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tv   NEWSCHANNEL 13 5  ABC  February 26, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm MST

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driven n ndrdr windy condions. the firs on saturd, rnedore an 1 1hundred acre traini range atorrson. smokcocococo seen f f m mles.s pule i i i e tuey creek ea on edge ithehehird firererethe motain post in e papa monon. sterdadawas a bibifififaayay this p p4pre, , sent to ususy a viewer ipueblo, startetewhenen r backfid, igniting somspilled fufu. is fire in a creek bein penrose was contbined two acrebu the fire fight wadifficult cae of large dead trees. and thth gra fire, nene calhan yesterer burned 15 acs. firefighters re able to ain itit quickly. day, a fire falcon threatened a dozen homes before it s put out. storracker 13's mikeverett was there ....e e e joins us live.. sh us just how volali conlitions will be ts weekend. mike, a red flag warning just went into effect. .
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we're dealing th ... tall,l,ry grasse and whwh you're lackingistutu, a simple vehecle malfunion can arara wildldld. . that's whatb happened in lcon thihi afteoo 34 acreburned fore refighters got is f fe under controro there was mage to @ structures but it did dame some fencing seseral agencies rereond ....but firefighter say migaon by area homeowners sasethe da "one thing that lpeded firefighters tremendously this fire wasas the fact that soso ny people hahamowed eir pasturur and thehrhlawnwnand their grasses around&the house,o when the fire cam rough it j j j basicall dropped down from however high it s burng to ground level." "they dia grgrt t& job. tgot righghout herere and got topwork and contained it veryryicel" fififitersrs say wias a factor ithis fire... and headg inin the weweend, theh% ememasize caututn. you' rerend to avoid using outdoor tools or eququnt that can cate spspsp, and ke sure you disposese of smoking terials properly. . ve i i lorado
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thanks mike, and ts get you over to chief meteorologist rachael plath. she's keepingna close eye on ththe conditions those dry ndy condions this weekend. ititas been a warm day in southern colodo, ititas so bn quite brbeezy for some.e. the wiill didi wn tonight,`bububu rrrr i i i expected t en gustier! sts between 30 and 40mph will be possible, red flag warnings go to effe at 10am for much of souohern coloradodo sunday will be coolereri'll show you u ur
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up. the e eblo you yourur comple 7day forecastoming up. the pueblo west fire dertment is preparininfor the worst tomorrow. the e department will have two mor firefighters on duty.. to handnd any brush fires
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flag warningng the fire chief says, this has been a busy week r firefighters in pueblo west.. paftetetettlingng ur brush fir nce last thursday. a flag rning uld lead to more fires. with warmer tempatur and thwinds with t lof moisturet kes s e conditnsnsorse envevevere so w ver cautususbout erythingngt in responding tot y y rt of t smoke or ssle f threreflag wainalso means pueblo coun will t allow any openen burns. we are following new lopments night in the casef f lsieie schelling, a woman who didippeared thtee years o in pueblo. a judge haha rown out a a lawsuiuifid by scscllg's fafaly....clalalalal the pueblo police department mishandlededhe case. this comes as puebloolice e looking to her boyfriend's i-phone for answer krdo nechan l 13's mekialaya white got some answers frfr a private investigoror about ssword- otected phonon. 58 they're dealingng th a 4th amendmentn& arch and seizure ise 1 n corsentino has more than 20 years of experience in
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and he ss the 2013 disappeararae of kelsie schelling is still ffling. lice are now tatang steps to look through her boyfriend's passssrd protected ll phone. he was her la known cococot. 102 wt they must do is s ey mumu g a searc wawaabt signed b ba judgto g g it t cause the material thais in the phone e proteed terial 113 the e oble.. if there are t t ny login atatts, the phone e cks down, mang it difficult for t investigatats to t intotit. 82424 that's what th puebd has s en battli. then you run against a giant like` apple whsays "thatas noour policy" ititaralalls the inveigation intohehehe bernardino shooting by the fbi. apple is resisting cracking the encryption on ththphones. andup: 55 whent coces to botthe
