tv NEWSCHANNEL 13 Noon ABC March 7, 2016 12:00pm-1:00pm MST
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[ eers a a alause ] i just think i grea h hs he's on top peyton maing's s per bowl 50 victor waindeed hisis st rodeo. we're live with the details on e st ququter back's big decision. ppus, inveigatats arsearching fospts whbe up n rglaririri home hokoyou can help in tracking the suspects down. mild teteeratures, plenty o and a ch forshers. go afternoon and thanks for ining us. i'm n karroll.l. d i'm danana clens. one montnt after winning g the super bowl, denver broncososos quarteack@ peytonanning is making another big call... manning is stepping away from the game. wsws nfence just t wrapped up for manng--- discusng tirememe eft 18eaea
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ad-lib tososto jaythis aernoon: : : winds s veryty in somarars this ternn as low pressure center approaesm weahd ofhelow, highs wtot in t 50s a 60s under partly s sny skies.s.he highest chance for rain and snow through the earlafternoon will be t mountns northwest of colorado spngs. later on, the chance for showers ll spreaeastward, d the afternoooo commute along the i-25 cridor will be e slick one in sts. sty west windsdsill branototr round refl warnings inin otero, kio, nt, owers, baca and las a imas counties til 6 pm. tonight: chances for rain ntntut through momt of the night, ananwiwi teeraturur dropping thra wilchangeovero snow. anan acmuontside hentai wl inimal but som ush psie.wiwiti b b breeitlows in the tes and 20s s ouou the area
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new infoation on breang news e follalal g. e el pasasa& untyeah and ueeam m nfir both thmig brbrbravbeouaf ead cquier- - 17-year-old brothehemathew went msing went missing saturday afternoon whenen they left g roading. ew'sedeprangr waunramparrangroadarer. it's notlear if the boys were ararhat location -- or how they were found. we're still workg to get taililon t tir condition . authorities nt your help to find several burglars who ented me ity-ik&rnininld eyssaulted a person, and flede$ tics it hpeneat arndive irtyhis mornin..onon couch circle....near security boulevard and main street. the sheriff' office got a call about a homeme burgry in
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progress. there were multiple burglala, d multiple people ininhe home. thth say one rsas assasld kan hoalath fe-teatetengjuries. investigors spent the morning talkinin to neighbors, , anloing into what happened. are current stating, we are looking r these dials,e veaken peop dn tor fi for interviewstosee ififca kind of sewhwhmahaha l hiere's any nd ec, e veigatn is burgla i ey h h h taveny ivatal e erif ovce50 pepeivinine neig i i inon n n a ckn eir home after beg evacuated en aic wa ahome. mag ououhe arkakaka riv when hfound objthat looked le a e. ook itacacactotoisisise in e e 0 0 0 rtrtrt ololololand d lalalacacacacaca popoce. whenen thehe arritheyeyey alalalalt was ananctive cecenearar 2 2 2 memememe acd. the devi was
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detonated and residents were alloweweweck shortrtrt ter midnigig y reofofofs s s s cotrtrtrmomomo mememee firs ladies - -has s ed atathe of 949494 passed away ererhe weekend from heart t ilure, according to family spokesperson ...andla now flying at half staff at the nation's capitol. c's brandi hihi has t lateststroe rold reagan presidential brbry in southern californ. theirs was a loto - spanning moreha5050 yeyes. nats - "sehow i feel it's a my faul" om hollywood... all the way to t tte house... nanay reagan never left ronald reagan's . sot our love is here stay..." theormer first lady ... died at her belir home sunday morning. her stepson chael tweeting his mother "is where she has always wanted to be, with her ronnie." outside the rorold reagan presidtial library... families are leaving flowers... mos pay respects." as reaction pours in from across the nation. the president and mielle oma tweeting this photo -- say "ourormer r rst lady redefined the role in her me herer.." sot - - ar schwarzenegger, former govnor of lifornia "she was one of the greatest first ladies ... an extraordinary human being." nay rean famously un "jt no" ti-dg campmpgn ... sot - nancy reagwhat should you do if someone offe you drugs? just say no!!!" she was
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also h husbadn's most trusted adsor... and -- - at times -- accuseof controlling him. nay & ronald reagan "we're doing everything we can. doineverything we can." two years after ronald reagan revealed he had alzheimers... she spoke at the 1996 republican convention. so- nancy reagan "each y brings another reminder of this very long goodbye." mrs reagan became his career... until his deatin 2004... seen here -- hugging the president's casket one last time at the nation's capitol this morning ... flags have now been lowered to half staff... in her honor. a large neral service n being anned for nay at the rona reagan presidential library. former presidents and other heads of state will be invited... before she is laid to rest right next to her husband. brandi hitt - abc news - simi
