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tv   News 4--- Today  NBC  January 29, 2016 5:00am-7:00am PST

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charged with d-u-i without even putting your foot on the gas pedal. 3 (("look at all the cameras - this is like the academy awards!!! this is like the academy awards!!! (applause)")) (bill)>> plus... donald trump skipped the gop debate ...who took center stage while trump held his own rally. these stories and more.. coming up on this friday, january 29, 2016. 3 ((male voice: you're watching news 4 today on your side in high definition.)) 3 (bill)>> good morning 3 and thank you for choosing us to start your day. i'm bill frankmore.(sam)>> and i'm
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3 (bill)3 >> we begin this morning with a developing story... reno police are investigating a commercial burglary that happened shortly after two this morning.... police tell news 4 that it happened at the radio shack on east plumb.. in the shoppers square shopping center. right now.. police are combing through surveillance footage.. to see exactly what items were taken... and workers are cleaning up broken glass... no suspect description is available at this time. we will keep you posted as soon as we learn
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take a 3 quick look outside...current conditions and skycam 3 (bill, samantha)>> we'll toss it over to meteorologist tim studebaker.. 3 weekend storm summarya storm is arriving today across the area. here's a summary of what you can expect from this storm system.snowfall forecast here's how much snow we can expect from this storm in the sierra.todaymild temperatures but very windy today with rain in the sierra and rain showers spilling into western nevada at times. here's the forecast for today.a quiet start for now in are the
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3 decision 2016 3 (samantha)>> turning now to politics and decision 2016... donald trump promised his veterans fundraiser would draw more attention than last
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(bill)>> while we await the overnight ratings ... tracie potts has social media reaction this morning. 3 (( (sot: donald trump/ (r) presidential candidate :00-:05)"look at all the cameras, it's like the academy awards. this is the academy awards!"side by side... donald trump's veterans fundraiser... (sot: donald trump/ (r) presidential candidate :08-:12)"isn't that better than this debate that's going on where everyone's sleeping?" (des moines, iowa :13-:16) during the fox where candidates mocked his absence. (sot: ted cruz/ (r) presidential candidate :16-:21)"i'm a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly." (sot: marco rubio/ (r) presidential candidate :21-:23)"he's an entertaining guy. he's the greatest show on earth."(sot: jeb bush/ (r) presidential candidate :24-:26)"he was a little teddy bear to me." flash "i kind of miss him. i wish he was here."(sot: donald trump/ (r) presidential candidate :27-:34)"he's probably looking for me. he's saying, (mocking) "has anyone seen trump? why - where's trump? where is he? where is he?" (laughter and applause) (sot: reporter off cam)"did you miss donald trump out there tonight?" (sot: rand paul/ (r) presidential candidate :35-:41)"not at all, man was i -- that was the best debate we've had of all of the debates, easily."issues like immigration - the top facebook issue during the debate: (sot: marco rubio/ (r) presidential candidate :46-:52)"you changed your position on immigration because you used to support a path to citizenship."(sot: jeb bush/ (r) presidential candidate :53-:55)"so did
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trump gone, ted cruz accused the moderators of targeting him:(sot: ted cruz/ (r) presidential candidate :58-1:02)"gosh if you guys say -- ask one more mean question, i may have to leave the stage." (sot: marco rubio/ (r) presidential candidate 1:03-1:05)"don't worry, i'm not leaving the stage no matter what you ask me."the last debate... before iowa makes its choice. (--- reporter live tag ---)donald trump says he raised six million dollars for wounded warriors during that event.i'm tracie potts in washington, now back to you.)) 3 (samantha)>> thanks, tracie.. right now.. nbc's hallie jackson has a preview of what is coming up a bit later.. on the today show. 3 ((hallie jackson good morning, and this morning we have all the highlights from the republican debate as we are here in the filing center after a night that saw highlights not just on the debate stage but off of it as well. donald trump still the most talked about candidate online, even though he didn't even show up at the debate. fireworks for sure and we'll have a re-cap coming up for you on the today show. )) 3 (samantha)>> meanwhile here in reno, a big crowd still turned out to watch the debate, despite trump's absence. about a hundred people turned
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party at men weilding fire. some of the party faithful say they half expected trump to show up at the last minute. voters we spoke with said they wanted to hear what the other candidates had to say. and some said without trump, they had the opportunity to do that. others said trump's decision might have cost him their vote. 3 ((sot: i was torn between donald trump and cruz and donald trump has convinced me to support cruz. sot: it don't think it will matter much. he is still going to roll over them. he's going to roll over the other candidates. he's still going to be ahead. sot: i think its alright. as my sister-in-law suggested that will give the others more time. )) 3 (samantha)>> donald trump is campaigning in new hampshire today. the iowa caucuses are next week. 3 (bill)>> now to an "on your side" report... a nevada assemblyman's d-u-i case raises the question.... can you be charged with driving
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*driving.after a night at a bar in carson city... district 18 assemblyman richard carrillo reportedly got into a car that was parked on the street.... and turned the engine on to stay warm while he waited for a sober ride. security guards found him asleep in the driver's seat... and called police.the assemblyman blew a point one- oh... and was arrested for d-u- i.a carson city judge recently overturned carrillo's d-u-i convictions though... because his blood test was not found to be admissible evidence. carrillo's attorney explains how you can be charged with d-u-i... without driving. 3 (("keys in the ignition is a significant factor. the engine running is a significant factor. whether you drove there while you were intoxicated... whether you intended to drive when you left... whether you attempted to operate the motor vehicle when you were awakened assuming you were alseep..")) 3 (bill)>>the assemblyman also had a pistol in his pocket... but he does have a concealed carry can read more about the laws regarding possession of a firearm while
