tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC January 27, 2016 10:35pm-11:37pm MST
10:35 pm
i ata inmexico a out of hise rolled aittlstashoilgoucit as ptof y ovheye th's alright,uillmon selluniform.atosnidouplay gurmo? >>ller r. immyoh,ni playatto rit. t'ep gng 'sng >> guillermo: birt, nd mgrdm >> jim:he has tame birthdmo: it my rtay : okaythist os asc o. >> jhat'she day his bow dwhen you had therthin ias 18 jimmy: ?
10:36 pm
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hay-leggedarty goi on maybe thas you qute, dotow. >> germo:t was my uncle. >> jimou cl , e lon hathday. weengcila foou so dofe nlected. did nald trul youo bish y a bdaytoy?>> guimo. >>my: did a sn ce nald trusefinto t date o fox tomo nightbecaus m mors e, doeli. mng h fuegel ecause that would b liticaycoec instd i wil only call lighght repo. nsiderat as he sdt at5: a.mth itep wn h b 5:- ue tha tohim, trum iults more b00 m.haeoplll
10:38 pm
doesn'tehe hlaim megyy is unfair, whic makesee. ne has long and dk st o bei unfair to republs.[ laught when dheepubca reoresen the rl usewiv?" i heo liev j bh ciitikhethe blyta hosi scho get one day o not getngup. spki of syi homt hool this isbsew eyad rte stngo peo o gtestmjothrndn who y came froreif. m st nh scaid st,dti, up. gd mar
10:39 pm
10:40 pm
>> mour handsy moturid.>> ha t javreat e hav gin l h bed door 's ehe a reall g d or reay ir yb--bablyot acal. have er for ll sill isth [ use ] one of t nbahisty. m t player ihistshaqha ol veshaq manshaqo, baby don ba giv dog ae yam hs nam itas n sq iadrade my coric bes,nt t,nd climbta t hisome he cudo ge alic fbanser. an "how to be"liso
10:41 pm
hi! ch a>> jimmye jt li t . like -- yeah. >> no, no, iw ifyod uyir sok the sho a buyi th.len ox. an' y a ltl o to gl scojimmy. notling em,sar selng tm. immyu haye jimyou re? they're here. theyig comenou ki >>im: , mutulrl>>im there y m ermy: because othem s s -- , a . r nam --la jimhilady hi, kids. >> lad a oththere. im:his isr m? wh'seram>>he jt s [ ]in d b t d ie
10:42 pm
t, allght. enough0.>>immy:hyd. w mu is 400?$2 jimmy oe $5 bi uld y cov thior me, leo? ger: o a geees, rowas y gethemo uillert easy! a >>ot immyn'take wle et. e mht sllave teo ge tdrphco o jimalght,hat st itis rthday en we come bace is vicious twit feudpeng now biz kweanso telte rmdaen gr expfunnel. ianelttartn rro,tunsll the w down ost 43et.we bie t lon quunneum hiy.andne come ba, will
10:45 pm
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toy y-y- o on fo mi it'snbelieva ee andpplause ]amazing. you ink tit, bie at anyoneld wt tr s abo your leor5 te i muc czier tn lievinu can the onlimulur liftory i a is yeavcrockett at's just . std of making key,ox sd u. to de t.[ andlaushe'd oka wit gh west is ather twier fehe goo n is thitime iot whme. th te aoto dist tasiclyhahappaskae rleth hwas anng t t o h n
10:49 pm
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respchu owchilt disre , ltwoue i en grabbedho ptsnd seyleizarani es heazet imnd .i'm t means , plee t confusion. now bla [ ala myays came ves. l is te tugt was theocnreatwas. t iuess no i doe to believeupac dgie areatthis asaying you'v got tbe kid . l et'so tero, illesnd bieady, iting. quil a maara. homucheqlaavyo reyadda >>ui: mmy. jmy t u wt'oi toappeurui be i y g, frothf heart, wo get nwrthisa i [ laer >> jmy: ari . as long as from thebottyour hrt.
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10:56 pm
[ cheers and applause ] jmy: weomba tth ow vie sial he th latis netwo televi dut, is is his p. all the u.k., banners ssung. toow newgor, sic frease join uthat. by the way my serd i hammight n colely d.>>ui: oy ltlbi jmy appardt a resan c ca of it.[ rs ausr rst est gnte rld srts ana t al jt he d. he h fr nba chpionship on h frs a a supean ttoo hisrm watch m onnt trsda on "ie " easeay hloo
10:57 pm
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py byeagu bdato [ nd app>> j: thatas nauillon gulerm yot ae s, b hey, thawas ce. >>my: at's w m,ea yh. t ou t pty't ahmyaveigar at youse >> i uto when yohadtyr n'hd s 1hd. >>yed. j how man ppl wer tty? e00 lit scr . >> j300 . ces he hou? erid y h n's, a little art gallery i rente t,adoorucks outside,awome. >> jimmy: what i reallthoughinterein youron rig re, arif. yes.
