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tv   Charlie Rose  PBS  April 16, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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>> rose: welcome to the broadcast. we begin again today looking at the tragedy in boston, the two explosions that happened in the boston marathon yesterday. first up governor deval patrick, the governor of massachusetts. >> there's an enormous presence of federal, state and also local law enforment agencies working very much hand hand and pulling in the same direction. that's important. i think as chief executive my job is to make sure they have the resources they need and to step back and give them the space they need to do what they must do. and we as citizens, i think have to be patient with that the other thing on the comforter side is to assure people of that
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about which i am confident which is that we will heal. we will be strong and we will be a sustaining community even through arage like this one. >> rose: we kin this evening with mike barnicle of msnbc's morning joe kevin cullen of "boston globe" and john miller of cbs. >> if they think they will get us they don't know much. we care in boston about politics, sports and revenge. the revenge is the laughter of our children. these guys don't knowwhat ty did. every cop i talked to today, just hard looks and people are ready. and i have no doubt they'll identify who did this. boston is a tough town. it's the kind of town where
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people take two punches to land one. that was just one punch at us and we'll hit back. >> jon: re conclude with gregory doran the artistic director of royal shakespeare company of julius caesar. >> it speaks in the last 50 years in african since the country has began to gain their independence. looking at how many times rulers have come to power on a wave of popularity. they've been overthrown in a military coupe and plunged the country into civil war. that's the plot of julius caesar. we were doing a bit of work on the play, a year before we rehearsed it first. and while were -- we were doing this work the arab spring was unfouledding through --
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unfolding throughout north after cafn. the biggest question is are they going to assassinate quaddafi. >> rose: the tragedy in boston and the new production of julius caesar when we continue. funding for charlie rose was provided by the following: ♪ giv ♪ now are times that we need to share ♪ ♪ we're on our way back home >> rose: additional funding provided by these funders:
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captioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. >> rose: it is day two of the boston marathon tragedy, the day after the tragedy, where two bombs exploded, three people died and more than 150 were injured. the world watched in horror because it happened at an international event, the running the boston marathon. all of yestday's questions are still with us, who? why? how? how many? and where are they? and when will we find them? is it domestic or international? political or the work of a sick mind? yesterday by the end of day almost everyone had seen a video of explosion as this was a place with surveillance cameras and thousands and thousands of cell phones. yesterday the question was: how does a city take care of its
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injured and dead? yesterday was one more example of horror and hoism. people rushing to danger to help those struck down. today all of that remains but the investigation moves ahead led by the f.b.i. but with contributions not only from boston, massachusetts, but also of agencies of federal government looking for the person or persons who did it. and asking the question: what do boston and other cities do to make their citizens as safe as possible? we begin with the president of the united states who spoke this morning at 11:30. >> any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror. what we don't yet know, however, who is who carried out this attack or why, whether it was planned and executed by a terrorist organization foreign or domestic or was the act of a ma malevolent individual?
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>> rose: this afternoon there was a press difference by governor patrick and state and local officials, including f.b.i. officials in charge of the investigation. >> at this time there are no claims of responsibility. the range of suspects and motives remains wide open. importantly the person who did this is someone's friend, neighbor, coworker or relative. we're asking anyone who may have heard someone speak about the marathon or date of april 15 in anyway that indicated he or she may target the event to call us. someone knows who did this. >> rose: so many questions come out of this crisis, always why and how zit change our behavior because a form of terrorism has taken lives. we begin this evening with governor of massachusetts, deval patrick. we have talked to law enforcement officials and people from the medical profession and good citizens of boston and massachusetts. i would like to look at this through unique eyes of you, as
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the chief executive officer of massachusetts, tell me what you saw and what you felt and where you are and where you have to go with the people of massachusetts in absorbing what has happened and where they go from here. >> well, charlie, i was -- i was at the finish line opposite the blast until an hour, an hour and a half before the first two of the blasts. and like so many people who had been there in the course of day and were at the time of blast, of course, one thing that goes through your mind is there but for the grace of god. i think as a communityee rattled and in some cases shattered. i think everyone's sense of security is certainly shaken. but i also know us, and i know
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that we're made of pretty resilient stuff. and that we are turning to each other rather that on each other and that we will heal. that will take some time. >> rose: with respect to healing, and it will take time, does this have a lasting impact? has the boston marathon this wonderful, historic, wordwide event that -- worldwide events that connects boston to the rest of the world, is it damaged by this? >> i think everyone is it hurt by this. i spent time yesterday with the folks at the boston athletic oh, who organization the marathon every year. you can imagine how extraordinarily hurt and disappointed and disoriented they were feeling yesterday.
