tv NEWSCHANNEL 13 Noon ABC March 4, 2016 12:00pm-1:00pm MST
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'r' peing to see a few clouds across southern colorado, mike has more in the forest ckle up! a cololodo springs hool district will co the first in thehetate t use seat belts on school buses. pl -- it was another heatat debate for the g-o-o-candidates. we'll l ve a highlits from lastht. rnoon ananthanks for joining ususus m jon n rroll.l. danalemens if o o ohis no. . weweave e brking news s noon... creware working a structure fire the east side of colorado spspngs. it's in the 23- ndred block of bno cile...whi is ne azon and powere. we have a a ew on the way and are working to confnfm more info.
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look at... ad-lib toss to mike th afternono: will warm into the 60sand s. tod's dry front will k)kk up t t wind tafternoon, raisisg fire ccerns ciallylo the faeasterplns, but it will also hp to spad mororclouds across the state. the latest model runs s show that this f fnjs too drdrto prompt any ificant rain or` snoooon sosohern colorara excepfor an ilated spririle o o o snow dusng isn't out ofofheheueioioaround oulocal l l tain inclg s peak anweern teller county. toght:t: mpuresesill ol nsetanit'l be bezezit windconditions in pl. partly`yo stlylyloudydskieie rumainl`ws wl be in e upper 20s and wer 30s, with some sps that didn'get below freezing l lt night t t ing there tonight. extxtded: it will be coolel on saturd a !a result of tos ont, with highin the 50s and 60s. a stronger r orm system wililbegin approaching southern coloradodon susuay. ahead of thihisyem the wind wilincrease on suny, prompmpng gh fire nger once agn! a strong g ld front will move ththugh mondnd aften, whi will brbrg the highest ance for needed raininnd snow in southern colorado mondbyshowers s may nger into o rlrl esy morning before wininng down. it w wl dry out by wednesday and thursday ahigh pressurereebuilds across southern colora. tosssso anchor
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a brush fire near avonde is now 100 percent` containid. firefighters re back the area this morning. e fire stard wednesday and bubued three- ndred acs. no structures are threatated lorado spngs schoho didirict 11 ll come the f fst the state to iment t at belts i school busus. district administrators sathey'll use feguard seatat have a the-point seat belt alalady instald. the press is set toegin this spn n rere sese der bus will be phased out as t t strict buys newer ones. . e th
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seatacks wil be used on gula ro andmountaous drdrinarfoeld s.&la t st, 'll hy adminiratoto made the cision. the eololodo spriris cititi0 council l l maririantask rce wiwi hold its final scheduled meeting today it's set to scscs zoning r licensed majua bunesses, enforcement of tentntl restrictions on majujua growing operations in residentntl zozos, and changes to marijuana business licensing requirements. a recently laid off evra employee is king out gardg the cuts made by t compy. the e l coant 7070 workers from thehseamamss pipe uniniafteteit says produduion waaffected by low oil prices. eddie barela junior says the cuts came as a a a shd now life is going to be toughgh thout a job at the steel mimi. t's streful, you obviououy tta make end et financially and everytni ke tt." the cdee
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ich memes woercould d get thr r bs backck raz temparily la off 200 workers la yeaea yourap report ts rnoooo.... the government ss 242-thousand jobs we adadd last month . far better than the 172- sand jobs added in january. meanwhil.. the jobless ra ld stey in februaryt 4- point-9 percent.t. that's an 8- year low....nd level many exrts s considerero be l emoyment the feral ruserve wants see wag inijease a jury couou soon begin deberatiti on whwhhetwo o hotel l companies s d,a a a ic str should beorcecete pay ororcacaer erininndrewsws ions of dolllrlr closing arguments e t to being in andrews' civil case today. the sportsster d cocoososof the how "dancing with the star filed a 5 million lawsuiagainst ththstker a d the twtw cocoieieatat ow operatat the shvie ioio at vandndbibi.
