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tv   NEWSCHANNEL 13 6  ABC  February 26, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm MST

6:00 pm
katiti ithis ppens, it t ulul bring thounds of peoplulto pueblo. imagine 35-thoand pepele ing thth space. now,tthinknk about wher eyl go to get their pot. the e ssibiby of thsands of peopleleoming to eblo for t t caabis cup... is citing for dispensa nersrs :07 "it would probably one or biggggt months that we'vhad wiin the year we'v'v openf" but ieshia jiron at leaf on t mesathe essure is on to fill the elves. "ave an influx of growers around us who are willing and able to supply us s`th what we's a key reason why organizersryave their sights set on pueblo county. this space is another. "this enables our event toave a nearby, fully legal, fulllltaxable, fully monitored source of cannabis" but can countyty dididisaries susuly the de of an event this size? "leaf ta a juju blocks away fm the e e iavenunuof thcaabisisup and fyay t treot worried about supply." "need jisot here" marisol l therapapapcs in n pueblo wesesisn't aring fo anhihi out of@the orornana. 1:04 "ju likihih corado s fair, peop/gininhe and geeducated about e craftsmanship and d uff like this.s.his is the same thing about our r dustry. but t e prep by spenenries for is event may be in vain ... since ththpermit prpress isn't compmpte. stl, ners are hopefu "my hope is that the ty and the county wilsee the amazing benefits and the quality the eve that we brininto the pepelef pueblo" "
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learned thatathe complute permit has to be ininy rch 1st. the county will make a a decisisny
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new at six . . e lead detective in t@e@edidiearance of kelsie shelling is sponding t t dismissal of lawsuit amininthe poce department for miandling the caca. as we firs reported last november, a u-s magistrate dge recommended the casee thwnwout. st today... the case hasasasas enenhrown out. shelng g g 22 yearold when shshdisapppbd threarago. her ther, laura saxt belilies k ksie's boyfriend, donthe las is responble.e. he was the la kno person to see her alive. the complaint revealed troubling acacsations that the pueblo poli partmentbotched the se by failing to send evidencn@n offf for teststg and igngring leads. le detvevvin the case, dedetyhihi andrew chlan, say the se dismissadodon't stopopheir search for answers. you're happy that the lawsuit is over but8e case still mes on we still haveve come to resolution on n is case se how dectiv are tryiyiyio unlock
6:03 pm
muchchike the e b-i in the sanan bernadino shoongs. ititas another busy day for fifighters in el paso county... after a grass fire bke o o is a aernoonon nene falcon. sevevel fire departmememe were c cled in to help. they quickck had it undnd contrwl.. . t not bere it burned more than 35-acres.thehfiame close e homes ea of f ridian anayer roads. a neighbor w more vigilant because of her cent you never know. . it doesn't loo good. but it was thororh th rerts s at we we in a a gh fire danger that saw the smsme and called 91111 ririt away otheise i may have waited. fififighrs 0 say the firereas started by someon workingn a r..... no chaes wille filed. this came aftetecrs baled three fires across southern lorado yeyeerday. grass fire in caan, a brus fire in penrose,e, and a fi involvinina car port and vehicle on pueblo's east side... that one was also tied to a man working h car.