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for 116 years we've had marathons without incident and every year we've had an after event review, where we've done things to improve ourselves for the next marathon. there's lessons learned from this terrible, terrible tragedy, and that will make next year's marathon even more special, and i think even bigger and better. i think it's important for us all to know this is a civic ritual for us, this marathon. it has importance on its own. it has importance as a marker of spring. it happens on patriots day which is the commemoration of the battle of lexington and concord, the first battle of the revolutionary war, the real signal of our role in elevating liberty and freedom as a defining value for this country. and all of these things are enduring and they will endure
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but will it take us same time to feel that fully again and as a community. but i'm quite confident we'll get there. >> rose: there are precautions to be taken in cities all over the world now because of what happened in boston? probably. i think frankly our focus right now from a law enforcement point of view is figuring who is responsible and exactly what they did to plan this event. we will have some time once the investigation is complete to begin to understand those lessons learned, i mentioned. i think it'sery very important for us all not to have our civic gatherings defeated by terrorism and i think it's a hard lesson for people to absorb in the immediate aftermath of an attack like this one. but it's a lesson we have to absorb. i'm certain that the experts will tell us what further
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precautions should be taken here and can be taken at other civic rituals of this kind, gatherings of this kind in other cities around the country and around the world. but it's important that we continue to have gatherings because it's how a community is built. >> rose: what is the demand on you? >> in some respects my biggest role is to serve as chief comforter, to make sure from a law enforcement perspective certainly that all of the agencies are working together and they are. there's an enormous presence of federal, state and also local law enforcement agencies working very much hand in hand and pulling in the same direction it's important. i think as chief executive. my job is to make sure they have the resources they need to step back and give them the space they need to do what they must do. and we as citizens, i think,
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have to be patient with that. but the other thing on the comforter side is to assure people of that about which i am confident which is that we will heal. we will be strong. and we will be a sustaining community even through a tragedy like this one. >> rose: you are confident that whoever did this will be caught because of the conversations you have with law enforcement officials and your knowledge of what they have to look at to uncover? >> yes, i am. i think it's going to take time. it is, you know -- right now, there interest -- are law enenforcement officials going through blocks around the blast area, a square inch at a time and picking up and documenting what they find that will help
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piece together the story of what happened and ultimately who is responsible for it. and that takes time. i remember i was involved with a large criminal investigation when i worked in the justice department many, many years ago the attacks on the black churches and synagogues in the south. it was very much about searching through clues of heaps of ash. in many respects this is requiring the same care. just like in that case, i believe in this case, we'll get to the bottom of this and we'll find the person or persons responsible and they'll be brought to justice. that is part of the healing. the other part of the healing is our, you know, continuing contio deterrent to each other rather than on each other. there's an interfaith service on thursday morning as a part of the of beginning that process. >> rose: did you invite the
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president did the president want to come? >> he wanted to be here. he was one of first calls i got. i know one of first calls the mayor got and members of congressional delegation to tell us that he and mrs. obama were thinking about us and any material resource that we may need and he could provide was at our disposal. he was true to our word. he has checked in from time to time. he wanted to be here and i'm delighted he will be able to be with us on thursday morning. >> rose: what does your cut based based on information tell but whether this was somebody who came to this from a political sensor someone who came to this from some other kind of mental mall i did? >> i'm not sure in fairness to your question that my gut matters here.
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really evidence matters. the notion that there were two devices that went off in a coornated shion within a blk of each other looks and sounds like terrorism to me and to i think most observers. but whether that's a group or an individual, whether it was political or some kind of other motivation, it was a twisted one. and an all of lot of good innocent people were hurt and in a few cases killed. and that cannot stand. it's enormously important that law enforcement get to the bottom of this, but as i say that is only a part of it. the other part of it that is part of out of healing is continuing to show to the world that our doors here in boston and in massachusetts face the street. that we are a welcoming place.
