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tv   PBS News Hour  PBS  September 4, 2012 5:30pm-6:30pm PDT

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>> ifill: and step outside the arena to talk with massachusetts senate candidate elizabeth warren. >> woodruff: winning the youth vote was critical four years ago. ray suarez examines the effort this time around. >> ifill: half the delegates here are women. we'll look at the democrats' efforts to maintain their gender edge. >> woodruff: and gwen and i will be joined again tonight for insight and analysis from newshour regulars mark shields and david brooks. >> ifill: that's all ahead on tonight's newshour. major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: moving our economy for 160 years.
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bnsf, the engine that connects us. >> they can be enlightening or engaging. conversations help us learn and grow. at wells fargo, we believe you can never underestimate the power of a conversation. it's this exchange of ideas that helps you move ahead with confidence. because an open dialogue is what open doors. wells fargo. together we'll go far. and by the alfred p. sloan foundation. supporting science, technology, and iroved economic performan andinanal literacy in the 21st century. and with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. and... this program was made possible by the corporation for
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public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> woodruff: the democrats are already under way here in charlotte this evening, beginning their quadrennial national gathering. their goal: to reelect the president, who snt this day campaigning not so far away. hari sreenivasan begins our coverage of the day's events. >> with the convention gearing up in north carolina, president obama was in virginia, another battleground state he care field will 2008. at norfolk state university, he argued his reelection gives the country its best chance to move forward. >> now the other side will tell you about their ideas, but on thursday night i'm going to look forward to sharing mine with you a path that will create good
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jobs and strengthen our middle-class and grow our economy. >> sreenivasan: the president also pressed his case in an interview with "u.s.a. today." he said his republican opponent created what he calls a fictional barack obama in features and adds. >> under obama's plan we wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to train for a job. they'll just send you your welfare check. >> reporter: the president said tomorrow he'll be... vice president joe biden arrived in the convention city this afternoon. on the republican side, vice presidential nominee joe biden campaigned in ohio charging the president has been a failure. >> ... >> you can't look atta t data, you can't look at the suffering families or the jobs lost or the death crisis over our economy and say we're better off than we were four years ago. as a matter of fact, president obama's record is worse than jimmy carter's record. (laughter) >> sreenivasan: the man at the
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top of the g.o.p. ticket, mitt romney, spent the day in vermont preparing for the fall debate. back in charlotte, the democratic national convention officially kicked off late this afternoon. >> this is the democratic national convention will now come to order! (cheers and applause) >> reporter: the highlight tonight will feature first lady michelle obama addressing the convention. >> ifill: ray suarez is down there among the delegates where he'll be everyday and every night all week. ray? >> suarez: gwen and judy, the convention, as harry noted, was gaveled into order by debbie wasserman schultz and will turn to official business and housekeeping but now as official t official delegates are making their way into the hall it's well and truly under way with a parade of speakers including the first woman bishop of the african methodist episcopal church, the leader of the international service employees international union, mary kay
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henry, and the first woman three-star general in the u.s. army, claudia kennedy. it's interesting, they get to make the rebuttal case as the republican had their convention last week but you can already hear a mirror image of america being presented by the speakers of this convention. earlier financial journalists and author andrew tobias spoke of the democrats' support for same-sex marriage, which was widely deplored last week in tampa and earlier one of the secretaries of the convention spoke of the passage of the affordable care act which has promised to be repealed last week. last week it got thunderous applause. back to you, judy. >>oodruff: thank you, ray, so newark mayor cory booker spoke... in fact, he's still speaking on the convention floor. he chairs the platform committee. the democrats' document draws a sharp contrast with the republicans, calling for higher taxes on the wealthy, same sex marriage, and immigration reform.
