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tv   NEWSCHANNEL 13 400  ABC  March 1, 2016 4:00pm-4:30pm MST

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's super tuesdada a candidat on n th sides a a ed to leap ahead ofir competition in the democratic and republicic usus. atesesre mang last mjnuleletops across the cotry trying to stheir papqy's nations voters head out the polls. abc's marci gonzalez is live in austititixis.. ththmost delelates are up foabs in texaxa long lines at the polls and a lot ridini on what happens today .. : on the biggest y of voting g untitithe general elececon? sodnite cob moriarty- ste, voter: "justpwantnto bebe a responsible citizen to vote a final super- tuesday push from
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candidat? sot: rubion minnnesota, one get it? with 12 ststes voting toda a 16-hundred and d n delegates ate overer rcrcrubi d ted cruz focused on stoppinin frontrunne r dona trumfrom gaining an inrmounta ble lead- cruz - voting today in texa counting on nsituents to bring him - a ch needededin- cruz: ererer no doubt that any cacaidate who cannot win his home state hasas real pbls ile trump went into today popoing wellll ahead natially amono republicans- new poll ououtotoy- s s hilllly into standn to easily beat trump if they face off in november: sot trump: . i veveveeven focused d hillary clintoyet,t, ani can tell you the one pers at hillaclcln n&n& dowant to r r aiait is meand i ha that on good knknledge. totoy - - [lton hoping for a repeat of her blow- out victy inouth carolili? if we don't g g ything tterrom clininn: hillar clinton: i will work very rd r you. while bebeie sanders?s?s titi his ballot in veveont- sands: i i know that b%rnieie sanders here might get at leastone vote, i was working on m wife. says regardless of today's tcom he is not backing down-. candides are alrey looking ahead to ancther big votingay... two weeks campaigning a waititg. marci gonzalesesbcbc news austi texas coming up on four-30... w talked t tbernrn sanders about why lorado is so importantntn
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politil reportri intetuie dot com and click on the "hot top nenesection. clouds from time to time... a bitit coolerer thn was out but temperates stayed prett mimi. you're taking a live look k k conditionsns 13's chief meteofologist rachael platatis tracking some more windy days ahah it has been will die down night lows wil
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cloudy s ses. tomoowl be mu kininer, withp to 50mph gusts.s.igigfire& danger`rs easesesese cautus when ding time outside. i'll track the guy nds r you congp later in t
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nnis c t puebeb a hi times maganeiled a permrm the planned april evevt... rit before today's pfadlili pid. organinirs for the marijuana a mega-festival have their eyes set on the saint charles sa. they've b en in talks with t t giodonmily to u the same lot that hoststhal b t tackyard concnct seri. thmarijuananindust i causing a a om in the e eblo rl eseate m mket. the pueblo regional builng departmeme says almost hf of e e rmits in the city and county in 2015 were for buildings usededed for the rijuana industry. nearly 15- million dollars was spent on pot-relalad buil@ding ojts.s spopopoith one busine ner who says cococoucti workers are cashing inthe boominmarketet i look for it to be a hundd mimiion dollar a year business here in pueblo city and county so that i i a tremendous
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last year, peop in eblolo lunty voted to tax rerqal marijuana grows for r llege & scholarships and community projects. a bill hoping to clarify penalties for pot edles inyomi has faileded st wk,hf ste sena ssss al cal to make itit felony t possess mo than teeeeee nces ofood drink containing marijuana or t- h-c. a house committee stripped out the nguage after ititecame difficult to asururhow ch-h-c is prpreneninln ededles.s. e rtrto legalizezeain barrels in colorados excted is moving forward... third reading of theheill has been a arove y. similar bill iled last year due to concerns that wat babaels wod violate the rights of seni wateteclaim holders. colorado isi ththonly state in e nation where consvation of water in rain barrels is ilgal.