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that the diversity that is reflected on marathon weekend is something we celebrate and we cherish, and that it will endure and our respect for it most importantly will endure. >> rose: at this moment there's no one who is the focus of the investigation, is that correct? >> i think it's fair to say. there are a number of people who have been -- witnesses who have been interviewed, but there's no identified suspect and no one in custody. >> rose: witnesses who saw somebody do something? >> yeah, we had thousands of people out there and every one of them is say potential witness. >> rose: to seeing somebody take a knapsack and place it down and then explode? >> we've asked through law enforcement for photographs and
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video tape. everybody has a smart phone and you can imagine thousands and thousands of images. every single one of those is combed. as the forensic investigators piece together what type of device and what type of container it was held until that helps folks reviewing the photos and videos to understand what exactly we should be looking for. >> rose: i want to thank you. i know it's a busy day and i don't want to take longer than i asked for and your people so graciously promised me on a busy day. >> thank you, charlie. >> rose: as you know, people around the world because it was such an international event have been deeply saddened by this and i think their hopes and their prayers and their encouragement to the people of the commonwealth of massachusetts is strong and deep as you know. thank you for joining us. >> i'm grateful for that, arlie. haveeceid messages from friends and people i've never met from all over the country and all over the world
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expressing support for us here in boston and in massachusetts. and it is enormously helpful to all of us and we thank you for it. >> rose: thank you, governor. >> thank you, charlie. >> rose: governor deval patrick of the commonwealth of massachusetts. back in a moment, a further consideration of this with john miller of cbs news and others. stay with us. >> rose: joining me now from boston mike barnicle from morning joe, ate native bostonian, kevin cullen from the "boston globe" and here in new york john miller of cbs. i'm pleased to have them here. what is the latest, john? >> what is the latest? it's almost like starting over. yesterday was about saving lives, doing rescues and stabilizing that scene from all the reports of suspicious package. today was about locking the scene down waiting for the ert, evidence response team to ce,
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f.b.i. team, and bomb tech in additions to do a painstake post blast investigation. we're seeing that unhold and learning more about the bomb. and the other thing was, there was an early possible suspect a, a person of interest, somebody near the scene that they thought was social suspicious. they've had 24 hours with this person. his story has checked out and he is looking more like a victim and wness than anybody involved. >> rose: what does victim mean? a victim of explosion or something else? >> primarily a victim of the explosion but if we're candid here the idea that he was a saudi national, that he was running from the blast like a lot of people were and he was singled out. there may be a discussion of whether he was the victim of something else but right now it
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appears he is not anybody involved in the investigation. >> rose: let me ask over view questions rather tha scifics red sox they optimistic they'll find out and identify who did this early? >> they are not optimistic because of anything they know. they are optimistic because of record. they have two crimes scenes, a post blast and a lock on the physical evidence and a lot of things to go through in terms of visuals. they are confident the they they were in the times square bombing case or the olympic park case. >> rose: d th beeve it resembles a case of any kind? >> the problem is it resembles a lot of cases. it appears you are dealing with a bomb that may have been a pressure cooker bomb, the kind they use the pressure cooker you buy in a cooking store. it's a tried and true recipe
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that has been taught everywhere from domestic groups to al qaeda training camps. >> rose: any idea of domestic or international? >> that's a wi open question. stat disally given the number of plots from al qaeda the number is 50-60 against u.s. oil, statistically that would probably be the more likely scenario but you can't get tunnel vision here. that would have been the more likely scenario when they were discussing hezbollah on the morning of oklahoma city only to find out it was tim mcveigh. there's a discipline saying keep an open mind so we don't miss anythi. >> rose: mike barnicle this is your beloved city. talk to me about this yesterday, today and your thoughts and the people you have talked to. >> well, charlie, first of all,
