tv World News Now ABC March 2, 2016 12:37am-4:00am MST
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at community col nenr >> t t t t t involved eltrttles thae the roun ond c campu nagation stems. >> it wasre but small siliconalle arp. it hasoteteerg wheel but does require a human to h hd downwn trier on aoy k. if thatsreed, the shuttle comes to astop. ( >hey want to be the b b man on campmp. >> guess so luckily nobody was hurt. yesterdaye had the alag ory abo t google drivererss c ta intntn cident. it wasnst ticketed >> i l l to t tl that upiverty that' someonon loob j totook. somebo's job t t t d dpe@round e shuttle bus. >> bri back the humans. comiu,ore covagethe supesday te. >> fmilry clinton's advancoood trump' azpforman. oupolitical teaea stainby towharurprised tm the most that's after toy's cast` map.
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>ow abo a a little further east. >>85 degrees in mimii. if you're apoaing 6565 w's thththme t ur ducn a row. to learn abo medice, d the tions u have. yoyosee, mede doesn' cover everythingonon abo 80%f yourpapa bedical expxpses. the rest is up to you. so if 65 iaroundndhe c cner, ink t an aarp medicare supplementinsurance e , insure uniteealtltare sunce e mpany. likekell standarzed medicare suppleme iurce plans, eyelp covesomeme what medicare doesn't and coulsa you in out-of-pocket medidicosts. don't wait. call to reest y/ur f fedecisionuide. and gaer informationow to help you chohse plan latete these tys ofet you pick anyocr or hospital that tes medicare patient3. and ththe's a a nge of plplpltoose from,
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so if you're turnrng5 soon, call now andettarted. becacae the timeo think abt goong. enough p pssururin herfor ya? m gonna take mucin nus-max.too late, wee about to take off. these dissol fas they're w w quid gels. ananyou'reomininwi m%m.. you realize i have golstus? mucinenenus-max liquid gels. olvevefast totonleash maxtrgthh medicine. let'enenthisis this is mineral build up it colcts leaving gross germidden stai. clorox toioibocleaner withleac is no match for at. but lyl popo toiletowl cleaner elimines mineral ild-d- effortlesslyy and kis 99.9% of germs. totoet y yr toilet try clcln, why oose anything other t an the popor r ysol? anto keep hat way for up to 4 weeks
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tr twelve hoho cough liquid ps vanced flaeases powful medicifi thaac fastt w hile its extded d ase medicinlasts fo12 hou.. ry delsym . metimes we use k u ul to ene my body's natururu moistu so n get tot a t quicker. anwhen know she's in it, i get into it an el theiffefence with k-y ultragel. ay regert renews from within... plumpingngurface celel`lor a drdratic transformation withouthe ed for fillersrs your c ccert tee might show ururgege.your ininener will. renert.t. . agags.
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it instantly hydras to plump and lift.>> n to ke america grere again. america nenertopped being great. >> once weet all off t j js fi, i'moingo go afterer one rson. thth's'silry clinton. a polical rolution is about is bringing our people togeer.. >> d dald d p sayse's not heants to partl. wh i'm presi of f e udes wakg sis.ononums pat tthth nonanaon remainsorelikely. and that w wld be a saer. >>well, theace for thehite house takin a big tur lt night as tuper tay sults have come in, spelling major vtories f forhelilion d d ump campaigns >nd here toreak it all do, these guys,rains off
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he ever der joining ut thisfarl m mning hours. got a a a l oformation, ri, frfr thehe et p inclclg sethi interestingng abou thecandidates'oter base. . >> look, the bottom lineor m is we have looke for republblan d disnsns thththpapay'sotdivided. th're embrang d dd ump. yo see massausetts and alaba a tennessee arkaas an ahetstess regionalivivsind ideoca diver ie t pay.y. ehing if youge the rty byy voters, d dd trumppowns tsarty rhtnow.e lrsrsre sg somet erert are cotae with. th voters ar s@ clearar and similarly acrossates it c tse leadads, republican tablishment, theirds he beenen pyiyg jnny cash god i inggo cut y y wn. shldldheeteningo yonce's formio& ho theeccile the difference, come o girls,et ination. there dinitel panied
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one examame of e pic is anti-tmpmporcaurrinciples behind it meg@ whitman, paulinge and juyestery,hey g jeb sh'sor okn bo d t havt. heueio, is i too late. >>hat is the big queson. and i trying toto think o anothehe beyoncece sosong. >> you d loveou bb. >> yeah. >> connunu the anogy. >> a lotf ways bere sand is seen by many sports irac th'shelo beyon i cogege at thi poin iteems asf esurningin ri >>hahas t. to aolutelyyy stble right now. she began this campaign a ehoas the likely nomie. was premed democratic@ nominee. now s earnene it. sheead the scare iniowa hampshire. e's rea bkow and tonight we ee herng out ofuper t tsdha
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and quo thewed. ts ght. rickr s fro the ex pol two differentnt pipiures what republicaca wante soone m me of a ouluider. the drats are goioi towar polical expepeence. what going to happenhent campaigns. >> youe seeing the visions in the country play out in the [ay you'r seuing r races begino sett front-t-ers come atis w wh entily different res rationalespainin drentntntntthoutstsnd passions othe fac one pareems closes to ninating hilry clinton sort of thultimate insnser and th oth party islose than ever nominitingg dond tr the ultltlte outside t tls y y thiss going to o ben epic clash. we loo f w is tss race goin t mr.thisiss no t a hardne to define if thiss hlary ton ainst donald trump,know whae fors s are. the votes ar speohat ght w.>> we ea asnigh ck mentied he e appeallo
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a who fds owd. whatid elearn a a dond trp? >> loo athoxit poll h donateino nyiffent ouou. bubu the oneroup that really i just shocked me the most is evananlicavors. he eededbz t.itaslout hed thths someoneed c c vulgarndrofa b the riceanrirontnen eicoters tonight. >> my moms says it is corinlnlanan is acptab. >> i was g to sayayo play the contrary gument,he is red fla for trurmp @t. marco ruo w stat g m rio b was trtrs t p pformancen ste onn he fishehe third placece there. with sny mididsttate ng ou havellinoi comingp,p,hi a b e state cg , perhaps there @s lite bif silvlv lining. >eot like t n delegates
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stick t thaha o o f fttttttbit?t?>>ouououw it..tt2w`t bt@qzj 2w2wd* "a"a"ad 2w2w@qamamtttt`tkftqtqtqtt4w`tkfd*" entqtqm ( tt4wd*" " t&t#p .d*" " t& d)< tt4w`td*" iztq .@d tt4w`t`td*" jntq$ kfd*" lzt& $]x x tuess ge w witththe wind weecided too go withyrd skar formusic. itereeend now it' . susur tueueay. st of f e ves count. we're bk with the m m master mds of ab covege. we want to ask you guys, what did yoyo l l fromlml s tuesday at y ydn'tttnow mdamorning. >>hank for thth styling th makss- i learned t t rco rubimabe s andnd not fire. i i ho by fthat h inveed as mucuc as he d i( ates likeexas in rtular, al alabamama andermontnd is
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is zero ofelegates out of these stes this is an a level caaign. theyeynow h how it wororoanwere stssinggre goingng eat intnthuz's lelead ke was confint veve tking about george stephanopoulos night. oingo getet delegates jt abt evywre >hat the d dsn't ratatat thoters? > themall han. >> and say t a all thatat at itk fired. it reded had imin size terallll@b donald trump said that little marco rubio. heas reduced in e minds o vote arere tha mea heh didn't get % of the vote that was thereshold. th w n aupre ad they didndn get . >> o of the mosising in that happedig bebebe sereruesd whehe w ard th berersanders raised$42 mon in fruary alone. that's me moy thth marco rubio o ised in hisisntee campaign. what'slso surprisinin is thatt bernie sanders who likes 0 talk ababtillionaires boesn't rerere like toalk aboututut
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hispaign event. >t dsn't get him any further. he a lot of nontt dn't help him in thend. >> hays he' going to go the cvention and goio ia in junethas ntyyf dels. h homey to go there. >> we we wttinin you typinin aw during the abc@ covererer st n nht durini&primetime coverage. what shocked you as you were there working > i got t t pell you, one of the st f fcinating things to m is th mosimpoant quality ters want to seen a candidate is thedada ares theiralue oeoe donaltrpal i th? he i i t worst r r rdidate in all the@tatelast nigig and in facttm every stata think in the candidate that shas my lues. so what isis on re? how you w w w@n the republicans don't think y you aris value 's bau there arewo oer alities that truru no pun tended, he bringshangng to wawainon and actuauayellst li it isis those are hisualities. >> iasas intt int i onxit pol psal ncen m mms fromm
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6% of repeplicansns >> no onekekeabouou this t t t ld trum it's leehe republicanarty didi't knono what theyy wanand till trump arrived and srted talking about thehehethings. he two-thirds of themn the same page is remarkablele >> lot o people w talking abouis chriie. >> the wasas tha lolo. gotl a shot of it en oitr. >>e@is stie. er standingehindhere or. what was the@dea with that. >> theost unlily allies.`. >> whahaha that lo? >> i i tnknk it'sstck at what'shapapning entt this mont. >> in frorof his eye >> we wan to tha youuys. ededle policici rhouseve thank you all you d for aba especially in the late night. >> super wedededayayeverody.e usk-ultr it e e eces`spturare `` !an inlt e s'g oft t bithqur.r.
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ide f elek xh... whenhenjoyoy,,rjzoro: anenenen fewi-y-ytrtrel. totoy y y ththth j j jonononicicic eveveveeeeeeee toi eaead frfrh. ininodododsoclick gel. click it innntototooyoyoyan f fshnene th ery lylyly arararalalalg.g.g. eah,h,lilili y y know e's s co lliquidd that lastfor twelve houou? y y lsymym twelve ur cough liquid. i!s advanced formula r reases powerful medinehat ts fast while its extdereleleemeicine las for 12 hrs. tryruelsym i nky promimed`nl)tttt girl` a fbbulous garn party for her htay. so i owhe ln, put up all the decorions. i tht i t erything.. most ethin you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a sepc disaster,
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exitencnc dishes. dishes, dishesesesshsh ery dish ever. onlylyinish thpower ball takononnything. enengh pressure here e r r ? i'm gonntake mucex sisima too lala, we're about t takekeff. these e ssve fast. they're neneliquid gs. and u're cing th me... you realize i have gold status? mucinesis-max liququ gels. dissolves fastst to unleashsnax strength dicici. let't'end this. today y u caca everyththth in just one clk, even keep your tlet clean d fresh. introducing g l click gel. clicitn to enjoylean freness with everyqy h. lylyl. start hehething. y yh, clili
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mentiod tuesday for the on the want to ovove to the white e use next january. >> a a while den statete ce out to havav t v vcess h%hrd oner esday, tandidates d plelenty to sthemselves. >> all across our country today, mocrats ved to break down barriere so@ we can rise together. and we kn we've got work toto do.bubu that work, thatorksot to make america great again. america nev stopped b bngea w h i tha t tscacaaigns not justboutut ececng a apreses it is a aut making a litical relution when we bring our peoplee together, w w we d not allow theonald trumps of the world toivide us up. >> this has been an a azing evening.
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states and it ooks like we couldin six o seven or eight or nine.they say the l lototr of the nightwamarco o bio ananit's true. he d d dt anhi hasn won. least`ou c s s shat has won somethg. yoyoknknknknhmarcrcha wo >> ysee,ust fiv daysago, b banomamahe true nature of the front-runners so far this race. five days ago, we began too exexain to the amemecan people that donald trump is a c c artistst >> we c c nominate a w washington almama propane andgar who has a lifelong patrn of using vernmentntower f personal gain. are t only campaign t that has beatete dond trump o oe,
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>> lady? i was going withhr timeses a dy. >> i know y y we. >> not quitan interesesngngnighgh also to see t t t exix polls showing that rublicacacare look for change and dhocrats kind ot a pololitical sider. >> somebodyho has expernce and you s that was reflected in thehi v ve o ier tuesdadait's going to o intererereg to see w wt has nextxt of course,e haveicgan comingngp a week and thehehe oridhihihi following. > looking forward to hour.
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also,, hillary ton'n' ins a a disappopotments after the super tuesday vote what she's telng ers bernie sasaers wningngngerl states. >> secururyshdown. apppe'e' intenseeg fig over te lked ho. the b b gamend priva debate on capitol hill >>nd later difcult queueions for "dancing wiwi t ttarsrs ho jn ews. living an anizing experienc ur he hea wrencng testimo her caseovesp forward. itit1wednesdaymarch d. >> annouer:r from abc nenews, tpis is "world news now." >> w say goodorninio you on this wednesy. i'm kendis gion. >> and i'm reena ninan. >> we'rereoing start of course, w whhe political owwnhat d deloped last nit. donald t and hillary clintonon ha tightened the grip on tir front-ruertasft what was thbiggest e-da haul of the prima season. >> trump sweeping theeanouth an gettinginsn vmontnt and massachusettttru inwith his me state of texas and oklahoma.
