tv Charlie Rose PBS September 26, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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>> rose: welcome to the program. we begin this evening with william hague, the british foreign secretary. >> these things are put in a different way by this iranian team, by this team of ministers than any assurances that we've seen from iran before. that doesn't mean-- and i stress this again-- that doesn't mean that they are going to come forward with the right proposals but we all give this our best shot. we welcome this opportunity to find a peaceful negotiated solution top iran's nuclear program. >> rose: and earlier today a rare interview with the prime minister of japan, shinzo abe. >> ( translated ): well, for one
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thing economic reform is important and i love my country and i am proud of my country and i want january japan as a country contributing to the resolution of challenges and issues in the world and what i'm trying to do i talked about this earlier and with what i said may bomb described as right wing or military. >> rose: the foreign secretary of great britain and the prime minister of japan when we continue.
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stockpiles, this would obviously be a major step forward. >> rose: william hague is the british foreign secretary and a close ally of david cameron. today he represented the united kingdom between iran and the five plus one nations. it was also attended by john kerry. it represented the highest level face to face meeting between iran and the united states or n more than three decades. also on the agenda of the minister this week is syria. diplomatic negotiations are taking place at the united nations security council to dismass turnpike it will syrian regime's chemical weapons. i'm pleased to have the foreign secretary back at this table. welcome. >> rose: >> thank you very much indeed. pleasure to be here. >> rose: this meeting disbanded at 4:00. we tape this at 6:00. tell me what happened. >> well, it had a good tone. it had a good spirit. we met the e 3 plus 3 countries, or the p 5 plus one. the five permanent members of the security council plus germany before the iranian
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minister joined us and we worked very closely together. he gave a good constructive speech and carefully thought about it all. the tone and spirit of the meeting was very different from previous efforts on this. in any case, as you've heard at the highest level for a long time the ministers meet together with the iranian minister on this the question is question k we get the detail to go with that tone and snirt so we have agreed some detailed negotiations in geneva on the 15th and 16th of october son so within the next three weeks. and now we need, as we told him, some detailed proposals from iran to respond to proposals we put to them before. >> rose: these were proposals on the table from the p 5 plus 1. >> we put forward proposals about how each side could take steps towards building
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confidence that we could resolve the dispute over the nuclear program. those proposals are still there on the table and we now want to see some iranian proposals in more detail. but it was a good meeting. i pay tribute to him for that, for changing the atmosphere along with his president and we have all been able to meet him, many foreign ministers like me have met him individually during the week so we have for most of us this is the second meeting with him and we've got a good working relationship with him. >> rose: he has saturday at this table many times because he was a former ambassador to the united nations, as you know. when you say "tone," what suggests tone? >> well, this is about a -- the indication of the readiness to do things. you know? to be ambitious. to say dosh assure us that they want to resolve the matter. to say that we can do it within a particular timeline. to be cat gohr i can that iran
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does not want nuclear weapons and knows that it's not in its own interest to have nuclear weapons. now, these things are put in a different way by this iranian team, by this team of ministers than any assurances that we've seen from iran before. that doesn't mean-- and i stress this again-- that they are going to come forward with the right proposals, but we will all give this our best shot. we welcome this opportunity to find a peaceful negotiated solution to iran's nuclear program. >> rose: and what would they do? would they dismantle centrifuges? would they allow you to inspect every site that they have where they are trying to, as they say, develop the peaceful energy? >> and this is for discussion. and we are open to proposals about it. the proposal that was put forward before involved some limited relief from sanctions and assurance of no new sanctionss in return for the
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first limited steps by iran to restrict itself enrichment of uranium. so that's an example of what is being put forward before and not agreed. well, of course, there are different ways of going at this. it certainly has to include just to get at first base just as a minimum it has to include full transparency, which has been one of the problems in the iranian nuclear programs so the world knows what is going on there. >> rose: i asked the president yesterday, or wednesday, was he prepared to make sure that all the concerns of the i.a.e.a. that were on the table were cleared up? >> well, that is a very good question. because at the moment iran is acting in defiance of i.a.e.a. board resolutions as well as the united nations security council resolutions. all those things have to change in order to really build confidence. so transparency is part of it. but it's more than transparency.
