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tv   Nightline  ABC  March 1, 2016 11:37pm-12:07am MST

11:37 pm
now on a liky clisionourseininheovemberelecons. >> getim out of here plse. >> but will theepublican party unite bind theirontrersial front-runner, or is it a fight l the way to a a contested cocoention? senato bernie sanders holding strong on his home turf. >> it is good to bhome! >p> but i is this d degate t tmimimi foro h h hlalalant enoughhh keep sanders down? >> if you don't want to see donald tmp - > andnd cruz lach anor to keep trump from the nomination >> this special editionon of "nightline,"uper t taywill
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tuesda" will be right baba. >> announcer: this is a special edion of "nightline," uper tuesday." > good e ening 's the aptly named super tuesda a rougand tule night of f politics. voters weighing in loud and clear on the biggest nht of the primary season. 12 states casting votes in all tonight. we begeg in texas, where everything is bigger, even its tsize role in polilili. ted cruz edging out a victory in his home state, considered a mustin to remain viae in this campaign. buut the n)ght still bebengngng donald tru, with aimpressive lead in states across th country tonight. a projecd victory in vernt. also wininin bn soso in g grgia, alabamamndnd tennessee. paula faris is at trump headquarteteteith throad ahea paula? >> reporter: hi, jujuj well, the trump mp is
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they say wt really stood o o them, the number of voters that voted r donald trtrp on super tuesday. what can't be lostn the gnifican of all of this is @ that this event, hisampaign hequters are in flfla at the mar-a-lago club, which he owns. is is a state that votes exactly two weeks from today, a lever marco rubibi rememberthik is mao rubio's home state. night for donald tmp but h clearly has his eyes set on the e next couple of wee. >> paulathanks. let't'take a aook at theumbers tonight. donaldldru also projecd to win in virginia as well as massachusetts. a round of c cshing losses, thgh, for marco rubio tonight. managed to garner a p pjected victorin mininsotaut ted cruz beating out rubio and trump totoakoklahoma as well. and on the democratic sisi hiary clinsteaeaolng througuathe south picking up ected win ininelegate-rich texas and ojected victoriein
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arkansas. at t cntononicry rally ght, ,bc's matd4tu is inin mii t nigit with tatest. ma? >> reporter: well, this isn't so much a victory sech by hillary ton t itlili speech by a victly energized crowd d hat eered d erertime they h@ard atillaryrylion wasinning state. eythey hearddold trump was winni...ananthe guts of ch was relybout lanngody blows ait dcna tmp. she didn't mentiim by name but e mentiod evererhing the ( the crowd booioi wn n heardrd i e ththgs t bhehe she rerely p pje h jlfs a unitg candidate...( at w w wt sn the d hehery derse owow ce`eloridry impornt for llary n. looking forward to march 15th. huhulyic pl here 2 p possible delegate e soto winmamyf th asasosososand uaybe ch th race. juju >> mt gutman i iflidtonit. thks.ppp
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win in massachusetts. t bernsdersrsrsrs in his he stof vernono alsoaing proroctededenini okokhomacococododod d minnnnot t evevevh h ososwins a clclererook at t d degate t s s differert otot n g g ea wha her ca is ping cld b insurmotablad asor r republicavmvmololotong s s s t-nnererer status tonht with a stng ininint t t's go@b@bkb texas. senanated crcr/ldidi i i i his iaiame statathe e e e e nowisisisy ininnonoh totowontnt dold trump's momtum coming off a big ght? my "nightle" cohyron pytts ouigiw ron. reporood evuj ted cruz made thththseseo o s ororrsonight tt afafrftwtwwwwwwwwwwwww ws e beststre alterne toonalal
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ththmiehinhe r leleleelrary mome lief. at yononn but many h he dot thmath winning t ninn. e bibiwinner b ball l"counun on the replicasisi wasas nana trump.p >> aeady we'veonivr r at@s thanknkoull so`veve mh! reporter: t ty're the presumumume e mine taiaiovov %%fod d d he crereenentytytyr r tytytyd epr:r:upepepep.. ng@b@bst`t`t`tf f titititi thehehehedeneiaiaiaia v ve rd marco rubio. >>ononp p p p e --lilie e ausescaca- a a dfee e us s s ry.. >> >ortete t t othth ididididere trtrngma a erodod t t t r re for votes,s,t is >> tha y y v rch ter: h p p ptotgethrone frfrfrfrfrfrfrfdond`drump. onald d p thinininladimi putin's s s eat gugu trumtatas adadringlyfnthe y chchesgovernment cracked down on the chinese people in tiananmen square.`>` if f f f n t w w to ses% nald truup a athththmi& yoyodon'n'want&us s e ththelececonononononononinin en j y td thth todaybeporte s s a
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er do o o alw thththnaldldldldldumps o i i iivusup>p>r>r>r>r spokekeo o o\ he e d % stle ation ininin... aay f f yri incrage>> reporter: he peto dress ththlatete trump contvevey.form k kkluxdklan adadadavav ke's's.sorsememe`ef dona p.p.p biglalalanono placacac p p pc c c oursrs in politics, and ink anyo ouldldldlden w wlili to o immediately denounce kn. and it was uortunate that he di't do so. he'e better an that. andn suld dadaone that donald tr he joio now.t epororrrrrututodod on ood morning america" trump vehemently denied embracing duke's support. >> i disavowim on friday. i disasawed him right aftethat cause i t if the was anananestionl"andpyoultoke a twtwter,r,lmlmt immedidiely y y r on t tttttttnd fafaok they were disavowededain. reporte i ifact, in hisisis rump)h da lot fo vfys>> trerereno that's done sosososofor ai .. you take a look pm beach, orida.a.a. buiui t mar-a-lagclub,totay openeno evererody.y. r rter:r:ut tdon't exextltlme through a as ralls.