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let's listen in. >> our platform is crafted by democrats, but it is not about partisanship it's about pragmatism. it's not about left or right but about moving america and our economy forward. (cheers and applause) our platform and our president stands firm in the conviction that america must continue to outbuild, outinnovate, and outeducate the world (cheers and applause) you see, this platform is a clear choice between economic pathways-- forward or back, inclusion or exclusion, grow together as a nation or be a country of savage disparitys
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that favor the fortunate few over the greatest driving force of any economy. a large and robust middle-class. (cheers and applause) we must choose forward. we must choose inclusion. we must choose growing gether. we choose american might and american muscle, standing strong on the bedrock of the american ideal. a strong and empowered and ever-expanding and ever-growing middle-class. (cheers and applause) our platform emphasizes that a vibrant, free, and fair market is essential to economic growth. we also must pull from our
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highest ideals of justice and fairness to protect against those ills that destabilize our economy in recent years-- like predatory lending, overleveraged financial institutions and the unchecked avarice of the past that trumped fairness and common sense our platform calls for significant cuts in federal spending. our platform calls for balanced deficit reduction plan where everyone-- everyone-- from elected officials to the wealthy and the super wealthy pay their fair share. (cheers and applause) >> ifill: of course, cory booker is one of the rising stars of this party and he's still speaking behind us because people are so excited about what he has to say.
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if you want to hear more of what mayor booker has to say, it's on our live stream. david, he talked about pragmatism instead of politics. what he he talking about? >> well, the republicans felt as if everybody in america is a small business owner, they're trying to say a lot of people in america are never going to start a business, we going to help them. and the truthful question to ask over the next couple days is the stagnation of middle-class wages do they have the answers big enough to address it and do they have new answers and that's something we'll see. >> woodruff: mark, is that something they're going to talk about with any specificity? mark mark they have to. the democratic dialogue is all middle-class, middle-class, middle-class. i remember when democrats talked about the poor and the oppressed and those left behind and there seems to be a lot less of that.
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because that's what most are. and we have seen a decade, we've reached the highest median in household income in this country in 1999. the next to last year of bill clinton's presidency. it's gone down dramatically since then and continues to decline and david is right. a share of the nation's wealth, the middle-class tax... >> it should also be said that several months ago cory booker got into trouble with the obama campaign saying he was disgusted by the attacks on bain and he's mayor of newark but he'sot an old-line 1970s liberal. he's much more pragmatic. >> ifill: that reaction behind us, the cheers, it sounds like there's pent up... we'll be talking about how the democrats, the middle-class, i mean, it's middle-class people behind us but they want to talk about lofty things and they seem to be
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hungry for that. >> they've got a good turnout so they have to fire up... they're using this campaign as an organizing tool. they have to get women to come out to vote. they have to get latinos. they have to get young people out to vote. so they've got to spend a lot of time reaching out. they'll do that later in the week but today is to fire out the people that are already there. >> woodruff: talking about not talking about poverty, on the streets of charlotte there's been heavy rain off and on but there are the 99% protesters that have occupied so (inaudible) but they are here and they're complaining democrats aren't listening. >> a plague on both your houses is the message which is something democrats are not used to heing. i think the biggest concern democrats have this week is that their appeals to the groups david described-- turnouts of women and latinos and gays in
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particular-- cannot appear to be just a constituency coddling. there has to be that overall and overarching message to everybody. >> ifill: we'll see all of that on display tonight. we'll be back with much more convention coverage after the other news of the day. here's kwame holman in our washington newsroom. here's kwame holman in our washington newsroom. >> lman: a suicide bomber in eastern afghanistan killed at least 25 civilians today and wounded 30. it happened at a funeral for a village elder. police said the apparent target was a leader in the remote durbaba district in nangarhar province. there's been fighting in the region against taliban and other insurgents. also today, nato head anders fogh rasmussen said plans to hand over security to afghan forces remain on schedule. that's despite a surge of "insider" attacks by afghan soldiers and police that killed 15 coalition troops in august. in syria, u.n. refugee officials said the number of syrians fleeing the civil war has surged. some 100,000 people escaped into neighboring countries in august.
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already more than 230,000 syrians are in makeshift camps like this one in jordan. new arrivals there say the exodus is a long way from ending. >> ( translated ): the flee willing increase because of the increase of shell big syrian government forces. the shelling is still going on in damascus, dara, aleppo and hama. shelling is still going on everywhere. it's random shelling. it's indescribable and the free syrian army doesn't have ammunition to fight assad's forces. >> holman: meanwhile, the head of the international red cross met in damascus today with president bashar al-assad. the syrian leader promised greater humanitarian access for aid workers. in economic news, u.s. auto sales saw healthy gains in august. general motors reported a 10% increase. ford was up 13%, and chrysler sales rose 14%. the u.s. automakers were boosted especially by rising demand for pickup trucks.
