tv NEWSCHANNEL 13 430 ABC March 2, 2016 4:30pm-5:00pm MST
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joining us for krdo newew annel 13 at -30.. i'm rob namnoum.. and d m heher skolol a wildnd windy day... we've e en der a reflag warning r most of the da but at one point we saw brief burst of rain in some papas of colora spngs we've e t our storm trker 13 team all over the in.. windy weathehehed red but t let's get cef meteort t t rachael plath with all the wild
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up all day. if you looke at anylag day,y,ou s i i whng. d foet about t yiyi t keep you gaagcan fromipping many neighborhoods lookededikthis ... with paper and other trash blowinaround. trasas cocoectors say days liktoday arespecially allengin "the biggest challenge is getting thstufufto go inside the truck, espspially recyce, bebause it'sot b bged it's(3t loosely put the container. when n the truck takes it up andurns it upside down, it's in the air upse down and it doesn't take t tsend it aloverhe neighbhood construction crews also battttd condititns ... n to mention er sufferers. ununately,y, thesnditio psist through yo evening.g. sbe re to secure your lawaw furniturur rbage cans ....& d yoyo hat.
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newschannene13. fire crews arestating busysysy riririnow colorados fire fightete a on the e enenof a a ass s re near north powersboazd and nsnstutitienue. the f re es s burning in v vla loma`aark, which isyrrounded by homes. the sind cause of t fir e unknown. and a brbrh fire is burning on thelains east of eblo a one hunure acre fire is burnrng in theh huhufanoiv d area, near d-d-re and dodoe roads-- at's just south of a andale. it started at 11 this morning and re crews say stng winds and dry conditions are fueling the fire. no strtures arathreatated at t ts titi. do have a cr oe scene and wiwi bring you updateteon lin and re on krdo news channml 1 at five and six. yomay also see smoke at fofo carsoso the e untain postays the winds kicking sme e om a 3 acir staron trning rge thiris percent t aibid. cn tin haalsosose
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flup@rom a -hundred acre that burned on a tinin ra weekekeko.fort car okespers says the situatn is under control. ititas b bn six nths scece0 0 o isaiaalo was shoto deh ilhis r p po. his rdrd is& unsolved pa mamahi mucians shotn ptember second last year b-i stiti ofring a 10 thound dollar re f f anyo w w hasasas informatio abhis death. the vialpando mily j jt released a statement t t pressing their tration that no arrests have be made in their son's murder they say quote, "the strict attorney cently made a ststement atenenghdh is enough, a a we reached a eaking point duto the recent homicide. absbsbsbs agrerewith the d-a's s atent, t why wasn't'tt a breakiki poi six mohs agowhen our s wawawanocently murdered?" a warning this afternoon out an increase in ringwormases in pueo o unty. th photo shows s cat suffering the fung that
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servicesesays it'ss noticed an increase i diagnoses s lately. wever,t's not just anils thth can getet ngworm. people can get thngus throug cocoact with an infected animal, pers or other surfac. anantwo statat colorado lawmakers are proping leleslation at would make misrepresenting your pet as a service animal a crime colorido. the bill was introduced today..... if the bill pass... owne caughd srepresenting their pets as service ananals.- could cece misdemeanor charars and a a fine up a thouound dollars. americananan asonaut scott key is finally back on earth after spending ly a year aboard the rnatatnal space statio y landedn kazakhstovernight d isis now headeded hpme to houston.n. abs elizabeth r is in ne yorkrkith morefrom klyn his epic jou. elizabeth pkg: "a descceate of 80
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accocolied. "scott kelly back k mother earth!" mmder scott llck on solid gro. . . pumping his fi, giving two thumbs up d a a peace sign lbter tell reporters.. the aiaifelt so good w ott t ll "the colair was amazinin....ou know fresh air? there is nothing like new cold air coming into that caulululthe russian spacecraft landeded kpzazastan ovnighgh. kelly and his russian counterparts returning earth aers welcome. nekelly "i felt likeke've been up thtxe my whole life .. you know after about the fit 6 months.. ha? haha" spent 340 days in spe. dudu tti..complete ar@5 hundd ororts. two sunr and nss ea ti . thas almost44 ionilele eqeqt#hehe momoac. . . 0 time... new kelly by g gngngto marone it will mahinger o o ort so i'm happy be part
