tv European Journal PBS July 22, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT
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>> major funding for this program is provided by... pure encapsulations -- committed to manufacturing a complete line of science-based, hypoallergenic nutritional supplements available through health professionals... factors group... liposcience... and by metagenics -- helping healthcare providers improve patient health for over 30 ars, with medil foods, nutraceuticals, and lifestyle medicine programs...
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with additional funding by damon giglio, the sandra and stephen muss foundation, and immuno laboratories. >> this biologic software, which was lifesaving 10,000 years ago is now the cause of the single biggest killer in the 21st century. you're not doomed. you can and must take action. whatou put at e end of your fork is more powerful than what you will ever find at the bottom of a pill bottle. [ applause ] thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. imagine reversing diabetes in just one week. my friends, that's possible today, and we've done it hundreds of times at the
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ultrawellness center. i'm gonna teach you all how to that. and god knows we need this solution, because we have a global crisis of obesity and diabetes. i want you to be the c.e.o. of your own health, and i want you to be empowered to take back your health. but first i have an admission to make. i'm a food addict. i am biologically programmed to crave sugar and carbs, and so are you. that's how we survived in times of food scarcity. you're designed to eat as much as you can, whenever you can, because you never know when you're gonna get your next meal. now, i've learned to turn off that primitive part of my brain by eating and living in balance, but not always. there was that one time i was coming back from a medical conference and my plane was delayed for six hours and i was so stressed because i had to work the next morning. and in that moment of weakness, i smelled those sweet fumes coming out of the cinnamon-bun store. [ laughter ] i think they use fans to blow it
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through the airport, you know? it's like secondhand smoke. it should be illegal. [ laughter ] i looked around and i made sure no one was looking and i went oveto b the biggest cinnamon bun i could find. and i got the one with the nuts 'cause i told myself it had more protein, and i scarfed it right down. then the rest of the day, flying back, i felt like an addict. when i changed planes in chicago, i ran to get some chocolate-covered cherries, and i demolished the whole box before we even landed. [ laughter ] now, this biologic software, which was lifesaving 10,000 years ago, is now the cause of the single biggest killer in the 21st century. so, what is this deadly disee that affects one out of every two of us? diabesity. what disease is making over a billion people around the world fat and sick? diabesity. and 90% of people with this disease don't even know they
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have it. and what's worse is that your doctors aren't trained to find it, so they're not looking for it, and they don't know how to treat it. so, what is diabesity? well, it's what it sounds like. it's the continuum between obesity and diabetes. they're really the same thing. and diabesity is the number-one cause of obesity, heart disease, as well as cancer, dementia, and, of course, type 2 diabetes. in fact, dementia is now being called type 3 diabetes. this problem is bigger than any one of us. it's something we have to solve together as a community. we need to create a movement. how about occupy healthcare? [ laughter ] or maybe weless spring? we need to all stand up and take back our health, as individuals, as communities, and as a society.
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we can do this together. we must do this together. literally, our lives depend on it. we need a solution, and the good news is there is a solution. and diabesity is reversible. in this show, i'm gonna teach you how to diagnose it, how to fix it, and how to create vibrant good health. everybody knows that if you want to lose weight, you have to be eating less and exercising more. now, how's that working for most of you? probably not very well. [ chuckles ] that's because it's only half the story. getting healthy is way more than just a math problem of calories in and calories out. in this show, i'm gonna to tell you about the other half, things like how nutritional deficiencies or hidden food sensitivities or even toxins are driving our epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes -- wh i call "diabesity."