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despite the auto numbers, a closely watched industry survey found overall manucturing coracted for the third straight month. and on wall street, the dow jones industrial average lost 55 points to close under 13,036. the nasdaq rose eight points to close at 3075. those are some of the day's major stories. now, back to gwen and judy in charlotte. >> ifill: one of tomorrow night's headline speakers is massachusetts senate challenger elizabeth warren, who is trying to oust the republican who succeeded ted kennedy. i sat down with her earlier today at her charlotte hotel. elizabeth rren, tha yo f joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> ifill: your reputation nationally is that of a regulator, someone who took on wall street and championed reform. how much in this campaign, either in your campaign or massachusetts and nationally is regulation a central part of this argument anymore? >> >> well, i think regulation is a part of it, particularly as mitt romney says he wants to roll
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back all of the reforms on wall street if he gets selected. think about that he's saying i want to tell wall street they can go back to doing what they were doingon the day bere they crashed the economy in that sense the republicans have made regulations a part of the argument but, look, at the end of the day what this is really about is about whose side you stand on. about working families or the billionaires, the hedge funds, the wall street guys. that. >> ifill: that's the argument democrats want to make against mitt romney, no question. does that translate to a race like the massachusetts senate race where perhaps the voters aren't as porized the are nationally? >> well, i think the question about what's happening to our families is really important in massachusetts. you know, part of being out on the campaign trail is that i talk, but i also listen a lot.
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and people tell me what's important. i met a kid in worcester a few weeks ago who said "i did everything you wanted me to do, i went to college, i worked hard i got my diploma and now i'm $ in debt. i'm working a part-time job and i'm beginning to wonder, does america have a future for me?" i talk to seniors who are having a hard time keeping it pulled together and they now see a little bit of relief with these new health care reforms, they get a free exam every year. in massachusetts we've got about 11,000 seniors who are getting an average of about $650,000 in help every year on paying for their prescription drugs. and scott brown and the republicans have said, nope, they want to repeal that, they want to go back to square one, they want to get rid of them.
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so these are core issues that i care about all over the commonwealth. >> ifill: scott brown says when it comes to barack obama the economy is a drag, today he said his report card was incomplete. when it comes to mitt romney there are people who say he is too beholden to his party's conservave wg. whh ishe bigger drag? >> i just don't see it that way. i really see this as who you're fighting for. i didn't get into this race because of me. i got pulled into this race because of what i see as the urgency of the moment. america's working families have just been hounded and it's been going on for a generation flat wages, rising expenses in housing a health care and sending a kid to school and it's
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put families in a vice at the same time there have been those in the federal government who said, hey, big tax breaks for oil companies billionaire cans pay taxes at half the race of everyone else, regulations will be designed with new polls and places that people with thread through if they can hire the right lobbyists it's a system that isn't working any more for american famies. it wks for those who he lobbyists. for me that's what this race is about. >> ifill: in other states, battleground states, states with bigger battlegrounds in massachusetts, the argument you're making is big paid for by third party groups. you and scott brown have signed a non-aggression pact on this matter. somehow that working? how is it that you can control whether an outside group pours money into your race? >> well, what we agreed to is that if an outside group came in
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that the one who was helped would pay half of the cost of the advertising to a charity chosen by the other side. so in other words the next time karl rove comes in-- because karl rove had already been in in massachusetts-- if karl rove comes back in scott brown agrees that he will pay half the cost of the ad buy and pay it to a charity that i choose. it was a way of saying to the outside groups "we're serious about wanting you to stay out. it's not just talk, talk. stay t because wa to be the one to talk to the voters of massachusetts and i think voter of massachusetts deserve that. it's a good way to go. >> ifill: this seems almost like a shocking example of bipartisanship. are there limits and merits to the values of bipartisanship either in your race or nationally?
