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tv   NEWSCHANNEL 13 400  ABC  March 8, 2016 4:00pm-4:30pm MST

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0:08 - i know whwhwht's keo h hrtbroken. i literally feel my h hrt uaking. a aamily trs to undersrsnd a sensels shooting.... pueblo police e e searching for killer. deils on their latest efforts to bring familyticece pl, presidential front-runners e eyeyng super esday-- the a chance to buil on the momontum. tails inr decision 2016 covevege. od afternoon...nd th for ining krdw newschchl 13 at 4:0:0 i' naou and i'm heather skold. right t w ebloolic are looking for swerfr ywywre a anyone w mikn abt e deh of a6-ar-old man.n. devin clark k was shot and killll llast month outsida downtown bar. policecewept throug50 difjerent locationonfriday night based off tips... they haven't named a s%spspsp yet.
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lp. there more inrmation we get, the more assistance we t,hen e icicwean get resultififou have e e e inatn rererding this crime e u'u' asked to call l crimesespppp a 542-stop. declark's familylys speakingngbout the murder for the first time. theye hoping his s ath will urge oers to -shape pueblo and make it a city of peace once n. krdo newswsannel 13's greg miller r s the stororyou willlonlyle here. . devin clarke's moth and brother.r. chooseseo remember the devin was always recting g om h h a guy thatoy the to his smile e 8:4 he was my protececr, my broth but he was mymyo-to to hiki for ople. 5:5:5: my b bther was a free spir. 1: it's not justst hard for me, allllf had a verypecial bo with devi heather popoe adadtstsereron's murder, ststl don't seem rere. ke to be heartbrbrenen. i can literallfe my ner thinng they'd have to wod want something counity will
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putting morara and lu in peop and ur parents t tght you.uthat's why den was such a great rson. 5:23 it's gogoa stop. it's gotta s sp, becausususdon't want any othemother to o feel the way that i i el ght now. choososos honon and rerember him, 21 n nmomomo should h he to go througthisisno motherhould d ve to bury her cld. an i'm nna missssha kid. that t d mily says, was a testament t
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again, if you have aninfoation, ca crime oppers a a542- . if you saw smoke in the blk forest area t tay --
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wiwiwindndire crews were out at fox r r regional park today. they a a burning de les s wood to get rid of fueue bere thihi year's fire seasas. ththty g lp fro amercorp for totoy'y burns. a live l l l t now at e winds much calmer todod, solower fire pdangng.. but we could see some rain this evening.. chief meteorolist rachchl plath acking your latest forecec ere mabe a few scattered showers around tonighgh but anything that velops will be and sho- lived. tomorw will bring a sli chanan for snow in t mountains, but t sewhere e ll be e y.y. highs momoowow will be warmer i'll have more on this warmingng trend ming up ( ter inhehe newswsst. ews from
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clcled dn a popoion of i-704 today, to o continue repairs following a lalalarock slide
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streh of intersrsteteear r glenwood riris is shuhu downwn wowos bring in a licoer to o n-n-n-t fall ing g t t si of f e slide.two lanes have beeneneopened since the february 15th slide. c-dot is hopin to getetour laseback open soon. ththdetour around the area adds several hours to the commmme. attorneys for planne parenthood of ututut federal court today in dver, asking for federel ing ctinue. planned panthood sayay e organizazaon iseing wrongng punished over deos s swing employees from anotr state didiussing fetal tissue from abortions. the govereor of uh has dered the state to stop stribubung federal money, mainly bause t t videos. in january, a tetejuju incted the peopleehind the deos, and d foununno wrong-doing by planned d parenehood. voteill go tohe polls on aga in n verastates tonigh g-o-front runnereronal trump says he is pectg to pk k upe delegates day.
