tv World News Now ABC February 29, 2016 1:02am-4:00am MST
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ting withhom hanks workstt helpyes. alia a ndooe best sportinactrs.d you h he ok hom vera awas. ifheomated hosts woul't even gethis jo >> oscar's host chris rock dn pull any pchescracying the academy's diversity cocoroversy. >> i'm aanish rl. >lacinglackckctors in parodies o several nomined fifis. ou s s sd get me. don't worry, black onaut, we will. >> even cling hollywoodrastlywyod is soo rast. it's l l like rhrh ttou'rot a a. epter: best actress wen tooom question'n'rie laon. i wanto start bigecausese t ththg iove about movie makaking is how many people it takes to make it. >> reporter: after fivecting nominatitis it w w finally leonardoicapapo's year winning
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>> i thank y all for this amazinin award toghgh lesot takeehislatttr an i d teononht f grte anan yoery . >hee biggege ar o nitn >> "spli >>estpictur what nig qnd e'retill sengome the stars t trickle in behind u andnd headidi to those after parties. the bigst one of hem all t e xwempb's ball. 1500 guests are there right now wing anding wiwi more than 50 dhes being prepared by wolfgang puck's team and more than1,0 botsss of win f for everne to keepelebebting on the. >> werevious. nowhat the aft pares are arti, you got t tell u wh,ou hearing? >>epr:t, i tol y y othe most
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torro go to e aer rties. y,ululsyhi he na aserosin fhoho withomeeople he ss wiwi plpleominupo h antinimnd ying c ie m m pics wiwi u. a ater a thear ey werttenes mony yoantetetoir urh tomrdy. heas so . . he k kakin ptur l te wrereepie, asell. we veveoind d syac here a ay fro thetata.. ii wish. i'm auguge fan of his. >>thanksksksksksbrdi. we're going to g b binin w w you a b bkstagege now inside the dolbyyheater and tt'shere c'ssason nathansonnas been hanging o son, what's your bigake awawa from this. yeye? >> reporter: the one t rng that i hink everybody focused on re backstage and during the show and i think a lot of people thehe auauence, as well are talking ababt chr rk andnn 'reatking about diversityty d talkingngbout howell he
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he thrded that needl to tk about these reallyind intee subjec fis f f fst jokek opidn't he lack pof osc dsi i60s bey wereus dli theal tngng like lyncngs. that was a a harar hard-core joke. seous. he set t tone from the begin. that wt eveverybody isoing to b tang a a tomoow. y cover t industry. you thinknkhathe llll entlly bome mor diveen thture? that's a gret qion ca s haha there'o mumu wk t do in changing,oving this big shi behind the scenes andetting peleleohese posio wher they're hiring that ty -- this he aredectingng that they a are making the cicions. that's where i think a lot of change feeds t come. thescars are not the reql problem. they'r a symptom of t that probm a lot of people y. so it's changing theheptudio syst. that's a huge system. that's'soi to take ars.
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to tryo make t t t membership re diverse, we'lleee if that hany diffrence next year. ipdonothink iwill. >> it@ d dsak littl il ny ait nexr might be vete os, welased onhe fomg out ts . son nbansooini us with eery latestm ththolby tter. tpank`u. >> a pleasure, guys. >> we haucoreeescs corage i iluding insht from senenr edidodod of rotten tomatoes talking abora ake andhat' later i ts ha ur. turni n to tol polit anddonald um the cterr aewersysyit s s s tuesda jus d d umumumserir f refususg to rececn endndorsemenero formererer ku klux klan lderavid duke. trum sayinin he did not kno anything about dukee as marco ruo firir more perernal aptas athe fnt-runner about his apaearance, h also said trump'sefusal to cmn duke makes h uelectable. >> w w cannoe a party that nomina someone who refuses to
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theu klkl klan. we cannot be a party that does that. >>ou're goqngng toe. >> t t cruru tweetingg racism is wrong.kkk is abbore ntnt. he sddd whi supremama grp is u pplot t vo f f tub in the race.>>s f t hihiarin isng sighn th ger elect teeranli vto utro. tonlojndnae ll aoron golol who pla pdede o h a shcand."."."e s serther stop i tness including blblchchesesmehis d erge u africmemennnn rshihio r recttjujy wasparaii sasasasa i i forging aad aft & mimimig asasimapn hli. re thaha 6,0000upporters turned out for a sanders rally inklahoma city.
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>> i iortant tmo expd this week at t t erin andrs trial.broadcastete iss suing a nashville tel f f allowing a stalker to film her touou a epephole.andrewu herself is expected to testifyef psibly late today asasell as the stalker himsmsf,chae david barre didime ininrison for theeopling. his deposition will be shown on video. > there's a n call for he governrnnt to rulate t size of airirneeatsts charles schumer says pasng arereiei packed int plane like sardines and he ss h wi add anmeme t tthe fundndg. e bill funding theerer aviaononadmisttionon wouldre tfaa toet aainimum s at sizeequiuimentincludingghe distanc b bet se >>out memedydy srtedlngnto at wel sf i mesny eren o bebehes. >> rd th last weekfk >eed itt the topop of show dayry 229thlso known lea dhoho who
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past,ay i vy rare bihday. >> cae in pott ed and son ic,, brered is rnrng 1 1 toy.y.y. ererururns . stidding. fred is actually 60. eric is 20 day. e c cncee of aarentt andhide shineayear as a birthday are more than 2 million to one.>>huh. >> voundseottery numbers. >> interestivg. he way,omeelebebties are born o on leap y yr dale ja rule,ememberhim? ed to be i n t j joo song in the90s. appantlu will smith and tony robins and dinah she. >> o,,ll leap y year babies. >> allp year babies wepy birday tothem >ininin u lego ate the beststslcture mine at the@scars. ndndinne who's me a splash and how many haveeen snubbed.
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at rotten totoes >> but t rs the of a sml pne stutu upspse dn afafrcshgoo tree n a reenenen is a a aale rescu dramaman >>n u u febk nfans.ndtt with withthd wnn. re watg ldews w.w. does your caca er feel rough a airty? t avavit, resolvl it. our formula with a special condiong ingredient, softens your carpet witi every use.f it's resolve so you know. it cana d freshens. but itlso softenen relve. a carpet that welcomes y y 9 and to cleet m sses, try resolve pet expert.. the's moving... a.d there's moving wiovfree u it has triplonuppo fournts, ilannes.and unli b oso-x ll 's ionontinyllll movee ultja.
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en pressure in herf/f/ya i'm goa ta mucinex sinus-s-x. too lala'rabout to take o. these dissolve fast. they're new liqu gs.. and you're comininwith me.e. yorealize i ha gololstatus? mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. ssols unl maxtrengtgt medicine. t's d is. it's not aays asasy for me as it is for him... it's e ey for r cause looo)at her. aw. we use k-y ultrag. it enhances s bods nana re ian get intthswg oft bit icke d whwh i kw she's feelkehat, itakesese f el likweweth... whwh she eoys ,we enjoyt en mor and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel. i did everng i couldo obke pay perfect.almost eveveing.ou know, i n 10ousecoget by anxpsive septisa. t for only7 a a nth, eak do w w
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tete f her lov of hen dedicicion tochch a lov bakin eoplpler ed inhr sepata rams othe t.% tanti 141414ear-d ail casee taken ventilar is now brerereng on her own. and an 87-yeaeaomd pilot in nnnnlvania has qet asurvival storyy to te. >> after crashingear the gettburg aiaiort, he hunung nose down for four hours in a tree w(ile rcuers tried to figure outow t get him wn. with details,s(ere's abc's phillimena. reporter: dangling from the branches, this small plane lt hanginfrom a tree, nose down, after a frightening crash. the only persosoon the plane, , the pilot. -year-old herbert bartel iting hours to be sad.while rescue cre figured out how to g g him down. police say bartell had just taken off when h e rainto oubl >> the engine started totototter and d lost control. so, he tried to do a u-turn, but he lost control and it went into
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trbaell geto c 911, buttorlfour s etim@d becse llll brancheseinhe w>> hwa v v vgoododpi the e e e timere. he was cononon, ert,t, orieholenc >> reporr: bartellscaped with only minor injuries. >hinky w a little anxus to t ou eportehyllip ma, abc , w w > redible. ill kthau o eas lylyswn t sesnasin '7ps. oiouste repair no's g gd t kw he'sac wnramaer ur o ther swchearshow ybe cturur att tolby thter. thiss in oo ananyou can see peopl are still maki their way out o otht theaterrfter the b show. >> mak their way? it looks like everyone knew wher the alcohol was and left. they're making their way to the pties. >> coming up in our next hf hour,e're hititng the red carpet with some excxcxcve insight froro our own fashion analalt.
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dr a t oar go - potlight." one of f e biggest moments there. "spoight" winningt picture at the 88th academy awards.s.s. >> let'sn to someoneho realal knows mmvies. joining us live from l.a. is seor editor of r rtn tomaes. grae drake. were you surprised b b splilit's big win? > was surised and i was really excited because going into t f race, it was beteten
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nant" and "the big shsht." potlight" is s a d dererng film.& i lov it and i'm so excited tookok home a trophy. >> i was so touched. anybody in journalism, youe t to watch .it's so ing faastitiit wo s leo t te twaut we'vet t t to ta slyallone ho maybes woul hiar. ocd? what??? how w w d thaha en? heheas lk g i io th ra and you kw ??idn't w w 40 yea anevybodod thth thi is sment onidibleen creed". what ana ilm. sotic to o o ity. d t the academy ab went to the incredibjbj derving mark rylance. and i leapt out of my seat and i i went what? >were all scked. who knows, maybe in ather 40
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>> nevev know. > wll nevererknow. but madax won so many. sort of a joke the endf e night. ople were jokg arorod thehey were surishehe next awa wasn't won by them. >> this s s notherne i amo psychetofe winhat many awards because this is like a summer popcornlilihhat audiencesze and cticsedtoo. over a r nte tomoes thatt w % certifiedfresh. r r ailm can cre teas of audnc critics. mad max" drove straight into our hearts a gll t tse really gititizizi awards. >> nce. it was theest wrien movieieie of all off2015. ll deserved there. but i to k, beyeydhe awards itlf, were thereny surprise wewe thererelew other surprises or fun parts of th night you thought, tsss actuallinind of funny a eat? >p i thought the night wp prprty lackiki inunny spepeechess orurprisin me
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litt equips from lck,ut thi chrk ahe host r eeede - iw my pers e eec hostt ininhat' goi intot allyri year a there wererh hig exatatns foris eactt youhink h ormed, at'simveve at about the w w wacial componontt llywywd? do you thihihe oars and thiswholeinin pill be any difft ith yraocome>>ode use reay nd se ange. and that's what we saw in night's oscar cererenieses it was laden withkingbout oscars so white. which is t suld havbeen. it's not i is b ber e eirely comfortable. ki of a aifficult sububct for some peoplencluding the old lightweight guy in the academy to accept. but this is the kinnd of thing thatat our world needsds right now because it's like lump of c cl
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whkn >>aybeatmaers surm gr draknk so chpananscarheixnext., hey budd letet tsedayql liid gelango. ese liquid g gs necinex's t t se differen. ese e i-mptom. wellllarese.isne imastreand fightsucus. at oneoe't. uh...think fast! u dropped something. oh...i'll pupuit back on the shelf... nefrfr mucex ft ma thonly branded cold and u liliel that is max-streth and fightsucus. start the relief.. ditch ththmisery. let's end this. evyone loves how they feel in rk cthes. an keeth rks fing. eritits. it fofshrekeepindarkloth l keew f 30 es ououlo f darots wievad woite rk hrtesga omega-3sn fro megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, med is ey abrbed yr body. megad.
