tv NEWSCHANNEL 13 10 ABC February 28, 2016 10:00pm-10:30pm MST
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thwato theatican. hope francis pope frananncis,s, it't's time to prt e childlndtorethe faith. thank you very much. >> we d not be hererdad@ wiouthhheroicicffts of r porters. nolylyid t ty afct gbat changebubut th abs@uty ow @ nsity for investigative journalism. we'd keo thank our partne, everyoneht op road. andat d eryo rticipt.anonymntt.tngng tomcrt, your visisio unparalleled. our cas if re ever r was
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brbrk nn go to for clips from our exclive babaststage exrience, ptendnd thank yous o caips om our clivback ricete thanks d ighligs. plus, latetonit itit " kimmelelive" aft thehe o o@s with cis roc ben afle, try rg ast-o-o-o n.and torrrr"g'sli fm hohiood with all accde tonit's mo glamoro pties d ic surprisises you'll never see comi.
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tomorrow mororning!, almes he academymy whoho le anvited to vote their ons r ct inotr tees, , mitions are by tef the ers thpecific catery. then the entire mbershsp oosfs om thohse n ominations ththe recipits of e ososcars. d filly, t r rults of alahl the secret voting e n ly he indepenedent accccountg fififi of pricewatusecoopers
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oped on the air.tt2watu#@m4 btu)d d ttt2watu#@m4 "a@qe% tt2watu#@m4 bm@mn., tt4wu#@m4 " dztq ]:tt4wat@m" " tq tt4wu#@m" t& p ttu#@m" hnt&< tt4wat4 " iz tt4w4w@m4 4wat4 lzt& dcx tt2watu#`s4 @qs1t tt2watu#4 @qc=tt2wu#`s4 bm@qh6< tt4watu#`s4 " dztq g4t t 4watu#u#4 7040ttat`s4 t& tt4wt& 4w4wu#4 tqtqx tt4watu#4 jntq 8 tt4wu#ps4 4 lzlz ^md coloradoas great seings for moes.. but the's a problem that's keepg t of g buet films t urte gh. wesh you is pl: ga sy, ke-as4ewt jeifer rkopvs all d twildren it's tt terview e mawho admits he's t t planned pahoho ooter -- d not like. lyrdo wsannel 13.. asim the qution hd nont t tanswer.
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se t t d-a sayi enoughgis ghgh fifi out what t an the ci t tdodo vening anan forinininoror kr ne 1 1i'ja jarman. i'heher d. first tonigh a familys in shock tonight after a deadly shooting in pueblo. 26-year-ol devin clark wa killed i ithe shoooong, two others are in serious but stable conti. . itappened outse of a aar atthnd main night t wntown pueblo.o followininthe murder.. the distct attorneys lling out cityty ers.. and says now it's time for the votors act. krdo newsananl 's greg miller is live at police headquarters. greg, stng reactiononmo olencen pueblo jameand heather,evin clark's familyly didn'tant to g on camera, but said he was a young man who lit up any r rm he was in ananhad a brightuture eaof him. ght th and so mananotrs are callllg for thvienceo d. hulmanybody y n ca m de a le st so. . pt, peatly askingys w why? clawaid thonon ho when stsrara o juju after
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still l vivible outside of the bar. he was onof three ot, two l othersrstan tohe it. erybodod& milireirir re re tur d ey'rti ofhen. frnds ke n ggs y e violence has to stop.:27 i'm going to encourage kidsds do what ve gotta do. meon else calling r chananan the p%eb counun d-a jeff chos is shing a ballot itiatio more cops to th force, saying in statemt to counc - this must come to an end ani needouou help. your primary y ty is to public sasa and thatblbeing sosolyly tested rigig w.w.w.ndup: th weeke ooting comes afafr promise puebl antyncilto p more copstr naocible counciesenen st sare are atedo in thehe forcrc - il titititit: ve t ththugh civil servic
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people in, you can't start them off somewhere,eye to go roth prs.ilth -: it'sgoe e mmmm st up p d yinge're do. fr lyly le alg, aftete ( other mici. . the d-says he plans to truce that baot mre on lfo neonth bere theit l. le inin pu, ,`, nc3. memorial sesee is n t the e'tyriff de, otot kiedle rvinin iction notice. lololog ah thervice is scled fo monday, march th. milylifriends d community members will me togethehe honoror corprpal nate carrigan
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the faith bible chapel o owawa dn vada. cocoor igan atwr ofofrs wer sh rvg iconotin ba..s nohwest colorado springs.s. the self- proclaim plpnpnd d& papanthood shooter tellll me... he has no o guilt. it's been thre months since t t black frid shootings.s. where the people wewe deadb and nine others were hurt. e trtrd to understand whatappened that day.... perhaps there no undetanding to bhad. this wk.rtear, cocot, invnved the a to seeee him, bse heh had` eluve et fil.. it's aightwe walk -- w wod d iv admittedille meme e re -- in an taed w robebe dear.....o k: what about the victims? 9: heather "do you haha ana guilt?" dear: "no,o, i dot havevany guilt. i'm in a war. be dear... t e self- prococed planned parenthood shooter, remains adamant -- 7:7: heaer "do you value life?f ar: "of ! thatat wpy did iti killed tee and i saved 0." onintervw....
