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tv   PBS News Hour  PBS  May 29, 2013 5:30pm-6:31pm PDT

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macneil/lehrer productions >> woodruff: a white house spokesman said today the u.s. economy is on a stronger path as signs of recovery continue to paint a better fiscal picture. good evening, i'm judy woodruff. >> ifill: and i'm gwen ifill. on the "newshour" tonight, home sales are up-- the fastest gains in seven years. we examine what that means for the broader economy. >> woodruff: then, jeffrey brown reports on the first suspected u.s. drone strike since president obama laid out new guidelines for such attacks,
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this one killing a top leader of the pakistani taliban. >> ifill: a new survey finds mothers with children at home are now the top breadwinners in four out families. we look at what's driving the trend. >> woodruff: miles o'brien has the story of advances in facial recognition software. turning the grainiest of photos into information helping police reel in terror suspects. >> we're still blown away on how it works. this actually fit the boston suspect. so that was huge. >> ifill: we continue our series of conversations on immigration reform. tonight, ray suarez talks with two law enforcement officials about the challenges of securing the u.s.-mexico border. >> woodruff: and we close with music legend dolly parton and her literacy program that's delivered nearly 50 million free books to kids' homes across the country. >> we send these books to them in their little name, with their name on it.
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this is theirs. this is mine. so i am going to either learn to read it, or i'm going to make somebody teach me how to read it. >> woodruff: that's all ahead on tonight's "newshour." >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> i want to make things more secure. >> i want to treat more dogs. >> our business needs more cases. >> where do you want to take your business? >> i need help selling art. >> from broadband, to web hosting, to mobile apps, small business solutions from a.t.&t. can help get you there. we can show you how a.t.&t. solutions can help your business today. >> more than two years ago, the people of b.p. made a commitment to the gulf. and everyday since, we've worked hard to keep it. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy. we shared what we've learned so that we can all produce energy
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more safely. b.p. is also committed to america. we support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. our commitment has never been stronger. >> support also comes from carnegie corporation of new york, a foundation created to do what andrew carnegie called "real and permanent good." celebrating 100 years of philanthropy at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. and friends of the newshour. >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you.
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>> ifill: the u.s. economy is showing unexpected signs of strength this spring and prompting new optimism. the most significant development: the accelerating recovery in many regions of the housing market. home prices in 20 cities rose by an average of nearly 11% in march compared to a year ago. the case-shiller index also reported yesterday that in some markets, such as phoenix, san francisco and las vegas, prices climbed by more than 20%. at the same time, a separate index of consumer confidence taken in may is at its highest since 2008. all of this comes as the stock market continues a strong run. during the first five months of the year, the dow jones industrial average has climbed nearly 2,000 points. although it closed at 15,302 today, down 106 points. we look at the ups and downs of the stuttering recovery with catherine rampell of the "new york times." welcome, catherine. what are we toik make of this
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housing repound? >> well, the housing rebound has been pretty strong, going for almost a year now, i would say. it's very widespread. all 20 cities that case-shiller track showed gains, both in the last month reported, which was march, and the previous couple of months. it's widespread and appears to be here to stay. >> ifill: does it shift from region to region? >> yes, there are dinks. you mentioned that phoenix, for example, and las vegas h20-plus-percent growth. that is partly because, as we should remember, those areas had major plunges in housing prices so it's coming off of a very low base. big growth-- exactly, there's big growth but it's note exactly as if the prices there are anywhere near their peak which probably we don't want given unsustainable bubble values that we had in the earth 20 00s,
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and mid-2000, but even now they might be undervalued because they fell so far during the bust. >> ifill: if you look at the overall picture how big are these housing stats in what looks like at least a partial recovery? >> it's a big contribute orp right now. we've had major cut in government spending. we've had tax increases earlier this year. as a result, there were a lot of economists who had predicted that consumer spending in particular was going to kind of fall off a cliff come january and that hasn't happened. and while it surprised a lot of people, what they're basically pointing to is the fact that people are feeling wealthier. their home values are going up. the stock market is also going up, of course. and that helps a smaller segment of americans. but, really, there are so many homeowners out there who are feeling a sense of relief and feeling a bit richer that they're a little bit more apt to loosen the purse strings a little bit.