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ofofhe biggestssues ishose rights trp thothers when it come tse 102 12 whaar e bobodariririo th? where does ibeben and where do end? 56s schelling' just wantaners..... 01 it doesnt hel e vifafa. i lauthti i p pn anstil huuse ththths clore. thamilililered fs s osur t ty nt tknow whehe be....r wh was t ther. t ty believe donthe l has the to that 2911 there aot ings thaw fl ould hbeen done and w we not done a it't'just reakin18 p pblo, mealaya a it do wschchl . luluhas said in t t past t at does not want to o er estions whentntn weweave called him. in y yr decisisi 2010101 coverage.. chris christ, enenrsing dold trump for president. ththnew w rsey goveor joinis the rereblican front runner on the campaiai trtrl today intexas. ristst, who dropped out of thracecearlier this month... is now endorsing trtmtm when christie
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"the entertainer ininhief" .. and ididrump's plan toanananlims from entererg the u-s was ridiculous. howewe christie says that's a behind d ,`and he's puttininins ll support t hind trtrp.. as the ndidatesesd totord supertuesdada w poll, out fdadada showowdodold trump adinin the rara by 20 ints. it's marar rubio's home state. this comes on the e s of lt night'fifiy debate where trump, rubio and cruzenatat each other. it's theheast t t p dete bebere super esday.. herere krdo newschchnel 's eric fink. donald, rela i'm relaxed you're the basketcase. . stage nouston - it went from sues to insults in a matter of seconds. when you talk crazy zealot ar yotalking abouyou? vu me e brea fiting to come from behindn marco rubio an ted cruz used the final debate befo super tuesdadato lazer in o othe frtrunner,r, holding thing g back. every night heheys f fe thin, eveyone is dumb,
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win, win, he's winning ininhe polls. talklkg about repeating, i watched himself peat himsese f fe times f#ur weeks ago watched him melt down, , though came o o of f f swimmingool. c-c profofofof politcs tom cronin calal t t debetehe most rancorous he n remember in his lifetime. hifetime whether you like himim don't, he's very od a aputting down people. . was ablb tohrowowchleftft jaja if u will, even though ty were raraing doubts about his consnsvatititind character.his guy's a chcke artist and this guy's s s ar. the nunununuggest t e isults and bickering e working r trump. he's won three straight contests and heading to super tuesday he's leading in a majority of thosatese#crorin is skeptal the others can te him down. i ve hihia 75 percece chance of bebebethe e nomine t abououthe polls, ating hihifull dly in the polls. t you' n beang llary, welel then if i can't beat beat her, u're reay going to get killedren't you. now, theheargest group p amicans willll cast theirotes with t ts.... nana... you'v' losing so badly you don't know what's gog on as the latete backdro in dision 20206.
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krkr wschchne13. to votot t t t colorado cauces on sur tuday, you muststa gister republan o demomoat.t ll find theh ucus locations our weite at k-r- d-o docom. ananthe demos s getting rey fofoa big primary south rolina this weekend. hillary clinton was on ms-nbc this morning, saying iappepes umll be the republican nominee, but she says she's focused on her own messagagag hillary break wn t t barrrs to america and amererans live up to theiei potentntl. thahais it. $ at's what i re abobo, and bernie sanders is in minnesota.. where he met with native
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bernie "inin nataon w wch has the highest level of poverty of almost a a major countrtron, native americans unfortunately e the vy top of that l lt. 'll have results from the democratic primary in south carolina, tomorr night. althgh pueb county is still considerinin the application for the cannabis cucu high times feels posive about t@evevt t happening gn pueblo. the event is slslted d d happen in pueblo at the yard which is home to the bands he ckya event ring t t summer. caususof a time`eoncern from the county... the event that was iginally plplned for r ril 1616 h buen pushed ck until t t22n4 high timimes chief o ering officer saysys spe this change in date heheheieves s crowd will still large. "my ho is shat the city and t t county will see e amazing befits and the quality of the eventhat we ing to thehe peofle o oeb and he wayay ma of e people from m& tside of pueblo willome to see itit mingp tonight at 6... dispensaries in
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the possible influx of pele for t e event. 're findg out more abo a possible motive for that mass shooting in kansas. mething ened to o e shooter.. right beforeret all l started.d. and we now ow who stoppehim before he lled anyone elsl_l_ also a aad.. a close call caught on camera. ( a state ooper and a
