tv Newsline PBS September 30, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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before the next fiscal year begins on october 1st, nonessential services will close. the democrat-led senate voted down a version of the bill that would have delayed implementing president obama's health care law. members of the republican-led house of representatives came up with the proposal. both chambers need to agree on a spending plan. if they can't compromise by midnight, agencies will run out of money. some will will have to work for no pay. offices for defense, national security, disaster management, and medical care will remain open. but many passport offices will stop operating. museums and national park across the country are likely to close, too. investors are worried about the impact of a government shutdown on financial markets. we have more now from the business desk. tell us, what would happen here?
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>> well, investors aren't sure if important indicators will be released as planned. this friday we have u.s. jobs data. they also remember the credit downgrade from a few years back, also a result of republicans and democrats failing to compromise. so investors are sensitive, to say the least, to matters in washington. and fears of a possible government shutdown weighed on u.s. stocks on monday. the dow industrial average fell more than .8%, ending the day at 15,129 points. for a look at how overnight developments are affecting japanese markets, let's go to the tokyo stock exchange. how are share prices looking this morning? >> reporter: good morning. we are looking at quite a positive start even as budget talks between in the u.s. and here are the opening levels for tuesday, october 1st. the nikkei is up at 14,509.
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market sentiment is somewhat being boosted by a pause in the yen's strength and the business sentiments which shows signs of improvement. and i believe you have more on that. the broader topix is higher by 0.26%. a positive start to the first trading day of the month. some other economic data has been released out of japan. the unemployment rate in japan is at 4.1% in august, higher than market expectations. we'll see how it plays into the markets, as well. still, trading may be cautious as the fate of the u.s. budget remains unclear. china's markets are closed for theed which go ed whiced which holiday. >> there are a few political issues globally, but investors are pulling their money out of the yen which is usually seen as a relatively safer asset. >> yes, that's because the yen has been overbought in the past
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few days. unless they can look at dollar/yen first, it's currently at 98.33-38, recovering from a one-month low on monday. some traders bought back the u.s. currency due to position adjustments at the end of the month after the dollar fell as political uncertainty in the u.s. boosted selling pressure. still, marketplace will continue to keep track of the developments in washington. they'll also be looking out for a report on u.s. manufacturing activity due later today. now let's look at euro/yen. euro/yen is currently at 132.98-133.04. investors are taking the opportunity to buy back the euro against the yen after the common currency fell to the 131 level on concerns over the -- over political issues in italy. and for more direction on the yen, investors are keeping a close eye on what prime minister abe has to say on japan's
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consumption tax hike later today. and that's all from me. >> eileen, thanks for the update. eileen lee from the tokyo stock exchange. as she mentioned, executives at japanese companies are feeling better about the state of the economy. they say it's recovering steadily. a key gauge of business sentiment at major manufacturers has improved for the third quarter in a row. officials say the weaker yen is one of the main reasons. bank of japan officials have just released the results of the quarterly tankan. the sentiment among major manufacturers stood at plus 12 points, up eight points from the previous survey three months ago. officials also said sentiment has strengthened among non-manufacturers. that index rose two points from the previous survey. the survey measures short-term business confidence among managers at about 10,000 company nationwide. the increase in confidence is a factor -- the increase in confidence is a factor in an
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important decision by the prime minister. shinzo abe wants to press ahead with a plan to rein in japan's mountain of debt. he's announcing later in the day he'll raise the consumption tax from 8% to 5% starting next april. he's pairing it with a stimulus package to lessen the impact his main economic priority, growth. he's spent months weighing the costs and benefit of the sales tax increase which was set in motion by the previous administration. he decided to go ahead with it, but he'll inject $50 billion interest the economy to offset the impact. lawmakers will start discussing new corporate tax rates. they're also proposing a two-year extension of a tax break for companies that increase their employees' salaries. and the government will provide about $100 to $150 in cash to low-income earners. it also plans to spend money on rebuilding and reinforcing old
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tunnels and bridges. and it will improve transportation infrastructure for the 2020 olympics in tokyo. lawmakers with the ruling liberal democratic party and coalition partner new comato have agreed on another proposal. they want to scrap a corporate tax imposed after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami to help fund the rebuilding effort. the levy was scheduled to expire in march of 2015 but prime minister shinzo abe wants to end it a year early. they agreed to look for alternative sources of revenue to support reconstruction in the northeast. that's the latest in business for this hour. i'll leave with a check on markets.