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> okay, thahas our oscar technobeat going o there ess. >>grgrt. >> okay. so let's talk about the oscars, shall we? you know, "spotlight" won the bi award o othe t. wewee eny of the enes. it telel a tale it i a fainingies we tak a lo atheplight"aile yoseehe somof the faars, oc/se, wiwi some o othactors.. anan theneg decided to do their versionon othe "spotlight" trair. 'vone a littl ree-te videowi hearinatatmo i go a i lariou includge mart" ining "e revent he got theaiown on thi oom" and mad m fury". it tk a lot of work too all of is. >> those folks go allout.
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time. >> y know someone else w went all t.t. lots oeoplplknew leonardo diprio wasoing tototweep this for hisole as best actor. apparently the flippestid this. him going up tget hioscar award.walk u u the stairs. he's gscn his eye. gege rea 0 grab it tr eeaeaikes mom of l a h oscar viy. lucknginat haing.he just thehe par rit >> letov on. stl with thehe. ere we a osc tedparties, ocourse it's a reayg night for parties. they keptith the theme you would say of this ar's partiti including you had the baked brie larson at this one paparty.y.>> that's bre?e? >> yes. the cheese, of course. yeah. a little bakd bre. then this martian hummus. what they did here w w what happened herere they kd of made
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and you have a ltle martian there. that's how ty designed their hummus right therer >> that's funny. >> t oarwhite pi >>eadad t get t thattl zi the. th wcheese. anchovies o usage allowow heheaking of tha pizza. >> boy. food must be a theme e r the cacaca becse cis rock >> kd you haveroththust@ hoed t shothe. >> was thinking@iz buburisockocdppnald'sore sw h hh a wtouhe ivro e? so this is h pregames hispregame. >> iwewear didn't have any ampagn yet. you won'tno that based onad broadcast. >> nice job.
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this morningn "world ns w," oscars edion from thth thlled winners a big moments. >> actually, i do not look like him. he happens to look rather like me. how do y think w%7made it this far? >o the nominations controversy to the fashihi trends a chrisock's humor. >> you realize if they nominatid hos, i wouldn't even get this job. >> from e red carpet to backstage. it's monday, february 29th. >> announcer: : from abc news, th is lt,news no heygo mning oisis postststarni i'm reennananana >> and kendigion really was an amazingnghowo ended up on time, chris roc was funny. didiyou love the show? c cisisock was go.he had a h hh bar anlived d to it. >> h hdid. they did take on the whole thing
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later on i ithe show. you notice many minorities on stag you u d morgan freem, michael b. jordan, t tre was a black bear. they were trying to counter all of it. so let's startith e surprise at the oscars. "spotlight" taking home the e picture awawd. many c cti had predicted "the revena" wotaop >> leonarddicaprio did w be actorisole in thaha vie and he's a lkt other memeble momentntfrfr the ceremony.. >> a the oararoeoe "stlig." we wantortuty eant the blacacto tget the otunities awhite actors at itj >>t'not cketcience.
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isis g gl. you to reh younairpoani wa you toe ofdahter scout ceses >> thanks,s. >> you're welcome.e. >> all right.>>. eofou i i asar whcan influers ie indu. it not enougtotoust en and reen we must ke action. it won't b al, won't knowow how i feel >> i tnknkf you ever wondered abt acting with tom hanks, would itelp, the answer is clearly yes. >> jacob tremblay, my partner through this. >> thank you to the moviegoers thank you for going to the thters and seeing our r lms. >> and the oscar goes s leonardo dicaprio. io not takeonht for
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k u soy . absoly. what aun, n evg. itas a nig to meer from chr rock's role as host to the shobter thanausual acceptce speececs. >eaea a a it was reallylyou could evev see the crawl at the bottom whihi i thought`tas incredible of people t tnking. why y ven't we done that soonene it wasasretty great. >> they on got 45 ses to be able to o theircceptatae speeches but it seemedd as if most people stayed to that. they did get political, as well. many othem in their acceptance speeches. leo dicaprio did climate change, as well. >> we're going too change abc's brandi hitt who is liven hollywood. bpandi, wererensiders actually surprised to s "spotlight" win? >> there were a few people pricting it could wibest picture. most of ththcritics thought "t revena" s into te home the top howe i i r rll w thway raceetweenve "thg short" and "spotlig." "spotlight" actually won the screen actors s ililaward for
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it wasn't a huge surprisbubu kind ofameroehinin a the mutet to tak i from "e rentee a k >>et's talk about chrirock mi.what's bthreon wve been heari abo histi du? ror i'vbe looki ound o otwr. st people say heid wondndl fot opeopop are( aing him forng aerer llywooooananvevecalaeded llywra dg thos tecas ttmidlallingnghe ggwinner othe h winfy ng hwo umbsp. elsan itteth4was credle tklngngbo his momologuand johnhnend saying congtstsn your perrmance, , chris rock. he's one of the top p lkers for a/ar s s u know w wt e hep er fdingngn teis miael on. yingfi outhy s evyoyo t about mychchllkeaton. vivisly "s"otlight" winning besticture. chchl keat cebebtion as walked up to the e age, he kind of dropped two wordthat i cannot say otelevision. and it's g gti a lototf talk.
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>> i wasasondering what that was ababt.t. abc's brandi hitexplaing it all from the dolby tater. anaj i ihoywood, thank you so mucuc he was pretty pumped. let'shecknight n with ototr oouam w spspt urs the r ct t t earlie m mr. odni. htah what ge wor%lprio > pte w so o raid wld h hpen leoeon't t win. th i ihow badly eryrod wanted him to take h he e st actor. d d en it s ce t f tire p pss rooererteinto apppau. eryone,fi mean, it was likik everyone was breathing an corrective sigh of relief. >> it's pretty impresssse.e. you can hehr him right the. heheada g speech a aut climate change, well.l. alyypassionate e out a t t of cauaus. what was iwith the rn
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>> i t tnk e everyrue waseally imimesd that he tklhis controy -o-oit cononnuedhrououow if he dnonwhat hehdid, i i ink would be credor th oughh was rlly y. evevyoasghg at his jokes. nothg really felflat. i give h credit. he d great job. t t new yk ily news not agageing sayininhe went too fafa he did go there.. what's it l)ke to o ver the oscars? i imagne it's pretty glamorous. you're tre oe red carpet. you're rubbing elbows with leo. what's it like? >> a afafaas worasgnmentnt go, ,d couldldet a lot worse an having g cover the oscscs. 's sururalal 's somhihi everybo grows up watching g tevision and toto be there and see your favorite lebriewawainininooking more unbelieble than they've ever looked and then also on a sentimental note, seeing them acacmplish theirrend reiniselelm
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>> iis aea b beal ere. >> c's leslie sser l le in hollywood. our ososr coverage is just gettg arard. we have a special edition of the "skinny" on hollywood style later is halhoho. . >> one you don't want toisis we'reeoing tooven to o other major story thatt we're follllinthis rnrninin of course, it isia b btlfo the whitithohoe. is mningngald d tron the fensivafafa controversrsl dorsrsentn >> his rivivcoul't waitoto pounun, hurling fury of lts. it's yr voice, youvote. ababss stephanieamos is vering the camamign. >eporte gop fnt-runr nold trump takg attacks from all des s clclininpepeon insult >> >e is a con artrtt.t >> con artist. >> i will nener stop until we keep a c m m f fkiver thpartof reagan. >> repr:mpmppog withth s sieofof pelyarcoub liliei ttg intrtre,
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wi did d de durinin a rviewn n's at t unio >> knothing abdadaduke o oitsuprpris andso y@ye askie estion that'm suppoe talkingt knot abou rorterumpppartl forgha disivod ke oidid rubiund onhe iervivi >> wcann ba a rtth nomimitemeone whfuses tot/t/ ndemn whe suprememts a the lml l an a re mont of agenen demrats rnan tis ou s rst acacest cannnn will l l bebsucceed byate monger who refuseso condemn the kkk.>> gmoing. >>orte hlary clcnt tweedde' sse as she celebrates her big win in the uth carolinarimary. . >> y y see, i belve america remains great. >> reporter: steteanie ramos, abc news, washington. coming uin our oscsceditioof theheskny," c ckck biggestghs and most
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> from dazing gownto plngecklin, r seoranalysis herwithsive shioinsi yon g anywre eyou' win"worlds noanywre se u're wching "world ns s w." my`yon andnd uto watch tcarp sws on tvnow, walkingngm. lifis unee e t ini ed to ofpredble is tke f because i have used head and shouers for 20 years. used regular removov up to 100% oflakes epg you otecte every week, every month,everyryeye you readadma? always life iunprededtable, so embrace it!
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ththe's vi...and the's ving moveeltra it has tple-on supportrtr oiois, cacailage and bobos. unlike the big teo-bi fx pisl alln o*tiny pl. movee ultra. get y#ur move onon today you can everything jusone click, even keeyour toiletcln and frh. troducinsol ick gel. click k in njoyoylean freshness withveryry flush.h. lylyl.l.
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enough pressure in here for ya? i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about8to takekeff. these dissolve fast.t.@ they're new`liquid gels. and you're coming with me... you realize i have gold status mucinex sisis-max liququ gel dissolves st tonleash m stren dici. les d is (u(u does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don'avoid it, resolvitit our formula with apecici conditioning iredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so youounow itleans and eshe. bvt it aftens. soe. a et tt y. an can pes solvt rt as asfor as iis fim efo c lk at ... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances body's natulmoisture
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and when i know she's feeling like that, akes me eeelike we'r both... en she enjnjs it, we enjoy it even m me. and i enjoy it. elelifference with k-y ultragel >>an army staff sergeant has been arresd r the murder of a virginiaiaolice offifir. the officecewas on herery first papbol. woodbridge officer ashley guinn n s killll when n e responded to a aomoktic fami -- violence@alltt the h o of ronald hamilton. he's als accusedilling his wiwi b jorpopoce arrived.
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guinn willlle remembered todayay atater hometown in new hampshiri. &the parents of a critically jurereteen in sasa lake ty e looking r answers morning.g. th17-year-r-d d stick in s nd friy ght whwh he was ot by lice. inveigatinially said police fired when the teen trd to attacacthth. heyy say ting figi oxaxaxaxwhaeded the two finvold ththshting were wearing body memes. >> new details in the fatal police plan to chahae his rficec were ending w wn ot re firer. papashioners ran iterror. the suspect t d a history of mental illness as well as vivience. e revendndilliamamchooler waformer school teacher d prcipal d a member of f e dayton schchchboard. he was0,is brother 68. >> and there's morerouble too tellou abo for the crurs ship "anthem of e seas." t lys e e ip hng back to o s new jersey port t after encountering more rough weathe thehe's also an outbtbak now of norovis. >>hisoacan't win. y ca al. the crininyshe
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cae thetormearlr this m, recall thatananwa in a sese srm a susia s mage. and apparently they're feng fululrerendndand ipping parts o obarbados and st. kitts.s. but coming back, norovirus not good. >> norovirus, bad weather. >> disembark immedte. >> yes. coming up in "the skinny," we're taking it back outo hollywood with aec of the oscars incling all of chris rock's best moments. jack o othe rer%carpet. u're w wching " or news w. >> he'all drsed up. he'll put o shame. "world news now." >> he's all d dssed up.