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this campaign inminnesesa. ominin t hird there. >> let's do e ath oe @ leletes. umpn the l ldutll far from wt he needs t secure the& nomimionon >> on th docrati side, hilly clninningev stes.% bprn s spi aliv king fououes. that incncludes colororo and minnesota. that said, cackip hundredsdsff new delegatat ading theou to da boront-runners though are looking ahe too ahatch-u-u in th genal electionsing their victory speeches torade jabs. >> it's your voicic yr voto. abc' mci gonzalez is covin l e v v vries frommaustin xaxa >> thehe pollslsre now clololoin every from sup tuesd stststst re's in texas, loss for dodold trump. but thatwasn't the cases in almost every other contest. afterayndig lonon lines and blotcounng, abcbc news projectininajajor winsor frontstsrereppers dond trtrp pd hillary clclton.
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have nev bee hier andhe rhetoric we'rere heang on the other sidedhas s ver r en.lowe i a youwre. once w g allfadinishedd i'm g gngng t t go after e person. that's hillary clinton. >> reporter: amomo the states projected t t be taken by to texas. thowus sta w@te mo delegateslsiving ted uz a crucial win athome. >> so long as the fieldremains divivid, donald trums patho the nomination remainsore likely. and thawould be a disasror puics. eporter: home state celebration for bernie sanders, toto the procted winr in vermont saying h hs deterredy clinton's overall sues >> it'sotinner tak l. byhe end o tonight, w w we are goingg to win many hundredsf degates. reporter: and senator marco rubio also vowing to stay in thth
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>> i i ilampaign as long assst and whavert takes t ensure that i a the next presentf theenited states. >epter: it wasb a bigay th p psible recor verturnrnt in severerf thth ser esy stat. edida nng ahead the%ntig primariesn iigan,ohio, florora. kend a arerereena? >>marcic thank you.u. as marcitioned c cz managed totoin his home state of texas oiding a losshatt cldave delivere a fat blow to that campaign. >> cruz also wonn neighboring oklahoma and poiedut he sharply diffefe from d#dald umppn k k issues.% abc's byronitts wh the senator in tetepp odmorning, byby >> repororr: well, when t cru took podium he e s flaed by his wifef 14 1/2 years, theieitwo small childrenen family d friends. he claimed victory making the se that he is nowow t oy reblicandidate who c walkn donald trum anhi that wis atemen, the m in the roooo
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relief. i talked tonub of suppters is afterward one gentleman telling , yeah, we won two states. four would hav bn better. i don't s tadth beatonalaltrum ie end. so a a the end of super tuesday, the republican fie wl be ju as crowdednedneneay with rubio saying look, wait for me. i canal downn t oncee we get to florida. cruz making the caseo you he's the onl alternave b b lots of republ who'sree talkedo here inn texas are anxis.thth believe t bt it mayay be too late foror any oer republican candidate to walk downald ump. reena, kendis, back to you.u.u. t you so o ch byron.n. let's get down to some analysis om what we've seen from vors. >> a sho t te o, we skeke witiur p/hiticic team. >>e have l lke forublicann divisiono. party is actctuallyy divided. they're embracing donalump.p. yoyo see massachuset and alabama andneneeeee and kansas and all ttates regional diversity and ideological diversity i&iide of e rty.
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partyy itsts voters, donald trump owns thihi par r rht now. >> a l o wsyseeny many of hisupporters ass irreplaceable. it seeee@ as if theid turning against him. >> that's right. clinton looks unstpable rightht no and she began ts cpapan asasomeoeo who was the likely minee. sh t presumed democratic nominee.e. nowwhe earnedit. she hadadhe scare iniowa. shsh took a huge hit in new mpire. she's allylyomee backow and night we see herailingut of super tuesday with that stro ld that she'sarnene >> and ourolitital coverage is far from over. we're going t t t hear froro siders fronm thery ininn cpaigft h her poti gns lastnight. th'sat in this h halfhour.. welel s se legal rulings involvingwo of the republican candidates starting with ted cruz. audge in illinois h diisisd a a lawsuit which med that cruz shouldn't be allolod on the b blot inhaha stateeecause he wasn'tor in the u.s. e case was town out on a
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still decidg`whetheoapap a aulg fr hen new york says a fraud lalat against dald trp cann continue the st aeges tttrump'ss er s s s foreal estate investors calle trump university w unlinsed. and deaudedtudents by havavgthem enll in ireasingly expensive seminars. it seeks $40 million in reitutioio and damages f for thsands of students. trump askeded thatthet be diisd.d& cecteddherequest. >>hehowdown twtwn app and the head of f ee i. atsue wtherhe c cputer giant should complyyhh a jujue's order too unlock an iphone owned by one of the san bernararar shooters.we get m more fm abc's >> reporter: from the crthouse to col hill. if y're eecng someby to oy ardero something they don wan to and you hahahat figuredut whehether you cocod do itt yoyoyolf eporter: the@ce pitting applegast the fbi took
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beforeheouse judicicryry committee. >uldd f be a aed to stst apple o or any com from offeririhe amemecan people thesafest ahd most cure products it ma. wre aing apple take vicious guard dogay. let us try a pick the lock. >> reporter: the fbinsng theyeye not asking apape to creaea a o o cled m micic key.y. theyeyan a aess too jnenene hoheororue is t tre sy elsls a and arhehe clues topt else avav ge on? that is our job. >> reporr: apple has already asked the courtto have this case thrown out. argugugg unlocking at one pho compromises@ t secury of millioio c c oototrs. >>8 t t t onlnly wayp we knowwould be to wte a piece o o sofofare that we vieie a sort of the software equivivent olf ncer. >>eporter: als weighing in is attorney general lorettaynch om a cybersecurity conference saying for t t vicmsnd the public, the govnment mus doo everythihi undnder theheaw to fully invtiga tererrist
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kekendis andnd reena? >> tnk t.t.he sexbuse scandal invoing the catholic pennsylvania. it rivals the scope o o scaals in boston a a iladelphiaia two bshopspsn altoonare a-cusedf covovinp h hdreded@d ofbuse caseses b me than 50 priests an religig leaders that's ovor a periodf 40 yearar the st aorney geralsasa no caveeen@ ashe of litions has expired inost cases. >> the sexexlssauauasee against b)ll cby pennnnlvania has b bn put on pending a a appeal. cosby expececd to appear for a preremiry heanc next w wk bug that ll now h he to wait whileudges decidid wer ha the case thrown out as cosby has requested. turning n to another dedeloping sto thihi momong. ateaea one conrmed a t#t ototr potenenal t t toror in alabama. ateast four people w we injured by aster southwewe of birmingham. packing sustainedinds yououavev 75 miles perer hourur at least a dozen hes sustained seriou damage. trees were uproroed a and power
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>> it wasn't a tornado b@ a a out-of-contrtl suv that all but destrorod rururtn wtow outsideffbost.. killing at leaea twoeoplendnd injuring a a lea sevthererer thth r rtaurant was packewith diners at e time off this accident. and severaleoeoe wer also on the sidewalk the suv's driver and pasasngnr ee bieved to havve suffered only minor injuries. no worddhough onn hat c csed thatsh. and that v s smmed rig a home right theren omoma, nraraa on n thth sidef the wall was 12-year-old boy's bedroom. jeffrey mooreen'injure possibly because had h h moved hissed to thethidethth room beor going to bed. ju hoursefeforehe crash. epdriv a a56-year-ol man was arsted on duducharges. of i south dakota, a victory for a aivistsuprtingtransgsgder righ. veas retoe@a a b that would haveeade the state the firir in the nationinis
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locker rooms tha mch t x atbirtrt had the republica governor says the bill does not addss any pressingissue. thebill's s snsoroays he will not fightheveto so regulariewers our showow may r rececl a litttleehile back we fture the newt eation of an bagel shopn ooklyn rainbow bagels. now a doughnutt shop is gting in on e@act. >> mo's dougs doughnut sho, that's quite aentence there, it's also in brooklynn cranking oul rainbowow dghnuts. it youieve it? it sold out on first day of sale. >> >momo say the rest iss not thesult of food coloring but achieved by combining different ugugutatrs. that's an intererting concept. 's not just fooddoling and icals. >> my daughter m mes ts is wither play-doh mache. i ndler to go woror f r themem >> i iop ts taste better than thos not bad. we'll check itout.t(
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making a politalal sta@ment usin manure? >> soahead, i iigroro hiary y y ton's campaiai. whats i irsrelngs a we continininur super tuesday coragentnter day.y.y. lerumtion andrt hedancg with t ars"andrews fing e difficult q qstion a aer another cocrt. >> >onon forget to follow uss at abnn..( you're wating g orld news now.w. i pinky promisis my y ttle g gl a fabulous garden n rty for her birtrtrt. so i mow then, uup ahe doratns i thouout i t everythihi almost everything! u know, 1 in 10 houses c get hibyby sepc disaster, and a bill of o $1$1000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x scientifically oven to breaeadownaste, , lping you avoid a septicisaster. rid-d- the #1 brandndsed by septic
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narrator: breakfast. dishes. dinnershes marriage. dishes rce.ishes. sleeping. (snoring)(sputtering)ishes. not sleeping. dishes. fe. dishes death. disisis existenc dhes.p. shesesdidiesesdishes. every dish, evy time onlylylyinisishas the power ball to take on athin this is nerararail ititolles leiningross germ-rden ai. orox toilet bobo cleaner with bleac is n nmatch for thatat but lysol rr toet bowowcleaner iminates meral build-yl and kills 99.9% of germs.
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whchoo anynying other than poweweof lol? and keep it that way for up to 4 weeks y lysol automatitoilet bowl cleleer. it'sot always as easy fome as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. -. wuse k-k-ultrel ititnhances bodods natural isture an get inttheeing of it a bit t icker. when kshe's feeling ke that, makes me feelelike wee both... en she enjoys , we enjoy it ev more.
1:15 am
,,, returning to ourtop stor donaldldrump and hillary clinton reliing thei super tuesday success sries. - trumph tttunced his fello riviviv claiming all b a fewviories. d cruz won a ce ac clingis hometate of tetes. marco rubio picked up minnnnesotot his firsticry and berni sanderer is still in the runningng holdinggg clinton f for thein ineveralstes. hillarinton follows up her big supuesday win wit a rally and conce in new york@k amononthos performg k k katy rryynd e e e eon john. >> clton'seam still s/undg notetedespite h victories astt night. >> good rninin rna and kendis. a big win for hillary clintoto e c%cebrated in miami, florida not in s super tuesday state. she's clearly looking ahead. her speechcho a fired up crowd made little mention of bernie sandnds.
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donald trump andndook a knoc at his caaign sloga sayin w w shoun't makamica great again, we should make amemeca whole. >> this c cntryryelongs toll d , n n notot jus thohot the p. not just t t oo people who look one wa_, worip w or enenenk onwawa we have t t makakmerica ole. we havav toilll. in what's been h hlowed out. >> repororr: despiti her lead, soces insid the campaign tell me they're not rdy t say the primary issoverer. they'rconfident wherere thehey standdnd t ty thinkome mah'looar ahead fe sander t t havav any reisc chce of winning g theh nomonati rerea and ndisis >> i found it interesting was
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voteteith the blala vote. and in e south ver importantnt in some of those key states. it t t t out hillary clintnt won blacks five oo onehenn comrerere to bernie sanderer and hisnics 2- the other t tng that' strikingng this is the fir time in themary process tt llary cltoon the whitete vote which s sad not in the prioususaces bense bere sanderu. she is solidifying h h atioio >> it's a fununone. it wil be aong g e, as well. coming up iurext half hour, finally feeling the weigh of gravity. asasonaut scott kellyanding back on eah overninit after spenenen over a year at thehe inteatnatays station. wh we hopot learom his rererdreakinta ithe cosmos. >> but first another d dficult day ifourtor en drews brking dn on the stand ring crosexamatio the defefense auing that t e nude imagess t taken byy h r stalkerer
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ypu're watchin"world news now." well,was another e emotion charged d in court for erin ews undfrgoi llioio lawswst. >> having to rele the pnnf discscererg tt was filmed in the nude in a hotel a anrewsw was alsls asksk i tho i images acally didur h career.r abc's eva pilgrim is covering this case. son emotial day on th and for erininrews. t overerhis?