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>> ifill: that drives consumer confidence. that drivers the stock investments. >> exactly. >> ifill: there sound like there's a "yes, but," in all of this. >> the yes, "but is even though consumer confidence is up and consumer spending is more resilient it's not particularly healthy. consumer confidence numbers as reported yesterday was at the highest level for five years but they're still at recessionary levels. remember, we were in a recession five years ago. even though we are improving. even though we are in what is technical a recovery, we fell so far and we dug ourselves into such a deep hole, that incremental improvements that we've had are still not really substantial enough to make us feel like we're living in a healthy economy, especially if you look at the job market. >> ifill: that's what i was going to talk to you about. let's look at the job markets, especially who is getting jobs back and who is not? >> well, governments are still
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laying off workers so there are people losing their jobs. we have seen strong gains in a lot of the lower wage sectors, unfortunately-- i mean, fortunate that people are getting jobs but presumably they would like higher waidges. i'm talking about food services, retail. we actually have the highest share of jobs right now that are in the food services sector than has ever been the case on record. so there have been gains but they have not been really substantial enough to whittle downtown backlog of something like 11 million or 12 million unemployed people we still have right now. and, again, where we are creating jobs they're often at lower wages than the jobs people had lost. >> we were twoald there were two factors that would drive the economy this year. one was the sequester here in washington where they were going to cap government spending and the other was the euro zone
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crise, which was also supposed to have it a residual effect here. has either done that? >> it's still too early to say what's going on with the rescefter. the sequester officially started march 1 but the way it is designed it means guest agency basically have to cut some of their spending by the end of the fiscal year. they have to do is immediately. there were a lot of government agencies that waited a bit because they thought maybe congress would change its mind and reverse this major cut to federal spending, since, after all, the whole thing was designed basically to get congress to come to a deal that would not not force these major across-the-board spending cuts. there were a lot of agencies that decided to wait and they didn't cut right away. there were also agencies that said, well, since we have some flexibility about when these cuts go into effect, maybe
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we'llalate late-until later glaifl in the euro zone? >> in the euro zone. the your own zo is still very much a concern. it's not as much on the front burner as it had been when police looked on the verge of collapse. things are still not healthy. there are countries in europe that are in recession right now. but the main source of concern from the euro zone had been another financial crise. if greece went under maybe italy would and all of the banks are tentacles in these places would have nairnlg shocks as well. to some extent, a lot of the u.s. banks have insulated themselves against this because the crise has gone going on so long so there's a little less concern there. sorry. >> ifill: i was going to say the-- >> ifill: go ahead. >> other risk from the euro zone has to do with trade, that why you were say major-- europe is a
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major trading part their but it is a small share that will be affected there. even though it's not helping, it's not a huge drag, at least relative tie couple years ago. >> ifill: so we're still waiting for other shoes to drop. catherine rampell from the "new york times," thank you so much. >> thank you. >> woodruff: still to come on the "newshour": the drone strike that killed a top taliban leader in pakistan; mothers bringing home the bacon; software to pick out criminal faces in a crowd; an immigration debate on securing the border and dolly parton's big push to give kids books. but first, the other news of the day. here's hari sreenivasan. >> sreenivasan: the european union softened austerity demands for six countries today, in a bid to spark economic growth. france, spain and four other states will be given more time to get their deficits under control. that came as the organization for economic cooperation and development warned that recession in europe is threatening the global recovery. the group predicted the euro- zone's economy will shrink more
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than half a percent this year. syrian president bashar al-assad served notice today that he will serve at least through elections next year and might even run again. the syrian foreign minister made the announcement. he said the regime has new momentum from battlefield victories against the rebels. the statement could complicate u.s. and russian efforts to convene a peace conference. white house spokesman jay carney said today that assad cannot cling to power. >> bashar al-assad long ago gave up the opportunity to participate in a transition process that would improve the future of the syrian people and the syrian nation. he chose instead to wage war on his people. >> sreenivasan: the syrian opposition said today it might take part in peace talks, but only if there's a deadline for a settlement forcing assad out. the carnage in iraq has claimed at least 30 more lives. bombings hit two neighborhoods in baghdad after nightfall. most of the victims were members of a wedding party, passing by as the bomb exploded.
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sectarian violence has flared in iraq this month, killing more than 500 people. china issued a new condemnation of computer hacking today, amid allegations that chinese hackers stole data on more than two dozen major u.s. weapons systems. in beijing, the assistant foreign minister did not directly address the allegations, made in a pentagon report. instead, he said china opposes all cyber-attacks and has promised to work with the u.s. to fight them. the first same-sex wedding was performed in france today, under a new national law making it legal. we have a report narrated by cordelia lynch of "independent television news." >> reporter: they say it's a victory of love over hate. a kiss that changes france forever. vincent autin and bruno boileau- the first same-sex couple to marry there. it is the emotion you expect to see. but this was a wedding packed with strangers.