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t 2w`tkfd* bt@qzjzj`tkfd* @qjfd tt2w`tkfd* bm@qh tt4w`td*" dztq h tt4w`tkfd*" entq m ( tt4w`tkf" t& t'p tt4w`tkfd*" hnt& d)< tt4w`tkfd*" tq .@tt4w`tkfd*" jntq.> time now fororthe skinny." toing r headlis this rning, it's our onlyeadline this mning. last night's oscar awards. >> rapping this ar's major nners best picre honors wentt tospotlight." best actress a leadi roleleent to brie arson for r "room." be actress in a a pporting role went alicia vikander for "the danish girl." >> and for the guys best act in a leading role wen to leonardo dicaprio, fororhe revenant" and in a bit of an upset bes actor in aupporting role went to mark rylance for "bridge of ses." thos antipatom o
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awar. >> start oe d was mohat st chr rtook theage out the wod waing eehat ld s about roversisl ckf diitamong the nees. exexct rplen s hiis t wil, crie oscacao er hosbeuse t l thovsy, blmine. you kn? and le a a like, chryou should boyco.s yoshould quit. you lduit. u , how comet's ly unemployed people that tell you to quit something? i'm sure there were no black nominees some of those years, say '62 or '63 and black peoe did not protest. why? because we had real things to prptest at theime like too busy being raped andynched to caca a w w best cinenetographer. jada's gng tycthe
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i sn'tit y bpleve he oarjustave bl corielike besnd. hoywd isorrast. 's l wke, ondayo n acausrocky"akesla a whe whi athsre od r'sciti moe. >> he gelot lghs. he g theonrio you tre was lchg joke a e a nnderwear joke. eah. >> it wawaqua toto..thth"new yordaily news" sasa at he nt w too far theyut him on the frt . ndo t typal
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he did a grere j av > nex to one othe e st kward mesf theng. whenoctred stacsh reme here aces rnoxews punditas moed t necsityf e.t. and even b,b hryththacads nedireor o minoriutre>> i cit to hey op o ppy ack stornt thk you. >> thank you. >> ooy. yeah, yoyocould tell t tre w t of awkward silen and en bit of lite a ala rererely bt acon have cfrom the wkeho , re dn't t la t t rest. hd ugh. e didnnow t.her did y ofatom afterwdshake toer blog rpondinto h critics charge te'not ack ouaying d ra be hig blthan akie cutt b b whinotes just li myrien. o kn t w sa ing asoocu black >>ow earlieranven
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recarpetndhe inet.beautyompanyet t d no idea rah wataed. eyouldn'belie,wa ki of kwar y can se thas not re o. won wihe t ttotos oopi golg. t's er d d iderg e n' t eoofol tol be k thescrewed up theyetn apy to oprahoopi aner else. gayle k kwaed and h h is image of confused oprah. i love this one. reacti to the mix-up. king saying wewell love whoopie but we all don't look alike. that was gat. i loved it. >> lovthe reretion. want to remind you our coverage oththoscars woun't be complete witht discussing fashion. >> yes. we're going to get to the women later but first the guys starting with the jared leto. >>ared leto who rocked a crimson piped tuxe with a red
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a carnation, to be exact. nd nt 9- jem whoooamg. stininhis f. > such autie. >>ablutely is in alassicux. but what youon't see areis rth der socks. >> oh. smart kid. wanted the force to be w wh him. is that the right forcrc no? sorry. finally our own red carpet host miael strahan in an eye-tching two-tone blue tux but apparently "gq" magazine wasn't impressed. how can you critice his necktie? they said when it cometo black tie events there are only two optis a bow tie or no tie at all. if you can pull it off, hey, michael, you can pull it off. >> michael looked absolutely amazing. way, it is time for the real >> jackson's r carpet round coming up next. he's got hisake fas. >> he actually got all dreed for it. it'seallimpressive. i might be wearing that for my >> will you? >> will you? >> yeah. but these liquid gs are new.
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it's the same difference. these are multi-symptom. wello are these. is one is max strength and fights mucus. that one doesn't. uh...think fast! you dropped something. oh...i'll put it back on the shelf... new from mucex fast max. e only branded cand flu liquid gel that imax-strength and fights mucus. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end is. hocan this havbeen waed 12 weeks o andstill smell like springtime? unopables inash scent boosters the more you pour, the mo scent you'lsavor. toss it in before your clothes for xurious scent up to 12 wee unles dny. amera's bestcent bst sometimewe k-ylt ennce myody'y'natul moisture scan get into ia t ickeand when inoshe's into it, get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. your heart lov omega-3s.
1:53 am
and ose in megared kri oil. unlike fish oil, red isasily sorbed by youbody.. .whi makes your heart, well, mega-happy haier still, megared prove incree oma-3 levelsn 30 days. megared. the differ i to abso.,i did everything i could tmakeher party rfecalst erythg. y kno 1 i n 10 houses cod get hit an eensi septidisabut for only $a mo rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a ptic daster with rid-x. olay regenerist renews from within... plumping surface celel for a dramatic transformation without the e ed for fillers. your conrt tee might show your age...your skin never will.
1:54 am
olay. ageles and try regenerist mio-sculpting eswirl. it instantly hrates tolump a lift. today you can do ethin in just e click, eveneep youruroilet n anfrh. introducucing lysol click gel. click it in enjoy clereness withvery flush. lysol. start thinin eah, clickck / everyone loves how they fe in dark clothes. and to keep e das from fading... there'woolite darks. it's free of hsh ingredients, keeping dark clothes loong like new for 30 washes
1:55 am
ay. fosomee the best par ososnit is,course, fashn.n. r chelnalyst it one of them. >> but he's re anyway y give us thoughts on the looks of the night.t. jack sheehan, welcome. >> yesesi got all dresesd up for it. let's get r ghghto. who o got dressed up? charlize theron. let't'take a aook atathihi now that is movie star, ladies and gentlemen. total glam on the red carpet. at is dior hte couture. that stratically placed necklace. old charlize hadeads turning in red on the d carpet. >> i got to say jadore. >> no doubt. ving on, saoirif ronan, star of " "ooklyn" anher plunging neckline. you see the eme deloping here. emerald grn, rublic of ireland. she was in calvin klkln earrings. saoirse doing well.
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heidklum. oh, dede. marcsa. th is a whimsicafling mess right there. a nightmare. lavender, white, and a disaer >> they didn't finish it. thing away andorget that that evererapd. holy god. it didn't get anbetter witit olia wil. >> that's wild. >> tt's a pleated crm something fr valentino. it looked like strips of tape to be honest. >> it nd of does. >> when itidomes back up, that wed choker necklace didn'to anything for anybobo eher. olitia wilde. >> that's. >> thanks r thing on that. so cate blanchet we're going to disagree on this on #p>> she loo beautiful. >> she looks stunning. > i'm ing go on recd d decle that a flory afm green saster
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>> n you couldn't be furthefrom the truth. >> we love it. >> somebody in hollywood called that good and ey should be fired. >> we love this. >> oh, no. >> we disagree. >>eterut of here. o's next? ndy poll this woman is a costume degner. orange hair, aquamarine suit. she was misidentd on e's verage. who knowwhat was going on here. she's a the-time oscar winner. full credit to her. never work in hollywood again. the first annual analyst best dressed award go to naom watts. ll tell you whatshimmering in sapphire blue and purple from armani prive, there with her paner liev schreiber. looked absolutely fantastic. good going. lazy bones loafin' through the day you always seem to find
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ovin' li you're old a gray never heard a word i y all over america, entire famils are backsliding. 're no longer just sedentary, we're stationary. and that'sad news for your bones. at any age, bones need weight-bearing activity to grow strong and stay strong. so go outside. ta the steps. play with thdog. just get up, get out, get mong never keep your bones that way n hea a wd y a public serce messa from e americ ademy orthopaedicurgeons. take out the rubbish scrub down the floor y achin' joints don't jump no more
1:59 am
[ creak ] [ creak ] [ boi-oi-oing ] _3 stumble up the stairway [ ringing ] shuffle down the hall these aing join are sore ow! [ knees knocking ] [ boi--oin cr] my joints don't jump mor my joints don't jump no more [ bang ] [ throbbing ] a meage from the american acade of orthoedic surgeons. visit he jnts ain't sore no more i still got it od morning. i'reena ninan.
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here are some of the top headnes we're following this morninon "world news now." a surprise win for best picture at t t oscars. thjournalism movie "spotlight" tang home the top iz it wigightor leordo dicaprio.he fally gets his stat stay tuned f extensive coverage ahead. >> underire. nald trump aacked om all sides afterefungo condem an endorsent frorofoer kkk leader david duke. but trump is still leading thehe reblican pk in many stst as we head intsupetuesy. >> a virgigia police department isourning the loss of a rookie ofce whoas st to death on r first day patrol. armsent assned to the pentagon is being held in connection with the mumuer. . >> theanthem of the seas" is cutting another uise short. it encountered bad weather off coast of north carolina and some ssengers are sk with nonovirus. it's the second t this month the ship has cut short a cruise. those are somef our top
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nday, february 29th. >>om abcs, this is >> we dodoay goomonday morning, everyone. we're going to start this half hour witllywood's most glamorouwunight whicicis leang into its longest morning n doubt. the acamy awards ceremony hel last nig. and the after partieprobably still l full swing. >> i would hope so, right? there were a aew unexpecd wins laststight inclung oscar for the best picture. abc's bran hitt is standin with all t dails. morninin to you, bndi. you lookokantaic. >> yes. >> tnk you.. good morni, reenand kend.. we still havpeople trickling in andeading over to the oscar r p ptititind the governor's ball. what a night. my goodness. you ha"the revenant," you had ad max: fury roroakakg homeme so many y rsrsrsrnigig. e e ststicture endnd up gog tohe film "spoight." >ararrylalae,e,id of s."
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catetery wasasululofvy hihiers with thescar going to markrkylance f you wondeded acacng with tom nknk would i i he, answeis clearar y >> aa vivindererk hohobest suprtactress. while mad max swept several awards including sound mixinin anananititititd keke a a stylylyl f f eyeyom h h h h hi woululut g g thihijob.b. oscar'sos chrhris rock did pull any punesregg the emy'veititcontve i'm danh girl. >> pcinglack acts es oseveral nona lmorry, blk astront, we will. !>>n inillood rast. >ollywoodobsotyist. 's'se wkwknda,
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te bestrs we p "rie rs 9 o ta b b b beause eng lovbouo mi ngngs s w ma peoit @ taakit. >> repoefte ti tiitas fly onicapo's yeye wng aor fthnt." ink y a fors azaznigh ote plar grted.d. doot te toght r granted. k soy . ter: thebigg awof the t >>spotght. ortet ct whabimomeor poht ne inow overt vern bal are ng a ding oodeg puck, cebrit whoese y mas thfaushewe the thee.'sondeul as we meionefore, mouss ofin mig not be ough. i'm nosure, reend deis. it mht ngh. >> i so hree betwyoand at btl
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tted esid ucing aga?>>erl.yoowe pside sa he thouhe w t least aliersrsbuit aery imrtment inouxussnd ngorobrd ang i ladga perfo she hal r ctimmeutwi hesas teon eims, u n anu el mcams tearg , kaineted, lo pe haowd brout to it verpoul itotin aosos ila very powful me it lyas.gagainih azi yea y iotreno tt te.anhingededn partrtarides thepl d byoat thihour ng photos at tt wall >>epororr: it's nonstop rty y , is i was ticing aot o i love jenfer lawrence's s.
