions." it's--another bad decision would be to say it's too late to change. >> well, you know, i open the show by talking about a conversation i had with a 76-yr-old woman. so i'm sitting on a plane, she recognizes me from my shows, and she leans over, and she says, "is it ever too late?" and i'm like, "too late for what?" she said, "i'm 76 years old. is it ever too late for me to have a better brain?" and what we have seen over and over--so we now have a database of 70,000 scans of patients from
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90 different countries that have come to see us, and even if you're 70 and you work the program, you can have a better brain. if you're 90--in fact, you know, i have a great story my grandmher, who was 92, who was always difficult. i always wondered, what was the matter with her? why was she so mean? and so i actually got the chance when she was 92 to scan her, and i went, "oh, that's why she's mean," and put her on the right supplements, the right treatment for her brain, and she became, like, one of the nicest old people that i'd met. and i'm just, like, amazed. and in the questionnaire-- so we'll actually test your specific brain. so, based on thousands of scans, i developed this questionnaire to know, well, what system in your brain is working right or not so good? and then, based on how you score, i'll then give you very specific recommendations whether it's supplements or
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certain kinds of exercises, to optimize your brain. and, you know, for her, her brain worked too hard, so she was rigid, worried, inflexible. things don't go her way, she gets upset. and on some simple supplements she just became sweet, and i'm like, "wow." >> too bad you hadn't done that 40 years ago, huh? >> i know, 'causmy grandfather wouldn't have suffered so much. >> yeah, well, that's the amazing thing is that what might be right for your brain may not be the solution for my brain because i've got a different operating system than you. >> you know, it's so important. one treatment never fits everyone. you have to know about your brain and then target treatment to you. so on the paper questionnaire, you can do that or online. it's really cool online because you don't have to go score anything. tomacally scores it for you and then gives you specific recommendations to your brain and then specific exercises in the form of games.
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i mean, they're fun games-- i love playing these games-- that are really enhancing your brain, from memory games reaction time, attention, mood. and on the website, there's this whole relaxation room. so for people who struggle with anxiety or depression, we'll actually give them the kind of tools i use in my office y to day with people. so if people just spend ten minutes a day on the website and they do it for a couple of months, it's like spending a year seeing me twice a week. you get the exact same tools that i use in my office that would cost people thousands of dollars. and this way, they can do it in the privacy of their own home. they don't have to get in the car. they don't have to wait in a waiting room for someone. >> and they can do it when they have the time. >> and they can log on 24 hours. the food recipes they like the brain games that they like the relax--in the relaxation room, there's five individual hypnosis audios that i do for
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them: one for anxiety. one for sleep. i get so many letters where people go, "i love going to bed with you every night," and my wife doesn't object, 'cause i'm at home. so sleep, there's one for pain for people who struggle with pain, another one for weight and another one for high performance. >> man, there are so many things going on here, daniel. i just want to let people know that the one thing we'd like your brain to be doing right now is quickly calculating the incredible value that this packe would bring into your life and how important your gift to us, to this public station is right now, whether you join at the $75 level to take advantage of getting the dvd of the program we're enjoying now plus the extra dvd with the interviews and the question and answers or you move up to the $90 level to get dr. amen's new book that goes into all of these subjects we're covering in a great deal more depth or you go all out for us and come in at that $250
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level to get every element: the dvds, the book, but all these otr elements that daniel's been outlining and this extraordinary opportunity to be in this community you have created. it really is one of the most phenomenal online experiences i've ever had anywhere just because it's so rich and it's so customized. >> well, let's take a look at it one more time. so let me show a woman actually on the online community working through the different exercises. >> announcer: as part of the package, you will receive a one-year membership to's revolutionary online program "the amen solution at home," designed specifically to boost your brain in just minutes a day. it is a $360 value and includes sophisticated tests to help you know about the health of your brain. and then, based on your scores you will be given a specific set