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>> rose: what's their explanation for defying i.a.e.a. united nations request? >> well, that you have been -- you have been asking them and this meeting was not to try to resolve all of that. there will be a record of this meeting. we were not expecting to resolve these issues now and, of course, they understood around that table that we disagree over a lot of things. minister zarif's view is that we're not the whole of international community. we don't have the right to put sanctions on iran. our view is that it's only by putting sanctions on iran that we've got into a process of negotiations and that has been better than any of the alternatives. >> rose: they're also bringing in this idea that israel has nuclear weapons as part of their conversation. >> yes. president rouhani said other countries should join the nonproliferation treaty. there are several countries not in the n.p.t. including israel, india, pakistan.
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iran is in the non-proliferation treaty and so it has to abide by the non-proliferation treaty before it can give lectures to anybody else. >> rose: other issues. you've raised human rights with him? >> yes, i welcomed when i met him the release of some political prisoners. this is the one respect in which iran has gone beyond the change of tone. they've released some and so we welcome it and it would be churlish not do so. there are other political prisoners, of course, and many restrictions on freedom of expression and many abuses of human rights in iran. so that situation hasn't changed over night and been transformed but we should welcome that progress. >> rose: and with respect to syria what did they say? >> well, syria, iran, really, that the headline from iran is they don't want the use of chemical weapons and, indeed, iran is in the country that's been on the receiving end of chemical weapons in recent
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decades. so they can speak with some feeling about that. we have been pressing iran to say that they accept what we agreed in geneva last year that we need a political solution in syria with the formation of a transitional government made up of regime and opposition with full executive authority and that if they would step that as the starting point for future discussions well, then, it would be easier to discuss these things with them. they haven't yet accepted that, but we will keep pressing them to do so. >> rose: one argument that's being made is that the syrian regime with help from hezbollah and help from iran and help from russia has since seen an uptick in their place on the battlefield and it was tilting towards them and as long as that was the reality, the battleground, or the battlefield they were not inclined
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>> that's right. i think that has been the situation. but the actual situation on the ground in syria seems to be in conflict with that. the certainian regime has had direct help from iran, from hezbollah, and that has helped them in areas near the border with lebanon. but in other parts of syria in recent months it hasn't by any means all gone their way. opposition groups have been making gains and, in fact, it seems that it's quite possible one of the reasons the chemical weapons were used on talk 2-1 is because the regime had had such difficulty and was so worried about those areas to the east of damascus and thought the opposition was going to able to start advancing more and more. >> rose: what they could get away with. why wasn't the british parliament prepared to give your prime minister support? >> of course, i wanted the british parliament to give the prime minister their strong support. like america, we live a very
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vibrant democracy so we accept that. >> rose: but it raised questions as to what were they representing? those who said no? >> you're asking know represent the opposite point of view. but in. >> rose: well -- >> but in trying to describe that i think there is a -- we are seeing some of the hangovers from the experience of iraq. >> rose: that's what tony blair said. >> it's left people doubting in the past. intelligence, evidence. intelligence that is presented to them. doubting to a greater extent a prime minister in taking their word as to whether we need to take military action. now such skepticism about this is not necessarily unhealthy but i think it was those factors that were at work and a desire to see some sort of negotiated
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settlement as it has turned out, the threat and the point of military action by the united states has produced a major change in the situation. >> rose: no doubt in your mind the syrians said okay, we'll give up chemical weapons, because they knew an air strike, if it came, would change the reality on the ground and perhaps lead to the end of the assad regime. >> i think russia has said to the syrian regime this is what you need to do in this situation. they depend a great deal on the diplomatic protection of russia and so when they chef that message from russia that's what we've decided to do. we have to make sure they do it and we have agreed this evening along the permanent members of the security council the text of a resolution that now has to go to the whole security council. >> i want to know what you agreed to. >> well, for that you will have to see what -- once we've given it to all the security council members but we have agreed on a resolution that isn't as strong
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as many of us would have wanted but goes further than russia would have wanted. basically gives effect to the u.s./russia deal on chemical weapons and that sets out how the u.n. will work with the o.p.c.w. to give effect to this. >> the president has spoken to this issue before. the question is if syria doesn't comply the president wants language in the united nations that there will be consequences for them not complying but you're saying there is language that that there is consequences but you can you can't say what the consequences are. >> we can't say what the consequences are but the language in the agreement between secretary kerry and minister lavrov was that the security council would return to chapter 7 measures in the event of non-compliance. >> rose: what are chapter 7? >> well, that is then measures to try to enforce compliance. so that is in the resolution.