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fitof t nht she's trit noooking fuoong b bulular. myorit the night though charn in. deagorgrg. >> a brai,ho are y aring? >> i'm wcala. lili. st a ltlt. >>erncy. g go. k you. l her go. s a pato go to >> she a tieieie teal earl liverom holld fo. k u.atre t txptsayg out the amy ard >> w s earerur goodfrie, sento o rot toesraak >>tartith st pic. wepris b b otghigin? iashted catlig,"
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that ay rthyiewi atries lenay got s oscar. s lococ >>was a n r all ofs,myri. w a l were all pectinhim to n. 's bloloe ng evanas gat s he>> yeaand briesosooy, teoue s inibo watcin "." shs 2arold. hpenst r he >> wt t t to bold she is.avy t peorncesin fm hebui'm al e a a g hollyod mov sg e in i"k skull la ea tnynyti jacrelad she' bemaziitthe girms kion>>in s cee b thtnugut t sho l
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na t fir er 65 yes.ane three? >> wt mazi d dto is. th irare achd osos histo d abm is an iov i ifilm d lolo te ree mecathis ivaing g a ming tingorwe. great atuthis w does t ompare evrs past? >> goto tell yohaven thou oscs w a vy socilyta one, bed me to trs, ys. iuaeny bit oferem you did? i. 'mlau bulll wste en wchdienones tha you so much. >> grae drake out l.a. thank you for joining us. absolutely. frars comup inclur o asnd lo at e after parties. 'saterhihi hr. w g tget tototh ie're foing ismoinerin andndndnd lthe stanan
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hotel. e bcasterer#@aimsmshe hotel s nlige i alling a stalker tfilm h n roh eple.the cononctta will l sty vio da ill ananewth walk t e emotional to t leof tt videded on daught. >> sia fra cease fe is ly. thgondsisi re accedf stping irtrikes on opon forces. e ls s tre n as aacree-firect o ys a. plao liveaid thsi syrnsine ie tize o oop kilat crd dark.isc e is ciminreonsity t suidede attawhic injured ne 1eoe. aqofcialy e bogs itaatioioe or t govener is fororor t t ddl ck badadhi. >>ave. ibein d y th the med of r.
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in yea to g t naon'sigig awa f lo war aeam h shedo gunfto rcue drlip se being heldy tali years heay hist reet thafell s.a in t rmp >hunsi of cafornle the la sool alvict to tttt thscho haseg nyi t 80 udents alum aonto of the chofals yhe hacrsay hy cie any dataftheysmhihi ha p pasinnd pays, cling nal d. breach ohshs ago. >>e moote abth osrs f now. a chcho tetteth yo wanted hom wereabyifnt
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and fifit hodel o 3-inthenas tethenhe finisd . t stee ze rfea a are c cededn 244 kago wor wth thee unwie o crte next yeas os. you cannoteally tell a difference at least from televion. . >> sll look pretty. >> they yeah. >> coming up, ouown rsrsn of the academy ards. pretty fun.the "w"w news w" nowscars. unteeonon >> a ao ahd e re os and st in rig now. >> toris supayldrumpt endobsement srrg up debatetrov
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our es m stdifftl onlo iappr t relie bothtc, tean coestion o nas allgyay can y at. whe eainnsbodies react ber pduci six keyamma ssts thcacae sympms. st ay contle suta onascont)d sisi allgyie inmpte. ururyes de as 6 ces ethg. semoremoretr haipctsu jois, rte bo inney . retr yoov. no e t. fianly-in-1
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yr cae e r r air doavavit,resoe it our rma speci nditioni ingent, soens urpet with ery use. res, you know it cans ananfres. but itito o enreso a caet thatlcom you totole petse try solve t ex. not a as as ey fomeasisor h... asfor me cauook r. aw e use k-y ultrag. itnhnhces s bods nal is ian get intnt swswg of it a bit quker. and when i know she'e'feeling like thaha it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it.
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i take prilootc each morninir my fqut heaftburn becausyon't ro heartburn! tweasf ctor il o. onpi morning. 24ours. zero heartrtrn. todayou can do e&erything in jusone click, en keep yo toilet clean anesh. intrucing lysol clk gel. clclk it in to`onjoy clean freshne withthvery flush. lysol. start healthing. yeah, click
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south carolina. clinton spent much o of f sterday crisscrossing tennseseand continuingo owsuppppt fromhe african-arican unit >>ananrs is not leleins featn n utututrorona slow hihiwn. 6,000 peoe pacconventionceor a rallyly reatecallfoclinton to reasanscripts frfrer seet eees. >> to e republblanand dbattleor t t nominatio conovalkk endorsemt hado tru taking fire frfr eve rectn. he's abc mary bruc >> d daltrump! >> reporter: dd d ump on the e fense, forcedtolain this answer w asd d e coemns the ku ux klan a a itstsormer grgr wizard, vid duke's call to vote for trump. >'m just talking about david du a theklux klan heren but -- >> i d't k kw anything. honestly, i don't know david duke.@ i don't believe i'vevever met him.m. i'm prty sure i dn't meet him. and i just don know ananhing about t m. >> reporter: t t backlash was swifif his rils pouncing. >> we cacaot ba party at nominates someone who reses to
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we cant bebearty that does at. >> r rororr: ted crutweeti, "reay sad. dona trump, you' better r anan this. shsuld all age, racacm is kk arent." trfifid d s evioespoe. i dn'n'evenw w endodsede,idide rsed me okay, alrigh i y? which includes six southern states. the rivacaaigns have tned into attttk k chines hamring trtrfor n/t rereinhis tax returns specululing about wh he's hiding.g. >> there havbeen mulple media a popoaboudodold's ness dealingngth the mob, th the mafia. >> you trump says he plans to releaseista rurns, just not now the becausus of a a ongoing irs audit. marcrubio hopi to get more momentum heading into tuesdada but he has a long way to go and making it harder, donald trump
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of our own. sloooo >> absolutely, yes. there are some special performancnc we'd like to honor on ourery ow"world news w" nowswsrs. foououfirst tegoryrybebe ornce a background ne worker. our nominees brians the gy who sits behind me and does strange things. >> ts ban's first nononoonon many csir him avaven snubbefor prprioio wsr rthyerformce. so, brwre th. we wowod mitetebbutnn kee with t ses eme,blk nomimies jajaheehanan ninn. heas b b bprpriousominated fohirole as oren and asball le comssior.anthe winner i-- jacshn. >> yes. >>ack, ce and get urur nows, a e goldenot >haisstding k yoyove mukuk thanu ry much.
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puttttupith my centricities,pmy p p pts for bringingnge into ts world and good lucto my sister-in-law w erin w w is possibly having a boy today. bring on number r1. number r2? >> get 45 seconds.s. >> okay. i'm getting hooked thanks. >> thank you. > and briaouounow, since you lost, yoyocan presenenthe rest of f e awards. >> oh, well, gee, ys, thanks. i really appreciate that. >> you're welcome. oh,h,'m n n really prepar. waiti thinokay. let's s this. 's timfor the wod news nowscars. first tegory, not p epar or anhing. not ppad at all. there's just goln remo co sitting on this table.@ here we go. being a newsnchor can be fficult. t goes io being the ce
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woul't alsosoliheit com teating ething oururext e e simplyoenot . the a sgood. i'm eatingheheegarian part. not vegetaan. can't rtake. there's no tofu dog. >> well, since tre a a no her nominees in this category of best performance by a scetarian, ree ninan, the nowscar goes to you. me? >> yes. this ss for you. >> wow ll, i really wt prepared for this moment. i wasn't expecting this. i'd ke to thank mymyom and dad lied i.wanto , wa, , hireal vizioremo? kid thi_ tn n e gacan ieaeau#u#ititit it ghbe. can s for se. arttthe
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for r bestarobob the nocar gogo to kdi gibson. at althose beautiful los. at's the trendy man bpn up ere in theefe.hand corne >>ow. >> what's yournspiration? >> i ioi to tell you, it's all the evioususlanchors, ady,t.j. robson,er blakek who o ve blazed a trail here. thyou. this moment bigger than just meme >> it is. >> we want to bring gn all our winnnnn. we want to bringhem all in. want to say congratulations to winnersrs re a lotore verse hehe an thesc obvusly. congratulatio so th. everyone who won. everybody, thanks toecurity for alwa givg me a call whwn my food is here. than to ybody for making a
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you may think you can put off checking o o your dicare optnsntil you're sixty-five,bunow is a g/gd me to get the ballolling. keep in mind,, cacanlversbout eightyerof pt b dicas.s. the rest is up to u. 's'sre ap meciremensan p p p insud unitedhlthchce insurance company coco in. lill snddizemedi supplentnsurance pla, could helpasome of whedicare doesn' saving you i iout-ofocket medil costs. veearnrd that taking informed steps along the wawareally makes dience lat. thatat whait meanso goong. callownduestecion e]. it's full of iormation o medicarend theheangeff medicare me p cfr bas on urneeds et.
2:23 am
d thererare no networkrestrictions. unitedhealnsurce company has ovhiy ndommit roll ah yoyo inu rse. soall noand discover how anaarp micarsuppnt plan coulgo forou. these er medice ppmemensur p endorsed by aarp,an orgizn seseg edofe 50 a over genes. plus, nineut of ten plan membersurveyed say th wouldecomndheir ana a ie... remeermedi doesn't coverytytng. the re i iup t tyou. callllow, request your f fe ecion ide]and starthinrmiou nene to help you keepolling wh confiden.
2:24 am
does your carp ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, solve it. ouvla with a spepeal nditioningngngredient, softfts your carpetwith every use. 's'sesol, yw itlens. but it ao softftft resolve. carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, try resoe pet expert. yoururrt loves omega-3s.s. but thtje's a difference tween the omega-3s in fish o andpthose megared kriri o. unlike fish l, megared is easily absoed ybody... ..hich makes your hrt well, megaappy. happieilar rotoree leven 30ays. mere
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well, e stats ha b nded o o oand thave faded and hohoywood's s s ggessts have withlenty ofobfter pares. >> and o friends at ththred carpet are out in full force at tonight's hottete's some of their coverage. >>is rock was for sure azinespeal std sh.i s li did hjust sha get to obng out with erybody. ugh,htalk drink anrty. >> it's the top nit ofof hollywoo >> my favorite momenwas leondo dicririininanhiee like thelaur and glitz and the glory and th agof defeat t alwlws fun tah, as well theest inwinning. >s is tecone enuckynoug it makes wri my inritance quite a bit easiecau i ha two ks. this is such an a amazing pieiece
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poant tha weemembe w an treo our society and our cucuand ou mocracdoh won o for best adapt scrnplay r "s"s"sight." thfilm a ao wo th is probably one of thest es off your life. mbirthdayoday. m 53 yeara old ande ed this f an whil ru of thst ghn my>>aly fe lik achiev so ch. >> you ctched that like you're never gog totoet it go. >> nobody's getting g . no, it'slly w!o o beer 'seen a ngaul for us. fiveearsrs the fi has been embraced ound the worldit's so into bhere tonit. >> i'm still very overwhelmed. i@ of look dn and just got t namonon firsi was like oh,his looks like an oscar.n'ra hd ound 'sust t ndl i'm m
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and celebrate tonight. >> everye whoho pay gat money and goe away satisfiedednd wants to come back nextyearar we d diver the goods. >> i ran intnthqrry k junior a iurned into a a -year-old girl andyed th heheouldn't be more chararng. > i g t pretty star stru with daniel day-lewi coming to this partyhen he won. i stft the ality eak and m usband thafully was therend wbltoak my lf it't'funn see celti get stuc e paies s e stl goi >> we'veot folks eveere. evy single after party. caime.>> tre'soio lot ven "goomornin
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>> morom t oars aheaeafrom new o day. or froro t oscars ahead d om a a news. > this morningngn "w"wld news now," osrs eon from e thrill winners and big momes. >> thanks, chr. >> i i a good d rsonon >> he's a zebra. ilarus >>o thnotions corovey tashihiends andhris rk's r. >> you wt ity? we gototiversity. >rom thred carpeto backag is aybruaryth. >> annouer: om a news, this is "wlb news now." >> good inry or awe should say to som you, good eveving since you're still rtyi. it's pososcars mda m is gso . >> i'meena ninan. it@t w w an incredible@eighthtt
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>>ig win for "spotlight. sisinor "spotlight," leoeoeoaprio. whwould havehoho he wo ve won th`rave been handed ouou and the oscars a thehe afterer parties are well undererhis rning hollywood. >> the statauddeceremony featur a fewewurprised wnene d there's chris rock'spening monololue with a the d dails. we're joed by abc's glamorous brandi hitt. yoyolook gorotous. >> wow. >> reporter: tnkou, good morning, reenand kendis. hey, the celebtions are uer y rit now. wee gotoe tte afteies s a littlbit.t. i know it's re early in the rnwhyoe. 'sll enin e st coast. wh a nig he.e. "the r m m: ry kome e l ds but the bgest one of e night, bt picture end up gointo "spotlight." >arrynce, "bridge of s." >>epter: the best sporting acr category wasas fll f heavy-y-tters, with the oscar ing to ck ryl a.
