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tv   America This Morning  ABC  February 26, 2016 4:00am-4:30am MST

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>> b bughthto you by the amereran quarter horse e soation and localeterinaria.a making news in america this morning,eadly rampage. a smaltown reeling from m shootesprerering gt ndom before attking his fellow workers.s.s. fullllepept from t sce just ahead. pile-o trump's valslsull off the es at last night's debate kingabs at the republican front-runn but trump seeminglyly fazed. >> you're a l f f up here tonight, i iavavav t tl you. ininhe meantime, hil clinton hoping to pull in some votes by getting h groove&on.. we're live in washington. and how about getting our r surf on. fearless wave ridersanging ten
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the rare competition that so many he bebe waiting for. and we say good momoininon this friday morning. we're going to stardith the breaeang dails about thehehe rampage in kansas. byne count, the nationon 33rd mass shooting so f f this year. eavily a aed o oicers with guns drara floloed the area around a lawawaower r ant. one the workers had already killll killed d ree and g unded mohadon people. heas kleby polic >>he fteng incid laying ououhe small town, , hesston,'clayton sandell is there. reporter: police e 38-year-ololcedric forororarte sspage shooting at random drivererdi two before heading to excel industries in hesston, kansas,s,hehe he wowoed. to haveveomethingikthis tragic. >> r%rorter: for heads iidid armed with a rifle and handgun . opops fi on his co-workers. >> a a then i seennh m m o of ople just start r runni out yi, run, run,n,n*nd
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heard and thenverybodo started scatte out of f e ildi, and d didi't reaze what had happenen until we got tststs and i stainin w wounded people c cing out. >> reporter: policicicd witnessesesay he k kt oooong a single officer, firsrstorrive, fires back. >> there was a p pticucur la enfofoement here in hesstotothat responded right away, and even though he totoire, he went inside of that place and saved multle, multiple liveses a hero afar as i'm concerned. . >> reporterj in n e enenfourur employees includudg the shooter would not suive. many more wounded. inside the buildingnge shot a total of 15 people. >> reporter:round 150 plees were inside at the time. worried f ieies and family waitit wutside for news. >> i justpcacacat believe that the guy thth shot people ulived right across the street trom u u >> r rorter: n n much is known yet abououththvictims who have t been identififd. ford has an extensive iminalrecon flora. police aren'sang why they belie he opened fire, , t
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at makes lawn mong,equipment since 1960.. clayton sandell,bc n n wichit kansas. >>nd this morning g lice are saying something trigged ford's rampage, but they havenen revealed spec motive yetet and youosos a aoman in clayton's story y lking to a reporterfter the rampa. her husbabd hahabeen right next to a cworkrk who washot en threporter pntnt out her husband, an emotional but, ununrtunately, allllooooamiliar ene playing ououli on tv. >> it habecome way too familiar and sadad ofourse we're goioi to cont tfollhat thughout the morningngncluding on "good mororngmemeca." > t we want to g totour r brkikiews ernight, nebateteirorks. mamarubiand ted cruzuzag tedodorump in hoton blasngng-rr on everything from m migration to s privileged background. it was their firsbate without t b bu, but his
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the first lady former first lady a a pdent bush drawing loud cheers frfr the audice. it's "your voice, your vote." here's some of lasght's most fiery moments. florida natounashed attack after attack on trump putting threpuican front-ruruer on defense. >> you're e only person on this stage that's ever been fined for hihing p pple to woror your projects illegally. you hired some workers from -- you know, i'm t t oone on ththstste at hirede. u haven't hired@anybody. >> this is a guy who inherited $200 milon. ife e dn'tnherered $200 millioio youounow where dodold trump would be rht now? p>> no, no,o, no. > s@l@llingating andndnd -- >> n >> now hrepeating himself. >> n no, no. mr. tru oneat myself i don't repepe mysysf. >> you don't repeat yourself? >> here'e'thehguy whrereats s msel >> you reat yourself every day. [ chee a appppuse ] >> talk abouourepeating i 5 watched h)m rereat himself five times four weeksgo. >> i saw you repeat yoursese five seconds ago. >t a meltdown. i watcheheit. [ chchrs and applausus]
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from ted crez whwhhopes to win s hometate of texas on super esday. >> when i wawawaading the gh ainst the e e of eigh amnesty bill, where was donald? he w firg dennis rodman on "celebriri apprentnte." >> t tmp unfazed by the rereated@d assaults... >> keep fighting.. keep swinging, m.swinfor thfenc. you're a lot o o funpererer tonight. i have to tell youou >> r rortete t tmp also reacting a strong stent bybyhe former presidede of mexico, cente fox,sing an sceny say his coentryould never pay for r ump'wall. >he wall juju got tenenee taller, bebeeve meme >> rter:r:he b bkering between the three republics overshadowededhe two o oers on stage, ohio o rnor john kasich and ben cars. c c s sebody at me, ease >> wolf. >> well, trump'sivals are hoping that ey hit hard engh to stop his moment as they head into super tuesday.