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it's a resolution under chapter 7 itself but it holds out the prospect of consequences under chapter 7. >> rose: just back for a moment to the vote in the parliament. does it have any impact in terms of the confidence in the united states in britain or any of that? those questions being raised about whatever happened to the special relationship? >> rose: well, that's very muffin there and indeed we've had good conversations, i had with secretary kerry, the prime minister had with president obama straight after that vote. i think a vibrant democracy is well respected in america. it should not be taken as meaning and it does not mean that britain isn't active and ready to do what is necessary in a whole range of situations in the world. we're doing that all the time. we're there in afghanistan now. >> rose: could the prime minister have acted without a vote in the parliament? >> we don't have in our unwritten constitution strict
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legal rules about this. we do have the convention that if there is time to ask parliament to take military action the that we go to parliament. that doesn't mean that if we have to fulfill treaty obligations to nato, to go to the aid of an ally under attack but if we are the subject of a surprise attack it doesn't mean we don't have to ask parliament first. there's one important point that comes out of this which is that in america, britain, france, we do have to make the positive case as to why we need to be engaged in world affairs. >> rose: two issues: one is nairobi and two sexual violence in conflict which you have been eloquent about. first, nairobi. what do we know about this point about what happened and who did it? >> we don't know for sure. here we're assisting the kenyans
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in any way we can but it's there investigation. there are elements of al-shabaab, the group that operates in somalia who have claimed responsibility and seemed to have given out information about what they've done. i don't think we can be absolutely certain about that. but of course there's a serious possibility that that's the explanation. the it is a terrorist attack. i think the people of kenya, the government of kenya, will not be deterred in their determination to try to bring stability to neighboring somalia and none of this should be deterred by that. >> rose: what do you think the effort against terrorism today is because what we are seeing obvious is not al qaeda, that central leadership, what we knew as al qaeda was decimated, just look at the numbers that have been tilled. but there are al qaeda affiliated groups, there's al qaeda with all kinds of new
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names. we see some of them in syria. what's the nature today of the enemy? >> it's a more diffuse threat than it was clearly and more parts of the world and it's the core of al qaeda operating from afghanistan as they were, the time of 9/11, has been very seriously damaged and degraded by what we've done in afghanistan. but it is a more diffuse threat. it takes advantages of local grievances in the world. in the arabian peninsula, in west africa, as you say in syria. often characterized by foreign fighters who will go to that country to use its conflicts and so that requires a greater degree of corporations with a wider range of countries than ever before. it means we are british
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authorities, american authority and agencies needed to be involved with the domestic authorities working closely with them night and day. and we are doing that. we're doing it with a lot of success in recent years. but, of course, you have to be vigilant literally 24 hours a day. and develop really close partnerships with some of those countries while trying to make sure that the that at the same time they respect just and human rights concerns so that they're operating to the standards we would like to see. >> rose: we have notice it is not a new idea and a new thing but sexual violence in war and in conflict. history has been replete with that but there seems to be a lot of it now in small conflicts and larger ones. what do you intend to do? >> well, we intend to shatter the impunity for these crimes. i'm -- i'm setting out to change the whole global attitude to
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these crimes. as you say rape has been used as a weapon of war systematically and n conflicts and the congo, in bosnia, in europe. many many different parts of the world over the last few decades and often it has been a bit of a taboo subject. i mean, the world doesn't discuss. well, i'm trying to make sure the world does discuss this. then we agree in a new international protocol we hope to agree next year how we investigate and document these crimes so that more of the perpetrators can be brought to justice so that then people know in future conflicts they will be brought to justice. these crimes will not be forgotten. and if we can do that we'll do a great deal of good for humanity but we'll also make it easier to resolve conflicts. >> rose: and they will be brought to justice by whom? >> well, that could be by the international criminal court and indeed justice just today charles taylor has been found at