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ngom hks helps, the answer isye >> reporter:rr alici vikander took home bes suprlededed tress, ma took home several awards. >> ithominatokts i woul't'tvethis j. >>epor oscar's$ hos chris ron't pl any pupuhes, addresesing the aca's versity nty. >>anis. >>eporter:la bck rsieieinever natetefis.>>ou oulget t >>ononorblk wel. >> reporter:: evevecallllg hollooooracist. >> h llywood is sorority racist. it's'sike,e keou, rhon t you're kap. >> rorter: best ess went to oom's" brie lars. >> i itedo start big becse the thing i love aboutovie maki is w ny p pple it tato me .>>r:ere ting nomimitions s was finally
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bestctor foro"the revenant." >> i thank you all for this azing award night. let us not take this planefor granted. do not te night for anted. ank you so very muchch >> reporter: thtn biggest award ofhe nht. >ototght. >>r:- beicic. wh nht ae' sll eingome he starsrsrile inininus a hea t those after-r-rties.s. thbiggt on them althe governor's'sl. 1500 guests are ere right now wining and dining with morthan 50 dishes being preped by wolfgangngk'k' andor than,00000ototof wfo we e no at tse aftert a stting youot to t what are people buzzing abt, wh a you heaea? >> rorte you kw what, i haveveo tell you onef thth gueus`one of the funest t
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tom hardy, fabulous s b im in " "e revenant." he w w here posing fof phohos with some people he e s wi. and theneopleept cing up tohiept cing to himim and saying, i n ta my picture with you? these are gueststshat weret the cars ey werusns eye t ceremo.- everne wand to take eir picture with tom hardy. was so ni. he keht taking picres r like 20 minutitthe statue behind me. >re hinu goa pie asell. reporter:eeave to kind of ay back re, away frothe s. i sh.. i'm a huge fanhis. >> t tnk brandnlwegoing gbehi where arcke nono tdolby theaanat's whe c's jason nathann has been hang out 377 and, jason, wt' yo b takeaway from this ye? reporter: the one thing thaha i think everybody cuse here bactage a durine ow a i t aot of pele
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lkabchrirond 'rabt t t itit anantalkinabouhollhe thrded ateeee tk outhththreallyd ine subjec.e is fstesbout how people didn't prest e ck of osc diversity ithe '60s cause they were dealing with reaeathings like lynchings. at was a aha, b a l jes but alsy riou setheone from t beginning. at's wevevybody is gng to be talking about tomorrow. >> youover the iustry. do tnk tt the academy willntually come me dirse tture >>orhass agrgrt estiti i isosod. ere's wowo in anngmonghis ip behi the sces s d getting people into these position whwhe theye hiring, that they are in -ise directing th they are ngse cisions. 's'shere i think a lot of change feeds to come. the osrs are not the real problem. tpeya sysytoof that probm a lot of peoe say. so it's s anging the studio syem. that's a huge system. that's going to take years. the changes the oscars havavde
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more divivse, we'll see if that has any differenen next year i i,n't think will. >> it take a litttt while. madm next ar might ba ve wte oars b on@vheillng t is ar.. jason n ansojous wit the ve lom dol ththtete k yo >> reporte pleasure, gp.>>ha much morears cogeludi ihtm e se editor rotten tomatoto, talking about drake,nd that's later in thi hour. >>ururning nowo politicsnd donald trump t cte o nene controvsy wsuper tues ywa trumis underire reng ej aenemfr foer ku ux klaleadad david kuku ump sang hno anngutuke mar o moersol atcks athe front-runner about his ararcecece a sa t tmp's refusalo ndn dukeakes h unelectable. .% >> we cannot b% party that nominates somewho fuseseto
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we cannot be a party tt does at. >>ou'rg - t t trururueeng racism ong. tpe is s sorrent he said a itsupris paking inofnoto vote for bans in race. > temocra, lly clcln is sng h ghtsthththneraection afteher r ndslide victory in south carorona. ton was joinednavill by actor tony goldwyn who sp the p2esident on the hit abc @ "scandal." she also made several otr tenenssee eluding two black urches imempmps an e ued a aicic-american worshippers to rect pjudice as was paranoia.( sanders s s orgingnghead after adtting he wasasecim in south carolina. but he'stiti drawivg some g crowds. look at this.morereha6,000 suortersrs turned out for a sanders rally in oklahoma city. sands traraingntn legates b he sdothihg uld pase h more tn to
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>> important ttimony expected thiseek athe eri@andrews trl. t(e bro@ader suing shlleotetorllowin a stalker to film her through peep. ababewsthersetftisxpected to iey popsyblyl lae oday as wells the s taer himself,f chl david babaet idddie &in nsos d%posotionitl ho nn era w he gome to regute the size - of airline seats. cpleschumer saya passungef arg pa ipl ke eafdinianhe says will addn amendment to thefunding. tpe bill funding dhe f%feral iation@ndministration. it would requiuihe f f tset a m)nim m requemen inuding diceween ( s.>>o abo medyrt loongnt .p 'lsee i& )t s any difference at all. of couj, you haveirbus that is trying to g getet us all o benches. >> reported that lt ek.
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todaebru a& known as leap day.forr t hohoh w w w q q q q b b@ brbr 2 0 h innn payy isiaiuerra birday. >>asin poi a s ers rnin -- stidding. fr is tutulyeric tay. e ancet andi%--shsjing leap yeass biriryyy are more than 2 ioto 1.. sounds like lottery numbs. >> intererting. by tay celebries at2a2bn eap yeare jajaulu,ememr himiused@do be i ilo th'90s relylysmh antororoin shore >>&oh,h,h,eap ieie -ce e e turere mi aos. >> and the winner who's made snubbed. insits fthe nior editor
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> but first, theilililff a a a all plpleeesidedeow r r r hihihintnta a a .it's not screenplay, it' realalififif drara n n >jojojojokk nfanananm m m twtwteteththabcwnnnn you'u' w w wing "wld news no" wnnfs.m atterererh h with @a thth@abcwnn. re watchchchchchch news now.".) dodo your carpet ever feelelough and dir? don't avit relve it. r rmulwi scial conditiongre sos carpett eve. rve, so y y k kw itans snd he. but aftfts. relve. a ca tha welclces y. and d lean pses, e rt. there's moving... and there's moving with move ee ultra. it hriacacon sport ois,s, cartilage and bones.unhe big teo-o-o-lepillll itlln ononontiti
2:41 am
get your m me e e enenghghressssssin h he e r yaya i'm m nnnntakekeucinininnus-ma too o te, , 're about to take off. ese dissolve fast. they'r'rnew liquid g gs. and u'reomg m yoali haold ststus? mucinex sinumax liquid gel digsolves fastto ueash m strengtgt dicici leles s s this. itit n n always s s asy for r r as i for h.... it's e ey for r c cse look at hehe we e k-y e eancemymymyy'tututu isisis so i c c getetetetete swswswofofofa bit quicker.r.r. and d k k kshshshfefefeggglili thaha itesesfeelelike we'r th...... en she enjoyoyit, weoy iev m me. anenit feel the d dferererewith k-y-yulululel. i didievevevhing i c c c co her papay pepeect.t. almost e eryththg. you know,w, 1 1 n n houses s s get hihihi expxpsive septic disasterer bur r r $7 a nth, d-x s b doas
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merials ancebrations i lamazool michin. one t t four shoongngicti remberer was my n n.. citid for r r r vevef chilen, dedicatiti to teacng andndove aking. sisipeople wererkilln re papate ramamgeon theam night. ininheeantimim 1 5yeye-o victim abigail cough has been off a ventilatnds nobrg hwn. d an 8year-old pilotn pesylvania has qet a suival stsry to tell. >>ftetrashshg near t geysburgirport, he hung none dpwnorour hours in a @ree while rescuers gured t how to getim down. wi dls, rebc philp na rter: dgling omhe brarch, sma pne lt ngfromom tree, nosdo apr a eng craslylyerson n the planethe lit.t.87-year-d d rtrtl,l, waing`hours s be d.d. whe e scsc cws figured out toet d liayteteus tan f whe intotroue.e. t engine artetott ananoscoro sohe trieddo a-t but
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>>orr:r: uininhe@trtr, rtete naged tol 1, btookokearlur ho get him dowause of all therancs in the way. >> hs vergood srits thwhole timemehere he wasscsc, aler orieed thehehole incidedt. >>eporte btell e#cap withnly minor injuryes.p >> tnk by the d he was a ttle aiouso get ou( rorr: pil m ma, pnewsyo. ncbldon'know theausef the crash. apparently@ye'owned the na nce the '7. >> obviously it needs some repair no, it's g gd d know 'sack wn on terrrrfia after fo hohos there. >wiwih g g a s sw y ou a liveveicture out at t dolby theater. this is in holwood. and you can see pele are still mang their of e ththtetetetee e g . making theiwa looks likerne e the cowas and . >p ty're m mg thr wawa & rts. comin u u in nextalf hoururwee hitngng theed cacaet with somee excluve
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tomaesae drake.were you s spris by y lis"ig w surured and i was ally excited bauseoing in the race, it wabetwn n ththe movi "spotlit" the venant" and "the big short." "spotlight" is sh a deserving film. i lovedeit and i'mo excited took home a trophyhy >> i w w s stouchehe anododininournalism,m,ououe o gwah .itspirin enf you're not i i journalism, it's'santastst. it w inspiringo see leo take home thewardrdut w got to talk about s stallone. we thought maybe this would be s ar. shocked? >> what?how did d atn? ak going into the rad know wha heidv!wiwiwiwigoananevodthout,s ment w soredible "eed. a pnonal l lm. g ge ito sly. d thenenhe amy awawa wen totohe incredidiy inmark rye. leout ofsend ? we s sck
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yea, mit beiue. >er k k w wllllev bumad x so many. rt of a jot the end ofhe night. people werjoking aroununth were surprised the next award wasn'ton by th. >> thiis ather one i am so psycycto see w thqmany awardsause ts is like a summ popcorn flick that audiences loved.d. ancritics loved, too. ovt rott tomoes that vie was % ceifieh. it sre ailn capture th the hrts ancesnd itics. an"mad ma"mn, dve stranto oearts andnd got alllhese ry legitimizin aw. >>ice. it was the bwrn vie e l 01 well deserved there. but i t to ask, beyond t awards i ielf, were e ere any rpris?rere o o sesfuar of eeou ththt,his acty nd
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etty lacking in fuy speeches or surprisininmoments. i njoyst tt equipipfrk,ut i think ris ckthhoho faexceededi know my onal expectationfor host in what's going into it t s a real tricky ar. >> yeah. >> and tre were such high expectations for chr rock. so the fact youhink he peord, a lot of other p oothat's impive. at abo tiacompent olwooddo t tnk tscand iswhvongceil a diffffen the yea t d, i hope so, bausee really nd so c and th w wt aw in tonioscaceremo. w ladenenith@talking about oscsrso white. which should haveeen. it no that it's ent comfortable. kiki oa difficult subject for some peoe includinththold white g gs i the acacamy to o cept. but is is the kind of thing
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it's t tfferen thesare multi-symptom. well so are these. th one is max streng.d and fights mucus. at one doesn't. uh...t.i fast! you dropped someing. ...i'll put it back on the shelf... new from minex fasasmax. the only branded cold and flu liliid gel that is)max-strength and fights mucus. start the relief. tch the misery. let's end this. everyone loves how they feel irk clothth. and to keep those darks from fading... there's woolitdarks. it's free of har ingrereents, keeping dark clothes looking like new f 30 washes our ve dk hellere. olite rks. yourrt loves oga-3s. bue omega-3s in fish oil differ from gared ill oi unli fish h l, megared isasily absorbed by yr r dy. megared.