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>> ( translated ): nothing is more beautiful than love. we have to love in our society. it's hard enough as it is. so i beg you, love yourselves, love us, let's love each other. because it's important. >> reporter: but before they wed, they faced the voices of those who disagree. their union in montpellier has split their country. and these images may not mark the end of months of demonstrations and political rows. unlike the u.k., the debate is explosive and still raging. the law was passed less than two weeks ago, but these were scenes at the weekend. the largest protest against gay marriage drew nearly half a million people. but it isn't just elderly conservatives galvanizing the right. the young are still playing their part. many catholics, opposed to gay
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adoption. >> ( translated ): we fear that children are going to be clearly damaged by this, by being fabricated through donation and >> reporter: in the land of liberte, egalite and fraterite only a slight majority supported the bill. but this was and still is about more than sexuality or an institution. it's political and personal- many believe the president francois hollande obsessed over the bill rather than dealing with the troubled economy. >> sreenivasan: in a related development, the french interior minister called for tougher penalties against anti-gay speech and actions. switzerland moved today to end a lengthy fight between swiss banks and u.s. investigators, over tax evasion. the bern government said it will let banks sidestep their famed secrecy, and disclose information on american clients. the deal needs approval of the swiss parliament. nal chars against the banks for aiding tax cheats. they could still face heavy fines. former republican presidential contender michele bachmann is calling it a career in the u.s. house. the minnesota congresswoman announced today she will not seek re-election. bachmann narrowly won a fourth term last year.
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she said today she was not worried about another tough re- election fight. she also dismissed concerns about an investigation of how she financed her unsuccessful campaign for president last year. president obama is expected to nominate james comey, a former bush administration official, to head the f.b.i. "the new york times" reported that today. comey is currently a hedge fund manager, and before that served as a deputy attorney general under president george w. bush. the current f.b.i. director robert mueller is mandated by law to leave his post by early september. those are some of the day's major stories. now, back to gwen. >> ifill: u.s. forces killed the number two commander of the pakistani taliban today with a missile fired from a drone. jeffrey brown has the story. >> reporter: pakistani intelligence officials say this man-- wali-ur-rehman-- was killed in the drone attack, along with four others. they say the drone fired missiles at a house in miran shah, a town inside the north
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waziristan tribal region near the afghanistan border. rehman had a $5 million u.s. bounty on his head, but in washington, white house press secretary jay carney would not confirm the attack or any deaths. >> if those reports were true, or prove to be true, it's worth noting that his demise would deprive the t.t.p., tehrik-e- taliban pakistan, of its second- in-command and chief military strategist. wali-ur-rehman has participated in cross-border attacks in afghanistan against u.s. and nato personnel and horrific attacks against pakistani civilians and soldiers. >> reporter: for its part, the pakistani taliban denied the report of rehman's death, calling it false news. and, the pakistani ministry of foreign affairs issued a statement saying, "drone strikes violate the principles of national sovereignty, territorial integrity and international law." there was no direct mention of rehman.
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today's strike came less than a week after president obama said he's implementing new restrictions on drone attacks, even as he defended their use. >> america does not take strikes to punish individuals; we act against terrorists who pose a continuing and imminent threat to the american people, and when there are no other governments capable of effectively addressing the threat. >> reporter: the pakistani government has been highly critical of u.s. strikes inside its borders, pointing to numerous civilians injured and killed in the attacks. incoming prime minister nawaz sharif has strongly condemned the drone attacks, and he's expected to press for an end to them. the pakistani taliban was responsible for numerous attacks leading up to this month's elections. but sharif has said he's open to talks with the militants, in a bid to end the fighting in tribal areas.
