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tv   NEWSCHANNEL 13 10  ABC  February 29, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm MST

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prororer lisns to my interviuw withobert de.. d toght.. giinghtsts you'll oy get riririhere on 13. good evening and thanks for joining us for krdo wschchnene13 at 10.0.0. i'm heatat skold. ani'm m mes s jajaja. first nit.tayers of leadererip iticing pueb's's's ras. some aoingafter thpoli f f w wleotrs ccize the lackf maower after vin ark's murderover the enen. outse downto.. thdistriri rn is now pushing ball mpure for morefficirs.. krdo newswsannel 13's's ily alles s s morere on that.. anisetting insights tonight om pueblo she joins` ve r rht n n outside of the policedepapament. this former r eriff tells me nds down. . e solutn to solvininpueblo's high crime is ring mor polifficer nats -- dialinph formerheriff dan corsenenno still investigat crimes... . - -on
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apd he can tell you...hey'y' ne up.p.8282 th is clearly a communy y de obleand i thin the community has to facep to tha districtct tornrn jef chchtner says e solutis s re officers. d vors canan t t atthey ove a sasasa taincrease. 0909 uimelelthis in the publ's has.polihi is vel say hehe phehe th f f yrs. . vovog his ncns o c cagn ear ih month t e lice ion iciz r nohiri addititi sta ng d d w...he dict rnrns maheitctc 00 treres stchchiolelee, it ed bkeke cacaf f skedcotino why it i't t pololopopg isalmeasur 183435 it doesn't realatter who is taking the otll up the field. e poinis, we are gogog to get it t ross thththal line. thihk it's a team efefrt between thshererf,e chand the ct attorney anhe s ss... risingngrime ras don'have to d dwiwi velez' leadererip. 18251515 t tnkhief lez z s en very ogressive in many wawa in the pueblolo police department. he's on traca#for complishshshthe goals laidut for him. nats -- d/or bell ringininveven't t wanto o, interviewstsboutut the ballot asure. back corsentino's office. he s ss the ti h h herious is. it'll be up toto council and voters if they want to fix them. chososer uld like to add d many as fifty y ficers thugh h h sales x increasese in pueblo, ea
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counciciand vote@rs ithey wantnto fix them. chostner would like t add as many as y officersrs through this sales tax increase. inueblo, ea dn3. you may remember, , , in november i broke opop the storabout lo policstng levels remaining unchanged for 40-years. 1974.. ththe were 194 sworn personnel.. in 2014 erer
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calls fofo service jumpeded om 6 thound to o more than 14 thousand. wewel stay on top of it.t.for r your s sety. a foer f-b-i ofofof says accused pland parenthood shoor, rert t dear .....howsws signs of paranoid schizophrenia. pete klismet.... listed to my tervw with dear, who is charged d killingpthreree opop andn& injung nine othehe. night... new aten olock... a man who has studied dozeze of pe... gives us his analysis nats - klism liliening to dear r inteteiew.. pete klismet has nearly 30 ars of alaling suspects unhihi lt. so, , , ent to this reteted f-b-i profileror answers .... he l ltened the jailuse e the lovef a a man and lo o obamymy woman was in thespal and they were killing her. that't'what i though f fs and ththctcts,y had her the end of the haway, a body's'sround.d:d: all th's very y disingenuous. th rambng? yeah, he doesn't ally want to answer the question, i don'n'think. :41 quick nat break - klismet listening to interview fr his compute :40 0 meme- a lot of peleould say he snapped,o, he didn't ap. this has been going on for manan mamaears. finally, is is the culmination of the anger tt hehe had. and about the victims -- 9:09 heher "do the names rrett swasey, jennifer markrksky, or ke'arre stewart mean anything to o u?"
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victims. 9:22 heather "wertheir livenot important?dear: well, in a w t tre a a casualties. araryou gonna namemehe hundndd million babaes that w we killed? :35 ist he dn't$ have any interert whatsoever i )the people thailled, t ad a g gat dede of intere in his s belief, that he d sasad about t 000 babies. . . while klisme admiti, hes t a psychologigi.. he dealt wh do of t suspects. who the s se mentatity as dearar2:2: had gugu cominup hihi me stores, big tata guys. tall as me, wantin put me inin choke hold. b b i woulultu around and lookokt them and they'd look away." 2:31:05 5 's very much le the peoplei've dealtith overhe years, thahaaae assisied as paranoid schizophrenic,n that they belidve the fbi or cia,a,r r th, were llowowg themld the titi.... buthey have
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we are awting sultofof rortear's mentalmpcyex. . ey scscle ed imarch. de says he ans toleadad lookinahead, lora vots s ll head to cauc sites torrow lora olg thoudoze otststesesre partrtsuper tuday.y. ininlate to^oght at thehe democratic deadquters i i pu tononht.. calalag her mocrats to get them to caucus. it's the same r voluntntrs n colorado
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"rublicans" ll caucus, but ters won't ke the finin desion.. they wl choose lega whoho uill then cidedede on a aandite. . w w ll has rupublanand.d.donaldrump way ahead of the otr r o-p candidates tionwiwi ahead d super esday.y. buthth is t ststping pres at his rallies. nats of rally a time magazaze photogoger tryiyi to film protests gotot rougd up by the uecret rvice. e agency is w investigating. ump p now trying to brush off an dorsemenen fromomormer ku klux klan leader, $avid du. in an interview sunday, , would no disavow t`e k-k- k, sayg he 'tven k ow duke. this is wh trump saidack in 2000. david dudu just joined----bigot, a cist, a problele i mean, thth is nono exactly the people y wt inour party trump says he had a bad earpiece and couldn't hear the question. he did disavow duke o o freday.