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i believe in bipartisanship. when i first went to washington it was during a financial crisis i went to bring some accountability to what was going on and i was asked to head up a bipartisan commission, democrats and republicans. we turned out recommendations every 30 days on some of the most contentious issues of that whole crisis. and, you know, a lot of our reports-- maybe about half-- were (inaudible) that's because we saw prince we agreed on and worked from here so, yes, i think those were strong reports and we could be bipartisan. but there were times we did not agree we couldn't find that basic place where we started in the same place and that was majority report and a minority report. >> but in the senate where there isn't a lot of that, how do you
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proposed to change the partisanship that you would find on capitol hill? >> i think you don't start on capitol hill. i think that the change really starts back in new bedford and pittsfield and in bostonit starts all over the commonwealth of massachusetts and towns all over this country. and it's about people getting more involved, about putting the wind in our own sales in part what you're asking about it's not just what's happening in washington, it's that people have to be involved we have to make our voices heard. >> ifill: you're hear in this convention to speak on behalf of barack obama. what do you say to americans who voted for him fourears ago who are just not that enthusiast thick time? >> well, i tell them i believe the direction this country's
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going to go for the next half century will be decided in this election. we've really come to it and this is going to be a race about our value, about what kind of a people we are and what what kind of a country we're trying to build if you believe that the way to build this country and the kind of country it is that it's from the top down, more tax cuts, more deregulations for so they have more power and somehow that will trickle down for everyone else then mitt romney is your guy but we tried that and we got the worst economic crisis since the great depression barack obama is on the side of working families. he's there for america's middle-class. he believes the way we build a future is we make those investments together so that our kids havehances, all of our kids have chances. we invest in schools, we invest
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in roads and bridges. we invest in basic research so our kids can do better than we did and their kids can do better than they did. it's a fundamental difference in how we build the future and i stand with president obama on that. >> ifill: elizabeth warren, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> ifill: next, drumming up the youth vote, and again to ray. >>eporter: r the obama campaign to work it needs young people. as peers, as voters, people under 30 are crucial. in 2008, two of every three voters under 30 cast a vote for candidate obama, making it the largest gap between old and young voters since 1972 younger voters are more racially and ethnically diverse than the general population and a lot more secular and those are two big markers for the democratic
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party. but they're also a lot more unemployed and that represents a big challenge for the obama campaign. in last month's jobs report, unemployment for 20 to 24-year-olds stood at 13.5%. millions of young voting age students aren't yet in the full time work force. on college campuses 100,000 college democrats on 1,200 campuses are headed by this woman who heads to law school in the fall. >> this president made a promise to young people he was going to be our voice. >> reporter: selenas insists she doesn't see the disappointment pollsters are saying, college democrats, she says, are surging. >> we as the college democrats organization see tremendous growth in key battleground states like florida, iowa, colorado, north carolina where our sprens has grown some 15 chaper tos to 20 or 30 chapters. another example if you're looking at the demographics is
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who's going to be here this weekend? that's an incredible number and a great example of how energized young people are about this president. >> i'd like that mayor to step forward. >> reporter: anna mccarly is one of the young delegates, she turned 18 yesterday, in time for the convention roll call. about to start her senior year in high school, she decided to run for a spot in west virginia's contingent. >> i ran as a delegate for the state convention earlier this summer and was elected and i was very surprised but very honored. >> reporter: mccarly says people like her, preparing to cast their first vote, face a different set of issues from the iraq war that loomed large last time. >> some of the issues that weren't as prominent are now coming into light for education and health care. those weren't an issue during the campaign in 2008 so much as the war in iraq was, etc. but for us, you know, we're focused on college, focused on health care, focused on equality
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and i think those are things that are having more focus. >> reporter: as the city's convention seventh celebration, carolina fest, there were signs democrats can still count on carrying young voters. >> reporter: the reaction from the r.n.c. and the republican picks, the v.p. pick has angered a lot of people. i think their platform is very extreme. i go to university of tennessee chat no goo ga and in two days we registered almost 200 students. most of them seem like democratic prospects. >> suarez: but will they vote? >> i think a lot of my peers aren't voting. i think most of them don't care yet or feel like they'll make a difference even if they do vote. >> suarez: she says students will see a big difference under a romney presidency at tuition time. >> you won't be able to afford college unless you're right. i couldn't go to college without a pell grant, scholarships that i get, federal funding.
