tv European Journal PBS September 1, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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new mayor in a few days' time. the incumbent has used a clever trick to make sure he gets a head start. he has called fresh elections two years before they were due, leaving opposition groups hardly any time to prepare. the blogger has made a name for himself exposing cases of corruption amongst russia's elite. his supporters believe that is the real reason why he was put on trial earlier this year. he was initially sentenced to five years in a labor camp am a but was suddenly set free -- camp, but was suddenly set free. >> he posted a message on the internet summoning his supporters to this underground station. his campaign slogan is, change russia. start with moscow. he sends his volunteers out in groups.
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>> i am pleased to be funding this movement, which tens of thousands of people support here. we are fighting for power in moscow. we want a better life for ourselves and our children. these elections are a first step. conditions in russia need to improve. >> the elections for mayor are taking place in a few days. his team is highly motivated great most of them are very young, familiar with them -- motivated. most of them are very young, familiar with him through his blog. he reveals online and state corruption. >> i work and pay taxes. it is my money that is being embezzled, too, and my parents' money. they also work and pay taxes. that is why i want to have a say in how we live. >> here in moscow, people
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increasingly feel the changes once again possible. within the opposition party, the mood is one of optimism. its leader says he has never experienced anything like it before. he sees alexander as a key figure. many are pinning their hopes on him. two others of the centerleft party, -- to others of the centerleft party, he's too radical. >> is an opposition politician. we expelled him from the party because of his nationalist opinions. we don't think much of his political beliefs. >> this footage shows him taking part in a march organized by russian nationalists. he believes that migrant workers
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from asia are taking jobs away from russians. such abuse might have alienated liberals. the kremlin persecution -- views might have alienated liberals. the kremlin persecution. commentators say he had become too much of a thorn in the side of the powers that be. he was led out of the courtroom in handcuffs. across russia, tens of thousands protested against the verdict. a day later, he was released on bail. despite his charisma, he does not enjoy unconditional support. russians don't believe in heroes. an audience member asks, what percentage of politicians' election promises is populism? good question. over 100%.
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seriously, if i make a promise, i deliver. we have a strategy here. he is a former adviser to president putin and understands how the kremlin works. he says that he poses a serious threat, dismissing that he is actually a government mole. >> he sheds light on something very new. the kremlin elite no longer exists, and that opens up the corridors of power to democratic politicians. >> these days, most people in moscow know who he is. even so, elena and the other campaign volunteers still have to explain what he intends to do
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as mayor. from cutting red tape to creating affordable housing, and putting an end to corruption. >> i still would not vote for him. he has no idea how to run a city like moscow. he doesn't have a clue how the moscow government works. >> i just hope he doesn't turn out to become another one who becomes corrupt the minute he is in power, and the red tape stays the same with someone else in charge. >> he doesn't stand a chance against the incumbent mayor, who is the kremlin's man. to his supporters, even 20% of the vote would be an important victory against putin's russia. >> we have been traveling to the most remote corners of europe. in the last part of our series, we are taking you to a place in scandinavia, where the
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inhabitants are not exactly thrilled that their peace and quiet could soon be over. the indigenous people live high up in the north of europe. for thousands of years, they have been roaming the northernmost parts of norway, finland, sweden, and russia with their reindeer. many in sweden are feeling threatened. an english mining company wants to build and -- an iron orer there. >> when her mother was growing up, there weren't any roads around here. now heavy goods vehicles are looming on the horizon. >> in stockholm last year, one investor wanted to know if there were any locals here. he was told no. and then the people from the mining company showed a picture of a raised forest.
