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tv   NEWSCHANNEL 13 6  ABC  March 3, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm MST

6:00 pm
ja. krd nechanne's n spoke tdecte o hehu ht t isisold d .... e ins us live from ouououe e aso heriff's fice james and heather . inveigators say the arrest came together thanks to new chnology... and that could mean resolututn toore cold cases. - 00220 th injuries to e chd in this case, are something i have never seen before and i hope i never seeee` again was a sese saul haunteis ighbho tete smi the soount er . 0000 9ou wan top , d gets ustratinowing can't en it goes cold ke that su:n 1996, the waa ries of attacks ininhe b-street area. this neigorhood s e edge and depues couldn't figure t who was hind t t attacks. a
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grueling se ined fo yr dectiv tewemohan two-ndred ople. hadaderer in. n-ut t thtechnono. 00ou almostl hopeless fast forwto 14ith says a n n prt dase founlink betwn jo m mtin d the d-n-a from the se. 2 - 000405 it's s s of a vdiation our part that r work wasn't r nothing. ith hos s ter enty s. ts he im os 2 - 00 t igeelie therisosa nkey y ba. she's gog toet the answs port unso saul a a u thth may ld to rket-- cinvestorat7152 ins, ekrdo n pueblolory fe ouhotoova
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non and arthth chase are both m/me an 80 years- oll they own thehe propoptytyhere a tras blowowovov in yestday's high wi and landede across the road. after the ty moved d e ee out of t road. they cut it up and put it in the chasesrd. thr daughter says the family est know where to turn r hehe.. because ehey don't ve t money for this kind of ing."if f u're on soci security you n't afford totoay to havet neneyou know, so i think maybebe the ty shod ta this li th int nsidern." " the lo or didictctays they can only move t t te from the rig ofofay....nd it's up to the homeowner to ean it up.p. it's going to be a mild night with relativelyightt
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will drointot the 20s and 30s. his tomorrowow be ryice ightd y,ut brees expected to pick up as a cold front t riris late in the day. i'llll show you how this cold front will imimct your weekend weather coming up later in the newscaca. p ers a a w 0 emaisc
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utrn colorido it tstn thi-r-am that cn thise yr.r. t as krdrd wsanne13's aya white shshshsh3nt's meing police vese before. . it's targe13 ert. as a payroro p mana lis rams gs tyem.p t s t adfr e ofereany,y,hes spic. 2 2 's ditely t al0 isa " to rey me ti the ahe stemenof5 rerence copies oal emoys a of 1/29 2026am wngngn a reriew 10 that wasn't the onlylyessage she got from her& "boss" ... a second one came ds tete3 kindly send me the w2's for all emoyees in the coany for the 15 tax year in review, thank you 09 then another... 114 this was the third oni'veveeceived so i knew it was really fishy and a a am 2 and thanks to the hackers'
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the ail adesappear tbe ect. 3 we kns that time of year f irs scamsms beuse wee e tax ason and this`just sounds like anotr form of that scam at's a little more personalized and trying to o t you write off on that 35 standup: w wh ju the click, of a mous hackers n have access to some o o yoururost important infoation.hat's why 's impor to o remain vigilan ramsey did t t right thing. 1 1 i sent the email to my supervisor... and said does this sound like something our ceo uld want me to do? 206 she asked questis bere taking thba. adngs, mekiwhitit nechch13. according to rerent statsts from the f feral trad commission... tax refund fraud was responsible for a nearly 50- percent increase in coum
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the e st way to avoid becoming atim taxefund aud... is to file your taxes before the scscmets can the park county sheriff sciplinetwtw duputies a aer@r the shng that left a a depupu dead an two others injure martin wirir shot and k coorark carriganile e deti wewe serngn epic ststeek. admininiti leave ana a resigngn aftft bedemoted. sherf fred gener ist releasing a lot of details. but hehesyththth discipline w reted to h he detiti d after e indent d how onenof them nifie carrigan'sfather of the deatat nownow more about atack o aura t shoor r mes holmes... ile was in a prisonn cololodo. anotr mate... mark ni.. atatcks@ puncd guards bacacin ococr. that ing ton clfr abc news. e arcl cites cume the partnt o correctititi ison decto it says holmes s tlt& osok to srosthwi yo b prison sff... .
6:07 pm
thopportunut evev thoit waa r dent . es w w moveouofof to an losed locaon e d-o-c sa one will b..sciplined er the e tack. a colorado postal worker is creditedit saving a 2-yeaold girl he d wawaering in the middle ef a bubu street. the girls o-k. robebe batley found her r the midd of a highly traled two-lane road in adams counun yesterda morning. says. thehe st shockinin part.. no o e was ststpipi to help her!butl ed oveve.. ok h ho the dewa... and called the sheriff's fice. pu w w w to dr-r--door unununthey found he andfather.. o thought sh s watching t- frontier airlrlel is ssking fofopermission to fly to cuba... om d-i-a. the airlininis one any that haapplied wi the e s partment of ansportation to fly to havana. a decision is expe this mmer. flhts to r r ban ties couould be approved much sooner. touriststill
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cuba.. buthe stararof commercial flhts will m me uch easisi for those who fallo o e ofthe authortrtrtrcari. ose categories cle profsire... aticmpio.. d d rfrfming ts. drs wolandark nene t about a traffic lit at highway and 67. police say it's not rking rit now ..and crews haven't been able to fix it yet. thth're asng drivers to be e patitnt ... and treat the intersection like a four-way stop untiit's fix. and another headupupor drdrers tonit... exct tsee e delays and lane closures on i-25 at the cimron exit. is i ia live lookt thth ea. the right t nes on b bh sideof the hiway willll ut down at 10 tonight.. crews can install orary trafficisials. the lanes will reopen at five torrow rning. e learni mobo an tweendnd ebl stri... tomama cy be p. n..ow rtnershi iselelngng udentssucceed. and a big honofor acher in colorado springs. find out why she was named the est
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steaof faing school ststst.. t t pueblo associatn ofrs i i takingct this sry posily eb for last siwe.. be m anng sten at stri-6 many wowk one-on-one with h studen..