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changed s sce a stalker posd a nakeddeoheon intert. drews is suing the man who etly recded that video michaeavid barrett a awell as the ownerer and managers of the rriott for $75illili, aingng t hoell m met for to filmm a ashe got ououof the shower nablgdgd nds.. >> theyers began the gruel agexaminatioio of and druzuze. argugug the nudeeecororngs havee not h h h a negatate impact on he career. >> you ao got a endorsement for diet mountain w. >> ye >> you also gotnndorsemenen for flolodaraejuice. >> yes. >> reporter: she says while herer career has donon well, her xiety has nshsh stayg in hotot s s very rd pepelelele i l lts i loor lights... ik to see if there's cameras.
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i check t tlarm clock.i cck the phone. >> reporter: t def t ted toet the judge t dismiss thehe ca.. heuled that t trial will continue and an injuryilil ultimate decide. eva pilgrim,m, abc news, nashvillll nta. >> part of the thingsshe jurors have to look at is how he was acedededethe r rm n ntt to her. was i i negligege o o beheh o thotndowashe unwear.e oeeng shehay @ is they never told,her head askebe in n n e room n nt door. >> he sownstairs near the restaurant,sked for erin ananews room, t tnww itop up on aterscreen, foundut wh room numbebe it s a a t t then asasd to be in the roomet do they didn't necsarily putne one together. 'll be back. 's the little things in lili that make memile. spdi d dayith my niece. i don't use e r poligripor hoho, beuse myy denenres fiwell. befo those little pieces would get in between my d`ntur and d gum and it was uncomfortable.e. ev welelfling letininood paicic st fews of super pogrip free
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so you're more comfofoable cocoident while you eat. sosot's not about kein my yenturerein,@ it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poliip free. did y knonothere's a coug liquid. that@ las for twlve hoursws try delsym twelve hour cgh liquid. its adncededormula rleases powerful l dicine that acts fast leleenderelee medstr ou try delsym this is mineralabubuup it collects leavg gross germrmididn stns cloroxoilet bowl cleaner with b bach is nh for thth. b5t lysopor ilet b bl cleane eliminatesesineral bubud-up eortressl and kills .9% of germs. to get your toilet trulclean, why choose anything othehethan wer of lysolol and to keep it that way for up to 4 weeksk
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i nky prisis mtt girlla falous garden rty for r r birthday. so i mowed the lawn, put all the decorations. i thought i got evevytyjyj. alalst everything! you know, 1 10 hohoesoeld get hit by a septic disasaer, d a billllf up to $1000. but for ly7 a moh, rid-x isiscienenfilly oven t brk downtete,`,flplpg youavoid a icisaster. rid-x.x.the #1 bnd used bybybytic ofessisials in thehe owntanks. enouom prereure in here fof#? i'm m nna a ke mucibex sinus-ma too latetewe're about tototata off. these dissve fast. they're`neneliquid gels. and you're coming with me... you realize i have gold status? mumunex sinus-max liquels. dissolves fast to unleash m m strengtgt medecine. let's end is. @ narratatat breakfast. dishes.
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marriage. dish divoe. dishes. sleeping.@ noring) (sputtering) dishes. not sleepipi. dishes.. life. dishsh.. h.h.ishes. existence. dishes. dishes, , shesesdishsh... ery dish, evertime. only finish has the por ball to take on anything. gibson. >> it' time f for "the mix." 're going to ged toernie saers first.
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in v vmo inupport of bernie sands. is is m.he had a gd victory inn hisis home state ofermont o o supup tuesday b r rents a a a a l loc bubuness calal artistsinc .are showing tir suppo by getti coololotattoos. it's lated in which knew ski. you seehis woman, s her?r? this iss christinenet. clair. she got h tattoo on her anknk but you can get it anywherer you likeke >> is tt gh >> y y were s sayin you neededd a new tattoo. >> maybe on n n ba somewhehe.. you know. alalright all righdht. no, i'm not feeling that b bern or pipih. nottt alall so wititr politits theme g here "the mix,"" you i'm going to gt on limb a say that donond trump i notot loved by evyone,ncluding this farmer that you see thehe. his name is jerry from stsbourg, ohio. so thiis what h h did with his rm. the sign t t say no trump.
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made out of.o.w.. cmanure. what? >>5 of his live stock, ye, f. stuff? stockpilil i and l led up. >> l lededll up, yepeah. on f fe. >> wowowtalk about dumng o >> tru dump. thereeou go >> you like that. >> thawas good. >> all ght. thank you. advertisement. ee snessp if you can run 10 1/2 mil per hoho >> h fast isthat. >>t's i stock@olm. apparent the sneneakers are inin glasascasese it is has a speeeemeter.r. it's attached tot glass sese you have toee fast you run. ifizouan do 10.5 mil in one hourur y get thoho sneakers. i do thr mes frep 30 minutes. you go three plulussthrehat's xileses pi'm ur short.
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reebok apparentlystillllnn busiss.. who knew? >> thehehe dng good. thth d dng od. >> so che this guy the important thing, you go to a a basketball game. even youay all thaha money to see the knisnd the on top of it, you're going to lose your beer whether he the ball comes near you for no apparent reason this isuring the ge againin accountororand trailillazers the gardrn. >> whoa. >>e lost his beer >> b yv k at willy. >willllndt sme wasrt about an he
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trump declarinvicty. >> wveveon f fe major states, and it lks like weouldin x x seven o oeight. we're going to make erica great again, fks. 're ing makakit great again. >>n a quest to defeat the billioire busissma marco rubibigetting hirst win, but hihicampaign tdiredit trtrp mostst fal short ated cruzu pickp st of f s own. >> god bless the l le star state. >n thdemocratic side, bernie sanders flush with millions in new donationnot gog anywhere.nnnng raates. im pududin-lues all aoss this countny.. c cnton looking p pt sasaers,p, tang aimimt trtrp's signature slogan. >> america never stotoed being great. weave to make america whole. >>night that belonond d the front-runners, where do all ras go now?
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starting now. >> annnnnc: frfrfr ns,s, s "w"wldlds now." hihidnesday ter super r tuesesy. m ndis gibibn. >> i'm reena ninan.. >nd whahaanxciting ght itit was, and what an exciting campaign it is going forward after the single b biest d of e primary seas. it@ts looking momo and more likely that it will be a trump vember. >nd let's take a closer look at theesults. trump sweeping theheeep p uth annew engld. cruz winng his h/he state of texas and inineighboring oklahoma. rubio with h firictory o this campaign in minnesota. trumcon third d ere. >> oka n take lot th all-imrtant delegate cou. trump in the ld but still very faom whaeedso secure the e minatiti >> on e democratic side, hillary clininn winning seven states. beieande kng h h h alive, taking ur s stes
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b we donow this. clinton isking up hundreds of n delegates leading the unt to date. ill l ough a lonwato go r her. well, republicans handing donald trp hihioverelming w w were apparentltlmovated by hih outsider statu[5 >ruelivived histo speech at his lasas vivh club in palmh,h, floridad calng himsmsf a unifier and taking aim at hillary clinton c'c' frisre. m mng, a.0 >> reporr: good evinininenna kendnd. tpe trump camp tells us they'r'r extremelelhappy and the thihgs that stood out to them,he numbererf firste vot@tand crossove votot whooted f dona t tmpmpn super tuesday. ee s sff@anananf @he fact that head thiat his headquarte in florida cannot be lost on anyone. florida is marco rubio's home ape. th vottwo weeks from todayay and right now ump has a mmanding lead over marcoco ruo.
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significant ties t the state flora saying h campaign headarters at the mira lagag club w ich he ns. ththgh this was a big g ght t#redonald trumphe's got his sights set on the next coup of weeks. >> hillary c cnton was ppelledto vtory by y mocratoking fofopolitical l periencece clilioi secured b wins in althsout states upor abs d d e pickp the lionon shareref tht letes er bernie ndndnl d d ipped away at s suppt among the youngegroup, 30 to4 age group. inn okedast sanders to - the general electiln and a likely match-up wi donald trump. >> instead of building walls, we're going to break down barriers and bui -- build ladders of opportunity and powerment.t. >> a clint ao lashed out at the gop accusing ththparty of tuing its back oworking and middle class americans. let's get more ininght on
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s fromhe key state of texa >> our own c's maraj gonzalezz is live for us a thi eararly morning hour in austin, texaxa marci, a bigight, no douou, as we mentioned for hillary clinton in texas as wells other southern states. but thiseally wasn't a ((mpmp sm-dunknk >> r rter: n/n irerely wa't.( was fairlqlgood night for rnieieanders. he w as s pected in his home statebut he alalals precectoic the moreininomom m coloradoalnenethta, sandnds poin outhougugese e not winner take all contests. so e en n the statewhere he didn win, he is stl going to pick usome deleges. he's movovg forward with momentumnd a ao doing rely wellitfund-raising. february, he raisededbout $42 million. that's twice as ch as e clclton campaign in janunuy. ndis and reena. >> incredible. he has beeraisisg a lot of ney. but athis campaign saying there totoght? repheheararunderreded
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sayi they're movforward, they're taking t ts campaign all e way to the c cvention. >>nd talking aut hilry clinton oncecegainini eve she was in floririnigh for her victy speech. it is big dayy ahead for. wh's next?< >> reporter:ght. so as you mentioned shy is looking ad to these next big primars. she was in flfda last night. their r imary coming umamah 15th. t tomorrow a ausy day. she'e'heading your w w wh twtw events in new york city. >> all rig. abc's rci gonzalez livfor us in as youtive, s, at this eay morning hour. marci, thank you. some very interestinin findin s o od poininint from the exit polls. g g gauau of how vo are feelg. whwh ask should t e nene prpridenrorooutse polil establishm 50%0%f republicans s id y. only 15% of democratstagrerewith at >> and on the flipside, whenenou asked should the next presidenen
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dedu in bluhere said yes, andn 39% of republicans in red, t fyy saididhey want somneneitit tical experience.. keep it ghhere for more susur r esdaelectiti c c c and ananysis we'll che inning with marco rubio's c c cighat't'ter this halalhour. >>'re going to mone onon the politically charged bale over the supreme coururnominee. despe a meeting with the - prident on tueueay, republican adaddon't appear rha changedetheir mis. they a a standing b their mmitment to not consider a new justice until after the election in november. democrat lr rry reid joked th theheroup spent l ofofofe talking about psketball. >> andnd another hig prolele showdodo, ts onon bweenenhe fbi andnd apple pying out during fbi director jamesey and apple clashing over whether the computer giant s scomply withhe j j's order to hack intone of the sasarnardino
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>> t t tbi iinapple to weaken the security of our products. hackers and d bercminals coulduse thiso wreak havoon our privacy and d rsonalalety. >> thegs alrlrdy a door on that pne. esneially we're asking apppp take thehe vicios guard dog aleleus andnde ck. >>he dirr admitted it wa miake whenhe fskedhe whien the phone to set thpass. for farook's id count. d tassword not b bnresese the phone may have made a a fresh backup available to inveveigators. >> the nation's largest electricic mpany sa i is cocing u uer ineasing c cerattack, much of f it from hacacrsrsacked by foreign governments. the o ofuke energyy which servesore than 7 millionon stomertetha. t tt t the numbmb o cyrattacks his compapa deals with every day is astounng and they'r' coming from naon es tt artrying# penetrate syems. ththsporor authorityayay it's on track to shuits doors permanently.