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greanewsws for form president jimmy cart... he says he n longer needs cancer treatment. president carter made the announcement sterday during his sunday school class in plains, georgia. a carter center spokeswoman says he'll continue to be treatment if it's the 39th president was december. aggressive form of melanoma that hadpread jimmcarter is 91 years old. ( st. patrick's day is quickly approaching... but one southern corado woman missing her lucky friend. find out how you may be able help him find his way home. we have a warning for users of a certain brand of computer. find out how you uld be aictim of malware. we're t2acking some rain and snow this afternoo and we're tracking wind... lots and lolo of wind. we'll sow that forecast for the rest of the day and beyond in a few minutes. . here's a live
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p ing your economy tracker... ad-lib current stocks off the big board you're need of a job or a career chang the'a job fairwaititfofoioio the coast-totototo coast corado springs cacaer k kks o o today. it will at the clarion hotel and conference center of west bijou stet. the fair stted at 11.. but you ill ve p pnty of mememe job fair goes until two this afternoon. morehan 20 employers will be athe ent and at least00 jo a available. & mac users might . not asafe as theyhink. rcing toserity researchers- malicious softftre calald ansomware" s successfully rged apple@e computers for the firstime.
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ransomware is software that hijacks a computer..and locks ouits usntil raoms paid the program in es caed... "keranr"... reires victims to pay one bitcoin ....which is a litt m me thth-h-ned dollars.s. trieve their file ransware infefeioc#mes s at aimwhen the security o apple's prodts have come under scruny-- ririt out of a yard. now she rerned. level li ong of puebloisric arkansas riverwalk. find out y it's no cause for concern. we're tracking
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look atn coitioiwiw d tempature s storacker 13's jayolk tracng the potential for souern colorado. this afternoon: : winds are e ry g g in`nome areas th afternn a l l presesre c cte es fthth we.%ahahd ofofhe hig wililout t the 5ndnd0s ununr papely sunununun s. t t tighe chch fororaisnowowowouou t rlten n n be & t m m mains@ hwt ofofolororo o rings. later on, the chchce f swewe ll spread eaeaeaeaand the afrnoon commumalong g e e$ corridiwill be a slick one in spots. gusty west windsill bring another round lflf red flagagnings s ioio, be owow b ba and d d s an countieie un6 . night: chchces foforain ntinue thrgh mt t nightwiteteeraruresesro the ra wilchch ovovo snow. any cumutions outside t t mou wilil minimalabab some
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isisossible.e.wiwiwiwiwiwi be brbrzy w w wlo i ithe tetes s d 20s arououou the area. exteed: shows may linger into early tuesday momomog befororo wig g g rumulationo. wl neight and inlylyecededn the e e ntinenl d)vide. ltainreas continue tsee a anananan rand owcotuda wi seaea - eing a a aonweweda- before i i il l nd wnwny midiweekek bebeing ururay wel see abdant @sunsne as s gh pressure rebuilds across southern
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and taking a look ahead... people in pueblo m m notiti sose chs on lake izababh today and thre o the wewe ... due toto eaning and matenance.. . e water willlle lowered for r annual maininnance peoplelean - stl wawa arouou the lakak ... but are asasd d not to enter the la bed because it c/cld mage liner. wo s suld bebeomomome on the prprect by nextridada a colorado rings woman is hohong the luck k k k k sh helps ina ststen echaun meme th popoant part hereraiai trk's dad!. and d ryryryan saysomeone swiped it.bryan kept ap her home for sasaeeng... and d sved a special pue the independence cent. it was one of o identical leprechas, placac on this oat for saint t patrk's day... madepecially by springs rescue m msion. 2s2 ve ustrg to t tt people are so willing to
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take something thatoesn't belong t tthem especially soing that doesn't belong t em. it's not ectronics, it's t t car 's a papateece of wood 43 brn says shehe just ask whoetook the prechaun to rn ititno questions asked. poli need urp zaim cicici... a mabrought his own ladder and toolan stole a security camera from pen au clilic in c corado springs. the coany says it happened inroad dadaht. a poli rerert hasaseen filed... ou have any information, call springs licece we've heard it from our pareananouou doctors.s. buameric ill aren't eatingh fruitsnd getaes. we'll have s tips to rampp tpe hehethy stuff. on the oer end of the scale, 's a dayet aside to cececeate someinmama of us start our withth there'still l time t tansner oub b b estion today... .& leave a comment at or on our cebo o ter page at krdo chchne13. .