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peggy little is doing some inigative work o or cocoerns of v-a clin wt ti vetstsharerere thstories lastig at t . tall meng sted by sisierttlen. the gatherinin mes s s s after a v-a spsptor general's report showed dnic employees may have lied@abouou wait timem veteransay they're hopeful ththhe v wilil be held accountae. 48 - 53 "tre's ill oblems concerning accountability, appointments and tatangare of o o oerans in our timely manner."."." buttet ts!!!! 2:20- 2:18 "the va eds to change its s n set. the totknowledge blicly that so of theiei meods a e not quite right." commisoner ttleton is taking information fr v vs and comparing it to v-a documents. she plans on holding another community yy meeting within the next mth taking ak ah your wewe... represtatives in pueblo will be holdldldan inform meeting with theheublic regagarding amamak service. countycommissioner sal papa will lk with pns guaua interest in having aamtrak stop in the home
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kicks off at 5 ththsday night... at the n nitit county health building on 9th h ststet stts at a southern colorado ementary got to travel l e world this mothout leaving thth classrsrm. odyssey elememtary was one of t t first in the state to experien a new virtuaprogram offereby google. ly o o 13..rdo` wswswsne13's dana molina takes s o othe advente. it's a fieldld trip unlike any othfr. nats so unique...the entirelass n e. nats stududts at odysse elememtary are on an expeditionon 16:28: - 24 4fgot to go to machu pichu, anthe grt of china, anwe visitit some sharks s the ocean too.o. all from the comfort thei classrm. 168:42 - 52 i liked d siting the arar b/c it't' like scadiving...but t
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standuduwithth seco the ki go fromperu, , china, to sea, all throu ogle's realitit ..all ov thworlrl 165:3737 43 it wapret awesome to take them places s we'v'vbeen reading about...thth can make a deeper connecon through h ipad..he teacher conlrols what the through e many photos an you u uld lookok arouou like you were actually thhere. nats - w wewee re but then you wanna see . amazed by wh amidid all and ahhs.... taking place. krdo
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goog will take i expeditions to at least one othe lorado this month. .& if youplans there's a ures youou knono out. we're finding out t the cimarron a and i-25 project is researchers have learned what caused dead mudslide in southwestn n colorado. why ththarea is
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peru are working hard to clean and reild ter a big rainorm caused majoror floldiver the weekend. the gornment announced, they're sendndg the military to he people d areaaffected by the floods. re thaha250 ldiersrsill be deployed to damaged towns.
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cooler day out in southern lorado. thiss a ve look at ndndions and d& temperature stormtrack 13's c meolol raath focaca itl become muchindi tomorrowitgustaround 50poiblele for me by toorrow afternoon. there may bebe few showerin mountains, but ( most stay dr.. and that will set thehste for highghire e nger. . red flag warnings have been issued for ptomorrow. lows nit drop into o the 20s and 30s. highs tomorr will warm into the 60s a d 70s for the lower evations. urr cora sprifo sho
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ers fridid nnda few shers n ne esdada you lo 7 7y recaststwss and thh h rl nu we. your catidm fosthows 7070torrow theh-thay ay. .p telt cocyfofofows mpmp in n ththh moststf f ne 7 days. raraaeaeae
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a ne gegephphal reportrtxplas at led up p p p p p adly lande in w wtern radok k 14 the s s geologicalal survey sspspsp
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melting snsnpac#c#c#c#whwhh triggegege the massssss event. rockcke vevevealmostthremimimid killed three people. the report sa land is stilvlnlnlnle to anoth naturadididi ofofofe magnit e cky mountain natial rvicicis ce's 10th birday-- byookingor luntrs. the pas home to e e the est vo prrara in the natitial park rvice. duties ilu keg trails clean nice and dobird sear.h yr--- more thtn tw thou peoeoe volulululud. e park toa volunteer d their wewee or number at the bottom of yoyoreen. ave e mesaver tell you about. ivivs onye-25 several lanes willlle closos on i-25 from soututututda ue t t cimabqon... as crews s ntntueue workrkn n e la will be northbound
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and and cimarron. two southbound neva and also close. both are expected to re- open tomorrow at five a-m. ple has won its battle with the f- i. sid with the astraut, to a return to how he made history... ohis