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corded videos wewe tak of andrdrin septembe. chael david barrrrt was sentce serve 2 years prisoter admitting to stalking andrews in three es. 's a stototo that cld explode in the o-j simpson case onon again. loangeles detectctes are investating knife that w s purportedly found years agag at his former me. poli say it was susuoseded founby a citizen and turned o or to a noretired pplice officer simpson's use wawa deed ars ago. e e came to the atttion of police in thehe pasu monon. . . mpsosowas s s acquitted d murder chargesesp in the 1994 4 stabbingsgof his -wife d her friend. a group of communit activists e starartingget t le pipes oututf ththgrnd in flint, michin.peop from flinincityallansnsare tryio figu out be plan to ve thousaof leadaderce lilis frfr ty. after long- ti coming.a le service line
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a home. prprate donations come from organizations udininflflt cocoition and flint isisc ceer. "we got 15- thlusand that got t# getetid of f $&you&ow w cares whher it's'subc or private, so u plaud theh effort." it's still unknown if there ararle pipes connecting homesuvdergrgund in the ststet. so for now residents say they'll contin to u btled water and lters. memewhile, democratic presidtial ndididesre eparing g r thier debate in flint, michihin this week. g-p candidides had a fetense moments in lt night's debate. frononrunn dodo trum s plaiing nse. megan huhues t testrom the litil ail. --kg-- naump-atat michig rarathisis morning- continues hit marco rubio ahead of the mch 15qhrida primim trump "you know in flora th hatlittle o soso much?becauau he nevev sho up to vote they e angry at
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bebeleleed d caher.r"toy on good morning america- rubio on nhe fee r his part in the uy of words.s.ubioio "h"h"heds s get a tatae of his n medicinene nothing i have ever said comes anything close to at dal ump ys regularly ily anroutine basis." perhaps on of the lolost moments in the campaig- trump's response to o rubio lanigit: s s- trump "h"h referfed to my - hahas if ty ar small, something else must be l. i guaranteyou there is n n probm. i artee . fox moderator gyn kelly essed the frontrne r trump universisi, nonothe suect t lawsuits-- sot-kelly and ump :the titi from the ttererins reau was a "d" minus, the laststublicly avavlable rarang. in 2010. it was s the result`tf a a inin. it was uled to an "a."k:k:k: t't'never releaseded on imgration- ted cr tt ey's's assault t earlr r ng trump lease tapepeofn off fhe recordrd - nversatio n he had with ththnew york times? cruz 21:467 cruz: you are misleadingheamerican peop. trump: you are e one. cruz:release th tapes. what are you hiding in th s? was
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special visafor high-tech rkers despitthe opposi vi being postededn his website.e. t trtrp & kellllmk: : . you change you ne oso many thgsgsand that hasome peoplpl sasang, what is his core? dtdt i hahaha very strong ce. i have a very stng core. but i' ner seen a succesesul person who wasn't'tlexi.. repoer tag:hortrtafter th debate, trp leased a statement indicating that he wa in f ft not "softenini" " his positionon on nhe visa program, terall. he would end it. no exceptions. megan , abc news, ingt. a b by w w dressed as bernie sanders at a las vegasas rally has died. knknn ashe "bernie baby," 3 monoh-old olivez lomadadas wo a m m of gray hair, a tie, andnblack thick- riried gssss. & he died ofof dden infant death syndrome. his family will bury him esday. they'r'r'risin ney to hp ver ri expeve counseli. his life got o to a agh start. but r comimi an athlete turned things around. now t is staff sergeaea pasng alolo whwh he larned tohe next neration. meanwhile udents at one
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12:11 pm
brki news of a house fire ... crcrs are workjng a a structure re on the et side of colado rings. it's in the 23- ndndd block bruno circle...which is nearstrozon and powers. we have a ew on the way and are rkrkg confirm momoinfo. toppg yo onomy tracke.. ad-l curnt stocks oig d epbetttt sinese beau southerer cocododo suing a warng abab colorado springs based crematio companan.. it's a target 13 alert for yau thisfternoon...
