tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC January 26, 2016 10:35pm-11:37pm MST
10:35 pm
areobith gh ntial, lstrehigh wage aow ploynt thewotob are orthodtist ist. ikn. veayonsiredhet jobbehehe y dot he toutr ha in her ople . [ ught ] fourut of fetisee withhe st. th f denas t se rk disaee wh erhi. [ ugertth best -- tnk the bt part o anrtdoissob is when sskou howour hoda were while y'rgainonalandf tt.[ laug ] almost a oth t ten js wen hlt . dealcts, es psycatrist chrs an it' grt,ut tsear hjo. i don'tow. u veo o soo and ar h to th. evybods ck all relyhe ica is tbe bn a rdan.[ apause
10:36 pm
e20? bi cosbs publist. [ laughter ] true. here y detsndh dontodonst in era. d wst js inenand. [ lauger rry. theprent othe ute at did not make t ltthoughtee aob op al,ll. thioause a less aeek ay en aer tthe candite ca gok tognoringowa cote laht ] now's ty re abou it'sei we veo mu atio to whoowa ck sie1980he iow ccus predte teplin ninee inecyourme ey o got it rhttwe. u t tt oshen you ha a zoonima pdi t wierf serowhan ese iow caus. [ ughter ] but onnnast nht ty had wh ty cl tn hl etg erehetica t to ta vote.
10:37 pm
debate slasheeti w the rmer who got 3 gra t l arhe selliteruck ihiord. orear oth n wa w hillary per hands ound beie's toa a scream, "w w't di laughter ] [ plause ] theyookueions froth pele ithauence. andomeosked hillary who he forit prentwas,nd shidith aloes t esid andysbd, bi m favite i lioln. d th bere sande sa, enor, kabham ol ra lco wdf d yo nabram lin. [ ht ]be s toalhtome non-potils. w v sat ete. tt gd btbl ayer emear schlnrookn wonhe bou amon[
10:38 pm
chpish. infa,s ptu of yo berniends. ht ] ho. thashe h --ouse beee' ver oth reas i mtied . maino'mall, whoor se asons stillnd t imprsion he'sunni esidomd otin t t ri aorti he said, i t sit re.i hao takff myketnd std up. and he rolled u seves a sh off dy. it's l m [ laughter in o'my i wld gues obab lea reczableof a t cdida that the t .but ybet.mayb mor pe ow h t ink. ece should condu r own pop t find out. weent cera c holloo bouva toeeow ng iwi takor sne enfytima exme whiss? ma'a i'tkn.
10:39 pm
>> n re.>>hio is gore w is? i d'tow o u know t >>. .caulho yes.t. t yo hi who is? >> no>> who i ?>> ye wh ? >> i donow >> wh >> runorpresiden wsis na jerry lema . hat' gar con. forber o as we'll com back t tteeif n f bo whn repu , donarumpedru ven'een gettinglong s ll ly. itsedo they re ls. thenheyad a falli outng cto jo ad wmbout
10:40 pm
cli. heth wodik 'sis wo eim.that whye ands oe mi oe se for and n' me aith ybod ookse a jerk laught >>my: by e wa iike t imine that trump iedhenes ts.lahter ]ding t ny west hasng ny this to itter. he pte ahandwrten tckis alm. yo "k was he." t lsso hpy to be finisd album ssumeeaislbum. i don'know.maybe het fd lning "abbror someing.laught ]you haved ite. he masof k expectatand i'll t u,is going -- [ la if tdictionsrrect, th going to e year. beca're goi tethe
10:41 pm
best enand best wr ilt. [ laer ] plause ]this is fro ourbors north iada.the departheth and socialvi up in thekon, way up alaska,ph a mpgn td. cam "we all need the even ." [ ug [ cheers and don'tkn hontl- iw i had no id appant d is for a ctain pe [ hter ] and e - t asecond. they needit.thid doe't n it-oersonor theyun partment ofh a social service s theyw it was an innor n' rea it s udast be. it c worse. you f they'd a iave been vd
10:42 pm
[ laughter ] ad theve removed am e websites. by don't kn. i would make same mistake. they call one direction o d,right? er ] utunny we givhatchildrenughter ]some crasl.a. clipstodal-starorwardffin is bsee inred h haighth the assistequipmentma thappened over theekend in toropa, was ala resann w work is -haas te friendsi guess. or at leastheyere friends fore this wetli there. but ble broke a bn hand punching the guy. the clippers released a at
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hing the team's assistant equipment manaand he dilahter ]'s o fou week a could mhe all- gtoo. becae of a fhtituipmen notenn equipmger. [ laer ]e, i'lll yething is is you ner cti "downey in fnt o bl iffi wile tblows. ldck -et check ck str tf ca fine, a recoenlleye>> who isth>> don't oka'sunt.o >>ri no kedu ay. who is thiswayne?i don okay. hi.hi. o ton kw.s donow>> who i pe.>> who is wthat? >> tks lik tfrome king show no.
