tv NEWSCHANNEL 13 Noon ABC March 1, 2016 12:00pm-1:00pm MST
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cast theballlls fo super tutuda fifi out candidatesesre pusuinr na day of mpaigning. alslslslka viruses haveve been confirmeded& colorado.@.@. the warnrng the state's heheth depament i i sending. it's going to be a pleasant dacross sout lodo, abbyas rethth fore good afternwon and an f r joing us. i'm jon karrol- and i'm dana emens. super tutuday y is's the first y voters in multle cast their ballets for a presidential nominee ....inclcling colodo. the candidates are makingt minunu stops roro thehe country y ying to snag theiparty's mimitionon votersead t to the polls in key votiti statesn abs ephahae ramos is liv fromlexaria, virginia. ...with more on the day's events. ere's a asons called super tuesy ?.?.'s
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of t year leading he - l election. te i i ates ---and us territory for the democratat -aret th popotoday ?wh huhured and delegateses - at stake. woman withth kasich sticker on i believevthat y importan th we stay unified as a party and i really d d't like all the negativity another man at rubio table dona trtris a a bulland i think era needs a fighter not a bully.. rubio will ght for conservativ e prpl that w w lieve in boto marco rubibiand ted cruz tayingo stop frontrunne r donald trump fr sweeng up g wins. rubio making stops today in minnesotata and his home ate florida. cruzls trying to win support on his home turf ?tetes. in the latest cnpoll ? hilllly - clinton couleasily beatmp if up again ea other, loto ruruo and uz. trum dismissi the poll ump: they're not going to get the nominai han' focused hillary inn yet, and can
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cln don't t nt to runun i haveha owledge.e. inton and bernie sandnds also mg thehrounds inrucial voting atatat clinton hits up flida?.whi le sandersrs s a break from ump speech to place his own votetein his home state. burlington, , rmont - 1 rch 2020sounite sen. bnie sanders, presesential candidatat "bernie e nders here i i irmonoh gpt at least one vote. i was rkini onony wife ." tag- right nono polls show donald trumpmp and hillar inton could wiwibig at t t end the pryrary day today ... es@caililer ininirginia.. , c c ws, alexdria, va - colorara is one of t e states rticipiping in the race to thth white house today. voters on bo sides of the isis will make their voices heard tot. krdo newschanl 13's's nniekman i live outsi of coroboig school, one of the er cacus s. odododieie..toninighghat 7 pm, th demococtic d repiblican
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hools in el paso cy.... but not to vot go to t polls.... instead they're ming t t caucus, or, meet. buthe set-up each part caecus is somewh different. democrat wi hold a straightfoara& d preferencell... choosingng twn hillary y clinton and bernie sanders. t republicans e doing things a little differentl.. "w"w"weyo tonight will affect t the presentialal election. .he gas s - 3pleleoninht will l urn select delegatetegogog to the natioiol convention. so it's nots if we're not aying a roleinhe presenenal election, but it's an indirect ro. caucuses ststt at s tonight...but t only registered dedecrats will phicallyead c u us si you can find full lisof caucus sitesn our weite, krdo dot com.