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now, as you gain weight, you move along this very slippery slope, all the way from normal blood sugar and insulin levels, starting with pre-diabetes, all the way to full-blown type 2 diabetes. and anywhere along that slippery slope, you already have diabesity and are in big trouble. now, what's the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes? well, type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. it used to be called "childhood diabetes." and it's a disease of not enough insulin. type 2 diabetes used to be called "adult-onset," but not anymore. that's because there's been a 1,000% increase in the number of kids getting adult-onset diabetes. obesity, all the way to full-blown type 2 diabetes, is actually a disease of too much insulin. so, what does insulin do? well, it opens the gates to let the sugar in your cells, and this keeps your blood sugar even. but when you produce too much
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insulin because of our industrialprocessed, high-sugar diet, your cells become numb to the effects of insulin, forcing your body to pump out more and more and more insulin just to keep your blood sugar in balance. this is called "insulin resistance." now, this turns into a vicious cycle that sounds like the side-effect list from a drug commercial. insulin resistance, the root cause of diabesity, causes you to gain belly fat, raises your blood pressure, messes up your cholesterol, makes you infertile, kills your sex drive stops your erections, makes you depressed, tired, and demented. it even causes cancer in millions of people every year. and all this can happen without ever even getting full-blown diabetes. you see, most people think that diabetes is caused by too high a blood sugar. but even if your blood sugar is normal, you can still have diabesity -- even if your blood sugar is normal. see, secret of this show, "the blood sugar solution," is
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this -- your problem is not your blood sugar. the real problem is too much insulin, which is caused by big swings in your blood sugar that drive even bigger swings in sulin. and these yo-yos of sugar and insulin make you tired and irritable and fat. this is the single biggest chronic disease in america, and, unfortunately, most doctors miss it. you see, they're just looking at your blood sugar. almost nobody measures insulin. and if the key to healing the diabesity epidemic was testing and fixing your blood sugar, then we would have solved this problem a long time ago. but the key is fixing your insulin, which is what really makes you fat and sick. you see, insulin is the fat-storage hormone, and it makes you store fat around your belly. now, how many of you or someone you know has belly fat? it's every other person in america. now, just let these facts sink in for a minute.
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when i graduated from medical school in 1987, there was not one single state with an obesity rate over 20%. but today there is not one single state with an obesity rate under0%. as a country, we are all-in. now, before i explain what causes diabesity and how to fix it, let's see if you have this problem. more than a billion people are affected and don't realize it. so do any of these apply to you? do you have belly fat? are you overweight? do you or someone in your family have diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, or obesity? are you of non-white ancestry? do you have trouble losing weight? or maybe you crave sugar, brd, pasta,nd ric has your doctor told you your blood sugar's a little high? do you have high levels of triglycerides or low levels of the good cholesterol, hdl? maybe you suffer from infertility or sexual
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dysfunction. have you answered "yes" to any of these questions? that means you may have diabesity. now, let me tell you about george. it's a classic story of millions of americans out there. this is george. at 63 years old and 300 pounds, george had one of everything -- diabetes, angina, heart failure, fatty liver, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, low thyroid function, sleep apnea, reflux, and swollen legs. he was exhausted, congested, inflamed, and toxic. his whole system was in breakdown, and we couldn't just deal with one thing. we had to deal with everything because everything's connected. he didn't need a dozen different doctors. in fact, george only had one problem -- diabesity. and i knew if we fixed that, everything else would go away. so we put him on the blood sugar solution -- on the nutrition, on the supplemt and exercise and lifestyle plan i'm gonna explain later in the show -- and here's
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what happened to george. here's his numbers before and after. his blood sugars, his insulin, his cholesterol, his blood pressure all dropped to normal. and his fatty liver, which is like foie gras from eating too many carbs, became healthy. and, by the way, because of diabesity, 70 to 90 million americans have foie gras for a liver. now, all of george's other symptoms and his diseases vanished. and here he is after. helost 140 lbs as a side effect of getting healthy. i didn't treat all his diseases individually. 20 drugs for 20 diseases? that's craziness. his diseases went away as a side effect of creating health. and he became 20 years younger, biologically. now, just because doctors don't often get these kinds of results with medication and surgery doesn't mean they're not possible. we buy into four big myths that are keeping us fat and sick. so let me take apart these myths one by one.
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the first myth is 're taught that diabetes is genetic. but scientists have not been able to find the obesity or diabetes gene because they don't exist. in fact, there's a whole set of genes that interact with your environment that determines if you'll become obese or diabetic. you see, the genes load the gun, but it's the environment that pulls the trigger. that's exactly what happened to the pima indians of arizona. they were thin and fit and had no obesity or diabetes 100 years ago, and then their genes got plunged into a toxic-food environment -- white sugar, white flour, andhiteat, shortening. when this happened, they became the 2nd most obese population in the world. 80% now get type 2 diabetes by the time they're 30, and they have a life expectancy of 46. it wasn't the pima indians' genes that were the problem. they were not adapted to industrial food, but to jackrabbits and cactus and acorns, and neither are we. your genes are not your destiny.