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the "heritage provider l l l"..... or "legacy serfices is knowfofo refusio turn er r raiai until loved ones papapaditionalfees. the cocoanan s virtua officecicicilo springs uld noent onhehe tions. the's a new eml sc targeting soututut cocorara.` it a version of the i-r-s scam, typical this te of yr.t. ers s sending ito human rereurces and accounti teams to get sensitive e inrmation about emplees.s. we tald with a corara spris yroll mananar.r. l la ramsey... who says when she got the scam ail... w w was addrdrd from the c-e-o-of hecocoany, she was s spicious. . 14 -:26 "i sentnthehemail to my supupvivir... ani saidoes s this soundndike something r cecewould want me tdo?" 2060 thehbest way to avoid becoming a v vtim m
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your taxesbefore the scammeme do. e pueblo associciion ofrealtorsrsrs taking action n hehe coununy betty partnering with the local school distriri. for about six@ weeks re estate agents ve been mentoring kidsfrom district 60... . meeting to discuss school and life. the ciation s to help kids while impring g e & school distrtrts. . the e in school they are workrkininthth now is the pueblo academy of arts. "it dn't aear we were performing at the lel of otherer stste schools. s weweand d d o whatate could do, we approached the diststct and in n kind oa j/int cicion we decided that we start a mentnt program." the association n hopettracdcd momo reaor tohe program so it can expand. a a oto went viral.l. showing a whole foodod ocery store in california sellg a peelel orange insidida plastic coainer. ththctur was shared o itter by thalie gordon. shsays itjshows th misuse of plpltic
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re-tweeted nearly 56- thousand times thmp has ogized and says the prprucucwas pued f shves. 6your c oice e e e raas lached a statatide e effort to full strtrgth beer and we sethe 5 ores in n days" team at stores. you'll have the luarn how allowing sales of fululstreth beer and wine inin grocery ststes could impaet pepe. the grp also sasa it will help craft brew baot proposals to lili colorado'o' ban ononull strength beer and wine sales in ve b bn fifid statewididvote ovember 201616 you could see your favorite schoolascoco on frontntr's the compy yp aturing animals on its airplaneaidi... now frontier ere are 19 new planan nglight is year.
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submit theirir mascot and the pupuic will vote fofotheiei faritetetrstate (unersisi, c-c-bouldeana.u-c-c-s e few e colo schools thatat haventnted t cont titi ends on apri30th recentnt arst m m be the e y toto solvina -yr old cold case in colorado spriri moron th coming upup fit, i yorerelololog sintime es .e ity group p is lking for
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to fololw brkiki n ns of a aouse fire colora spngs. crews s e woing g g hehe -hundred blo bruno ccle ...whis ne astrozon and powe. we're hear repopos s at@ ki arengng ke ie a school neay... police are blking roads. have a cr ononhe wayaynd are working to irm more info here's a l le lookt... this afternoon: high will`larm into the 60s d 70s. totay's dry front will kick up the nd this afternoon, ising fire cononrns s espepeally alonghe far eastern plainsbut it w wl so helel rere more cloudsacroro the stateththth latest model r rs show that this f fnt is todry to prompt y snow i i iuthern cocoradodoxcept for an isolatetesprinkle or snsn dusuing isn't out our local moununins, d w stererteller temperatures wiicoolol bereezy,y,ith windier cofoitioio in the e ainspartly t mostly cloloy s remain. lows will be in spots that d dn't get below freeziasas nit geing g ere totoghghenend: it ll be coern rday as resu todoy's fr wit his s the0s0s60s. sonst
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colora o opupu. aheaof thisysyem ththwiwiinonunday, proting hiire dangnge !p!pn!n! strononcoldld onwillove throroh monday aftern which will ing the e ght chan for needede raqn a a snow in sohern colorobo on& nday! ! owers may linger io early esday morning befo winding dow it will dry out by wednday anan thursday as s s essure rebuild across southern colorado. some of you ararasking mor questions about t w thth pothole app for do ngs, works. we have e update for you this aernoon the poththe e app doesest ace reportrt
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somemof f u are asking more questions about how that pothole app for cololododo springs, worksks we have an update for you this after. the pothole app doeseses place reports on a separate pair l lt. they're included on the same list as rerts from other urces. all the reports are iorirized, wh the wot going to the top of the list. that we've had
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compled ththyear, from people who he e en calling them irough the raou meths.s. cantete you t have filleo repae th 74-45ndred total, y yto- date." sie the cici doesn't sepate pothol compintsts cording g hoey'r receed, 's rdrdo sasa when wrs wiwi rpondnd reports fr the app.p. wiwi the beautil weathewe have e had latelylyit's puttg gardening the mindndof a few in pueblbl and the miracle coun garden... plans lease out its garden space to pele in the commmnity.the garden has potstsor ininduals to garden as well as spots reseseededo grow foofor r the pueblol coate care center.r. e garden pridedt ys the al ito lp people grow theirwn food. ast year we grew 581 pounds re produce for the e cooperativi i care center th went directly to e consumer$ and fed a loloof fali." the garden is looking fofohelp om aone. even iyou are not intmrested i i having a plot.t.