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lllls, and ny 6060delegates are attake, so it could b a makak-break m mt for me othese candidates. >> donald trump must have felt lili he walked into the red dding g st nigig. ththdemocrats s ve o more key huhurdle befororne weeee abc's kenneth moton with the latete kennetet goooomoing. democta a tir pches to afafcan-amerer noters bere morr's p p in h cali. hillary clinton and d r husband fofoer presidentill clinto crscrossed the entire state king 13 stops sou carolina t ts week alone, bernieie sanders z st two, bubuhe's drawawg g ssivcrowds in supepe tututuy states and bond.d. 7,7,0 inininuri. 8,000 in massachusetts. 9,000 klkloma. while the reblicandebated, clintotoed at a chli wilsonononcert icharleston and alsohe w w wt a black chch with senator cory book of nene rsrs aher deki corol and recacaing the arleston church mass. bernie sande insists that he
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the south,ut he spent t sterday ininhio, illllois d michigan.n sasaers s ok part for flio scs the city's wer crisis and sa heopes americansill lolo at what happened in flint and say, otever again. he drew s bit ow esidenenobama's metown of chicago. reena and kendnd.( all right, kenneth moton, does look ke hilla clinton s rforming the whip p d nae nae there. thankn to abc's kenneth momon in c. > we mononow.. apple aas filelea fiercely worded f fmal response t the der that it mustist the fbfbin unlockinghe iphone of one of the san bernardino shooters. the company claimshe gogornnt is seekeng what it lldadaerous s wer. it also sasa tononitution forbrbs what t t government is asking it dod fbi director james comey countered apple's claim that if sosoware is writteto unlock the iphpne, itould put iphone users everywhere arisk o o hahming. comesa that was not a legigigite concern. we, new delopmpmts ithe ticacacachchd babalele ovupreourt nominee. the republican g gernonoof
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brian sandoval's name had been floated as a possible nominee earlier this wewk.republblans in t senate ha saididhat they won csir the presesest's nominee in anyny case. > wewe, coming up, tning employees into spies. the shocking move eawod expopod. how ey tried t tfofo amal l activis. > anana controversial momo. a state gernor proclaiming a confedererheritage month.. reacacac on both sides of the debate ahead. ederate month. reretion on b bh sides s the debaba ahead. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on erytyt i b b for my studio. and d atnlimimed 2cashacac from spark means t tusands dollars eaeh ar going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line.
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gigi e era. get exa. onlyraftatal cheese has a toucofhiladelphia creachee,
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is creamier than eve >houston fififirews have capp leaeang gine that sparard d damaging two-alarmrm rerean upspsle neighborhood. citytyorkersrsere reiring a broken water main whwh their backhoe hit the gas line and ey igniteded it. flames e eulfed the roof of a neby home but they were put
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>hihi note from oversese where today will be a crucialal z ahead inyria. ase-fire in thloivil war is seto ben within hohos. 'll be a chancfor ch needed humanitarian aid to reach remote areas. fighti ilililylyo contueueue however, as isis and other terror groups operate in that country. president obama sasa the coming weekare iticic to o"ris fure, bubuhe's adamant that the e ase-fire not impact the u.s. efftstso desty is there. and brbrking o&orn, , powerful messasa to nortkorea. an unarmed minuteman 3 nuclear missilblastititiff from m califoia.. thtest launch comingng worries s ow or nonoh korea's nuclear capabiliti. on the dipipmatic front, the u.s. has introduced a draft u.n. security council resosution aid at steppining up pressure e the north.h.the council is expected to vote er the wee.> presidentnoboba's exessing nfididencebout thehery tt against the zika virus. the president id they believe thereris a prong pathwayor diagsticand vaccineses
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house health summit were more timistic than the tone of me federararesearchers.s. then t trere thihihihe gogovernor of missisisppi has sisied a aroclamation declarinin apajl confederatatherige month but made no mention n slaveryry vernor phil yant's offffe says he lieves the state's history deservrv reflection gardless of how w pleasant or complicated parts of it may be.thsssippi atflag is the st in e cotry feure e`nfedate emblem. well, coming up, courtroomom huhuliation. erin andrews unanae to watch the stalker. at had to say. and thehseememgly ununal monsnsr waves. surfers riding high h h he sky. do yououove your weleses keyboa mo tn certn milylylymemes? is your success due to a filing stem only u undedend? does printing f2om y y ytablet to your wireless printer giveveou a jolt of confidedee?
