tv Nightline ABC February 25, 2016 11:37pm-12:07am MST
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snakehips! >> this is a acialdion o "n"nhtne." "c"cntntnca tonight a highly contentious, deeplylyomplicated issue, often at the explosiveventersectn of alalhol and hookukuculture a hools al across america. can sexualsslt be prevevted? the perernal storiesf those living with the trauma and the fallllt. >you're justaralaled byd n n knowing how too reacto what's goininon. >> nothins thesame. at >> a father stunned by cusations against his soso >> it's o o his record, hisis life is rurued. . >ere tonigig voicece on the front linesacing the toughgh sues he-on.
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inhe oen toxic mixixix o oavy drking and hookukuculture. theheor of smanyes the ques offcot. canconsent be fined? can tching students how to putit io p practice p2e2event lives om being destyed?d? we'll et witit several people tonight who belie it c. va nonovich says her nightmare began afte a late nig out when she decided to crash at a friend's artment,hari a futov with a guy she used to datete >> w w had all met up. we decided to gog out for thehe evening.g. some p pnt later in the eveningg i w u uu and felm having sex witit me. . reporter:r:he then 19-year-old, a freshman attending college in new york city, says sheas f fzenn in ock. staying silent through the ordeal whilelenother friend slept j jt a few f ft awayay. >> =ou're jt paralyzed by notot knowing how to react t to what's going o. i didn't know what to do a autut it. scene. i just pretended to be asleep >> repte tova's eerience
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and misundstood w ways p pple react during a sexual asssasat. if anyone had ever asked me,, if someoeo hasex with you and yoyo don't w wt them thave sex with you, will you stop them om dng that?? ea w have be, s. - then when the situation actually arose, that wawa not m respo it. peopleealk about f or flight without realizing that the thihirdrdiece is free. iticks in when wre in a situation where we beeve we cannot escacape. >> reporter:r:t's not uncommon inhe most typical kind f collegeg sexual assault, acquaintance rape. acacrdinin to@ a sweepinurvey of 2 2iversities m m mehann 1 in 5 5 fememalal unundergrara were viims of sexual assauau or misconduct. >> it's on >> reporter: we'reeeing a growinin t te obdvocacy from high-profile personalies. >> to get in the w boret haens -- >> rorter: and lady gaga withh her song "it canappen too you"
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it can happen to y y happepe to you >> r rorter: tre's also udent adadcacy >> no memes no! >> it' okay. an i ut my hand re? >> yes. >>eporter: a big phhh toward eventmon awarenessampaigns % tempting to clarify sexual consent. >>ilence doesd nqu nsnsns >> when she's too druo ncti, rape. rtehe ap nst. s. >> reporr:dd dririinto the mixndomplices thi even more. alcohol or drugs a invnvnvved in as mh as 80% of sex aault cases. >> he e d pupuhased raeretas to k. >> reporter: she hadadadeenoo out of it to giveconsent. hanging out at a party@y with a classmeor when she felt sick. >> i was throwing g .
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could not feel myrms or gs. >> reperter:r:ext thing she knew she e ke t. >> the next morning ioke up.. and i was complely naked. in theheets a the base of the bed. he was at the top of the bed. i basicicly sat up and h h -- like j jtt -- complplely y y disorienti disososotation.. all thth was going through my ain is,, i need to o t out. >> repepter: unke va s s says she immededtely ded it as rape a f led a repor with the school sing corey, a wpestltl on the school@l@lm, forced her on her whenne wawa i i no condion to consent. the persoso that i was two years ago today is not even closeseo ing he persosohahat i amnow. i now have@ depressionh streaks, any streaks, n nhtterrors.s. >> it'sisis record, his life is ined. >> reporr: thereresnother de to this. c.d.mama is corey'y' f fher and says h h son was completelel ind-sided by the action. >> he was blown away, he dididt know how to reac
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>> reporter:corere whoho declned to be iniewed, told his father he rememberedhe night very differently andndhate and morris had c csensual x.x. >ould i ever thinkhat my n would be involve in s sual assault?t? absotely not. >>eporter: c.d. mauk saysis family is financicici and ememionally drained fm the fallout of@fhat he says i ihe almostimpossible task of prpring nsent. >> where doe nst statart and where does it end,on't know. let's remember, w wreealing with young peopop.. many of them whore very inexperienend. ere's alcohol aroundd supervision. >> reporter: the unirsity initially dismissed the charges. theheeks lalal revevsed that rung. findin him responsible.e. a year after that, a local court said the school improperly shifte t t burden of proof. corererere cleared. but byn c.d. says the dage was s ne. >> y#y're labaned a rain rapist. yocacatto to parties. oppositesex.