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"on your side" report on my news four dot com. 3 (samantha)>> in education news...a study has found the washoe county school district's program for gifted and talented students favors those who are neither poor.. nor minorities.even though white students are a minority in the district, they make up the vast majority of the gifted program. according to a study by research firm "west-ed" .... about 45 percent of the district's 64-thousand students are white. however, the study found about 65 percent of students identified as gifted or talented are white.the district's director of gifted and talented programs says the ratio must be fixed immediately. 3 (bill)>> nevada officials want a group that's suing over the state's new school choice program to cover the costs of putting the program on hold. a brief filed wednesday in carson city court ....requests the group "educate nevada now" posts a 239- thousand dollar bond. the state would be eligible for the bond money if
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placed on the education savings accounts program earlier this would cover the cost of paying an i-t company to store the application information for a year... among other things.the program lets parents claim more than five thousand dollars in state education funds each year for private school tuition. 3 (samantha)>> washoe county school board trustee barbara mclaury will resign.thats according to a district spokesperson.mclaury is currently the clerk for the board of trustees.she also serves as trustee for district g.over the last 34 years .. claury has been a teacher .. reading coordinator .. principal and senior director for the school district.the reason for mclaury's resignation is not confirmed. but .. mclaury reportedly told the reno gazette-journal ....she is leaving because of health issues. 3 (bill) on the crime watch this morning... police are investigating a shooting that took place last night east of downtown reno.>>according to reno police witnesses reported hearing gunshots near the
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around 6 pm last night.a man was hit... and made his way to "launder-land" on wells and 2nd before collapsing, . officials say he was taken to renown with what appeared to be a non life threatening gunshot wound.there's no information about a suspect at this time.if you know anything, you are asked to all secret witness at 322-4900. 3 (samantha)>> now to an update on a story ... we brought you yesterday on news 4... it involves an alleged assault and robbery on the u-n-r campus.a communications officer tells us there was in fact *no crime committed... and that the woman who reported it admitted she made the story up. it was reported around 3 o'clock wednesday at the west stadium garage... students received notifications through the campus-wide emergency alert system.we're told the woman who made the report is cooperating with investigators. 3 swoosh sound 3 (bill)>> the x-games will kick off in aspen in just a few days... >> after the break .... we'll introduce you to one reno native who overcame quite an obstacle... to get to
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3 (bill)>> now to a story you will see only on news 4 today... a local adaptive skier is getting set to compete in the x- games in aspen, colorado.marine corps sargent "trey humphrey" was known for his leadership on the battlefield... he lost his right leg and most of his left to an explosion in would be understandable for an event like that to crush someones spirt but for's done the opposite... he says skiing played a huge role in the recovery process... and making him feel like himself again... not only is trey looking to prove that his disability won't slow him down... he's out to show that he is one of the best on the mountain... 3 (("when people look at me and their like that's so sweet the handicap boy is skiing again and then when i'm maching by them on a pitch that is just
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just kind of blows their minds... and i enjoy that... i even have friends that i ski with and some of the stuff we ski they're like i had no idea that was possible... it's kind of nice to surprise people again..." )) 3 (bill)>> trey is competing this afternoon in the qualifying round, and if he advances he will have a shot at a medal tomorrow. for race times and where you can watch... head to our website 3 (bill and sam)>> we'll toss it over to meteorologist tim studebaker. 3 for today...gusty winds picking up today with rain in the sierra and valley rain showers. rain changes to snow tonight in the sierra through the weekend.a quiet start for now in are the current conditions.current temperatures are mild in western nevada...chillier in the eastern side of the state. here are the current temperatures.our storm is beginning to make its arrival
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spillover rain showers into western nevada. here's a look at satellite and radar.on futurecast...look for rain in the sierra today to change to snow tonight. rain showers in the valleys today mix with snow showers this weekend. there will be breaks as well. there are plenty of weather alerts with this system. here's a look at the details on some of those alerts.on the 7 day forecast...our storm system sticks around through the weekend with some breaks in the action...then a drier
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3 swoosh sound 3 (bill)>> we have new footage this morning.. of that deadly shooting in oregon.... >> what happened to a protestor outside a wildlife refuge.. when police tried to stop him.. 3 (sam)>> plus... military experts are keeping their eyes on isis militants who are filing into libya... could they help the islamic state move across europe? our national correspondent has that story... when we return. 3 (tim)>> and here's a look at your flight delays this morning.