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so-callelesuper tuesday y mber o? scototmcleananan s more. :08-:12 2 na p esidential ndidide :46-:5 david gergen cnn seor political analyst 1:13-16 ice of: mittomy 1:1::16 marco o bio for r esident wh pundidi haha called mimiteps, presidenenalal cacaidate) igd like to punchim inhe face, i'll tell you. ve turned out to be ns for donald trump. presidential candidate)& every single poll`ha meningbig lelele i like th. but this chaenge, he might want`to rethink. presidentiai candate) would lo to beableleo take on ted one e one. that's beca w wle a new nationon a news/w/whingto n stoll shows trp` leading ine pointsver his closest mpetitor t t cr, that lead disappears if the field narrows to just two. crur wowod d sisi trounce trump,(one-on-one, 54 to 41-percent, qording to the poll. would marco rubio, 51 to 45-pepeent. those mbers s s rereasededhead of four rebuican ntests todayay whererdonald trump is expecting m/re wins. i think he's lelto a a ost today in michiganndmiissippi. he's 3 gog to be hard to op. hawaii, idido anmississipii all vote tuesdayay buzuthe biggest delegate prize is chigan, where ik governor john kasich hohos p gaig g momentum ahead of the pmaryryry his state next
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march 15, and polls s ow senatomarco bio trails trumin home e e state burubio just some -pfile help. i'm cain behehf of mararubio foror prpriden fmeme public nominenemittrororo voioing anannti-trp robocaoing out to flodada voters. the support, coming asasomoaruruo adviso tell him to drop p&t early. a cla rubio is publicly refuting. in washingt, i'i' scott t leanan firefighte iniicago o d their handndfull today fififing a massivie fifi. itapned a4 a large indoor/outdoor flea marart. smoke cod be seen fromiles away. ononpersrs frfrfride th ilngngand d ju2were ported. at one poinl refightersrsaid ey had tst ck because there were toooo manynylammable items inside the buildingng the cause of the fire is under vestation.
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ofcis in cacafornia say a dslideikely caused d commuter train derailment that injurerenine people. the train derailed ii northern - calafornia, nene san francisco last nigig, it's lead car plunged into a creek. . the area has benundatat raiand thununrsto in rent days. just pray tt eryoyo wasas going to be okay. it's s sry. it's still scar but sososody was watching over us tonight. everybody got out t d erybody' going to hopefully be okay. and all i can say is we've got a loto be thankfulor. i was never more happy to see flhing l lhthtin my life`whenen thehopped up ross the side the wewenew that ey were here ananeverybod was rolling." p pple suffered m mor injuririrififiothehe had minoinjuries. investigators e also looki atowowast the train was going the crash. a california mera man whw re covering that tin derarament
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thselves. th were e almomo hy car r ringheir lili report. quick k inking by t t camera man chchs vaughan to warn hipartner alex vidge.e. likel saved him nrom serious injuries. both employees from v-u were reportedeto bebe ok. . e incident was later blished on social media by the news ation. it's uncncar whatriver was at fault forhe crash. quk thking by a calororor highway patrol offfcer likely saves ly fromomerususus injuries. kids out come on your cars on n re!!!! ititped erdain nterey, , enen a car caughtire ong e hiway. the officer happened to be driving behind the vehihie, whenejt stard smokin he pulled a reaming child omomhe car, then went back to pull the second child out. alur family meers were treated for
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fifi. have y ever ntededo be a pilot ... wellet blgiving youou a sh. no flying experience nececucuy! we'll tete y aut their new t t ogogm... ming up. a line of powerful storms move through texas..... leavavg behind a destruive pa. details onhe mage.
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wewehave to watcthe pontiaiafor shows near the new meco state linene tonight... with h the chance foroh hiountnt on wednesday... otrwe, m mt t will s sy dry. lows will l l l into the 20s tonight with s tomorrow pected to get intohe 40s and 50s. your r colorado rings 7day focast shows mperatures getttng into the 50s anan60s later th weeeeee with another chanceor owers late o o satuay. your pueblo 7day
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dry condititns intoarar next ek. your canon cici 7day y y cast sho606 fofoe majori of f ne wee with dry coitiono alsosoxpected. teller county 7day focast shows a chanan for showers p tomoow and te on saturday. thk you rachael.l. ank u
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strong thunderstorms tutued roadys into ririrs in north tetes last night and this morning. roadways in the dallasor worth h ea were uer water leing sosome drivers nded. some othem had tove their vehicles behi. and a powerful sto with hh wiwis downed trees anpower lines, and nearly leveved a s station in texas. officials are e trtrtr to deteine if it s a tornado. power was s alsl knonoed out t ththouounds of ople. the wet ather r cted t t contueell into the week. wrestling super star hulk is on the and. it's f ananher round of questioning in his legafit t ait gawker. detejls are ememging i i the ial. wod yoyoy a pre-peeledd orange? many saying no.. peel your es f this
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super starlk hogan, took thf and for a second day in orididday.y. hogan is suing the wevsite dawker for 100- million-dolllr claiming he wa "completely hulilied" by the sesetape gawker posd online. c's elizabeth hur has the latest. lk han michl rry,y,y, defense attorney liz hur / abnews new york hk hon.n.back on the r hi milllln- dpllar legal gh against wker.... hogan:n:n:n:s prpring it was just a pa t a whole video." legend.. suing the ssip websitit. for inin secretly sex with heather cl .. e then wife of hithen beststrien florora radio ock jockck bubba clem
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had to le e ."hogaga. is claiaing gawker olated his privacy.. . stifying that hp hadadadn bebeayededy his friend.d hogan: "tmz call came in.n.hehetoto m bpbbs on t ta saying 'heather,' he said, 'heather, this isurpretirement insurae'." but the dense e ld the jury.. thehe existee of a tape wawaw already i@i@he ws.. making the storsimplyly newsworthyfor gawker. michael l l y, dsatttrnrn: wl nosee ywhereomethi to c cck or buy y something,herewe a simpmp rson r thth, gawk's advertisers, eyon't likeir ads to be e xt to stories like thi" also p p pinin ououhogan isishe e who o nt on hohord stern's radio show.. laughing and joking about the tape hogan: "i that context, s trying to the best of a bad siatatn? howard was mamang me laugh." izababh tag: hsgan is fir cebrity t# takaka figh over a sexape .. all e way to trial.. the trial is expececd to last 3 weeks. eh, a neny.