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of exercises to enhance your memory, mood, and focus in our award-winning 24-7 brain gym. you also get your own interactive daily journal to help keep you on track. this is one of the most important tools for improving the heth of your brain. plus, you get unlimited access to the online relaxation room, where you can log on anytime to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain with our guided hypnosis and meditation sessions. plus, there are exercises to help you eliminate the negative thinking patterns that drive depression and aging. and through "the amen solution at home," you'll also have access to an interactive community of thousands of people dedicated to brain health and get ongoing support and much, much more. just ten minutes a day on the sites all it takes to boost your brain. and you get all of these tools for a year to make your new habits part of your life for the rest of your life. >> i just--i have to say again
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i just--i had so much fun the last couple of days playing in this world that you've created 'cause i really felt i was doing the right thing for me. and the fact that you've created a community, i feel like i'm having a shared experience. i'm not doing this all by myself. you're there helping out along with a lot of other people. >> well, and we have coaches my coach that helped me get the body that i ve, that i'm you know, excited about. my wife is a coach with great food. there are other coaches. and there's a community of literally thousands of people who joined together to really help each other boost the health of their brain. >> again, that package, that community, you can become part of it by coming in at that $250 level, because you're going to get the book, you're going to get the dvds you're going to get the all-day seminar, you're going to get the cookbook cd-rom, but you're also going to have access for a full yr to's website, which is really one of
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the most extraordinary places i've ever been. speaking about where we are going, daniel, where are we going? we've got one more act to your lecture. there's a lot of exciting things coming up. >> well, there's a before-and-after picture and a before-and-after story that'll really just blow your mind. so for all of you that have tried and failed, this story inspires me every day. i'm also going to talk to you about a great program that i've been doing with a huge organization, and thresults are st phenomel. so a lot of great things coming up. >> there's not really one thing that you talk about that not any one of us cannot do. that's what's great about this. >> it's very easy. >> it's very easy, and i hope you realize that. the other easy thing for you to do is to get right on over to the phone and make that gift of support, because by doing that, you're improving the health and vitality of this organization, an organization i know you tune in to on a regular basis. and we're going to hear more from dr. amen as his program continues, but we'd also love to
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hear from you with that contribution that will keep our service going strong. so please do your part after more of use your brain to change your age on this public television station. [cheers and applause] >> welcome back. 18 months ago, steve was 40 years old and weighed 630 pounds. he was struggling with depression and a 25-year diction to alcohol and nitine. he suffered with sleep apnea hypertension, diabetes, and chronic pain in his feet that tortured him day and night. he was so big that whenever he fell, one or two people could never get him up, and he would have to call 911 for a team of people to help him. at the time, he was thinking of suicide, but he could not get up the stairs to get his gun.
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his sister saw me on tv and got him a copy of my program which he followed religiously, and over the next 18 months, steve lost over 380 pounds all without any surgery. in addition, steve has gone from ten medications to two, and he's lost his pain, diabetes, alcohol, cigarettes, and depression. not only does steve look and feel dramatically younger, but his brain is younger as well. he has better focus, energy, and memory. ultimately, steve used his brain to change his age, and in the process he saved his life. so what was steve's secret to success? he started by making better decisions. he avoided anything that hurt his brain, including alcohol and bad food. he engaged in regular brain-healthy habits, like
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exercise and new learning. and even though he was 630 pounds, he started by dancing in his chair to music. plus, he learned as much about his health as possible. he ate only whole, high-quality food and not too much, took brain-smart supplements and he checked his important numbers. you need to know your vitamin d level, thyroid, and testosterone levels. all of these were low for steve. in fact, his testosterone level was so low, his doctor actually measured it three times. by getting his blood work balanced, he felt so much better and was able to stay on the program. plus, steve never saw this as a diet. he saw it as changing his life for the rest of his life. the first three letters in the
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word "diet" are "die." diets don't work long-term. i want you to get control of your brain and your body for the rest of your life. that is the only way you will truly decrease your risk of getting alzheimer's disease and the other diseases of aging. if steve can use these principles to get healthy, i know you can too. in this segment of the show, i will talk about the last two steps of how to use your brain to change your age. step number six: to be the most successful, you have to help someone else change. doing this program with a partner is the secret to long-term success. steve was masterful in eliciting social support, and he is now one of the coaches on our online community. he stays healthy by helping other people change.