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the day itself patriots day is a holiday in massachusetts. everybody in america is working. nobody in massachusetts is working. it's the day of marathon. it's the day of an early red sox game. starting at 11:00. the crowd spills out at 2:00, 2:30. many of the 35,000 at the ball game go done through kenmore square and to boylston street. it's a small town. you can walk the town it's like living in the palm of your hand. because of communal feeling there is in boston it's a violation. it's as if someone came into your living room and did something violent as the violent acts were committed yesterday at the marathon. there is today, i think kevin will bare this out with me, kevin cullen, there's the initial shock that gave way out to anna nicole smith rage that still -- gave way to outrage
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that still exists. there's no concession made to terrorists and no fear of the future here. >> rose: kevin? >> i feel the same way. charlie, unfortunately i have experience with this. i was in north ireland in 1998 when 28 people were murdered by bombs. i was in london the day after the 7:7 bombings. what mike saw i saw and experienced with my own eyes and heart. i saw it in oma, london and in boston today. if these guys, whoever it is, think they cow us, they don't understand us very well. in boston we care about three things: politics, sports and prevention. and the re-- sports and revenge. and the revenge will be the laughter of our children. these guys don't know what they
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did. i can tell u, every cop i talked to today, hard looks and people are ready. i have no doubt they'll identify who did this. boston is a tough town. it's the kind of town will people -- where people will take two punches to land one. that was just one punch at us. we'll hit back. >> rose: both of you give lie that boston will never be the same. >> i don't think we'll every look at patriots day the same way or a marathon the same way. i think that straw, which i know -- stroll which i know mike has done with his kids. i've done it with my kids. the early game and the walk down to walk the marathoners. i think it will never be the same but i'm not ceding any ground to the terrorists. it's not the same. new york say different place after 9/11. i think people forget that on
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9/11 the two planes that crashed into the towers came out of here. they flew outf boston's logan airport. you are never the same but it doesn't mean we're not better. i predict next year there's a record field. i think more people will come specifically to run in the next boston marathon to show they did not win, they cannot win they'll have to kill every single one of us. >> rose: thinking of the boston marathon and others because boston got so much attention early because it seemed to have been the first to me. it was boston's link to the world. yes? >> charlie, it's the oldest marathon in the united states. yesterday was the 113th running of the marathon and in sense if you look at the route from hopkinton, massachusetts, 26 miles to boston it's a metaphor for our country. it's completely open.
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it's accessible to everyone. you know we're also an international city. we're a still small proudly prove ven call. because of universities, the heth cmuni, th start-up companies. there are people from all over the world here. there are never more people from all over the world than on marathon day, patriots day. if you go down to the finish line as yesterday, they always line boylston basically from the pru down to the public library and it's lined with the flags of the various countries in the world. it looks like the united nationses in new york city with the flags. istles struck by the first responders and those first responders included firefighters, cops, emts, paramedics and ordinary people. could you see them jumping over. some of them had race jackets on. some of them were just guys. those people ran to the bombs
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and to get to the vicks they had to pull the barriers out of the way and throw the flags on the street. the flags looked like victims. they were splayed on the ground. i think it underscores something. it was not an attack on boston marathon or boston or bostonians it was anttack on everybody. >> rose: zit shall -- does it appear to be an act of somebody who knew what they were doing? >> no doubt in my mind. it was incredibly cynical. it was timed specifically as mike mentioned. everybody leaves the ballpark and a lot of people walk down from kenmore square and walk towards the finish line. when you gauge that the games -- red sox games take three years somemes but basically talking 2.5 and three hours game.
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yesterday was magic. pedroia scores from first and everybody leaves happy and they walk to the finish line. whoever primed the bombs and timed they knew not only would a lot of red sox fans came in but the plotters came n. the people who ran in four hours. there wasn't a ken dwroon be seen at that point. they had come in after twoours and 15 minutes. these were the people that take four hours. they are cops, firefighters, i know firefighters that just misses getting to the end of it. they were a half mile away. i think whoever did this was conscious of that. theyled timed it for maximizing death and destruction. >> rose: john, is there some sense of investigators that this was the act of someone who was reasonably sophisticated about weapons he prepared? >> without a doubt.