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for a full l of cau locatis, can head to ou website,e,e,o dococoand click onhe " " button" in the top news section. for our web question today, we want to know what you thinkabt caucus veveus pmary r r oosing a ndidate? leave a mmenat kr-dot-com... or on our cebobo or twititr.. atatrdo nechanl 13. nw atatoon... o o o s of the j us has been confirmed in colorado. alth ofalalsay bobo people had traveled to a zika-affecte countrtr the cas re rortete st wee bo peoe vevererovere the colorado department of publbl health and enronment warns s e state
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comiear. if you wer't't upar enoh totoee the sunrnre...we you. those beautiful gang, pipis and d ues. cod ese e majestst sunrisesean ring i igettinin clclcl? here's a live look at... wiy across southern colora today, with wind spds expectct to remama beteten 5 and 15 m. it e sligigly cooler but still ove aver teeratates will warm into the 40s ound r local moununs, with 50s for r st o o the lower elevatns. itititl be ptly to mostlylyloudy roughout the da with dr ions pected to continue. extended: wednesday will be very ndy, with gusts of up to 50 mph possible! for th reas, the national weatheservice has issued fire weather watches`s` tomorrow due to ththelevated fire danger. avoid any ouour bubuing! the wind wednesday ll help to bump temperatures into the 60s and 70s. it will be
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friday, before the s and 70s return on friray. . . r co front is expted tode t toughgh friday nightht bringing anoth slight chae for showers mama ndhdear the mountas. this seeke i lookg dry anan ld. . does apar t tt nene we will be morerective... toto to anchors colorado ngs policece arreed a man accucuof stealing a vehicle. 29eaeaold ncentn fernandedewas p identified at the driver. the stolen vehicle was found in the parkinlot of the south pointe aptmenen complex @ yeyeerday. authoritits sasaheas toss to anchors lorado spngs policece arrereed a aanacof stealing vehie.e. 29-year-old vincente fernandez wa entified at thiver. the stolenen hicle was fod in the parking lot of the south pointe apaptment complex sterday. authorititsasa was wanted on a roleiolaon ana lony domestic violonce warrant. andez was also featured as onenof t t pikes
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last month. a a lorado spriris man is in custod a ae& anlosion caused by ha oil. police say thomas chmielelski was extrtiti marijuana concentratat ing butane ju before thth t... it happened in the e -hun block of san marcos dri... . investigors say the exaction ocess sparked a fire... which triggered d e explion. popoce s the numz ohashshshoil exosions s almost ipled nce ament 64 paed. . the districtct attorney says pulo's crime rates are out of corol. the esti now who c fix th? ri attototo jeff chostnerers proposing a sales tax increa to help hire more fi. ( is comes after -year-old den clclk s shot outsidede@ pulo over e weend. former sheriffff dan k rsentino says man power is key txi ese issuuu. 2606 the quality life suffers when w e nofocusing on what the to prioriri iin mmunititand that ithe e
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under e saleles x ineasese. the department could hire many as fifty more officers. ififassed...he tax would in place for 10years before it would hahave to be reapprovedrs. a -yr-ol suspeco was arrested in yesterday's school shoing ininhio.nas denini the chchges brought against the teen. offifials say the teen was chcrged with two countstsf attempd mumuer, felonious s assaubt and ducing panic. four studedes were hurin sterday'y' oong. the susuect' etriri datis set for april. p a new grgrd juju report says two o man catholic bishops in pennsylvania helplp covererp child sexual abususbybyoye 50 priests...ov 40r periodod that attorney general sa none of the alleged crcres n be prosececed because some abababs have ...and utes of limitations have run their urse. the findings ararbased partly evidence froma a&ce-s-sre esan
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cutting the uise sht...again. roya caribbean's "anthtm ofofhe seseis headed back to port to oid a storm...but soso say there's s another reason for the u-turn. ththe's a a w development that could affect theh standoff bebeeen apple and the f-b-i over unlocking an i phone. lar, a rnado is caught on camerar but wait until yoyosee what else the