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>> repoptete molol sayshehe feeleldamaged too, still maintaining she could not have consented a thattt was pe. >>ife after thessault isotot evenlose to beinghat i it could have bn. nothing's the same. at all.>> a a lacf ass not a yeye >epter: ian no univsitytyfarylandds a prr educator, knowns const bro, part of rong effort at univsies across t coury explicly tchininconsent. >> if somedy's aalted they could just not sayanhing. >> reporter: tdeaa that nsmumu be explilitl taededed befendndurin >> w wlk abo wt nst is in t t off action@ andnn t termsms of verbal consent, nvererl consent. >> reporter: twotatete have even madad conpentt leg quirement at their public universitieses >> what t alifyiess an oning consent? nobodyknows. nody canannswer that question. >> reporter: af this is ghly controversial and complited. it eveve realistic? >> i i seems vy black and white. in practice itis a a a@ot more
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together tova, c.d. mock, and other unique voicesoo talk ababt consent onampus. en weome back, wthehey hahaha to y. >> y cononder t ttictim bling? >> ye i csidethat beiei a resppare.u have type 2 diabetes, yoyomay know what t 's like to deal with high... and low ood sugar. januvia a itagptin) is a once-dly pill that, along wi diet and exercise,helps lolor blood sugar. januvia works en your bloooo sugar r highhh and works less wheheyour blood sugar r lowlwbecaususit works by enhancing your body's o ilitity to lowew blood sugar. plul januvuv, by itself,f,s no likeke to cause weight gn ororor blood sugar (hypogogogmia). janushould not be ed i i tients with typepe diabe orbetoacosis your or i iyou u a history ofaneatis.ous siefts cananappen,n,inudinpareatitit wpwpmay be severe d le to deatat stop taking januvia and call your doctor right away if you have s sererpain in your stotoch area which may be
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tell y yr doctor right away y d stop taking januviviif you have an allergic reacti that cacaes elling of the faceli tongue, or throat, or affects your breqehing or r causesash hives. kikiey problememsotimes rereiring dialysis have beereported. sosoeoe may develop severe joint pain. call your dodwor ithis happens. using janunua with a suonylurea or insususu y cause e w blood gar.r.o reduceceheisisisour doctor may escribe a lower dosesef thth sulfonylureaeainsulin.n. your doctor y do blood tests bere a a duringg treatmtmt to chehe your kidneys. if you have kidney problems a lower dose may b bprescribed. side effects may include upper respspataty tract infectioio uffy or runny nose, sorerethroat, and d adache. for help lowerininyour blood sugar talklklkyour tocr outtjanunua.a. red lobster's loboterfrft back.k. so come try the largest variety ofofobster dishes of theear, lili lobster lover drere or new dueling lobster tails. it's a party oevery plate, anyou're invited.
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of auma. c.d. mock, concerned fatatr and foerollerestling coh. kily rrusented 60 stude in colgegesexualssault complainin. ian, consent vavaho sayay she was assaulted as a college ud dr. gaga stern, consen advocate whososimimim troop travels the country tchingconsent throvgh enarars likek this. >> according to sources youre accusese of rapga fellow studentamy. >> i admit i had sex wh this girl but i did not rape her. >> reporte these aor educators perrm skitstltle hunudssff times a year. a alleges s was raped in ur rm at a rt e sasa force hererse on r a shetrugugugut y pinned her as down and had sexex stopop >> i wantto start b thahaing theeoeoe of penn state. obviously penn stbte considers the idea of consent campus an impoant prprrity, which is why we're here today.let's startith hihissdea that it's eas as a concnpt to bring
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that's a vy difficult bar. >> it's notlears a a ahough how my acacons are to cononitute consent. >> the fact that we comee at it fromhiperfecttsptivere it yes o o no m mes it difficult on bothsides. now. just in talkingith my guys. they're e oroughly confused. these are not pists. th girl consnents to kissing. so ddoo i stop kng fiviv seconds laterernd say, okay, can i i ss your neck? itit's vy, very confusing. >> know -- i knonw thaha itt can seem very nfusing. bubu i tnk a l t of thee we hav t ts ideahat seseality's likekereight trai it jt doesn't stop. if u wereet a gi'sou apd somng@oing o ond her dadwalked in -- would t guy goo"sorry, i'm a freight ain."