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syria's foreign minister is blaming western powers for supporting terrorism in his country. he told the u.n. general assembly that by backing rebel forces, the u.s. and other nations are backing al qaeda-linked militants. at the same time, he vowed syrian leaders are cooperating with an international effort to eliminate their chemical weapons. >> translator: i assure you syria is committed to the full implementation of the provisions of the chemical weapons convention and to cooperating with the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons as a state party to the convention. >> western leader say syrian forces are behind a poison gas attack in august that killed hundreds. the leader accused anti-government forces of using chemical weapons in the ongoing conflict. he said they received the weapons from neighboring nations
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and the west. >> translator: how can some countries hit bay the same terrorism we are suffering now in syria claim to fight terrorism in all parts of the world while supporting it in my country? >> an advance team of 20 inspectors from the opcw is heading to syria from the hague. they're scheduled to arrive in damascus later in the day. china's premier has focused on the domestic agenda on the eve of the country's national day. he pledged to speed up reform, but avoided mentioning china's territorial conflicts with its neighbors. about 1,600 officials made up the audience at beijing's great hall of the people. japan's ambassador attended along with other foreign dignitaries. >> translator: development is our highest priority. we must speed up changes in the country's growth model and
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promote economic restructuring. >> he promised to create more jobs and said he would boost efforts to ensure safe food and clean air. he said leaders will promote equal opportunities for education, employment, and new businesses. and he vowed everyone will have the chance to succeed if they follow the rules and work hard. he made little reference to foreign policy but said china will continue the path of peaceful development. south korea's president says she's not ready to meet with japan's prime minister in the near future. she says japan should first take steps to improve bilateral relations. park met u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel in seoul. she said south korea and japan have been unable it build trust because of unwelcome remark by japanese leaders over historical and territorial issues. park and shinzo abe haven't held talks since taking office. they exchanged simple greetings at the g20 summit in russia in
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september. south korea and japan are at odds over disputed islands, and the legacy of japan's colonial rule over the korean peninsula. officials in beijing have also rejected the idea of a meeting next week between abe and chine china's president. they will attend the apec summit in bali. researchers on both sides of the pacific are working to track the effects of japan's nuclear accident on bluefin tuna. a team of american scientists at stanford university reported last year they detected low levels of radioactive cesium in 33 of 50 blue fin caught off the coast of california. team members said the damaged fukushima-daiichi nuclear plant was the source of the contamination. they made their conclusion based on levels of cesium 134 which has a half life of about two
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years and only produced by nuclear reactors. the japanese and u.s. researchers are trying to start a joint study to determine how the toxins got into the tuna. nhk world has more in "japan in depth." the professor has been studying marine creatures in the waters of fukushima prefecture. >> translator: we estimated concentration levels to be so low they wouldn't be detectible in the u.s. but the fact they found contaminated fish off the coast of the u.s. really shocked us. even if the figures are extremely low. >> he says the level of contamination doesn't pose a threat to human health, but he says he wants to share his data with the u.s. researchers to
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figure out how the tuna pickup the radioactive material. he says it take time for tuna to accumulatee radioactive substances since they're at the top of the marine food chain. tiny creatures such as plankton absorb radioactive substances first. small fish then eat the plankton. and big fish like tuna eat the smaller ones. recent study show blue fin tuna spend their juvenile period in japan's coastal waters. the fish take one to four months to migrate across the pacific to the u.s. west coast. the professor says he thinks he can figure out how and where the blue fin tuna accumulate radioactivity by studying fish on both sides of the ocean. he asked the u.s. researchers to
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collaborate with his team>> translator: japan needs to work with people from different sides to gather and assess the same set of data. we need to provide the public with reliable information. >> researchers at stanford university in april sent 23 three-gram slices of tuna to japan. customs agents at the national airport stopped them. they said proper documentation was missing. customs said it's tough for blue fin tuna because of stock conservation requirements. they said a document that proves the samples are not from the atlantic ocean is needed to start import procedures. but the u.s. government does not issue such paperwork for research purposes. so the samples are still at the airport, frozen six months on.