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>> woodruff: new findings show that moms, more than ever, are becoming the breadwinners of the american family. a record 40% of all families with children under the age of 18 are now headed by women who are the sole or primary source of income. that analysis, based on census data, was released today by the pew research center. notably, there are big income disparities among these women. almost 25% of families are led by single mothers who earn a median of $23,000 a year. another 15% of families are comprised of married mothers who earn more than their husbands. their families' median income was almost $80,000 a year. for more on these trends and what they suggest about the changing dynamics of work and family life, we turn to paul taylor, an author of the report and executive vice president of the pew center. and ellen galinsky, who is the
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president and co-founder of the families and work institute. for the record, i'm a member of its board. welcome to you both. i want to say to paul taylor first, this is a dramatic change. i mean, from 50 years ago, women were, what . >> about 10%. >> woodruff: 10% of families. 10% of them were women who were the principal or single breadwinner. today it's 40%. >> and this really captures the- - a half century change. the movement of women into the workforce, all of the challenges that presents, the women and to men and to their children in terms of work-family balance. as you said in your setup piece, demographically it's two very different groups of women, the single mothers who tend to be at the lower end of the socioeconomic scales, and the
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wives who out-earn their husbands and both of these groups have been growing. what connects them both is work is increasingly an economic necessity. of course it's a choice that women make and men make as well. but the majority of households with children now have a mother who works. that change-- the public accepts that change, approves of that change-- in addition to showing the census data, we did our own survey about attitudes towards, this and we find a public at one level very accepting of it and approving of it. everybody gets the fact in today's economy you need two intooks certainly, if you're a single mother you need an income to raise children. but there are reservations and concerns about whether this is best for children and even some concerns about whether this is best for the marriage. >> woodruff: i want to get at the attitudes, paul taylor, but first what, do we know about why this has happened. what are the background trends that have brought this on? how much of it is the economy?
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>> a tremendous amount is the economy. we know over the last 40 or 50 years the changes in the economy have been tougher on men than on women. and the kinds of industries that used to provide middle-class jobs for men who didn't have as much education as others, those are the ones that have contracted, and men have struggled over the last 30, 40, 50 years so the reaction in families is for women, wives, to pick up the slack. and certainly if you have single-parent households, typically women, that's not slack picking up. this is how you keep the family afloat. >> woodruff: ellen galinsky, family work institute does a lot of research on these issues. what do you see in these numbers? >> we've seen the same trend in our national study of the changing orchforce. and we've seen that there's actually a pretty big gap. we look at women who earn at least 10% more than their husbands and have found that is 27% of all dual-earner families,
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and you have 80% of families-- of people who are couples in the workforce where both of them work. so it certainly is the new normal. >> woodruff: and ellen galinsky, staying sww you, what about the discrepancy paul just described between that chunk of these women who are work with children who are single parents, and those who whoare out-earning their husbands. what do you see there? >> well, we talk about choice and choice so important to our american way of living but a lot of families don't feel that they have choices, whether they're in a couple or not. if we go back to the recession that wasn't too long ago, at least initially men lost most of the the jobs, and in fact, women went into the workforce, or stayed in the workforce to keep
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their families afloat. we find that women bring in about 45% of family income in duel-earner families. when i started to do this research, women's work was called "pin money. of now we found as easterly early as 1995, women difine themselves as caring for their families as being both economic providers and churters. men have changed, too. i mean, we find that men want to be more involved in their families. it's not just their wife or their partner saying, do, more, share. share more more. help. of we find men want to be more involved, tk particularly with their kids-- and if you look at men of different ages, the younger men will spend a lot more time, even if they've got young kids, than the older men.
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there's a real societal shift in men, too, inmenting to be more involved with their kid and with their families. >> woodruff: so paul taylor picking up on that attitude point you brute up at the outset, how are people looking on this? are they pleased about it? are they feeling something is out of whack? what are you seeing? >> i think there are two mind. they are living this change and it's dramatic and almost everybody lives it, and when we asked do you want to go back to the old world with women in their traditional roles -- by which we mean the homemaker-- 80% say no. that change is there and the public accepts that. and they see the economic value and necessity of the women in the workplace. we asked the question, "what's best for children? is it guest if the father stays home. 8% say that's best for children. is it best if the mother stays
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home and cares for the kid full time? 51% say that's best. so you have attitudes changing but you still have the traditional template that exercises some influence on the way people think about it. to pick up on ellen's point, we did a big time use survey over the last 50 years, it's there's no question mawrgts are doing more. and they want to do more. but women and mothers are still on the front lines of caring for the kids. that's just the way things are. >> woodruff: ellen, what about the children? you've looked at that question closely, and also what the children think about this? >> well, in the pew study the younger you were the less likely you are to hold those traditional values. we see a value shift. i did a study where i asked children if they could make one
