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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 5, 2016 10:35pm-11:37pm MST

10:35 pm
what's o?>> ger it s m bihdayme a my andm im s h t se bi ermo it s bihd im: see,ka isexonic ot [ chrsndppuse dayisustae waborn w wyod at mhe lli im18? yoike yo this iils mom el is that a lachristma be >> germo:ye. my: is pre is e of mvoriis ii'vebere lolike yous ar to good
10:36 pm
>> guiermo: yeahtouy blaughter ] jimmy: seffic licehirt >>uillno, maou t bee .yo t cselye.ilssp. ][ rs appla]whress wom ll thiha immy doaswe a ak over theeo ye, thate kind hairle pty goingn. e th your qute don't ow. guiller: th wasy une. >>myourunclll righ yeome aong wayi wiha ppy birthday hsoinecplfou 'teel glecd. dinaldmpl yoto wishou hapthtoda guimo: my: id nothe slth mp is to takert in ten fo tomorrow nightyn othe moderators
10:37 pm
like.ornge ee t k a usthat pocaect.steai nly er we's consi, ast,ig by t- a5:45 a.m thiss wh thinatnd it to him, re women by 6:00mo people ye.[ laht [ nd appimmy: tha h n't hlas mekeaihi thak sen foasonand rk hiory of bair reic [ enid tepcan f esidt tu io "t rl ives buthay- haveo beeve bus excid.'s le he bly sta
10:38 pm
strealntto jonas. hpened and whresualssn.>>ca where? roping a stentrmy m swes wio t g t nocl >> yd ti? as rig? t to make suds iz.>> tgood laught ] eers a appla] jmy:neh atin >> yt f wusmppg cey e en 8h stet ed hlond aey
10:39 pm
re o stay istu >>t'od.>>my: uti think goinon here onere? ets rerded lotionlet'waat hter ] ust wre >>g at tste en ot.aneronstjuanmelo mayo cae ol eah. >> mr >>a grni >>immyyeahve gat ght. d havto gfind lk for hibedrm . nd t l at er relyd d a reay ird. mae pbl he a ry sw for yo ray,haqule oeais ths tot. [ eendlae ] t greer al me s than
10:40 pm
manny sh baby on talkdog a bone shaq,n,he oq giu me id not ey . i hacow for c nteans, andb a beanstalk in the clouds soicrom bas. anow t sine" alin br is us. hhi [ chppuse jmyyoret lilebieay. li- yeah >>o,o, wted k li tbuy rlco s. althe lkw stare yi the leug 400ox. yo tbehets j i't g , mys are ing th j: you have k yesi do.
10:41 pm
th're . eyt on out,e' g : >> mtiful >> jar- my das.>> jimmycause them looks lie'-- >> no,is a gir nameady. my: hi hi and other -- o >> jimmyis thi at they me mommy just s[ ng ad buy th c. >>my, all righ allrit.>>tie em jmyowanidouay elnboug >> 40 >>im: god,owuc is 400? >>00 my lyave $5 wod cor leo?llfbefi uier h yrmoy. g tey >>immy takt. soua mite. ot i>>my: dot take who
10:42 pm
ger. phiome on jimmy's his we have to takk. en wcome bac vicious twitng right now betwn a and kanye westand al to br lerms birtwent to
10:43 pm
2 et biehiisheonstteileln may. d wco bac wwill t it to e.'lbe rhtk sck ch afh aa! nerod gici. pai c ijune. one !sh dot? jt onda psspre anpay.
10:44 pm
[rrdpln olladaat hlou om! itefd se.t y ant. dn.