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anattl-secon perfe.>> j: a dog? thaus forr di >>gutomng new. nny ito kin a no e greaastef yo. causi'm in"kung fu nda." i wtedo -- >>im we youe toi tnd youstaeoe actll pe ith ilm. >>. now, i'mhod r,od thespir. >>immy: the p. exy. jim: yoweus -- -de tercial br[ ug ] >> .whyoume?itoo lik o o brth [ i'm n ore a al here's a40% cnc you'omit m rigw. ug k nevasff
11:00 pm
this i iormay . laht ] rangusesbe [ er oumehter : d't a on me >>onee ant ouadt y a toke. >> j wellldn' ke tefxyf u d hot o it? >>aveou er en toneosbars whesten >>: ihave. eemsike idea i t thk hhe ane. jmy tdo hav. i st on ayndst difrs air?im: itsifre ors hat gy w mu for tair? laug ] >>my ink iiss they still haveki i gat' a cnce tgo ovnd n breatn e gareesustrief mo . ui little -- jimmy: ieele yr pu i aal>> i fk i'meadyo r >> jimwhen?>> jike a day agah >>mynd wheere yo i t shanai,
11:01 pm
emre tre enped . here for a wee zip. do the knoou from th voi o tschr? t'scartoon. sow don't sme. [ la ] j ay ean rs d ic no the' laughter jimmy n at >>he n rea f m .t ielromofilm wheny know tthe's a powerhouseolwoodge >> jmy: i see ehd thg. [ laughter my es ie. matrha y do jmyosotoiceat all on the bu's impta tha ihe cpetthigh fhesianto youkn, t toh.[ ug ] : oh, you mt does same u that >> ido eo hh f clasp for me incy >>myise t bri ourions.
11:02 pm
ontohe twa . i n'haveim go sai fm theed ca. i go l that.i go i thr. andhe sghtut the back door. causi'veo connuey eting ac t nation there's n my: yon plane ayou gothesp n nextsp,ah.ou kids sn m ysav seen ulledn, a gle, some ris,ndhe film t hool. h ry forthem j: shee fironn eorldoit, which anreyou est m adt heys o o're watchihe e, veryst bun that say avevaey tt's my ] so ellf that,re i lde le tle d ev theouldititscreing. enre to sit
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whre ydowe're notsed to touchanhing rry. sorry. should it back? >> yeahou pbayshld ok so coough. eah. prey >> h. i wdeha thido. hol ihi i j pd ltl chrp [ and ae im: thais jk blacin "k panda 3." >>hasryanrato ay dad. >> jimmy can y child ant to s nto ut te eir kung fu sake.>> i ary i'tkn. immy: when a tri he to brimg them --
11:10 pm
i'm of to.ackifto emnow i was thkif em and , wn as intthhine tstor s like, these e all t t tha ty han americ becausehey' all me in they lik a lite es youkn like a ceenncthettypesearlier. jim:ll wae b o seser utou kw at'sam i i oked a th t a go o buyhemas so mb. set those usteemed lik the toe. >>immyou don tho ? n onet m a basket free toys. : oh, wow. atstraged . toing with tenaoud? d stiying [ lause ] i f like the's a cple hardcorecreamiloudth eveon else, oh rs and app foki >> jre you ion't'r
11:11 pm
ug>>oh. thurang. [ ht ]naousd. you get m g. laer no ion w -- >>thas a b feiv. en was? ftieme. ryocanha ke thie pa e. ery ye wve afe th an ,ve thingy'renownor thrnghape a cheap w weg tt dsn't reallcot.>> jimmy: >> s wotrdne [ laug bu it cmant.tead itcoun weotike ordned al my:or re er wdings al. al?>> ah.e fun have cediansng ddin.