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fray asualts war" 9:therdoth garrt as, jennif maovy,r ke'a'a'aart t menying to you?u dear:"yeyh, tso are victs." 9:22 ather ere theif)lives s t important?" ar: "well, in a war erers gonna bebe casualtiesare you nna me the hundred million babies that were killll, that nobody talks about, nobody presests them, they have no voice, but yet our constitution says weave the righ to life, libertynd rsuit of ess?" 10:3:3heather garrett 8asey, jenner markovsky, and ke'a'ae stewewt all had two ililen. ththe are six children witht a father oror mr.whatatyou wa to oskikide: lreadyan tt ququononbothem h haha y waosay to e ?" ar'mot sag to theids." " "ou t care?" dear: "ie abt a hings. icabo nonontlood nocelololoof t babiy'killg,nd sellg their baby parts. nhas a holocaust.hat's an atrocit 11:09 heatatr "do yoyonot caca about t x childrenho do not t ve a nt?"ear: reader that
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ea ing questions... dealald out h)s s hero . paul ll... o, killed a abtion doct.. a a a e dodoor's bo grd. hill w [ convicted and gin e lethal injection. 6:54 heather: "mr. dear, would you call yourself - a a ristian? dear: "oh, yeah. of course e m a chririian, because i acally didid someing to t to stoabortion, t justk and not play th ga : 8:0:0 heatr "howo u el aut 10 andmts, c cl yolf chstian, and i i t0 coen it s nototkill? ar: "pctuall it says, 'do not murder.' i didn't murder. i killed." 8:8: dr: "killings not the proble it's o you ki. that! e -- that'e queson. you'reilng t veiv, at's diffe th rdrdrd oplehat arar no. d itto se ve
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spoke about president t obama... and his theories the dea of justice tonini alia3:53 de: "and you know w qt?t&& here'3 sosothing elsese for you: t t suprpre court justste, scalia? heher - i don't want to hear outhat. wa to o lkabout black friday. don' care about yr ththghts a alia. don't ca - that.... de hup phone. anate onhis mentalal coetency@yas been postponed til march. he faces 179 coun... inin muer... attempterdrd a sat. vs toead guiltyty toh night for a fa that dog i ia fire in lolo
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it happened on avenida ororand osceola .. around one this aftno fifighters say a gerean shepherd was trapped in a kenn lext t tb shed thaha caught fire and didn't make it out. the fire was contained to the propepty. the cause is under investigatatn. oudrd,ire conditionsld coming an end. stotmtrack 13hi telogigi chaeplath h ki w coulsea tt raitomoow. lighghwinds pe overnighwicreang clou rrow rn ill ay ovovni tomoow will be mimi, wiwi 50s 60s... but as s waveoves ovhead during ththafternoon d d ening shshers wiwi ben to devel with raiaiair thlower elevevevns and in thth
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cololodo rsilad cs s s s twowoayalonwithoror th a denen heat.. sur r day. an enal ate bernie sas isn do toto yr si01ge: nd st r r ado atunivtyty in forcos. thonate with youngng vors... nders' visit comes ononda aater hiary clinn topped sandererin the sououocarolina f frontrtrnene donaldmp is quess totoght t out being dors bybybyormer hehe of the white group, the klu k-k-k leader david duke ss
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support behind umums campaign. whenenskededf ou rej e grous pp.0ump ity saide d to som research...... this aftnoonont. trtrp twted that he does reject the support of the form-k-k leader. a big ght for hollywood at the 88th a aual acady awards. one ofofhe big moments,he best actor awar angoo.o. at p of big g nnerer that's leon#di- io fir ososcar n. but toninit,& the lack of didirsity in his and d e other acting cagoriook ceceer stage. new at ten, krkr newschannel 13 bonnie silkmkm is in s udio with more on the oscar controvey. all eyes were on cedian chris rock night, as he addressed whatap being called t t "oscars so whwhite" controrors for ththcond year in row, the academ nominated d l ite e to. it was achch bjecat ris rock rtainly didndl dance nd