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you can change your environment what you eat, what you think, how you move, and change how your genes get expressed. the pima indians did notave a choice, but you do. if you want to fit into your jeans, you have to fit into your genes. [ laughter ] now, which genes get turned on or off depends on what you eat and what you do every day. and later in the show, i'll explain how to turn on the right genes by making better diet and lifestyle choices. i will teach you how to upgrade your biologic software with better information. the second myth is that pre-diabetes is not a big deal. now, most people think that pre-diabetes is only a risk ctor for getting diabetes sometime in the ture. but pre-diabetes is not pre-anything. it can and it does make over 100 million americans sick and kills many of them. ron, one of my patients, found this out the hard way. he was 49 years old, and he was always on the road, lots of stress. he ate fast food, like burgers
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and fries and chips and soda and beer. in over 10 years, he put on 50 pounds around his belly. in fact, the only green thing he ate were green m&m's. [ laughter ] then one day, he had a heart attack. now, in fact, what's the most common first symptom of heart disease? you might be thiing chest pain, arm pain, shortness of breath. no. for 50% of people with heart disease, their first symptom is sudden death. now, what you may not know is that most people who have heart attacks have pre-diabetes, and almost none of them are diagnosed or treated for it. even after his heart attack, ron's doctors totally missed the diagnosis of diabesity. instead, they treated all the symptoms, but not the cause, with blood-pressure pills and cholesterol medication and blood thinners. but i tested him, and i found that he had severe pre-diabetes and super-high insulin levels. so, we treated him aggressively with nutrition, with supplements and exercise, which i'll tell you more about later.
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and after one year, all of his numbers went to normal, and they were even better than when he was on all that medication. and he lost 50 pounds as a side effect of treating his diabesity. in fact, if you have pre-diabetes, which affects one in two americans -- 90% who, like ron, are never diagnosed -- you still get most of the same problems as diabetics, such as heart attacks strokes, cancer, dementia, depression, infertility, and sexual dysfunction. so remember -- pre-diabetes is not pre-anything. now, the third myth is that lowering blood sugar with medication prevents heart attacks and death. doctors are trained to believe that aggressive lowering of blood sugar and cholesterol with medication actually saves lives. but scary new studies show that just may not be true. new research shows that aggressive lowering of blood sugar in diabetics actually leads to me art attacks d deaths. and statins, those
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cholesterol-lowering drugs, actually increase the risk of diabetes by 9%. that could lead to 3 million more diabetics in america. now, you may be able to get off your medication by following this plan, but do it with your doctor. the fourth myth is that type 2 diabetes is not reversible. now, in medical school, i was trained that type 2 diabetes is just not reversible. it's a one-way street that has to be managed with drugs or insulin to try to reduce what were usually inevitle complications. now, while this myth is not gonna die easily, because diabetes is big business, we now have the science that shows us how to reverse type 2 diabetes in almost everybody. see, diabesity is caused by lifestyle and environment. and it can be reversed the same way. a new study from england found that people with advanced type 2 diabetes could reverse it in just one week. they took people off their meds.
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they put them on a very low-glycemic-load, high-vegetable low-calorie diet, and in one week, their blood sugars were normal. and they were even better than when they were on their medication. you heard me right. they reversed diabetes in just one week. they proved what we see every day at the ultrawellness center. food is powerful medicine. diabetes is curable. after 12 weeks, their liver and their pancreas and all their blood sugar and cholesterol numbers normalized. now, there's something else that may surprise you. when a person gets a gastric bypass, their diabetes goes away in a few weeks, even while they're still morbidly obese. now, how is that possible? it's because they upgraded their biological software by changing the information, or the quality of the food they put in their bodies. but the blood sugar solution gives you gastric bypass without the pain of surgery, vomiting,
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and malnutrition. this approach is more powerful than any medication we have or ever will have. that's becau food is t most powerful medicine. it's not like medicine. it is medicine. at our medical practice, we recently had a patient who'd been on 40 units of insulin for 20 years and could never lose weight. in just a few weeks, she was off her insulin, her blood sugars were normal, and she lost 20 pounds. now, this approach often requires big changes, but remember -- an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and some of my patients -- they need a pound of cure. now, i want my patients to get better, and i'm pretty agnostic when it comes to treatment. if drugs would re obesitynd diabetes, i'd be the first one giving out prescriptions, and i'd give them out faster than i could write them. but they don't. now, i don't care if it's exercise or exorcism. i'm gonna prescribe whatever works best. and what you put at the end of