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i think students are saying no to that. >> reporter: the obama administration has been touring campuses for weeks and the president is zeroing in on the cost of education. in a campaign visit to colorado state university the president talked about his ideas and helping families handle the steadily rising tuition and fees. >> we've got to make sure that we help every single american earn the education you're earning right here in colorado state. >> reporter: new research indicates young voting americans are no longer as excited or hopeful about this president. more than 40 points down since 2008. so young people will have to work harder than usual to improve normally low young voter turnout. alejandra salinas says college democrats have the money and the organization they need >> our job as college democrats is to help create the motivation and excitement and energy about the president and make sure they're out knocking on doors
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and making phone calls. on campuses across the country college democrat are having their first chapter meeting and students are in lectured halls screaming for president obama. talking about the president's accomplishments and registering as many of your friends as you can is part of what will help us win in november. >> suarez: recent polls show mitt romney grabbing 40% of young voters. still trailing the president but substantially cutting into the huge obama lead of 2008. >> ifill: we've been talking with youngg and not so young delegates here. >> woodruff: hari has been talking with young and not so young delegates here. you can see those interviews online, including one with a father and his college-age son from colorado. >> woodruff: and we go back to ray on the convention floor. >> suarez: i'm down here on the floor with stephanie who runs emily's list. it's a name that's very familiar with political people and women who want to run for office but tell us what it is. >> reporter: emily's list is a 27-year-old organization that is
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committed to electing pro-choice democratic women across the country and it's now today 1.6 million members strong and we're having a historic year in 2012 supporting candidates like elizabeth warren in massachusetts and tammy baldwin in wisconsin so that's what we do and we are committed to that. >> suarez: the acronym stands for "early money is like yeast." what is it like when men have found it's easy to run and women a little tougher >> well, that's exactly right. what emily's list is about is a community of women and good men who pulled their resources together to get those important dollars for candidates to get started. for women it's still hard to get that seed money and what we're there to do is help recruit, train, support those candidates, get that early money in those campaign covers so they can build the staff and political organization they need to run a
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viable and successful race. >> suarez: how do you decide where money goes? more women than ever are running for public office at all levels of government now. how does emily's list strategize using that? >> it's a wonderful problem to have and we're hoping to see more and more women to continue to run. for emily's list we look at our best opportunities across the country. i mean, honestly, we still don't have enough women running but the truth is we'll recruit more and more and what we do is look for folks that have strong political organizations and ties to their communities to understand ma what's going on in people's lives in the workplace and their schools we target those women fully with our community and resources. >> suarez: stephanie shriok of emily's list, thank you so much.
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>> ifill: more than two dozen women will take the convention stage tonight to talk about the role of women in the party. many more will be on the convention floor. joining us to talk about the role of women in the party, are senator kirsten gillibrand, of new york, and kamala harris, attorney general of california. welcome to you both. senator gillibrand, i'm very curious about what you thought about what ray just talked to you about emily's list, whether won are really running, whether they inspire you. >> yes, and this year, specifically in this u.s. senate we have 11 women running for the senate, the most ever. we have six incumbents and five challengers but it's not surprising because we have patti murray, the chair of the d.c.s.s. who looked for the candidates and found strong women challengers and a couple of those seats are pickup seats for democrats. >> woodruff: i want to ask you both about women voters because we've heard the republicans say last week that, yes, the democrats argue they're better for women but in fact women have been most affected by this bad economy attorney general kamala harris, don't they have a point?