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a house fire in colorara spspngs... crews are working in t 23-hundred bck oflfruno circlc@ ....his near trozonnd powers. we're arg reports thatat kids are being keptptnside e school n nrby... lice are blocking roads. we have a crew on the way andnd e working to confirirmore in. - here's a ae look a a all eyes are on n n. nonoh korea after the country's leer kimjjong un reacteto sanctions imposed by the u-n... now, he's s readied his miliry t t unch nucle
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abc'ray raimundiepor how u-s vernment ficials are spding to thth new alert. natsnorth h korea'a' annoce nt to get nuear weweons armed and ready ------ settoff inrnationana panicj overght. nat pop e developmt s coming...aftft as brdcasted north kore televisi. th anchor.beaea ming with pride....that t leadim jong un n id the country's nuclear warheads ne to bebe ready tose at anyim nat pop: fr kororn state lerefetoim jg un as dede ..nho jusunder th ars ble to gaga t ececion anananpacity hit rgets... ususg a new, longange re s ste nat pop of swoo t u-s ate depament. ..tells c c nene they y are clel moniniri thth sisiation....u rgrgg north korea to: : gfx: quote efrain frfr provocate actis and rhetoror th aggravate tensions" but a rent by nort koan militata -- - what they say is a hydrogen bombn january --- and bruary tests s @ missile chnonogy aimed at ng t u.s. ---e
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more credle and concerni. g: northth koreis attemptiti to flex its power -- in the e ke of monday's u u.n. curity council resolutuon u.s d sout ko officials have already meme today to discuss the possibily d dying an advancece miss defense system on thththrean penins a momo... chinin strongly opposes. rr, abc ne, new york. orities ain n ve szed 20,000 uniforms s and supplies ble t equip an armymyof jihadi fighte. e epepion eted a busi k at ofcisay pp mit entespaiinteor ss the unifms were e beg shped ntlledy isis al-nusra inraq anansy the shipping contaiaiere2 labeled second-hand & clclhes. irates airlinin has compleleth woworld's loes non-stop commercialflight an airbus 380 touchedown in aucklandndndw zealand yestfrday ter leaving dubai. the flig took 17 hrs and 15 minutes. the flig shes threehourfr the
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...which is near astroz and powers. we'r'raring reportrtthat kids are bei ke insid schohoea popoce are blockiki rds. this viviv is from thehe colododo spngs poce partmentnt on the way and . re's aive look adadib ts s s ik this aftnoonhihis !wm into the 6 6 and 70s.ayayry fronwill kick upuphe wiwi this afafrnoon, raising fifi concernrn especial alolo the far ststn plains, t it will so hp to spread more clouds across t state. the latest model runs show tt thisisront is o dry to pmpt any gnificant t r snow in soutrn coloradodoxcepe r an isolad sprinkle or r snow dusting isn't outut he question n ound ourfcal mountains, pcluding pikekepeak and western teer countonight: tempererures wl coolol after sunset, and 'll be breezez with wiwir conditioio in the plns. ( rtlyo mostly cloudieie reinlows will be in e upper r0s and lower%30s, wititsomeme spots thatidn't get t belolofreezing lt ght tting thehe
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highs in the 50s and s. a strtrger r orm systst will begin chinsoutut loradon nday. ead of ts system the wind will increase on sunday, pmptingng high fire danger once again! a strong cold front will move through h`ay ten, which wil brinintne highes chance f f neeee rain and sw w w southern colorado on nday! showers malinger into y z& esy mornrn rereindidi down. will dry y t by wednesday and sday ahihipresssrereebeblds s acro southern lorado. ss to anchors seatbelts or no seatbelts o o oluses? it's's'sn a nanaonwide diussisisior years. and now...the