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i had an experience last year that was very disturbing. i went to my own church one sunday and watched them serve such bad food to the congregation: doughnuts, sausage, bacon, hot dogs cupcakes, and ice cream. and i wondered if they were trying to send people to heaven... [laughter] early. [laughter] i was so upset that day that i prayed god would use me to help change churches be healthier places. then--no lie--two weeks later, pastor rick warren called me from saddleback church. [applause] he asked if i would help get his church healthy. saddleback is one of the largest churches in america with ten campuses across southern california. pastor warren is the author of the purpose driven life, which was the world's
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best-selling book four years in a row. "wow," i thought, "now, that is an answer to prayer." pastor warren said that when he heard me talk about how when your weight goes up, the size of your brain goes down, that convinced him that he and his congregation had to get healthy. together with my friends dr. mehmet oz and mark hyman we developed a 52-week program called "the daniel plan." it launched in january 2011, and to date, we have over 15,000 participants. so far, the results have been stunning. in the first six months of the program, the churches lost over 200,000 pounds. and people report improved energy, focus, memory, sleep and mood, plus reductions in pain, stress, blood pressure diabetes, and many medications. the plan is filled with great
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content, but the secret sauce is that it is centered around a small-group format, where five to eighteople meet weekly support each other. we have leveraged one of the most effective tools for change, the power of human connection. when you make a commitment to walk or work out with someone else, you're much more likely to show up. if you really want to change teach someone else how to do it. your relationships have a dramatic impact on your health. and for people who really want to be healthy, associating with other healthy people is the strongest and most direct path to change. this doesn't mean you have to give up your friends who are struggling with their health. share this program with them and offer to do it together. right now, i want you to think of the people you love most in this world.
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who do you call when something good happens or when something bad happens? for me, i call my wife my parents, and my children. for each of these people, ask yourself, are you their friend or their accomplice? a friend is someone who helps their loved ones be successful while an accomplice is someone who helps them maintain their bad habits. "oh, come on, it'll be fine. it's just one more time. i cooked for you all weekend. have more. don't be a party pooper. it's the weekend. you've worked hard. you've earned it." are you helping those you love prevent devastating illnesses like alzheimer's disease and depression? you can lead the change in your family. fatima learned about my program through her work.
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at the time, she was encouraging her husband to get healthy, but like many husbands, rob was not paying attention. he was 44 years old and had back problems, arthritis in his knees, insomnia, and a sluggish memory. after knee surgery, his doctor told him that he would never run again. his father had his first heart attack at age 40 and died at 58. in addition, their boys, ages 10 and 13, were both struggling in school. as fatima watched my programs, rob and the boys decided to join her. since then, everything in their family has changed, from their diet to their activity level to making smarter choices. after just a few short months, rob's pain was gone, and he has just finished his second triathlon this year, both times, coming in rst for his age group. he's lost 39 pounds, and his sleep and memory are better.
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at work in a meeting recently, he was able to come up with the name of a client they had seen 12 years earlier. both children also perform better in school. for one of the boys, all seven of his teachers noticed a dramatic improvement, and he brought home straight "a"s. when you get the message in this program, it changes everything in your life and in the lives of those you love. for your friends and family who are resistant to change, give them a copy of this program. when people see the brain scans, they develop brain envy, and getting healthy becomes much more important to them. step number seven: never stop being a warrior for the health of your brain. i recently met a woman who told me that now that she's 60 years old, she doesn't want to have to worry anymore about what she eats and exercising.
