tv NEWSCHANNEL 13 400 ABC March 7, 2016 4:00pm-4:30pm MST
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weekekefefe thehehr bobo my daughter askekeme d ddy is this s e last ga? yesd mosleyan e etion-- d to on erer for e broncos star quarteack. peyton. manning' farewello the game. d arch for two missing ys en in relief...& erthey were f fnd... od afternooand afternn and thank yor joininus f channel 13 at four ..i'm heheheold.d. d i'ro naoum. it's the end of f era. mo f f fala plplers don't get t# retire on their own rms.thgameme retires them but not peyton ing he lks away
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champion. manninintalk today about ho grat h his to have plad in denv the last four y y y.. 18 years there's thing about thnumber 18..'s a gd numbeb todod`d retire from football." with his voice acking peyto mannintalked about homuch he loved t t me he played.. "when meone thorgh exhausts an exriejce they can't t helput revereret. i revere footll so you b!haveo wondererf ll miss it becseseill." manning says he e wouldn hav beenenal famer ifren't for r e ororof s faly. hen family can meanmom,m, dad, cooper eli extended family u are the best. ashlour support is ap & popont as a a tivatoas any man n uld ve." whahahe
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the relationships. "this game in my opinion is aboutut peoplp it's a relationipip siness i is certainlnot a play or a a row it momes. beile to ld m my ath athe e bowl ie at you'll always remember with manning retiri iss thla time we will g to h hr.. omahah.clapping sincnews broke of the retirement, fans have been anything but quie crowds gathered and eyeserglued to t-v's at a bubualwild wingngin colorado springng as fan hed e emotional l es conference, th s sred with us some of their favoriri mees of mannnng and at they'll m ms most. 000-00:04 e's going out asasne of the eatest quarterbacks o all time with all of records. s m veryxcited toee h go t in the limelight." "
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"i've always really respepeed hiattudeoror e game and how he might not be the mosos ysically atalicicuartrt ba but what ways me him good was how we he knew the game." 'll have much more fan reaction comom up on nechannel 13 at f fe. ((we've also poed peyton' retirent speech iitit entirety krdo dot c. . new atr.6. explorerer elemenenry ino erern lockckwk. acacemy scol disict 20 s ss a man was seen carryryg a weapon on campus this afternoooo springngpolice andhd-2020fficicls reporteded talking with t t mamaw. the students and f f safe. re rkino to get u mo detai the iididid colorado spris popoce & e investiging a a abbing thi afrnoon. it happened at a car washsh jet wing dve, at's on th south ea side ar south academy and fofotaininlv early reres are e victwabed several tis. po say the spt was on scinins be detned. a a working to get you more inrmation onon the victim and
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the el paso countyearch rescue tea confirms twomissing brothere 11-year r d rgelnd his 17-year-rmd sasarday afternrnn wh they went off- roading. mamaew's red wraler was found on rampmpt range road earlier today. bo boys were dehydrated and shen up... but e exexcted to o okay. they have been reited with family. so far no s on h h ey got lost. rnininto weatheand the winds kickinup again totoy in uthern colo. this is video
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eating hig rean toto with d ag warni in fect in seral coties, ininudg eblo, ( ununl x niand a live look t now at were pxinthe poibibof somemeain, bat m h h h stalled... it has been very windy today, and it wl rere breezyzyhoug tonight.t. however the wind wilnonobe as strong. tre are several l showows occucuing f toward our north - but theses showers, for the most part, are expected to stay nort while i caot completely rule t ansosoted showers alalg e lmlm videde, it's ing as thost llll enenup stang drdr tomorrow w hind cd front tonight, i'l ow what means for yoyocomimi up p
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burglara w w ented a home in s surity- widefielel ndnd mng wu're told they assault a pe, and fled the victim's r. it happeneat around f fe thirty... ono& couch circ.... near surity ulevard and maintreet. the sheriff's offi g aall about t home burglary in progress. erwere iple burglars, and multiple peoe in t he. ey say one person was saululd and take the spital with life-threaning injuries. ststststs spent t e spent th morng ing neieirs, d looking into atapned. we are currently investigating, w e looking for these indidu w have ten le d d ouofofce for ininrviews, to see ife can kind of e at may veedp totohis, if there' any kiki of connnnti, so ththinvestigation ongngng. e e rglars