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consent reallylys neeee tbe gottenent ery single step. ififncentive is strong enough, peoeoeanstop >> hepyoyoer worked withenen who expressed surprise that ey'veearned ty've cssed thisisline? >> w w w ye. they may not rlize wt theh've ne is rappe eveve though it'still pe. ipdon't thinin theyyly grasp e ide oonsent, which is so gray, asase'vevekek%abouou >> reporter: clarifying nsent is what catharsis productions aims to d via thesempro scscarios wre aoung man has been accused of rapepe. . >> 7e're having aablast, laughihihitalking.g. she h hging all o@vem.. d mybuddy jeff made the usual panty droropperer pun which she $% was plowing through. it was really louou with the music d all thepeople. she's ththone who suggested we@ go somewhere wherere shehe could hear m better.. i walke her uppto myy ro smiles bstutules and grabspe for balae. i pull herup,he s stas kissing me.e. next thing inow we were having sex.
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does anynye havee any questions r aaron? >>id you assume that just because she saiddhe would le . go somewhere elset that meant that a possibity off any sexuctivivy -- >> likee'm t tfy one making that assution? >> she said sp what w went throroh yourrhead? >> i@ stted to try to takhff r clothes but s s kind of pupues me bacac and ss,whoa, ta i easy, stop. i i art kissing her again. this time s s didn't do anythingto s spme. . >> do you thin she m not have been able ttayy stop aga after the fist time bececause of inxication? >> she chose t t drink everythihi, i didn't force on it her. >> start with the issue of convt anan alcohol.t.are we saying if you'rer tip@psy you cannot give consent? >>s, andndre s singf you're tipshfther person nnot get coent. >> i feele iff a aohol wasn't involvede answer would be a lot t tflear cucut. yououe suggesting we ban alcohol on cacampus? >s a college student, honestly, i thin thererehod betrter policieie for it. we are enteringnintoto placa
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thee majority of these tuio. >> reporr: to o -- >> b b clelehe scenariwe depict, they weren't equally drk. i i a gray eaea. he ususus it in tha instrumental predory way. 9090fy cas involved the e of alcol b b one o bhh parties. maybe you don't have sex with somebody if you k k theheve en drinking eve o o drink. peonalru. >> reporlfr: during the esan year ann alarming 15% of women were raped w wle incapacitad from alcohol or ug according to a a recent ( suey. > k kw'm g gng to gege mauled for this.p i'm a father o o a dauauauteralal. and d ththpect t t alalhol, i inkkhere's a@a@a corresponng sponsibibi ofountababit that goes wit t female a much a the male. so don't goo ioo at frat at 2:00 in therning. dodot gont place ane where@ there's a bch o guys drinking and play dnking games. m as adad, these are
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tost inhihi d discussion because we're a afraid tha we'e' being xist. don't see th as sexist. iaian iaw yououu shaking your head >> shiftinin responsibilitit t t t a specificic party, espspeslly the & oneewho's the m mority viimized, i thihi i is justtt n n true. >> you consndedethat victim blaming? >> yes. >> i con thata being a rereonble parent. >> itteans that every wowan has to see every m as a potenal thre and i can't buy that. in terms off reonononlity, i'm respe for what do when i'm inking. i'i'nott respons forhat other people choos t to to me when i'm dnking. d dn'n'ant t tve x, she cococo punched me kr kicked, at least scscameded she was s st of laying thfrfr >> i want to get at anoer issue, she d didn't figig back. sheeould have screamedd o orr said souothing? >>ma,any women gontoo
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>> from a victim p pective iwass somebody w at ththtime nenerraidiyes r did i y no. whwh i waseingng sexexlly sauld. and tt m me itery difficult for a number of years to actually be to define whetheor not w wt happened t@ me qualified as s sual assault. >>hi about@ nummber ptimes that woman i i i in a situatiohe s tnking thatt may be really risky to tryy toakadadr make ingsworse.( reporterj these are e ect some othe nuanceshe educatorsry to getnir ((ormances.>>id she r r rfter th whispering that waslelear sign she was n into it? she jt laid there. >> i don't know about allllll guys`s`s if'm havinex with somee,y st stop ving?i check in with them. that's just basic c stomer service. reporr: a recent study shows thaha meme womomen ten t viewewhese cue fferently. most men rd body language f for consent. but veryfew women give consent