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nationwide poll, shows hilly y clinton upup7 pointsn bernie saersr busands is teteing ters in massachuses tonight, he's optimistic he will pick up a lot of delegas tomorrow. clinton isis hog rallie in virginia anis going aftethe republican caidides. "i reallllreet the language that is being usus b b reicans, sca`egoang ople, finger pointing, blbling,hat is not how we ouod behe towards one another. and you ca nd your nearest caucus sitesoututrn lorado..ver onur website, krdo dot. . st click@kn e hot butt, stories seseion. repuicic candidatesesor colorado's u-s for b candidate fom. th's new business pasosoounty hostededed fofom along th t t local republican party. springng busineman n robert blaha, and el paso county darrrr glenn littton n e among locaca runng.
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to unseat current dedecratic u-s sesetor l bennet this s november. high hinds and dry conditions caus aed flag warnini totoy in utrn colorado. even though there eas no red d ag rning in rora, a lalae grass re b bke out today. is is video fromhe a aora department. refighters satwo and a half acr burned. no buiingsgs were threed. mtrackerer 13 c cef meterologistst chael plath is trtrtr a col frtoght.... .&.& strongin thisftereron ed up the fire danger southern corado, t the wind is expected to die down as a cold
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through night. tomorr wilbe noticeably cooler, but it shld stay dry for most. i'll show you howow long these dry condititnsnsnsl last coming up. .& it turnsut, there's app to report that ssive pothole in your neighborhood. but, notany peoplele colorado springs know about it. the city of colorado springs has been fering a aree apto report pothol probms. it's calald o-co-springs
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the pothole, a the app will track your act location. the app is fre and the e ty says ususg it can hp p p streamline the repair prose and yon apso r rt thes through h r poolpaol ... at krdrd dot com. veverans got a ance tshshe thr stories about how they've been treateteat the colorado springs v-a clinin. it's new at t ... elaso county commmmsioner pey littleton held a town ll tonigh the eting cocos weeks aftetea v-a inspector neral's report showed clinic ployees may lied about wait timeses 48 - 53 "there still problems concernini acacuntabili, appoininents and d king care of o veters in our t tely nner." tted so!!!! 2:10- r:18 "the va nes totohange mindset. they to acknowlele publicli that memef ththei methods are not quite ght." isisoner littlehopes havingeterans share their stories can lead to change.
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recees the medal of honor. for puing his life on the linenen afghanistan n sa doctor omolo ngs. work pr grououp "morningng ar." 6that nighwe hamissss and d d m m mon was to gue anmerican hostagag" in 2012, edward byers was sent intohe mountains s afghanistan n save doctor dilip joseph....ho was abductedthe liban. during the raid, byers s s met with guguire. i i ard s voice and i jumped on the american hohoage byers ed his bodo as a shshsh torotect doctor joseph . and at the s se time subdued a tataban fifiter. he is now the e sixth nana seal to ever ree e the congssional medal of honor. spests the rginia officer killed the day aftetete she wasworn in. new toght, office gath f f a processionalal ngng fir asasey gugudon . officer indon's body is being moved d fr funeral homemeo a locaca chuch nit. shshwas shot on saturday duri her fst shift as an offifir. she was
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violence call. an army veterarais the sed shooter. a ear-old udent's accuseseof openini&fire inside a school cafeteria a soutestern ohio. the butj county sheriff's officeayaytw studenen were hi butut expected to be o-k. anher o students were inrud trtrng to get awy. deputies say e suspect is a student and there was a motive, but the motive has not been revealed t.t.t. a frhtening drive to work.. we'll ll y y how this lorado driviv's doing.... r ending u in tat prario positi.... ad-lib also ahead: get ready for a new look. the colorado drdrer'sicense is changing. we're fiing t whwh and why. e windnds
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won't stayal for long... i' the wind w wl die down tonight, allowiwi temperatures to drop. a coco froro mos rough overnight,tbnd th will ep highs s ightly
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cloudy roughouthe day, b ildld stayryn tutuday. y cocodo springs 7day forecast sho much warmer weather on wednesday, b that will come th a lot of ! your eblb 7dada forecast shows
