tv Nightline ABC February 29, 2016 11:37pm-12:07am MST
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ononht- t he pererer oscar performance of "till it happens you." lala gagaurrounded by survivorsf sexua violence. that song from "the h h h%n%nng grgrnd." calling the world's attentiti to the epidemic of rape cture o college campuses. night, we're with tw activistss from that stage fightiti to make colles safe us iide polandia. the skskch comedyytv sw tt's gathered a cult owg. w fred a ms0nd k brad steine b bome h hster heros that mesemble verons ofthemselv. political takedown? a journalist violently throwno the g gund at a trump r rlyy secretrvice. marco rubio taking on trump with scolyard taunts. with oy h h l the supup tuesday showdown can any o othe candid stop trtrp?
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>> when youold you have cancer, start with a specialili. start wit a aeam experer who eaty ncer. everer stag everyryry day. the evolution of cancer care is re. leararmwret appotmtstsabab now. hey, needd fast heaburn relief? zantac relses aa cooling sensation in your mouth a throat. zantnt w wks in as l ltle as 30 minutes. nexium can take 2 hour try clint zaac.
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tentionno the gog epepemic. toght 'r wit twotourvo tutued activtstsho have taken thr f fhtrom colle camp the cothse, now t oscar sge. y tell me it gege better r >> reporte it was a spow-s-sppinormanc you say to@ pull myself >> reporter: lady gaga passionately belting o o herer ng " "llllt happens s you." till ititappepe to you >eporter: sdenlyunded 50 sexual assault survors. men anan w wen with unbreakakae d not your fault embmblazoneddn their arms. the young survivors became morerehan crescdodooady ga'soscar-nominited song
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till it happens to youou wowot know i feel reporter:r:t brorohthe a-list room its feet. ptptedn twitit best acess nn brie lso hugging eacac person asheye f the stage. lalaaga later posting on instagram, thank you for stan nexoo men stage. 50 s svivors sobrave, rerentless determinatioio >> i am mysysfs a survivor. vevy g gteful o the academy f vi us is world s sge.. >> rorter: the artist whoho gone public about her own sexual assault was introceontage by vise presidenjoe bidede issuing a call to onon >> to take the pledge a pledge that says, i w wl intvene inn tutuions whenncns has n or cannot be given.les changeht culture. >> reporter: it seems the calll
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campaign hitting 3 3,000 pledges followg theheice esident's speech. >> o of e f fst t tngs lady gaga saids,s, iant you to make them fl your pain. which at first it was jt -- w, that t@rerely de, w w w does that mean? but i think gefelyeltt a lot of in, a lot of courage, on thastage. >> reporter: for some o he 50 pepele on stag t ts was the first time thehe came forwawa about theirassats. but a number o th, incng clar a andrea pinot courureoly tol their stories in "the hunting ground" mememey. wve got a lot further to! go. >> t t tir weeksadadad some ofy best iendt t of sex assateefor classesad even started. >> reporr: annnfnfndndrea together helped found the group end r re on camsfterhehe y they wer both raped wle attend university oforth lina. >> oururare colleges sase? they cldeeeut we' notot
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>> repter:he if f pe onpus expleing the national conscisnsns, provoking conversrsions at universities nationwided% $ >> whene're behind stage aot of similar themes were peatat. and d e of tmwas, my assaul was baba my rapeas bad --- but the way i was treated byeople was worse. there's's lotf vicm blaming. >>8 he lecturud us outoww weee shouldn'to out inhort skskts. . >> reportete t filmmakers behind "thehunting ground" sought to o sehat they saw a shockingpidemic of violence and substitutional cove. universitie are protecting a brand. >> reporter: sweeping college campuses aoss amir >> when yoy'r'r'r sced, whwh you don't know@what's happpping you ---- y jususpsttty there and u hopehat yoyodon't die.e. >eporte annie and andrere sat down witi my colleague a amy robachasas ar. annie s ss sheaced more questions than support when she repoed incid to officials at university of nor carolina. >> why didn'ttou go t to police?