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3 **stinger music**3 (samantha)>> in recent 3 months, isis has lost much of
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syria to freedom fighters. (bill)>> but now ... the islamic state is establishing a new foothold where it can strike its prized target ...the west.national correspondent jeff barnd has the latest on where isis aims to plant its flag next. 3 ((military analysts estimate there are now several thousand isis soldiers in the northern african nation of libyaa& just across the mediterranean sea from rome.. the cradle of christendom.. and the *ultimate* target of the islamic statea& /sot/ 2:12 shaffer libya "there's no doubt that they have threatened the pope several times and i think the pope ought to be taking it seriously. so should europe so this is clearly a logical jump off pointa& libya for isis to begin staging operations into europe. 2:23/map/ isis has controlled the libyan city of sirte for months. the city serves as a major base for isis shipping, recruiting, and expansion. sirte sits between tripoli and benghazi on the northern libyan coastline.. and is within a 1000 mile radius of *most* of southern europe, including a *great* portion of italy.
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west, isis has threatened it'll overwhelm europe with a massive influx of libyan migrants. and that *isis* members could likely be among the masses./sot/braniff 1:27 "it was using this idea of a destabilizing way of migration as deterents, so that it could continue its state building endeavors. 1:32/nat//vo/ and after the paris attacks last year where isis claimed responsibilitya& the threats on europe haven't ceased./sot/ 5:09 shaffer -- isis has said the next stop after the initial attacks is rome and there's no reason to doubt their interests. 5:15 /vo/ experts say isis has already targeted several libyan oil refineries to help finance, recruit and expand its caliphate. the islamic state is also shoring-up alliances with *other* african-based jihadist groupsa& like boko haram.. /sot/braniff :58 so that's connectivity issue across north africa which is really valuable for them to move fighters, weapons and resources 1:04/vo/ pentagon officials say they're monitoring the libyan situation closely with coalition partners and considering their military options in washingtona&
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3 (samantha)>> military analysts say thousands of isis soldiers in libya are seasoned veterans of the wars in iraq and syria. 3 (bill) >> the f-b-i has released video of the fatal traffic stop shooting of an armed occupier of a national wildlife refuge in oregon. at a press conference yesterday evening... officials showed video taken by an f-b-i plane that was overhead during the incident. officials say "lavoy finicum's" vehicle tried to maneuver around the roadblock and got stuck in a snowbank. officials say when finicum got out of the truck he reached toward his pocket and was shot. the f-b-i says there was a loaded 9-millimeter semi- automatic handgun in that pocket. authorities also want to remind everyone the occupation is not over... and four people remain inside the refuge. 3 (bill)>> in the past few days... 11 members of the group have been arrested .. including ammon and ryan bundy.. sons of nevada rancher cliven bundy. 3 (samantha)>> we are now getting our first look at the roof of the california jail
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last weekend. the three escaped some time last friday from the orange county central men's jail in santa ana... about 40 miles southeast of l -a.authorities say they cut through steel bars... went to the roof... then rappelled down the wall using sheets. officials say the razor wire on a part of the roof was found to be tampered with. several arrests related to the escape have been made, but no more details have been released.two of the escapees have been charged with murder... and the third was charged with kidnapping. 3 (bill)>> staying in california... talk about a "money pit"....a multi-million dollar home in san francisco that just sold last year has to be demolished after a crack was discovered in its foundation.inspectors say the crack would cause the three- story home to slide into other homes.they say the house moved 14 inches in a one- week span and at least five neighboring homes were in danger.officials believe the crack was most likely caused by recent powerful storms pounding the
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the property for two-million dollars in october but had not moved in yet. they hope to complete the demolition by today... before the next round of storms hits. 3 (bill)>> and... check this out... two huge sinkholes opened up on the same street in southwest oregon yesterday... the largest of the two took out most of the travel lanes on highway-101. the second sinkhole is right across the street.both opened up within a short period of time. 3 swoosh sound 3 (sam)>> a reno lawyer is facing charges this morning.... >> what delmar hardy was indicted for.. and what lies ahead in the case. that story coming up.. in the next half hour of news 4 today. 3 3
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trailing music bed> 3 scheels.. where they are setting up for a cancer
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3 ((this government is releasing terrorists and arresting and killing ranchers, its time for a change. ))(bill)>> plus... outspoken nevada assemblywoman michele fiore weighs in on the militia siege in oregon. 3 (samantha)>> and... how one cancer institute is treating melanoma... find out how it is turning lives around. these stories and more.. coming up on this friday, january 29, 2016. . 3 ((male voice: you're watching news 4 today on your side in high definition.)) 3 (sam)>> good morning and thank you for choosing us to start your day. i'm samantha boatman. (bill)>> and i'm bill frankmore..
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take a quick look 3 outside...current conditions and skycam 3 (bill and samantha)>> we'll toss it 3 over to meteorologist tim studebaker...3 a storm is arriving today across the area. here's a summary of what you can expect from this storm's
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from this storm in the sierra. mild temperatures but very windy today with rain in the sierra and rain showers spilling into western nevada at times. here's the forecast for today.a quiet start for now in are the current conditions.