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ey hndnd sonata. if you haveny informrmion, calal the s ererer ofcet 390-5555 a live look right now the white hous t ag at ha staff in hon of the ssof nancy rean toy, wowod is remembering e former first lady, whose gacy extds beyond the white housus reagan championed alzheimemes resesech aer hehusbans diagnosed. abcgs lauren lyster is atat rean presidenal liary lifofoia. supepe: john heubusch rorold reagan prprprential library barbara walters abc news sheila tate nancy reagan's f fmer` prprs s cretary laurenenyster abc newswswsvalley, california pkg ript: flers flflinininin. anand eparations derway totlay nancy reagag do rere.. formeme fifit la passinayayt r los ges homedasot john hbuh / ld rgan n presesential libraryp "sheied very peacefully. it was her time." in the nation's capit, flags at hf aff a condolence bobo fororhe publicic
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esident, tay saying... sot - esidt oban"i know how much she e e me notususto presidenreaganan to the count as a whe.. he was lucky totoave her.and i'm 3pree be the first ononto k kwledge tt .. so she wie missed." t tugh frail at 94, john heubusch of the reagan presidtial library says mrs. reagan's min wastill sharp? sot - john heubusch h roroldeagan n presidential lrary "mentally wa 110% fununo rk wiwi..." she rein the chairman othe boarof the agan libraryry til hehedeath?h? said to be a fierce guardian of h husband nald rean' le - onebarbara walts sa, e verymuntbud to. t t barbara walters / abc news "she was a dignifieded elegant woman, a crer ther huans lelecy." presidentnt agan died 2004 -- onof f last tesrs. agan was in plic w s here- in a whlchaha at his gravese on the 10th avniveveary of hisipassysg... a a that's where mrs. reagas dy wl bebeaid es beside hehevevelatetef husb so - sheila tate n n# reag'sorme s seetararare woulcoco h h ddaynd work frfrfr hiofofof. woulcome ento ce ttao her.e toe she f fd hend whe" on suayaye ies. an'sod ere totoantaica r few days unl she's out tohe reagan libra ere e'll be ried... lauren stererncam oso the funeral wi be here at the librarthisisis friday at 11 am - closed tthe e public but lely y televised. ll, abc
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grgrp of students f peare heg g cubub they arerear of the cuba club at aspen h school the studen and teacher r fly to havana ththend oflthe month. they pn on visiting ernest hemmingway's house, wililtour a cigar factory,y, and will possiblbl cacacaa a ry big concert. the grgrp plans on tendndg thth rollg on concert whh is going tohehe near their hotel. the morning commute turn very strange today y houst texas.. man` undr imbed ononon of an 18-;heelel and stard ing. happened d tea a ash on thehhiway. tness say the man s involved in e h, bt's still clear y she ripped downnd climbed top of t t truck darlenknebel wiwiesshe got
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18-whweler and all of sududn e started throwing her clothes at the on-cinin trafc.c. rererter) "whqt you ink k when you'rseeill is don't know. w st -- p%opleust t started g am geth. didn't knowhat to l lng." a houstotofifi partment dderck llp theof s totoge man do. shs$s noin po ctody a plane carrying a nascararm m made a saf emerncy lag at the main art i i memehis e!rly y is morning.. smwas reported in the bin. hendririri motorsports, o owns the plane sasa its team members were on ththr` way z ck t t t durhamnort calina after the nascar ri c seriesest las gas motor speedwaythe plane landed safely, no oneas hurt, and no one on board suffffed om smoke intion.. e enge wereoved ovto atherer and ntinueonon their wa united flight und for munich w forcedo make emergency landndg yesterery y afternoon in xas,s,fterbirdrdtrike. the jet t s less tn one-
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the andndt was less than fiinut aftetetake o, when t trouble e d. passgers repoed feeling a a rong brn and rurulingrom m gines,nother smokokcomingng from of the fore rereing to the t t imes wer mos nono ying for 15 years and ne had that wasn'treaking g thehplanan ed safetly, anno one was hurt. the aircraft is now out tf serve. quite a sight for th demolition oa 1930s-era bridge st.t.ouis.. the e rst t rt the bridg destd ba in bruy. crewfinished job this morning. the@ssouri partment of ansportationilt a ne stbound britge t t opened in june. that new span mama tld, narrrr o obsolete the ges catrtrfifi
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drop intntthe s d 30s, w)wh highs torrow tting to the 40s andn50s. ysur colorado springs 7 ay forestho mperatur gettg to the 50s and 60s ter thth weeee your pue 7d forecas shshs s s mperatureses warming in the 70s on friday and saturday. you u n n city 7day forecac showow mperatures in the 6060later this we, with reretively dry weather on tap. your tler counday fost shows teererur getting into the ly a slight chance for ows to, then again on satu.