biggest school stri in colorado rings is m ming the move district eleven n will be the e rst in our state to ghs t 50s and 60s. a strtrr storm steml begin approaching southern lorado on sunday. ahead d t ts system the wind will crease on#sundada prompting high firdada onc agagn! a strong cold front ll move e ththugh mo afternoon, wch will l bring the hiest chance f needed rain and snow in southern cololado on monday! showers s may lier into early tuesday y rning fore w wding down. it will dry ououby weweesy and thursday as high essure rebuilds across s/uththnp colorado. toss to anchororor
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nonoeaelts on scscol buses? it's bee nationwide discussion for years. and nono..the biggggt scol districtctn corado spriris is making the mo. district eleven wiwi be thfirst ur state to install seaelt on its buses. krdo newswsananl 1313 dana molina explai what's behind the decisi. students getting on a d1 s willlloon n have to bule up. admimistrators will roll ouluth plan lat thihi year. 17:44:5555 10 we wanted to begin now w we can statt imemenent. evenally we'll see all our buses wi seat belton them. the ea has been undedididision for years.s.ut tet year.... the naonal highway traffic fe adadnsitrationh endorsed the use e the ree-inin system st t s. t idedeis to keep something like this . ..from happening g g he eventhof. 17:39:51 i think it's a great idea, ki shod ha seat belts at a times.ut not everne feels thatay. . nyny onli show skepticism...sayin g in emeency situatns belts cod do re hararthan good. not t accoing to d- 1117:45:50 with sidedede pacts and montous drivivin the e atbelts have been shswno keep stutts safe. and it's just fact t at atbelts save lives,
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with three buses this yeaea standup some of these nenebuses will be retrofitted. some of these backs will be plplpl with seat bes alrerey y thehe miniktrars say tht ththe int sysy re is y y keep students fein colodo spng dana moli, kr neannel . d-11 says older buses wiwi be phasedututs they buy new buses with sesebelts. detectives s a former ft carson soldier is at the heart
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yeye-old cold cace. investigator y joelelket broke intoes and assaulted chilen a adults in th early mornin hours ffore repopoing to the unta host. thano nene technololo, , stigors got new leads and re-opened the case in 20-14. detectives found mabaet in texaxaand ededim. 2 - 000246 it's somethg the pvictim has to live with and the fact at we can bring justice to her makas me fl a ttle better about thth casand hopepell tre will be e result detectives believe e mabe more victim you havavan unreported o o lved casanu thit nked t t trket ... call investigatats 719-5271 colorado rings k-nine officer ha caught another fugitive... mamama t tecond capture in a week for the dog. investigators sathe arst s s de in the eight-hundrede block of sunt roro yeyeyrday afternn neroc wawith the ofcersrshowere rpondin to a crime tip at
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locate travis s fredericic tside of a meme. fredericwas wanted on several warrts. he tried to run ... but br caug up to him m bry may still have eeeeice to pay r hihirole in " "flategate." the court of appes in matan ted hearg arguments on ether or not thnfs attempededan of should be inststed. judges gave a players' union lawyer tough meme.saying evencell tamperg was compelng. they say there waevidence bradad encouraged the deflating balls.decision could beeeks away. thman who scor the gamemeinning penakickn the 1999omen's rld cup, will donate hererra for concussion research. brandn chastain rreny coacheheutut socccc in san n francisco. she made t decisiono help rechers beer unrstand c-t- e..... degerarave condition thth causus a blow or seseral owoq to the head.