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3 (sam)3 >> now to a developing story .. as we continue to monitor the situation surrounding ted bundy and his supporters.... there are angry words from nevada assemblywoman michele fiore this morning... she is weighing in on the militia siege in burns oregon. the bundy family lives in her district in southern nevada. fiore says this situation is the result of a decades- old fight between western ranchers and the federal government. she says federal policies and bureaucratic overreach are making it tough for western ranches to make a living. 3 (( i want people to understand these are not domestic terrorists. these are soft spoken cowboys that are out there in the middle of no where who are working diligently to educate and protect the people, ranchers
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3 (sam)>> fiore says she will pick up the fight for western ranchers in washington d -.c. 3 (bill)>> a federal grand jury has indicted a 60-year- old reno lawyer on conspiracy and tax charges.... "delmar hardy" was indicted wednesday on three counts of filing false tax returns, and one count each of conspiracy- and obstruction- related charges. the indictment accuses him of structuring cash deposits to avoid reporting them to the i- r -s. hardy operates the hardy law group in reno. prosecutors say he and an accomplice failed to properly report cash and money orders deposited into their company, x-y-z real estate, l-l- c. 3 (sam)>> local reno radio stations are on-air today for a good cause.the cumulus radio group is kicking off a 13 hour radiothon today to support children with cancer in our area.ryan kern joins us live from scheels with a preview of the event that kicks off later this morning. ryan? 3 (ryan - live)
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3 (bill)>> treating 3 certain types of cancers.. can be a draining experience.>> still ahead on news four today.... we look at what one cancer institute is doing to treat melanoma. 3 3 3 " news 4
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3 (samantha)3 >> too much time 3 in the sun can have a dangerous consequence... skin cancer..for patients diagnosed with a deadly form of melanoma ... it's even worse...(bill)>> the treatments can be very painful... and in the past...
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to new research at huntsman cancer institute... all that is changing...mark koelbel has the story for us this morning.. 3 (( 46:52 so he took a biopsy, sent it off, and it came back melanoma cancerlarry hegland lost his thumb and the lymph nodes under his arm after doctors found skin cancer. he was put on a treatment of interferon... 51:48 i was on this stuff for about 5 1/2 3 months. i lost about 80, 85 pounds, he says the treatment... was worse than dying...51:55 i had no strength, i was a mess. i prayed to die many times. because it hurt.four months after interferon larry's melanoma came back. that's when he met doctor robert andtbacka... a surgical oncologist at 'huntsman cancer
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research... now an f-d-a approved treatment15:06 we're trying to use the patient's own immune system to fight their cancer. and one way to do this is to use viruses. 15:13by injecting a genetically modified cold sore virus into a tumor... it helps activate the immune system... 59:14 they were going away, i couldn't believe itit saved larry's life...18:1:48 i just can't believe what has happened. just 10 years ago... the survival rate was low... 21:20 metastatic melanoma was very much a death sentence unfortunately.but thanks to these advancements in melanoma research...18:06 we now turn a trend. patients live longer than they used to.18:00:23 i thank god and dr. andtbacka... and his team for saving my life. in salt lake city utah, mark koelbel reporting.)) 3 (samantha)>> doctor andtbacka says ... more research needs to be done to find even better treatments for fighting melanoma...but even better than treatment... is preventing skin cancer before it starts.he says one of the best ways to prevent it.... is to avoid u-v exposure from
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about the researcha& visit huntsman cancer dot org. 3 swoosh sound 3 (bill)>> they might as well have been playing hockey... we look at what happened to some drivers.. when the street turned into an ice rink.... the story.. when we return. 3 (sam)>> and if you have a facebook account, be sure to "like" krnv news 4!become a fan of our own facebook page and be a part of the discussion. 3 3 "
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today continues... 3 cars used by pope francis during his visit to philadelphia last fall is up for auction. the pope traveled around the city in two fiat 500- l model of them will remain on display at the philadelphia auto show...the other fiat is up for auction during a black tie gala to be held at the auto show today. organizers say the
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archdiocese of philadelphia. 3 (samantha)>> we have dramatic video out of azerbaijan (ah zer buy jahn) this morning.... where cars and buses are slip slidin' down a street covered in ice. a cold snap left car breaks useless and wheels spinning as drivers tried to navigate an intersection that turned into an ice rink. amazingly there were no accidents... despite the ice. locals say they are not used to a lot of ice and cars and roads are not prepared to deal with it. 3 (bill)3 >> a severe storm is slamming sydney, australia today. the sydney tower in the center of the city was struck by lightnin .. and it was caught on camera.. the storm uprooted trees and caused major damage ... west of the city. several
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because overhead wiring needed to be repaired. the storm also caused flight delays at the sydney airport. 3 (bill and samantha)>> we'll toss it over to meteorologist tim studebaker... 3 for today...gusty winds picking up today with rain in the sierra and valley rain showers. rain changes to snow tonight in the sierra through the weekend.a quiet start for now in are the current conditions.current temperatures are mild in western nevada...chillier in the eastern side of the state. here are the current temperatures.our storm is beginning to make its arrival with rain falling in parts of the sierra now and a few spillover rain showers into
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at satellite and radar.on futurecast...look for rain in the sierra today to change to snow tonight. rain showers in the valleys today mix with snow showers this weekend. there will be breaks as well. there are plenty of weather alerts with this system. here's a look at the details on some of those alerts.on the 7 day forecast...our storm system sticks around through the weekend with some breaks