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if that is you, you just want to make sure you're okay with the consequences of having an older brain: less energy brain fog, depression, and more bad decisions. as we age, we have less room for error. to be better, you have to constantly be vigilant for your health and not let others steal it. there are so many forces in our society that are against us, from our churches serving toxic food to the explosion of fast-food restaurants. according to time magazine 75% of our health care dollars are spent on preventable illnesses, illnesses that are caused mainly by a lack of conscientiousness and many bad decisions. i want to share one more important strategy with you today. i want you to stop lying
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to yourself. how you think dramatically affects how you feel and every decision you make. and the lies you tell yourself are one of the biggest factors that drive aging. here are some of the common little lies i hear that make people old, fat, depressed and feebleminded. "my memory is no good. that's just normal as you get older." no, it's a big sign of trouble. "my dad is 92. we can't do much for him now." i hate this lie. i've seen people 100 years old improve on the right strategies. "i can't eat healthy because i travel." i'm always amused by this one, because i travel a lot. it just takes a little forethought and planning conscientiousness. "my whole family gets alzheimer's disease. it's in my genes." this is one of the biggest lies. genes account for only about 20% to 30% of your health.
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the vast majority of health problems are driven by the bad decisions you make. my genes, too, say i should be fat, but i don't make the decisions now that make it likely to happen. "i can't afford to get healthy." being sick is always more expensive than getting healthy. "i can't find the time to work out." you'll have plenty of time when you're dead. "it's easter, memorial day july fourth, labor day thanksgiving, christmas, friday, saturday, sunday, monday." there is always an excuse to hurt yourself. when you stop believing these lies, the quality of your decisions and your health go way up. i gave you two words that are critical to your health: "then what?" if i do this, then what will happen to my health? i want to give you one more word: "now."
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so many people keep telling themselves they'll get serious tomorrow. i know. i said that to myself for about 30 years. i'll start monday, next month, january 1st, when i turn 40, 45, 50. tomorrow never comes, and when i discovered that my own brain was not healthy and that alzheimer's disease starts 30 50 years in the brain before people have any symptoms, i realized i don't have tomorrow and neither do you. now is the time to get healthy. you literally have no time to wait. now is the time to get your brain tested to get a baseline on how it functions. now is the time to start making better decisions. now is the time to avoid anything that hurts your brain and to engage in regular brain-healthy habits. now is theime to get any brain problems treated and to do this program with a partner.
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and now is the time to be a warrior for the health of your brain. i want to close by asking you two very simple questions. one: if you don't do the program as i outlined it, if you just keep doing what you've always done, what will your life look like in a year, in five years, in ten years? i want you to imagine your brain continuing to get old and all that goes with that. and two: if you do the seven simple steps in the program, what will your life look like in a year, in five years in ten years? smart people think ahead. i want you to imagine yourself with better energy, a brighter mood, healthier skin, and a younger brain. i know you can do this and be like marianne, who got her brain
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back and kept the job e love carlos, who looks and feels better; andy, who dramatically reversed the aging process in his brain; teri, who decreased her chances of getting alzheimer's disease; chris, who overcame her grief; and steve, who literally saved his life. i am rooting for your success. with a brain-smart plan, i know that you, too, can slow or even reverse the aging process in the brain, making you look and feel younger every day. may god bless you. i'm dr. daniel amen. [cheers and applause] >> hey, we all know how easy it is to put things off, but if you've gotten a wake-up call from this program, now is the time to be a warrior for the health of your brain. hello again, i'm greg sherwood