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naturals ccken nugget oduced on se. 28, 2010. the 8-ounce boxepackages contain approximimatelel18 pieces of "applete nals chicken nununu with bebe before datete /27/2016recall. remember when your res ldou eat your vegegees apparently -- americans arar ill not listening. more than half of a americans n't eat more than one cup of fruit or onend lf cups of vevetablbl a y. mary moloneyey explaibi in today's health alert. ults shld eat a p anana half ofrui and two ps sf f vetables a y. that's the commende size. bu alst 90 don'n'eat eir daily thatat a prlem. eati more ts and and n wer r ur riskf heart ststkeke- and some cancers. not to mtiono.- it helps y maintainin healtly keeps your noatat your ee hererere urt. boost your breakfast. put fruit and vegetables a healthy een to your es -- d ke an eaky.
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pupue vevetables and d them sauces s s evenenhe potoesr mac and tpeese. . y soin withtht a lot of coror -- like` wer -- yon't be a a a a a tetehe diercece periment. pick a new getablblto feature each wee p mmmmy rerepes oro to a rm's market or grococy storan askpar. you'd be az at at you like. for alth (mimite -i'i' ma ne udies have own the benefits of includnu and pepeut butttt in your diet. thisldslowhe veent t ty-two diabetesnd heart sese resechers s say eating peanuts d peanututter y hold the keyey& to p pventing obesity. you can cracac open that cereal bobo. ananhaha an n extra dose of real t#tay thatececse national reay 49ernt oamican theiday wi a bowl-or - cerl.
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dot coco 2-popot-7 7 llion xes of cl ararsold every year. that's enough to wrap around e earth thiren timim ing ouat the top ofis gameme. still ead, we'll haha more on peytoto nng' decion to retire from otball. plus colorado rings city adar close to decidingn the future of cannabis clubs. here a live look@at... & good
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everywhere. yton nnin offifially anunced hi tiremea prprs conference.. aut an hour a. ... . rking an end ton era. manning leav hind a gpndary care. he toohomemewo s ser bowl wins... including this season's win over the pahers. mamaing als leavg his t record bobos. he ishes all-time leader with 5353 passin uchdhdns andnd nuarlyly ththsand ssrds. mag emotioiol abt t t saying goodb and ayg his la game... a we before thsuper bowl myauter as daddy is ts thlast gaga? yeye mosley, 's the last game t $on. i re do wantntou to win that troph i do totomosley andnd th's w wt e gogog tory to do." mag has wrappe his career after 18 yeof ofessionalotball. e e y is starng`g`g rarara nice.bu ill ve win.p dedenite some ststst winds out there in southern colorado ...
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thththreanger out ther re a live look at.t. storm tracker r 13's jay polk is tracki thecoitio out therer. alg thth frt ranae. ad-lib toss to jay th afternoon s veusus in somthis afteowow prsureter approaoaes fm e wewe. ahd of the low, h wtot in t 50snd under partly s sny ie tigigst chchce fororain and snow t tough the early y ternn wiwiwi in the mountaiai northwesof corado springs.ater on, the chch forhohors will spread d stward, avd the afternoooooo cocoute ong the i- 25 corridor wi b ba slone in s. stweststinds wilil bring anototr r und ofred d agarnings in o, kiowa, bent, prows, baca and las an cnt ununl 6 0 . tonight: chances foraln ntinue throught t of t night, and with temperat d dpping the rain will change ov tsn. any accumutions tsidid ofhe mountains will minimal but se slususis possible. winds will still b b breezy with lolo ithe tes and 2 s ararnd thehar.