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but colder week next week.3 (((alex)>> >> with high school basketball season in its final weeks of the season... there are so many hard working student athletes to consider for our news four athlete of the week... (take vo)but as a staff we decided to honor mcqueen senior big man octavion corley who is having a monster year so far...the 6-foot-11 center is averaging 17 points, seven and a half rebounds and two and a half blocks for the lancers who are sitting at 13-9 overall and 7-4 in high desert league play...we caught up with corley as mcqueen prepares to take on the reed raiders friday... (take sot)((we need a guy to be a leader so i try
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up, play my role. thats mostly what i do.octavion has come lightyears from where he was and i'd like to see him continue to improve, which he's doing game by game for us. ))(alex)>> some big news 3 for a former reed high school standout... veteran bullpen arm jake mcgee has been traded from the tampa bay rays to the colorado exchange the rays pulled in 26 year old slugging outfielder corey dickerson...mcgee owns an impressive career record of 21 and 11 with a 2 point 77 era....(alex)>> a number of local athletes will compete in aspen this weekend at the winter x games... including reno native david wise...(take vo)wise looking to add to his x games medal collection in the ski superpipe where he has won gold three times... competing with a shoulder sprain he stuffered a few weeks ago...first run didn't go so well...wise can't stick it...and he wouldn't recover... he would finish eighth
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the x games... earlier on news 4 nightly we introduced you to reno native trey humphrey... a marine wounded warrior veteran who is set to compete in the mono x on friday...(take vo) after losing his right leg and most of his left to an explosion in would be understandable for an event like that to crush someones spirt... but for trey it's done the opposite...a heartwarming story about how skiing played a huge role in the recovery process... and making him feel like himself again... not only is trey looking to prove that his disability won't slow him down... he's out to slow that he is one of the best on the mountain... (alex)>> find out just how close trey was to not returning home to his loved ones... and how confident he feels heading into competition... you can watch the full exclusive feature by heading to our website... my news 4 dot com.... (alex)>> the owner of the "las vegas sands" casino company wants to help build a professional- grade stadium at the unlv campus ... with the hopes of luring the oakland raiders to the silver state... (take vo) sands owner sheldon adelson has scheduled a meeting for
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davis.... unlv recently purchased 42 acres near the campus, and close to the las vegas strip. (alex)>> and finally... the wolf pack women's basketball program made a little history wednesday out on the road... with the ladies' 70-64 win over san diego state, head coach jane albright has earned the 500th win of her college coaching career...(take vo)the nevada women landed at the reno-tahoe international airport at around thursday and we were there to greeet them... jane has guided the nevada program for the last eight seasons, and before that was the winningest coach in program history at wisconsin and northern illinois... albright has taken teams to the ncaa tournament nine different says she credits those around her with achieving this milestone...(take sot)(( )) (take full screen)the nevada
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saturday 3 afternoon when they will host old rival utah state...the university will be holding a celebration in honor of jane albright's 500th victory... tipoff at lawlor events center is set for 4:00...its free to kids 7th grade or younger...
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alex margulies )) teran.
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that is radio stations here for a good cause. we'll tell you about it and how you can donate and be a part of it. plus dui charges filed against a man have raised questions even after being overturned we'll take a look how you can be charged with driving under the influence without even putting your foot on the gas. these stories and more still to come on your friday, january 29th, 2016. you're watching news 4 today on your side in high definition. hey, good friday. thanks for sticking around for the second hour of my news 4. i'm bill frankmore. >> i'm samantha boatman. still to come, our trending segment, we'll talk about speculation about nevada possibly getting an nfl. >> and the team that is
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of people excited. we'll be talking about that. also, big debate last night on the republican side of things and the main player wasn't there. we'll have more on donald trump's absence from last night's gop debate. but first let's talk about your weather this friday morning. calm right now. i don't want to do the old cliche, calm before the storm. >> i did it earlier. >> you did. >> we'll try to say this the rest of the show. we won't say calm before the storm, but it is calm out there the doorstep. >> all you did was change the wording but it is true. pretty quiet right now. maybe a little breezy mountains at the moment, but we'll see the winds start to pick up through the day today. we'll see rain in the sierra which has started for us. we'll see the snow level drop tonight and into tomorrow bringing a good amount of snow to the mountains through the weekend too. here is a summary of events for
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storm over the weekend in up into the mountains in the sierra, the winds pick up 20 to 30 miles per hour gusting 40 to 55, ridge tops up to 90 to 115 today and rain for most elevations of the sierra today. the snow level is very high upright now around the 9,000- foot mark or so give or take so really high up. that means most folks in the mountains see rain, but the extreme tops of the mountains may see snow. rain chance over to snow tonight for the sierra as the levels start to drop. windy, as well. 20 to 35, gusting to 45 to 65. wind prone areas 60 to 80 miles per hour today. rain will still over with dry breaks and also rain and snow showers with dry times over the weekend for the valleys. how much snow in the mountains?