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last weekeke's 12-hundred acbe fire at fort carson... and fire crews are onon edge, right g local residents. and...e are pectctg a wiwiy day tomorrow... . t a good combination when we are alreaddry y t there... chief meteorologist rachael plath h trackiki it fo us. . it has been a a warm day in southe lorado, it has also been quite breezy for some. the wind will die down tonight, but morrows expeed to be evenenustier! gusts between 30nd 4ph will bpole, , &d flfl warnrn ginto effefe a10a5 r much of southern. colorado suay will be coolol, i'll show you your complete 7day forecast coming up. e father of a a
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lora spriris teen wants answers after his son's avesite was vandalized... and it's not the first timemehis s s s happened. jack smith w w shot to death a party in nonombmr o 2010 16r-olol eric manly ll the iggegeand madeplea deal the case. almost six s later, smith's father says .. s sos grare has been vavaalized severames. thth is mymyy sos/d d re ling rere undee and the pelep dointh. i' not tting any
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the vaalism to the poli. . he's offerg a a one-thousand dollarewd to anyone who prprides infoioioat les to an arrere and convicic foror the vandalism. it happened atat viewew cemetery yn south 26th reet. wee alal arned, eric may isexpepeed back in t march. turning to our crimetraraer now. springs woman n accused in an extreme case of identity theft. according to arrest documes, kalena w wston tried to adopt her viim's's identity oa full time b... rentntg a car, getttraffic tickets, and even applying for a driver's license under the asasmed identiti. winstotells s poce s s fir met up with hez victimack in 201212, steaeang her purse from a downtown nightclub. now, the feds are invoed. in chahaescoming out of texas, wininons ected of filing more than 252-thousa dodos in fraudulentax returns. a lorado springs mamawith a a olent story of robbebe is in custody. 38-year-old jason mauney
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old corado city last night. was wanted fofoa december 2424 robberyryt the eighthth streetalalrt. . he's a a accused of a separate decemb robbery, and one from j jy where he attacked his vict maunun has done jail me fofoassault in the e st. marriage a politics sometitis just dot mimi four days before super tutuday, krdo newschannel 1313 ic fininmet up with couple who live in a housusdivided.d. eric... you got rit in the politicamix between them... they're still on brushes are two devovovod demecrats in colorado ris... who willlluprt differen candndates on caucus night. elaine is a huge hillarclinton supporter... hehusband jack ia berniesanders jack s get thth nomination h crcrsing over and ting for( donald trump if he is the e o-p p p
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budded sot oh, he id that i& ges because that wl not t ppthat will not happenenn this usehhat t a real didi int.t. is, loolike she's doctrinaire d has her mindnd made up, not necessarily. she just likes hillar but, no, , she has a heart and knows s s way things shshld be. before the coup married 12 years a a, jack was a gistered republican. elaine ss she pueded husband to see the light. for every household in southernrn colorado, we have c ccus cationon o o weite at k-r- d-o dot t m. live in studud, eric fink, k-r-d-o newschannel 13. learning to ski . wiwiout ththth
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orithout the bumps and uises s r that matter.n.. ill l come hehe on newschannel 13 at:00 ... a new facili that makes hitting the opes as s sy as a t tp to the cornrn store. and plans s inwnforward for new w museumum dedicated to ololpic histor.. 'll te you ababt the latest
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6:11 pm
museumhat llcecebrbrour city'sic culture stot another finaial l t. the plned s. o o muse receedalf- lln dollargrant om the de-bed "d"diels fund. the pres and ceo ofhat t ndndells the lolo gazetheyeyrereap toup a prprect th wi gute extet e sports corado ringyo hnhnut yshe mm elp p t tour wleher stthin ci retishipip with t t olympiccocounitit skii is a popor y hen lorado.. but it c c be hit to the etbook. cily whenou'rjust arning r xxtohehee. 'sn inlnln slsl and bestarar.. the nvey bebe deses makes endless^ide.ititlso o lot soer and warmhan being in reaea . "wcaski in ts. it's fun! " "i didn'fallll wn. only fell down once e last tim"
6:12 pm
tpis are not a new concep they've been aroundce t eightititibut, withift ticket oro no ing arouou a ndredoars a day in@nome resorts, t f timing igood. it will bebeindy tomorrow, ll show you howw wawaing goes into effect in sout lorado... on a enve readadse grass s"re how to keep youram when t2e's a hi rk of re plus. your decision 2016 coverara ...s we get closer to super tuesday... and e loomin
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coming u
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40 mph for many. fire danger will highghlease be careful. e other big story wiwi be e hehe. 'll start with lowswsn thth20s and 30s, t t t highs will wm m m into t t 60s and 70s! y yr colorado springng7d7d forecast shows slightly coolele tempmpatures on suay. your pueblo 7day forecast shohoho chanceceor showers early tuesday. y yr canon city 7day forecast sws a a chanceceor ers on tuesesesesvovo your teller county 7day forerest shoho a a chance for showers monday through wednesday, then again friday.