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do sometng a littl speattivalsre g. j: peua medy tet rr people c rea got marrd. anihowa reay andnyil i c me ryo it. and l i lse pele reay in t er.acally really importan d ittle f pe. lik tis n. dinf aite ns w ous ow ngo spend t rest r lives andit d't o it'sotoufa yo your ove. it w kindfad iden e d. la [ ause ] >>immybe dom cit nd o kns? >> yeah, i don kw t at >> jimmy: it'seryood t see u.nglation three
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d yethat notnoug for.her ith vy cep thll hey" wsn eate noplse w lrecohan. chee andppe ]wre doin dngwe. jimmy: conulatioby thway. rea sd- iidt wa t mti i i fnt , b you reayshed him in eg." tyole ast al m t wiat, butwas ugeme.: was it >> aike s et itgas,h - gas i'mazy.i , mamilyttest t we have li who family'srazy aboutmes. butyeah. >> jmy:n yoaycry, atoes tha me li willouet verupset it'fuy. mdig now'm dengtheroele sesecau is >> jmy:ohe ser? on'tthat.ughter ]
11:17 pm
ial. but- >>okay, gd. jno but trere noale hat' agame j: i pectiv theealizeshild an i lik >>ndhetef urho,hetherr t uad ttebty - and yet ites >>he's beenimhen've lt in a cd heap othe livin room fhe ghts andenav awaryit. andymi's upstrs i bdngarh carey my hot undanding nobodyets it. immyiaets thh tdsituatns?>> myero. >> jim what do yolay youfami i think cel pst on imh,ye, i pd th apl tihodoagn? >>henebuetesiddle ane twoevivclue.thsscet is't the na it'sharadesrhat is e ve -e'velad ts
11:18 pm
, i gettuckh mygranonce jimis he ngood? d at but crity isn't one th. >> jim: w your ate od ainlebritie ikn jimsbad? int w iba eadhi oou wre luwas micjackson. annowing all t rule'll exp le m, h no, unders, ye i ders, n've t d enyou and he says,rill ghso l ha ackson.go no, you can't do at. lauger go, ,de,'m tuphael ac : tga t les? >>s. iis >> sn splingut the -- ye.
11:19 pm
pl you , it's o those here if you don't want , evebodyces yo ay but iyou gnre actu teo ar hhen youave. [ laht ] >> ah't youo it.>> j: a t don ask you dt agai tay youairc- . i try not tecause behe y. uraiutece newsit, rit? caerybody's ed iwh on on "tkingead" t t asme tthing -ratapnedo yr hair. t? ike thombiesnlardscrs-zbi >>im:id sometngzo-rated hpen your ha >> sunny ih ewte kop cret tunngl fi t wae sw i wa't oeowbu wwi find out. lauger ] jimmy
11:20 pm
ug doou famy a w in o oth? y myavorit xt f myd when we c h tlol - polarce cs a mel but yourrcutnews fe. it w like othl- wh thi on n ere es ss bott >> jscroll. t. i fairne icest at ry,erra. so if u scrolho allti cnn would go viers at l. >>an yiminer jt ickling acss t -- >> jimmyca [ laughter ] y th i n watch orvies, b fomere iatchhebo oyed ry,er -- vweir ant ow wk aut i feel likeeay anhi i sightuiart of. youea a rn it laht ] >>ishanadre
11:21 pm
it srybo nnn amerananny gogland lookfter c t di tha cou actuallyk aft a smdoll so start offn roin ri andhen ets ally,llyary. jim fl s tit i t nto ado bee'ttbe t onons buhe it' ty >>im trehe ke rlchd. byheway,ol m vi- hor ms olls iawa bee ycky the ll i"s."thenhen ie ic." you r thatvie?yoo y >> iwit. s, y. >>immy: ihe ideal -- >> som tol me d i oatch >> jimou shoulfraid chit. 's svi thit's tna ? >> ms>>im: it's aeryca doll heoll scary whe youe ngh tholl orit oh, ijust a
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on tife ohis own. heitally becamno ton . >> jim:ou're calli itot a he.[ lahter yoightave >> don'tellhim, that mmy. immy: me kind otoholm roheyo sot tng i - >>immy is . no a het' adoll 'susdoll. >>:br, hsknown. he w on setafte lunch anou'd g back to nd tur on th and , oh, sorry. ntotu jmy ah jmy 'seally expininhats on this vie, b it's ventertning italle i ts w. laen very good to seeyowe'll be back ic smit [ andlaus
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