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epter:r:ay he in aroe remod. asasngng- #a#a you from m xi? e from m micic right ack in the mdle of my punchline! repororr:r:ruru's's's's's$s antiti andhetoc se to be on againorking for him tonighg( tru's'sifmelanini rebuedde thahahex8x8and is a racact. >> when you u ar, u kn, ople saying 'sacist, hearg him saying he's anti-immigra, what do you -- >> no, he'not. not racist. hehe notnti-immigrant. /4meririri r rorter: desesot calng tr name, today morergns of panan i ithe e p. e e e e@r of thehiou, paulul ryan, seseseg g eaeamessage e hihipapay. >> if a person wants to be the nomi tlicarty,bebeo evioiono gas. ust rerere anynyro or r cacath is built t bigotry >eptere a aet trump s smsa a ster ad d ayaye ca
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trto play on his level. 'v'vneveveveen a humumumeingng swt t h h h hts. >> r%rorter: a a%a marar rio inenendada, takiki on trums proptions,iteral. a a you know what they say about uen smama hands. - u u n't trust them.epepepepehis poreseses >> h hdododos#eat cause e e porerearararogged from the spr n thates..00 repororr:r:nd hisisisicic a,a,st.. >>d otoi to o ke ericiceat. he's g tkekemerica ange. >> bes need d& be ood up toto wawaprouananhahay to d dit.. notoioi to o ge m m cacagngnnd whawe'rabououououou >eporter:prpridedd d e biden weighing in tonight on the divevevethgop.p, >>&i want to thank donond [ lauger ] that's a joke. the e uff 's'doiois ininududg cruz andndths, h hs makingnghe acan pele loo in mirro ane e e ican peoeoe ararar honest.. enheloor ey seet't'lololot them.
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ononon trmavavt t rkrkut r r bio, perhaha thehad for tedp, who was alsoso w n toninini donald trump's path to the nomimimion remains more likely anan would be a d saer f f f f publicans. epepepepr: andndhris%% christie'sning sl mea totoght. shtag g c chrhrtie trdidi after c cistie's awkward lookokat t t trumpmpmpss conference drew mockery. tonight trump ght t t ider%a%a tuf f hillararinn. >>e e e et a a of thisis fhm goio goer e peon atat hillary con.... rorofr: a gewnn/orc polololol( out todaditete trump uld d d ast dememememc fpt-runner hilla clintonn`` the general electi. after icg the media for 88 da, clinton finally taking tstsomomtete tod 'm glingngn!n!i' g a aotototworo t tdo between now and next tuese and ththththday ter that.& >>orter: now i iseems hilly y y ononanders ..ononeyonrump, as we head into theheovember e,econ.
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clcln'n'advise and rategists highlililid a plan totoesesads th wldldtray umum m m m mynisand emorkingnglams shose ash teer would p p p p p natioj world i igrave danger.. tonight hillary clinton tang a subtleabtrump. i believe whaweeed in america da m m m m andndnd kindss d of b%jink llll b down bababars.. >>ter: trump in typical l rmaw mu mot.t. >> i wed hil's sech. and she'talking about ges have been popo and evevething'g' nd everything's doing badly but we're going to make it s's'seeeethththfor so l lg. mean, , hehen't ightenededt ououby now, s not going to straiain itinheext foururur. it's'st gog`to become worse worsrsrs >>ur thkhkhk byrts om t@xasas up n nt,t,s trtrcos to cocoolidite e lead, cruz liviv to fight another day. but can rubio survive? and w w ch is thththth establisisent ying to stopop t-t-nner? t-?