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the el p po county sheff cere loloinfor sevevel burulathey say they entetea home on couchircle in s%s%sity- widefield d rly th morng, assaultea persos, anand took off in the victim's car. the sheriff's office is investigating what prompted the e cident. ththcar they're loloing for is a gr, 2020 hyundai sontata. if you havany l the sherifs office at 39395-5- 5- cannab clubs could soon be e e bannedn n colorado springs. loinaheaea city council is exexpected to decide this week. cil put a momotorium on nerijuana clubs last september, t date how the e e regulated. it came after somemeomplaintst about how e clubs work. at their work ssion this afternoooo council members will wei sevel tions foe tu of marijuana cls. the city's planning commmmsion
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expected to ta vote at its gularameetetg g tomorrow. the proposos to b bng the ananananannanas p festiv eblo county hahagonep in the e unty says "highimes gaga withdrew its permit requese. would he en hd a venee called, "the yard" on the me froapril 22nd to th. tommy giode, o woed th high tis, says organizers re crn therebwasn't enou timimto properly omote the event. "being in the prucuc and d promotioio business i sewhatt p takes to put n n ent li bands in n e backyard. d it wouou be exexel tough to pull that off in 5 wewe. that uld d the samemes the abis cup." giodononsasa he is working wyth high meme on another possible event later this year next year. the u.s. supreme urt may finally come a debisioon whether to hear@ a case brought agt ra by two nenehboring states over marijuana galiliti
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supre urt justic were scduleto meet pvate on fday to discscs ththcasese whwhh was filed in 2014 by the attorneys generain nebraska and oklahoma. the justices arstill weighi whether toake up the ce. their decicion uld d announced this afternoon. and turning to deci`20161. the dedecrat candates for presididt met last nigig in blblhtht city of flin-- which holds its primary ection tomorrow. voting will also t te e ace in mississippi and r r repupuicanin haii and i. . t t s mian, stands as a symbololf the eroding middle s and what ist stake in this ececon. s lana zak has s re. script: in the birthplace of general moto, , hilly clton drew a clear distinction betwthth o mocrats-- ininn sot: "i voted to save the autoto industst. h% vod agagnst the money y at ended up saving e auau dustry." nders: if you are talking about the wall street bailout ere me of yoyo friends styed th economy clinton:you know -- " nders: "e"euse me, i'm talking!" clinton holds a 17-pointntead in mimiiganwhere oncn shining ties%of steel have turned to st... d the watereof fntnt has bebe poisoned with leadfohis le in that crisis, both sanders and clinton called r the resignation of the repuican governor -- sanders sot: ... his dereliction of dutwas irreone. he shohldldldigig" the two we u uted in reproacng e republicics-- clinton sot:
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"comparerehe substae of this debate with what you w on the publblan sta ndnds sot: "we are, if elected esident, going to invest a lot of momomomo into mentatataalth, and if you watch these rereblican debates,p know w w."ut theyisagre on theheffecec of theirir clinton n& presididid and the ecic the 90 sanrs so "i on a picket l lin t early 90s agagt naa" cntnt t: " thend of 90ter two o rms ofhusbsbd's prprididcythe ployment rate in mimiigig w 4.4%. let't'talk a 23 million new w bsnd incomes wentp for erybody," tag: michigan is the prize tomorrow, with 147 democratic delegates at stake, that's arlys many as all 4 of the states that voted d is weekend, combmbed. lana k, abcn, washingtgt. verbatim: families o othe passgen missing fligjw weekend, combined. lana a an, washinon. verbatim: families of the passengersrsn missing ight mh370 are marking two disappeared on hundreds of people gatatre in the malalsian urging fororhe continue on-- "it's impoant t t tt has not t me h he remembering s# that remind t vernmentnthat 's not overer hopes wewe newed last week aer debris that haha come from the plane was v& mozambicue. titi toakaklegaga