10:45 pm
desn. and applaus
10:46 pm
backl to come, alison brie andc from banners. eaime, to celebrate gllmo's 45th birthday today we built -- when d i did nhing fhis -- built a 2-foot-long mael [ chrsppe ] itour flights of airoof. re goito d haveuill pourequi margaritixo t funn unow sirs mat here in meoathe ldown a victorfor irthda llermo. immy: ght, vod. y? thyou can his?>> guill: i'lly be >>: gothe ro now so you'rethere ther gui.cheers applaus >> jmy: there'a ry goo that rmo wi tot. be i the tui't ll unngs r. kly sethi
10:47 pm
r.elly sinis life story,unpt he jusings the s o life 4 nutesopi d thwholg g. stag upn thodawony those sma tng ll of my dre owe hertoy -y-y jimand on 45 tes. unbva[ chee andla
10:48 pm
ifou'rdavyckt. th's jme. stofynellyox ul klyo morade. [ eers andppus] umwobekawi th, t? we iinnoerwier fe a t gd wss is t n wh .th time 's ldistbubacay apne nyreal that heas anit ohinew m r e irti. aume'aladin e eastlb oaltime. chging ifrom "is t"w num twa wh asaleeonewa x b. h wavrenowa whoimma ia pp t wis ssiso e ng wi cce khat ed
10:49 pm
nts.beus kaexse e d kk sim asitk th sinof any st a. ik ianut we' in tttwi alif fstalyole fcuy, syoleasst ea.spk is w onwhy u' n we, bk wi.laht ] chrsndppuse >>im: iss t i d owitr. kks nicknameorarua. sthamajuana need anotr nickme t widt ow twas ilgog u vete mti pss i nef aums l thy ro
10:50 pm
t sper ap.knmay me y t c andt rl g you 1s. ame te s veou thyeetnd t he it ts w ai wen lat ytw wng raedhoseants ntto#warlp i gus eazehiti thatk di't snd f k kaas.i'kknseaxc w ba tav [ laughter [ chrs a alaus] jimhe ss heame withaves. all th timtht as the ean th creed wav. bugues heliet c wthsayiu'veo beng.
10:51 pm
he is w.tequilmarga.hoequie you aly hay? gui: a im immy: ll us 's going appehe. u pose i guimo: il yo somethinrom thttom o he we' to new s. is iupid i laught immyl las youak fthe bottf yoeart. righn the t of u, dos,res oad itp![ ch andlae >>my: owllermo, down,'re too
10:52 pm
th l s co ll e cos.[ cheers ause ]is is yo vsion of a .e y p it is![ cheelaus veood. guil eve! you t ve tinof it don't to drit a rs alause >>my: habirthdillerm ght, from ers, brie we'lht b aquille al! >>ions o "jiel l icy hot smartie
10:53 pm
(sged in topl s mento) great b -khaldut t. rucrosstre lo. a suba, asuru. whmashtastie
10:54 pm
weir rar. foomade fm fo ano mum gl y f made it, dyou have experience wt you always you webout the foo john. h the day wiastronaut. more beautifulit?about a sell gamet time? done do bookricele expncesaroundhe gith. ...youwomaca ly at thksormi iwa00 iel
10:55 pm
rely my: e backe show. rom the e "how to ble" alison here.thenaterwo tele debuts -td e.p. ng stage.tomorrowightan m haess, and we' c from tory laneor all of that.ty g i >>moly a lite t. jmy: aprently trouble at a resed cawe're gettinto that. we'lt to ttom ofeerspplaour t is ant ithrld s ant t he hour chsh ring h finrs a pe ttoo h arm wah on tntrsys on
10:56 pm
aq[ ch a ala im gng? >> doing fine, how are you? j: anyou're getti bigger sehow , i am wo for coming mo's birthday. you brind you s s no,e shappy to him. [ ch and ause >>my: woulde love. >> ieed thow paipatn. >>immyall ght, a rig [ eersndlae ] jmy, s . no,o,rex. birthy y hpy
10:57 pm
ilrm hap bthy toou eendlaus] >>imthat wice. ttle g b >> guiyou go aby. hey, tce. my: 's whyred hi yeaeah. by theyo how row a pa don't. yea>>my: ha parr e?>>seton ge >>myyou edo. u a g rtfour n'rthday s y.>>, di imma peoe t ik300 li seang ds >>im: ki. ch chee? ?wherdiyou vet? somhererojeersos, li artalle i rte t,had od tcks tsid it w aweso. >>imths wh i ouwainte isyo sonig arif y. jmyiss his bihd pr u t m je.
10:58 pm
ket'buinddiotoheee y alotimborgni thawa-- tt wamoref a emncen g myan ienifea igh e mbi,s mgage. des youet a isemr or a seste fo y graate,t'your >>ha hdon' osmborgh i>>heur 1mae giitbay oblyergruatefrom coeg in e ga, ing, illireng. >> jmy: you t into mbini?