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ppans to file for chapter 11 bankrurucy if ititan't find a nenebuyer. e sportsuthoty is faci heavy debt and fierce competioin the face e the new taililrendndnd fashioiocus`athletetear taking customers away from traditititl sporng gds stor like e sptsts authoritit >> may omay not be weari my yoga pants under this it. the furururs looking goo for st food chickeke especiallz if you're willing to chuck your cellllhone. chickefil-l-is offerin customers in50 stores a coop not for chicns but for y yr while chching down will be rewarded wita free ice dream cone.. 'sledce dream ne chicic fayayay say they're tryingngo cree spa where fami and frids can spend quality ti together. >> so u'll do it at >> i'megetarian. >> so it doesn't matter. you'heckouphone there anyway. >> they do have salads over there. >>food getetng us ry. nonoatter what you t of
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state of vermont might have just the drinfor you. >> oh, boy. yep. it's'called the bernrnrneie, a prododt of the zero avavy brewew inn ryington vermont. the beer iss described as a pslightly sour, fward thinking be weisse. bebeiner. see,'m not a beer drinke thank u, g gtlemen. >> beer drinkersrsill know what at m m theyrted sellili o osuper tuy mning a abof of it was ne in the rst hour. >ow. guess ititd. t's s s avavaabletathat rticular brery, b bthe way. >> just looking over the nos here on this one. apparent it't'3.2% aohoh b b meme it's a lilil)be. 3.2.2 at not even likekekgood ian ale. >> i i try i >> a few of them statatag g t there. >coming up in "the skny," some new p p ptures of britney spears, and iant to see if you'll be able to recognize her. >> that's s tease. also ahehehererninto our
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fyectatis an y aayinfini. wfo. s 10x we. rewritththrules.s.alwa.. this is mineral build ititollects leaving oss germ-riddestains. ox toilet bowl cleaner wi bleach no match for that.. but lysol power toiletowl cleaner eliminat mineralal bud-up effortlesy ananlls % . to g youto uly cln, why chthg other thanthe wer lysol? ananto keep it that wayy for to 4 wes
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state and okma and ter a week of firing off bruisi insults atrump, marco rubio pied up p firs viory minnesota. >>s mamao rubio, he's hog mp ent tay in mhin. rubio and e otr puicans e eparg fofitomomoow's dete whichchill takekelace in n detrt. >he florida senator is expected to contin hammering away at the ont-ruer donald trump of cours jt as hd st n imiam c'eyis t. rortete goorn reena ana kendis. mamamages s etist win. or 15. buu aico'tl tot. he w energicheaseat. e crually so one @first words out of moh, donaltrump. he called himim a a cartist..he said, look,, state by atat theolls show@ thahat donald
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couny of uerdogsgsnd we will w)w.(evezs verptistiliokg fpard to therida priry whh is jt epepaway. dlates atastake.a er-take-state.hehsays i know how to o orididinterestininy s w donana trump i c clyavored totohhe. reene&anankdis? s stng h h on 15th in florida, manyre saying that they don't s s scan hahaha go f f f f f the w w a a ally a a ry nsertive influcealalalrororo in florida t t t tayayingg thehe arerererererere lilily gogngngo enenrsrsted d cruz.hohohoho oa blow cooisisispaign. thererararpeoplealking he could be put in for the next race for flori governor possibly. sosohere'seaeaea buzzzut at bow lonon can hetata in? people waiting to find out.t >> one of e thgs ricicklein who we're goingo havav ib ope t t half homomrs w m mentioning that itlly was an ful night r o rubibi for one e ing,n texas, he might not have won a sine delega. the same story possible in b b tennessee and lahoma..
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dndv makakth thrld, heighthv he picied ua ngle degate nse stas. 's'sy a b g de#p>> nt lls s`s`g at publicans want i imee wipa frt t t t t more o outsid, not a washingt insider, someone who's bn . c e p#lititil systst likikikrco rubio o peaps. >the met, i i i ihoulul point outhahahahaha n n n y y y nepepepeiii a a a a ump,p, h h h hdldleehihiorhmpdsdsmake a arici mimimimi"" cleay they're not a fan. they say the complete guide to cape a arica i iouou win.n.>> c cininin, a cecebrbry phphphphcocococorsrs >>lus, why b btnpepes s ys
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whwhwheoe e ink anymymym"t"t skinny" is next. kinny, so skinny our "skinny" leaeathisis mornrng, lena dunhamampologizing >> t star ofbo's "gigis" apparently ue totoe gnine hersf on the cover magazin dunhamam posted a a pictutu of hef from a previous photo shoot and accused t t mazine of d dng me than the avege phosp. >ut ler she a alogizeze saying "it't a weird feeng to e a photo and not knkn i i i's
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dunham then tnknk the magine fo helpi briri the issue to her attention and said that she'e' "g to get to the bottomf this ia bigger w w." i wonder wt t`at means. wnever photoshop arou here so that nev a problem for us. nextlet's see if we ink brbrney just looks this go o if t tre's ptoopopnvolved. differert batch ofofelebrityty magazehotos argetting attention overnit. >> britntnpes wh a fferent looooin this s read for this magaze re.. you see itit taken bmari testino who o s shot many famousus faces s uding incese diana. we're n/t s s s how tched up theses shoho are, but the 34ear-olol m of@ two certataly isn' camer ths "v" magazine..>> in t e rview fothe gazine, spears talks about her upupming album about beiei judged in thehpupuic e e saying i allyon't ce what peoplpl think but she looks amazing. >> why do we think it's photoshopped? it just loooo aittle
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>> in whatay? >> i don't know. there e e no fine lines. see, i can'n'really tell. i'm one ofofhese people who can'tell when things have been phototoshopped. ou d d'trino it to my tention. she looks great. why that not -- >> have you seen your abc glamshots? i'kidding. m kidding. ose haha never been touchehe up. >> ts,endis. >> kidding. how much longrereouoing be staying here? exactly. >> next thquestion fans s everhere havevto anawer. batman o o operman. ahead of the@ filhere the twsuper heroesace-ofofof a a cisi hak t tbe madso that benck plays tm decided to sososo tototots awa brothth ststios while waing in babaobile. >> that'sind of co whenhe guideeded who they think wld win ie epic babale many w wt with thehe obous choicecef supermanan a dismay affffck q5ickly t tk issue with thehehoice. when affleck cfrtedomee fans, ey didn't exactly recocoize him.
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real? >> i would have thout it was likeomsuper d!mmy. >> it's pretty c cl.l. niceunt. >> and finalhe, aououple of quk notesut a ppopularseries getng thehreboo treatmtn c's rent company disne announced e casting of "gh hool musical.. ten years after t originall premierete n n word y if tre wille appearances frohe . alni of the fit frchihe. >> yes. >> and nickelodeon's "legends of the hidd tple" is coming back ithee form of a aictional ma f f tv movie. followi three slingkgkgying to overcome e stacs. we uure if they'll bee o@n eide of th purplpl p pprots or blue barrrrudas, of cose. it will premiere later this year. >> i'm still waititg f f "le dare" totcome back. rememeer "double dare"? defefitelelu wowo up likekehis.s. > ying to o ve yoursrsf.vorce. dishes. sleeeing..(s(sring) (sputterin dishes. t sleeping. dishes. lilidishes. death. diss.
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shes, dish, shes.... ery dish, everertimene on fish has s s power baba to take on anything. day can do everything use click, neneneeyour toilet clean n d frh.h. introducing lysoclick gel.clicn enjoy clean fshness with every flush. lysol. start hehething. yeah, click enough pree in here for ya? i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-ma tolate, we're about to take off.ese dissolve fasas they're new liquid gels. anyou're coming with me..... you u alize i have gold ststus? cineh%sinunumax x gels. d-d-olves fast to 5nleash max strength medicinene leles end this. get tfady to shohoyour ror withthoots touch-up om ne'e'sy. selessly blends with leading shad, even salon shades in just 10 m mutes. fonatural okg cocor as real you a. show t world your root
1:53 am
i pinkpromised my litjleirl a fabuloarden party for her birthday. so i mhe lawn,n, put up all the decorations. i thoughi got evhing. almost evevithing! you ow, 1 inin0 houses ct hihiby a aepticjdisasaer, and a billf up to $13,000. but for only $7 a momoh, rid-x is scientificalllloveneno break wn waste, helping you d a septic disister. e brand used byeptic ofesonals inheir own tanks. it's not always as easy for me t t fororim... 's easy for memeause look at her. ... . so we e k-y y tragel. it@enhces my body's nanural moisture soso can get i io the swing of it a bit t icke
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ititakes m melikwee bothth. when she eoys it, we e eoy it even more. anani enjoy it. fefe theheifference wiwiwi-y tragel. id you know ththe's s cough lliqui at lasts fotwelve hours? try deym twelve hour cough liquid. its advanced formula relelsespowerevl dine tacac fast while its eended ree medicine lasts f/r hrs. try delsym . today you can doverything in just one click, even keep your toilet clcln and frh. inododing lysol click gegogo ick k4 inn to enjnj can freshssss with every h.
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rpabe rld >> 34040ays in space may sound like fun but it's tough on the human body and that stretch of timememewas how long astronaut scott kel floatininng in earth'sbiit's incredible he's back. >> until he finally landed overnight. sesepe that kelly's at odurae lp u take a leap toward a mission to mars. head a big thumbs up.. abc's s ururystehamore. >> reporter: astronaut stt ley y eeting photos his st sunse fromlspace. with that hatctcosing on the - russian soyuz z z ule key head bacac to earth, thika after 340 days oiting earton the inrnatnal space station. key is n thehemerican w` sp it's not like i'm clbi the re. i recognize the rtan of we're d dng. >> ror kelly handed overer command of the iss to stt the
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>> which, of coursrs is wa tteruet enou lea ts eded pla. e>orter: h h hid good ght t to e one last time pososng isishto o o oitter. engines thrusus >> reporter: last yeye this so use ocketnchehefromom kastan beginning k's journey. >> a year stas now. ororr: thehuoint othe na misisonono figure o o if f humansould survive t marst would require a ar and a half in spacac ck h he onn ear year, sct's twi brother, retired astronaut mark kelly, has been dergngesng athe me ti. ientntts will coare thtwo meme wn sttretus. telling abc ns last ar. i h h theheeaeasy part.t. >> rorter: a a a ahihi do scotthink hans can make to mars? >> froa subjececve rspective, think absolutely. scott kelly back motr earth after 340 days in space. >> reporter:r:vernigig, kell totohiown in kazazhsta notestininwill begin t t untand how the ltimemen n ace haaffected kelly's body.
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dadaenyear or more in t on a s)sgle mission.n. reenand kendis? >> it's true. the effecton the body, your taste can change.e. your bone mass. your mclclan all cnge e cocoletely >> andndhey did giveve auick medical eckuku shoul point he' going to gack home fairly quicicy. 's eected tonighin houston, texas. >> i hope his brother is cooking dinner tonight. >> he e ould. and gabbyb d >> don't miss r updateteon
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south and new england. oyed byyyyppp voters l l lng for a a litical outsidid. on the democratic s ue, a ththbelonged thillar clinton making a can sweep er b bnie sanders acacss the southtwi the helelofinority vote. clinton immediately pounced trump caing him m visive. full coverage igig ahead. > and despi aeeting wh therent on tuesda republican leaders don't appear
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feel t t differee wh k-yululagel. toy yocan do e erything in just one k, evenp your toilet clean n d fresh. introducing lysol click gel. clclk it in to enjoy clean freshness withry h.h. lyso .start healthing. yeah, click did you knothehe'e'a coug iquid at sts f/twee h hrs??trlsym twelve hour coughahliquid. its advanced formula releasespowerful medicihat acast while itstsxtended relelee medicine lasts for 12 hours tttryelsymm .. pinky promised mlittle gir a falousus gararn pay for her birthday. so iowed the lawn, put all the decorions. i thought i got erything. almost everything! you know, 1 10 uses could get hit atic disaster, and bill of up to $ 3,000.
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dishes, dishes, dies... every dish evtititi only finishas s e power ball ak ag. enoughressurin here for ?i'm gonna ta minex sinus-max. too late, wee ababt to tata offff these diolas they'rli gs./ and c cinwithe... yoree ved usus munex sinunumax liquid gels. dissolves fast nlea m strh mecine.t's thisisis today can d/ ething// in just ono clicic even keeyoyo toilet cleaanfresh. introducg lysyl click click it in to eoy clean freshness wi every ush.h. sol. art t althing.g. eah,h,lick all ghgh you know, millions of amerans t tir v v as you ntiod onuesd f f the
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the white house xt janryry >> and whilele dozen s ste t to he e eir voiceceard super tuesday,`the cand had plen to say themsesees. >> allcross our country toda democrs voted to breow bars s swe can all risestogether. and w 've got workrko dodobut thatatork,t workno to me america great again. america nevestped being great. >> whai i ve said isishat this campaign is not just about tingng prerede. it i iabout mamang a pitical @ @ rerelution.(en we bring oupeopop together, wh wdo not allllll the dold trus ofof w wld to@d@dididid up. s s en an amazing eving. alreadwe'vfi major
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orine. they say the loser of the night marco rubio and itit true. heidn't win`ything.. hasn't won. least y y c say that ted han someththg. u knowowmarco has not won.n. >> you see, , st fe ys ago, we began to unmask the te nature of the front-runners so faininhis race. five days ago, we began to exexexn to the american ople tpat donald p p aononon arst. we canonate a washington dealmaker, profane and vuvg, o has lifelong prnrnf using governmeme power f psalain. wewere thehenlcampaiai tt has been donond trtrp oncele twe, three times. n lady? i wawagoing witheeimes a lady.
