tv Journal PBS October 2, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT
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he responded by calling this vote, telling the senate the country needed stability and losing would represent a fatal risk. >> i appeal to all of parliament for a vote of confidence to realize our objectives. give us a vote of confidence for everything that has been done in these few months. a vote of confidence that is not against anyone but a vote of confidence for italy. >> he needed votes from the center-right p.m. to secure a majority. media reports suggested he would get those, even before berlusconi backed down. many senators were expected to go against berlusconi's wishes and support the government in the confidence vote. this is being seen as a major setback for berlusconi, who is facing likely expulsion from the senate do to a tax fraud conviction. that would mean he would lose political immunity, opening the
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way for further legal proceedings. on the streets of rome, many expressed relief at the outcome. >> i'm happy because berlusconi and people like him were put in their place. >> a government collapse would have been the worst possible result, so this is much better. >> the vote of confidence in the government means italy can continue on its course of economic reform. >> let's do that right now -- let's take the focus off of berlusconi and get it on italy's stalled reform process. for that, we turn to our correspondent in rome. what now for italy? can it go ahead with reforms for brussels -- reforms that brussels and other creditors desperately want to see? >> i'm sure they have all the good intentions required. thinking back, though, to the technocrat government with mario monti last year, he had a year
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and a clean mandate o introduce all these reforms. for example, there was the abolition of the provincial layer of government in italy, which everyone knows is a waste of time and money -- he ailed getting rid of this bureaucratic hurdle -- he ailed -- he failed getting rid of this bureaucratic hurdle. i think that even without the berlusconi problem for the foreseeable future, it is not going to be an easy ride for them. >> another issue is the cost of our owing. can rome keep debt levels borrow -- debt levels low enough to keep favorable rates? -- another issue is the cost of our owing -- borrowing. >> last week, when the government was trying to put together a package of measures whilst avoiding an increase in sales tax, now that the crisis
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has been averted, let's see if they can do that. they will also have to tackle the question of the very unpopular property tax, which monti introduced. berlusconi won a lot of vote saying that he would ban that. there's a possibility they could bring that back to bring down deficit, or will they learn the lesson that it is incredibly unpopular and there could be other ways to raise revenue? let's see what happens there. >> what about silvio berlusconi -- is this the end of his political career? >> people are describing this as another step in the long twilight of his career. it is another blow. he will try and bounce back, but every step, whether it is a legal challenge or daily or, as he experienced today, i think he is getting slightly weaker every time -- whether it is a legal challenge or failure.
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he is still fighting. >> thank you very much. >> there is also growing public anger in the united states over political wrangling there, which has led to the shutdown of many nonessential services in the u.s. government. pre-k's >> president barack obama has canceled a visit to asia to stay with lawmakers to try to work out a compromise. >> beforehand, he lashed out at the republican tea party movement for holding "the nation hostage." >> stop the blackmail. and the shutdown. >> these government workers want to get back on the job, but the longer the shutdown continues, the longer their museum will remain close. >> do your job, congressman. -- do your job, congress. you seem to be arguing back and forth and back and forth and not considering the average person, like myself. >> it has been frustrating to
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have them act like children and not be able to use their words and communicate well, like we teach kids in the fourth grade. >> congress was in session on wednesday, and again, democrats and republicans blamed each other for the failure to pass a budget. >> was it barack obama? no, we all know who it was. it was the small band of tea party people in the house. it was his junior colleague in the senate who had the idea of shutting down the government. >> president barack obama has invited congressional leaders to the white house for talks aimed at ending the impasse. until there is an agreement, there will be no work and no pay for many americans. >> politics have also been heating up in britain. party conference season has just come to an end. the opposition labor leader shifted to the left at his conference last week, and the conservative prime minister has
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given his response. >> david cameron said the british economy was "on its way to recovery" after being hard hit by the economic crisis and said private enterprise was the cause. >> tax cuts, enterprise -- these are not dirty, elitist words. they really are the solution because it is not government that creates jobs. its businesses. businesses get wages in people's pockets, food on their tables, and, yes, success for our country. there is no shortcut. [applause] >> some business news now. a court in france has ordered irish budget airline ryanair to pay 10 million euros in damages for breaking french law. >> the court ruled that the airline had illegally registered and marseille to avoid taxes and payroll costs. the finest 200,000 euros. the airline said that it would appeal if convicted.
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let's get to the markets now. as you might expect, italy was the big story in europe. we learn now how the news of the government survival went down on the stock exchange. >> a sigh of relief could be felt on the financial markets after the prime minister won his vote of confidence. the stock market index of the milan stock exchange jumped aboard, and the average yield of italian government bonds relaxed somewhat, but the overall mood on the financial markets was not very positive. the ongoing stalemate in washington is nothing to be happy about for investors, and the fact that the european central bake is keeping its ultra-generous monetary policy is perceived as negative news by many on the markets -- the european central bank is keeping its ultra-generous monetary policy. >> let's have a look at the numbers and get more details in germany where the dax rose 7%.