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thing, over one change, of the how the mother or father's lives affect their lives and most thought kids would wish more for more time. what kids wished-- and i think this is important-- is that their parents would be less tired and stressed. the majority of kids-- you know, when we look at is work good or bad for kid? it depends on the job you have. it depend on what your beliefs are, and it depend on the quality of the care or education you have for your children when you're not there. so the impact on children really comes out to the fact that you can't tell very much about how a child is going to turn out simply because that child's mother works. >> woodruff: it's not just the time. ellen galinsky, paul taylor, we thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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>> ifill: now to the second of our stories on the role of technology in unraveling the boston bombing case. last night science correspondent miles o'brien traveled to an explosives testing facility to learn more about the bomb itself. tonight, as part of his work for a special nova program, he reports on the facial recognition software that allowed investigators to identify the bombing suspects. welcome to the new york police department's facial identification section opinion do you feel like you're sort of at the beginning of when fingerprints first came there. this the beginning of where policing is headed in many respects? >> yeah, very much so. this is a cutting edge. well, it's not as good as a fingerprint. this doesn't have the confidence
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level of that. it's not a definitive science such as fingerprints and d.n.a. but this is good, just basically. maybe we can get a lead, maybe we can be pointed in a direction that this might be a possible person. hollywood makes facial recognition look easy. but when you face the facts, this law enforcement tool is not as easy as it looks in the movies. mekeel gave us a demonstration-- a scenario similar to the boston marathon bombings: a grainy surveillance image of a suspected terrorist. first, they look for the best picture. >> this image as you can see has the head a little turned. this particular head is down. there really is not much face and we are looking... facial recognition software is a frontal pose. this seems to be the best picture we would utilize in this situation, so we would grab this picture. so what we do is we capture the image that we want, we cut and crop it.
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>> reporter: but the software only works if the person is squarely facing the camera. and this angle is not good enough. but there is a way to fix that. they map out the suspects face, placing crosshairs on several key features: ears, nose, eyes, chin, mouth. once the software knows where all those features are, it uses a formula to convert the slightly askew photo into a three dimensional image. and that allows them to turn the suspects face directly toward the camera, virtually. >> now, we're using the frontal pose, called the normalization pose. we're going to enter it into the facial recognition software. we want to use this probe image of an unknown individual against to our gallery of known individuals, and we basically have close to four million images that we use within the n.y.p.d. >> reporter: the images are mugshots, but in this demonstration they are actually cops. police here say they don't look for a match by trolling through drivers license, passport or
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visa photos, much less facebook. >> now, in order to put that in, we input it into our facial recognition software. we want to line up the eyes as best as possible. try to center it. and you can see, even though this picture is not aesthetically nice to humans looking at it, you can see that it can work, though, within the software >> reporter: in the demo, the face is a match. but this makes it look a littler easier than it is. the database is relatively small and in this case, the perp is detective roger rodriguez, assigned to the unit, and sitting in the back row watching the boss do the demo. >> the problem that we have within law enforcement doing criminal investigations with facial is that we are not utilizing controlled images as probes, so the unidentified person is a bad image for the most part. >> reporter: so far this unit has analyzed 1,900 images, turned up more than 386 matches and that has led to 141 arrests.
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>> the optimum scenario is a good high-resolution picture, very well pixilated. we need it to the point where the lighting is correct, the distance is not too far, and those are easier to manage and to work with within the facial recognition system. >> reporter: in pittsburgh, at carnegie mellon university's biometrics center, engineer marios savvides is leading a team that is pushing facial recognition to the next level. when he saw the photos of the boston marathon bombing suspects released three days after the attack, he sprang into action, even though the odds were slim that he could do anything to help investigators in boston. >> the problem in the boston case is that the image was so small that current technology cannot handle that low resolution face, there's simply not enough information. so you have to employ super resolution techniques and image enhancement techniques to basically, what we call, the computer has to hallucinate. and i hate to use that word, but if you look at the input image
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and you look at what the computer or algorithm can develop, you'll almost think, well how on earth was it able to actually extract that. >> reporter: how indeed! the best possible image was this one. a very low resolution poorly lit, but nearly full frontal image of the younger tsarnaev brother, dzhokar. savvides and his team plotted 79 distinct points on his face, as best they could. >> so we'll click on the image and this is what you're really seeing. and you can see you really don't see a lot of the facial structure. so we have to estimate where those line marks are on the face. >> reporter: they fed the blurry image with the markings into their latest facial recognition algorithm. >> our algorithm was able to basically enhance and extract this face. so this is the face that came from that. >> reporter: savvides calls the it a super resolution enhanced image. he intended to send the it to the f.b.i., but by the time they finished it was 2:42 friday morning.