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look at... pping your economy tracacr... ad-lib current stocks o the big bo as they p prepare toto file r babaptcy, sportststs authororisow talking t inoror opopty to ththr r val chain:n: didi's spoing goods. th acrdrdg tohe nv p p the tas are parent in the early stages$..and it's non/cleaeahow many stores might be lved in the tentntl deal wi dick's ting goods. spspts authority isislso planning to clcle as many 200 of more than 450 stores under bankptcy plan. apple e ston a hugegeictoto. agnst the u-s
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that apple cannnn be compelleletototohelp t to - ununckckn one in narcrtics case. that mesafafr a californiaudge ordered apple to c catat specialized ftware to help the fbi hack into the iphon of o o of the san bebedinono shshters. the`la ruling giv more credence to apppp'slaims thth forcing t t mpany to create the softre could . pupumillions of apple user's privacy at risk. it@turnsnsut, there's s app to portrthat pmasssspoe youou neighborhoodod.. t, who knows about it? colodo rings has offered a free app to report pothole proble. 'salled "go-cocosrin" u u u even take a picre of e pothole, a tracyour act lolotion. "wcould go$$ and not kn where e helps to issues." the app is free, and the city says ususg it can help repair p pce. again, is s called gco- -
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new report explains what` led up to a deadly landslide in western colorado back in 2014. the study was conducteby the united stat geologal survey center. it states s at a rastorm h d passed o or melting snowpacks whh triggere tht massive event. the rockidid verealmomo 3 3hles s d kiedpeopop threport yshehehed is
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of the same mamnitude. the rocky mountain natial park servicisis celebrating it's one 100th birtayhi year b b boking for volunteers the pa is home to one of the lalaes volunteer programs in the nationon park seice. duties includef rd rearc last year alone more than voluntntrs hundred d ten thousaours of s svices. the park says become a vovonteer and asks you to visit their website or call their en. here's a live look at.t. this aon: bes wiwiacacac southern colorado today, with wind speeds expected to remain between 5 and 15 mph. it will be slightly cooler but still above average. temperatures will wm in the 40s arou our local it50r most of thwe elevatioit w be partlto ly cud ug t ity
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wednes$sy will ery windy, with gusf up to 50 mph pofor thisisreason, th tial rvice ` s sued fire attctcs tomorrow due t t e evatir000 ngeroid anoutdr burng!he wind wednesday will hp to bump mperatures into the 60s and 70s. it will be slightly cooler and d lmer on return on friday. other cold to slide tough slight cnce for over n the mountains. theend i okinindry and mimiits ap tne we wil a.... the'e'netrplr hem secrcrse ship. weher isis ttinins tr shshsh...and this timesengers abc's elizeth
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force winds just weeksago.. . is s now racing backo itititit homemeororor new jersey. ththan ys t tbeatat a severe orm not usususuf peop a a ar rtrtg symptoms of norovivis .. ley dododoam/passenger: "wtutu a walk by y medical l cility to get f the boat and the medical facility was jam papaed, stding om only, literally just full of peopop and th's wn d went whoa? this s not gogo." the crseline maintainin. a "severe forecast storm" isisisblame.. . tweeting nday.. that nonoviruruin a small percentage of 6,000 passengers "didn't affect t decision to returnrn haley: "three pe at i'm travelili with hahown somom sysytoms so 's dedenitely`yoing around just tpree weeks agagthe same uhip took a beatg frfr 30 fofo waves and 120 mile per hour winds.6,ing passengers to hunker down.. . & gerald rogers/cruise shipassenger: "the water kept coming above the window and it looked like we were in an aquarium." after r at tri. the cruisesene offed full refunds and discounts on a future trip.. t somef f os passengers h he
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tag: this ti around.. the cruise ship is r%tug two days ely.. again t ava mar storm. it's expected d d some time dnesday.y.h, abc , nyny one womain louisiana says she is more than cky afte comingnface e face wita tornado during st wees deadlylyrms. kyra johnson says she was delivering a package to a rdware store in baton rouge... when she tid the sky starting to ang@ color... then... alalof a sudden... she e d d no where she d hide. she says she trieto g insidede ste... w wn the e doors slslmed ut. bu.. the tornado m ssed her... i ju brarad myself rht beeen the soda machine and i guess the door could have been a little further up but just like this johnson wasn't hurt after the e orm passed by..she's thankful to be alive. it's another emotional day on the witness stand for erin andrews.