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in the sense that -- as our colleagues he told us it was multiple devices, not a single device. timed to go off ten second as part. they chose a location where they were guaranteed to get multiple live broadcasts right there as opposed to somewhere else on the route. that shows a level of coordination. now, would you have to actually know a little bit more about the device and whether it was a command debt -- explosion, whether it was a key fob or garage opener. it was 4:08 in the race. when you first blast goes you see it witches to 4:09 and ten seconds later the second device 550 feet away. this was meant to be where it
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was for a reason. there's an argument though which is had they done it an hour earlier or two hours earlier they would have been more live coverage and more people on the sidelines but you never know what challenges the bomber faced getting them in there and getting them put down and leaving them long enough to do their job but not so long they would be detected. >> rose: how long was the bomb there? >> the boston pd has a protocol to secure it. they secure the runners route. but the sidelines for 26 miles are unsecured. that changes after where the devices were found. as you get to the grandstands and finish line you need credentials to get in, v.i.p. tickets to get in the grand dlnt stands they sweep that area with bomb dogs but the sidelines where the pedestrians are, you expected you can't freeze that,
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lock that down. you expect people to come and go. part of the goal of terrorism is to make people live in fear, to make ople believe they are not safe in their own country. we talked about ireland, new york on 9/11, to make people question the government's ability to protect them. what you see in reaction to this is the london marathon son sunday. they are -- is on sunday. they are currently rethinking how are we going to handle the crowds? are we going to tell people no bags and backpacks. we started doing that in new york on new year's eve intime square. it adds anxiety to the event, takes a little fun out of the event and as mike said, as kevin said this, is the kind of thing
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that a lot of societies fight against. they don't want to give into the fear. >> rose: can you make an argument we've become a bit complacent about terror? >> i don't want to complacent. i think you become a victim of your own success. you move forward from 9/11 and you have 50-60 plots targeting u.s. soil discovered and taken out in different f.b.i. sting operations, people get the idea well, they talk about these things but they never happen. people have been saying it's a matter of time. you have to ask yourself is the time up? >> i don't know that we're complacent and i don't know that i would employ that work when talking about this country but i think there's something about the institutional memory as a culture and our ability to recall things or live through things or remember things that happened years ago.
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you talk to people who don't live on the east coast, new york, boston, washington, d.c. about september 11, you might as well be talking about something that happened in the 19th centry. >> rose: you expected this morning that we need to think not about a war on terror but a daily due hel on terror. >> i would be interested on john's thoughts. politicians use the phrase war on terrorut in every city, certainly the major cities, people need to be reminded it's a daily duel with terror, an ongoing situation. john worked for several terrific people in the federal government. one of them i know quite well. he is working for the federal government. i asked him one time about the daily overnight intelligence reports that they would get before they would provide them to the president at 5:00 or 6:00 in the morning. the person told me if you ever
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saw at 4:00, 4:30 in the morning you wouldn't get out of bed some days. >> rose: john is smiling. >> when you work with the team that puts together the daily briefing you read it the first couple of days you go home thinking oh, my god the world is coming to an end. after the first couple of mow moz you say, yeah, yeah, it's a couple of threats. it's part of the daily cadence. >> reporter: the bomb was viciously attacking low yes tremies. >> when you take a device like that and put it down. we saw that on the july 7 with the bombings on the floor of subway cars it's blowing people's legs off. >> rose: i assume that's what he meant by things you should never see. >> not to get too graphic but when you see the children severely injured they are about
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knee high to an adult. you are seeing the brunt of the blast down there. you place that device five feet from the wall of building that you get alast that goes out, goes back, bounces off against the wall, sends that blast pressure out again, and then you have an over pressure that comes back in. one of the things you will see people who thought they were not injured are coming in with injuries from the overpressure, brain injuries, balance issues, dizziness and they are not sure why it's happening to them. it's something we learned in iraq and afghanistan. >> rose: it's trauma. technil question: if look looking at what was accomplished here in terms of tragedy, could it have been much more severe if in fact the person who set this bomb could have known a bit more about plastics and that kind of thing?
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>> yeah. >> rose: you can go that far. if you were smarter could you have gone much further? >> what you have here in all likelihood and the unless unless is being done. you have a low order explosive in a container that builds up presre until it bursts, you get slap -- shrapnel. if you accept the idea that terrorism is theater. it's meant to create drama on a stage that inspires not entertainment but fear and it's meant to raise questions in peoples' minds about if they are safe. this bomb was big enough to do that you don't have to have 3,000 people killed in a single dato she a city or to make a country think twice about its safety. and that was accomplished here. i think as kevin and mike said,
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boston will probably not turn its cheek, not glance away, and try to prevail over that perception. >> rose: there's also this: the families of newtown were there watching all of this the last portion of that race, part of the ongoing american sse of acts of huge violence against us all. mike and kevin thank you so much for coming this evening. i know it's a tough day for everybody but especially people who have seen their city attacked like this. and our hearts go out to those who have suffered greatly. several members of one family or the other. i wasn't just one. it was more than one in a family because they stood there connecting themselves that afternoon to what was part of boston. thank you very much for coming. >> thanks, charlie.