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er wand be a commercial airlin nos your chan. blbl ched pilot ng prram thisweek thaha iririro flying experience. caates muststste a hihi school d dloma and d at ast 23 yea old. ththprograrais designed ecifical for those without t prious iation expepeence and aimsmso prome morereiviviv in e profession. lected candidatesesililil undergo a sees ofofests to evuate the ls and poteteial cabiliti as a lot. is gngiral, ifyou can lieve that thicture s s s ededuch ap uproar on social media, 's of t tir stores, ckagag of pre-e-eled oranges sitting coainers. the peed oranges re met be e ldldld as a
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it wastes plastic when oranges already ha a natural packaging. olfos has pullededed product. - thththst of ason 22 2 dadawith t t stars is out ... we ve the list of mirror ball pels.. next.d... calit dad's instinctct. we'll hear dad after vinghe dayayt
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reunion nats reunion nanaa that's navav servist shaun ab-shire
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kids yesay at school l maryjand abshire s s been deployeye overseaeaeor thth 10 monts. heas oa humanitarian missn in sthth africa the e incipal of h hter d n's school helped ganized union at an asly. 'she ment some haven iting fohe reveal of the e cast#of seseon of "dancing with the sta"! krdo newsannel 13's na clemens showus whoho will b competinin todays pop news. we alrey knew good mornrng g america'a'( chief meteoroli st winger r r zee...bronco s liback n mier ...a.a jieieie eetin fromomull house e e fuller hohoe would be d dcing on season 22. but now we know thehe competetion.n.n. ----`playeye haveone we on n is show but no defense playay has brought ho the mirrwr baba trhy yet - wqll th wide receiver brea
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et's bring outpittsbsbgh steel antonibrown and s par sharna burgess! next was c rawweit ck buttttn oron but hasn proven if she'll tat th mpetitioio the ballroom. paige vanzanan anananrkrkallas. paiae: i i most t nervous about dancg in heels! this boys to n singer has som motown philly moves but can hehe ke it to the d d d d road? waynynmorrisand partner lindsay lddanced o! nats 9.this actrere andv rsrsalitwas married to c crere presidential cacaidat will sh mama "dancing th e stars" great ain? 1012t's marla ples d her partner ny dovola! wiwihe star of e o.c. take thee llroom by ststorm? mischa barton will be dancing with m chchvintse nats 11.halready a man trhy under his ltltanahe take homehe mroroall trophy? 12. co on out doug flutut! and hipartner kanamirnoff. geraldrivera got hihistt on gma..and went t to wineveral awards... will h tata homthe nu o o spot again? it't'of my comforzone b thinat how this ow i is pposos tot this contestant made it to the top of erica's next top m/de..but will he p e leadboard? nyle dimarco will dance with
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who will win you'll have tune in to f fd rortiten ththnewsplex, , danameme, do newschannel 13. dancing with the sts airs march 22 a father's quick k action, saves his son fr beiei hit in
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a spring training game in florid yesterda n cuingham and his s 8-8--oldson lalaon wer wahing the pysbghgh piraratan e lat avhen n ayer lost t s grip on ththbat and itam flying toward the ands. landen was sending pictur from the ge to himom and. didn't see the bat coming. shn spoke t t e ose caca todod on n goododorning america. shn nningham, fat@er imp thankfkf he's okok ....arm in the way ndon says he wili connununu go to baseball games, as long as he gets to si xt to his dad. the e g cimarr interchange prect keepon progressssg .. ming uat ur-30, 7i'll
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