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effect on dy.. by comparing him to hitwin retir astraut,t,ark lly. so sti a l of wowo ahead foror is american rere holder .. who admimi.. inhome i i tter sweet.. w kelly 've beenre aong meloloededward to lving but at t e same te it's magnififent ace? i'm'm gonna mimimimi" elizeth h g: kekey y expected d rive h he in uston later r night.. . where he will bebe$- reufited with his familynd greeted by hinasa bososos e e abc c wswsny now kel is h he, he's helping with rearch in anotheway and rt of that rerearar is s ppening g gh heren colorado. lorara state ununersisi is onef ten univererties taking art in a study involvlvg kelly and his brothth markrk c-s-u u professor susan bailey will get four s splpl of his blood. the o o e e search is etermr things likiktke agprocess anththehfects of riaon on the bodyuring spaceflit. 00:44 "this is t first time we've used a twin n brotheh- ahaa an asonant, a a t t botheen eanghehe typof f g through the e same t t rime tt wean get a reallylyood scientific background." c-s-u already has some of f e kelly tws'
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the resech seeeng howow scott lly haha the flight. big-box chain, sp authority fid for r apapr 11 bankrurucy protection todadada the retailer - owned by los geles-basese prprate e uity firm leonard green n d partne - s sd it plans to sell or close more than a0 stores. . . the compmpy says they swamped with more than a billion dollars in debt. alththgh bankruptcy protectiti ten offers companies a secohahae life, spopos auththy could close more stores and e en sellllo othe mpetitirs. colododolisey vonns ending her s s seasas early because ofofn injury. vonn posted message on inagag telling nsshe's made the decision t/tleav the world cup circuit after@ ffering threactures in h h shbo. vonn saysyshis is one t t toughest decisions of her careerince she's curuenz z
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this issue of sports illustrated is golden... the new cover features the "54 and d goln state warriors starsthen curry, dymond green and ayy thompson. ththwarriors who wowothe e 15 n-b-a title are dominating this season. new sue out thday features an artie e at gives anan exusive lo inside the unique am dynam cnd currs record- - breaking run. . 'sot news to p pple who colorado ringngbue ci iking t top bestst lili ithe u-s. totoy, t cy ceived a a numberiv nking fr u.s nendorld repopopo denv, austin-tex, fayettevle- kakaas andnd raleigh-durham rth carolina ranknkheadadf the ringngs. lora spngs th onop cy get a p pctct scoronhe derarality indux. meaeares the eagerness of people wanting to live here. yoyoll find a link to the full list on our web story, rigig now on m-r-d-d dot com . a vermont brewery is
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and warnings you need to know about. e wind will gradually di downwnate tonight, it will be slsl to cool b ly we'll end up in the 30s fomoslsl morrrrill be warm with m s and 60s.s.he best news about morrrr is it won't be as windy! dry conditio will persist. zour colorado springs 7day forecast shows temperates warming on friday, then oling on saturday. yoyr eblo 7day foreca shows a chance f showeronday y and tuesday. yoanon city 7day fecast 60s for the ne 7 days. your ller county 7day forecast mperatures falling inin t t 40s by next week, with a chchce for showers on friday, monday
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pst want customers to "f"f"fthe bern" w wts people to "drink the bern". the brewery trtrd d ake the -case for presidenti hopeful rnie sanders.... it created a beer nam afr him! krdo newswsannene13s dada clemens has ththdetails today's pop ws. the vermont brewery called zo gravivy celeleating one of the presidtialal candidates... by creating a beer named for hihim. isisew beer -- released just in tifor super tuesy s s llhe erni weiss"
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slightly soururtart, and "forward- thth" ale. ththidea was o ofur long time emoyees to name " "rnie weiss"s"hahacame frfr a style of beer. it auall ended being fun style brew to beer for nator sanders. asas know, he's a littlsour the brewy apparently made 900 llons...d said tha half of e e bottles so in j jthe fifit hour! opel love e e nnection, it's l good. it's a goodododto support him and inking o o as s more of a non- political thing, but rather celebrating rmonter. sands fansn n other r statat a a4a out of lk -- becau this b bnini weisisis only availalae at thik bubuington ewery. reporting da ens, krkr newschne thanks dana. bernie sders his own beer! ! ! "making a
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defense attorneys are ading g t toto. dean strang and jerry buting are hitting the road for a seseesald d d cosation kikiki murderer." the series stran&dnting's nt steveavererhas n a's crime ssio a w level.l. theieispngtoto bapril 16th a a gill l travel to cities across t u-s and canada. . it's only been a week, but "fullele hohoe" has alreadbeen newed by lix for a second seasoso the show premiered la wewe and the show centers aroundnd dj....played candace camemen-bure ...who i i recently widowed and haha three ung ns. hehesister, stephanie,odie sweetiti.. her best friend, mmy, andrea barber..move in to help raisher kids. manynyf the original show's cast mememrs are a,so back .....including john stamos, lori& lohlin a b saget. your job plala a role ihoho healthyoyoyo in today's hehehe alert,