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4:21 pm
scsctsdale arizona is recovering after she and pets w w ated by y twlarge e his full of gry h ney beeseswarmed the woma homehi weekend. estated 5050hobees ck twon,er caca. dogs dieie a r wnwas s hurt. the cats were t@t@rmed. fire fighters had to wear bee keeper hmets and duct taped ththr sleeves to al with the bees.. an extermrmatoror says t t hiviv was massiviv weighi around 70-pounds. "bususd itandn the waware and more.. i was proba arms length and ey were`just spewing ou" "h d was covered.. covere`ed in ese an a& hund" it's still p unear what caused the bs to swarm and tack. the victim i i exexct to survive. mac users
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think. according serity research malicious software called "rsomware" has successfullylyly rgetedpple computs s s the first . ransomrehia computer a a out its userntil a ransom is pa. the program in question called "keranger", , qeiresestims toay one bitcn, w wch is a litt more than 4-hundred doars, to retrieve their files.s. apple says it takekes to protect usererafter it was erted abt software. it's a aale of two brothers o vavation i florid. - lae lotterer--- - t james st, a pelvania judge, h h brother,nd agrp ofrids were on cation in e & florida keke last week both s sppeded at a gas station and got lottery tickets. million llars. his ototr: sen dolls. mes found d
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0-llion- arrialal ainsththth ws "gker." ns day.y. in 201.. ( "gawker" publhed a poioofofhe sex pe, , e he's seen n ving sewith a a frfrnd'sife atat@ the time. hon is s sng for r vasion of privacy. wker claims that, since hogan is a public figure, the e is newsworthy, sasa h han is askingngor too ch monenand saysyshe story s not t blished as a y to bri in ad r renue. hogan'k'torney says a nenene drara enent s s privacy. 14 - 28 shane gt hk hohmgas torney "is awn whthblio eses t vivi of infoiotowhicpu ean comemet momo and sensiona prying into th private lives sf hers" 19 -- 237 michael berry defense attotoey yououont sese sflected lasd# we will decide ththcase sports selected last
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the case. or radcaster in andrews just w bigign her r wsuit against t marriott . to the tuf miion llars.s. that verdict just deliver in the hour. the jury dided the responsibility foying t award ... between michael barrett.. who must pay over 28 million ars and the hotei# on the hook r ne 27 million dodoars. anans file a 75-million dollars lawsuit over a nude videdeof her that was rererded by cocoicted stalker michl barrett... and postednline without her nsent. drews' st s agnst barrett and the ner and managegent company of thehe shvivie where the video was taken. lk andndock
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dylan is releasasg a a@w album, called fa angngs, and will play in red rocks june. ns who buy tickets to t erwillllet a frfrfr c cy of e album. the red cks sh takes place ononuny, june 19th, tickets go on sale this s iday. mi up inin the next half hour of krdo newschannen 13...& peytyt manning's super bowl 50 ctory y was deed his laod deils on the stua ck b b- and... a southern colorado schoho reconfiges i facicities.. a twyeararldhafashshn emerge..soso she cacas y wewee hearfrhe little e e rl who made the call the dedety who
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