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sportscaster is talking about how r life changed d ter secrerly-m videds of turned up on the internetet but first, the signs papants need to lookokor if tir chihi's flu takes a turn fofothe worse. hebe's another lookt today's web question what do you ththk about a cauc versus a primarfor oosing a candidat lee a cot at krdo-dot-m... or on cebook or twitte. at krho newschnel 13. here's a live
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the smithshsian titoalaloo in wawaingt d-c-c was fofoeded to o close itit"kids rm s stion" after e-coli was foundn some of animals. the exhibit houses goats and cows, some of which tested positive for t eriaiaurinin a eck up. zoo o cicis say the e tirere areaeas now under quarartine all the animals will be treated with antibiotics ananare expectct toet b%bter. nono memeers s re affeed by outb e exhit is exdected to re- open in three
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negative forhe disesee. flu ason i iin llwing doctororwawa doctors s nt paparents to knonono ererare ly cases ...fven n n after receidg a vaccine. theyay heaethy ildren can die fromhe flu. doctors sasa there are signs u can learn protett your children if they t sick. difficult breathing is a huge red flag -- so h hing stiff neck. doctors say if u are not sure what your children are sick with--ake them thehe-r. yououep looking for someing tasty for ur lunch...ab a spn and open upuphe pnu butter. . 's national anut buttete r's day. there's even a wewesi dicated to the day. peanut butter is consumed in 90-percent of u-s s useholds. it t tes about 0 0 anututto jar of peanut butter. homema a perfect afternoo snack. too because anut but has plplty of f
12:27 pm two tablespoons in a day y d d ll anut butter is a "healhty" kind of fat... contains fats. smooth food you lose igig... since it's lessunod and ununalthy you're unsurerebout what kinof buy ...opt for a natural brand. ifou're to mix with ur try apples, avins. almomo bter th bananas and chocips of tmof ooducerfavoritete ..ranges. it's the latest chapter in atrouinstory. new video o football playe s s rfaced jury is ainsm.m. later, hollywyod isis remembmbing an r@known for riety of charac.
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thanksksor joining us. clemens. on this su c-n-n-o-r-c poll showow interesting and hypopoetic numbmbs. the latest poll ys that the general electi....eier demecrcric candidatat..berni e sanders or hillary clinn...would beatatonald trump if he wins the g-o-p nominati. . in the scenarios, clton tops trump 52ercent 44...while sandererbeats him 55 t t43. meanwhile republican frunr na i i joying a coore lead over hisig- o-p rivals heading into today's primaries
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oppipi proteststs at his ralls.... nats o orall a time magazine phograraer trying t tfilm protts got roughed up by the secret servicic the agen is now inveating the incicint. trumalsoso tried to b bsh of endoement from former ku klux klaleader, david ke. hillary clinton isisnjoying a 17- - point lead over r senabe nderheadin into super tuesday. but the senator told his supporters i massachuses last night that he's expting to pickckp a lot of legates today y . clinton he raraies in virgia sterday... and spent a lot of time after her rivals o othe othehesidedef the aisle... "i really regretet the langng thats being ed b pupuic apegegegng&& opop, finger pointing, blaming, that is not we should behe wards e another. avd you ca nearest caucus corado.. ove onur website, krkrdo dot com. the hot buttonl&
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sties section. the final set hillary ton's emails have n been leased. nearly 55- thththndes were revevwed department the department says thesesmesssses contained informrmion that is nowowlassyfied. e f-b-i i still investigigin whether clinton broke any laws by ung a private server.... ich has wed her riva to use thth poibility ofn indictment a ammunitionn th esidenen race. studenen at a uthern colorado elementary got to t tvel the world d is morning...wiout stping outside the odyssey elementary is e of the first experience a new gole program at p pvi around thehe globob only on 13...krdo nechannel 13's ina takes the a f fld trip un any oer. natstso uniq.. entire class i iin awe. ns students at odyssey elementary are on an expedition. 16:28:12 - 24 we got to go to m p phu, and e great wall o o china, and w wvisited ocean too. all from
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ubading.g.but you don't have to`e dangerstandup wiin seconthe kids gfromomeru, to china,a,o the boboom of` sea, allllhrough this de. it't'part ofofgle's expetipiee rarara virtual reality platform builtlt for clclsrms.allllll ov t f w wld. 16:25:37 - 4it was prettytywememeo take theheplaces wee reading out...they can nake deeperctn n through an ipad...the teacher controls what e kids see. and leads them through the lesson. 16:30:33 it had many p ptos a u could look aund likekeou w%we actually there. nat- teachehe saying nowe're here :31:37 you l aoaot , buthen`nou wanna see ityoyoe ju really amazededy what it actually looked lyke! so amimit all the oooos and hs.... nats there's learning taking place. in corado springs, dana moliwschl .