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>> not quite. >> it was an int`ting ght. al to s s s t exitt popls@s owing that replilins rll are lkingngor c cha and democrats kind ont a political insider. >> s sody who haexperience and you saw that w w refcted inhe vote on supuesday.` it's gng to o ntntesesng to what hns next. of course, we have mhigan ming up aeek d th idand io following. > lookinrwd to it. thas the news f this half
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the super esy vote. at tngupporters bs winning g g l states cuwdown.% appls intense l fight a teorist locked iphjne. the blame gamend p pcy dedete on capitol hill. > a bter,r, difficult questions for "dancing withthhe stars" host erin andrews. relivi an agonizinexperience court. her heart-wrenching teteony asher case moves fororrd. it wednesdaymarch rnd. nnncews, th is "7orldldews now." >> we do good g toouou ons wednesda i'm keis gibson. >> and i'm reena ninan. re g gng start, of course, w whhe itical showdown that developed last ght. ld trump and hillaryrylinton ve tightened the gri thehe fronononnner status after r rt was the biggest one-day ha of the primary asas. >> let's look at the rsus. trtrp s seping the south and
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maachusetttt cruzon in s he state of tetes s la rubio with his first victory this@sampaign mnesota trcong in ththere. >> l's do o the math on the delegates. trump in the lead but still far fromt needs to cure the nomition n n e democratic s se, hilly y@inton winning seven states. bernie sanders keeping hope alive, takg four stat,t t includes colojado d esota. >> that t id, clinton racking up hundnd of new deletes leleing tht count to de. both front-t-n.ers, thgh, arere lookinahead to a mch-up in thee general election using t t victoty speeeso trbsb >> it's s ur voi, yo vot abc's marci i alezs covering all the viories frfb ausn, @ tes. >> rorter:
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news projejeing`majojowinsnsor front-t-nnens dona t tmp and hillary ton. >> thehetain this electiti have never reegher. anthe rhetoric we're hring on the oide has never be lower. >> i am a unununr. ce@ee get af thi finished, i'm going too o ter r one persrs, , at's hillary clton. >>eporr: 9 sta ecton byby cln, tasas rhou state witth st deleges ao giving t t t cruzuzcialal at >>o s t eld reins ded, d dald trp's the mimiti remem m me li. an w bdisaer for reblicans. r rorter: h he stste lebration r bernie sananrs, too. the prprtetetennern vet sayingnge isndetetred d clinn'ovovallluuuuess. it's s t wier t te alal by the end o otoninit, we are going g wiwimany y ndreds of dedegates. >> reporter: and senator marco
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stat #iililcaaigngns longngit takes and wherever ittakes t % ensure thatm e next t of thehenited states... >>eporr: i is a big day th p psible r cord voter turnrnt several of the per tuesday states. the candididesesow looking ahead to theext big primaries in michigan, ohio, d florora. kendis andeena? >> marci, thank you. as mar mentioned cruz managed to win his home statatof tas avoidingna losthatould have devered a fatatablowo th aiai. ruz w ineighborin okho. d he ointed oute sharply diers om donaldltrumpmon key issues. abc's byron pis th the sesetor in texas goodorni, bybyn. repteell, when ted d uztook theheodium he was flanked by his wifof 11/2 years, their two small children, fafaly and frieies. e c cimedvictory,aking the casehat he is w the only rereblicic candite who can lk dowdonald trump. while that was his atememt, the mood the room s lescelebratory and more lief.
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gegele tellili me, y yh, w twstatat.. four would h h hbeen better. i d d't suhehe math a a a h h we can beat donald trump in the end. so a a ae end of super tuesday threblican fld will be just as s owded on wedneaa with rububoee rubp sg, l l waitorore. can walk dtrumumum we tototorira. uz makakg thease he's the ly altern butots republicans whoo weo hehe in n xaou they believevehat may be t o lala for anyhythererepeplican candidide t walk k kh donond tpump. reena,endis, back to y. >> tnk you so much byr. let's get o soso a asisi fromhawe'ven froro te. >> a ahort timimago, w% oke th our p pitic t t haoodederepublic divisions. party ctctllllnov v they're brbring donarump you u e massachuses anan alabama and teteessee an arkansas and a a thehe states gion diverty andnd ideololol didirsinside of
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the thing is if you judge a party by its voterer donal p p ns t ts party right w. a lot of way bnie sanderss is seeny m mf his supporters as irreplaceabl ip seems as if theidis turning against him. >hat's righ ton@n@oks s stpablrighth now and she begen this@samamign asaseone who whe likiky nomie. e wae um demococtiti minee. now she's earned it.(( she d e scare in iow she ok a huge hit in n hampshrely comombackowlw ni see her saingut ofofuper tuesday with that rongngd thathe'sarafd. >> and our political covere isis far fr over. e going g hear from insidersrom m e hillary clinton campaiai aftft her politjcal gains last night.. that's later i ithis half hour. well, some legal rings involving two of the republican idates, stating with ted cruz. a dge in illinoioihas diissed d lawsuit which claimed that cruz shouldn't be ald ononhe ballo@ininhat ate because he w wn't rn in the s. the case washrown out on a technicality.
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apapal. d a ruling from urt re i inew york ss fraud lawsuit agaidonald t ump c cont the suit alllles that trp'p#p# fofoer sool f&r real e eate invests caed trump univerty unlnlensed. d dedeauded stents b bhaving them enroll in increasininy expensivseminana. ititeeks $40illion in restitution and damages for thousas of sdents. trtr asked that ththsusu be dismissese thcocot rejected teque. > n to the showdown o o catol hill betweenpple and theead of the i. at suhther theompur should comply withhe judgs order to lolock an iphohohownededy one of thean bebeardino shooters.s. we g gorobnow om abc's's elizizh huhu >> reporterjrothcourththse itol h >> iyou're exeecngody to obey an order to doetetet they don't want too and you u haven't ev figur out whether yocould dodot yourself. >> rtete thease piing apple against the i ok center statan n shington with h h bobo sides making that case
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>> shoulthe fbbe allowed t stop appleler any company from ofofring the`emerican pepelehe safest andt secureductctct it c ce?e? >>ssssentitily we'e' asking dog ay. let us try and pick the lock. >>epter:r:he fbi insisti ey'r'rnot t king apppp to o create a so-called magickey. tainingghey wanted access` just one iphone bongingo the e n bernarno shooter for ues. are there clues to what else that is our job.b. >eporter: apple has a aeady asked the cots to ve t ts se thrown out. argulocking that one pne compromimimithe secucuty of millio ohers..>> the only way wew w uld be to wtete piece esosoware th we view as sort of the ftwa ealalt t canr. >> repr: ao weighing in torney general letta lynyn from aybersecucuty conference sayi t for t victims and the publ t govovnmmmt must do everything under theaw t fullyestigate terro atatcks. kendis a reena?? >> thank@you. another sex abusandal
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erupting in pennsylvania. it rivals the scope of scands in bosn and phadelia. two bishops inltoona a acse cocerg up hundreds ofofse c c by more thaha50 priests s relilious leers.s. that's over a period of 40 yearars.s. the statats atrneyegenenen says no chargegehaveeen n led as the statute of limitations has expired in mcases. >>he sexual assat ca agnsnsllosby in nnsyaniaas lddingngn appealalcoy was exctedo appear for a prelimimary heing ne weeee bubu ttl now haveo wt whwhutgeideth havehe ce throwut as coy has requ turning w to another developing sryryhis morning. l lst one confied awo her ntiaiatoads alabama. at least four people were e ivjurereby a twister s/sthwewst ofofirmingham. packing sustainedinds of 75 miles r hr. at lea a dozen homes susused serious damage. eewere uprooted and power
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it wast a aornado b an out-of-control suhat all b b b destroyed a resurt i i i newtowowoutse of bost, llinin at lea two peoplplplnd inng aleast seven others. the restaurant was packed with diners at the time of this cident. and sevepeople were also o the sidewalk. the e s driver passengerer are believed to ha suffered d onlylyinor injuries. no word,hough, on whataud thatrash.. > and that suv slalaed r intoto home right there in omaha, nebraska, on the other -yeaeaold boy'bedroom. jeffrey moe wasn't injured. possibly because hadade moved s d@to the o sididid the roomomefe going g gbed just hrs before thc ash. the driver, 56-year-old man, arrested on dui charges in s d dotavictory fo actctiss supporting transgender rits. the governor has vetoed a bill that wouou havde the stata the f)rst inhe nation to require tranender school udents to usbaththomshand
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republblan gdovovnor dennis there says the bill does not addre any presng. the bibi'sponsor ss he will not fight the veto. >>sosoegegar vwewef r r ow may receea little while back, yoemembe we featured the e wesjation of a bagel shsh innrookly the rainbow bagels. w a doughnun shoisisisisng in on the ac >> e'souous -- ughs? -- >> doughght shsopop thasp qtesentence there, is a ao i i brooklyn crank out rainbow doughnuts. it sold t on@nts first df lele >momo say t rsult issot th resultf fddoloring but@ achieved by combining difrent doughn batters. that's an intntnsting concept.t. chemicals. >> my daughter makes this is with her py-doh chine. i shou send her to go work for th. >> i hope thisisastes tter phose. nobad.d.
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ominin pn "the x" -- who is makg a p political statement inanure? aahd, sighfrom hilllly clton's caaign. what insiders are telling us as s continue our super tuesday coverage into per wednday. > later, humiliation andeartacheordancing with the stars" host eri andracing one dficult questn after ot court. don't forg tfollow us us @abcwnn. yore wching "worldews s w.""den party for her birthday. so`o mowow the law put upll the decorations. ght gogoevevytytngng most everythinin u ow, 1 ininhouses could gegehit by a septic disastst, and a bill oup t$13,000. but r only $7 a month, r-x is scientificay proven to eak down waste, , lpinyou avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 brand used by septic
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narbator: breakfast. dish dinner. dish. rrrrge. dishsh. divovoe. dishes. sleeng.nong) putttting) dhe sleeping. di. fe. dish. deatat dishe extence.ishes. s(shes, dishes.s. evy dish, evertime. only finh has the power ball to take on anything. thth is s neratabuild up it colles leaving gross germ-rididn ststns clorox toioit bowl cleaner with bleach iso mah fothat. but lyl power ilet bl cleane elimineser d-upororessl and kills 99.9% of g g,
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oose anythinother than the powe lysol? and to keep it that y upupup4 weeksh y lysol automac toilet bobo cleaner n n always as easy for memeasast is for him..." it's easy e!r me cause look at r. awaw. soe use k-y ultragel.. itnhans body's turara moisture so i cananan into the swing it t bit quicker. anwhen i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. i joy it.
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> retug g our top sry, , donanana trump and hilla clinton shshg theisuper r esesy succs stories. trumumurouisisellow lslslsls aiming all but a f f victorie ted uz won a couple of races including s ho ste o&o texas. mao ruo picked uminnesota, s first victory, and bernie sandndndis s sll in e running holdg off clton fothe win in several stes. hiy clintotoowup her bigup tueay winssith aally and conceere in new york. amamg those performqng k ky perranelton john. >> cli'seam l soununng cautus dpite her victories last night. >> repter:r:ood rning, reena ankekeis. n llary totote mi
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she'e'clearly looking ahea her speecho a a red d cwd made little men bernie saers. she focud onhe gop, nameme donana ump, andndnd toooo a knock atis c cpaign slan, sayinin sho make america grere again, we shouldldake americ whol >> thicountry belongs all us, not jt the the to nost tpeople who look k e way, worship one way or ev ink one y. weav me amolwe hto fl . fill iwhat's been n n ow out. >> u#u >> repter: now despite cltotos les, srces insidee the@amn t t m mtheyeeot readad to say e p imararis ovo they're confident where ey and dnthey think come mimarch she'lle too far for rnie s sders to ha any realistichanan of winninin the nominanaon. rn srss vowin sy
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sanders able makup the voteith the blvote and in dhe s sth very importt in some e those k states. t t t out hillarynt won blacac fipto o o when compared to bernie s s ers d hispans 2- the othth t tng that's strikiki, is ththfifit timeme in t priry pcess that hilly clton won e whe , wchhe had notn t the previous races againsternie sanders,o o e isiseally solidifyg hesituatioio >> i is a fun campaign. >> it is. itilbe a long one, as well. coming up in our next half hourfinanay feeling`the weight gravi. astrtrscsct kelllandndg ckn earth overninit after spendi over r yeye athe @ inteional ststion.what we hope tlearn his cord-breakingtays in thehe coos. ut first,ther difficult day in crt f en andrews, breaking dn on the stata ri crossssxamination. e defense arguthththhe de images tan by her stalker mamahave h hd career.