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stay dry on tutuday. your colora spring7day forecast sho much wararar ather on wednesday, but thth will with a lot of wind! your eblo 7day y forecaca shsws 70s on dnesday and fr. your canon 7day foreca shows temperatatesn the 70s by. your teller cnty y 7day forecast ows highs in the 40s and 50s for the next ven days wit chance for showows on friray a a a monday. thanks rachael. who would steal ney frfr theirl ? poli say this s
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whwh h harly
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take a lk... yoyocasethe uck went off the edge of i- 25 and alst went into theouth platte river this morning. policeayayhe driver was a ae to get oututf theh trtrk h o and only ffer minorrr injnjns. he w ced for resss# dring.g. coloradodo driver's'sicenses are abto get new ok. the m-v will stararrollllg out new licenses and i-d cards this year. the updated design feaeares a more cololful background, alononwith laserer eneravininto enhance e rity. you n e e ur current cardunl it expis.s. the nene linses will be issusu at three ofces.rerere a full rollout later this year. colorado officers came e e re, afafafa gi scout troop's money was sten while eye seseing g okoks. it n tonight at0 .... police say thehe girlrlcouts were selling cookies at a king sooperen a man took off wiwi tir money box ... and tht 5 doars in. the officers who responded told theest of the aurora police partrtnt
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th got a big sponon... ephad out offfferor morereome e with thehe own money anan eieiei donate itor a aoxoxf cookie" ththmamawho o stole the money wacaugug on surveillance caras.. police aretill trying tack him wn.
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spring traing with trkies. lo t td the ustoday today that rkies spring training was likekeoing to country ub...that wa hs subtle way of sang the rockies s e soft bebebee of their anky spring trainingngig. lo also sa@d that`the r r resed to his facece d he is stl upt wi the way y ey handled traded him to toronto ..walt weiss doesn't thin managegea sort te. our guys are mentally tough competex yeah i have no issue wiwi our guys being soft t our countrtr clurbish our
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ththbroncos ar gog say tag, you're it rr to vomiller ...the bronhave til 2p tomorr to ap the exclusiviv franchtag on millereby placini th exclusive tag g miller litit will give theroncnc unl july 15th to make him one of the ght paid defensive playays in the nfl. i meananf ok at last yea was a franchise tag year as well it was conact year a lotf uncertainty gog on i'vnever been anchihi before ian't re s i d d't want to be a frchisisi don't want to o ts i want to o w)wh the er onons. - the nhl trade deline was's tense dadafor most othe playerercause there'e'no loya\a i&) sports. thavs traded the belovevealex tangy to the yos toto. e cotes sese the mikkel bod-ker boker.....he waarizona's s third leading scorer..the avs
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for two thingsgs that the tra deadline is over and that ty received a quality plplpl in boker. asasononasasr not being one of the guetting ipped out i think the t2e deadline is exciting especiallyhen n u add a piece like that 's gointotoe good additio our te comeau sot whenenou quirira play keoedkdk obviously its booststo our team like i said with tangs going away it's a bit of a bittersweet t y. not even rocky could the nuggets started against the e izz tonight.t. 1. they had answer fofo zach randolph.. randolph owed the poin.. thehe scsced and out ttoed by thehe birdmad the grizzlzls nit.. . 3-96 .. t on som theheop prfrfmaesf e ek w w slap me some skin. we gck to lariday, when m sberger of lewis palme was one as he e scored 24 ints three pointers in and for thth you can slap m msome skin. also on
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noti o odoherty scorchchededhe nets f b 25 ints in a arta ploff victy and fothat you n slap me some sk.. also ln fridayaya eliely of rampart scsc an impssiviv33 intstsncluding going 17 7 7 from t t fre throw ne in a playf n for r atou c cslap me some skin.. ad-l w w sh capturg good morni colorado...a local school will be e e first he s s s to ke stutunts on
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i' h he e ur mple forecaca stag
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,daniel toooo this sfromom downtown la junta tonighs sunset capturing lorado. poststououou ures t tour cebookoknd twitter. we arererdo neneanne13. or email them
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liveve >> dic: fromomollywood it' "jimmy kikmel l ve!" ght andy samamrg. from "zootopia," nnifer goodwin. anmumuc fr thehetrumbellas. with cleto and the c ctones. rererve and now, gly be re's jimmy kimiml! [ chee and applae ] >> jimimm hostthehow. thk u fofo watching.


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