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i s scsc. ani was youog. you hehe horror sor i know there a2e2e l of woererl police e ficece out there, b bo sit throu and plain to a t ttrangerhe absoluteorst thing that happened to your bodod-- i didn't want my friendsdso know i didn wan myarents to know >> reporter:ccording to th bure of justice atistics, onlyly20%f sexual assaults o college femal arereeported d police. andrea and annie say their frustration overrunc's rponsee momovatete them tooake action, fi aitlelex complaint with ththdepartment ofeducation. thing g ey lea about in asat thame uversity.ttust cam one of t polital science courses about sual harassment laws, a ll, readi a aut how title ixxas orinally gender equity, notsports. >> r rorter: their calalal gument, unc's`andlg o sexualalssault allataons viated their civil right t t ucation.
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national movement encouraging women at colleges around the countryyo come rwd. >> my namamis caroron. y namhh iala. >> myame is >> wetartrt eeinghat was uping at camamses a athe countr >> why has non connected the dots bebere?>> o o of thth big proroems thah is schls don't want to be spearheadi thisissusue. what s sools hav b doi priorizingess#fir ige d morehe safety o o their studedts and actually emporing ththe rorstudentso reportf hing hns t me. eporter: in a stentntnt t news unun said they've implemented a comprehensively revised licy on sexua assau ananmandndory entiti aining ad, thi domentaryy heightens awareness. itithows h ttrg actism students,ncncluding twowo of ouou formrr students,e chanafd federal law. one of the thingng thqt schools really strugglgl with is they thinkt'ssoingngo go away.. but we're not going too away. we're not going to be avoiding these lawsuits. they haveo srt thinknkg that survivoror have to be thehe
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orida stateniveveity settled -prole t tle ix casas ipvolving tampapaay bcaneers arrback jameis wiwiton, a form stutunt. >> i kind of just want to ow -- w me? >> reporter: in "the hununun ground," erikakakinsman clalas shshwas raped by the footb star when t t were smates. winston maintained h innocence, was never chargededy popoce, was cleared by the univerty. th erika filed that title ix lawsuit against fsu forailing to properly investigate the cident. thuniversity seteted for c cse to $1illion innexchan for her droinghe suit. e univererreredent saying in atatement tha they settled in o to moveorrdnd hey belilie that theheulmateutcomemef a trial wohaha bn consistent with e previououou law enfment vestigations. ore than ytng, eririka rerely w wts fsu tupport susuivors.
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this. the exact same reason we did, we ntth peoeoe to know they e not ale. >> repepepr: that's what t ty sasasaast night was ababt, stding togoghe in unififi front. several evenenot matching tatttttt an imama of a ros on fire that ans unun tl u that lady gag is planning a matching one of her own. >> the fact that we'rell o the stage together, 're l nnected through this hororrific exrience, but finly t k a stan---5 i think it sho a sht in our culture. and youuhodn't have stand on an oscar stage to believed and orted. >> you can see he full documentary"the huntingou"onon i no >hy portlandia isaling altlp owin and tete did thiss trumpmp raray tutu ugly today? what sparked the altercatiti? o rightere.oh no, i'll take you up tothe front of the school. th's wherereour friends are. seriously, it's, it'seally fine. you don't want to be seen with your dad?d? no, it's.... about a a dad! stop, se.
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gt! hornonking ] rward d llllion warning ] [ car brin bye da it bkes when y't. rwararcollision warnind autonomo eme brang. avbde onhe nly rede pasaa om volksksgen. huh. troducing centruvimints. a new multivitamin$/ eneny like a mint..... with a f fl spectrum of nutrient.. nenecentrum vitants. thththact mont you kn y love a a me
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you know the h harioio tv show "pororana" as ll-fledg cult favorite pokingun at the hipst cucue of portrtnd oregon. our nick wbtt is witth the "portlandia"a" comic duo riffing how they show is infcici ou culture. i guess do have a question abttt the c cckck if you@couldd ju tell us a l ltltl b b mee about t . . >> repepte if y actuayy order fd likee this -- >ou have this infnformationon- this is fantastic. >> absosoly.. his namemeasas colin. re are his pape. >> that's great. heheooksksike a hapittle guy, runs aravnd. . >> welme to wom and womom fit. >> r rorter: bookskoss likik thisis differedaughters? wuld ordrd that, ill take a year t get he.e.