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okay, that's our oscar chnobeat g gng on n e i guess. >> great. >> okay. so let's tk about the oscars, shall w%? know"sig" "&thbibiaw nht. wee my of tel talbu is a inating movie as wtaka a look at e e potligig" trailer, you e these are some othe falilice ocoujse, withme othe actors. d egdecideto d their versio t t "lit" trailer. ne le e-nute shongllll ofofhe oscar-nomedies in gondt'hilaris. cling "the mti," cl renen" he'sheaiwn >>es,
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>> tse fol go all ou >> t ty' wah their ti now soe e se nt outut lotsf people kw leondo dicaprio was going to eep this for role as bestctor. apparent the fliest did this. higoing up to get his oscar ard,ksth. 'sot oar ihie. gettg ready torait. >> not the bear again. the bear strikesn memoiuof leondis oscar victory. luckily y thing king thais happening. he's jt tt t oscar parar righghnow. >>let's move on. stl with the theme. there were lot oosr related parties, of course. it's a really g night r parties. th kept with the theme y y would say of this year's parties including you had the babad brie lalaon at this one party. >> thas bre? >> y. the cheese, of course. ye. a little baked bre.
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happen here, they kind of madede it see le theanan of mars and you have littlmamaian ere. that's h thedesigned the hummus righthere. >> that's funny. >> the oscar so white pizza. >> w wd to get that little zingngr there. >> with the whe chchse. no anchovi or sausages allowed in t making that zza. >> o boy. fo must be aheme fhe oscaecause chris rk. >>inharoer r ho tho >>asnkr zz but chris rock walked up to mcdonald's befe the big show and he a aually went throughhe dre-roh.h. see? >> so this is his pregame? >> t tss h pr@egame. i swear i 't tave any champagne yet. yoouldn't know that based on is broadcast >> nice job. >> that'the news for this half
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3:00 am
> morn "wldews > is mning on "wld news now," cars edition from e rilled winnerstsndig moment >>ctlly, i do not look like m. he happens to lo rather like me. how you think we it this far? >> to the nominanaons ntvey tohe fhi trendshrisock's hu youlizef they nominat hosts,ouldn't en gethi job. rom d carpetet bastage. it's monday, february announcer: from abc news, this is oror new" >>ey, goodorningn n is popo oar monday.. i'm ena nan. >>nd i i kendis bson.itllan azingw. e u t r
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they d de on thehwle thingaboucaso white head r r i ithsh yono mminotiti on ag u d an freem, mil j#rdadareas a bck bear. thtr to al ofof so'stae ri hescars."spotligta h hthbestpicture aw many critics had predicted "the venant" would ke top honors. >> lo dicaprio didin best actororor rinhat movie. and here's aook at other memoraelmentom the cemony. >> and the oscar goes to "spotlight >> we want opportunity. want the blacacto to get the sa opportunities as whihe actors. 's it. inorocice. 'sop. i dh . is danish is good, girl.
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ioire pockssndnd want u tbuy some of my daughter's girl scout ckies >> thas,s. >> youe e.>>ig >>hankhrlove youn agas >> each ou i aasdowho can injnuence othersn e indury. it's not enougto just listen and ree. weweust ta action. it w't be real on't you knonow won knonohow i feel >> i thi i iyoever wondered abt acacith tom has, uld it help, the answer is clearly yes.s. >> jacob tmb mpartr ugthis >> t you to e moviegrs thank you for going to t theaters a seeing our fis. >> nnd the oscar goes to leonardo dicapri
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gran ank you ery much >> absutely. wh a fun, fueving. it was a night to rember from chris s@ck's role as host totwhe shorter than usu accepe spes. >> yeah, it wa reall- youluln sesehe cwl at the bott, wch i tht was ibleof peoplthanng. why havet we done at sooner? prey great. they only g 45 sends to abl dtheir cept speees it ems most people edthat ey did g political, well. many of themn their ceptan spches. leo dicacaio cnge, as well. we' going to change abc's brdi ht who is live in hollywood.d& brandn, were insiders actually rprid to see "otlight" win? >> thererwere a few people predng it could be ( pictur moststf the crits t ght revenant" was going to te home ththtop prize. hovet really w a ree-way between "the revena "the big short" tlig."
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beemso, reaasa risebundfm be a t t lt min i th taket fm "the revevent,"eena ands. >>et'salk about chris rock foa minute. wh's been the reacon w wveve en hearang about his posting dues? >> reporter:e beenooking d around on twitter. most people sahe did a wondful jo in fact, lot of ople are prsingim for going after hollywood, and h even called hollywood racist durg the oscars telecast. bette midler calling him the biggest winner of the night. oprah winfrey giving him two thum sp.eleln sangitr,t sreblel talki about hismonoloe. ananjohn legenensaying, conats yr performancis rock. he'snenof e totalkererfofo the awards show. you kn what e her top talker i'm finding otwitteis michael keaton. was s s ng to fire o whq is eveone talking abou michael keaton obviously "spotligwinng be picic.% chaekeatonelratiobs
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it gtingna lotf ta. a lot smiles thisor. >> i was wonderi whath was ou c's brdi hitt explaining it all fr the d theer. brandi in hollywood, thank you much. >> he waprettyumped. t's check in right nowith another member of our teamho spent houron theed carart rlier on suny and backst ababs lesl m mser. good mornini. >> gd mo( whaveotarttha a huin leonao was sdft uld ha ididi th is w y ybod edo he be tor. and en it waance the tire press rooerd in applause. evyomean, it w like everas bat llfelf. pret impiv
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caes. whatas t reactn bastst hrisock? areeople zzinabou ves al imesseah he taled is contrsy ad-o it ctinu thrhrghth sh. if h d d wt id, , thhelde e ic f th ght was really funn everyoneas laughg at h jokenoinal fell fl. i give him credit. heid great job. "the new yk daily ne n ageingsaying he went too r. he did go there. what it ke to cover the oscars? i imagine it's pretty glamorous. you're there othred rpet. you're rbing elbows wi leo. what's it like? >>s far as work asgnnts go, it could get a lot worse than having t/ cover the oscs. it's jt s sal 's somngverydy gws up watchon tisand to tually be t vorial in,okinor li tn eyve loed anenls enmeal no,, seeccis theirream and rlizings life-loneam is atty
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>> it is a really big deal there. >> abc's leslie messer lin hollllood. r oscacorage is just gettg started. we have a special edion o o kiy" oolwoodty lalalhis half hour. one y y donan to miss e'e' goi to move o o ou o mor story twe'rfollowthorning. crse, iis a be fo e hoe. is mningond trump he densivafcontrorsiakkk doen >> hs uldn'tai unce, a oinlts. e,r . c'epnie ri thepan. >>epor fnt-rner dold trumpmping dtcks fr all sides i&cluding person insults. e is a con artt. >> conrtist. willlnever stop until we keep a con man from taking o or thparty ofeagan. . >> 2epte truru responding with a sers of tweets repeatedly calalno marco rubio lightwght. buininto some troue, too. tweeti atey olini
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wird david de duringn inrvien cn'sstate e the union." >> i know nothing abt vid duke owhe supremacis a a so y're kinge a question that i'm supposeseto be talking pelehat i i owothing about. >> reporter: trump apparentltl forgetti he had already disavowed dudu on friday. rubio pounced on the interview. p>>caca be a rty nonas onwho seh ndemwhitpremacts and and the klu klux klan >> reporte aare moment of agreement with demrats. rn sanrs teting this out. americics firsblblack prident cannot and wl not t ucceeded by a hate monger who refuses to ndemn n e kkk.k. >>ood morning. >>eporter: hillarylionon retweetedsanders'esge as ee celebteser big w i the south carina prima. >> yoyee, i vemeca remaeqt. >> reporter: sanie ramos, abc ne, washgton. coming up in our oscars
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rock's biggest laughs and the most awkwardentf the evening. from dazzling gowns to plunging necklis.r sio ana wh clhits you won't hee. you' wchinor ns now.">> a anc "wowoews now" wer bhto you by head d shoulder my s s and i msed to watct the red caca shows on tv now,'m'malng thehe lifisunedtabl one thini neo ictaisbe free. becausi ha used ad and shoulders for 20ears used regularar, it removes up to 100% of akek keeping you protected erweek, everermonth, ereryear yoready ma?
3:10 am
life is unpredictable, so embrace it!ad and shoulders. live flakefreeor lif there's moving... and thers movivi with move free ultra. has triple-action support for yo joints, cartrtage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pis, it alln one e nyil mo freultra. geyoov. dau doverygint oncliceneep p ur t,et h. odg l ick gege clk to enjoy freshne th e flh. lysol.