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someone who o owthat the right office geaea helps you doreatathings. anand therers one place th it all. office depot officemax.gear up p r great. belvita brast biscui pridesteady mningngney whetherqyo.. play it cool... how'it gogng? or don pla`!y ititowl. you're a aractiv i just... i didi't't'dn to c ce ov so... i.....asast coming on to you i actually have a boyfrid. bebeita. because we can all usus stdyorning energy. 's easy to lovyoururaxative when that lalaloves your body y ck. onlyiralax
4:14 am
vevuour lative miralax.x. we're non stop, wve gotta have oxtra ptein. oikokotriple zero greek n fat gurt has 15 granofofrotein. zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. anzero hding me back! oikos triple z zo. be unstoppable.. mmmmdannon whata doin?st ppping for b pay inou whwh are those? crt whittrips. t whit way better r an paste. est tehiteri. entimebeer thath adwhintoothp. i'y........seone's makinggite impresssun. creses3d white whitestpsps the way to w wte stayinin rm... it's how i try to live.. how i stay active.sosoeed ion. thatghdo for the nunuition you wantn without the calori you don't... try boost 100 calories.
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25 vamins and mineralsand 10 gmsmsprot sosout and smal calories. i'm not about to swim in tlow lane. stay strong. ayayctive with boost 8 well, upupting o ourur top story a deadad shooting ramamge@n . sy -year-r-old cededed fofo was armed with a high powered rifle and a piolnd started shoing whileriving tohe ln mower pnt w heworked. insihe say forpe fir cokeke killing t tnd wodiorhan den otrs aaesponding officer shot and lled ford.. no specificotote has been given. by some accounts it's the 33rd mass shogn . this ye. > well, new detailsn the ialnvolving "ncing th the stars" host erin andrs. jurors have been shown secrerey rerded nude video ofher. >>ndws lef cououroom tore the imaging were
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videos and the nashville hel wherhe wtatayingor $75 million. a computer expert testified t li peoavview veo online and it's sti gogog on >> i know of no way to get it off just i in doing contied research, pple are poing vid onne a year ago, six monthth ago, aonth ago. >> herhepi testi tha drewout stopnkin outthe vidid becauau s sbeen puby huliat. ans expectedo take the stand next week. welel s%sworld makg g tling dmisison using ployoyoyo spy on petet seaworaqst eceived what app rerediblea and claimst u#t t tg to otettt tety
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26-yoldas unununrgononononhe tttrusss t tns thes.s.s. e'ow h t t t tt a aearr to b bomomomrerereo all h h h h h bobo heal complelelylylyly sheee h heeoo take anti-rejection drugs. women i i europeeaveten pregegnt withhhransplantete ututususus it'ser b b b bried re i i the u u a rule change inajor league baseball. so-calledd rollingnglock slides are now banned. you may recall chase utley of the dodgers taking out mets infielder ruben tejadauring la year plof. ile apt toakp potential dblelay bke tejada's leg. from now on those typ of ides are illele violations of the n rule can get both t t r rner and batter llll out.t. check out these. the waves, they we surfing off th north shoreff oahu. this was aig we comompepetion owow a t thedddd and only takes place in sustained waves
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ves s re up to 6060 feet.% a a caca sur named jn jo flflence won the e entfter waves. ththas theirst eddy competition in@ six ars. way to go johnjo. incredible scenes ere. >> more increreble scenes.` we get sports highlights from >> he's stan. i'm neil. nba. >> warriors once again, golden state tryi to get to 5-1 on their currentntseven-gamemeoad trip inrlando t t on the magigi steph curry ss the nba record, 128 s saight rululeaso games with a three-pointerr breaeang the t t w wh kyle korverero take over sole possession o o that record. dunknkcontest, at it agaiai he had 19. it didt matter. rry, stop, jt stop it. from 44 feet. how a 51.