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oba offeriri condolences today to the amilils of thth victs in the kansas shooting. and the governor of kansns is praising the efforts s t t hesston police chief, who shot t and killed the gunman.. saving lives. the shoote cedric foror was
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restraing orr from his ex-girlfriend,d, just befororor shoooong. investigigoror say rd domestic troubles may have triggered the atck. he's accused of k klingnghree people and injuring 14 others before he was stopped. browowack kansas theesston polili c cef i i particulul went in immediately toto address the situation raraer than even waing g b "k up. he went right in and did heroicutun service." while ford has an arreses history,yhis co- workersays he didn'tppear did heroic duty and service. while ford has arrest hihiory, hisiso- workers ysys didn'tppear olent. ththththtings happenen at t ininstriri lity, north of wichita. a carao jet makes a ectacula emergency landing toy, anit's'saught on camera. is happened at an airport in gu. the nose g gr of the asia pacific aiaiaiai cargo jet failededto deploy. the ew had lananon thehe back wheelelel onlyly the front ofof the plane t th grnd as it nded* t it was not sevely maged. one was hurt.
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is closeall l missouririhis week. a hhwawa trolototoper d hihipatrol de swiped by semi.i. ckilil no one s injud or killed, howeve e patrtr car is lily totaled. the iviv of the tractor- trailer was issued a cition. it will be windy tomorrow, , ll show you how hihi the fire danger will be
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eblo worried about the cannibib cup... but it's not who you think. straight ahead at sixix. whwh local pot shs arconcfbned about the event. plus, opening old d wounds... a father suers a new injustice in wake of hihison's murdrd. tomorrowowill be very y y , , with gus
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many. fire dangererill be hi, so please be carul. the other r g story y y will be the heatat we'ls art with lows in thth20s and 303(3(he highs wi warm into the 6 6 and 70s!ouou lorado springk 7day forecaststhows slightht cooler temperatures on sunday. your puebloday fofocast shows a chance f showers early tuesesy. your non city 7day forecast shows a chance for showews onon
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your teller cotyday forecacahows a chnn for showermomoay through wednesday,y, en a ain ono fray
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your teller county 7y forecastho a chance f owers monday thththh wednesday, then again on friday. they'r'rroroing out the rere
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everng and evyone is getting set fofofo e ca. we have your preview.. up next. a biekend
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and movie fafa.. we get ready for the 88th annual academy awards. the red rpet is out. d final epararions arunderway for hollywoooos biggest nighgh this year,r,ight films are nominated for "best picture." heerenant"leads`the e ck with 121oscar nods. the oscars aiai right here on krdo newschannel 130 isununy. red carpet coverage srts at three. a cocolelof bi hockeyvents happenininin denver this end. ththalumni game featus somef the top playays to ever for the avs and red wings. ittarted just a a w nutes o o coors field. then morrow, the avs will host the wings r the rst ever n-h-l series game in nver. 's all part
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hockeyeagues ststium ries. wevemoren the games s ming u utoninit on krdo neananl at six and 1 1 afteststng week, st endingn a flat note today. the dow is down 57 points. e nasdaq is up eight. and the s and d dowfour points. mornqng colorado. . 'll have the b b winners and magic montnt from i'llave ur co focasttaing at 40 m. ndaygm finduthat e esid ndidates a
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vote tonight,ighthterer the bombmbell endorsent.t. the esididtial race turning g personon. the new attacks leveletonight. rubio going afdfr trump. out rubio backckage at the dedete.. and chris stie tonig, now sang it's time for president p. breaking news, the motive in the e adad workplace rampage. the gunman's twstops before opening firet t rknkhvideo now visceved, and d the no the gunmat 90 44 nutebafofohootinin. >the new hene abobohe zika outbreak,ndregnant women in u.s. onon givin birirth to a a baby w wh deformed bin.. the miscarriag as s ll. and the sudden explosion.


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