3:11 am
ouou pe r r ? m nna ta minsinumama toteou keff esolol fthey're w ids. d you're cing e... reali hahaolst? nex s. dis fa ueaaxtren di. leenis (u.) youcarp er el rough air don'avoid it solve etet our formula with aci conditioning ingredienen ftens your carpet th e ery u it resolve,, so you knowit cleleand freshens o ftenenresolv a carphawelces. toan mes trsopet pe it's not always as easy for me ast or him... it'sasr me cause lk at her. aw... soe usk-y ultragel. it enhances body's natural moisture
3:12 am
and when inow she's feeling like that, itjnakes m mfeel like we're bo... enhe enjoys it, we enjoy it)even more. d i eny it.feel the diffence with k k ultragel. an a aaff seeant has > anrmy stafsergeant h h been aested r e rdrd of vi pole ficer. e offir was on h very fipatr.. odidgeicer ay guwas kiedhen she respd to aomviolence ll at he r r rd mi. hecucud ins wi bororpolice aiveded milta rgeaned the ptan.- gun wi b bmeeredoday ern new
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parents atilly jured teen iltake ci lookg for sws this moing. thear-stk in fdanighgh he way poli veigators iniallid thatolic firhen ied to attthemnow they s ty' tryg firehat ppened. twoffirs ived in t shoooi were wearing bo >>etai in th l sot a aoh pas inis oice. poli plato c crge his othewiurder.r seicesernghen s fpariiors ran in terror. the suspect haa history y& mentalalllness as well as violencn. the reverend williamchooler r was a rmrm#sooacr incipapaa er yton schl bo he 7is 6 > ans re tleo ybo for truise e ip "thf the ." onlys the ip hng titjeey aftecori`gore roug hehere's aantb now of noro
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>> they nn at all.the cruise le ys the decision to turn around was becausof the storm. eaier this monthyorecall that "anthth" wacauguw in a severe storm and s stained some damage. >> apparently t ty're offering full refunds and skipping parts of the barbados and st. but comi back, norovirus not good. >> novirus, bad weather. >> disembark immediately. >> yes. come up inthe skinny," we're taking it backut to ood th a rec ofhe oscars, includidi all of f ris rock's best moments. >> plus fashion with our anast jack on the red carpet you're wchg "world news now. >> he's all dressed uphehel put use.>v annouerwonewsow
3:16 am
r tt2w`td* bt@qzj tt2w`tkfd* "a@qjfd tt2w`tkfd* @qamh 4w tt4w`tkfd*" entq m ( tt4w4w`t`td*t& p tt4wkfd*" hnt& d)< `tkftqttd*tq$ tt4wkfd*" " t& $]$] ti nore ny."." toppouadli ing,oulydl is g, lasnis awar. ecngs ye maj nners. besticicre honors we to "spoight." >>estrinea leent rie lars "r"r" actsssuorng went tolicivier for "t disrl." >> aor t gor aeang rwe t leonarrior "t
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supporti r wtoark rye r "be of." thstnticedenof nighs starof ards >> thetae awd s thme tstoc tpokhee aboue world waitto see wheould s abt cocoroversck of diversitonthth. >> eecteock plen his t wilststos teverost bee yo t l thoversy. nolack nomins, you k and people,are chryo ouldoytt. s, yulit shlduit. knhocomet'ly employed people that tell you touit somethinm suheer black nomiese ea, '6or 'anacdit es wh us rl thgs prt time ke bu beiap a tcareut who won bt maapja gng tyc cars. dacoinhe oscar i lie boyttan's
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wa ied y wblpeople e yeart use blcago le be blafrnd llood sitraci 's like, we like you, rhonda.. but yoreot apa. cae kykeacin a wrehite athtes are asd as black ates. so,roy's ficon moe. e d geof lgh ant e rht, do you think? >> the was aynchinjoke and the was a rinna . >>eah. that quite to. "t n n yor daily news,"s we mentning,aid at he ntayooar. putimthonge need klit, tycal ri s e d is w, didn >>did. pbly t bene ar. idreatob. br
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> wh chroctr stda.mber thtrsned fox pundit wasocd t neit of e.t. ahd en ktoons emy' n dirto no oh. >> cannot wait t thelp pele out ppy ack story nth. ank you. haou.h,. ahu uld tell tre w at ofwkwardrdce andhen bie au t relyhe bt reay hae fr tee w allyal didt nt t laug but het ul't rt. he did ug >>di kw wh to do. ner did anof us ate.afrwdsh d tao blogespoin h hri whch tshshs not blac enoughsayi,'d'dhe be a frhiin bla tha okut blass d vos le l y frs. there was sh a g
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> n r, an en me ar momtdut otherecacaet and thenternea auny tweedy hanodea ops ootheyldn'li iwas ndndawas y c ceethat's nre o. e wowiheatto iwhoooler is fft? and nsidering the n'a ofple c corhere tabeauno t`ey scd . theyetn y to opophoi anerne ee. gaylein wedn with is i o csed oprah.i lovee.acng te x- king nglllle whpi but we d lk al thasreatloit. >>ove acon>> i wanto rinu our coverage of thoscarsouldn't be completthoudiscsi ion. es. 'rgoin to e men burst e ys arh d le. >>edeto roed crn d tuxere
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whokeing. ttg hi> ch autie ebbsol, a sic tu t at you don see are his vader cks. >> oh. smart kid. wpnted theoro witm. tthrit forcno rry.fir n h ael sthain a e-cahingwoue t buaplygqmagazinewasn'tmpreed. w can u crizs ck th didyhees to kieen t wer wos, o no tiet l. you pl hey, michl, y c pull it. mic lookeabso am th thes e ofof it tfoe n toin >> jack's red carpe ro co u 's got haken ion. >>ye and allll dreed ianit'simprve. mibe tt fo owrty. >>il >> ilyou?
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cinefastax. the sdieren.ese are i-sytom. weo ones mangthand tsuc. th one doeoe't. ...tnkyou opth ...iput ck oe .. fromucasmae braedoldliid g th is x-stnganfigh m. t the ef tch e misery. let's d is. hocan e waedwes anl smell sprgt uns as t os moreour, re snt'lvor. tosse ots ou scene up12ee unops ow.erics bster. metiwe k ultl nce myy'natumoisre si n in it t quicic wh knoshe's into int and... fe theifnc-yultrel5 yoyo l o-3
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> ay.. for me peothstt & the car nigh, c ce, shshsh ou"bacr"ly i ionofm.>> b hhe ay iv thton t l o o jaheheanan >> y y, i gogoall up . let's s t rito. who el got dss up? charzerolet'ke l lathis. now thatmovie e ar, di l am on thd carprp th is aute coutu. th satically placece necklace.. old charli had headsurning in red on the red cacaet. >> i go sadore. >> no doubt. moving on, saose ronan, star of "brooklyn" anotheplunging neneline. you see the theme developing here. emerd green, republi ireland. she was in calvin klein. intentiolly mimiatchch eaings. saoioidoing g ll
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i klkl. oh, dear. rcrc rcrcsa.atats sicacaca ririther >> a nhtmare. >avdehihihihid d d sasasasa >> they didn't finit. jtotmtm t tt ininawayayndndgegeththth h h hnene hohohohoho. it d dn't get betth ololia w wde. . >h,h,h,t's wild >> that's a pleated cream something from valentino. it looked ke strips of tape to beonest. >> it kikif does. when it comes bacup, th wed cher necklace didn't do anythi for anydyither. olivia wil. >> thanks, olivia. yeah, tnks for nothingn at. alsoate ancht. we're e ing to disagree on this one. >> she looks butif. >> she lks stunning. > i'm going to go on the record and clare that a flowery seafoam green disaster from arma. >> n
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trh. >> we ve it. >> somody in hollywood called thatood and th should fired. we love this. >> oh, no. >>disagree. >> get her out of herere o's next? sandy powell thisoman is a coumdesignerer orange hair, aquamarine e it. e wa sidentified on e!coverage. o knowwhat was going on here. shs three-time oscar winr. full credit to h.. if she designed that, she mi never work in hollywood again. the first anannual analyst best drd awares tnaomi was. tell you at, shimmering in sapphire blue and purple from armani prive, there with her partner ev schreiber. looked absolutely fantastic. good going, naomi. >> tell us what yothink, kathy t wi frustraon, looking for a way to make a fference. kathy: i want to helpeople, i want to make arence. i ntone.
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could i be a hero? she had to a aly. i should give is a try. few wes later,r,he was cepted into amerorps. i'an americorpmember now. my sviceear,ook sharp. away sto training. ere shmet peop o sh has people w w to make ange, ople who joined ericorps. all these people are heroes too. i'm off to serve. they sved the community. they painted hses. they made iends. ey prepad for dister. they served people in need. they cleed beaches thped wild. toge they served. togeer themade differen together they re hoes. in americorp you can a hero too.
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i'm reena ninan. >> and i'm kens gibson here are some of the top adlines we're followinthis morninon "world newsow." surprise win fest picture at the oscars. thurnalism movie "spotlight" taki home th was big night for leonard dicaio. he finally gets hiatue. stay tuned for extensive covege ahead. der fire. dona tmp attacked from a a des teresing to co an e eorsement from former kkk luadereravid dukbubutrp is stiti leadinghe repupuicack in many states as we ad into super tuesy. a virginole partment is mourning the loss of a a rkieofficerho was s tooeath on her rst day on p prol. an army sergeantssigned the peagon is being heldldn connection with the murder. he "antm of the as" is s cutting anototr r uise short. it encountered bad weather o coast of nth caralina and some passengers urereicwith nonorus. it's the secd time this month e shipas cut short a crurue. those e e some of our to
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ndayfebruary 29th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "worldldews now." >> we do say gmonday rning,veryone. ursese we'reoioing to start this half hour wiwi hlywood's st gmoronight, which i leading into lst ininino doubthe acemy awards ceremony held st night. and d e after partieobably still in full ing. >> i would hope so, right? there were f fnexpd wins last nhtncding oscaror be picre abc's brananitt is standing by with all t t daiai. rning to you, brandi,, you look fantastic. >> yes. >> reporter: thank you.. goodorning, reena ankendis. we still have people trickling in a a heading over r t oscar afteteparties and the goveor's batl. at a night. my goodness. u hahaenant,you had ad mry rd" taking meme sosoy oscavernight. e e ststicture endnd up go to the film potlight." >> mark lance,idgegef spies."
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actor catategor was fullf hollywooddeavy hitters with the osca going to mark rynce. >> if you ever wondered about actingith tom hanks, would it help, e answer is clearly s. epter:laavikaer took he be supporting actress. >> thank y y so much >epepte w wle "madmax" swept several awas, including sound m ming edidingnd makeup and hrstyle. i ith n natedos, i wouldndns s or t osc host chrisock dnl a punes addressing the acady's diversitcoroversy. 7 i aanh gi >> reporter:cila actors in podieofeveralal nomifilm don't wry, black onaut, >> reporter:ven calling hollywood rast. >> h hlywood is sorority racist. it's like, we le e u,on dashgs rhonda, but you're not aappa. >> reporter: best actress went
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i want t ta big bebeuse e thing i love about movie king is homany people it takes make it. >> reporte after fe ting nomitis, iwas nally leonardo dicaprio's year winning bestctor for "the revenant." >> i tnkou a for ts amazing award nini let us n n take th pnet r ted.d. i do te e night for anted. thank you so very much. >> repte then the biggest award of the night -- >> "spotlighgh" >> reporte -best picture. what a big m ment for "stlht." everyo is now over at the governor's ball where thth are wining and dining on food made wfgang puck, of course, the celebrity chef whohoomesere every year and makes these fabulousishes. we try the food all the time. it's wonderful. as we mentioned fo, more thusand bottleofine. thatig not be enough. i'm not t rereena and d ndis. might not be enough. >> i don't think s s >> i hope we'rin the w between u and thatottle wi. fore y go, i wanto ask
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the veresident of f the unite states, jo biden, introding lady gaga? >> reporr: powerful. yoknow, the vice predent sa he thout he was the least qualifie person to beere at the oscars, butwa a very imrtant moment, talking abou xual a coming forward and portg it en lady ga's performance when s had several rape victims come out on stage with her with messages written on their arms, you looked in the crowd and you saw ra mcadams tearing up, kate winslet mov, a t of people that crow broughto tears. it was very powerful. itid not w an oscar but still a very powl moment. >> it really was. gaga havg an amazing year. ansoany shion trends so little tim anything you noticedn particular besides the people lined up behind you at this hour taking photos at that wall? >> reporter: it's a nonstop party here, kendis. i was noticing a lot of black. i love jennifelawrence's dress. you saw jennifer garner wear
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kate winsl in kind of a snakeskin black dress. my forite othe night, though -- a in teal right now. looking beautil, looking beautil, my dear. my favorite the night thoh charlizezeheron in red dr deaeagorgeous. >> and, brandi, whare you arg? >> reporr: i'm wearing scala. a little glitter. just a little bit. >> vy fay. looking good. thank you. >>et her go. shs got a party to go to >> she and the ladies in teal clearly. live from hollywood for us. ank you. what are the experts sing about the 88th acamy ards? >> wspoke earlier tour good frnd, senior editor of rotten tomatoes grae drake. >> srt witbest picture. wereryou surprised by "stlight's" big win? >> i w delighted.d cause "spotlht," "the revenant" and bishort" have alakenll kinds of different
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it w a ss-up. th was a very worthy movie win. got his oscar. >> this was a win foalof us, my frids. he was a lk. we we all@expecting him to it's bn a te comi he renent" wndndo s he .and larson, boy, iell you, she was incredible to watch in "ro." she's only 26 yes old. what happens next for her? >> oh, what t sit to behold she is. we he so many great performances coming g fro i'allyxcit a big hoooshgo binhichong:kull island because she was great with the teeny tinyyjacob trelay and she's going t t b amazing witit the gigg kong >>t rtainly wacu see jacob rougho the show last nit. >> she has sh a grt touch with h. >> history was uade, alejandro innarr the first repeat wier 65 years. think heheananit three?