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thts cas >> reptete a secd emional day on the d for erin andrewew >> do you bebeeve e u tl ever t er this? >> no. >> reportete detaiaingow h h tife hashang since a stalklk posted a naked video oher on intete. andrews isis the manho secrcrlylqlqorded that veo, michael vid barret as well as t owns and nagers of the marriott for $75 million, claiming the hotelade easy for him to film her as she got, ououof the shower nad. the lawyers beghe gruelling @ cross-exexination of andrews, araring e nu recordings t hahaa negetive impacon heh re >> you also got an e eorsement for dietetountain dew. >> y. >> you also got an endororment fofofloridorangnuiui. >. >epter: andrere ss whilele her career has done wellll her anxietyt has not diminished. ayinin hotelss still v haha foror her. >> staying in hotels is still veve hard for me. i look for lights. i look for red lights. lolo to see if there caseras.check e bed.
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i chececthe phone. >p reporter:he dencn tried to get qhe judge to dismiss the . case.. redhathll and jurwill ultititely decide. eva pilgri aba newew shville, tenssee. . . >> part of the things the jurorswillll have to lk at i is howow exactlheas placed ithe om nt to her. was it negligence on b balf of the hotel and how wasas she ununare? one the thishe's sayiyi they never told her he had asd to bin them nene door. >> one o othth critical thingng i read tt took place is he was downstairs near theaura asksd f f frin andrdrs' room, thenaw i ipopp on na computerscreenenfound out what room er it was and then asked t be in n e roomexdoor. they didn't t cessarily put one and e togegeer. we'll be b bk. i dot use sur popogrip for hldl because my dtures fit well.fofo tse little pieces would get in between m mdentntntnt d um and it`s uncoortable. evenelttures letin foortrtlele ststew dabof sur poligrip free
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soououe more comfortable a a confident while yoyoea so is not out epingmy denturein, 's about keeping t t foo les out.. y super poligrip f fef did y know there's a cough iquid that lasts for twelve hours? y delsis twelve hour couou liquid.its advavaed formulala release powerful medicine that acts fast while its extended release medicine sts for 12ours. try delsym . thth is mineral builil it collects leaving gro3s g-rm-ridden stains clorox toioit wl eanewith bleach is no match for that. but lysosopower toilet b b beaear elimimates mineral bubud- effortlesy anankikiki99.9% germs.. toto getr toiletet truly ylean, why y oosesenything other rhan ththpower of lysol? antoeep itithat way for qp to 4 weeks
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i pinky promised my little girl a buus g gden rty for her rthday. mowed t lawn, puup all the doratio i ought t got everything. alverying! yoyoknowow1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster and a bill of to $1$1000. but r on $7 a monw rid-x is scientifically proven to break down wte, helpg youavoid a septic disr. e #1 bsed`ep professions in the o !tanksk ouou preururere for r ? i'i'gonna ke mucucex sinus-maxn o late, wf're about to takepeff.these dissolve fast. theye new liquid gels. anyore c cg with me... you realize i ve gold d d us? mucinex sinumax liquid gel dissolves fa to unleash max strength medicine. narrat: breakfast.
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marriage. di. divorce.ishes. sleeping.(snoring) puttering) disiss. not sleeping.)es. life. dies.... death. dishes. exisisise. disiss. dishes, dishesesdishes... every , evertime. only finish hathe power ball e e nyg. stop laughing m m kens bson. t's me f f "the e x." mm going to pos this to them later. we're going to g tbernie sasaers first. apparely you c c get a tatto
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this is him. he h h a good victory in h me s4ate of vermont on supup tuesday,y,ut@residen at local business cd artists inre sngngheir s gng cool@ tattoososyou see this woman, e r? thisiss chstine st. clair. e got her tattoo on her ankle but you n get itnywhwhe you lile. >> is that rht >> yououere saying yououeeded a a w tattoo. >> maybe i could get it on t back meere. l ririt, no.. i'm not feeling theheer the pinch.h. nol at a.. so with r potics theme going herethe mimimiyou know, , , going o on a aimb and say y at donond trump is not loved by everyone, including is fmer that you s tre. hiname is jerry om strasbourg, ohio. so this what heid with hi farm.. thth sign t tt says "n trump,"
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that sign, it't's made out of cow manure >> what? 1 f his livestockye, that stuff. >here d d de put all at stuff?f? stockpiled it t d liup tomorrowowe's gointo l lht it on fire. >>owtalklkboutumping trump, h h. >> that isis t d dp. trump dum there you . >> you like that? >> all right. ank you. reok has a newewew advertisement. free sneers if you can run 1/2 miles per hour.&>> h fast is that? >> is in stockholm. apparently the sneakers are inin glass case. is has a speemeter. it's aachehe thaglgls sese you have to see e w fast you run. theyclock yo if you can d d d d .5 miles in one @ hour, you gft thosossnsnkers. do notualify because i do three miles every y minutes. you go tee plus three, that's six miles. i'm fr miles short.
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reebeb apparenenenistill in busisiss. whwhknew? >> they're doing good. they're doing good. 0 allll right. sochecthis g. the impoant thing, you gto a a basketll game. even you pay all t tt momoto go see thehenickshand en on top of it, you're ing to lose yoyo beer wnhe balal comes % nene you fono o parent reason? is is during tame against the portlana @ra b b brs att the garden >> whoa. >> he st his seer.r. but you kno what it looks -- >> it will dry. >> it will y. an it seemedike he was a good sport abovt it. yeah.(
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we'veivmajor states, anit lkse e could win six oreven or eit. we're going to me amic grt ag fks. we're e ing g g it greatat again. on quest defeat the billionaire businessman, marco rubigeg s first win, but s mpaio ret tnp ly fallilirts ted cruz pickedevp statesf his ow >> god bless the lonenstar state. >> on the democratic sid bernanrslu wio in nenedodotitis not gog anywhere. wiing severaates. >> i am sosoroud tbrin t across iscoy. clion lkingas kingng aumsigngnur ogan. >> america n ner stopped being great.we have to make e erica whole. >>nit bged ont-runners,here dall races go now?
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stararng n.>>ounc: from n i"wor news no do s good morning to y ononhis dnday after super tuday. i'm kend gibson. >> and'm r ninan >p and what an excitinnight it and what an exciting campaign i iis going forward after the singleusst day o o the primary season. it is loing more and more lily will be a aramp and intch-om noveer a let'sak the results. trump swping tsouth and new engld. crez wininngngis homstate o& tes and in neighbong oklahoma. ruo wiir vicryf is cpaign ininneso. trcon third therer >> o o now te a look at`the l-importandelelete count. trump in the leabat ill ve far from what he needs to secure the nomination. on the democratic side, - hiary clinton wiing seve stes. bernie sandersrsrepinghkope alive, taking four stas
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>> b we know this. n is rac undre of n delegates leading the cocot to date. still though a long y to go fofor. wellrepuicics handing nad p p s mingin were apre m by s ts ss. >> tru delived his victory spee at hisavish club in palm beach, florid calli msel anifififind takinm at hillary clinton. ab pau f i i ither good morning, pa >> reporter: good evengn reena d keis. the trump camp tells us th're extrely haand thth th utouto th, nunuererereqtime votanan osr teteo'd rldodoldldrun sur esday.the significance othe that he had th at adaruu iida nnot beost onny florida is m rub'se e stattheye two wefromay and right now trump p@s a commanding ld over marco bio. trumplso referencing his
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florida, the ft hehis ev hpan heaeadquaers at the mirala club, whi he owns. though this was a b nigig f donald p, hs got sights s s on the next couplplof eks. >> hillala cli was propelled victory b bcrats loinin r potil expepice >>nton secec bin the southern states upor graband d e eied u uthe on's share o othe delegate over bernie sander and chipd away at support ong the younger group, the 30 to 44 age group.cln loedt rbnds the neraeleconnd a at-uwi donal trump. >>tete of ildils, , '2e going to break dowbarrrb%bd bui s s pppu ent. nd cnt also o at gop, ag theartyofofururngngts onn worororororororanananricacacacaca 's'setetete e e e e e
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polls s s the key state o otetes. our own abc's marcionzazaz live for us at th early morning hour in austin, texa marci, a bigigighthththtoubt, as wentd, for hil clintoto i i texas as wewewe ototr southehetate t this r rlly wasn't a complete slam-dunk. repor no, it really wasn't. it was a fairly y od night f f bebeieieimders. he won as excted,n his h he of ont,e's also projected topick uhree m m ns in oklahoma, colorara,lso e other stat s sdeoints out, thth, t these are not er-takl ntests. so even the stas whe he di't win, he is stl ing to pick up so delegates. he moving rward with montum and also doing really well wh fund-raising. in februy, he raised about $42 million. at's ts mumu athe clinton n mpaign in january. kendis and ree? >> that's incrible, marci, h has been raising a lot of y. but wh is himpai sayg
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>> reporter: they are undeterred by clinton's scess last nit yinghere moving rward, they're taking tmpaign a e way to the convention. >> and talkingbout hillary inton ce again, i believe she was in frida last night for her victory ch, it is a big day ahead for her. what's nt? >> reporter: rig. so as youmentioned, she is looking ahead to these next big primaries. she was in florida last night. they have their primary coming up on march 15th. but tomorrow a busy day. she's heading your way with two events in w york city. >> all right. abc'marci gonzalezive for us au, texas, at ts early morning hour. marci, thank you. some very interesting findings, by the way, we should point out from the exit polls. good gauge of hovoters are eling. when aed should the next president come from outside e political establishment, 50% of republicans said yes. only 15% of democrats agree with th. >> andn the flside, when you
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ve exrience, % of theh dems in blue there said yeye and 39% republicans red. they said they want someone with popocal experience. keep it righhere fore e super tuesday election coverage and analysis.we'll check withco ! ruogs campaign. atat lej@jhis halfoh we'rre g to move en the polititillllchgebabale ovethe supre cocot nominie. present onuesd, republican leaders don't appear to have chanand theieieis.s. they a sing bybtiririr@ come to nsidit n n n n stice ununaftetethe e e tionememr. mocratic l ldeharry y keatupuppent of t t ttataababt t& baskball. andther high-profile showdodo, thihi one between the fbfb a apngngut rieaeangs on capapol hl. fbfbdididior j jeseses ple e vevewhwhher h couterererer suodjmply ththhehehegege orderero hackck ininin o o of the sabernardino shooter's iphones.s.s. the fbi is king apple to weaken the securitof our
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hahaererrcrimi couldld ususthth t t t tk havoc on o o privy a d d rswkafetet t trere alr a door on that iphe. sentntnte e king apple heheicio guauaway. let us pick e lock. irectotoadmitted it wa a mistakak the fbi a the cococoed t t t t t to reset th pasord for faokokok ud accnt. had e password not been reset, e phone may hava madada fres backup aille t t investigators. the gn lge electric comnyny ss i comingnd incase cyber attack,uc of it from haers, backck by ren n n rnments. e ceo ofe energy which serves more than 7 million customers lls s e a.p. that the number of cyberattacks his coany deals with everyay is astoundingnd they're coming om nation statesare trngo penetre systems. >>the sports authority says it's on trac shut its doors permanently. the struggling retailesays i i planto file for chapter 1111 bankruptcyf it can'tind a
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the sporhority is facing heavy debt and fierce competition in the face the new retail trend. shion fos athleticear taking cusrs away from traditional sporting goo stores likthe sports thity. >> i mayayr y not t wearing my yogogpants under this suit. theuture is looking good, however, for fast food chicken especially if you're willing to chucyour cell phone. chick-fil-a is offering stomers in 150 stores a coop not for chickens but f yr cell phones. famili who ditch their deves while chowinwn witl be rewawa w wh a free ice dreae co.. it's cald ice dream cone. chick-fil-a says they're trying toreate a spacehe familyy ananrien can spend quality tietr. so you'llid a chicfil-a. i'm'm'mian, so -- so it doeoeoeoeatafaff you'll check your phone ere e yway. >> thedo have sads over the.