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coco up nday on
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'll have ur latest hehelines traffic news and weather...krdo news radio starts at 5 a.m. coming up momoay on krdo newsradio wewel haha your lateses headline traffic and news and weather... news radio starts 5 a.m. ngs argog eet ts toow n n ......o nenene's nini rototchdl spspt this mornrnwith the avs as they took hehece at ors fifid .. the e adium looked a bit un-fished as c c took onononl. butp whbt a a difference a weekekakes ... coco`oututhehe toit was cool. it' relylyxcintoe apapt of "i"iwas a pretty big factor, i think getting out thehe e day in gear s pretty fu" a fun time focanadian matt duchene - but itidn't last ng... "t"t sun's so hot o t there the ice was pretty slushy, but it was like one of f ose daysys used to ska i imarch and the ice wod beelting on rink little "a lot has changed
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you can e - we've t the feaux x ow on e inineld - ououin center field we' got the rockuntatas - and ofofourse the ggesesfference will be the nhl p,pyers kpkpkpo icicon saturday "50 le in stds i igoa be a litt differend it' nnd ou lot more adrenalinin" the team oe opposite b%bch may y d tohat adrenaline too.. t't'really nothat t ng that it was pretty intense and i think our fpns stsll would love beat theheand vice vers" beating the red wings is the ultimate goal l l l bubathe avs won't miss a chance e enjny the mont... "we're gonononone out d trtrto apprprch it as mucuc w wcan like a a noal game once the ckckrops, but befo and after makekeure t to enjoy nd ak it all in" "i"iust want to haha fun, i thihif you have n playing you're going to perform your be. hahaa blasout ththe at prac-y today y played really ose, had fun, tried stuff6 the re we're loose and we d d't feel tight d feel pressurthe e better we' goioi to play" as the sun setst coor field on turday - the pu will op fofothe finana
6:24 pm
rothschild - kr wschannel 13 sports ... the opening act to the outdtor ga i fantastic..a somef e avs and red ngs legendndnbe sksking in t t alumni game e night.. peteforsbe, papaick roy, *oe sakic, danny te pying outdoorsn the alumni gamat coors field.1. in the e rst. forsbsbg finds..valerer kamensky for the first go on/n/e night.. 2. ter it's'super joe.e.akiclickf` the wrwrt...heheco.. in tnd p pio thths 2 2 time to take a look back a a hweekek in)sports th a segmenenweall thgood, the bad and the ugly..weegin he good..this is abououasasood as it gets en it cocoto end of a race.... suad..dey hamlin won the daetona 500 by a teteh ofco.. t babath iv of
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hohoey fan's attempt t throwing a fish on thes hehe trieieie throwowow ththfish......slips out his haha andn& nally hehe ststs s the rengthget t t. the shver the gls.....he uglyly.a.a.ascotot hits a aeeeet th a bght sun behind him of ourse no one e the gallery can see e s shot...the ball would hitit this f f, the ball would end up in@ tpe fairwawa.that's the go, th bad and d e ugly.. we'l' bebebeht ck... find out w wt the presentialalalndidates are doing totoway the tete d ofof a- importt t t r
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tonighth jennifer garner breaks herr silenceon her crull marriage, telling all about b en an thee nanny and what she thinksbobo h h giant back tattoo. struggling with t te pain of the scand, but would shee take him backck out t ty're still living on the saproperty. > behind the scenes k@ley clarkson's "american i il" brere down. >> i don't think ere was a dr eyen n e e e.e. >> e takes a a a back herer


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