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>> women are no different from anyone. women do have the responsibility for raising families and taking care of seniors and aging parent but women care as much about what's happening with the economy. women care about the affordable care act and what will happen when we roll it out in 2014 so women are intelligent people. (laughter) they pay attention to issues and they read and their circumstances may vary depending on where they live but the are reality is they're paying attention to all the issues and they will make decisions based on what makes sense for the country. >> and the number one issue for this election is the economy and women are key to economic security in this country. women aren't being paid a dollar on the dollar. president obama, the first bill he signed was the lily ledbetter fair pay act to make sure women no longer are going to earn 78
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cents on the dollar. it makes a difference because these economic issues fundamentally affect every american family and equal pay is fundamental for that. >> ifill: yet so often when we talk about women's issues we're talking about reproductive and health issues. i wonder, attorney general harris, whether the todd akin comments about "legitimate rape" and the debate about that in the republican party, that in some ways was a god send to democrats even though it took your eye off of the economy as an issue >> well, you know, i'm a career prosecutor so the idea that someone would refer to a "legitimate rape" is quite offensive. if not shocking. and i think it highlight what is we need still to do to educate people about crimes against women in violence and the need to take it seriously and that we encourage victims to come forward. often women who are victims of domestic violence and sexual assault are reluctant to come forward because they are concerned they will be unfairly judged. >> ifill: senator, in a
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conversation we're having about the economy, don't we get stuck in social debates that are off the point? >> no. women's reproductive freedom, our ability to make our own health care decisions, the decisions to make sure being a woman is not a pre-existing condition are fundamental to the well-being of women because the debate we're having about whether medicare will be privatized fundamentally affects seniors. the majority of seniors are women. so when you're talking about women who are becoming 65 and are wondering is medicare going to become a voucher system, that's really important. so what we're seeing here is a defining of what democra stand for. we stand for equal pay for equal work we stand for a safety net for seniors. we stand for opportunity for all american families to put every child in this country to reach their god given potential and fundamentally that also means being able to make decisions about your body it's not just
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about what todd akin said but it's about the beginning of the congress, h.r.-1 was the first bill to take away a safety net for women. h.r.-3 made abortion illegal. these the kind of things that the efforts were being made in these pieces of legislation. >> and the defunding of planned parenthood and the idea that it is a one issue organization. it's about reproductive rights and the myriad of irk shoes that come up for women in that area and the idea that we would defund it shows a certain level of ignorance, frankly, about the health needs and concerns that women have and that's what that comment highlighted to me and the policies that are being suggested as the smart policies by the republican ticket should concern all women. >> it just gets back to your first question. if we had 51% of women in congress, do you think we'd be debating birth control? no, we'd be talking about the
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economy. we'd be talking about jobs. what are the best economic engines. >> let me ask you. you both, i think, talked about health care. this is pretty short, had something short to say about health care attorney general harris it hasn't really become an issue, a talking point in this campaign but what's at stake when it comes to the supreme court whether president obama's reelected or governor romney? >> oh, there's a lot at stake. as a lawyer i think that we know that the supreme court will make decisions that will impact us for generations to come. think "brown v. board of education." think of cases that have interpreted the constitution of the united states around equal rights and so when we talk about the importance of the presidency it's certainly about the economic issues of that nature. but this could have impacts for hundreds of years.
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>> i do have to ask this question. there's going to be 28 women paraded on the stage tonight to talk about the power of the republican party. >> we only have 17% of women in congress. we only have 17 women senators, we only have six governors who are women we still have a very long way to go and when the house of representatives is having a hearing about access to birth control and the first panel is devoid of a woman, women women's voices aren't being heard. >> ifill: thank you both, one of those women is on the floor right now, that's congresswoman nidia valasquez of new york. >> i am proud to speak to you as a hispanic american. as a proud latina and a puerto rican. (cheers and applause) from being the first in my family to attend college to becoming the first latina to
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chair a full congressional committee in congress, my story has been the american dream. and as democrats we want to stretch the american dream for all. (applause) in spanish there is a saying that many mothers tell their children. (speaking spanish) (cheers and applause) tell me with whom you walk and i will tell you who you are. tonight i want to talk about who i have seen president obama walk with. president obama has walked with our small businesses, our job createors. he knows small businesses are the backbone of our economy.