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settlers like us have been here for 300 years. >> a map of the region shows how much land is at stake. >> this will become one huge pit with a spoil pitt and stones behind. this lake will be gone, and a dam built for water from the mill. >> for the time being, the blueberry bushes remain untouched. it is amazing how much grows on iron ore deposits. the quality of the deposits are is believed to be worth more than 200 billion euros. >> we only needed to drill one meter. a could be it extends another 200 meters. >> huge swathes consist of
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little more than barely populated wilderness. the resources have long been underestimated. with the price of iron ore exploding, the northernmost corner of sweden is going to go through some changes. the swedish government is planning three dozen new mines. there is growing resistance to the plans. these young people come from all over northern sweden. they have been living in the forest for several weeks, getting used to the mosquitoes, sorting their trash, and making sure no one gets through. he is a documentary filmmaker. he tucks a pinch of tobacco under his lip when he gets angry. for example, when asked if one
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mine more or less makes a difference in such vast wilderness. >> this has been going on for 200 years, and the forest is being eroded. the land is being taken away. our communities are being destroyed. they behave like colonialists, taking. always taking. now they want to get at the very ground beneath our feet, just for the sake of money. >> and activist who wishes to remain anonymous shows us the extremes to which he is prepared to go if the diggers to come here. he will lock his arm underground . another member of the local family stops by every day.
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this is the first protest the 87-year-old has ever been in. he is amazed that the mining companies don't even have to set aside money in case they go bust. >> one of my protesting? -- what am i protesting? the atrocious loss we have in sweden. companies are given land for nothing. the government pays for all the infrastructure. >>@10:00 in the morning, the police arrived to clear the road. ♪ >> but things go far from smoothly for them. they have to be careful not to harm demonstrators when digging them out of the ground or
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removing them from their wooden refuges. it takes four hours. she and her father make sure everything proceeds in a civilized manner. after a round of police questioning, protesters are back at the site just hours later. it is traditional grazing land in the winter. their numbers rise to four and a half thousand. the mining company claims the pit only takes of a minimum amount of space. >> all we need is 15 square kilometers. the local community includes around 80 reindeer breeders. they have an area of 3900 square kilometers at their disposal.
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their claim that we are ruining their livelihoods is nonsense. they're just looking for money. >> neighboring the land is where they first settled. the village will stay put, but its tranquility will be gone once the machines start up. >> they offered to build us a wash house to get rid of the extra dust in our carpets. but it is our lungs we are worried about, not our carpets. >> as was the case with the original settlers in the late 18th century, the water from the river is still safe to drink. with a mine next door that will
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be the thing of the past. >> eight months can be a long time. eight months is how long it takes german authorities on average to assess somebody's asylum application. during this time, asylum and germany can't do anything but wait. -- seekers in germany can't do anything but wait. many of them are eager to work, but cannot get proper jobs. switzerland has launched a six- month internships for asylum- seekers. it is a controversial project. some say that asylum-seekers are being exploited and used as a form of cheap labor. others think it is a great idea. >> for dementia patients like
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her, moments like this brighten up her day. not all caregivers have time for such moments. he does. he is an asylum seeker from eritrea. he began working at a nursing home six months ago. his german is still very basic, although a swiss accent is already discernible. but what he lacks in smalltalk, he makes up for in his charming manner. he is set to formally become a care assistant once he passes the final exam. he will remain on welfare, but are not additional 150 euros a month. in his eyes, it is a big opportunity. >> i don't want to stay at home.
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i want to find work and take responsibility for my family. >> he has learned a lot from the program, and improved his german. >> [speaking german] >> in this case, it is a labor of love. has she had negative feedback, any prejudiced comments or anything like that? not here. everyone here likes him because he is such a nice person. he takes classes in hygiene, nutrition, and nursing. they are paid for by the red cross. the pilot project was attended by eight asylum-seekers.
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that will change if the organizers have their way. >> if things keep developing so well, we plan to offer classes nationwide. >> on the one hand, the program serves to integrate refugees into society. at the same time, it provides a low-cost solution to personnel shortages at nursing homes. from the swiss association of nursing care, he sees the asylum-seekers as a burden rather than boom. -- she sees the asylum-seekers as a burden rather than boom. >> in some cases, the working conditions mean we are unable to cover it. they are no substitute for professional caregivers. we already have enough auxiliary workers in switzerland. >> back in eritrea, he worked at a military hospital.