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staff sergeant at schiever air fofoe base for a year....but he's already ssing along some imimrtrtrt ons.....ea morris thomas learnethose lesss himsel from h h wrestling cocoh... andnds more than happy totweach them to his athles. krdo nechannel 13's grgr mler showowus why h is colorado strong... nats wrestling g n't a pasttimemeor statf f rgeant morr t tmasa natsf him coaching ... a life- saver t: i hadado o rk mysf off, doing the training i had to do. he ideifieie withheseseidid hitting the mat nats - because wiout it's not sure he'd be the success he is today. sot: it's one of the sports thatat all none can take at away om y y. before staff sergeanththohos servedededthe ai force, he grew up iect housing. he e e ver r en liv in a hememth his papantm m tihe s nine. evenn@his teen yeararare oftete got in nights in olol a a was even arrtet t t was thankso a coach, thaha ever chanand.d.ot: hehe camep to me and d said 'hey y don'd' you give it a shot'. i was outhere by myse, eventually i gointo it, and gotaddicted to o it'see a part of ny l le evev sisi mons ofof his n ning led toto bter focu. a beer mindset.t.ot: it's one of those sports, that once it gets ur adrenaline p pppng, it's only yourlf. . u t tworry about the e ingsou have goinon. you'u' trainingoursrsf, you're`eattling yourself. nobody else , nobodydyan tak atrom you. so o now 's acting g as that coacacto others. nats -
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oneen at schriever for overer year, , , already has 15 students. but if you ask k em, it's about more than a sp t: when i go to practice and wrestli, he'slways there looking out foevevy single one of ushis ents lelrn a lot dung t tir mahes - even i i 's a t osomemes. kid s s: he's not becoma coactoe,e' become a father figure e. a second dad almomo. sot: i seeee them climbinthatat me laddfr hato it'she lessons ey take out o othe ring... thth make e staff sergeant morris thomas, colorado stro. case rockgregmiller, krdo
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won fifth plple at a ste championip thisear r that's their firiristate competition sincncbeinin ornized. for some, it's thleast- favoriri seat on ththplanan.. bububoei is testing a ne type of aiiner rero that kes cleaeang new heightsts we'll explaia. he'c a live e lo at... is afternoon: high will warm into the 60s 70s. today's&dry front will kick k thehe wind thiafternoooo
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will warm in the 6 6 6 d 70 tod's's's frononwill kick up the wind this afternrn raraing fire concerns s s s escially along the r eastern plains, t it will alsoelp to spad m me clouds acss thehetata. the lalatest model r ow thathis frfnt is too dry to pmpt any signicant rain or r snow in southerncolo except for isolated sprink or snow dusting isn'tut of t question around r cacamountains, including pikes peak and western teller countytonight: teteeratures will ol after sunset, and it'll be brerey, with ndier conditions i the plaiaiaiaily to mostly cloudy skies remain. lows will beben the r 20s and lower 30s, with some spots that didn't get lolifreezing lasas night geg there night. extended: i will be coololn saturday as a relt of y's front, with highs in the 5 and p60s.s. stronger stor system will begigi approachininuthern colorado on sunday. aheaeaofhis systemem the windill increa on sunday, proting high fire danger once again! a strong cold
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brown's offici& cause of death has finally be released. the late daf itneuston wawafoun unconscious in a bathtub inineratlantmemen january of last ye. e medil l examiner said shehdied of immersion in water mixed with drugs in her system. ose substata reportedly included marijuan alalholl a cocaine-related drug andmediditioned to trtat anxietyty ththm-e could t determine whether own's dededewas s result of intentional or accidentntnt causes. (abc's "djrty dancing" reboot has found its band leader. billy dee williaia i ion board tito",", plplpl b charlecolein thorigal film. many will reqember williams for t t roles "lan calrizian"n the original star wars francse the plot volves arorodl by, an innnnt young woman n who vacaons th her pen at an eaeay-60'scatskills resort and gewept wff her feet by a hahasome dan
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super bowl fifty m-v-von mill is going from thehehehe griron t tthe dadae flr. the denver broncos defense en will be e cocoestant on neseason ofbc's'sncncg wiwi@ thehetars". milleras been known to do celebration daes after sackg opposing quarrbacks, mef whwhh have earned him fines fromhe nfl. u can watctc "panci w wh the stars"s"er on ko wschannel 13 starting monday, h 21st. anone of good morni america's very n has also en addededo the cast ofl dancing with t stars. gier h done it all.l. frfr or exploring hidden wonders...and st recy & taking on the jojo o motherod just weeks ago. now she's onto her next allenge.f.chching e mimiorball trop. pthouou h h dancnc expeence i i mimal hehemom says she g g 110% tards whatevev she do! the biggt thing e hatoe onfinc d i thk th enough nfce you willllee her finish out in the fals. ginger was on the cheerleading squad in school and a member of