10:59 pm
e a" ihinkt justbe srtshow, k 'se tevion chrsnd appi ve wchg u ys. i ve wheyoanbaley go iise gh y orkle b jim: rky h mdlna iam crs jmyanyo le gi eotr >>hiiscl >>wo tste, aust w i a.9 pk. t pa a 9. ck is . ou wery? >> eay. >>imsit-up >> itu wou>> a lot of ht >>yosh buildif thing?sed to.: th lamborghi to m y this we ifhe cli
11:00 pm
puhed hiassistanequipmt mager -- don'knowre heun him t isha-- he e en du -liken peen as ere u hearnyindumb tn at >> iav -- on. im: harit?ea>>myrelyguyse ul ow- ea>>my: --etti ied >> yh. >>imthake a sry h. immyeyo? >> s. i evenepea. >>mydo thi ul-- tches istches, y do that. jimmy: donk they uld keep it w just with the internet and soal >> the d: e ys, you have ttell the truth. >> it's very unf cause ippe on theay. an youw,rstar play gs don'to right, the superst the fit guy to n not to w, and they won't winhi anay, ev wit ppen to get to a certint, they ke they're aloi t
11:01 pm
know, of, gog to t plfs, it abotain sieramso l justheyfour gat ofond theywoul endplayin de in thrst ro er tcramenr dy. missause he pu sody jimmy: havepunched t talking immy: -- like in a ring. c >> jimmy: this is ils e's [ laught [ and appuse >>he movie "rtian. jtt d wow. whime wthe g?i he de up in whame dgo tbe 4:0:00. >>immy, .m erght? wt 2eshoo me, g ugthe ls, m pingd 4:00. immyhave tm of rvtst wake and wh -- no, nmore. >> jimmyn'havef
11:02 pm
jimmy d you give difrent time, i'm retir >> jimthe ls[ e ] >> jis usou're inducted into thht. jimmy: yo in here. en is ll o ducemo>> tthe go maancemet all-arweekenpefulli'm g paf thnnouemen immyi d thk wobe you solulye be. iope . >> jmy ebo'sgotoit ain>>oue gh >>myha ytaed inking aboutouspch and y wsa nt >>im: u ve not veouhohtbo w w trucyo >> ii t iilveo d j hnndbrbrg jmy rs a alaus]>>mythat a pttod grp. y hav-- i l
11:03 pm
can ch to n how llou- hav ae aly madedeci.if ihat go theinvi or y sam go eno in thhallfall pbl in a lake cheendus] : ket. now,he lers ve athin odehe spl nt, tharstat t os oe ll. wanto okes yocath'vjey we, eygi ty' emth'vgot el i in--ou s whathiss ghnowh i shongou?>>es >>immyyodokn a isth isuu. thlaede it. iss uef th're pu ae leceer. [ ee a a] imyye >>erus? jimmyswr g. thjo. swr to [ chee a aus] jth'st,hawh
11:04 pm
ppus>>oue ayg. don'beevyo >> jim: m idut'mot attu bie m thiss r al m t atll th ianrtt reg at thaoio tse leceerchrsndppus] >>imfore, m t kig.i age therargo b pfa ptoap ten thhiki oa lyok r uhe so cgrationso yo th 's ay g de ch andus >>owini't. ou a. imshaqllne tcnsidthe a"daghl rig bac d't g
11:05 pm
nce ins ldri wd eggwaegeg [screami bold nissan roguve all whe nter nee no99 mon he 2016 nian. . vaont exci if you hadr every donsurce comnitheyl sa ywitcng, le
11:06 pm
trae rnnl raised by technoman efcy. so whate su hassteouy ar
11:07 pm
>>m mmy mm. ak hosm onfen t ofuter alda me bk >>uillermo: is asito on itts i o'nea as aorr nbpl whobots jmyal?
11:08 pm
h a? aryon ui pa>>avy s smarlienapy. jyeht, llry omy guierme o kch gus >>ote g.>>arti to >>hut ract im: nglsesitaiimim p no u o yrso nd gh>>erwo sow a ou, . aqllimmyyosh hen m fr gllermo hha! dkyt smarelie tenshera
11:09 pm
ee a
11:10 pm
i of mas wmya mpmst coonlocontl,ocan inma tatment-damp s foultha well cond ontehmcikehartic rla ainler r ddathi proems.eonse fo hos.typedi irees rof stle y eahe ospita in en ascen is not ths weonon longerm tr mekeinhaleos. our urr ec sto ancra thonolcinelihalecort. do note thib see urocto yasth mp urif4-ur bbe a msi fr febrhuor all oucrd
11:11 pm
diis ga "s-mag n incr accumion inth.l c otlosfost6 eachi led with h&bl.9a ? a lon a n ] info federal is dad, yt drop right n the t sch thre y ies ously, eafi seeth your itno this ad! th hon[ da itwhon't. foarcollrnindautomeencyraking. avlae onewly reed passa
11:12 pm
anyou step a .yo prsu i pplveger heeywih?