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above 7,000, 6 to 12. foothills 1 to 3. valleys 0 to 1. this will be that wet and heavy snow. it is known up there as sierra cement. it is going to be showery, cloudy and very windy. so even though it is technically going to hit 62 for the high, probably won't feel that way for today. seven-day forecast coming up. time is now 6:03. radio stations are on air today to support those in need in our area. the 13-hour raid crowthon is officially under way. benefiting local children with cancer. we have ryan kern joining us with more on this huge fundraiser. hi. >> reporter: good morning. it kickoff to holiday shoppinged off right at 6:00, so it has been a minute and a half, two minutes since these radio stations have been on the air. first we'll talk about exactly
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of the course it is the northern event of children's cancer foundation, debbie strickland. what this does and what the goal is. >> we're excited. our goal is $120,000. we're going to just kick it off right away so get on that line and make a pledge or website. the money stays local to children who have cancer and we help with financial and emotional assistance. >> reporter: it is happening a little away from where we are. you're seeing what they will see when they walk into give awareness of what you do. tell us about your organization and where does this money specifically go towards? >> we have been here about 12 years. we help local families, everybody but clark county. we handle all of nevada except for clark county. we help pay for mortgages and utilities to keep the lights on while they are sitting by their child's bed and receiving treatment.
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for everything you have done. this is radio stations and we'll go there in a half-hour and talk to some of those who are on the air for 13 straight hours today trying to make $120,000 for this event. we'll send it back to you. >> ryan thank you for that. go to shields and support that cause today. she will resign. that is according to a district spokesperson. she is currently the clerk and trustee for district g. she has been a teacher, a reading coordinator, principal and senior director for the school district. the rowson for the resignation is not confirmed but she reportedly told them she is leaving because of issues. a study found the school district's program for gifted and fall lengthed students is biased against poor and nonwhite students.
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even though the white students are a minority, they make up for the gifted program. about 45% of the 64,000 students are white. however, the study found 65% of the students identified as gifted or talented are white. the director of gifted and talented program says it must be fixed immediately. nevada officials want a group over the school's new choice program putting the program on hold. a brief filed wednesday in the carson city courtroom. $239,000 bond. if a court overturns ahold placed on the education saving account program earlier this month, it would cover the cost of paying an i.t. company to basically store the application information for a year among other things. the program let's parents claim
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education funds each year for private school tuition. in nevada, a.d. uy case, can you be charged with out driving? >> after a night at the bar, district 18 reportedly got into a car parked on the street and turned the engine on to stay ride. security guards found him asleep in the driver's seat and called police. he blew a .10 and was arrested for dui. a judge recently overturned his dui conviction because his blood test was not found to be admissible evidence. his attorney explained how you driving. >> whether you drove while you were intoxicated or intended to, operated the motor vehicle, when you were awake assuming you were asleep.
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pistol in his pocket but he does have a concealed carry permit. you can read more about the laws regarding possession of a firearm while intoxicated on your full report on my news a federal grand jury has indicted a 60-year-old reno lawyer on conspiracy charges. he was indicted wednesday on three counts of file ing false tax returns and other charges. the indictment accuses him. they are on the run. sparks police officers are
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robbery happened around midnight. sparks police officers say one armed suspect demanded cash and told the cashier to get on the ground. the other suspect stole the cash. one was a white hispanic male wearing dark clothing with a hooded sweatshirt. >> he was carrying a handgun. secret witness is offering a $1,500 reward for information on this robbery. you're asked to call secret witness, 322-4900. remember, you will remain anonymous. >> >> police investigating a shooting that took place last night. according to reno police, witnesses reported hearing gunshots about 6:00. one man was hit and according to witnesses made his way to launder land before he collapsed. he was taken to the hospital
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gunshot wound. there is no information on a suspect. if you know anything, call and you will remain anonymous. that number is 322-4900. we're following up on an alleged assault and robbery on the campus. a communications officer said there was no crime committed and the woman admitted she made the story up. it was reported around 3:00 wednesday at the west stadium garage. students received notifications through the alert system. we're told the woman who made the report is now cooperating within investigators. >> two local baristas are competing for a national coffee competition next week in kansas city. they are going to be judged and the competition includes making specialty drinks and the other is for brewing.
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if they make it, they will be headed to the finals in atlanta this upcoming week. you thought i was going to say hollywood. no. >> unless the zika virus continues to spread, many are second guessing their vacation plans. coming up, how they are responding to cancelled flights
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stay with us. welcome back. the three biggest u.s. air line carriers are allowing some customers to cancel or postpone their trips to areas affected by zika virus. that is the deadly virus. the move comes about the concern rises right now. travel to all areas meant by the centers for disease control and prevention. delta has announced a similar
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request refunds or make changes by february 29. american airlines will allow them a refund if they provide a doctor's note if they are unable to travel due to pregnancy. it has been linked to an epidemic of birth defects in brazil and going to other regions in north and south america. kids and their imaginations come in all shapes and sizes. ma term has barbie in three new shapes. they can be purchased online alongside the original barbie body. mattel has been transforming barbie to bring her in line and for the diverse group of kids that play with her. they haven't said when the new barbie will be available at retailers. >> i imagine ken will be 6'3" and sculpted, right? >> they need to make a dad doll. >> it could be a big money maker.