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univerty dance am.. she's going to ve one very bibicheeeeng section e rest of hollood d finallylfigud out w op "ddpdpl" at the weekend box ofjfce: animed animals! david daniel has a look at t e weekend's nene movies. pd's first rait officer, judy hopps!""ready tmakethe world a betterlace?" rabbit cop a a a x coartist team up in ootopia," the sney flick about an allll animal society. 's a msive hit withthrirics, and analystsay i could open with as much asas0- million dolls, which wod beat " "ozoz"'s but. "lce to lond, mrmr presesest.t.t.hat's wrong?" "nhihi. gs the hell ouof me." "get down!" it's gerard butler rsus gererd butlerera week after heheebuted in "godo of f egypt," buer turns eaters in "london has s llen playing e same secret rvice agent he didiin " "ympus has faen." aaroeckhart t anmorgan freeman also turn forhe sequel, which h getting weak revis and is looking g openg in the lo20-mon range. "you ld t me interew you." "but io not know you. h h c we get to knoeaeh other?" "yes, ki elent!" "a"ahhh!" ti feblasts into eaters witit "whisk t tgo foxtroro" based a j jrnalist' meirirbout reporting from afanistan and kistan. r-r- ratecomeme is
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revivis, and box-officetchers expect a 1010o-12-million dollararebut. in ywywd, i'm david daniel. and if you said "i really ould see 'spotlht'" aftereit w t t st p ptureosca you're in lu. thmovie is opening in more theaters this weekend chehe your l#lal stings time now to o eck wit our news partne at krdo newsradio... mike l lis from krdo o newsradio o ins us. lcome to our harl globetrotter zeu mcclurkin.... we want to o r our best teach winner..from
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you've heaea of the term...digigittt yourself....r "d-`-` i-y." but ononof yoyo woman got bububued for it. coming uon wschchnel 13 at four, find out whshe rerere fabrbrated t cense plate... anwhat uld happen to her next. the friendly skies are about to g a whole lot cleaner. boeing is developing self-cleang
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its passenr jets. here's it works: entirelavava would iuminatedwith u uraiolet lir r sesends after ing us. light ll more t t t9q rcent of germs. boeing says the ojececec stilin the teteing g as check this out! a family in n e southern u u. thth wishes to remain anonymouwas cleaning out theieigreat- grandfather's house when ty found a crumpled paper bag. insideere seven perfectl preserved original t tcobbbb basebell@l@lds printed in the early 20th ntury. ththe`are e ly fifteen mimir cards knowowowcoecrs. ononapapaisese t b bt-t-t- prprerd of ththehseveve cards can easily sell for more thth a million pdolllls. ty cobb plpled for the detroit tirs from 1905 to 1928. here's a live e lo at..... ad-lib toss to mik
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will w wm into t t 60s and 70s. today's'sry frort will k kk upuphe wiwi t ts aftern isg fire conces esalaz alo the far rbstererplainsbut itill so h hp to read mororclouds across the s ste. the latest model runs owhat this front i tstsdrdr pmpy sisiifican or snow in southern colodoxcepepfor an isolated sprinkle or snow d d isn't o t ofofhe queueion around ur r cal mountains, inuding pikes peak and stern te untytonight: after sunsns, and it'll the ulainsnsnartly to remain. lows will be i lower 30 with some spots that didn't get bew frzing last ll b bcoer on toy's frt, wit 60s. a strger storm colorado on suay. . the windill increase on sununun proroting hihi fire danger once ont will move thh h nday teoon, which will bring the highest ce for needed d in andnoin uthehe colorado on moay! shows may lilier into early tuesday morning before windidi down. it will drdrout by
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>> a "teen mom" exclusive. the medical mystery e'sbeen susuerfrom, for momohs. >> you might even quit the show >> announcer: can the doctors help her? >> how quy did your leg ok ke thatat? >> t ts s bebeme thatenigimaer da.. >> nnncnc: to news in two. how adly is career? we havevea new cdc reporl. >plus, de effectstlinked to a female sea. and a nationwiwe wawaing out several populular health foods. thah's todod! [ applau ] >> dr. travis: when u look the mirror, what do you ses? our nextguest has a major r ise with r reflection, sharar by a famous movie e monster. ^> about 8 ars o my husband game ill, he was in the hospital for 0months and
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