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>> translator: this is an urgent situation. we need customs officials to understand just how critical this is, and facilitate the timely transportation of materials that need to be studied. >> scientists in the u.s. and japan are calling for international cooperation and flexibility so they can better study the effects of the nuclear accident. nhk world. a japanese government official later told nhk world a request for the release of the samples by scientists is being considered. managers of fukushima daiich have resumed the operation of a system to filter radioactive materials from water. they suspended the test run and blamed human error. workers with tokyo electric
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power company are using technology as advanced limited processing system. it will filter the contaminated water building up at the plant. crews started it on friday for the first time in a month and a half when they had to call a suspension. they detected a reduction in the flow of contaminated water in a pipe connected to a storage tank. plant managers say a loose rubber mat clogged the drain. they seat workers put the mat under a ladder during an inspection of the inside of the tank and forgot it remove it. this isn't the first problem with the felltration system. -- filtration system. workers found in june that corrosion had caused a water leak. the operator of the monju prototype reactor says it's completed safety checks it had failed to perform. monj hsu a fast breeding reactor located on the sea of japan coast. the japan atomic energy agency told nuclear regulators that it has finished checking 14,000
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pieces of equipment at monju. the operator had been blamed for more than 12,000 missed safety checks! may, regulators ordered the suspension of preparations to restart the reactor. the japan atomic energy agency later discovered that it failed to check another 2,000 pieces of equipment. the reactor uses plutonium extracted from spent nuclear fall to generate power. it was turned on in 1994. a sodium coolant leak in 1995 resulted in a suspension of operations for more than 14 years. the reactor was restarted in may, 2010, and shut down once again in october of that year after a fuel exchange device fell into the reactor. last week the science ministry decided to continue running monju for at least another six years. japan's prime minister, shinzo abe, and britain's prince
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andrew have launched a bilateral security conference in tokyo. delegates are working on coordinating responses to issues like terrorism and cybersecurity. about 200 people took part in the first of two days on monday. they discussed how to deal with terrorism in the middle east and africa. and they talked about coordinating security to meet china's military build-up. >> we need to look forward as to how the relationship can be nurtured, built, and become more relevant, i would suggest, to the needs and the requirements of the 21st century. >> translator: we will continue to promote cooperation with britain by sharing knowledge, views, and experience to enhance world peace and stability. >> some attendees mentioned terrorist attacks on companies operating abroad. they suggested sharing
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intelligence resources with britain could be a possible solution. publishing executives in tokyo have announced a plan to capitalize on a booming interest in japanese pop culture across southeast asia. they've set up a subsidiary in singapore to market comics and animation. it's the first major japanese publisher to launch a wholly owned subsidiary in the region. the company plans to sell educational books for children and market its characters. the cartoon cat is already a hit in singapore. japanese content providers see southeast asia as a way to overcome sluggish domestic sales. japanese pop producers have found success in indonesia with a spinoff of the idol group akb-48. and a cable tv channel in singapore is dedicated to japanese videos.