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actiti a ainst malaia a alinene ---porter pkg-aslows-- a day of remembrance as the twtwyear niversary y& apapoaches nce mh370 nt missing g families have f fwn from around the world to kuala lumpur where the plananans last seen as it took off. "it's important sohat least 0eoeoe memb thaha3737 hanot t me hom t and wet them to keep on rerembering so that leastt helps usus remini the government t tt it's not over." b b fith the two y%ar niveveary comem a two yeeadle. undethe inteteatio morere nv t action clm dage mpst bta within 2 yeats om t t date aircraft shld have arririd. "tre's beeeeno evidence, nono infoatn, notng corete enough to make souou decision.nything you do is just a gamble at this stage. you only have these v limited options and d yore p p pn n very tighrner, with a veve tight deaea" and with t adne comes a twist. in fefeuary lt year parliament passed act 7 - stipuling amongst otr things - that mh30 fafafaes hahapao asas malaysia airlines for peission to fe lbwsuits againstptp malaysian rlines! "it's rerely absurd.'ve nener heard of it before, when soone says y have to get permission to sue em." lawye aran s sraj rreing some of e mh0 familieshe tell therege anr ist malaysia airlines willllnlgi consent - if fafaes agreeo ceai it - if they suepeas eyanyone else. "yououu can't t migration, you sue anyocnhas asked t the ndit sponse. ouou thn# m mauauer 5 -d-ds plplpjng 2n loans unioioion fund is pledgi 2525illion dollars inns to help fight e flint water crisis. the city's mayor says the ney will provide low- cost loaoa for replacing lead water pipes. they will al help boo the "fast start" prram...whicic hopes to plple alal residential lead pipes in fnt. the families th are most at risk wilbe first receive h lp. adke in the drinkg water after the ty s stched its s ter source out two ars o. mili of the passengers on ssing flight mh370 0 e markino years since the plane disappearer%on the morning marcrc8t8t 20101 hundreds of people gathere in t malaysian capital for a memorial tay. t wi the two ar
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anniversary y comeatwo yeareadl under the internatiomontreal convnvtion a a court on to o m damas st be keke with two y from the date raft should have e e arrived.0 they are ururng f the search for the missing plane to continue on-- "it's portant so that at lea people memb that mh370 has not come home yeyeand d want them to kp onon remembso t tt at leastt helpus rere the govement that it's not over." st lasts weekek- investigators on reunion isnd say they discovered debris tmay y vq comfrom malaysia airline flig 37070 kokoerimg un ikang rehreats to unchchsiles onhe-s a sosoh koko the nenethreat comes as t.s. and south rea a ve bethr annunu milita drills, kim jon un is orring h milita to on andby for clcjriri at tim this - -after the united nations announced a new set of sanctioioio agnst th cotry cacae of its recent nucltestndndng-range
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rocket lh. the seals sathey donon't hava enough mbatifleleto go around. califoia repuan ngreman duduan hunter, a fsfser says s se e als haomd d himimhat w ey ritn fpom a dpployment their rifles are given to other mmandos o are shipping o. rifles that are e outfitted withth telescopicic targeting g ghts and laser inte are fine-tuned to the indididual. and d e navy is loloening its be on physysal fitness testst for sailors. a new rule allowsailo who failed three or more examam... to take onmore is spring. the head of the e e rvrve e brch s sd ey're losi totomany tanted sailors. some were resorting to liposuctctn... diet pills... and her extreme fat loss measurur to try \ save thei caerer the e vy said d it not lering standas.....ut adjustinto new reality. it's also considering larger uninirm sizes. imagine the odds otwo others both hoinwinning lottckets... then pture
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heavy snower t t ekend for foinin califoia. . a severe stoept through rthern part of the sta... duduing mothanhree feete of snoin t erraraadad mountains.s. a wier sto warngn in fect fort u)l)l th aerno. he a live look at... nditionsns d tempererure s storm tracker 'say pk is trtrtr t teeratures for the ststt of we
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aernono winds arry gusty in some areaeathis afternoon as a low pressure cter approaches from the st. ahead of t w, hig will top out t0s and 60s under partly sny skies. the highe chanceceor raiand snow through the afwill be in the mntains ofofor spspngs.atern, t cpan fororhowerswill spread eastwa, and the afternoon commute alononthe i- 25orridowiwi be a slick ononin spots. gusty west winds will brinanotheround of red flag warnings in otero, kiowa, nt, prowows, b ba a d las anas cnts until 6 . . night: ancer in continhrough most ofht, anwiwi teatur ding rainill chchge ero snowowany mulatiwis id ofofof m mainsnsilbe m mimimimut somom usisisosbl winds will stilllle brbrzy witlowsthe teens and 20s ound the area. . tendnd: shshshs s y nger intotoarararueueay morning before wiing down accumulations of snow will beight and main focused on th continintal l vide. mountain areas will contino see a chance for raiand snow onotuesda- with some areas seueng a ahance on wednesday as well l before it all l nd domid-week. begig thursday wel see abunnt suhine as gh prprsure rebuilds across souohern colorado. byhe end of the week, highsill be back in the 60s and 70s.