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euro stoxx 50 lost about .5%. trading still under way in new york. the dow is about 6% down. the euro making slight gains. as for the big takeover in europe's mobile phone market, shareholders have voted in favor of selling their german counterpart. >> it would create germany's biggest mobile phone operator if it is approved. >> the name e-plus is hard to find nowadays. germany's third-largest mobile phone provider is known as a low-cost option marketed under a different name. it makes up for poor network coverage with prices that undercut competitors. but they could soon disappear from the german market. that is currently led by deutsche telekom, 37.5 million customers, followed by vodafone, with eddie 2.2 million -- with
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ready to .2 million -- 32.2 million. >> from the point of view of mobile phone users, the mobile customers would have contracts with the operators. it is a disadvantage because if anything, it damages competition. from the point of view of shareholders, for those buying shares in the companies involved, it is an advantage because the sheer size of what is being created can lead to an increase in margins. >> although companies are likely to increase their profits in the long term, the initial outlay will be large -- a little over 8.5 billion euros is the latest offer on the table from o2's owner. on top of that would come costs for increasing the data volumes the network can handle. >> and a moment, a new exhibition in berlin explores
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the controversial world of surveillance. >> first, a look at other stories making the news. >> police and myanmar say at least five people have been killed by buddhist mobs. the renewed religious violence broke out. fighting between buddhists and muslims has killed more than 200 people since june 2012. >> the australian city of melbourne is cleaning up after the strongest storm there in three decades. gusts of 130 kilometers an hour brought the roofs off of buildings. 90,000 homes felt the peak of that storm. >> now, to bulgaria. a german writer says he is being denied entry to the united dates. he wanted to fly from brazil to a conference in denver but says he was not allowed to board the plane. the author helped start a
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petition for the german government to take action against the nsa spying on german citizens. >> so far, u.s. authorities have ailed to respond to requests as to why exactly he was denied entry -- u.s. authorities have failed to respond. >> the message -- the methods the government have been using to spy on their own people are part of a new exhibit at the museum of communications in frankfurt. >> it is a startling and frightening view of the links agents in the state and corporations will go to to know what you are thinking and feeling. >> it begins outside the exhibition. cameras track visitors' every movement. nothing goes on monitored, and there's no shortage of signs to remind visitors how not to behave and urging them to stick to the rules. >> the exhibition is designed to sensitize people to the fact that surveillance has both good and bad sides.
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>> every day, we have to renegotiate the position of the dividing line between its good and bad aspects. >> monitoring can provide security, but it can also lead to a surveillance society. it offers help to firms seeking to optimize sales. this manikin has a camera hidden in its eye and films customers to find out what draws their attention -- this mannequin. visitors can watch it happen. >> one of the exhibitions' -- one of the exhibition's strengths is that it shows how things work. what is the internet? the internet also has physical components -- tables, servers. we show how fiber-optic cables can be tapped. that's how intelligence agencies get a lot of their information. >> that should be of particular interest to many people and the recent revelations of u.s. government spying. >> we are going to a short break .
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>> welcome back. authorities in kenya are working to put the pieces together and find out who was behind nairobi's westgate mall attack. >> bodies were recovered just today, a week after 67 people were killed and dozens left missing. >> al-shabaab militants claimed responsibility for the assault, but investigators are responding to leads that some of the weapons may have come from libya and want to find out who the middlemen were. rex as the investigation broadened, we look now at having people in kenya are coping in the aftermath of such an attack. >> a week after the attack
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ended, people are still trying to come to terms with what happened. bodies are still being recovered from the mall. the search continues for more victims. in a local café, two survivors discuss their experiences. one of them is prepared to speak on camera but wants to remain nameless. he was waiting for his mother in the westgate center when the attackers opened fire. he managed to flee immediately, but his mother was only rescued hours later. like many, he criticizes the kenyan government's handling of the siege. >> when the government sent troops, in terms of dealing with all of the effects of it, it comes down to the community. the red cross is a private ngo. if it were not for them, it would have been much worse. >> many say the kenyan
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government acted in an uncoordinated manner. in the east leg corner of nairobi, many kenyans are of somali origin. people here have been talking about the attack since it started. most of them condemn it, says a presenter at a local somali- speaking radio station. but some kenyans suspect there are al-shabaab supporters here, and the somali community fears retribution. >> also, there are other people here nursing those feelings, but still, we fear what might happen. the reason why the military has pursued al-shabaab -- i firmly believe the country should look out of somalia.