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seon, 1 1 of 15 f fm three. warriors agagn. >ll right, so you gothe rriors the spupu then you got e thunder and tn the clippers. those are your topopour inn the west but russell wewestook. he originally weno uc on a gymnmntics scholarship and chose to plabasketbaba. anthonyyavis had 30. he's goodod. >> take flight. >> working, you know what he's doing there, he's doing work. that's w wt the kiki call th. fourth quartete okc tryrug g getback in andnd get back. . pepecans beat the thunde ve ourpnics. 23-34 for n n orleans. not out of it, yet. back toyou. >> som good shots there on the courur here's a aruru p pnomenal one. >> it hapapnedd dururg an
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you th. two-hand nrly ful c crt shot made with t t kid not eveve loinggbt t t bababasket. >> on@hiswitter page healls himself atudent a athlete at georgia souther univer. great goin you are a sar >> i he theba wouuld call. >> the knicks need someone like. the curious moment at the bate that had s smany wondering whaha ben carson meant about his reference to fo. ovovni reaion tot thehe release of "fuller house. "tse"eisisext. causyes2yorewardmembererkeken extra % off!... and rnple points - athow you pay! get a $5 rarr 1010ts pl - -vevee 0 koko's cash for 0 spspt! you u n a a redeem rewards s intsts caca throughout the store! there'e'e' better time sig!... yo c iick d it e enro, sand
4:21 am
in today!!!kohl's.alrgs distctyou? when your symptoms start... doctors s commend taking ...non-drowsy ylaritin every da of your allergy seasas. araritin provides powerful, non-drowsy 24 hour relief... for feinterruptions from the amazing things you d d everday. live claritin clear. jane likes to mix thgs up. that's why shshloves new light & t grgrk non-fat yogurt mousse. fluffand aiai it's he w 8080alorie obsession.
4:22 am
ititakes a lololf work... totoun this s siness+p bui i alal love it. i'm on the m me all day long... and sometimes,s, j j jdododo eat e wawau should. so i drink boost to geg%g%e nutrition thatatatatsi boost compmpmputritional driririha26 essti vitsd mi,incling lciuiuand tamin d to supporttrong bobos and 10 grams oprotein help mainiain muscl l with a t taste. i don't anslg down y tioo look savings o obott ininour nday pap. time for " "e pupue" and one of the most bizarre lines f fm last night's republican dete.@ en carson, he dn'tt do too much talking about how he chooow a s sme courtrt justiti lele manye,we, kinddddofofof
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itteon firir >> what hae they done in t past? whatinin o o judenen h h they madehand a aociataons do thehey have?? at`till tlou morean an interview, t fruit sad of thr lifes what iouou look at >> fruit salad of theirfe. >> =aybe h hwas hungry66 >> , bo well, so l l lxplained he was refefring too a bibiblical rse,e, knowing a person by thehe fruit, not&befefe t t phrase iggered d ,000 tet clhowing carson ass one offff wiggles. >> maybe the@ m m m didn'avedinner. >> maybebee e s huhury. . >> that'sy explanatn. "fuller hse" fininly available often netflix released this morning and fans are ecstatat about this. >he sesuel cenenen on widided moth d.j. pyed by candace camemen bure.