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your fork is more powerful than what you will ever find at the bottom of a pill bottle. your grocery store should be your "farmacy." that's f-a-r-m-a-c-y. i'm always looking for my drugs in the produce aisle. remember -- you can eat your medicine, and it tastes good and has no ad side effects. so, how can food be so powerful? isn't it just about the calories, or is something else going on? here's the big headline news, the scientific discovery that will change your life forever. food is not just calories or energy. food is information. now, what do i mean by "food is information"? i mean literally -- food contains messages that turn on or off genes with every single bite. recently, scientists found the genetic material of plants in the blood of humans. ink about it for a minute. plant genes are telling our genes what to do. that's revolutionary. it totally changes the way i
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think about what i put on my fork and in my mouth. this is the basis of a whole new science called "nutri genomics," or nutrigenomics -- how food talks to your genes and turns on messages of weight gain or weight loss, health or disease. just think about it. are 1,000 calories of broccoli the same as 1,000 calories of soda? no. they have very different effects on your blood sugar, your cholesterol, on your hormones, your metabolism, on inflammation and weight, even if they are the exactly the same amount of calories. if you focus on food quality -- on whole, real, fresh food -- your body will know exactly what to do. just don't give it the wrong information of processed, high-sugar, low-fiber, industrial food or "food-like substances." look, we feed our cars real gas. we feed our pets real food. so, why do we feed ourselves and our kids factory-made science projects whose ingredients we can't cognize oprounce? these factory-made foods are
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scientifically designed to make us feel like we're starving all the time. they create food addiction, and they help sell junk food. is this the information you want to put in your body? i don't think so. when we come back, i'm gonna show how you can find out if you're addicted to food and how to overcome that addiction. nd this will help you control your brain chemistry, your cravings, and your metabolism to balance your insulin, reverse diabesity, and give yourself the health and life you deserve. so, stay with me. [ applause ] >> hello. i'm greg sherwood, here with dr. mark hyman. doctor, thanks so much for being with us. >> oh, i'm thrilled to be here. good to see you, greg. >> it's such a delight to have you here doing this work for public television. you know, we're watching dr. hyman's informative and inspirational new show "the blood sugar solution," but first
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we're asking you to support this public-television station with a donation that will help us bring you more programs like this one programs that can get you thinking about your health in ways you've never thought about it before. and of course we've got some great ways to say thank you for your donation with gifts that will help you make the most of dr. hyman's experience and advice. now, we're gonna go over these thank-you gifts in more detail in just a few minutes, but let me give you a quick overview. donate $75 to receive the dvd that brings you the complete program we're seeing now, plus a bonus question-and-answer session dr. hyman had with the audience after the lecture. donate $100 to receive a hard-cover copy of dr. hyman's importt new book un whh the lecture is based, entitled "the blood sugar solution." or consider a generous contribution of $250 to enjoy his complete "blood sugar solution" package. it is a great collection of tools and resources that include the book, the program dvd, two more dvds, a set of cd-roms, a workbook, and other materials,
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to get your health back on track. now, we're gonna hear more about all of these as we talk to dr. hyman. so, please let us hear from you at e number on the screen, or donate to this station's website. dr. hyman, this is such an incredible idea. you've taken two of america's biggest problems -- obesity and diabetes -- and wove them together. why? >> well, you know, we were taught in medical school they're different. you know, on one end, you're overweight or obese. on the other end, you're diabetes. the reality is that they're connected. they're the same problem, and they actually should not be distinguished, really, 'cause anywhere along that spectrum, you're at risk for heart attack, strokes, cancer, depression, dementia, infertility, acne. you name it, diabesity is at the root. >> and that's what's amazing. it's a little amazing when you stand before us -- and i know the science is behind it -- to say so many different diseases have, essentially, a couple of root causes. >> that's right. you know, we're trained to treat
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downstream problems in medicine. we treat the diseases and the symptoms with medication. we don't treat the upstream causes, and the upstream cause of most chronic disease in america and around the globe is diabesity. and we need a clear, focused solution, we need to understand that spectrum, and we need to get right at it. >> okay, so, if somebody's just tuned in, who should be watching this program? who's gonna take advantage of all these tools, if they listen in and help us support this station? >> well, the reason i wrote the book and the reason we did this show is because this affects almost everybody. 83% of women, 73% of men, within 10 years, are going to be overweight. so, almost one in two americans has this problem called diabesity, and everybody knows somebody who has it or has it themselves. so it's something people need to know about. >> you know, what i love about the program mterials that you've created is, a lot of us think, you know, "but i have special needs," or "i have this issue, i have that issue," and everybody does, indeed. and you respect that with the materials you've put together.