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the shootout in watertown was over and the brothers were identified. now there were plenty of high resolution shots to choose from. on the surface. it seems as if savvides computer hallucination wasn't very accurate or useful. but, computers see the world differently. so savvides set up a quick experiment. he added a high resolution frontal image dzhokar tsarnaev to a database of one million images. >> so we want to see in these 50,000 images could we find him? is he in the top 100? where is he? did what we enhance actually be able to match one of tsarnaev's frontal images. when he narrows the search it gets more interesting. after ruling out women, noncaucasians, heavy facial hair and these over 25, the photo ranks number 20.
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this was a eureka moment. >> base on the results we have, we see they're accurate. we're still blown away on how it worksz. i mean we still can't believe how amazing we got, when we enhanced that image and we go, but i say, well this wasn't a random face. >> reporter: so how does it work? i volunteered my face for a demonstration. the reduced resolution image, 25 pixels across the eyes leads to this interpretation. >> the general face structure that is pretty much maintained, all these features are there from this. >> reporter: what about 12 pixels between the eyes? the kind of image you would typically get from a c.c.t.v. camera. >> so let's see what happens when we're in algorithm. okay, wow. >> not bad. >> not bad.
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so we went from this image to this image. and if we compare to the actual high resolution, again the eyebrow structure is there, the nose, the eyes, the mouth, we've lost the high frequency texture because there is no information. but the structure of the face is there. >> reporter: how low can it go? what about six pixels from eye to eye? >> so from this to get this, that's amazing and that's how computers can be better than human minds because i could not extrapolate this information from this. >> boy i should have shaved. you're really getting every whisker. the secret is machine learning and pattern recognition. instead of trying to tell the computer how to turn a few pixels into a recognizable face, savvides simply shows it thousands and eventually millions of examples of the same faces in very low and very high resolution. over time, the computer identifies patterns and makes connections that humans cannot. it learns.
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>> that's where computers can be smart and that's where it can do things that our human brain cannot do, because it can learn the relationship of what a low resolution, degraded face image is and what the high res. when given enough data to learn that relationship, then it can actually build an algorithm to extract the high res face that you can feed into such systems to try to give you a match. >> reporter: this is not all that they are working on here, they are looking for ways to identify faces simply by focusing on the eyes or even just the eyebrows. they are predicting age better than a carnival barker. they are working on putting facial recognition software into smart phones and they are developing sophisticated infrared cameras that scan irises. >> when law enforcement has nothing to work on, have no
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leads, any lead is something. so there's a chance it maybe wrong. it was wrong, okay, but it was a lead. but if it was right, if it was able to get to an image in that top 50, then that's huge. and this is the thing, how can you give the investigators something to work on? >> reporter: facial recognition may not measure up to the movies just yet, but it is coming soon to a police department near you. >> ifill: next, we take a look at the issue of border security, as part of our ongoing series, "inside immigration reform." and to ray suarez. >> suarez: it's critical to the debate over immigration reform: security along the united states' nearly 2000-mile border with mexico. nogales, arizona is a case in point. a long stretch of fencing separates the 20,000 residents
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there from more than 200,000 people just across the border in nogales, mexico. it's one of the busiest ports of entry between the two countries, and u.s. border patrol agents process millions of legal crossings each year. but more than 124,000 people were caught crossing illegally last year. millions more have not been caught over the years. and republicans say they should not be given a path to citizenship until the border is secured. republican senator john mccain of arizona helped author the immigration bill now headed to the senate. >> we've confronted the reality of de facto amnesty for the 11 million or more people who came here illegally by proposing a lengthy path to citizenship that doesn't place lawful immigrants at a disadvantage and it and is contingent on doing everything possible to make our border secure and discourage future waves of illegal immigration. >> suarez: on the other hand, many democrats argue that the border has never been safer. they point to nearly 20,000 u.s.