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sts have retururd except f th oen twins say there nogegeomrtabab in f fnt ofhehe cer a a awiwis exexodininwith fan action. so s shattt they're@ blolong f wk t tay to watchcll 13 epepodes. others sayayhey're so happy $% 're crying tears ofy. "fuller house." >> a couple decadeses ago. > t t academymy awas are almost upon us.. the big cerememy is sundayight in tryryg to keep itt acrer. th m there are jus 50 hours and couounting uil the r carprp on hollywo boulevards full of ar this is aive picture by t t tay but who will take home the goonardo dicapri expec ota h fir o#oar in six tries for bestctor in "the revenant." >> while 26-year-old be larson seems to be o o track t earn best actress academy award f for "room." ut as for the b btpicture, "spotlight" and "the big short" lately getting a lot o@f buzzzut
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phuntnt downhe oscsc on sunday nighgh >> the arerell@, r blly eat films lookiki fwardrdo chris ck. >>e suree to jois sun at 7:00 eastern. >> more news after t ts.ere fifit in my fafaly to graduate from college,ed activinls, d traineas aurbut i cocodn't bear my diabeter pain any longng. so i talked to my doctorornd he prescbed lyrica. nerve damage from diababes causes diabec nerve pain. lyricacas fda approved to trere this pa. lyrica may cau serious allergic reactions ororuicidal outs o o o oon ll your r ctor rightway ifif h he the, new or wseni dression, uhangng imomo or bezioioio or s slling, trole bhihi, rashves,liliers, scle paiaith fev tired feeling or blurry vion common side effects e dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling o handnd legs, and fee don't drink alcocol whil takingnga. n't drivse machinery u.tiyou know how lyrica affects yo those who o ad a drug or alcohol problem
4:26 am
vow i have eesssdiabetic n nve pain. d i loveveelelng litite ones t off on theheightoot. asyour doctoabout lyrica. belvita brkfast biscuits provide steadyorning eney whheyo vehe gat outdts.s. love the great indoo. or jt really lovovorbelvitecause we can all use stea mororng energy.bbokininr 24/7 digestive support? try align for a noop sweet-trt-goodness ld-onto-youriara, kind-of-day.
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try alalhe undisputed d ge recommenend probiotic. upting our breaking news, investigats inansas are okg g to the lifife of cedric ford whoolice say kild three co-worke ad the ln mower factory whereell of them worked. rd w w kilillld at t eecene by ce dond trump was on the defensive last night fending off nonstop attacks in an explosive republic bate. the sharpest jabscoming f rom rcrubio, h hinrere umwinnineakk asshey head ioer esday. one day to go until the net mocratat primary. hillary clinton,n,ernie sandere battling for a win tomorrow in south carolina. but both are lks ahead to super tuesy.. > lookingt today'seathth map coal and dry in thehe east, ld in the midwest, stormy in thththacifif hwest. sunnz and pleast across the south. > finally this morning wt'
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lighter si off the presidential race, t t t's justmuchch material out there for the late night comics to deal with. >p wean wait no so we present ts week's "fda nnieie">> the gopop helel their nevevev caucus and the people in v vas did wt thth do st, thehe pulled t t lever a riskedd ablutely evererhing. and when i iwas over, it came up orange, orangm, orange. >> trump inow the undisputed front-runneror theheeplican minitiofresidede which has e&e2eononsking tf same questi. >>idonaltrump b opped? >> the media is talalking about trump's win the way rters in the movie "armageddon" talked aboulu thehe teroid. >> donaltrump'ss wife melia she speaks glh,h, ian,rench andnd gean. which is gdd beceusesef she ev becomes firstststady she'l'l need to agizeor her sband in ateast thosese four languages.
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we wononinhoorly educated iove thehe py edatat. >> which they replyiedps love u mr. trummmps. nish fourthn south carolina, jeb finally put himselel oututfis misery and opped oututfhe race goohat vppororrs. on you. i dn't have any susuorters. ah! >> s/senalystst arere already lkin about the politicalalise of his son, george p. bu yes, george p p bushpp, .@ gegege p. bushhas h cbmpaign slslan. don'n'wowo i wted. more young vots said they wowould like to have a meal with bernieande than with beyonce. a shift, of course, that happenedfter bnie sle the spotght th supererowl hahatime show. >> a aot offun ere. >> don't fort thescar suay ghgh
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>> h he a great weeeend. it's 4 40,ririy february 26t m m&m&karroll. and m dana clemens.s. arete foowing develolong situion fountainin el paso coun sheriff's deputies say a n is in cucuody after barricading hif in aome it happened at colonial trive and coconial court. thths where fininkrdo newsannel 's dana molininth the latest. . good morning dana. good mororng. live in fountain, dana molina, krdo newschnel 13. stananff o or


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