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you may be looking to get into taking on uber and lift. a patent application published says the feature would help find a travel buddy to get to event. it could help travel on the subway. you don't want to ride alone, facebook's patent has yet to be approved. it comes weeks after facebook partnered with uber to get cars from facebook messenger. >> >> yesterday or the day before facebook was up 14% on wall street yesterday. all right. let's get a look at the forecast as we get you're going on this friday morning. this is a nice morning so far, tim, but things are going to get a little wet around here. >> they are. windy and wet depending where you are today. gusty winds picking up and rain
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showers stilling over the mountains once in awhile and the snow level is high up to start today, but it will lower into tonight and tomorrow changing things in the mountains tonight and tomorrow, as well. 48 in town right now. partly to mostly cloudy skies. calm winds, but that will be changing after the sunrises. 20s there. we're at 48 in reno and 32 there. we have the moisture starting to rife. there are rain showers mainly east of pyramid lake. a little activity in south central neff never. perhaps the mcdermott area will be seeing shower activity now and into the sierra at the moment. the snow level is relatively high up in the sierra and will stay that way for today. mostly rain for elevations of the mountains today with still over rain showers. tonight colder air and the snow
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into tomorrow morning and that also will mean that we change over to snow showers activity for those of us in the valleys by your weekend, as well. it will be on and off. there will be dry breaks and there will be return of the snow showers, as well. lots of weather alerts too. we have talked about several areas around the region. now we'll talk about the winter storm barn from 4:00 p.m. today to 4:00 p.m. saturday. a high wind watch from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. high wind watch in place. western nevada including reno- sparks, wind advisories 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. tonight. so head's up for those winds as they make their way in. pretty windy with rain in the mountains and rain showers it valleys. changing the rain to snow tonight into tomorrow and snow showers mixing in with the rain showers for the valleys for your saturday and sunday. off and on in nature too. there will be dry times mixing in.
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by the time we get to next week, things are quieter. mostly cloudy, but much cooler. it says 62 for today but don't let that fool you. it will not feel like a sunny 62 debuts the winds will be scouring out the cold air from the valleys. it will be windy and showery in the valleys so 62 may be a little tee seveing. please be prepared. this is the final day for this. >> final day. >> this is the final day. the las vegas motor speedway is giving away a trip for 2 for the nascar weekend in las vegas. we'll check fifth and final entry to win the prize today by way of our trivia question and we'll announce the big winner from those five later today. 4th caller with the right answer wins an entry toward that price.
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baseball players was among the first class inducted into the baseball hall of fame? first class 1936. 366-6237 is the number. >> still to come, could sin city have the new nfl team? that is what some are saying. possible? we'll look into it and tell you what we're talking about.
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all green planes but plenty good morning. coming up on today, donald trump's bless sense felt at the be date even though he was miles away. diddleys absence help any rivals? we'll have complete coverage.
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miniseries. the people versus o.j. simpson. why the goldman family is not happy about putting it back in the spotlight. >> could you live there? we'll take you to a town in the u.s. where cell phones and wifi signals are banned. those stories and more when we see you here on today. coming up in a little more than a half-hour. first, let's talk about this one. we love this. this is not just the denver broncos players and coaching staff getting ready for the super bowl. their mascot thunder is getting prepped as well. at every home game, fans can catch thunder running out on the field to a huge applause. should the broncos win the super bowl, thunder will be used in the victory parade. the owner sharon, and staff members will also load up next week for a two-day road trip to san francisco to make public appearances and to get onto the field for the super bowl. thunder should start taking public appearances around the san francisco area by wednesday
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and speaking of the super bowl, a mysterious box that turned up in downtown san francisco is a little old- fashioned train whistle connected to locked boxes and it's an air sampling unit. it is part of the security preparations. the device is a part of the biowatch program. taxpayers have spent more than a billion dollars on making it. >> i imagine if that is on your daily commute on foot, that could make you concerned. the final winner of the week. >> the final person to win an entry toward our prize. randy butler congratulations. on this date in 1936 which was among the first class inducted into the baseball hall of fame. guesses. >> i will say cy young. >> i will agree with bill. >> no.
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the others were shortly after in the following years. >> there you go. sticking with sports, could nevada get an nfl team? news reports yesterday said the oakland raiders may relocate in las vegas. >> they were supposed to relocates to possibly los angeles. now las vegas is in the mix. they are in talks. it could bring the team to sin city. if the move goes forward, the team might play in a brand new stadium. the owner of the raiders is set to meet friday with executives from las vegas sands to talk about that. what to crew think?
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i hope it would have great rley.
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still to come here on my news 4, ethan couch and soil. one last push before the caucuses. details on what points were raisend and what happened with trump's controversial decision. >> these stories and much more on this friday january 29th, 2016. nap good friday morning. welcome to the last half hour of news 4 today. i'm samantha boatman. >> i'm bill frankmore. we'll get you going here on this 29th day of january. thanks forgetting up with us or staying up with us, whatever the case is. days before the caucuses, republicans took the stage to try to convince voters they are the right choice for president.