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you've made it very personal. >> well, that's right. >> you know, we lump diseases in sort of this group of kind of categories. we don't really personalize healthcare that much. you know, you've got diabetes, everybody gets the diabetes treatment. you're overweight, everybody says just eat less and exercise more. nobody really focuses on the real underlying causes, which can be different for different people, and it's important to personalize your treatment. and this program, this show, is about personalizing it for you. >> well, that's what i loved. 'cause on the website and in the book, there's tons of little questionnaires that you can very easily answer, and then it's gonna give you the ability to help me go down the right path. >> that's right. everybody's got different causes for their problem. you've got this problem of being overweight or diabetic, but for each person who has a problem with overweight or obesity or diabetes, the causes may be very different. in one person, it could be food sensitivities. in another person, it could be a nutritional deficiency. in another, it could be toxins. how do you sort that out? you need a personalized program. this is what this show and this program and the materials are about. >> and, well, you know, the thing that, when i'm listening to you, is a continuing surprise
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in looking at the material, how come our doctors, our family doctors aren't telling us all of this? >> well, the sad thing is, when i went to medical school and when most people who are now doctors went to medical school, we were not trained to diagnose diabesity. we were not trained to understand how to look at this and actually uncover this. so we don't know how to diagnose it, we don't know how to treat it, we don't know how to fix it. we just wait until people get diabetes, and we give them medication. that's way too late. that's like mopping up the floor while the faucet's overflowing. we got to turn off the faucet. >> well, i hoping a lot of peoe are gonna stay tuned because this is important information. what's coming up in the next segment? >> well, we're gonna talk about some of the main underlying causes, the things that are driving the diabesity epidemic, things like nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins and things that you might not have really heard about that are driving this, like inflammation. and we're show you exactly how to find the root cause for you and deal with it. >> that's the good news. and there's solutions to all of these issues that are coming up, and that's why we have dr. mark
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hyman here as our guest. and he's gonna tell us coming up how to find out if you are, in fact, addicted to food. so, please join us here after more of "the blood sugar solution," with dr. mark hyman, on this public-television station. [ applause ] >> welcome back. so what do we do about this giant epidemic that we're smack in the middle of? across the world, 1.7 billion people are overweight. most of it is caused by diabesy, a a big part of that is driven by our addiction to industrial processed food. diabesity is the whole spectrum of imbalances related to obesity and diabetes that's giving you heart attacks, causing cancer, making you depressed, demented, and infertile. the food industry and the government would have us believe that losing weight and getting healthy is simply a matter of
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personal choice. but just like a smoker or heroin addict whose behavior is driven by a profound primitive biological addiction, so is our national addiction to toxic industrial food that's spiked with sugar and fat and salt that affects our brains in ways we are just beginning to understand. do you want to know if you're addicted to food? do any of these statements apply to you? "if i start eating certain foods, i end up eating way more than i planned." "i keep eating certain foods even though i'm not hungry anymore." "sometimes i eat certain foods so often, in such big amounts, that i eat food instead of working, being with my family or friends, or doing things i really like to do." "i have had withdrawal symptoms such as agitation or anxiety or other physical symptoms, when i cut down or stopped eating certain foods." if you answered "yes" to any of these, you might have food addiction. see, it turns out that junk food and fast food and sugar and
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industrial food is even more addictive than cocaine or heroin. in fact, in experimental studies, when given a choice, rats always choose sugar over the cocaine. but i want to let you in on a little secret -- what you eat is not simply about personal choice or willpower. it's about biology, and if it's a fight between a cookie and broccoli, guess what's gonna win. [ laughter ] in other words, it's not your fault if you're fat or diabetic just like it wasn't my patient parry's fault that she failed her gastric bypass and ate her way back to being obese and diabetic. it wasn't until we addressed her biological addiction to food that she was able to heal. so, remember -- food is not just calories. it's information. so what we did was we upgraded the quality of informion she was putting in her body. we upgraded her biological software. in obese people, just being shown pictures of jun
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