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er p wrestltl'sex in n sng foinvasion of privacy. gaer cims that -- since hogan is a public figu- the sex pe i i& newsworthy. t a jury sected last week will l decide. a familiar face llhoing e ti awas iseaththlesion academy noced monday that jimmy kimm will hosthe 68t prime-time emmys. the awards show will air on sunday september 18th. this is kimm second timim hohoing the ar sw. ananla n show hosted the my's bacin 12. my nominaonwillbe a aououed i i july. a busy weekend for hoywood.. a weeding.. special tre to a country singer and star heg to the hospital. re's abc's nathsoso with todayay yl headli ririri it was a honeneoon weweend for wlywyws rupert murdoch anjerry hall. the eighgh- four-yeaold media mogul tied e knot wh the 59-yeaol moand acs in lond.pmichael inin
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ewyd bb 's t t fou rrmuoch,he execute chf@ wsrp. for hall, iterrst t own n n the a slhe hahaurur children with her ngmemememefofoer partn miagr. fa are mouwning unsi sensatjoeyey ek. ther husbd, e halfe wiinin o ey a roryjoad been figg cervicr r even she a ry contititi rord.oey feek wasust forty y ars d. husb ryloloing th w we's "greatdream came tshe is in hven." pulena dham theick list writer and ar of the hb ries "s" was spitalized ter susuerg an ovaan cyst rupture.e.heaid through a spokeswoman that s s w)wl have surgery. dunham -- who is twenty-ne s en ababt obleitendotrsi gy it and thth animated a als of "otopia" clawawededhehe w w the t/t of the weekd box office. the adventnte medydyulled in anstimimed 73 point seven million dolls in its opening three days the acacac- thriller " "ndonon has fallen" debuted in second withtan timated 21 poininseven mimiion. "deadpool" -- the amp r three --el thd. d that'speni hlyod. so na
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a peaniaia dge e hi brotr r r returned fm tion oto find out b bh of em hon the lotter of the othehe w a whoppiwo- hundred-91 llioiodoll.. d the other... scor a whole seven doars. mes stockl... th otwho ok t tulti million dollar prize... called his famio tell them they're heading back to florida for anot cation. no word yet on how his s other will b bspending his big prize. here's l le lo a.. webe r rht back p
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indianwent the exexle to `theheuive d recoest run` on aadllli 12oursrs suzi swinehart ran more than - s tme -0 which wouldld t t oldreco o68 mise s makes xntficlc thw@l@& be e inwo holger.e e e e e nn's#f#nily cheeeeee. .&.$ sha y ki reallllspjred m f rt. the wererkind my motivators for is." swinehart has done hundreds of raceses bebeer recoco-baking run,n,he fufuhehe she had on a treadmill was only 30 miles. guinne could take six mons e e ficials. yoyoyoedededed e incredible ho at was cau on v v v. it hapapneatat high schchl babababababaplayayf f me in
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natutul und d trinits s three with h h six-x-nths of a seco left. e trinity player misses the free thr, an the ball is the hands of a ballard player . watch it agaga he heaves a nearly full-l-l- court t desperatioio urt desperation shot, anititits! ramsey'sl ma sent the me int overtime. but... trinity went on to beat baard by fe in the tra peri. ad-lib t ts to jay this afternoon: winds are very gusty in some areas this afternoon as aow presre cente apprches from the we. ahd ofhe low, highs wiltop t
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inhe 50s and 6 under partly sunny skies. theighest chan forain and snow t tough the early afternoon wi be in the mntai northwest of colorado ring later on, the chan for showe will spread eastward, anthe ternoon commute along the i- 25 corridor will be a slick one in spots. gusty west winds will bring another round of red flag warnings in otero, kiowa, bent, prowers, baca and las animas counties until 6 pm. tonight: chances for rain continue through most of the night, and with mperatur droing the rain wilchange over to snow. any acculations ououide the mntains will be minimal but some slush is possie. winds will still be breezy with lows in the tes d 20s arou
1:00 pm
>>nnouncer: today in a dooror special report. details on how formeresubwayayay spesman, , , , jajaed, is ja, d in todaynene , mane collap wewehave the e details. >> a lot of things that the cameras don't catch. >> thdeadlilicatch stararar airlifteoff the t. >> stpy ofofivalalyou wowot t t eveedada [ applau ] >> dr. travis: hello age, we often ar down body parts keke knees and hips.. >ye, we do. >> dr. travis:s:right? audience: s! >> whdo have to agag? >> well, agg is opopal traas! [ l lghghgh] ] dravis: youuthat betrue, but even you, my
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