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and once again, dr. daniel amen is with us to remind you that now is also a great time to support public television with a donation that says thanks for this program. daniel, once again, great to have you here helping us raise some money for public broadcasting and hearing more about this fantastic program. >> well, i'm so excited to bring it to public television viewers, because it's only on public television you'll see a show like this one. >> and i think that's why we deserve your support. dr. amen is here, obviously, to share more of his insights. and you know what? you can revisit this program with our gift at the $75 gift level. you'll get the double dvd edition of use your brain to change your age. now,f you n give aift of $90, you can receive the hardcover copy of his book that details all the things that he went out in a great deal more detail about this program for enhanced brain health. but if you can see your way to supporting us with a gift of $250, we'll send you the amen
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clinics high performance brain master package. along with the dvd and the book, you'll receive a cd-rom cookbook, a six-dvd course that can help you understand and develop a high-performan brain, a qstioaire thayou can use to gauge your own brain's health, and a one-year membership in "the amen solution." this is an online program. it's really an online world that you can enter to help keep your brain fit. now, we're going to hear more about all these gifts, so please make your call now. and join us then back here as i spend a few short more minutes with dr. daniel amen. we're getting down to the wire here. people have now heard the entire lecture. i think people should be excited about the opportunity. but as you said in the show, nois the time. >> well, it's just absolutely essential. people keep putting things off. you know, "i'll do it when i'm 40, 45, 50," and, you know pretty soon, tomorrow never comes. now is the time to make that
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decision to change, because what you can see in a very short period of time that your energy will be better; your mood will be better; your memory will be better; even your skin can be better by doing the things that i outline in the course. and none of these things are hard. you know, as i've gone through these seven steps, none of them are hard. you justave to do it in a brain-smart way. and in addition, it makes a great gift, because if you give the gift of brain health to those you love, they also become your support community. because, you know, as i talked about it in the show, people get better together. so i was at another station, and a 91-year-old woman called in, and she ordered six packages for all six of her kids, because she said, "we're going to do this togethe" i mean, can you imagine a better gift to give someone than the
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gift of brain health and the gift of getting your family healthy or the people in your church or the people at work? and it's not hard. here you have all of the tools to do that. from the dvd of the show that's a great place to start. you have someone who's resistant in your life, show them the dvd of the show. people see the scans, and they get brain envy. they want a better brain. get them t book,ecau the book just has ten times the information. or what you really can do is the whole package that you can share in your community. there's a paper and pencil questionnaire that you can give to everybody to know about the health of their brain. so let's go to see all of the elements of the package that you get as a gift from us when you support this amazing station.
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>> announcer: the amen clinics high performance brain master package contains all the tools you need to help you live longer, look younger, and boost your energy, memory, mood, and focus. it includes the two-dvd set of use you brain to change your age, which has an extra hour of bonus material; dr. amen's latest hardcover book use your brain to change your age: the secrets to look and feel younger every day; a new six-hour six-dvd course called high performance brains, exclusive to public television that shows you how to boost your brain, energy, memory, mood, and focus while at the same time decreasing your risk for alzheimer's disease and other diseases of aging. also included is a new cookbook from nurse and health expert tana amen which contains over 100 amazing recipes designed to boost brain function and longevity. and you will receive a one-year membership to dr. amen's revolutionary new online program "the amen solution at home," designed specifically to boost
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your brain in just minutes a day. it is a $360 value and includes sophisticated tests to help you know about the health of your brain. and then, based on your scores you will be given a specific set of exercises to enhance your memory, mood, and focus in our award-winning 24-7 brain gym. you also get your own interactive daily journal to help keep you on track. this is one of the most important tools for improving the health of your brain. plus, you get unlimited access to the online relaxation room, where you can log on anytime to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain with our guided hypnosis and meditation sessions. plus, there are exercises to help you eliminate the negative thinking patterns that drive depression and aging. and through "the amen solution at home," you'll also have access to an interactive community of thousands of people dedicated to brain health and get ongoing support and much, much more.