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the september grand sumo tournament ramped up 15 days of action on sunday. our sumo reporter joined us earlier with the recap. the biggest sumo tournament took place on saturday. the grand champion needed one more win to clinch the championship. he looked fired up to clinch the title and also vindicate himself for losing to the same opponent in the previous tournament. if highway could beat him this time he would keep the championship race alive with kisenosato as runner up. they charge and lock up. it's will against will and power versus power. they exchanged thrusts and then shifts away. slamming him down to take the
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match. it's the fourth straight championship and 27th overall. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> with 27 titles, the 28-year-old yokozuna ranks third on the all-time list of most championships won. he's closing in on the two men who rank above him, taiho and chiyonofuji. at hakuho's current pace, i expect him to surpass them in two years. while hakuho walked away with the top prize, his archrival disappointed the fans with another lackluster performance. the recent poor outings have been a big factor in winning the
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fourth straight empress cup. he's been competing with a banged up body, and that's held him back from doing what he's capable of. here's harumafuji's recent record. the numbers don't come close to what's expected of a man at the top. he needs a fresh start, otherwise the sumo elders might give him an ultimatum to retire. aside from that, there's a lot of praise during the tournament for the opponent that won the outstanding performance award for his excellence. and i'd also like to give an update on the man we've kept our eye on throughout the competition. he made his top division debut in the autumn tourney. first, a look here. how excellent was he? well, how about beating one
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yokozu yokozuna. many believe he'll be the next fighter to rise to the ozeki rank. [ cheers ] >> now the rookie sensation. this is the 22-year-old's first tournament in the top division, but he didn't hesitate to show what he's made of by racking up nine wins. there's no doubt he's the real deal. unfortunately, the rookie had to sit out the last two days after spraining an ankle. but he'll be back for the next competition. and speaking of the next grand tournament, it will be held in november in southwestern japan. it will be the final tournament of the year, so please check in for a complete coverage. time now for a check on the weather. cleanup efforts are underway in some areas of vietnam. we have more on "world weather." >> good morning, yes, you're absolutely right, we have a strong typhoon that hit central
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vietnam monday afternoon. as a strong typhoon that's weakening. it made landfall in central vietnam monday afternoon. it's the most powerful typhoon to hit the country since 2006. three chinese fishing boats sank before landfall, and dozens of people are still missing. the destructive winds have uprooted trees, damaged billboards, and blown house roofs off. authorities closed schools in five provinces, 61,000 fishing boats have taken shelter. the storm is now moving away from vietnam, but the stormy weather will be continuing crass the indochina peninsula as the system weakens into a remnant low. for now, tropical storm status is still remaining, even over land masses. it's moving at the speed of 30 kilometers per hour, so it's not going to be accumulating enough water over the -- over the path
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of the system. however, it is surging a lot of moisture again and enhancing the southwestern monsoonal flow in the western seaboard as well as the eastern seaboards yet again. 100 millimeters or 150, even more could be found in local i'ded areas on top of the -- localized areas on top of the well saturated and loose ground which will then up the risk of flash floods, flooding, landslides, and mud slides again over the indochina peninsula, especially in the coastal regions. now we have another storm system to talk about. this is moving away from the islands now but will be making its way toward the izo islands. we'll likely see gusts up to 100 kilometers per hour. it will then move toward the eastern coast of japan. as a remnant low by that time through the midweek. it will be bringing a lot of coastal waves up as much as three meters high anywhere along the coasts. and so the low lying areas will
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possibly find flooding to be at high risk. this is now a tropical storm status moving toward the pacific coast. you see another storm system chasing this. this is another tropical storm. it is a busy week at the weather desk. moving slowly over the philippines. not affecting land masses as of now which is good news. toward the end of the week, it will be moving into southwestern islands of japan if it does move in this predicted path. into the weekend, we have to be monitoring this system as it becomes a strong typhoon status. it will be developing over the warm water. we need to keep a close eye on this system. to the northeastern china, we have a system bringing a lot of rain toward beijing which could be a good thing for the serious air pollution occurring in the district. 20 degrees with rain. ten degrees to the north despite the sunshine.
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and 25 here's in a rainy tokyo. here across the european continent, the balkans will still see nasty weather which will be including thunderstorms, gusts, as well as heavy bursts of showers. atlantic system moving in will also provide sudden bursts of showers in france. take a look at the temperatures. it's in a warming trend in the central regions. stockholm at seven will be in the double digits by tomorrow. we'll show you the extended forecast.
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captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions >> ifill: a government shutdown is now just hours away, and the budget battle in congress continues. good evening. i'm gwen ifill. >> woodruff: and i'm judy woodruff. also ahead, shutdown or not, the new health care exchanges roll out across the u.s. tomorrow. we look at a push in california to get latinos to sign up. >> ifill: and in pakistan, a recent wave of violence has targeted the country's christians. >> we feel most of the time we are e
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