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tv   NEWSCHANNEL 13 6  ABC  February 25, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm MST

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track this developipi y.... roroclosed in n n ose d fighte atrng tge cocoro a f thththrorout night. e frfron ty sriffff ofce s fire bning i a cen e e e block vallllllrive... right now.w.vava drive and oln roro are clos. & and no reports of any injuries. 're followininthe situatioioand we'll bring you more information when we get it confirmed. keept set to krdo....n t-v.. on are putting out hot spotand monitoriri a fire toninigheaststn el po co. righw .. calh. the e`aso county wdland fight the firi. what staed the fire .. or the act size. . forcement t academy pueblo is getting cadets ready case scenarios. a reality... law enforcement is facing - in jususthe last ree montnt... officers have been shot in rado.
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newschannel 13's carl winder is live apuebebcommunity college to show w how tse cadets areeing traine it n at t x.instructs say cets fa a life or dedeh situation at anytime w, what you'r' looking at arerehe cadetstsoing through physical training exercises. instructors say thisiss part of the p to make sure the cadets a a ready for the real pwowod. during thehe cadetstse at thacademy y theyo from lessons in the classroom real life situations like going through active shooter exercicis. we sp_ w cadet o saya hwawanted to ben officer. he alsosasa he undetandndthe riskskto keep people s we. you prepare urself mentallil as best as you can that onene could be askeded to put my life down for somemedy in community or one e my feow office and for me personally i have accepted
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the academy st 18 weeks. d cetnishes the academy th would have went througugclose to 700 hours of aiaing. . in pueblblcarl winder krdo nenechannel 13. a a y aftfr it happpped, people in park county are trying to coco to grips totoght.. afafr a popular was deputy shot to death while seseing an eviction notice. rporal n ne carrigan grew up in the town of bailey.. 75 miles northwhwt ofof colorado springs. he was s 13- year veteranf the sheriff's office. two other deputies were ininred one i stl in serious nditions. the gunman.... martin wirth... ed in the shootout. that wn'n'n' e first trqredr the small town. teyears s o.. duave morrison armed with guns.. walke into platte cany high h schoolol he took seven girls hostage.e. xually asasulted them... . and killed 16- year-old emily keyes. morrison died in a gunfighgh wi deputies. memoriri of that incididt came rushihi ck a aer cacaigan's death. opopopth this latest tragedy.. the scsc has 8 grief counselors available e r
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nearly of them knew rprpal cacaigan.. who's moer is s acher r plpl canyon.. . carrigananas a coach h ere.. and grtetef platte eanann. wewee set up a page on r websitetwhere u can send your condolences to rporal carrrran's famili. just log on krdo-dot-com.. and look in the top news section. pueblo police are lookinfofo o children tonight. they say 're e ncerned about their safety after an incicint outside a a quor stoto.... in the 900lock of west foth reet. wiwiessesay a m n crasaud his redodge ram truck intoh store... and then thtruck. police s h h drove off down fourth street the truck.k. the r of a abouo%the incint. you a a tt bit because you want to know at's goingn, ha been here r 32 years and course i want neckckf e police have not released a descriptn of the man or the licensnsplate turning to weather and a clear chillyly night in store. chief joins us with the forecast. another cool and y night in
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mostly clear skieieare expected with light wind. momoowill l warmer than it was toda, sasarday wililbe even wr. alsosoindi. i'll t tk about whenene'll s s next ming up.
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glenwood canyon is now back open.. but juststst lane inin eachchirection.. and a pilot t r is escortin people through. the highwawawa was s osed 10- days ago after $&$& twrockslides in one day. traffic is u two eastbound lalas. the las are just 12 feet wide and there is no should.. so pilot carsrsill help manan speedsdsds ivers sh expect d days` and occasioioi lane csus. it will be several more dada before a ne on the weweweund side of theighw will open.. and about a nth until alalfour lanes are back in e. authorities in elbert cououy e asking for your help in a murder case.
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for man in this pho. onanuary 23rd ... edward . cture is a person o inininst in thth case ..... he was seen in the area on the day of the murder. anyoyo with informatiwn is urged to call tpelrtcounty sheriff's office immediaty. the murder se a ainst a former rocfordolice ficer goes backckefora dge tomorrow ternoon. attorneys are expected at the urthousen la a for a 1:30 status conference. . prosecutor say james ashby shot jack k jacqcqz in the backck while on duty in ocber of 2014. hby ld veigators,s, oight t cque was a rgr. b)jacquez wainside his own home. . the e ial's beenen layed twice. it's now heduled to staron june 7th. a highchchch security guaua in district is fired accused havg sexuxu relationshipth a 16-year runawatyler hamimiworked a a ronado h hh school. the 16-year-old ld investigatorst the haltonot her pregnant.