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that can hardly be compared to the professional training here. in opponents' eyes, their employment is irresponsible. >> we have had a response. some of our members are outraged. there is frustration that these asylum seekers are allowed to work with and treat dementia patients. >> the question then is, what are asylum-seekers to do with their lives? he arrived with nothing other than a few photos. but now he has a family and feels at home here. he fled the military dictatorship in eritrea before making the precarious sea crossing to europe. >> it was really difficult for
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me. we had a storm that lasted four days. part of the boat was broken. it was really bad. >> he was one of the projects' initiators and wants to see it expanded. >> these people have a talent for working with the elderly. it is an asset with these immigrants, and one we can use. >> he would like to continue working at the nursing home, provided he is offered a job. others here at least would appreciate him being here in the future. >> if you are exposed to too much noise, it can make you ill. the eu past the sofa -- so-
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called environmental noise act. the level of noise in big european cities must be monitored. the population has to be kept informed about it, and cities have to try to keep the noise to a minimum. in italy, this directive has triggered a lash -- clash of lifestyles. >> she likes living in the center of rome, though she shakes her head at the changes in her neighborhood. the fast food joints create a constant acoustic assault. >> people stay out on the street
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until closing time, shouting. young people, drunk. they urinate and throw up below my windows. sometimes i have to call an ambulance for them at 4:00 in the morning. >> it is night time when dina really loses her cool. she tries to get the people outside her apartment to quiet down, but has a hard time convincing them. it is midnight in rome, and going home is the last thing on these peoples' minds. >> how can anybody close up at 1:00? for most people, that is when the night is just beginning. >> the partygoers have little understanding for the neighborhood's older residents who want to turn in for the night. >> anyone who lives here in downtown rome has enough money to buy a quiet flat somewhere else. >> but many are not prepared to
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move out. young suburbans don't want rowdy revelers on their own doorstep either. noise was also a problem in milan. residents put a stop to revelers giving them up all night. julia set up a citizens action group and forced city hall to pass more stringent laws on noise pollution. >> the officials in city hall and her stood that the most important thing is to protect the city from vandalism -- understood that the most important thing is to protect tying, thesem vandalism. people have lost control of themselves. say european law backs him up in a battle. >> european law is on our side. it says residents here have to
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be informed before decisions are made that will radically alter their lives. a neighborhood here has been turned into something like las vegas, and no one was even asked about it. >> new laws prohibit the consumption of food and drink on the streets of milan after midnight. the aim is to prevent large gatherings and keep noise levels down. but the new law means that he cannot sell his sandwiches to partygoers. that could spell the end of his business. >>@1:00 in the morning, i'm not allowed to serve anything. it is also illegal to serve in the streets. that is madness. it is destroying 20,000 jobs in the city. >> enjoying a gelato on the city streets was initially forbidden. even the peaceloving inner-city residents thought that was a step too far.
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authorities have been trying to take a more measured approach since then. >> the law is aimed more at donor kebabs and pizza. ice cream was affected at first, but that was corrected after 48 hours. >> anyone eating or consuming alcohol in public is now politely asked to move on. michael from city hall thinks the generational divide is to blame for the noise problems. he increasingly sees it as a conflict b twe young people from the suburbs and elderly residents in the inner- city. >> we have to mediate. the new rules say that every public bar in the district has to be close by 3:00 in the morning. we have to protect the interests of everybody who lives there. >> but the bottles come out
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again as soon as the police are out of sight. many partygoers art -- par tygoers are determined. >> there is nothing really happening here right now. come back at 4:00, when everybody is really drunk. that is when they really let their hair down. >> dina in rome dreams of a good night's sleep and intends to keep fighting for her full 40 winks. >> that report brings us to the end of this edition of "european journal." you can watch all our programs online at /europeanjournal. from all of us in brussels, thank you for watching.
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