10:59 pm
whh iseall ni.looklike iomno ou gotambohini. >> thawas hawa morf a academi iti ft. >>im ien ft>>yeahh borghi,sn m geel is iou all a's o sem be you grad it'srs >>ha ife does tnwhebohiit >>hene tns8ay i tbaobaber hduroege. bu the chil, xi. >>: can you f int the lamborini? >> i gtpecially done m. my: becausis tall well?'10"'10" no'r cou,ow [ ]'rt.
11:00 pm
my: "ie th i this not j t be ow,snde i loatching yo i n ynd barkley go it. mht now, you >> barkle >> jey w hisdle n seimmyan youuyik t gihther this all miscneus my: oh st me, le now i have 4.pat a. 9. 6 ig. >> y ove >> evyday. >>immyt- don d sups.>>hat d youdo? >> lot ofwes, swiing. oveo out and pus bur that of thing? d >>im needs e bigtoryhis w was blake iffi ofpper i
11:01 pm
puncdis asstantquip gern -- d w hi tha -ave tduik yourerie a ayer you ard ofnythdumb than th iav elon jmy iatri ah>>:rely gse know >>h. im ti red. . >>my mak >>yeimmy: they ory. i cat t myinyo ul - tche iti n't d at im dyou inkhey coul keet qui now just th thentertnd sl medi >> tse da no. >>im tse , , y veo tel t trh. >>t' ryrte. caepperarmo he wayanoukn .so wrhi donrihe sstarpl's the fuy tt bl so if they happen not anon't
11:02 pm
it,hey're alwsoi too ba a ts inde yoknayof, tth ayfst'll aertaer jay treougas o sond, ty uld ve elaying thir th to o sogog t always go bk to the f tsixe ssed becauseunched mebody >>my: haou everunched a guike f? i'ot tng a -- ye jim: - likn axi ng. >>s, of urse. jimmy ts a-heilonhiplsmaht. [ ught chrs alae >> jim: mattamon? w. wh tim d yak uea d'takpn mo wt d y g tbe >> 4:00,00 jimmy4:00,5:a.m.every ght? >> wff at tak s
11:03 pm
ugch, i ng00,5:. jim: youav teaf sets tt w you andh you -- >> o, yme. >> jim: yonave of stf? >>. >>my: w wh didou givhat ? >>red. he laks retir. >> yrs andppla my h t uall oyiven aft edhe hl . >>ght. mychou m ai wlinp. i t fam ctneron heyayy' goi to make an annem at all-st weopully a big rt tt nounld wod u luteaveo h so. immy: e bo's o geit n. >>ou'r ght. im: havyo srted thki autou sec a y w sa jmyouav ve tboutho wl yo et picke iill har.j. mag johnson, dale bro
11:04 pm
[ cheers and applaus]re y haveo ate?o gohow w you - will have to on? e already me my deci. i'm tha gd tynvit o i t seno ieal fa, ba ias a la cheend ause >>my: l thatnow, t lakerse anothe g, ositapl center areatue put t the to look atthese. yoey' gotry we, egotmagi t goreemheot , in sha thiis righ at ihong >> s. jmyon kw aut th. is spreoyo eaks asd tmention it. thiss ttu of e putti up at the les er chee a] >>it j: ye ouimmy: arogod.
11:05 pm
r od. [ eers app] jim: th w'soinglo lik chee andppla] y' yo idel is fre tiddial thatnrtng o shais g t upf y o tes center. [ chee a applaus >>re, i'kiinin t t prographs with thid a ini mean lookhe.ongratulat youat. atty al. chee appla jim: iwtyhe i kidd i ou jmy:hailleo'al h"inside trsy gh on t.