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brklyn cae coelled to lp the f f-i unlolo an i- phe a narcotics case. th ruling will be used by apple e a foundation in a mucharge deba. h#h#to protect t ic privacy ile alalatbt terrrrism. cohnh.hinkthat t fbi attempt to foror appl a aack s s se ad. 's
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lylye e fety and trust ofofur vices bothes they are looking after the security of io amereranan.. t i i ys theheata4a4 on t t iphof one of the s s bernadino shoors c eld help them root outpterroriststs here in the us. sa is investing in the potentrevival of supersonic jet trel. the agency granted a 2020 milliodollll@ contract to lockheedartin to develop a ssenr r r thatatananfastut tn th eeof sound. s s the sisi is ndededo make flng saf greeneneand quieter. thpropoped woululuse loo creaea " "ft thum i itead of a sonic boom during flight. onof the big names in the u. space program is head back ea change of mman remono in e e numb of thgs. .ne them bng ghat t t me of gu hehehen n m black irts g g to o comeme at was`sasa tronaut scott kelly last night... preparing
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pe's been at space statn for 34days ... loer than anny other u-s astronaut. yoyocan see e nenecrew o o wiwihe old. after nding, kelly houston tomorrow for a al and scientntnt tests. kellzv pulled off... conde thisisduring nearly yeye in spe... nearly 1 million mis trtrelled 5,440 oror arouou earth momo thana10- thousasasasa sunris and sunsets... d 64hours on the treadmill to keep his muscles toned in ro g. p taryleaders noe @ e launchchf f secretiv bale isi lar, people
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saied see an iconic band. eh the ing ststes e s t to headne in the island nation.n.
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elite delt forces are conducting its first operations ainst isis in aq. the grououhas be carrying out secret prarations r several weeksecretary dededee e tter announcethe e fififi s s to opopatatn n da heaye e force e e
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"becau of our tegynd o o dedeinion n lerateur campaign, momentum is now oour r de andnd that the u-s wl iraqi forces of mos f fm isis hds.p sands of - athe-s w igger r le in heheing iraqi forces retake the city of mosul from . thouounds syriri rerugees are huddled the border omacedonia...wher e tensions sre ststti t trise. thsandndoft&pepele abe campmpg t cadonia .demanding ay intoe.prloloo r r veve managed to ram e ...ari way th their r forts, polili and tear s. sund night, the chancellor of germany rnedhae euan unionn mustot andon n n n greecece. or it'll fa disaster. "what has happeneds exexy what we fearetetetet untrt2t now left ononwith i problems we c't't't lololili."."
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way europe. t a short boridefrfr turkey...and the est y r ylum seekers to cross into eupe countriesf ousa syrian reselele thisas prommadede cada'siber party during the missss its@s bng i25- now, the country is focusingn helping those op fin sing and jobs. the llinin stones say they will plalaa ee concerin havananamah 2525 that will matpp p e biggest playuba nce 19luluon. the ston wiwi&play vana for three daysfter president barack oba visits havana. the ncert isis exexexededo o dr massive auauence in cococoy where the vernment on percuted young ople listeng to rock music. here's what's ahead on wschnenene at four. republicans and democrats in
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hed tonight.wehave li report out t per tuesday caucusesesn southern lolodo. plus, , e zika virus has madede its way to in colorado. the wawaing to fily. and --ncos neneer von miller isn't going anywhere. . 'll tell you about the franchise de for the super
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afternooand ank yofor ining us krdo news channene13 at urur i'm heather old. and i'i'rob
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in colorad rereblicans and democrat voesl l ard in t 20-16 pridentitinominating preses k-r-d-d- newschannel 13's erink is live at coronado high school, oneofofhe c ccus of t t tauaus s t.t. d d icicicicl5 tataed wit democratnini sanders eaietoday. corado ion m mthan dozen n atat o o e calendar on this super tuesday ... where morerehan one- ound degatetee stake inuding 7979n the democratic side here i i codo. . d r stste is a must-w-w forhe@ vermonon senener. saer d llarclclto ni@last-t!t!minu totooter toleads sanders i a a mariti othe super tuesday states. we asksk sanderk k y colodo is so cricalor his critical f f his campaign tonigh we he spsnt t toof time e cocorado, i've been to denver` and boder and d a loof good ra i thk


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