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>no matter what you think of democratic candidate b bnie sasaers, arewery ihis home atef@ermontight havepjust thdrink for you >> oh, b b.( pn it's called e berfie weisiq, a prprur the z z ewery uryingto vermont thbeers describeas a igiglgwawa a a aiag rliner weisse. berliner. see, i'm not beer drinkmr.r. k you, gentlem.. >> beer drdrkekel know what that meansn th started selling on super esday morninand about lf of it wa in rst hour. >> wow. guess it's good. >> it's only available at at particar bwery, by the way. >> just looking over the not he on this one. apabrely it't'3.2- alcohol by lume. so it's a light beer >> 3.2? that's not even like a good belgian ale. >> i'd tryt. >> arigha few of themtanding out thehe. coming up in "the skin," some new pictures of britn spears, and i want to see e you'll bable to recognize r. >> that's a tease. also aadrning to super tuesday verage wita
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d d d hom/ and afr a week of ri off bruising insults at trump, marco rubio cked up his first victory in minsota... as foforco ruruo, he's h-l$ing a cacaaign nt tod m mhiga rpbio onthe otherepupupuansh prerarg g r ow's'sdebaba w wchill l l placecen detroit.t.t.t.t.t. t t trida senatat i i i expected to continue hammeng ay a athfrfrt-runnerald ump, of urur asp d last n n nmimii.i. ababs nseyavisisas therere rr: g gd in reeee and o ruruo manages to o o h first win.('s n n 1 1or q5.5.5. u ceceainly couldn't'tell tonit. he wasnergic the crowd equally y .one the firirds out o o o momoh,h,onandptrump.p.healled hico sai look, s sy stste, e polls s owowhat do trs numbmbs arararard d oursre going u - -
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an u u u ug. cccct ata bececee were a couf f deogs and d will win. veryropoimisis lookingward to the florida primary, which is justwo weeks away. 99elates aake. nner-take-all stat ena anankekekeke > that'e striking he e ses on mchch5th in a,a,anane e yi ey don'tee how he can n ve a paththo go forwardrd re w actctlla a ry ervativeve influlual f f today sizizizy a at#anenenrsuz.\ how w w hcocoate to his sampaign?n? thererararpeople talkikie e could be put in for the ne race for florida governopopopoly. thehe's&a&adydyuzz z ou atatut howowowcacahe stata iviv pepepepepengo . >>ne of thingsgsei whwe're goto have e one
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night for marco rubi r r e ixas, h h ve s se .e sblin nnseand ho. theye ill unng but if he di me thhresesld, , heheheht not h ve pickededp a a a sisile delegatat thohohotates. thatat really a big deal. >> exit polls showing g at rerercans ntnts meone wi a a esh set o o eyes,ore n outstserer n n aashingto insidede someoeo whoho been enched i in t olitical system like mao rubio, perhaps. >> in the meananme, inouthatnew york dailynepeakinabt ump, t t headlineeehihis mororngng mply reads "make america migrate." early they'rt a fan.n. theyeyay the cplete guide to ameritrp p ouou $ win. cg g g a celey phphoshop p p vey.y.y.
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wh peoe e ini&ananororor "thehekinny"xt.. skinny, sskinny skinny so okinny y ou"skinny" lead this morning,g,ena dunham apologizingfofoa otoshoppaccusation. >> 4he star of hbo'sgirlsj apparently unable to be recoize herself on the c cer of a magazaze. dunham posted a picture of @ herself frfr a previous photo
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saying, quote, it's a weird feelininto see a phsho o o t - ow i i's your own n@n@ pymore. nham then thanked thgazine for helping g ing e issue e her attentn d said that pshe's going to get tohe bottommmm this in a bigger way. wonderhat that means. >> we never photoshop ound here so that's nev a p pblem for . . >nenelet's see if@fe ththth britst looks this good o if there's p ptoshop involve different batcof celebty magazizi photos are getting g attention overnight. >> britney spearsr with a a diffffentook in this sprd fothis magazininhere. you seit tak by mario teino who has ot manfaus ces, includingng princessia. 'r'rnot sure howed up these shs arar b b the 34-year-olmom of two certainly isn't camehy. this is "v" magazine.. n the interviefor the magazinespears tal aututer upcoming aum, aboute ing judged in thpublic eye saying i rely d't care whateople thinbut she looks amazin >> whyo we thinknkt't'
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tweaked. >> iwhay? >> i don't kno ththe are no`fe lis. see, i can't really tell. i'm onof these people who can't te when things have be photoshohmed. >>oh, really?>> iou donriri it toy attention. she lookgrebt. why is that vot -- >> have yoy/seen your abc amououshots? i'm kidding. i'm kikiing. those haha n ner been toucheheupupup >> tnksksken >> kiddingng >> how much longer are you going to be ststing re? >> exactly byey > xt, the question fan evererhere havav to answer -- tm or supean?? ead of the n f fwhe e two kekero facff a decisi has to be made that benafafeck, who plays batm,ecided to prank some tourists at wner b bthers studios w w waitingng inn the babaobililil tt's kindf co. en t guide a w w they inwiwqin the epic @ battle, many went with the obvious choice of superm. a dismayed affffckuickck took
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when aleononted some fans, they didn't extly recognizizhim. e fan en asked, aryou rere? > wouldlhlhe it wasas likekeome supur dummy. >t's prettyool. nice stunt. andn`ninalal here,ouple of quickckotesut a popular series gti the rebootot treatmen abc's parent company disney annound the casting of "high scol mical 4." ten n ars after the iginalal ppemred. no w y u f there w be appearances fromhelului of tht t anchise. >> y. >> a a nickelodeon'same show "legds of the hidd temple" is coming ck i ithe form of a ctional made for tv movie, following the siblings trying tovercome obstacs. 'rensnre if they'll be on the se o oe pur parrots or the be rracudas, of coco. it@till primre l l l this yeye. 'm sti waiti f f fdouble dare" to come back. remember "dolee"? >> definitel you wokep like thi trying to sa yourself.s. slping.noriri) puerg) disiss. oslslping. dishes. life. dish.
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dishes, dishes, dishes... ersh, every time. inish has the wer ball to takon anything. toy yoca everything, inusone click, .evp your toilet n and fresh. ininoducucg l icl. click it in to eoy clean freshness every flush. lysol. start healthingngn yeah, cli enough preure in here for ya? m gogogotake eucinex nus-max. too late, we're abouou ta off. these e ssolve fast. they'rf w liquid gel and you're coming with me. you realize e have gold status? mucinesisimax x quid gelel ssssves fafa to unleash max strength medicine. let's end this. get ready to sw youroots with roo touch-uppfrom nice'n easy.. seamlessly blendndwith leing g ades,, even salal shades ininust 10inies. for natural looking colol
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i pinky promis my littirla buus arden party for her r r hday so i m m t t lawn, put up a the decations i thouout i got everything. almost everything! u know, 1 0 ho could g!t hit by a septitidisaster, ana bibi oupupo $13,000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x is scientifically proven to break down wasau, helping you avoid a a ptic disaster. ririx. the #1 brandd by septic presals s their o tanks. it's not always as easy for me as it is forim... . 's easasr me cause look atather. aw... so we use k-y ultr it enhances my body's natural moture so i can get into thehswing of it a biquker.
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it mak me feel like we're bo.. whenhe enjoys it we enjoy it even moror and i enjoy it.feel the diffeth kululagag. did you know ere's a coh liquid at sts for twelve hou? trym twelve hoururough liquid. its advanced formu releases powfumedicine that acts fast while its extended releas medice lasts r 12ours. try delsysy . day yoyocan everying in just one click,k, even keep your toilele ean and fresh. introducing lyl clk ge clicic to enjnj canshnessss th every flush. lysol. start healthing. yeah, click here am i sisting in a tin can 0 her am itin a tin
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f f above the world >p ll, 3 34040 daysn space m sound likik @fun,n, but it's tou@gh on the h%han bb.. d attretch o te was how lolo astronautcottelly was floati alo irtrbit. it's increble he's bac unt he e nalllandnd ernight.t. searchers hopehat kelly's pfeat of endurance cahelp us take leaward a missionono ma.. hp had a big thuhus up. s lauren l lter has re. >> reporteter: astronaut scott kelly tweetiti photos of his last sunrise from spe. wihat hatctcclosing on the russn soz psule, kelel adbaba to earth, thiafter 340 da orbiting eartr4on the internatiol spacatatn. key is thehemeriran wh s spt the mo time e ace. >> i'm$mdy to come home. it'sot le i'm climbing the walls or anything to get out of re. know, eczehe importrtcef wre doing
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>> which,`of course, is alys biersweet whwh you leave this incredib pla. . reporter: he id good night to earth one last time posting this photo on twitter. engines thrusus >> reporr:r:hisrth yuzocke l lnched from kazazastan, beginning kellll journey. >> year in sce starts now. >> reporter: the pnt of the e sa m msionononfigure out if humans could survive a trip to mama that d require a year and a ha in spe. back here e erth allea scott's twtw brother, retired astronaut mark kelly, has beenen rgoing testing gt the sasa ti. scientists will l mpare e e e o n when stt returns. mark telling a news last year. >> i had the real sy part. orter: aft all ts, doeses think hs camake it to mars? >> from a bjective perspective,@i thi absolut >>cott kelly back on mother earth ter 3434daysysn space. epvernrnht, uchcn in kazakhsn.n. now testing ll beg to o understand long me in space has affected kelly's body.
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hahaspene&a year or more in orbit on a single mission. reand keis? >> itrue. the effefes s heody, your taste buds canhange. your bone ssss% muscles can all change cocoly. >> and ty y d giveveim a quick medical eckup. i should pnt out, he's going get back homemeaiquickly. he expted tonighghin houston, t tas >> i hope his other is cooking dinner tonight. >> he should.. and gabby. >on miss uptes on book at >> announc: this is
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now" -- >> ser tue blowout trump steamrolls thehe compmpititn,icking ustringng of ccici v vtories. trtrp was triumphant across the soutand new england. oyed by gop voters l lking for a pol outs. >> o othe democoatic side, and the night belonged to ary maming a clean sweep over be nders across the uth with the help ofofinority voters. clinton medidiy pounced on tr him dive. full coverage straigighead. and despi a mee wit the pdent o esy, republican leaders d't a to have changed t t mind over@r a supreme coeot minee. they are standing by their commitment to not consider a new justice till aer the elections. >anddd b breakingovernight, astrtronaut stt kellyeturnini to earth after spevein nearly a year on the internrnnal spe station. kelllland a russiacosmonaut landndg jujuours ago i ikakhstan. w hes s ouou f a a comi as welll teststst arsome of our top p sties ts wednday,arch d. >> announcer: frfr a news,
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let's begin with the latest res because even at thisis early moinhoururthey're still ting some votes inin overnight hos. >> and tmp s sepinthe e @p south and getting the two o gland states. uzuznini his home state ofof texad in nghghring oklahomama rubibiwi his first viciory of this campaign in minnesota. trump cong in third there. >> taking a lo at t`e delegate@ unt now. trump in theead but he really isis awafromhat ee ece thnomination n ththdemocrat hillary clinton winng seveve statesesp bernie srsrsping hope alive, ting fo states inclcling colorado a a minnesota. >>ut i iwas reallll a bigight for hiarinton, rking u ndreds ow deletes, leine cot toat still though a long way too. >> as the front-runners gain new ground, there putting new distance a evefurther
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yone planso o op o o anytime soon.. this new roundf cric victories ing g umumand clinn uay u stopopble. abc's rci nzez is live i stintexas. marcrcrcoomorning. reporter: good morning, kendis and reena re in n@xas, a lr na trump,p, as u juststaid, & atertatalyot the c ce e in most ofhe othth contests. tet a dad night ofong lines and ballot counting, abc ws projecting m jor r ns for front-rurmers nald trump and hillary into he stakein this elecon n ve never been high. and the rhetor we'e' heari on thehethe has never been wer.>> i am a unifier. on wget alof t ts fifified, i'm gog to go afdfr one person..@ that's hilla clinton. >> rorr: angngng states projected d be tabyby clinton, texas, the powerhouse ateitthe@ nosttdelegates, also giving ted uz a arucial wiwiat homom so long ac theld remains d-vid, donald trump's' to the nominationonemains more likely. and that would be a disasaeror
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>> reporter: a home state celebration r b&rnie sanders, the projected wi in vermon saying h his undetetred by@ inton's overalsuccess. it's nowinnererere e l. by the end onight, we are gointo win many ndredsf delegates. >> repr: and senatat marco rubio also ving to stata the race efterinnini hisisst state. i will campaign as long as it takes and whatevert t ke enre tt i am t next president t the united ststes. >> reporter: and that projeceed win for rubio o s ininneta. hendhe o oer candidas are now looog`g`d tohe nex big primimies s mhigan,hio, 5ananflida. ke and rna marci, before you go, i'm m curis out voterurnono. how wawa in several those states? >> reporter:r:wellll he i i xas, there were really lon linene to votete, but actuallllno recoros here.