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this is chied in oscars histo. d iovout m 's sh an iovator ifilm veveo e hiwin ree tis bee this g g is really advag mg it exti f vwe >> gat. whatbout this year, how does e oscars compare to previous years past? >> i've got to tl you, even ththgh thises on cars was a very socially importantnone, t t ceremo bed me toearsu ys. i actlly joyeevy bi ofhe cery. you did? did.>> i'm glayou did. t i'llell you, wmust he en watchininfft ones >> thank you so much. >> g ge drake ououinin.a. thank you so mh for joining us. >> absolutely. >> and we'll have more coverage from thescs congp inudour n awardsnd a ok athe afrtieie th's lerhis lf hou we' gng t g go o her stkr're followinthis in erin a aws may tstd e e as day h@riv lawst agait a vl
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wawaneneenllinstr ilr d thpeholethnvted stalwi tey via o day. wl andrews' mototr, who will talk about the emotionalll the relee of that v eo haha on her dauger. syris fragileseire ol, thvent a ran alli accf stping aesoptirces. thls she are as mama attackss before t t cease-firereook effefe t days ago. the planso o ve e besiegyrians dg e llthfightingzens of peopleille crowded babadad market. islamic state is ciming responsibility f the suicide attacks which also injujuj nearly 100 people. iraqi officials say e bombings were iretataation for the victory by the government erer isrces.therthe ddlieac inhisar. y s.e.a wot the lif o.s age is being honoredoday
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wayes the fina n inrsbeen the nati's highest award for valor.heas pt a team which rushed into gunfire rescue dr. dilip joseph who beiei ldy the taliban four years o. he says thisreatt gret t a fell s s.l. died the rescuatmp thiv of california-berkeley is the last school to fall victim to a cyberattack. the school hasegun notifng moreha80,000 students, umniemployan ntractofhe bh. offithhacks ma haveuay co a ta fthst whihi lesing and p p incling fiial aid. the breach occurred nths ago. one more note about t oscars for now. a change for t statuettes that everyo wanted to brie. they were created by a dferent manufacturer than was used for the la n%nber of decades >> that's rit. la night'sscar werehade in neyork's hso valley at the
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first,hey had a model of th 3-d printer, then cast plaster ones, then the finishemold. >> the stuetets are bronze underneaththnd arcoved in 24karald. wor wth t t sam foundrlle useate next year's oscars. >> you can't reallyell a fferenen, can you? >> no. >> stiti l#l pretty. >> they do. >> yep. > we, coming up, our own version of the academy awards. pretty fun. tpe "wor news w" nows.s.waitilee's >> also ahead the realars and the dded parties going onight now
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llarinton isoo e heme ipe dan in cainininspmukhkhkhkferer crisscrossing tennessee and continuiuk to shore up support from the afric-amemecaca communyny. anders i noto l dededededeuth h h lili st%t-hidododo 6,aca nvention ce for r. he reatedldlalls f flion to rns h h str speechch t tthth rlica and a for theinat a controvovovov k rst s donana tmp ififfromomvery rectre's a's'saryryre. donold ump! rortere donalumpnonivevofce ein
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duke's c cl to vote for r ump. >> i just t g abt t vid kend t klu k k k k k kere. but -- >> i don't know anhihi hwne, i don't kn did du. i don't lieve ve e er r r r hi i'm pretty sururi dn't meet him. and i just don't know anything about him. >> reporter: the backlash was swift.t. his riououing. >> we cacaotote e papay th nononates s meone who o futococoemwhsuprem a the klkl wenonobe a ptytyhaes th. or t t c cz twng rely s. naldruru, yoyore b bter than is. we should alagage, racism m g.g. kkk isisbhrent. trump fired d ck, noting this previoususponse. >> i dideven know w evdors me.e.jd d d d ndme?? ayall rit.t. voy? > trump is s ised t win big on super tuesday which includes six southern states. rival caaigns haveurned into attack chines hamring p p r noreleasing his tax rerurnrnspeculating abt wh he's hg.
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therso spe perfmaes wlili on ourery own "world newewnow"w" wscars. f f f first category, bebe perforornce byackground news om worker. d theomineeeeare,e, brian, ass thth guy who sits behind mend does strange things. >> this s brian's first notion many c c cdehihihi have en bebefor prevowscsc wort perance.. soototat did. ye weou@dnaur ern keininh seriouemo blk nomi. ne mimie,k h sheaha thth ijaja'shirdion. aseeevomined for h roleees achelor" nior alyststst fanansm footbabague comssioior. and d e winnnn is --k sheehan. >> yes! >> j jk, come%and gegeyo wswsrs, aka the gold r note. eautif..- t tnk you.that is outngthk klveveuch.
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i'd like to myjlr r pug witmy goododuc my sister-in-law erin who is ssibly having a y y day. g o n11. nr 11? >> yet5 se >ok..m gitit okedrr >> ggts k yo and, bri, you ow since you lost,pppppp p psent thees the atard >wee, guys, t tnks.i reallylyppreciate at. >>ou'rweomom ot rllepep. thtnk i'. let's do this. ititim f f the"world news noars.s.rscate - - >>papapad oanng red a. e'e'olden re ntntttng.. heree go inhor can be ul logo intininthofhehe, metitiyo o do t@tnws you otherwe wo't. but you also don't.
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atitetetngngur nextxnee si ds t dododo >p tsere so good.. i'ting t vegetariaiapa. not vegetaraan. i can't partake. thers no tofofdodo >> well, since there are no other nominees in this categegy of best performamamaby a scetetian, reena n, e nocar goes tyo >> me? >> yeses this i#)foyo w llreal wn't prep th mt. i gpng ts. kethank my mndndad eved in n n i want to know -- wait, ishiss a realverizonos r rote beuse my kid lost this one. threw it in the garbage. can i really use it? >> it mighbe. but we can sayayor se.youoare ing ththhoho.
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itit a two-r-e com awa bt t and beseswardrdrd.d the wscar es to is gibibi lolo at all those beautiful looks. that's the trendy man bubuupup there in thet-t-nd cororr. >> wow.t.t hat's ururnsnqration? >> got t you, it previoio blala anchoho, adad.j.,.,., a ake, mara a ewart. mean,n,o many who have blazed a trail hehe. ththyou.this momomt t t igger th just men >> it is... >e want t tbring in all our winnererwe want t ri them m l in. we wt to say congratulations to t wnene.. a a lore diverse he than the oars, /bviously.. so,onatatatio to them, everwhohoho. er thas tototour alwa givmel en
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i pictured how cool it would be whwhwh got to hi sool. / en maybe.. i 't htoorry abwhqx theids wereayinbehi my ck. (bu u ) f ied d m sto&eaming."pictur howatit w wlde if er rlfrndn..she'e'e'k k k cu e with never piy li in any o oay. i knew i'd always have problems... and no o o to talk to. that never seems to change i cannot even imagine a different picture. announcer: you want to change how you picture ur life... changegeour life. callhe bobwn natioial hotline. 800-4444440000(tdd#1-8000048-1433) an dayr ninit.t. 8-8-8-8-00 (t#100000048433) the ys town titial hotne. /7healise and ey canp u . angeot oy the yo looks.. but al howt feel picture th [fr] we wererhaviviviuch an incredle d d boboinon the lake. and then, in an int,
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one minute she was rig behi our b bt ananthe next our les were forer r anged. other it@tas s sposed to ba weend unoang wfrfrnd ead, staher`r`fe dog somethg sed each of has losloone to a s senller caoxide pooning. boate don'teaze how lethal . on m moxe fume rely [fathe ifou couarbo node,it wld l llike o smokokhek tatat esfumek are 18mememoreredehan e ca monide popog s s mo peothin can haen ooror thdead wngng the e rbon monide actiup wants alboboer to be sasa on thte lrnore, plse vit o o websisi at action group
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well, the ststuettes he e en handedet. d litsave fad ywoooooobieshaha ved d ono m m with pof aftft-par.. >>ndur friendst e reretete@ carpet areut i ifull force a a ghs hotte#shindigs. 's some of theirovag hr rk was for sure amazg esescially the way h he started ththsh. was ke, what, deust say that? ethaha out wit evevybody. laug talk, drinknknd party.>> it's the ninit of ywoooo>> my farite moment t s ico wiand s ee >> >lws ke t`elamour a z thglororand the agagy y defeat always fufuto watch, as well. the bththg,inni>>hiis sond oni' been enougto win. it mak wringinhence quite a bit easierecause i t kids. thiss such an n azing piece and itiz so o mely and so
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an asset thiss to our society and our culture d our dedecracy. >> cha randolph won an oscar for best adapted screenplay for r "spopoight."." the e filmlswon. is is probablyne of st ninits of yr life. >> iis it's my birthday t tay. i'm 53 yeald and'vwanteded this forn while. it's truly one othe best nights in my le. >> walrey felt like it hied s smu rorr: y clutched that like you're ver going to let it go. >> nobody's getting it. no, it's rlly -- we're just so gratefef to be here. it's bn a a haul for us. five years... the film has been embraced around the world. it's so amazing to be here ght. >> i'm still ver very overwhd. i kind of down and i ju got myame on it. sot's actually -ir i w keoeoelgsz thioo le r. carely w head around it.t.
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and celebrate tonight. >> everyone who paysysreatatat and a lotff money goesy tisfie aantsok ne butute od>>anannt honnir. andurned into a 15-year-old girl and played with a h hr a lot. he couldn't be morcharming. >> iot prettystar-struck with daniel day-lew coming to this s therand s abab to ea ifuy to seeebties gesttrk. hel eties a stingoi a a is hour. >> we' got folksverywhere. every singlefter-p-p-p. you u n agin >> there's gng t tbe lots of veve on "goooomornrng america" later on@toda
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heou turn to. to fl fefeith,nd to o swl l r quons. i r ed... theretmit come en she didn'n'want me around.. that she would argue with me constantly... and how angry we would get toward each other. i ner imagined that he wouou feel like shutting me out. o" thahai wouldngtavev all the answs.i'alwqys imane ffentlun einghe p u ysmagine feimssib. the boown n tional hoine ca. call 1-800-448000 (tdd#1-800-4-4-14343 anytime, dayr night. thankso boys town i don't t st imagine getting along with my chchd. actually do%g along b%bter! announcer:he boytown tional hotline...
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making news merica thi morning, big winners at the academy awards. the oscar goeto. >>eonarddicaprioalal inking home an oscar. >> i d d dt take tonight f granted. ank you soerermuch a hoschisk k inin racm . 'm here athe academy awards, otherwe known as the whe people's choice awards. >> a night filled with aot of laughs, surpri wins,s,nubs, glitz and amour. 're live in n llywood. and "yououvoicouvote," untdown supersday ththcandidat g gri up for the showdown. wh a bibi winin for the frononrunners w mean as na trump finds himselflfl& another controversy. wellod mmog. was he nighinollyodod hat a surprfobest picrerere at e th
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