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ugglininup aftfts sjndaaanice t. bubuhere's'she thing: obt t lf o o on ov 40haomgr oerec dyunction. wewe, , agra hejthan aec.n"" yooctor ifour art is alalahenou fd notake e ra iyou ta niniat for&c&c pai ormpmp pululnary hyhyrtensisini ur blood pree couldrdr tototounsafe lev. to avoid long-termnjury, seek immediate medical helfo an erectionlaing momomoh!n four hours.aking viaiai a c cl yo door right uway if y experience a auddededecrease or loss i ivision or hearg.
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ble single pas. trade e ll a aut seizing g popoit so i'ing`ak rtrtity y goff f pt. so iwannnngo t tjersrs d chchkhkht ot tuccccelliliportlio, whitito 'm a s#ottias e assets a mbdee stonenenenene h h h. pa! you'so qine! it's me eihe d.. t ju ses opporornityty seizit! (applause) hfy,eeeefast heartburn rerere3try coololint t ntac. reasesea coolininsensatioioi ininour uth and thro.ntacacorks i ias littt as s0 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours.
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>>susur r esdanottg n n e for the ithohohohhlllly ininn ememngnga a crd trp p seseingly unstpablblblabc's chief e e use esndenna karl and r tireololical t ttoninit imesesquare quarters on trump'ctcty,y, arkingn anyoneneut truru mo. jon? >> reporter: what a night, j'r bour r r l now.t. and.d.d.d.w w wd, rllll s per tuday but ititasasalso t tmp tueayay >> a aigigbgg dafor donald p ininoursof i anan hampshire. he had won south carolina.
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ananasasallylyeyexpectations f himimlf. >>hihas been an amazg evenin lr w w w won fiviv stst, anit l lks like we could win six or sev or eight or nin >> the great t for donald trump is not only is h h cutielegegegut because the othecandides in n the courur oononerinshare,arco rio t tzl makes t tm lili a ather d.. d if four caidates l anhur dat'helpfufor donald tru. 's tsayathqh marar rubio is gngn n meteopohlo he'e'bende polllljohn kasich isountininon home state of ohio. but -- >> he's behind in the polls ththe. some of them. s s uld d to coonon okay. bistol, y y hav trtrtr to stop daltrump for time. rsrsi i s s,u u rerereretl bididi dediaia right.>> bututan he betoed? iind d like e deni. it's generally a healthy psychologica ---t's a heaeahy psychohogil ste often comparo fafa reali.i i k kf ce e e had a goot.
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stateseswhwhh h ted beforere. tonight,t*t*looks likekee'e' ing totoave e 35% to 3 of the par vote cast so far, ab40%,2% /f f gas so far'sot above 5. very rd do seany t t r cacaidates gettingo o don'k 's true that getting g r cacaidates o hes antititimpause at this p&i -- >ecse youououto kp hihihi om g >> yes. of the biquesesons this entire campaign t tme now see e tuallyonht announced a big g newed d fort sp p naldmpmp what took sosog? why now? to havavdone it earlie ere was tochtical thinki about gee, , take trumdown here, we'llp cruz, and i prefer rubio or i prefer kasich or i prefer b bush. think k ou. put in 10, 20,0 million dodoararhihi is m mey for peopope you dndn. t b bu's super pac hadad $ i isome of thatat-- >>y ttle o oittrum vevy lilili on trump. what if that had been spent --
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donald trumps redefining as ma sayd today,e's redefifing the republicty. 's eizing the repuic electotote. all of this money is just ing g just me awawabecause i think donaldldrump has fouou u way toot just t ab tse voters who are disgustit e potics ithe republanan rty but he's beenen tap pomet that mighgheven give d docrats a littltlbibiof heararur>>hey y ve n ne e w wh one disciplineargumentntgainst donald trumphat has been ercised and done in a concerted way day in a day ouou it's all b balover t t map. evev marco rubioio last week, which s some tiny y t of substatatabut mostly name calling that i don't think was helpful fomarco rubio as w seenn ththresults tonini e wiwi win florida. i'confidt of that. eseecialalhen n h he o weeks to explala to o o people ofofhe s ste just actly what we're tting with donald trum
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dold trurur televion advertisingnd i think that television stations are getting rich off of f e promis becauses not workg. >> the oy thinwould say is every other frontmrunner has surviveded d de assaululon televisi, and d don't know were pututehind some of f eses attatas s`d exsing o&othe true recordrdf donald tmp.. >> before we wrap up, a big g night for hillclinton,n, though. >>uge. >> i believe deeply th if we resist t forces tryingngo & drive us art we can come tothererermake ts cococoy work for e eone gg e vingnd theuccessfu if w qaldo our part,@we cacaca restore our comm faithn ouou common f fure.e.>> so o llary clton ll ascumulate lotdelegas, and as wlearned eiyears agag oyou beben to pk up delegates, itis very hfor bernie sanders, who is a great
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catctcup.p >> is it oveve >> no,t's nonoquite overerbu we have e eot of stateat play, silar what w%w%awawonightht missi, louisna, northt carorona -- stes -- - >> states at once aiwill ve her a lf les.s& all right. well, wee out of te. juju, back to you. >> our tnks totour p piticie werhouse t tm fofothe post-g-me analysis. up next, d did muir brbrking downwnwn v v v v at thexit polls saying voters have on their mindsolls are sayinin voters have on their minds. i'll be righck. be good.ttext m. ys have been really gd day. send. let's get mark his own cell pho. nice.nd. brad could use a new . send. [google:] message. u deciei. they're your kid why are you guys textiningrandma? it was.h as h h.( keep your fafaly connected.