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hipster-r-ececus asthis. what's s at? >> huh. repepepr: if you e, shouldn'n' the shohow"portlandia" reallyrerely offend you? doto. >> reporter: we met the show's crcrtors andtata carrie brandstein and fred armisten the vy ortltld acece hotel. he inn l.a. ty spoof the ace he show, call it t uce.e. >> we g ge out free typewriters, youuut one? >> oh my god. >> hi, hjt going? >> reporter: and h hster fans nfir t ty're notoffended. >> can you aike y y'r'r ing g ? w. >> reporter: the showw pis an pandn the hipster mores
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of d.u knkn, t s.naturararaoducts ubub rnestntntn >> go ahead. no, no ead.d. >> gahead. go. >> , no,no,no, nono . you first. >> reporter: now in its sixth ason -- >et out! >>h] name has b become ainf shorthan oh, that's pondia. >> evewhere i go somebody sasa something it's rllyce. reporter: partlyhyh tho lampoone loveththem? >> wait,t,no, it' on me. it's sn you? is on me. repter: they're nice people. >> sorry i interrupted you. > didn't know you d d. >>kay. reporter: this n n comedy in the unkind >> gogvegan! >> i kipped wilshire, took rl san monicaa >> reporter: after more than a decade on "snl," armisen knows at rkrks. >> t tre's a lovov audience er the meaner s stchh w washe less ience rereted. if it sta i i a a placehat come from some kind o affeion, it doeittte tter. >> rorter: they're hipstut lf-aware. .
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it's explation, it's not mean spirited. yoyo are thesese peopop? >> withoho a doubtb absosotely.. see, now you're makin fun o us, speakiki abobo o o charartersrsnd thinkikg -- >> i'm n m m m m fuf of anybody.y. >> i canan tell, feelo dredged. orr: a aer sipipng cough tee at stumown. >> i'vlwayay liked stumptown. we aos cd t t show tuwo." >> rorte we headed the ub bck >> g you sothth epter: a bootorere could seeeeeescre asartisnal this one would. this is the venn diagram of erything i love right now. dogs booooks. >> repepter: it couldhe scenef auesb their most famous contracts. >> you're@ touing it.( >> thahass not enoh h pl it. >> we've taken t unlikeky aractete and turned them into litirally the most populul characters on our showow. all a sudden youuave tse femininirheroes. >> reporter: their life is art. th arts life.. >> w wcome portland's allergyp prideparade.
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you're at !n organic grocery ore, att restataant catering your gluten-fe@s,s,s, that youuthin wowohis isis- what aauxy toe able to have thi as my problem. we're not sepaterom that but i think a a aort of - - we're exploring it. >> reporter: the s sw has movoved beyond short shaha s e to nger talesesith heroes pl versins s themselels. >>ght, carrie. >>ood nighght, ed >> sometimes it's subtly ofoff. sometimes it's night and day from who we are. >> l's not . >> skippit. i can't this year >> r rortete the season entire isodod d d d wit taely midddd aged admittiti thehed rather watch froehan acteally go te music festiviv. >> w introdung theststst phe in virirtual participation using drones > new technology. you want t somlacece where you d't'tav to standhd at all. it's more theheathrms. >> y y. you're in a linhe whole time for the baththroom. i'inki about it@ the eire me.