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the court for sierra leone guilty of crimes, including crimes of sexual violence. we need so see more of those things or of course it can be the prosecuting authorities of the courts in their own country but we need to help those countries have the cape tonight do this sort of thing. to document and gather the evidence so i've set up a team of 70 experts, doctors, lawyers, forensic experts who can go out to countries and advise them on how to do that. and i've succeeded in this week in getting 120 countries to agree that these crimes are grave breaches of the geneva convention which means people who commit them can be apprehended anywhere in the world, that we will agree a new protocol and that then we will give practical support to the organizations on the ground that seek prosecutions. so there's real momentum behind us now. we can change the global attitude to some of the most
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terrible crimes remaining on our planet. >> rose: and how long will this take? >> i don't know. we started this one year and four months ago. i started out on what i call my preventing sexual violence initiative with angelina jolie, the u.n. envoy for refugees and working with the secretary general special representative on it in that year and four months we have garnered the degree of international support and recognition that i'm talking about. it will take many years to eradicate these crimes. but it's important to take these crucial steps now. >> rose: i couple of things. before i came over here to sit at this table with you i googled you. (laughs) right? >> and what did you find? >> rose: well, that's what i'm going to tell you. first of all, you get the bbc and what you said and the
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account of what happened at the meeting today and the security council meeting tomorrow. then they had a long his of your tweets, who you're tweeting about and what you're tweeting about. how often do you do this? >> well, quite a few times a day. >> rose: and what do you tweet about? >> about what i'm doing as foreign secretary. you don't always get the opportunity as i'm getting with you to explain what i've been doing today to large numbers of people. yet there are people who are interested. it's a way of conveying them the range of things that we work on that we've been discussing syria and iran, that we've been negotiating today at the sexual violence initiative. but i've also been involved in a very impressive international meeting on illegal wildlife trafficking, on trying to save the rhinos from the el haven'ts
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and so on and unless i tweeted about that amidst all the other stuff we've been talking about maybe nobody would have noticed. so it's an very important way of getting information out to millions of people. >> rose: and how many tweets do you read? >> well, i follow a few hundred people. i don't have much time to look through them all. but if i'm late at night for a checkup on what people have been tweeting that day it is a fantastic new means of communication. and it allows a politician like me to have direct interaction with people. it's great to have your questions. but i can say i'm having an hour on twitter where i'll answer questions from anybody in the world and they can -- >> rose: how often do you do that? >> well, i haven't done in the recent weeks because we've had so many things going on the agenda but i'll be doing it again soon. so in a way it's reinventing the village politic. when the voter can actually talk
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to directly albeit in 140 characters. -to-people who are in charge of things. i think that should be welcomed and politicians have to embrace new means of communication. >> rose: some say it's personalization and democratization of the media today. >> it is a very positive thing and it means you can speak directly to people. rather than through the fog of media. not that the there's ever fog ever on your program. (laughs) >> rose: thank you very much. it's a pleasure to have you here. >> thank you very much, indeed. >> rose: william hague, the foreign minister of great britain. when we come back, the prime minister of japan. stay with us. >> ( translated ): i would like to announce that the government of japan will newly provide additional humanitarian assistance to syria and surrounding countries of approximately $60 million u.s. dollars. >> rose: shinzo abe is one of japan's most popular prime ministers. his economic reform program has
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reinvigorated japan's long-stagnant economy. he also wants to change japan's pacifist constitution to allow it to build a stronger military. today the prime minister addressed the united nations general assembly. >> ( translated ): this last june my government invited african heads of state and government and representedive thes of international organizations to japan to convene the fifth tokyo international conference on african development. on this occasion i was deeply struck that representatives of african nations repeatedly expressed great eagerness to welcome private-sector investment. >> rose: hours before the speech he joined me about japan, china, and created what he calls a society where women shine. mr. prime minister, thank you for joining us for this conversation. you are about to become a hero to billions of woman.