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that is why he has signed 18 laws to help our entrepreneurs succeed. president obama has walked with seniors. president obama's health care law won the support of the a.a.r.p. because it tran sends medicare without cutting benefits and helps millions of seniors with free preventative care and more affording prescription drugs. (cheers and applause) president obama has walked with our young people, america's future. he has made investments in the future that face enormous dividends for our nation. from government funding for pell grant scholarships to make college more affordable to head
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start to community college to job training president obama has walked with america's women. (cheers and applause) president obama is helping women access preventative health services like cancer screenings, contraception and well women exams. meanwhile mitt romney and republicans in congress would like to roll back a woman's access to important preventative care. turn over women's health decisions to their doctors and defund planned parenthood. and president obama has walked with the hispanic community. because of president obama's work more hispanics have access to health care. more hispanic students can afford a college education and
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now dreamers who are american in every way except on paper no longer live under the shadow of deportation! (cheers and applause) mitt romney, on the other hand, is walking away from us. he walks with people who disrespect us and people who divide us. and people who who do not believe that the american dream means all of us. president obama has walked with us for the last four years-- in good time and in tough times and now we are going to walk with the president to the polls and onward to victory! thank you, democrats! (cheers and applause)
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>> ifill: all right, we just heard from congresswoman nidia velasquez of new york and coming on to the stage right now up to the lectern is the governor of the state of illinois, pat quinn. >> delegates and fellow americans it is an honor to be with you this evening and it's an honor to trent great state of illinois, the home of president barack obama! (cheers and applause) tonight i want to talk to you about a scary subject for many,
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many republicans. i want to talk about facts. (laughter and applause) you know, i watched the republican national convention last week and i heard a lot of things that are simply not true. and one of our founding fathers, president john adams of massachusetts once said that facts are stubborn things. but last week as they nominated a very different man from massachusetts, republicans stubbornly smeared president obama's excellent record of reforming welfare. they went on and on pretending that our president weakened its work requirement. now everyone knows that that is a ridiculous charge even the
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republican author of welfare reform says romney is wrong. fact checkers have called this republican talking point blatantly false, a drastic distortion, wildly debunked and a mind-bonging act of untruth telling. now, in illinois we know president barack obama. (cheers and applause) we know president obama has always made sure has spearheaded welfare reform under in the land of lincoln and under president obama states can only get flexibility if they move 20% more people to work.
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let me repeat that for our republican friends. more people working! not less! ha (cheers and applause) then there's medicare. mitt romney and congressman ryan want to take away the promise that makes medicare medicare. they want to give seniors a voucher that cap what is medicare will cover and then tell our seniors they're on their own for what's left that would cost our seniors thousands of dollars every year and if they don't have the money it could cost our seniors their lives. but that didn't stop romney and ryan from telling the american people that their plan won't hurt seniors. the fact is, it will. and president obama's plan will
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protect medicare and protect our seniors. (cheers and applause) facts are stubborn things! (applause) now, when congressman ryan got his turn he blamed president obama for an auto plant that closed under president george w. bush. remember him? here is the fact, congressman ryan: when president obama took office in january of 2009 the chrysler plant in belvedere, illinois, employed just 200 people. and today because president obama saved the auto industry that same chrysler plant is employing more than 4,000 american workers! (cheers and applause)
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now, there's something else. there's something tells republicans left out of their convention: any explanation of why they call mitt romney "governor romney." we already know that this extreme conservative man takes some pretty liberal deductions. evidently that includes writing off all four years he served as governor of massachusetts. (laughter and applause) and if you want to know how someone's going to govern the country, look at how he governed his state. mitt romney promised massachusetts three things: more jobs, less debt, smaller government. then he left his state 47th out of 50th in job growth, he added
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2 $2.6 billion in debt and on his watch government jobs grew six times faster than private sector jobs. what has promny promised today? more jobs, less debt, smaller government. but he didn't do it then and he won't do it now! (cheers and applause) from day one president obama has told you where he stands, what he believes and what he is doing to make our middle-class strong again. america's moving forward under president obama's leadership and that's a fact. it's now our job in the next nine weeks to make sure the american people know the facts your vote is a valuable thing entrusted to someone who