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oscas wah rty also took notice. thth called tonight's awards e of the most politically- charged pcecemonies they've ever seen. is oscsc's viviing party, at the ivywild school i i colorado spriris brought a wellrereeded crowd..... their own n version of the onic red carpet. we spoke with rd winning ucreen-write anles wh saheee lelen llywooon daililbasis.itomes t t tingngerse lm "jusbecause yore n n wte ent t anyour s sry i't universaor important tell. know aloloof pepelelecluding lf areold d at. we just need to keep writand ep makingilms." chs rock also revealed that he s sured to thehehow,w, and though out . fo ultima dediha d te flueas t ho. ro also slammejada pinkett smith' decicion to boycott the oscars. this issue has not gone
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in fact, the academy president omised to double the numb of women and diverse members of t brdby the year r r0. live in the newsplex, bonnie silkman, krdo nc 13.0 lorararaobousl great tt fomovies.. hav mountas.the plains ... cities. ghoswns.. everytngbut the ocea only o .. so say cora is the worst pl f thefiy.. becausof t t incentives. quick k ipip from hateful 8 trailer the hatel is the most recenen big budgdg film to be shotot cololodo.. near& teteuride. part furious 7 .. ts car up mountain wafilmlmn n pikes s ak. 3:07 firiningunsthe ig truerit with john wayne wasshotn ear fl ick vationp rtrtr tin n e y wa lm i he load. inclg eb coun the math f n th en be tay m ceivth morth3030lm lorara ckma moe odtued ra filcosi few s no oue sracodo the 5 wors ates ftainiv a
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ot. 'mro d edmoin n dha mosin n wninh,ocha2020erntntba n me, nexico whha- pepet.t.ougoalbea a t moere e tyucwi yles cadadbunofilmed her cluding...he shg... it wa seonhe stlete s park.. but stlymein oregonond da".. basesein cocooado.. s st t new xico the tv s qunn medice woman was set in colodo spriris.. but actuly f fmed inalifornia. misery was supposed to happen in a snowcolodo untain seing.g.t s fiedn fofo, nevadadand rk cme laak aragainst thstats tax eaks.. and thers on qutie' hed veral tis,hich to to ckckman. should w give mions i ta to miiona threcicicints are t miionas. weave apoxely 77-peent of projectshat e e ntivisre homegrow. e re ic/lorado celyanedoriain t grnction p
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e leed hoolbusinesst e unersity of colofod r atetspent $11 miio llonilm ives sin 12hich brought in apotive economic impact ofoughly $151 miion. a couple of otheudies her ese fi x ceivesn'y thlv.. ..sometee llg cuon e in ilhe ye tion. lllet yo knhen e wmaker aecis onh moy yearroam g. i'trki a cncncr ertomo naon milg scue jus brght 11 ogto eem codo ng und t y thscue s
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a ushyt by tsday momog...e'll k el night's lows will drop totohe 20s d 30s fofo , then tomomomo w wll warmnto the 50s s d 60s.s. olororor springs 7day fofofo shows temperererer cooling down sunday but warming back up by friday. yr eblo 7day cahow a a a sl chae for owers late morrow, but then it dries out. your c city ay fecast2 showowa chance r shs s monday night, then d der` rough the restst of theeek. your teller untyy foreca shows for shers momoay, tuesday anagain on friday. thanksksks rachael. ititould be a - busy weefor the broncos. especially after g news on peyton manning thth ekend.d.
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