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>> thank you. >> rose: thanks, john. we'll be right back. stay with us. gregory doran here is. he is the new artistic director of the royal shakes peer company. he sets julius caesar in africa. it's a play that speaks timelessly of politics. now that lost has seen comes to the brooklyn academy of music in east african ak sentz. shire look. >> the evil that men do lives after them. a coat is often covered with their bones so let it be with caesar. a noble brutous have told you caesar was am -- ambitious.
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if it were so it was a griefous fat and griefously have caesar answered it. here on the leave of brutous and the rest for brutus is an honorable man. so are they all, all honorable men? >> friends, romans, countrymen lend me your ears, i come to bury csar, not to praise him. >> rose: i'm pleased to have gregory doran at the table for the first time. welcome. >> thank you. >> rose: one said this is shakespeare's african play. >> yes, i had the great privilege to meet nelson mandela and discovered that on robin island he had a copy of
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shakespeare, owned by one of the other inmates and he handed it around to the inmates who could read it at night. the charmi tng was they didn't allow literature but they would allow prayer books so sunny's wife sent him cards of ramah and others and he stuck them all over the book so guards thought it was a prayer book. so man dell yafs read -- was reading it. each of the inmates would autograph a phrase or quotation that struck them. the lines thatanla chose were from julius caesar. he chose the lines julius said before he is assass nateed. -- anas nateed. that -- assassinated. that made me read the play in a
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completely different way. it struck me that in a way it's a my that speaks to african in a particular and potent way, particularly in the last 50 years since the country has begun to gain their independence. i think looking at how many mes rurs he come to power on a wave of popularity, they've been overthrown in a vicious military coupe and that has plunges the country into civil war, well that's the plot of julius caesar. >> rose: yes. >> we were doing a bit of work on the play a year before we rehearsed it first. while we were doing this work the arab spring was unfolding throughout north africa. the big question was not are they going to assassinate can a daf by but what happened -- qaddafi but what happens next?
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the play has a reputation for being a bit of a dying fool after caesar is assassinated. the one thing we know it's that caesar is assassinated. it's the single fact of the pagan world, i guess. the big urgent question is what happens next? the african setting, i hope has allowed us to illuminate that. >> rose: this is what you said "i don't want to weigh in as a gay white middle class director in his middle age and says julius caesar should be done in an african context." >> exactly. i wanted to test it out with my peers. we've got great, great classical actors who happen to be black in the uk now. 50 years ago the first black actor appeared in strat ford. following year 1959 paul bson came to play owe dothel --
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othello. through those years black actors came in their skills it's the first time we casted an entirely black cast. there's no shortage of really, really exceptional talent in the uk. >> rose: is voice specially important in shakespeare? >> it is. it's very important because in the prologue to romeo and julie juliet he says it. it's about how the language can create the magic, i think. >> rose: what was the hardest thing for you to do? you developed this in south african in 1995? >> that was a special, special
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experience. e --t wawithhe national theater studio. we were invited. my partner and i were invited as part of a team that went out to the market theater in johan he isberg to begin to explore the ending of sanctions and artistic boycotts that we would try to really open up lines of communication, artistic relationships. and the guy who ran the markets asked me and tony if we would go and do a play there. the play we chose to do was titus because quite often it's the goriest play. people get their heads chopped off. their heads are baked in pies. it's a very violent play but in a country which has experienced
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such a high level of violence, the play changed. it became a play more about reconciliation and trying tryino break cycles of violence. >> which is what south africa back. >> it spoke in a particular way. it's like a giant magnet. and all the iron filings of what is going on in the world somehow get attracted to that and somehow he manages to articulate. >> rose: why is that? >> he just had a kind of humanity and an ability to give us words that -- when words fail. was inking now coming back to new york about 12 years ago i was doing a production of king john on stratford. not very often done as a play. oddly enough we were doing a
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tuesday mat in a. it was -- matinee. it was sex as the play started about 20 minutes in, the guys whackstage were wahing a television and a plane flew into a building in new york. 20 minutes later another plane. the actors thought what do we do? do we go out and stop the show? do we tell the audience what is happening? the audience knew nothing. does the play seem relevant? what are we doing here? just before the matinee one tower came down and then another. a character came on stage and said i lose my way among the thorns and dangers of this world. and said the line "vast confusion waits upon t world." it was like shakespeare articulated in that moment what everybody was feeling and gave
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us words to be able to articulate that. >> rose: did you finish the play? >> we did. the play itself helped to articulate, understand, comprehend, heal. it was an astonishing moment. >> rose: talk to me about caesar and the play and what we should take away from it other than wer corrupts. >> well, you know it's one of those plays that you can take from almost any political point of view. it's been done many, many times over the years. looking at brutus as a great republican hero. indeed it's history -- >> rose: hero of republic. >> yes. >> rose: because he thought i was acting in the defense of republic. >> other the other hand he could look like a wishy washy liberal.