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just ten minutes a day on the site is all it takes to boost your brain. and you get all of these tools for a year to make your new habits part of your life for the rest of your life. >> you know, daniel, i'm amazed that you put that whole package together for a gift to this public station of $250, which is a good chunk of change, but the retail value of the whole package nominally is $700. but if this changes somebody's life or many people's lives, it's incredibly priceless. >> well, and i get letters and emails, and when people see me in the airports, they tell me how this information has changed their lives. i mean, that's what keeps me going. i love that part. but it is priceless for them not only if it helps change their life, but if you change your life, if your habits are better, that influences your husband or it influences your wife it influences your children and influences your parents, those people that you work with,
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you're really creating your own support community of brain health, which, you know, it's not just brain health. it's every kind of health. you know, you're healthy physically, emotionally, spitually, intellectually because your brain is better. but you need support. thers this great study out of stanford where they looked at people over 90 years, and one of the big predictors of longevity was the health of the people you spend time with. >> oh, yeah. >> so if you spend time with healthy people--so why not be smart and create your own brain-healthy community? and here i give people all the tools that they need from the dvd and the book, the questionnaires this six-dvd course. this is an all-day course. people paid hundreds of dollars to come to hear me live all day. >> and this is the whole day? >> this is the whole day six hours on how to create a
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high-performance brain. and this is exclusive to public television. so i'm not letting them out anywhere else for the next few years, because i love public television. you know, i'm a member of my local public television station, and you should be too, because it's only on public television you'll see a show like this. so you want to be part of the public television support community, we need your support now more than ever, but this will also help you. i mean, share it with your family and your friends. and, you know, speaking of community, i talked about this big program i'm doing with saddleback church. >> i know, with pastor warren and the saddleback, yeah. >> and i love it. you know, saddleback's one of the largest churches in the world, and a lot of churches are not healthy. you know, they're trying to get you healthy spiritually, where i'm saying, "you're trying to send people to heaven early. you know, this is not a good thing." and when i said that prayer and pastor warren called me, i'm like, "thank you." and we have made such a
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difference in the health of this church. now they've lost 250,000 pounds, and the stories are just unbelievable. in fact, in the hardcover book there's a whole chapter i dedicate to "the daniel plan" and pastor warren and his story and the church's story. and one of the women came up to me, and over this last year, she's lost 90 pounds. and she said she did it because she wanted to avoid the dinosaur syndrome. so in the book, i talk about the dinosaur syndrome. >> this was something that really inspired pastor warren too, right? >> inspired him cause what we found is, as your weight goes up, the actual physical size and function of your brain goes down. and i'm like, "whoa." when i read that first study i lost 30 pounds. i'm not having a smaller brain. but teri had a father who had alzheimer's disease. and she came up to me recently and she said, "you know, i knew i was fat, and i knew i was ugly, but i thought i was smart,
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and i had no idea that my own behavior was putting me at risk to get alzheimer's like my dad." and the transformation that she has made over this past year losing 90 pounds--so she looks great, feels great, and at the same time, she's decreasing the age of her brain and decreasing the risk that she's going to get alzheimer's disease. and that's how i hooked pastor warren. i talk about this in the book. he said, "you know, i've been on hundreds of diets." and he said, "you know, getting well for my heart just never did it for me. getting well to live longer? i'm going to heaven." he said, "to be sexier? look at me." he said, "but when you said the heal of bra was going to deteriorate and i wasn't going to be as smart," he said "that hooked me." and the same tools that we used at saddleback church, they're on the online community, because it's critical to get better together.
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and we have thousands of people on the cmunity now, brain warriors, people who want a better brain and a better body and you can do that too. so let's see a small clip of the online community that people get when they get this master package. >> announcer: as part of the package, you will receive a one-year membership to dr. amen's revolutionary online program "the amen solution at home," designed specifically to boost your brain in just minutes a day. it is a $360 value and includes sophisticated tests to help you know about the health of your brain. and then, based on your scores you will be given a specific set of exercises to enhance your memory, mood, and focus in our award-winning 24-7 brain gym. you also get your own interactive daily journal to help keep you on track. this is one of the most important tools for improving
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the health of your brain. plus, you get unlimited access to the online relaxation room, where you can log on anytime to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain with our guided hypnosis and meditation sessions. plus, there are exercises to help you eliminate the negative thinking patterns that drive depression and aging. and through "the amen solution at home," you'll also have access to an interactive community of thousands of people dedicated to brain health and get ongoing support and much, much more. just ten minutes a day on the site is all it takes to boost your brain. and you get all of these tools for a year to make your new habits part of your life for the rest of your life. >> so, daniel, again, i want to emphasize to people, because i think this is such an incredible opportunity, having spent some time in that community and in that world, getting a customized assessment of my own brain and customized exercises to do, it's just so phenomenal that there's