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you soon will speak to the united nations in a matter of hours and you will talk about women and the role they play in the economy and the role they play in the japanese onomy. tell me how you came and why you believe so much that women are crucial to abeinomics and japan. >> ( translated ): well, i really do not know who corn it had term "abinomics." but in my economic and fiscal policy we consider the women to be very important in japan. still the power and ability of women have not been fully made use of. and we see the declining population in japan and to secure the growth, the power of women is essential.
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more than half of the population is women and we should take full advantage of the power of women. this is the urgent issue in that sense we should make sure women can raise children while working so we are creating the facilities to hundreds of thousands in two years and $400 in five years and $120,000 in coming years and we'll take various majors some 30% of women will be in leading positions and i am calling on the business community too support our policies. >> rose: what else do you want to tell the united nations and the audience here in new york?
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>> >> ( translated ): in the ited nations we should utilize women and create a society in which women can shine. and, of course, we would realize this first and fore most japan but also in the developing countries we would like to improve the status of women so that the potential of women can be fully exercised and in that regards we would make contribution to the global community. and another thing that i would like to assert is based on international collaboration to make proactive contribution to peace. so japan would tackle as many challenges as possible in the global community that is something that i would also like to astort the united nations. and people in the world. to be more specific with troordz
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the current situation in syria, we have extended additional $80 million of assistance and this is something that i have told it will the united nations. >> rose: $60 million for what purpose? >> ( translated ): for syria. together with the international community, japan would also call on syria to abolish nuclear weapons, to promote political dialogue, suspension of force and also improvement of this appalling humanitarian condition and japan has already extended this $95 million of assistance to the neighboring countries and for the refugees and dislocated people and $120 million to
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jordan and also assistance to the areas where the opposition forces are in control for the medical staff training and also disposable x-ray devices and also we are supporting the refugees and the dislocated people so for humanitarian assistance we would extend another $60 million of assistance and in iran there are for humanitarian condition children and where i am going to continue extending assistance in this assistance of $60 million that we have suspended we have these $280 million of assistance that we have extended in this
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grave situation in syria. >> rose: i want to talk about abinomics as well. how is it different in your second term as prime minister than it was in your first? and why? >> ( translated ): the difference between my first and second camp maybe i experienced (inaudible) so i took this at this time and then i'm always thinking of what people want and not what i. i want to do but what people want. in japan is it is rather rare for the person to serve but the reason why i was chosen as the prime minister again is that we
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were the prolonged deflation of 15 years and economy was in downturn and i was chosen as a prime minister to do something about the economy. so so my missioning is to revitalize the japanese economy. first and foremost we have to overcome a prolonged deflation and to that end i decided to take a flexible fiscal policy and a growth strategy that will promote the private investments and formulate that and execute such policy. in other words, this time around people of japan, what they want i show them the implementation and i am executing such policies. >> rose: people around the world look at what has happened in japan and they admire your growth policies. they admire the way you have
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stimulated the economy. they raise two questions: first, is it sustainable. and second, the percentage of debt to g.d.p. speak to both. >> ( translated ): looking at the g.d.p. growth rate of july, september period last year the growth rate was 73% but thanks to my new policies in two consecutive quarters this would be from -- first january to march the growth rate was up to 4.2 and then the april-june 3.8% positive and the unemployment
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rate also improved and the ratio of job seekers have improved very much and consumption is picking up as well as production so it not just monetary easing but now we are seeing because that capital investment increasing so we'd like to make it a stable path of recovery. and you talked about cumulative death that is important. and my mission is to achieve those. so in order to achieve the fiscal consolidation we have to overcome it first and revitalize the economy otherwise we can not see an increase in revenue so that we can make a fiscal consolidation therefore in that i am determined to take the
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proper set of measures. >> rose: but debt as a percentage of j.d. spe 240%. 240%. one of the largest in the world, you can't live with that. >> well, that is exactly right. we have already taken the majors to the bill to increase the tax rate to cope with increasing social security spending. but with the increase in consumption tax rate we should not cause the setback in the economy but we will look at the various economic indicateors and then at president beginning of next month we will take this decisions to increase the tax
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rate in april next year. indeed, we have accumulated debt but we have a larges a and the national debt of japan is in yen 95% of the government of government bonds are held by japanese nationals. so in that sense maybe the voices of concern about the credibility of japanese national bond has been maintained and in order to maintain the credibility and credit standing of our country we have to recover the economy and also to make these public finances wholesome. >> rose: let me turn foreign policy and the relationship with china. and specifically over the islands. it causes great concern for
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people because they worry that something could go wrong and something could happen and something could cause military collision between japan and china >> on the economic front i think we are mutually dependent on each other. japan actually export it is products to china and makes investments and china makes investments and also create employment and also there is this reprocessing of the made products that is initially exported into china and that is a source of revenue for china.