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perhehe dicatis anan end of next month. 4- lebrbrbrns delayed a w days. aprir 202020the cannabis cup uld have to start on april 22nd.. in order to make the county's applicion deadline. "fulul applicion hasn't yet@been suitted. the coun is still working g gaer all t information make an formed ononuttht. if ad, iwod be held d e me lotion as "bands in the backyard".. at's on the mesa... utheast of theity.y. while pueblo cotyheriff kirk tayayr is concerfrd about safety, rmer sheriff n cono there's thing to y y t. "hisisrically, cannabab users have been non- may be peripipial crcres o o vandalism and maybe some petty thefts a thingsgsf that natutu." the plication, accocoing state regulations, has to be submd less than5 days before e event. state house committetehas that would have
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inolorado. the bi's thororwere pushing g g civil rights protectis fofo the homele...... - including a right to rest in public places... and to occupy a legallyeded. it also would have establishededa stroer right to privacycy inin010101 denver papaededn ordinance e at baba eating... sleeping... and` storin possessis onon public or r ivate permission. also at the capil.. onsors of a rit-totoie bill withdrawn it.. saying they n't have enouupport. the bill would veperovi the terminally ill a l opopon theirir lives. itassea a democrat-l house committee.. but was pulled forere scscduled debate o othe house floor. the sponsoso... . represenentives from fort collins and denver... promised they would try ain next year.r. theyereralso ncererd d out possibile e amendmts addefrom other lalaakers. doctors in uthern colorado are warning parerere about a mumps s outbreak in denver. what signs and sympto you need to look out for... and how to protect your
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mourn the deat ofof lion... l lal zoos sre d dng theipa to conserve t t spec
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outbreak i deer has soututrn colorado medidil speciaiasts s issuing a a warning: make sure you'r'rup to date o o ccininns! six cases are t reported i denver..and there ma more. the first case
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io... ananalso incted t health care workers. telllls read eily 5404coughihi or can n sosoe or sneez onto rsrs com along and touches thut, and totohes theieyes, nose, moh, t ty can n can get it 556 mpto mumps ually exposurere symtpoms inudswol sasaryla.. painful ewew an swwing mumule aches and ver.- ititan also puse deness or menenentis in sure caseses you suspect you or a loved one hamus... ll a aococ antry totovoidid exposing other we're learning momo about the fe of liess that psed away at the cheyenne mountain z z. "angiedied age of 21. of a breededg ram
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genetic nes of african n onin human care pure. shshe had ei lioio of w wch w%we mountain zoo. lives on in her 105 liling descendants... and gran cubs ashley boren of the pueo zoo... says s os have a duty y protect african lions. "if ththpopulation in the eild d comple falts and theyey go extinct, we still have viable afrin lions in the world." pueblo's has ties t tangi rough his he was born on january 13ththnd l n%eda name. go to krdo- the link to naming contest. it will be warmer but windier r th w%wkend, i'tracacng the potentl fofofire dang and
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new tonight t krdo newswsannene13 10 o'clock. colora voters will cacaus with several l her stat next tuesday. and we're hearinfromrepupuican pridential candid totoghghbere cacaininballlls. highlights
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it's going to be chilly tonight with
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tomorrow will end up wararr, with highs in the 50s s d 60s for ththlower elevationsnsit will bebeostly sunny and dry. your colorado springs s ay forecast shoko highs gettttg into satuay, th cooler on sunday and
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forecast shows mperatures warming intnhehehe 707076 saturday, wi 60s on sunday and nday. your canon cici 7da forecast shogs teeratures ih the 50s and 60 r r xt seven dada. your teller county 7day forecast shows a slight chance for oweron
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indidiapapis ts week for the scouting combinandnthe talk rrounding the broncos..peytotomanning.. the broncos like the rest of us are waiting to see if manng will come ba and play anotherer seasonon.thehe broncos continue to say thhehewill give manning time to make a decision and tt they will notl ruru him into a dedecision.. i meant with yton a cple
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good talk as i said after the game we are going to g ge as mucu#time as he nee. . will stain t tchchch the next week or twowowo getet ck togetetr it's still in his court still going give hiat te lele hihieneny the e& win. it's only t and half weeks sisie we won so i al want him totoe able to enjoy that." carlos g gzalez isisappy and - hehethy ading into sing trainingwhwhh don't bodede ll foror pipipirse national league west.. thinin are different compared to a & ye agodo rgo. last year at thitime, he was trying to recocer from a a off s%asonone surgery.....en though sprpr trning h h j beben, maner lt weiei already sees the difference in cargo.0 ananime an hlete has to preservepeheirir better fororand i inatatil thseit cao.o.e e s e on face bocen hi stts g gd to see toy." ththlolodo egckck
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games left in the regular r on the tigers are currently in last place in the nchc, however thth team not lackg coidence whatatever..the tige head into theieiweek th miamihif ohio w wh the thought t moving up p t t andings.. . rst of all we're ng to get four wins. we have a chance to move up in the stanngs s d thatou be uh a great aclime thatf uo go s t the sira babaea preparing to st wheheridge tomoroowin the first rod of the playoffs this year the stallilks arar lookfor reremetititi telosing to mi-finals last year because of the loss,psenior kion wingo says he learnenehow be a better leader "from talking on the court being a && leaderbeing g roleodel, no
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in p pctice. a taking that defense that we bause a last t ars showing them whwhhat dedense lolos like, and th're well. they're exutin verer well." caurg colorado is up next. cocolorara pice officer is f fing murder charges.nd out what's'sew ( th t t case. i'll he your complete recast starting g
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time now for
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capturing d& cocorodo... our thanan to o the u-s air force ademy cadet chapelor sharing g g beautiful photot ofofhis mornins ise. rememb... we want to see your capturing lodo phphos justmail them to our newsroom... or share them on the krdo newschannel 13
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. tonigh oscsc securi fears, snipers, hutdidden cameras, bom sniffing dogs, h h hollllood braces for itt biggest nigig. he sge is set, but why is ttthe s secret ser coming? i'm ve f you here at a adonene bea eater. >>ouresjoe zee gets secrets frr stylists. >> aa then adele tes.`.


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