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gogosisisin three states, in massachusetts, oklaha anan virginia so in viviinia, sof thth precincts acalal g gbusy thatbthey ran out alal. and they had to use photocopies.kendisnd reena?< >> at least`it w wn't hanging chchs. >> n ne of that yet. rci, t tnk you. >> theood ws, , should tl yo theeart s st stay on 4:00 a.m., so you'll b good. >> reporte good tknkn - >> all right. wellu heard iefly from bern sanders the in n rci' rt. sanders ist slowing down one bitntn phe's'sot e ents schedud to in maine and michigaga >> sanders td supporterst nighgpthhe's not don fighng abc's dad wrht w w at t sanders evenen david, gd rninin >> rorter:oooomomoin ndis and reena. the party is over re at ie sasas' headqrters. lyobodo@is telling the candidate or hisisampaign. rnieanders among the fir come t d clare viviory seizing the moment of his slam-dunk here i ihis me state
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any the other states and vowing t tight on, sayg he will end the nightit huneds of newew delegates tthe cqnvenenon.$ ananwith t toney he needs to rrrrhis caaign frd. y,y,y weoping for a w more victories. but the sanders campaign say in theeend mths to come, king their case to the american people that bernie sanders, notillary cli, is e candidate who is best able to represent theemratic party, pararcularly with the reblican nominee donald trump. kendnd, r ena?a? >> abc'savid wright in vermont. dadad,hank you s ch. and stay nene for in-depth alys. our polilicil l am i istanan by for earlyorningngoutable discussions. that's'z'st in a few minutes. weant t turoufoto anothededelong sto this morning. seveeather in alaba, injuring at least four peopl itven rced p plingnglaces to close for a d*me l lt night. ththnationaleaeaer servivi hasas nfmed at l oneornado
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twisters.thtoo southwest of biinghah packed d staiaid winds of 75 mileler, riously y ging at t asasa fmes, uootingngrend wning power lines. >> f f fererortha snowstorm hihiing the great lakekeregion mping serarainchchf snow fromomreen bayo chicago to westerermichig police across two coties in thehilwaukuk a aa rorte at least 62 crashes and callsls from two dozozoz strand drivers whoho careened i io ditches. many schchls and goverent offices throughout the region will be closed today. e sn iicago iggerered a uple of ruruwawa inoffs ahanternanaon rprpt. e this prite jetet as forced actually the clg ofofheununthere after itlif ththpavement and shortly aftethatan ameran airlineseset t id on a taxiway havi to be towed back the ternal. no ne, ankfly, w wnjureded in eititr of thehencentsts >> that't&all l hare needs i more delays. >> delay right. . >e' happypyo say that no entstserernjureduring a
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cocoege neaeal.a. thatrial involved four-seat eleltricalle tee theoundsn campus, testing itsavation systems. >> t e shuhu wasreededy a small siliconallelestararp. it h ho steering wheel b b does requirere human to hold d down a trigger on a joystick. tt is released, thutt me a stop. >> they want to the big man on campus. >> i guess so. luckily, nobody was hurt. yesterery ad the alarming story aboutpthe e ogle driverlele car that got to a accident it wasn't eted. >> i'd like to tell thatat university thasomee's at robototust t okok somebody's j on campus to ive arounddhat shutt bus. >> yes.& bring back mans. >oming , wre going to retuouropop sryry and more@ covevege o othsuper tuesy >>rolly ton's adva to daltrs pamazing g rfe. our political team staing g totohahat t rprised em the most. thahas afafafdfdadas forecast map. 52%degreesn grgrt falls.
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85 degrs in miami announcnc:: "world news now" weather broht to you by uted health care. now's s e titi tget youruruca w. to leaea aboboedicare, the opopons hava... you u e, medicare e esn' cover everything - ononbobo 80%0%your part b mededad expenses. the is s t t t so if 6565s ararnt the corne think about an aarp mededare supplement insurance plan, insured bynitedhealthcare surae company. likekell standarzed medicare susulememe insurance pla, theyelp cover somef what medicdodot pay. and cosave yououn out-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait.t. call trequest yourree decision guide. and ther the information now to help you oo p pn later. thesestytys ofoflans l you pipi any doctor hospital th t medica patieies.s. there's range ofofplpls to choose from,
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cacae thththme to think about today. g\ long. enouou presssse in here foyayaya m gogoa takeucinex sinux. too late, we'rabouto o. these didiolve fast. ey're new liquid gels. d you're cing with me... you realize i ve gold status? mucinex sinumax liquid gs. dissolves fast to unleash max strenenh medidinene leles end this thth is m neral bud it collects leing gross gege-ridden ststns. ox toilelebowl cleaner with b bach is no match r that. t lysol power toet bowl cleaner elimimates minal ilup effortlesesy and kills 99.9% of germs. to your ilet trclean, y choooo anything other than the r of lys? and to keep it that y for to o ek, try lysoautoc toil wl cer. youounow there's s coh lliquid that lasts s r r welee h hrs? dels twee hour cough liquid.
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ar.w totorotect youacy y derlogy lazy bones loafin' throughheay yououlws se tfi@a the easasway movinwn u're o ondray y never hea worsay over america, entire familils are backsliding. we're no lger st sedentary,, we're statnaryry and thatat badews for youo bones. any age, boneneneed weight-beariri activity to grow stro ananstaytrong.
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ay with h e do just get up,p,et o, gemomomo. never keep p&urur w , neverereard a worori i y y a public servi m m m from e eric academy ofofrthopaedic surufs. contitie the analog >xactly. in a lot of wawa bernie sandnds #pis s sn byany of his supporters as s rrepepceablele that's'she csestston coult. >>ha p pyod. >> imet this t, it seemu asf the tides turning agaiait him right t >>hat's ghgh clinn looks absolutelylyly stoppable right t w. ananshe be camn n n n someone e o s the lily minee.e. she was the preses dememratic nominee. now she's earnedt. e had that scareren iowa. she took a hughihiin new hampshire. she'real comomback now and d tonighte r rlly see her sasasaut o ouper t tsday
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rn. >> and quouongnghe weekend.` >> that's rit. >> rick, we ally s fm e exitolls tififrentf pictures. at repubcansnsanted is someone more outsir. thmoats e gowards politil experiencewhat's g t thappppen when it comes down to noveer if it's really down to hillary and the trumcaaigns? >> you're seeing the divisions in t cououry py themselves outtn the way you'reeeee these races begin tosettle. you ve front-runners that come at this wit entirely d dferent resumes, entirely difrentntnt rationales, speaking to diffent thghtsassion ofheers. the fact o o parar seemslo to ning hilly clton soe ulmate inser and the ototr part clolor than er t tnomonating donald um thultimate outsider les yoyothik isigoing e pic clash. always lo for, why s raoing to tter? thi t is going to be aard d e defe. this is hillary clintonagainst donald trump, we know at the bigigorceare.e. the votersrsrs speaking to thrighnow. hat did we learn abo nald t lasasnight? i know that rick menonedhe crowd as well as the whole f f
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ump? >> you reay look a t tse exit pollll he/ninatathno manyy ffffent grou. but theroup that really -- us -- it shockckcke the most is evangflicicoters. he edgededed cruz t. it was close but he edd him out. this is sosoonted cruz called vulgar and profane b b bhe thrice marared g front-runner won n angelicavoters tonight. >> by e way,y.y mom who does study bibl c cselyays twowo corinthians is acceptable. >> i was going tsay to plala the contntry aumumt, theres a red flag f trump tonight. mamao rubibin a state.e. it's gd d r marco rubio but it 0 was trtrtrs worsrsperfore in thehstatof mnesota. heheininind ird place therer o many mwest statete coming up, you have illinois p ng , you have ohio aig prize, those states coming up. perhaps the is a littleit o o psilver lingn
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minnesota. >> we're not talking about the deleles. >> bututf i was for the hilil camp, , o would e msike e see run against that they coululmpmplyrush? whicicof the candidas would you uhin you heaeaher r r aigngnan it's tototly eed t run against donald trump. d take the examphis s@ek. kkkhshuffle, t did duke exame. they want to see that t ont and center. ink you'u' staedsee a li bit of from hiy. >> w going to contin to torture these e ys >> we'reoingo be right back. we're going to ask the team tualalhathey lrnrn most
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is z zo o@f delegateout of thesates.this ian a-l-lampaign. th know w w it woror a they were expressing we're goinghtoto t in cruz's s ad and rack u delewis everywywre. heasonfident even n lking . to orge stephanonoulos@s night. he's going to get gates just about everywhere. >> whadon't resonate wh h vorsrsre? >>bttac, the nd o chil. >> themallands aayannd all that, that is ckfired. it redefed him i isizezeerarly as donald@trumumsaid that little marco bio. he was reduced in thminds of vote. and d may have backred. >> that teans he didn't get 20 the vote. >> that was the threshold. thth knethis th was noturprisand 't get i o o of the mosturprisinin things that happedededhtht bebebe super tu@uesday, whewe learard that bernie sanders ised $42 m mlion in februa alone. ormoney thanar rubiraised in his entire campaigng what'slso surprising is that bern sande, wes to talkbout billionaire but doesest rllye t talk abououmoney, w w talking
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>> it doesn't get him any further. with jeb, he had a omoney y but didn't reallyelp him i i the end. >> h hshysysyss going to gl ththcoention. he sayse'going to go to t t convention i i june tt has a bounty of detes. he has the money to there we were watcting you typing away dprinthe abc corara lastht dinininimetime covera.. wh sck youous you were there feferishly workingng > i goto tell you, one othe moasasasting things to oe is the most important quality voters say thewa to o e incandat that e ndndat shesheir values. ere e dald trump fall i at he is e worst t d candide inll thetateast night - inact, i every state, i thqn inanandidate tt t sharesmy values. so what is going on here? how can you win when the repububuandon't think you share his vavaes? 'sause thehe are twother qualits s at trumpno pun inteed, anthat is bringn change to washington andnd acal telen it like it is.ososare his qualities. i was kind nterted in one ex polhis osal to
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entering the cou support by 6 6 o opublicans. >o e talked abouthis till naldmp. ite e rereic dn't know at they nteded tru arrived and stataed tatag out t esings. to have two-thirds of on the same p pe is remarkable. >> one of the intesting thingsofhe nig was a l of people were talking abo chris christie. >> there was that look. we got a s st of it. trtrdi on twitter. >> #freececischristie. >> was he boror standin b bind the or- >hat sshe dealh at?? >> i find thethe e st unlikely allies. wh happened to this ronc >> i thihi it's just utter shock hat's hahaening ev at this moment. . >> in fronof his eye w wwant to thk you guys.. incredibibibololical powereruse.e. thank you for all you do for abc
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how upn`yo wrinan easese of sksk cancer, inudininmenononothe delilstrm osksk canananthe@ send mcoco cren 1tototanning. m ze on your de..learn n w to protect y yr skinatpotskincanceceg a message from the americac! acadadof dmatology take out the rubbish crub down the floooo my achin' joints t jumpmpo more [ boi-oi-oin] [ [ ] crea] [ i-oi
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on tuesday f theerson they want to move intthe white house nextxtanuary >> and while a dozen states caca out to have their vo hrd up tueaythe ndides d plentysathsees all a aoss couny today, demomrats s ted to break down barriers so wewean all rise together and we knowe'vt work to . but that woror twork is not to make amera great again. icneveopd be great. >>hai i ve said that thisis campaign is not just about electing iout t kingolic retion. en we inoupeople thwhene do notllow thdorumphe wld divive us u >>his has been an amazing ing. already we've won five major
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or ne. they say t t loser of thnight mao tr hen't wiything. he hasn't won. mean, at lst you can s th t d hasawon somomhing. you knowowmarco s not won. >> you see, just five days ago, we began to unmask the true turef the fronrunners so r in trace. fiveays ago, we began to pln he americacapeopop that a c artist. mina aashiton dealmake prone and vgar,r, whohhaa lifelongattern o ing gornment powor persal gain.. are oy ai that has been dald trump once, twice,hree tim. >> a l ly? i was going withhreeimes a lady.
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notui >> it s s ntesting n. soe plo owowat republicans rlly ararlooking r change a a democrnd owawepolilicalalasidirn >>ody has s perice ananu w that was rlectet in t vote onuperueay. 's goingbe enterng t see what happens next. of course, we have michigan coming up a week and -forira andnohii fllwlngngg ing ardr i >> >hae neor rhalf
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>> this has been an amazing evening.% >> voters cementinghe billionaire's status winning the most stas. but it wasn't alltrp, ted cruz scoring viories. >> o camign b beats donald soundly. >> and fof the mocrs, a southernsweep. hillary clinton now with commandingead over bere sands. >> we hava to make amrica whole. all: us usa. >> it's "your voice, your vot"pve team coverage baking down ptheh&night,t, highghtsp and anysis. >>good mning onhihi super wednes ririt t/t t t supup tsday blow-out for donana trump a hihiarininin resg with ters acrcrs thtco
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