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and so we need to come back to this origin of this mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interest not to harm the entire relationship and so in g-20 i had been able to meet for the first time mr. xi jinping and we had shaken hands and so going back to the basis of a mutually beneficial space on this strategic interest i believe we can have dialogue. and with "on the road" the senkaku islands, of course this is an inherent part of the territory of japan and this is under the control of japan and so even ff maybe, possibly, a problem with regards to the senkaku islands we are going to address this situation calmly and with firm resolve so as not to escalate the situation any further and of course because of
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the senkaku islands we should not exacerbate the basic bilateral ties so we are always open to dial up with china. so we have to get closer and have this dialogue. >> rose: perhaps a summit between you and xi jinping? >> well, i myself and the government of japan is fully open to dialogue with china. i have called on china that our outdoor to dialogue is open and that is the attitude that i would like to maintain >> let me talk about cultural issues as well. it is believed that you would
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like to change the japanese military and the attitude about japanese military that has existed since the end of world war ii. what would you like to do. >> as i mentioned at the outsaid set, going forward japan will be deploying the active contribution to peace and contribute to the resolutions and contribute to peace and stanlt in the world. so in that sense, concerning the interpretation of right to collective self-defense and also the collective and security activities the interstation of the constitution about activities of self-defense.
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it is important for us to look into that and study that and for instance when japan -- japanese forces -- the self-defense forces are involved in the u.n. p.k.o. activities in a certain region working together with the troops of other countries and when the troops of other countries attacked and ask the japanese forces to help, under the current interpretation of the constitution our forces can not come and extend helping hands. my view is that -- another point as you know, we are in alliance with the united states. this u.s./japan alliance lasted for more than 50 years and contributes greatly to the peace and stability in the region and the world. and we say japan alone cannot
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exercise the right to collective defense. what i mean is a certain country may shoot a missile and in order to prepare for that under the aegis of the united states and japan may be in action together in and around japan and when they are -- when they are aiming at the missile and when the u.s. is attacked by the missile, for instance, then -- or by airplane or missile and even though japanese missiles can counter that, under the current constitutional interpretation is not allowed. it will make the operation between the u.s. and japan and
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also the alliance relationship between those countries. and also in view of the global international circumstances, my view is that can we again need that there. and in terms of the constitution the pacifism and the renunciation of the war and the people's right of sovereign city a basic interpretation but we have self-defense forces very capable and (inaudible) that description of self-defense forces is not clear, that civilian control description is n my view is that we have to clarify that. that's my view. >> rose: that's why amending article 9 is so important?
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>> ( translated ): as i mentioned, pacifism has changed but what i mentioned is in the article 9 and in -- but we have self-defense forces and a natural right of a country so it is important to clearly describe the presence of self-defense forces. it is nothing different from what other countries have doing in the world. >> rose: there are those who say that they are two prime minister abe: one is an economic reformer an economic reformer. conservative nationalist.heyoth accurate?
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>> ( translated ): econic reform is important and i will take solace in that and i love my country and i am proud of my country i want japan as a country capable of contributing to thehallenges and issues in the world. and i talked about this earlier and what i said may be described as right wing or military the. is but in a country the defense budget has increased by more than 10% in over 20 years and in my case i increased the defense budget after 11 years but only by .. so it's not the headline issue but it's the fact i want you to
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look at. >> rose: as you know in the 1970s and '80s there was a great sense of japan as the great economic power. in america, they worried japan was going to take over the world. all of your industries were doing so well. then there was a decline. did that do damage to the self-defense of japan? >> as you mentioned, indeed we in japan lost our self-confidence especially the past 15 years and the economic situation kept declining and with the lose of economic power the presence of a country in the world disappears and the degree of contribution a country can do may be undermined.