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ficis atathe univsity o inveigating a possible outbreak o noroviru the campus. they s s more an two dozen students became emely ill. crcrs ararnow cleaningng common areas o campus. school leers s y there n't t e area or event t illness... but cases of the norororus can pepele live together. . medidi strokes people under 50 increasing. dodoors say y stress is the prime cause of stros inin peop between tha#e of 18
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they saystre canauseqi coicican u have the tit oooo ot it castop the pr ofofhe v vlsls ctors say-- @ifou're not guttttg gloughslp or eininin right, y can double your chances of suffering a stroke. maeople workrko th can pay y eir bills. but a new rerert shows at the work you do may be relateto h healthy y ur het is. . na z z has re in today's health alert. script: smoking? unhealthy diet? and a sedentary lifestyle. all thin we know are linked to your heart risk. but whwh abo? your? in a new w c led study, presenend he listyl d caioiotab olic health sessions today, resecher susueyed more than five thousand black and whwhe meme and women? cocoarin things like blood pressure, cholestetel levels and diet? to their r professisn. wh they found - - different bs appeared to be lind with different frs r het didiase.e. management and finae professiona ls, for example, teteed to have a a a healthy weight?
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three in ur reported a a unhealthy diet. police officers? among the worst t it came to hihi blood pressure. and nearly sesen in ten people working in sasas had hey cholestetel leveve. fortunaty, evev if we can't change ourejo, , , there are easy steps that all us can take to gua our heartsts and while r job scheles might sionall y get i i hehe way exexciser ting rit? pang tention to the hules can go a long way in helping us li a healthier life. with thth medical nute, i;m na,zak. . a california sheepdog is a new mom to a huitter of 17 puppie natural sound stella was le to give rth to t o them on her own... but need help with the rest eve incrcrib tn the size othe e lier the fact t all of thes survived are ppy and healthy.
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many? how many? hahah! el is backck to guarding and @ protectiti livestfor her farmer owners well asaising all of those puppies. the farmer ys he plans eping one e adopting the othehefaer of puppies was 24 p mastiff 20000 do don't generally seem to care out their pearly whites, but this goldld retrieveis an exception. six month old wesleys having tuble eatingause hihiteeth werererecoming in crooked. so a dog dentt in chigig h hked welsey up some braces.s. the furry little bra-facac will have to wear the gear for about six weeks, and then he'l'lbe rdy to share his million dollll smi with the worldn ththks for tchingstayay tuned r
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you.- new developments federal l investigators try toige out whatataused a small plane to crash in el paso coun today. good evening and thks for joining us for krdo newschannene13. i'm ather skold. and i'i'mes jarman. . first up.. fires flare across souththn colora.. a awe ceusty winds and reteagag warnings. we just got this video to thehe wsroro of a a a grass ri in colora spris. it burned ia park ar north powers boulevard and constitutionon avenueuefire is outut, , t a fencncand sh were damaged. the laest fire bururng right w isn utheastern lo couy. it's burned let 100-acrerere rinow is in n sososotern puevlo county.y. it's burned at least 100-acres so f r. 's one of several res we'r'rfollowing right now. dodo newschannel 13's's katie spencer is live ipueblo countm with more information .. lo sheriri fire got the call ononhis s re j jt ter 11 this
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stard further up the road but has prprprss wardrdhe ver. momo than 100 acres have bubued b so fafaonly gra and trees s rned. there e ststctures the area but the e e f fhters ve been n safe. chchf mark hardest t rt besidehe w wd is the terrain mears, pueo o county chf ars ys they believe the fire was started by a downed electrical pole. - we will have more covage toghghat 6. porting li ks nc 1313 thatire isn't the onlylone at f fe isn't the ly one ews have beedealing with. two brush fires broke out in la junta toda but bo havav
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