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om`molksksgen. t monts arautil, unless you have allergies. enoues m see it difftly. on flonases proved to liljbotchy, tery eye ddngesti no otherasalllergy spray c ththth enene in a m mgens o bodi react b b over produci sixixey flamamto substances that causour symptoms. most allergy pills only contntl one substanc flonase contro six. and six x g gaterhan one. colete allergy relief or incolete. . leyoyedecide. onase. 6>1 chang everyryryg. red lobster's loterfeses back. so c c ctry the largt vaet of lobsber dishek%of the iear, keobster lover's dream or newewuelili lobstails. it's a party on every plate, and you're invited. so comehinle it lasts. huh. inoducing ceceruvitamimis. a new ivivin
12:00 am
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th a full sptrum of nuients... new rum vitamints. ananwe're trtrking superer
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the exit polls all n n n, pati a f fcinating pturu of what's movating peoplin ththvoti booth. and "world news ght" anchor the big tion of outsider y,avid. toninit.t& take a look at this. a spt beeen pupuics an dfmocrcrs on this eson when aed shod the xtxt esident t me fm outstse the e polilitical tataishment, lo a ath. 50% of replican n rs s thth want an outsir. only 15% of democricoters wa an outser.. ofofhose r rublin voters, lookt . donald trump when a aed on the e ip sidid ouou thet presesenenhave perience in potics?? 81% of democratititi said yes ththisup tuesday. only 39% of publican voters saidides texperien going in. and those whohwanted experience the democratic side, look at the eaown. 69% nt to h llary clinton. % bernie sanders. this super tueay. let's take aook at the coalition that the clinton camp put together to fufu these
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men 53-45. fairly close, th. whwh you bre down the women yocasee the gap mu widir 65% to s sders' 33%. among whe vovorsrsery close tonightn lly clinton n toernini sanders' 48%. agai when you break down&t blblk vote, hispanic voters, the gap mu wider. hillary clinto83% to sanders' %. and thenispanic c te 67% to sasas at 33%. mame no mistake, this isoing to be ththcoiothat thehehe ton am wants to use e they continue move fofoar mow, on the last question of wh othe republblan side the votersade up their mind, i i ey m me up their minina month h or so o o, look at this, dononon trump 48% of thwsese 27% for ted cruz. mamao rubio 13%. so donald umlding the reblican v vers, the majority ofofhem who cided some time ago. we've seen a this mudslinging in t last 24, 48 hrs. marco rubio tryingngo delir
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dishes oututight back to him. and take a looofhe le de in the st c ds iteemed rk.. a split ridown t t middle. 28, 28, rubio, cruz. donald t tmp 24% of late deciders. the e t cks appear to have workqd..e only queueion, wasast too little too late. juju, back to you. >>hanks, davav.and thanyou u r watching t special ition of "ghghine" onuer tsday. tune in n "gma" firng in ththmoing.g. ananas always, wegre o oine 24/7 ononur "nightline" facebook pa and at for somef youp nt is abc ws continuing rage of f
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progss, night,rin andrews $ breaking down n the stand. >>yo don't really realili h h long four mines until it's of yur nakbody. >> the espn -h-h-h describing constant fear ter bng filmeded through a peeolol hehow th dramamamaffd d lationonop with byfriend. leles seuuuudonii with 17 million viers. and is the b enged.
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word to womeme >solake shelelon exexive. >>letthe be thestst a moveon. >> his ups andowns this pa year. >> it'svorcrc or new girlfrienen i can sinin abt . ururur eluve with the fofoer child starwhoh the voiceoaches a ay. >> ere e re momenen when i s like, i shouldn'othis. and kim ricicrds sobrr rule. onon we a a th t house wiveve stata did the deaeaea of h husbandnd sese heh baaa to the botot.. for march 6. >> erin testifis, oh my god, i w w nked l over the ternet. >> she's the national marriott for 5 mllio after sas viotap a peephole in h hotel room >> that videote haa


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