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a community there; there is a resource there. now, the nominal value if i was to go out and just join that would be $360 just for the online community, not the book not the dvds. so what's neat here is, for $250, they're getting everything and an entire year of that extraordinary community you've created. >> well, and i did that so that people would call and support their public television station, because when you do that, you're telling public television that you like shows like mine, and then we can go create more shows. but i wanted to create the maximum value, because i'm really interested in creating warriors for the health of their brain, that you can create your own community. that's really what i want for you. i want you to create your own community of healthy people, because if you get brain-healthy, that will affect your spouse it will affect your children your grandchildren
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and people that you love. and, you know, the health of our country is going the wrong way. >> exactly. right, i think we are all aware of that, right? >> but individuals can make a big difference, but they start where they are. get themselves healthy, their families healthy, and then it just spreads from there. we need to create this movement, which is why i tried to create this value at a great price, so that people could afford it and then share it. >> well, you know what? you said something very poignant to me. you talked about how you want to be alive and as vital as possible for the people in your family. i have somebody in my family who's struggling with alzheimer's, and when you see what that's like and what it does to somebody, you don't want to go there, and you realize you don't want to be--as you said at the last part of the talk, you don't want to be a burden to your family like that if you can possibly help it. and if this is a way out or a way of fending that off so you're a vital member of the community, you're a supportive
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member of the family and not a burden, what a gift. >> well, and so many people are in denial. you know, "that's not me. i can work on this later." but en you really se alzheimer's disease up close it's a nightmare. and i want people--and i specifically wrote this show to raise people's anxiety, because what we discovered is, some anxiety is good. it's important. the "don't worry, be happy" people, they die the earliest. if you're concerned about the health of your brain, good. now is the time to get it looked at, to get it tested. and not everybody can come to one of my clinics and get a scan, so that's why we developed these great assessment tools online and in the paper and pencil questionnaires that we get, so you know where you're starting from. and then we'll give you very specific exercises to work your brain. 'cause as we were talking about, not everybody's brain's the same. you need to have a personalized
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program for you, which is exactly what we're going to give you, a personalized program to you. and it's fun. and, you know, getting rid of the bad food in your life, what you find is, in this cookbook, there is over a hundred, like, really delicious recipes. i am all about abundance. i hate deprivation. i only want great food in my life, but we'll show you exactly how to do that. none of this is about depriving yourself. it's about so you can have vibrance and vitality. you know, i had to get rid of the deprivation mind-set "you know, i'm just going to be eating celery and carrots." i happen to like celery and carrots, but it's like this is so much better. you know, i had a vegetable soup last night that was just incredible. or there's a bison meat loaf that will just knock your socks off. there are so many-- or goji berry truffles. i mean, it's like, "you're kidding." i can eat better than before.
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and when you get rid of all the bad things in your diet, your taste buds now become alive, and your cravings don't taunt you anymore. my cravings used to taunt me as i'd walk by the refrigerator. >> right. >> so from food to exercise to better memory to looking better in your clothes--i'm totally vain. you know, i like the fact that i look better, that i'm the same weit as was when i'm 18, and i have the same muscle mass. i like that, but what i'm doing, i'm really not exercising for my butt. i'm exercising for my brain, because with a better brain, i can fulfill the mission i have in my life to share this, but i can also be a good husband. i can be a good father. i can be a good grandfather, which-- you know, now i have five grandkids--is so vital. it's important to me. >> i think it's just wonderful. and i was taken by that story that you started the last segment. steve, 650-pound young man who
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lost literally half of his weight, and he doesn't think of it as a diet. i just thought that was an extraord--he thought of it as a way to change his life and to get a life back. >> for the rest of his life. he literally saved his life. so if you have been bad to your body, if you have been bad to your brain, there is hope. i mean, if you look at steve's story-- he lost 380 pounds, my goodness. no surgery, no drugs. he went from ten medications to two. pair that with the nfl study we did, where we saw many people who had brain damage. and after just a couple of months on the program, we saw 80% improvement in our players in their memory, in their mood in their sleep in their motivation. you can do this. none of this is hard. that's why i am so excited to share it, especially on public television, because your gift of support, we will give you great
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tools to literally change your brain, and when you do, you change your body and your life. >> and this is an opportunity, as the wind-down with our time together, for people to really help this station as well. you know that this station exists largely because people just like you make the effort to make that gift of support. in this case, i encourage you to do it for us so we can continue to be here for you, but to do it for yourself, because your gift--particularly at that level of the $250 level or all the tools we've been talking about--but if $75 makes more sense for you, please come in at that level and know that not only will you get the dvd of the lecture that we just enjoyed. you're going to get an entire second dvd with some great interviews and lots of q&a. lots of questions you probably have on your mind right now will be answered. move up to the $90 level, and you can get the book, which i just finished reading yesterday.