11:07 pm
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11:16 pm
eswhomounofrhe sh "ndheov etar" e s iortialnd tertaing new cedcaed "h tbe single. itpe itheaters bruary 1h.plse s hel tis bri eerspp] >> are be reful,ouslhe s iti in >> io sll on c no immy: i know no feele i'the bie ain. >> i sulde shawhe wi me tvewheo ieelupete wial . im: tyol ser peti iju >>ea >> jmywe, ah. y wthotffhe ma funn?weld ld i will ke abo ae come . i t'm okay j:rink outf nn
11:17 pm
>> gller: tnk y ver mu. >>immy: ah he' havg ughnit. iaw>>mywe g int sturing t comiabreak, rm hin a mean. aryo arier yourself i n dnk tse da. >>im:ouert onti?>>'v gehr pse o ki a te wi wa i co im t. i ooor d i ied ad a in scland >>immy: you di>> soouave to dri lot wh youe ove ther jimmyhat' true gener ru >>immy:'ve beer eut ioe tha t in of ty. l ous oh, yeah. i ,yir d -- i don thktart csst, a th dn admsis t mylf t o ch stuntoisffand feusherr >> jmye dean theea heas ssctish it frit. , wereor vinno at the .
11:18 pm
thet vfiike do, always wheartinga new .i'ovelafry, thu, sir. im wo tt' y. d oy beinscotla >> iedit, asrothe inki. itas tki>>mymong?>>t s rlleath aloof churchesha ar turd i ba,hichs a coolthg. >>im:ye. >>ouon see t inl.a. jmy: ye,ccasioll y . ocsial. there is one clehebb that wnaby. , jmy. ll,okay.buangou don't sn hichsyfarihing i saw i sd wa it w 9:00a. ias wkingtoscol i s a agpipernularb ayingnd t j fl er,ut drunk in the mf the just like t
11:19 pm
scotsh what could be more otwas amazing. did anyonp no,an ove t see he wangunderw true, tdon't, uerhekilt. >> jimmy:ust le so wear i [ anduse verysi o you. ye ihoug i'dheck t. immyprur tt's a sexme they. heid see t im: i thi moutin ast a fun foryou? >> so n. j: in t cit o t stres the? wason. i lo we heh aatca. itas greato s i thecity the ner sleeps>> jmy: wi've hed. is t. we shot alo e movie iougnd single lifend we s lot of te ars and nit. surunded by a t ofrupl and having od ght.ght we had be weaybe to ret to tras j yet bause a cou forng t them jimmy: oh against okay. >>raybe likig in f of them i like think t standing. jim: >> leaning against the trailer.
11:20 pm
be rude for you to inter them?s. let tm we >> j: the movie,ourcharacten theov dat a t ofhorribuy t? hey'reot the be, you're ght,y're t. >> jim: havu haha peri your? e y bnn t ible dat whrd ople >>. eel le itt dn t e a litbit. >>: ity. >>e notn a lot o b da but i' hadentta so that's sort of >> jimmy: oh, >> oh,'te that. immy: no, no.that's tng tshare, ah>>t is you w to abo m alr?>> jmy: ou i wt t hearutr alke isllly eitm. [ er sos w tedavg litif ftonrontawn m us>>
11:21 pm
sp kinf aten food items left. like thi o parthe ntoo --t wa aery s pa.i'm notoi ijustic it's a specifi pf thelawn to haveething l on first iht maybe hik ew their wou b ba r ll. >>immy: right. of just be there. at fir inger in that th maybes o hbor who thinket recycle enen oughtall buthent staed tt even mo specic. e wou be wleoo cone wet jus a stab tghhef it alwaheam ace.>>im: th'sogood >>oeebed pti up mes. t cara at exnsiv d iin ofany up ust ie d tch fel lik seoas meg wi wasy annoying e gh cau him i t act. >> j: oh, re?
11:22 pm
iad gred.ry.stact i a coog. they had been -- isort of been situt. i'd tcees wasoing h,here wergsissing. we-mai inuts aring! >>my: tt is - >> thehoug wasexuay haraing them, it wa rr>>myidt k iwas ngro g o a gt uleib. itro t lo. d tre hwa andingnheivaystdietenhetltchatea h odtyai ane sbort tall bey es w acoyo. >> jimmyoh ] is t as as t itoingo j: , but that'- is sous b in a way. it s a ttle dangero.
11:23 pm
ke, is you!get ouof he! whhe helow daru! eould list ced a me immyt. >> my stairs trie pos a b like, oh wh f le gs a gng ohen ty ifistt,oh! jmyan >> didoterm. i j shuth door j:ou d tight thinyo sexllyttraivo yote whold he es bunowt' oyo h eynme. hasba. hnoh wwos. yeane witit vy t s m ad y survehear al ie, everod "h t benglens brry 12th.
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