11:13 pm
uheendus >> j: we bacstto c musro erouuests actresomw the
11:14 pm
et on a aini ccall ow to ingl pensteebruar12thea s ho al bri[ chee appla how are yo carefulwant to into the he c >> iainow. jim: i know. now i feel lthe should taerwithe erywhere i guper pite wh n't you petiral? >>im: ah a sh mafunnelwe couit up, i a min come down. thinkka >>dok oufunnel>> hapday. llyou
11:15 pm
aw. >>we g i sff the cbreak, guils havi meanywu a keyo'm nig d these>>u weone ti i'v touhases a ldefinihen co >> jimght. oped doorit and udd bit sc>> jimu d.o u ina when yerre j's gal rul>>ot bee e bu tis kin. enampu oh. i me mst day ses dean ossiosehe ognexchdentoffiand heimde so ti jus r.i meane of not me. i of mberloeae,d ene ltfi i dolw srtin a sc
11:16 pm
anu,. immyw,s inan>> i l idfrri we ng immostlyri it al.thera t he turnnto which hi>> j: on >>, ocal docaonalere isalleas a oesng. >> jimmyah>> wl,y. t a g e inavor saw 90 was l, aussc bin fulpl e dd stet lika h. w mtetiscsht. j: cldre otsh tn th t az
11:17 pm
ee alaus >>imveonf you. ea i'dckt t. ure he. h't sd. j: yoin yoras tenor sn. >> jmy: he citstres >>s so. it. wesuatt. rgreato s in , r . immyat'sve ar iea wea vibog we ofe sh a lat ni e tad bya t of dru pe rey a nig.niwe h twe a n tturn to oraerjuetecau a uporcati agnsem>> jmyohag. ybliigfron theke andi
11:18 pm
befoyotontpt . eyaid, letheshwe d. the moe,ar m daty hole t? ty' nheesou t,re. >>myha yadha perien yeleryove b espe thee : y. >> in t bdas. i' henalr. tt's rtf im: , al? >> o de at >>im: , a yeis y hstke
11:19 pm
>> sgoe startevi lft fro l m joh>>si tso gatrythhe vif kofoo lfenooitlekeofgrs arro ds i'm in jus 's vict t wnvehief fithghe hir sthr tirra or. bli besta >> jrit.>>t there. anin thenug ir w links t cyengheventhou we lldo. tht ar en cic.the ooconetht fork berothcent of .alys ie pla. myat'sebat png up me e st i f edstp la andt ifco tch fliom w ssg wi us. it vy one ht i
11:20 pm
enut d gceg ug is s y ilstart. narss j: s -->>hey xu g , itri >> jmydnnow s miroa guor g id bl >> dtus fl out ba it oufronand as idrivew. an bet tittl tch rasst aly od o a. an w y . a c oh[ appl t was ad a thou was go beah, bu -th sd ay. >> iwattgero : ah.>>maim. >>u tehem o. don'.i sttherr tenutes ke
11:21 pm
at tell,u!anhelihe a myri utorsi d os ae oh!wh flikeuys towhenhey in afit,h! jiman t d noter i juhudo : yod thght g.>>te in g >>u'reattrcoe gu w.buavhi me.he ht beed >>immysod th at
11:22 pm
dthjimm live coers prd bymsun >> dkiel l sees un >>immy brie.apologies to mmo wra ime.htlineisrst,
11:23 pm
nn oohoh ooh ig willeheayl seeeoh o o oohe on g leea het ,
11:24 pm
sh me someercy ak h-ohhi o gh m h--o sigshe e lot sewhile thg
11:25 pm
inone i'llte yowi your how sweetnd p pe dodon' t merownt rrwa ou'r omehe ohhi o sha m ooh l o shone e wat il e ves rerainme
11:26 pm
's whvederneath sne lightn light o o o thi "e. ghowdi o wager r-yead nkt's whe te gng t ge d. nls fromto to about of a student o chattedither bycan kids. plus - here'sta ofr to grab yourtt0uriner
11:27 pm
hi aress t ail war --ryehe al he segyhi mon supow. gseayndgo>>heseewus citaxgt d f r's tc yrs ikhe'say i u.thathyee
11:28 pm
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