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nver. wowoopo say two ma suss got ay yn n 199fordrd escocot wa apparently tan from the victimimiming g incident selocaca police a`d sherififs depaments offer "safe s" t t nducline satrctns ers been a ie ebebeal estate market recently...and it's thanknkto the marijua industry. the e eblolo regional buding bubudingng departmentays almost hf ofof the its in the city and un in 20 wereor budingngused for t e mqrijua dustry. narly y5- milllln dollars wawaspspt on pot-lated bubuding ojects. s s with one business nenewho says nsnson workererarar caininin on thth oming market. i look it toe a hundred miion dollar a yr b5sinene here inin pueblo city andp county so that is a trtrtrdous iver last year, people in pueblo county voted to tax recreational mariruana grgr for collegeg scholarsps anancommmmity
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a bi h hing to clpenas r pot edibles inyoming h h failed. st week, the ate na passed a proposal calalng totoake it a felonyo posssss momoho than three oues of food or rrink coco marijuavororor h- aphouse mmittee stripped o o the languagefter itidecame difficult to measure w ch t-h-c i i presenenin edibles. juroro are expected to hearar mo testimony fr sportsster in andrews. e's lkin ouhow her life has been affectedhen a stalke cretly made and posted nude videosf her online. c'eva pilgrim shs us @andrews ememionatestimony y om yesterery. erin andrews? breang in court? e erin ananews: y y ow your body d i saititit two seconds and i was like, oh my god, and thehei shut i idown. relivi the momenthe rst w w kede hself onlili? erin andrews: dadad
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i don't know what it is. the popular spor st of ininininthe u sug the man who` secretly rdrd that video, michl dadad rrett? as ll as e owrs andnd manars o this nashll ioor $7$7$7ioio.... claimihe tede efo him to fm her in the nu. the hotel clms barrett crinal who trickethem into gainini acacss. on moay baett's testimony was s ayedin court barrqrt: i h picked up the house phone and i calledhe operator andnd asked, can i ve erin undrews room? thth ced me so then i knew whatatoom she was insaying he was having money problbmsms en he e came up plan co deo o anavews naked h h hotel room hell one ru ephplelele and i i for money. baett: waitete unununthe shower s t eded lff?ed plug out and waited for the opportuny. barrt pleaded guilty to stalking in 2020 and was sentenced d to0 nths in pson. video has been viewewe nearlyly7 mimiion n meerin andws: i feel so ashamed. i'm so ememrras paula a drew it's the nightmare that doesn't stop. andrews'
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paula described consnsing her ughter.@.@ paula a ews: it's not your t.t. you'rere vm. yove saulted. there was nothing to calm her dow anews admitting that her life now isom normal.. saying s's fified with xiet grief, humiliion and horror. . thisideo making h feel very helpless and angry. eri drews: i'm so any. this could have been stopped. the nashville mbrriott could pve just cacaed me- we a puttininthis man- who o quting ne t tyou- we uld have stopped thisis the hotel companies say at happened to andrews is mpaniesay y happened to andrews is terrible.f.f.f.f e stalalr is to blamam suprememcourt justicelarencece ththas aed a a questiti during g oral`l`luments w%e%e%e thomas hast spoken during oral argrgents in a decadad it h hpened during the case oisineersus united states" -- which ncerns whher a prior domemeic assault conviction will keep someone om possessing firearar thlate, great t yogi berrar'
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is afternoon: it will bebeess windacrororo southern colorado today, wi wind speeds expected to rema betwewe 5pand 15 mphit ll ne slightly coolol but sll above average.temperatures will warm into the 40s aroundr local untatas, wh 50s fomostslf e lo elelations. . will be partly most cloudy throughout t t daya with dry condndions expected to contin. extended wednesday will be very windy, with gusts of f to 50 h possible! for this reason, the onal weatr service hahaissuededire weher watches tomorrow dueueo the ev fire danger. avoi any outdoor burning! the wind wed`dne will help to bumum teteeratures inin thehe0s 70s. it will be