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e outrea goeseyond d-60. realtors s it's abo helping the entiomnty. "education is importand so we want those kids to do better which will ultimately help oucocounity. :06 "usuly j jt aboutha haha during ththweek a whatate can ininhe futur to like, my career and stuff like at the associn hope attct rlt tohe program.. so they n expand i i pueblo couy wants your help totoring a rouou from a major passengnr train n the homenof heroes. & let't'give youou live look at that meeting right now... athe pueblo city coty healah depa. county commissisier sal pace and a a passenr train group want the amak uthwest chief.n. to make a stop in pulo . ananthey're askingngor the$& commununy's idids. thtraiai already y es throh jun ....lamar... and trinid the southwest chief line runs from chigoo los anges. reirs are beg ma o e h th m ns.. ro codo a
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dgelementaryry noreree t teacher ." first a teteher gingngngsaininas nede the best tcher ever her dedicataon stopping bli. sain wor special education for 12 arand foun a passion for anti-bullying campaigns. one of her students... gabrieienatelli... nomited her fotht award. sain says, her students are t real supererars. "they don't see each other based on abity orornabilityn an way, but we e a team and we work together to beto w wtogeernd just help eachother out so that wewee winning together." harlem globrotter zeus mcclurk esesesth ard.. an onon shofor thki too! zeus also taugught the kids th excluding people from a gamer group is a rm of bullying. as we get closer to spring and we start spending me time outdoors... colorado spriris lice have some ti to stay safe and prevent crime. police said
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increase in crimes of opportunitlike car break-ins. theyeyuggest leavinyour valuableat me... and only take whayo can carry with yo.. like a wallet or purs police said you shouldn't even ave luable inhe trunk ... because a thief can open t om iide car. re cellho wit jusin . i' at c cont mooweans fofoyour weekend forecastoming up krdo newschnel 13 at 10 clock. the remaining presidenal candidates square off a aera foer cacaidate took shots at donald trumpn llhee more dra dung tonight's dete fiut nigh k
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toght willll coith ws oppi i s and 3030 tomorrow highs will get into the 60s an70s. it will be qut for most of the day, but clouds wil thickekeup and
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cold front slides s through h te in ththday. your colorado ca s mprminhe s rrowowow t dropping baba into the 50s on saturday. ththbest chance for showers arriris onon mondyour puebfr 7day recaca shows a ance for showers on mond and tuesday. your canon ty 7day re s a mix 50s and
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teller countyt 7day forecast shs mix of 40s and 50s thththh ththnext 7pdays. eris a a a or shers late
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litt nugugt asr peyn manng hiphysal rr.n network is rerting that cording to manninggs cocoract all manning has to do i itell the broncos th he is avaidable t tata the physical not acacly take it. the eaer report is reportinthatat the broncos will let brock osweiler test free agency y because they don't want to pay him sixteen llion dollars a year. it is also ininrerted that the brons s n't overpay fo osiler because they think highly of
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quartek trevoriemianan free agenc begins in the nfl nextee. p withhortrtop jo reyesesn ministrative leuntil hiial aly astiis iover.h first cour appean iearlril hostop trorortoryry makiki t most opportunity y play.. the rockies s okok on t t dbabas again today y . 1. inhe 3.s.sry ...hits this one to de center...about ten stories high...a 3 run homerun... 2. if youou have seen pictures of f cargo frfr spring training h his buff, displays the p verer here... rockies win 5.. chenne momotain graduate cann barry was honored for his arts tay... rry, a basketball player at the college of charleston w named a a rst# team academic c alalamlc toy. barry, a double major in ysics and computer nchas animessi 4.0 po agag b b be suerin pjuhis le ould this sesese ..... wawaving wonderfuyear on the court. as
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almost twenty points per game, which ad his team andhe nfnfence. the falala h hh school cheer am is flying hihi after winning their division at the ameri-chee teteational competition this weekd florida. on top of tha they were oneneenth of a poi from winning the t competetn. head cch mary ann wilson has taught cheer for more than 30 years,s,nd she saya ts is one of her pudest ment... "we've done a very positive `@ thing g r the school, very posive t for ehcounit analso tha t ban knoth threiol pion" ko20.. it's mu the kobe of past eaten your younto w w a game.. the nder, more gentlier kobeb wain a giving moodast night ...kobe autographed the pepsi center and en gave them to kin the that's a souvnier... brnt scod five points in his final game in the
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capturing colodo is up ne. cancnc awarenens campaign kicks of how you cant yourair dond h hp p p t.llave e ur mplele
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totoight, is george clooey quitting acting? >> as you a a on screen, you can't sit in front of the mera. >> his thoughts about t e unforgiving cacara why his days on s coulbe mbered. >> you're forever young, george >> not so much. are katy pry aland bloommoving in togetr? afr thei sexy hawawaii vacaon, en st otsho n rr why they could b house hunti >>ndndhe hollywood wives plastic rgeon.


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