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respects you you have no tell you the truth. so join... all of us should join together in voting for president obama and together together let's name will of the people the law of the land. thank you very much. (cheers and applause) >> ifill: we go back to shields and brooks, syndicated columnist in mark shields and "new york times" columnist in david brooks. mark, you were chuckling at a couple times during that. >> well, he escaped the curse of illinois governors up to now. rod blagojevich, george ryan, many of his predecessors. >> ifill: two of his predecessors are in jail. >> and others even before that. i thght it was the writing off of this four years of governor of massachusetts was the first attempt at humor of the convention. we've been spared any humor in this entire campaign and it was just welcome. it was not a thigh slapper but i thought it was cute. >> one thing i noticed is that
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the stage to is gigantic and the speakers are very far away so they have a tendency to shout to the hall rather than talk to the camera. >> ifill: somehow that different than from tampa? >> first of all,he seats in the middle of the arena is at one end and it was natural to take a conversational tone. it's fine for short speeches but if you shout for 40 minutes, 25 minutes, it will wear i think on t.v. audiences. as for pat quinn's facts i would say he's absolutely right about welfare reform. the republicans were inaccurate about that. he's slightly about the romney ryan medicare plan where he would have the option to stay in medicare and the people who decided to go away from the support, the government has a standard. so he's fudge ago little there. he's right on medicare. >> woodruff: not much of a liability, mark, is it, for the republicans? because they have gotten so much attention about facts they didn't quite get right.
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>> well, when paul ryan is still answering questions on a very tough forum like the "today" show and mat lawer is talking to him about what he said in his acceptance speech and he finally today acknowledged that, in fact president obama was not responsible in any way and he didn't mean to suggest that, it's an erroneous reang of the speech. he didn't suggest that president obama was responsible for the closing ever to janesville plant. so it's a problem. let's be very frank. we have people going through stop signs on facts on both sides of this campaign and i just think the campaigns message is that there isn't a big price to play. that people's level of expectation about the candor of the political debate is pretty low. >> woodruff: on either side. >> that' exactly right. one of the things the parties do really swell fact checking. there are people that are
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democrats, people that are republicans do meticulous fact checking. every speech is run very carefully. when they lie, they do it intentionally and they're doing it because they think it's nobody paying attention. >> ifill: what are you looking for mark, in >> choice versus change. they are emphasizing the choice that the republican wants to take us back, we want to go forward. that's a continuation of what obama is doing. i still think when the country two-thirds think we're headg in the wrong direction you have to present what obama used to call "change we can believe in." you have to have a second act, something new because people think the country is going in the wrong direction. you have to give them a second act. >> ifill: that's a heavy burden. >> i think the second term is acknowledging there have been disappointments and missteps. i think that's important. but clearly laying out how effective it will be different and better than and how the country would be better off and american lives will be better off in a second obama term. i think that's is what.
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>> ifill: so it's not enoughst enough just to say the other guy. he has to make his own? >> and so far we don't hear too much of the new ideas. we'll see. >> david brooks, mark shields, thank you much. a ree minder, you can see the speeches as well as the entertainment on our live stream. >> ifill: a reminder: you can see all the speeches-- as well as the entertainment-- on our live stream. and tomorrow morning, also on our livestream, i'll be hosting a panel of the party's rising stars. that starts at 9:45 a.m. eastern time. >> woodruff: those are just two of our six live stream channels. anher offers a feel for what it's like on theloor that's our special hat cam. for up-to-the-minute reporting, exclusive interviews and helpful context during the convention, including what's going on behind the scenes here at newshour. also, on our web site you can take a quiz from the pew research center to determine your political party i.d. >> ifill; again, the major developments of the day. democrats opened their
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convention here in charlotte, north carolina, on a mission to reelect the obama-biden ticket. and a suicide bomber in eastern afghanistan killed at least 25 civilians and wounded 30 others. >> woodruff: and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. >> ifill: and i'm gwen ifill. stay with us. we'll be back in a few minutes on most pbs stations with full coverage of tonight's session of the 2012 democratic national convention. thank you, and good night. major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> they can be enlightening or engaging. conversations help us learn and grow. at wells fargo, we believe u can ner unrestimate the power of a conversation. it's this exchange of ideas that helps you move ahead with confidence. because an open dialogue is what opens doors. wells fargo. together we'll go far.
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