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tv   NEWSCHANNEL 13 5  ABC  February 11, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm MST

5:00 pm
em ang a aroudeboulwher yes e;ren thes. is and se its o, and riteolwater s.e utysom rate inture l d sae'to an ice ons-fe s- ea ih haott." beca
5:01 pm
another warmhe rado, ain is mohig, bit into0s a s wi mor dsarly to g.
5:02 pm
than till not w you yo week fog in the poce akingelp findbank robb. whhit a on ineet feo. take latthe sueice ctur fnke bber po ft 12:th aftno ne hurt a li sayro i li to havelefthe sce oot. cr a0 yeard withwhitndmustac tns sa'vseen aroundhe area call pueblo crime
5:03 pm
54 a co springs officer of kickioka .. made h f appearancourthis sgt.scaro fa onsdemea assault char 's due bacin t on march 31st. on decber ar responde traffi an el pacounty sheriputy said he witnesd scaro drvel mes ttg hand hisneck. sco r vete of tpartme. sio e etsohill sion 17-y ashng a t 3 .. moth e of nmens tag pulyfor fi kld erlan old. shoke disa autthe ed ctimeronshipwi..d wht was likeide thme. suan
5:04 pm
ric harris .gag . irha w about suide ins jonal. ab "sie a reckonrs tomorrow t.. right rdo newschne s o'oc orado state patrol a thousand people were cited foiv maju year. trooperotemore tha huducions t hose recas e maruana wainvoed... and 5 lv juanatleone her tathea fivcitations re fot numbers e do mpar to ..t ver htly rajuonousuppaftethdeof amey ifty. hund of er. fla set t me t hoputyrek er. he was shot ay respondi portof manrrying a gun
5:05 pm
ba face. ouit was boy.. w ci mudepuer dieshe wasof "it' sokeis hasg ople tr e unity ha st bwond" ee annend. he w he sff'sficeheasand o 3. ecl ocanotyole partnt ceivan a i e onaon. eir e- ghti d, , llet in k departhe ede jue f e ndolr an keea. wianic rkalon eno hauke r ce d are ae tousm in m
5:06 pm
certd.ha oes w him him ting dog ell. fir can 's pin4. hemoff gods re hoed a grndki ceny inoro ringe di w ll 28-sa wil thatl alnd weneceerpl expa s. reorinwes si st he fac-owner brdamith ouin chan ty life ty
5:07 pm
co l ng hp chgehe un su w eday hereer ebhaer ofommee. alg th hecounit ne..try mciounty . ashe mmy at ou le s cng... inop tt leeripil me ey tordhemmy.e'ing ate n ffecwith t ite wset dawet pube as itpoib ce s s . d you can call in rtipe. wa it. rs set r hed wiin a t oba. ind w inrm ne. pl thlye 12is vhos shot
5:09 pm
in sion01ve.. nigh. tho nd th deatesidtinaono o-thtimebern srs y inwionsin.. itso fnton the ca..byess thrcpot.hile nddoe ha arthyinggantth es. soutli. vaancodoclto g totup e he ders. trto cl ner atus nit's te sat ..nd llstamed ve oyoub next on
5:10 pm
d ws latomhena tole. e i ha sted ocers derald n eg ce. thstou ldts re ..agen nd 'romidah nadd oh t yio ke workers ng thre in janua secon a to o fuge tdel ndliseprte ..onsh by foe ls y. nedarar of th fal ag b... .. to p g o ved heas ung asarede waitg hi
5:11 pm
udins tw . aman . te keovore eir ar last mon blic itic ty dismissed bill o ily .. s buncashe 12-yea and a pole ofce4.. wplay a pella parktyri's th- bl amkeic ostada cy atrnolog asaid the bilbehd to se tee hear teimom thxp ona vi directs heon inofrgandistabe ne funareint obamest 1-in lls fast-th il nown ocly.
5:12 pm
e's a loth aut vi erinray t aenomenon anwe're workinthe clock le can as quickly as wean arth people tpropriat lst onator sa cdc es any exy becath
5:13 pm
5:14 pm
5:15 pm
a aresill e toowll bttleolnot s th'll stt the 50s
5:16 pm
expeeday durdospriay s tein, th ing ainday 7da st s the th thnext 7 ur cany ayast
5:17 pm
lag tot ek. tellerount7dayas shin thand 50 on anne an hernra s.. d whu ca .
5:18 pm
5:19 pm
5:20 pm
mayhard tomagine ll os o,soteradeanoc fkr chnel 's kaol tress toe he eas at amed wars. ths fial reha90 miioyes e ese ro coaith ss opris ate tchenelyenee ng... "rhy toiren 'shy giv ckmu shwa er 12y en rest rve panere ex n he dsi cfod g iny hapaanunt a fi
5:21 pm
tunhad om in t twagian ataovery" sccheron read he so itedp at t nor ood rk alices mro scrid r on unit dirb- - ahi esrehaabs us to n ssryff aryafthfoss o o n toxistn e d thly mptelle nour ur cter de md of e for r researerto j rrl,rd nechne13e sh gotts n for la meee arac kessilill ept he de mus atd sc oiuenk
5:22 pm
ice o ishewest i oid by as muc five ent .. ttling a$26.dy clwireacor ial ets. prs plge..rag worrabt e osct of nkptesn l ct. and aring ins. total e ha me incr 7rct fr itsne4 ak oal $moreriplgiloss thrks drpe25 poin tod. e aq ll7...nd t anp isow mning lo..'l won e e at 4m. s mni coloradol
5:23 pm
coldin tattl theurge, cke a lationf delis" hek std ha-lfe ttucand frh-iced ts. heora rfecunion ben 0% bf, cese, mo.. ittterbakeunfor all
5:24 pm
're kingveur bett,li stveo go ust one
5:25 pm
tohi lad up"cass" he ity.ur dageri fi tsdni lis gnsh at thurc
5:26 pm
5:28 pm
tonight, race e honald boldion.threicrontne ate s ng, he nsol st ahiudtas tu tig. hiarinn t acofers th ady de the arst acr st.e mmutalready.l fe well
5:29 pm
f ta a atnd wthas e a noe tonio opdiand thgut s ca ee > d have breaking ns vog llos'sif >>and s presroing gn. isr tot?> od it gat y he rsdanit. d eg wita w tu i e race f psint bdes,t n tt f t sth.naldruowayinf win s cina,s goinque, run tab he demc delly inn anders to bt onha onon. ragy ui ls inew hampshire?abhtsomething you wihi
5:30 pm
won'at anye.>>wire, 're ing n tae. whe, r so inamhireof e rsreo vet up 'rinto r t t a weilmacaatai th c telyo oka repteheru camignyst' cot,it on goi trusitivev ad hwatoakamera grt a twh i o. or t o ndattrp stn't re aac y ha y h, w b funib bhoste laste needother bush travel t florcesouth u. as h went int he seemed tate ru aryoing to bere. >> i >> rr: w doeseep hittin >>t be wor


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