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>> most of the people in kenya's capital agree with this view. the shock in nairobi is palpable, but residents refused to be intimidated by the attack. >> gunfire in a shopping mall. that will not change our life because that is not what we are going to show them. >> the kenyan government faces a barrage of questions. i've attackers were killed, but it's not clear how many took part -- i've -- five attackers were killed. >> there is a chance that some escaped in the westgate mall. we are worried because we do not know what is going to happen next. >> parliament has a chance to question the government this week, and kenyans are looking for answers. >> a court in russia has begun bringing piracy charges against a group of greenpeace activists
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that could lead to very long jail sentences. >> 30 activist were protesting against arctic whale drawing. they were seized by authorities and are facing charges greenpeace calls disproportionate. >> vladimir putin has said that the protesters were clearly not pirates, but he said that they had violated international law. >> she stands alone outside company headquarters in moscow. her post here signals her cause -- protesting the detention of the greenpeace activists. she fears they will receive a harsh punishment from the russian authorities. she is also careful not to give her last name. >> i'm doing what i can to inform people about it -- writing about it on the internet, telling my friends. while i stand here, others come past and say, "we support you." others turn their noses up at me . >> the charges stem from a
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demonstration in mid-september. several activists tried to scale a gasp from to try to protest oil drilling there. all 30 members of the group were detained. now the authorities are bringing charges, accusing the group of gang piracy. >> we consider this charge absurd and a legal. the law is clear -- piracy is only when someone has the motive to appropriate someone else's property by using violence. -- we consider this charge absurd and illegal. >> greenpeace says that was never the aim of the demonstration, but if russian courts eying the environmentalist guilty, they face up to 15 years in prison -- if russian courts find the environmentalists guilty. >> the government has characterized the golden dawn party as a neo-nazi gang.
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>> the fifth member, the party leader, was brought to court by anti-terror police on wednesday evening. he is also testifying on charges related to the murder of an anti-fascist wrapper by a party sympathizer last month. golden dawn was the country's third most popular party until the murder sparked nationwide protests. >> germany needs to spend more money on its infrastructure, especially its road network. that message has been coming from economists who worry that low investment could hamper germany's long-term economic output. >> political parties tend to agree, but not on where the money should come from. the opposition social democrats want to hike and income tax, while angela merkel's allies have called for a told on the foreign cars using german roads -- a toll on the foreign cars using german roads, which has proven controversial. >> this bridge was one of the first crossing points that led
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east berliners into west berlin. today it needs repairs, as do half the bridges in germany. the bavarian sister party of angela merkel's conservatives has an idea where money for repairs could come from. >> a car toll for foreigners is essential, but additional money from the federal budget is also essential. the cdu/csu election platform was clear about this. >> but the idea of a toll on foreign drivers using germany's autobahns as bavaria's csu is demanding outrageous the other parties. the transport ministry has rejected a toll for light trucks as experts have suggested, saying it would hurt midsized businesses. now the state and federal transport ministers are in talks, but the decision will be made by the future governing coalition. >> it might be just a little bit
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colder in greece or california, but the german north sea has a very impressive coastline. >> and it has some equally impressive waves. no surprise then that the region has produced two world champion windsurfers, who like to return to catch the perfect wave every now and then. ♪ >> it's a party atmosphere on the island, but unfortunately, there's no wind. philip has some down time. the german wave riding world champion is waiting for the right conditions as he aims for another world title. >> six or seven on the scale would be enough. that is my favorite wind. one or two-meter waves would be perfect. >> a year ago, he wowed the crowds under those conditions. the second world title made him
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a star on the windsurfing scene, and it helped put his sport on the map in germany. >> it was a great event. it was amazing to serve in front of a german crowd. there were tons of spectators. it's not often you see that. >> but the competition has gained a big following in recent years. it has turned into the biggest windsurfing event in the world. windsurfing here had its humble beginnings 30 years ago. back then, the sales were triangular, and the boards were heavy -- the sails were triangular. it was more a way of life than an elite sport. one star who made his name in the early days, a record world title holder who is still competing.
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>> the competition is a long one. we have all three disciplines here at this event, and of course, 10 days of being prepared is mentally and physically really difficult. >> he will take part in the slalom. that event does not need the waves like the freestyle and wave riding disciplines. the skill and fitness of the writers determine the outcome -- the skill and fitness of the riders determine the outcome. he is still in top fitness and contention. for fellow, the suspense is building. as soon as the waves are big enough, he will be out on the water trying to secure a third title. >> i think i can do it. i will give my all, and we will see. >> until the wind picks up, he will just have to enjoy the late-summer sunshine and bide his time.
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>> ok, now to a very lucky escape -- at least in britain. -- police in britain are looking for a cyclist to ignore barriers and railway lights and narrowly escaped with her life. >> well, the authorities released pretty dramatic footage in order to highlight the dangers of level crossings and the importance of obeying the rules of the road. >> you have to wait for those barriers to go up. >> i have learned that lesson. i will be careful next time. >> that is it for us. stay tuned for the next bulletin at the top of the hour. captioned by the national captioning institute
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