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thquak andd th"airport" movies. kennedy appepeedn morete than 180 movie and t-v shows in career spavning almos years. hf was 91 yearard. fa othe llinoneses baba geinina ecia ft f fm the band... a a ee conce in n havana. the ormance is pected to draw in thousasands....the biggggt act@to play in cuba since it's 1 19 revolutionon. rock music was- legal in cuba that was se as s to of weststn captptism. the free ert t come aftepresident a will v havana and b vh countries look toork wi one anotr diplicly. .&.& trououed cleveland browns quararrback h.ny manziels in h water once again. he's'sow seen in a new v v om aiami ninitclub... aomestic olce case agaiis itit wo a juryry abc'ryansmh hathe details. this morning, johnny manziel...onc e ain under the mioscoco ...for his hard
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tmz z orts releasing thisdeo of the eveland bpownsns quararrbrbk reportly in miami nightclu ursdadadbdrti a bigat and sunglasses ...drinking frfr leju hoururerelieie... llasolice... a0noununng they nt a0 mimiemeanor mememe olenen cas ainst t t rmer heisman ophy winner to prprecutors....a grand jury now expe to o decici if heheill face chargrg stememng from an altercation i i january thexriend d colleen crowley at a dallas hotel. according to her affidavit seeking anrder ofroteteio apapnsnsmanziel, crowley...claimin n g an argumenenen with the fofoballtar turned physic...m.m.i allegedey ststking her repepeedly...c.c wley saying e "became very scar" and "tried tf ght him off"nd latetetellina let "pleas don't let him ke me. i'm scared for mymyife!" nana from- manzies cleveld browns...distanci ng themselves from t embaled quarrback ...expected release him thth momwh.ew head coh hue jackson, drawing a line at t s off- field bebevivi at t ththcent nfl combine. sot: hue jackn:n:that behaor w)wl not
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forward organizaon is ing to take a stand, and 're going to move onm those kind of f situationsnsnsand just last month, both h h agent and lebron james's' maname coany... cutting m loe as a client. quararrback, dogged by issues surrinhis drinng sce enterini the l... s spping away from thth fielelearly last year for treatment in a rehab fafqlityty t his father...saying his son twe refused to re to rehab... telling the dallasas morning ws "i i uly y lieve they can't get m help, he n't live to se his s th rthday." now this new v v v ll ndoub raise en more questiti manzieies future von millerers s too good to o a free agent. . that's why the broncos placed the exclusive franise tag on von n ller todod. thth made the deal before thhe two o'cloc deadline hit. by putting the ta the super bowl 5m-m-p, i i willivevthe e broncocountil
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highest paid dedensive players in the n- f-l. i meananf you look at last year was s franchise tag year as s s ip was a contract year a lot of uncertaintntgoing on i'vepnever been a franchise bere i can't really sayay dgn't wa to o a franise i don't want to o thihii want to be witit thnver broncos. -pllel says he wants s s e a a br for life...and t broncos s nt him as part of the long-term core. winning a me is definitely something to celebrate...but you shouldtd obably me susu youou actuly won rst t forere stng party. the burrillvilieieoncot of rhodedisnd lened this t haha way. tural sound at t e o o ththgame -- a broncos player threwethball into the air to rudown the cloc.and the amelelrad, piling on totoof each oer in e ddlef the @ court. bu..ere was still onsesend leftftft and the other r team called a
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dropopd a dropped a bombshell onlala night's epepode. and he hadadanher rprise to spill this morning on a. fifi out who heen home.. if he'll fi a aappy ending...cominin up`pll new on krdodo wschannel 13 at 4. supersonic j j travel could be returning... nasa gnted a 20-million dollar contract to loheed martin to d dop a ssr jet that can fly faster than the speed of sound. thplan is to make f fing safere greener and ququter. the jet would use e chnology to create a so thuminstead of rattling sic bos ile inh flight. supersonic mmeral jetet trtrtr ended 2000 after fatal crash in pas.
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evyone's tutuintotiss n to reveal most intimate relationship details. then, in to' ws intwo: - oue or a pemodelfain&onofher@n? >> a -- >> iwaanted thrw ythtng upvp a ataumatic chhood $& denethat scred tinana feye.alnetoday on e doctors! [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] @ d travis:it is time hot pici anhere t riit up with e t helines i ve tiship expert . chr t@donugeattorney zarara martind dr. jojojoe roroigz. >f you acssnene blrisk your fe totolplplpout? >ududude:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e: >> d d dravivi is didi't e tototojuand hehelp. take look. >a drug store bebeat-down
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