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and what it shows you is there's so much more to know. this lecture, as fascinating as it was, there's tons more information, lots more background and details in the book. and of course, you get the book and the dvds if you come in at the $250 level. and that's really the one that excites me, daniel, only because i've been on the online environment now for a few days and it's just so cool and so much fun. and i think anybody who's seen what you do wants to have that customized insight about their own brain, and that's what you provide for us. >> well, and you want to be a part of the online community because it will test your brain, and then, based on how you score, we'll give you very specific exercises in the form of games to enhance your brain. so there's our 24-7 brain gym, but that's not all. there's a relaxation room. so if you're feeling anxious or if you're feeling stressed or you can't sleep, you can log on anytime and listen to the hypnosis downloads.
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you can play the relaxation games. there's a room i call "the kill the a.n.t.s room." a.n.t.s stands for automatic negative thoughts, the thoughts that come into your mind and just ruin your day. and these negative thoughts drive aging, and they drive depression, and we teach you how to kill them. there's lots of great exercise. there's a food journal an exercise journal. there's a brain journal. and these three journals, they don't take long, but they have been shown to double weight loss in just ten weeks, so they're these great tools. i'll tell you what numbers that you should get, you know, what lab values you should get, why you should, what's a good value, what to do with it if it's out of whack. all of these tools--it's a $360 value, and you get it as part of the master package whh $250. so it's less than $1 a day much less than $1 a day, for the health of your brain. but in addition, you get the dvd
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of the show. so a lot of people saw the show, but, you know, they may have come in late. here you get the whole show that you can show to your family, you can show to your loved ones. this is--it's a great gift. and a lot of people have questions. well, i stayed around for an hour with the audience and i answered questions from the audience. then i did an interview with my wife, tana, on creating brain-healthy families an interview with my personal trainer on, "how did you transform my body? how can people do this in a simple way?" and in addition with the big package, my brand-new book use your brain to change your age, that has about ten times the information, so you can underline it, go back to it, read it over and over again, and then share it. there's this great cookbook. and this is important because it gives you all the recipes you need that are with spices to enhance brain function. so, like, sage has high-level scntific evidence that it
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improves your memory. cinnamon helps with focus. so tana goes into all of those things, and the recipes are amazing. then exclusive to public television, you get the six-dvd course. you're with me all day, going through how to decrease your risk for alzheimer's disease. "how do i know about my brain? what if i'm anxious? what if i'm sad? what if i'm rigid? what if i can't concentrate?" i go through all of these things. plus, there's this great questionnaire to know specifically about the health of your brain. >> and what i want to let people know is, we are getting right down to the wire. we have less than a minute to go. so i want people to get to that phone right now. pick the level that makes sense to you, knowing that every dollar that you gift to us will be put back into the works here, delivering great programs for you. this is your public television station. dr. daniel amen, thank you so much for making this program and bringing it to us. any brief words of wisdom you'd like to share?
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>> well, you know, i play this game with my daughter: is this good for my brain or bad for my brain? you nt to play that. and supporting this public television is so important so i can bring you more shows. >> thank you, dr. daniel amen. and of course, we want to thank everybody who called with a contribution during this break. now stay with us for more of the programs your donations make possible on this public television station.
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