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border patrol agents patrolling the boundary, and to a network of cameras, sensors, drones and some 700 miles of fencing. president obama made that point on his visit to mexico earlier this month. >> i think it's important for everybody to remember that our shared border is more secure than it's been in years. illegal immigration attempts into the united states are near their lowest level in decades, and legal immigration continues to make both of our countries stronger and more prosperous and more competitive. >> suarez: indeed, some 1.6 million people were apprehended on the southwest border back in 2000, while in 2012, the number fell to just over 350,000. >> suarez: so, how secure is the border? for that, we get two different views from law enforcement leaders whose counties sit directly on the u.s. border with mexico. tony estrada is the sheriff of santa cruz county, arizona. and captain robert wilson is a sheriff's deputy in hudspeth county, texas. gentlemen, a lot of attention's been paid to border security in
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the dozen years since 9/11. as we're approaching a national debate over immigration reform, can you, sheriff estrada, say the say the border is more secure than it used to be? >> i can definitely say that. i've been there 45 years along the border with mexico, and we've had more resources, more technol, more boot on the ground. it just has improved tremendously. the urban area, we consider nogales and santa cruz county pretty secure. but it's a challenge. the border with nasdaq continues to be a major challenge that we're going to have a for a long time. >> captain wilson, same question, is the border more secure giagree with the sheriff that there has been more resources thrown at the border, and maybe in that area, but in hudspeth county, texas, we have 99 miles of river border with mexico, and the border is not
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secure in that area. we still have continued cartel activity across the river. we still have folks from our communities being executed, taken from texas and executed in mexico. and the immigration problem, the people coming over is the same. it hasn't diminished. >> suarez: let me follow up with you, captain wilson, is it possibleue mentioned 99 miles of river frontier with another country-- is it possible to-- is it affordable to seal mexico off from the united states in those places to control cross-border movements? >> i don't believe it's fees ebl to completely seal the border with mexico. and i don't believe you'd want to. i mean, there's a good relationship with that government. there's commerce and trade, and i think that need to continue.
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>> suarez: so what do you need that you don't have? >> i believe that we need more people, more patrols from u.s. border patrol. they're doing what they can with what they have. and maybe policies out of washington concerning the border might need to be looked at. >> suarez: sheriff, straeda you heard captain wilson talk become a mostly rural area. nogales is one of the major crossings in your part of the country. how are the the problems it different there? >> well, i guess we have a rugged, remote terrain, valleys, canyons that, obviously, are very attractive for these organizations to move drugs and people. un, we've always had that challenge of having to deal with those remote areas where you actually have very little ways of detecting that type of activity and that type of movement. we're not seeing the violence,ob, that the sheriff-- the captain mentioned that he's having in his area. and i think that's very important to recognize and be
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mindful that the dynamic changed tremendously from border to border. >> suarez: and when we look at a place like nogales, would we-- if we were to visit the border today-- see more in the way of actual physical barriers so that people can't cross on foot as easily any longer? >> oh, definitely. they have more barriers, obviously, more walls, more sensors, more floodlight, a lot more technol that has been apolite plooid along the border ask whichmakes it more and more difficult. but you still have the connection to the major highways here in arizona, and the major hubs of tucson and phoenix. this is a major quarter for drugs and people. it's going to continue. they're going to find ways. we've had tunnels, in 1995 b-100 drug tunnels have been discovered. people will come through the courts, either making false claims, false documents, overstay their visa, over the fence, around the fence, under
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the fence, so it just doesn't stop. the border is secure, but you can't have perfect security. >> suarez: you heard captain wilson mention he just needs more people. what do you need? >> definitely, we're a small department with a small budget, with major challenges along the border. weneed more funding, and we're getting more funding from the homeland security, and we have extra people in hot spots, partnered with border patrol, very helpful to provide more securities for the residents and visitors of santa cruz county. >> suarez: does the immigration bill currently working the way through congress hold any promise to get you closer to your goals of securing the border? >> no, i don't believe so. even if this immigration bill comes-- is passed and comes to light, i believe that they're
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still going to continue to come across the border in hudspeth county, all along texas, and the united states, and the carteland their activity with drug smuggling and the things that they do, that's not going to stop that. >> suarez: and how about you, sheriff estrada, does the current proposed immigration bill now in the senate hold any promise and any help for santa cruz county? >> i think it will. we need to be sure we don't repeat the mistakes of the 1980s with the amnesty. we need to continue to focus and be mindful and understand it is a border. it's a robust border poopts an active better. it's a dynamic border and we're going to continue to have those issues. the united states consumes over 50% of the world's drugs, then we have an issue with consumption here. we also have poverty along the
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world. there will be people that keep coming and that's the reality of the whole thing, irregardless of immigration reform which will be a good step forward. it's not going to eliminate the problem. >> suarez: captain wilson are you being asked to do too much? is the federal government taking enough of the burden for watching it such a big chunk of frontier off of your shoulder and your department's shoulder? >> well, hudspeth county is 5,000 square miles. we have 10 regular deputies to work this problem. they use overtime from the state we call it period star. our guys are out there all the time after their shift. i think the border patrol is doing what they can do with what they're allowed to do and that basically-- i don't think you could put enough guys in these places to curb all of the drug
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trafficking and immigration problems. >> suarez: sheriff tony estrada, robert wilson, gentlemen, thank you both. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> woodruff: finally tonight, only project: passing on the gift of reading. the "newshour's" special correspondent for education, john merrow, has the story. ♪ >> reporter: most of you are probably familiar with dolly parton, but to some, parton is more than a country music star. >> everywhere i go, the kids call me the book lady. >> reporter: the book lady? it's not surprising to these children. >> i love reading books. reading is my favorite thing >> my favorite was "tortoise and the hare." >> know david and david goes back to school.