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'mrr w areyo 2> theflaming coin n the flaming lips. >> r rter: the actctllamimi lips gst star. . >o i look@ l le a pimp? >hen a man pulls outut money away frommte i h have to wonder. reporter: ove years, stevev buscemi -- >>a bieve i i meeting you guys. >> reporter: a l-lif mayor oftltl -- >> i'm still waiting to hear bam my gugu >> i still get to say, live in new york, it's saturdayight icular. >> r rter: armistete has a comememeackgroun -- >> y'reehe funniest half-g-gman person i've m >> danke schoen. >> reporte brownstein does no she waan indieieandh iconhen me >> had bton with my fe on it. hat? > know, creepy.. so sin >> i i ie slater kingg soch he band. ey a my favorite ba. >> how did you kw she was ing to be funny?
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iust sewew this bird onto th pillow -- >> reporte a ao doesshis and they areowowest friendsn and f thth show. appapently you scrend you like i i h! >> the way she does it is like -- id's chillingng it's possessed.. always s sprises me. >> aahhh >aa harsh, man, why? >>eporter: andportnd's cs, portland's leif mifs are now w erywhere. >> the more that i travel, thehe more tha we travel, keep findinggttcity,the aspts of that city, all ovr the ace.e. i wanttysomeing. >> the brefa grt. >> the pancas. >>no. r rorter: deseste iamam the showw rlects a time, not just a place. >> people see themselves in i and it'ssara o ager cultural cversion wee vi about this stuff. reporter5 truth isis m mbe we're all a littleit
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now. try to -- try to -- sorry. much better. welcome to portld.d. >> r r/rter: i'm nick ttor "nightli in losngeles >ndoo canatch "pordi trsda on c. uppnext, with only hours until super rtuesy, why a jonali wasas roughed uat a trump rally. guys, itit just the two of yououou e setting g just right. thers something g the air. b5t he's the thing: : outthalf of menene over 40 0 ve some degr of erectile dysfuncti. llagag helps suywith ed get and keep an ectn. ask your doctor if y yr r art is hlthy enonofox. do not take agra i iyou taa nitraras for est pain or ademp for pulmonary hypertension yoyo blood pressure cod drop unsafe avoidong-g-rm injur seek` immediate medical help for an erection lasting mo than four hours.
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buttan he hold hpd after coming u under fire forodging a questionboututhe kkkkk? and t tight a ally tturned olent. here's abc's david wririt.>> repter: a rauusally at radford iverty and a reporter rououed u by a member of d dald trump's secret s svice detailil th"tim magagine ptographehe ris morrrray he stepped out of the press pen. secret service agent bed him. harsh words exchanged. >> [ bleep]. [ blp ]. epr: wititssesesay that's when t agent grabbeded him by thehe neneck, threw hdown.e republican primama s sms like achoolylydrawlwlhese ys. >rubio's 0. i i ve ner s s seennn a human being sweat like he sweats. >> reporter: the tone sot juy p,ocki ys rivalsbut by his rivals cking m. >> h h doesn't swe bicause hjs pores are clogged from the sprpr tan. >> reporter: marco rio hasn't t c cd trump a$- shorererer bulrian-
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hands arerehe se seone who's 5'2", have u seenis hands? they're like this. avdou kvow what t ty say about men withthmallllanan. >> reporter: he'ss udust aboutveryth sult. >> you can'trust them. eporte morri since ololiz@ralalinthis c@c@ront >> hho mee put m hd wn him and that's whei arrest. >> reptete the tmp campaigig and the sict sce have yet to alogizeo him. i'm david wright for "nightline" in new york.>> and dald trump will be gma tomorrrr. so sy ne than for watching. we'll havel covere tomo night foruper withthhe entire poweruse popoticalleam begning at
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>an lososar ghat smom to us. ethindidn . >> onaseyro drdrt f him j-lawawawbackse. > usxcliveee p katyerry odoloom innfindout wrehollood'shottest new couple spenen their oscar weeken andndhat jen' csest frnd told us. she's deaeang wit a l of dress a a paiai andscar fashion. our e zee brks dohe bese, t f worst and what needs a a littlefix. >> a snip a t a a tata dress will go fm l%l% gme.& nowforbruuyy29&ntnton >>lelofscarlrlndndndth s soond ththththth
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