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and so we'll work together and join our forces and so that people can regain the awareness that dreams can be realized so we work together to realize that so in the economic front why the population we can harness the power of women and when we join forces through innovation then we can again regain our position. we are now gaining back a sense of self-confidence and that's a difference. and also the that contributes to the region and the world. this is another view point we should regain back. >> rose: i have one other question about japan today and confidence but i don't want to miss the idea of fukushima and
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how you're recovering from that terrible tragedy today. >> ( translated ): as a result of the great earthquake and tsunami two years ago there was a problem with the fukushima power plant and as a result of that tragedy there are so people m people who cannot yet go to their lives and their houses and this makes me very sad. and without the recovery in fukushima there will be no economic growth japan. and so in fukushima, number one nuclear power plant deconventioning is being assimilated by accumulating the wisdom of not only japan but the entire world.
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so these people who had-to-evacuate and to go back to their normal livelihood would be, of course, the objective of the recovery task and also this nuclear accident was very important event for us to secure the safety of this nuclear power generation and this needs to be shared with the world which i believe is our mission and responsibility to secure full safety of the nuclear power generation. but first of all we have to make progress steadily towards the decommissioning of the power plant and at the same time towards full recovery and reconstruction we have to join our hands to let those evacuees return to their not mall lives and their homes and we need to be responsible to fully supply
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the necessary electricity level for this demand. >> rose: you mentioned the olympics in 2020. as you know, for china when they had the olympics it was a moment of great national pride. it was also a moment for china to make a statement about china. what statement do you want to see these olympics coming to japan make about japan? what do you want to the world to know about japan and make them understand and appreciate in the second decade of this century? >> ( translated ): in 1964 we hosted the tokyo olympics. back then i was only 10 years old and as a small boy i was
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really excited because many wonderful athletes from throughout the world are coming to japan and the japanese did a very good job so i was really excited and we were exposed to this olympic spirit and from the following year the japanese younger generation started to go abroad as teachers of gymnastics and other areas in order to have exposure to the global economy and the global community. and in the 2020 olympic games, the olympic spirit is something that we would like to see fully disseminated throughout the world. we are going to have vice president this activity much more than the level of the activity that we had in 1964. sports for tomorrow is the name of the plan that we are going to start implementing. that means we are going to send
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a greater number of japanese athletes and people to other countries in the world to really convey the wonderful spirit of the olympics and how wonderful the sport is. so first of all we would like to use the 2020 tokyo olympics and an opportunity to send us this message that sports is wonderful so two years ago we had experienced this tragedy of the great japan earthquake and on that occasion we have received support from many people from all over the world that includes athletes from the world who had come to japan to support the grieving children, for example so we want japan, of course, to return the wonderful warmth and kindness that we have received and we would like to make contributions to the world and that is what we would like the world to see. >> rose: i hear you, and you have to go to the united nations
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to make a speech. but i hear you saying that japan understands its place in the world today. it understands its challenges but you believe the problems are manageable and the best days of japan are ahead of it. >> ( translated ): of course, it's not easy to manage the issues and challenges in the world. however we should never give up the tofrtd resolve these issues. there would not be any future in the world if we give up. so we have to have a well founded optimism that tomorrow will be better than today and we can do that and the optimism is supported by the power of real. and with this we can improve our country and with a better japan
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we can contribute to the better. of the world. i'm convinced. >> rose: especially if you engage all the talents of all the women in your population. >> ( translated ): if we employ all the power of women i think that would be quite possible and even the aged female can be fully utilized and, of course, the elderly males can be utilized in the labor market. i would like to create a society in which which there would be opportunity for everybody in japan to take up the challenge without realizing such a situation there would be no growth for japan. that is my firm conviction. >> rose: mr. prime minister, thank you for your time. >> ( translated ): thank you very much.
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09/26/13 09/26/13 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] >> from pacifica, this is democracy now! >> about eight people in masks rushed on board the ship shouting, we are from the fsb. they threaten the crew with weapons, put them on their knees and kept them there for certain period of time and conducted a search and took away all computers and data storage devices. >> 30 greenpeace activists remain jailed in russia facing
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