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>> reporter: where did the books come from? >> dolly parton. dolly parton. >> dolly parton send me the books. >> reporter: in 1996 dolly parton created what she calls the imagination library to send free books to homes like this one. >> i like this once because it reminds me of my grandma. >> if she hadn't had those books, she wouldn't have had anything till she started kindergarten. >> reporter: madelyn and her great grandmother, mae lea barker, live in pigeon forge, tennessee. >> maddy was a very quiet when she was little because she was just moved around so much. she would always either have to be with her mother or her father. and i think the books, she carried them with her a lot of times. that was hers. she had somthing that she could call hers. >> the little girl has a great imagination like me she thinks of a monster, it's a green monster right here.
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and the granny tells her not to worry. >> we send these books to them in their little name, with their name on it. they look forward to go into the mailbox. this is theirs. this is mine. so i am going to either learn to read it, or i'm going to make somebody teach me how to read it. >> reporter: it all starts here, at birth. at this hospital in her hometown every newborn gets a free book.n probably 500 books to new moms. >> reporter: families in sier county can also sign up at the library. each child receives 60 free books, one every month until age five. >> it really, really started out as a very personal thing for me. and it was... originally just meant for the folks in my home county because of my dad. there were not books in our house growing up. and my dad could not read nor write. it was very crippling thing for him. my daddy was such a brilliant man. >> reporter: what started in one
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rural tennessee county 17 years ago has spread to 1,400 communities across the united states, england and canada. each affiliate raises money to pay for books and mailing. $2.00 each. the imagination library takes care of the rest, right here where it all began. >> our belief was that, oftentimes, the most powerful things are the most simple things. >> reporter: david dotson is president of the dollywood foundation. this international organization with a $20 million budget produces and distributes almost 700,000 books a month. >> what we are about-- is the emotional tie to books, that if children love something, they will continue to do it. sarah hillboth of the girls are excellent readers, just ahead of where they should be in reading. i think it makes a big difference when you have this huge library of books, there's so much to choose from. i don't know that we would be
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able to afford to buy all of those books for our children. and its nice to know that we don't have to make that decision. we don't have to choose between a book and something else for the kids. it's just-- that just comes to our mailbox. >> reporter: the value of reading to children is well documented. kids who have books in their homes and are read to regularly are more likely to succeed in school. >> we can definitely always tell if a child's been read to at home. their... their vocabularies are so much larger. >> reporter: rebecca smock teaches pre-k at pigeon forge elementary school. >> i think if you see if that literacy is a big deal at their house, then they're going to really-- they just kind of embrace that more when they come to school. they're ready for it. ♪ >> the older i get, the more
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appreciative i seem to be of the book lady title. it's-- makes me feel more like a legitimate person, not just a singer or an entertainer. but it makes me feel like i've done something good with... with my life and with my success. >> reporter: dolly parton's imagination library has now given children almost 50 million free books. >> ifill: again, the major developments of the day: white house officials pointed to new economic numbers as evidence the country is recovering and it was widely reported president obama plans to nominate james comey, a former bush administration official, to head the f.b.i. the story ofokula home's deadly tornadoes. >> woodruff: and that's the "newshour" for tonight.
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on thursday, we'll look at the challenges of caring for loved ones with alzheimer's. i'm judy woodruff. >> ifill: and i'm gwen ifill. we'll see you online and again here tomorrow evening. thank you and good night. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> more than two years ago, the people of b.p. made a commitment to the gulf. and everyday since, we've worked hard to keep it. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy. we shared what we've learned so that we can all produce energy more safely. b.p. is also committed to america. we support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. our commitment has never been stronger. >> i want to make things more secure. >> i want to treat more dogs. >> our business needs more cases. >> where do you want to take your business? >> i need help selling art.
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