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>> so can consent benonverbaba yeah, we all know that.bubuwe all have d)fferent body lalauages.s. so really@ whahahaha the sit, rest w to t consnst? iso make it verbal k for it. whenenomebody kkisses someone what that is coent consent for kissing, right. >> i ias wdeng what you think about the cononnt apps that hav beenmade.becae i kh they're creepy. so crey. aren't thth? yes. >> and not eective aall. >> yeah, well, that's the thing. ose thisre aolutely null and void because iff somomody re to giv someoeo nsent at 9:05 and then 9:10 rolls around,, thth decide to cnge the mi, that'u the thihiith nsent, it's active,,n tht mont, ongoing. >> rigig now if you're in a a college cpus i i that ski he ts consent. 30 seconds later she changes her min d she goes in and accuses him of sexualsat.
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goin to be kicked out@ sool immediately. because due process h gone out e w wdowor young n. need to be careful re. you are guilty until you@u prove yourself ininnt. which is the wayayt is t tay. >> do youw t histo\ o what'sappenen $ historically,or many, mana, many ars, when women who w raped came forward the victim beinggblbme. what you're saying is women have been streated f f ny,, manynyyears, which is true. soow l l's go g t guys. . >> that's what i heard you just say. i don't mean to be rudud -- >> there iss no epidemic of false sasaon. thereris an epidemiccf unreportrt rapap and of w wen who a a not disclosing. thth's t fact. >> there are plelentn of rapapap that go unreported. andnthat's hoiblele let's not t to fix this probobm creatina whole new & grou of victims. >> the life-lg impact on you edatio caer, c ceer employment, job opportunities,
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you will always have@ that lal. exual predator. >> the onlyhing that' really going to fixhis s f fhis country to o t b aco its moral culture.e. hookups weren'n' always there. >> i iave t t t aee witit youo sometent that i think that the hookup culture i a result of the looseneddoral fric o o o society. i think thaha we donol tea young m%m the right principless anymyme. if i an be v vy fran tnk weeed toe ser sex cool again. i thin thbt jt people,hey letnhibitions l loo when theye drunk. >re's a eses back hehe. >>s someone who'sealt w ithhh this multitie times in her life, iiave a question just aut .. whenenoes the fr ? when d do women feel lik ty can go into places and not befraid of the men that they spend time with? hank you for your r uragag in sharing that. wheneot'sscquaintance rape it nake you doubtbtour own ability to t tl who's okay, who'o'safe, ho isn't. ople canet tter.
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>> what kind of solototns would youoi towds? be a stander, help your friendnd 're all in this together. >> i iyo s%s%ssomeing, sayay me you could rlly bee saving a enormous amount of pain. >> i you learnrn t t value that peoplere human beings s d deseseing of reec wcan be this. >> we'll have re whehe c/ce 5back.. with advil, you'u' ask what bace? what sore wrist? what headache? what bad shoulr? advivimakes pain a distant memory nothing g rkfasterertonger than a aill it's the rld's #1##hoice. what pa?
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bomb sniffing dog how hollywood braces for i is biggestnight. >> the stagegg ss,ut why is to th secret s c eg? m lili for@ you@uere at addo bea eater. >> oeszee gets scretet from ylists > aahedele tear>> birihanna, mus ggearsrt al nig after e gamys of enend. andndekleyy clrkson isust& weekss a r babyy, we ave e usive photos. and is thehe b b be and gwen p a is the goi to a wedng? wha ellen snoww
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