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shakeshakespeare presents both. caesar is seens a tie rantd and on the other side he is a strong man needed at the time when the country was falling apart. at this time of civil war when the country needed a strong leader. shakespeare makes you see both sides of story. just as you are thinking yeah, they are right and they should assassinate him. suddenly you see him vuller in vabl in the dressing gown first thing in the morning and you realize there's two sides in the story and shakes -- shakespeare is very good. >> rose: everybody knows what is going to happen but they remain transfixed beyond the death of julius caesar. it's more than just the man. he is the icon. there's something beyond him
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which falls which caesar dies. and what brutus and cassius do they make a vacuum. >> rose: this quote may come from you and you can take authorship if you like. there's a danger that shakes peer on his pedestrian -- shakespeare is throwing everybody else too far in the shade for us to consider them viable. >> you see shakesare didn't spring fully formed like athena. he came out of a school of writers, a bit like the hollywood stable of writers in the 1930's. some were writing plots, some love stories. shakespeare was collaborating probably more than we know he was. we put him so high on the
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pedestal we forget the other writers the christopher marlos and john websters. think tps important we see him in complex. it's very, very well placed to do. >> rose: you also want to bring the being shakespearean actors back home. >> well, there's some fantastic actors who feel that stradtford as their home. they refer to the royal shakespeare company as we. >> rose: you want to bring them back. >>judi dench came back after 25 years. patrick stewart came back after star trek. there's many that want to come back and i hope to provide that. they are written hire arcly.
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two characters have two theirs of lines. you need actors with real heavyweight talent. they don't have to be stars but -- >> rose: what did heavyweight talent have? >> it has something extra. it's something that is more than technique, discipline, craftsmanship. it has a way of making shakespeare sparkle. you hold it up to the light and it shimmers. when you get a tony or a harriet walter or judi dench producing that work or dived in hamlet you know people that can breathe that language that make it as so 400 years fall away in a mement. it's my job to be able to redefine what that, the
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craftsman ship that lies bebehind that. >> rose: you said your job was to to facilitate the actors? >> i make no pretension statements about directors. we're a young breed. a century ago there weren't directors. shakespeare was the director he wrote into the text the dereks for the actors to follow. if you know how to read the directions you don't needhe director. i got myself out of a job. >> rose: no actor would agree with you. actors are a vulnerable group. >> generally speaking you need the environment in which they were flourish and which they can work together. you need the context. >> rose: if they are good -- >> it will happen with the actor speaking the text and somebody listening. you don't need the director for that you need somebody to organize it all.
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>> rose: how much do you want to act? >> you know, i always juggled both. and i read -- as i joined strad for as an actor i read a piece of fla ubert that said most people in life end up what they do second best. >> rose: by dereking you are doing what you do second best? >> no first best. >> rose: as a actor you were seco best? >> other people could my the parts i was playing. i suppose i could see. i like to stand back and see the whole -- >> rose: it's an interesting idea because you think about shaping other things. the idea is how do you make a decision as to what it is you do best, not second best? and how do you drill down on that so you are truly being creative and bringing something that no one else has?
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i'm sure people are smart at self evaluation and therefore you need to listen. >> i think i realized i could bring people together. i could facilitate. the great shakespeare director said 18% of good -- 80% of good directing is good casting. >> rose: this is the part. >> good friends, icome not to steal your hearts. as you know me all i play a blunt man that love, my friends. i only speak right on. i tell you that which you yourselves do know. the sweet wounds pour, pour them out and speak for me. but were i about the -- were i
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brutu, is that would ruffle up your speech and put a cut in every wound of caesar that should move the stones of rome to rise and mutiny. >> mutiny! >> rose: the rsc's julius caesar runs at the brooklyn academy of music from april 10 through april 28. it's traveling from london where it played last year. >> rose: thank you. gregory doran is the artistic director of royal shakespeare company. thank you for joining us. see you next time. funding for cs
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been supported by the cloak la company supporting this the program since 2002 and american express. additional funding provided by these funders:
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