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even though he didn't participate, he still dominated part of the debate and the day after coverage as you're seeing right now. mary maloney has more. >> let's address the elephant not in the room tonight. donald trump has chosen not to attend. >> i'm a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. and ben you're a terrible surgeon. now that we have gotten the donald trump portion out of the way -- it is not about donald trump. he is the greatest show on earth. he was a limited di bear to me. >> donald trump putting on an event he says honors veterans. >> like the academy awards. >> reporter: two other candidates who also won past iowa caucuses were in attendance. mike huckabee and rick santorum. the spotlight was on senator ted cruz.
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question, i may have to leave the stage. >> reporter: the others tried to take the focus back to their own appeal to voters in iowa and beyond. >> there is no reason why you can't stand for principles, go and fight for them and beable also to have to get things done in government. i don't think you have f give up your liberty for a false sense of security. >> there are three lanes, the establishment lane, the ni establishment lane and then the kasich lane. the reason is i have been a reformer all of my year. >> i will gladly confess i'm the only one with no political title. >> i am part of the staff because barbara bush is my mom. i'll take that too. this election is not about our pedigree, this is about people that are really hurting and we need a leader that will fix things and have a proven record to do it. >> i'm mary maloney reporting. meanwhile, here in reno, a big crowd turned out to watch
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about 100 turned out to the watch party. some of the party faithfuls say they half expected trump to show up at the last minute. voters wanted to hear what the other candidates had to say. some said without trump they had the opportunity to do just that. others said trump's decision might have cost them their vote. >> i was torn between donald trump and cruz and trump has convinced me that i'm going to support cruz. >> i don't think it will matter much. i think he is still going to rollover anyway. he will roll over the other condi dates and be ahead. >> i think it is all right. like my sister-in-law suggested that will give the others more time. the iowa caucuses will be
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trump will be campaigning in new hampshire today. all these local radio stations in a 13-hour radiothon for a good cause. children with cancer in our area. we'll talk to some deejays
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day today. d welcome back, everyone. local radio stations on air today for a good cause. a 13-hour radiothon is under way to support children with cancer in our area. ryan kern has more on the event and how you can help out. a familiar face out there. >> reporter: good morning sam. no the gold is benefiting the northern nevada children's cancer foundation. $120,000 is projected to come in today. that is what they are hoping for.
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this guy. he just got off the radio. 13 hours. >> 13 hours is a long time. that looks like a big goal $120,000 but if everybody in northern nevada donates $1, they will double the goal. maybe your neighbor is cheap, they are not going to but maybe if you give a couple dollars for your neighbors next-door, we'll blow that goal out of the sky. >> reporter: telephone starting at 6:00ment donations already coming in. talk about the partnership between cumulus radio stations and what you're doing and this organization. >> it is so important to us because kids don't have a choice. cancer is a disease that doesn't discriminate. it doesn't care how old you are or how much money you have. it goes beyond treatment here. they give money to help get gas to go down to davis for treat.
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rooms so you can be near your child when they are having treatment. a lot of costs you don't associate with. kids warm through chemo. they connect with these families and help. this is just pennies towards families out. >> more than 300 families have been helped since 2009 when it began. 13 hours already under way the shields and sparks. we'll send it back to you. >> ryan, thank you for that. head over and call in your donation. >> absolutely. >> great, great opportunity for you to help today. >> look at has shot. that is a little ominous. >> that is signaling the unraveling of the storm. the winds will pick up today. rain will arrive in the mountains. showers will go to western nevada. then a busy weekend out there for our weather. a tee sent storm system here with nice accumulations once, again. probably the third or fourth we have had of this magnitude this winter.
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weekend it seems. >> they have. they are keeping our meteorologist cassie wilson busy too. gusting to 40 to 55 miles per hour today. ridges gusting at times so a head's up for the winds. rain today in the mountains with a high snow level as well. snow tonight and into the weekend though as that snow level starts to trop through the sierra. for the valleys winds today southwest 25 to 35, gusting 45 to 65 at times. 60 to 80-mile-an-hour wind gusts. showers today in the valleys with rain and snow showers heading into the weekend as colder air filters into the area. how much snow in the mountains? >> above 8,000 feet, heavy. above 7,000 feet 6 to 12. foothills 1 to 3. into the valleys 0 to 1. 1 inch come
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now for the later on today, we're looking at highs in the 60s but this is very deceiving, because that it will be cloudy, showers, as well. also, southwest winds 20 to 35 gusting to 65 in the valleys with ridge tops 90 to 115. windy, cloudy and on the showery side so 62 degrees isn't going to feel the same as it does on a sunny day. >> a little stormy on the weekend. coming up we'll take a look how the stock market is shaping up this morning. ten minutes into the ballgame,
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them coming up. d welcome back. on this 29th day of january, 6:00h4 and the markets looking good so far. market opened 14 minutes ago and off to a great start. dow jones up 129 points right now. here are some of the stories making financial headlines on your friday. the president obama administration is expanding a data collection program ferreting out uses of pay loss. he directed the labor department to collect data from federal contractors about hat they pay employees. his new proposal will cover all businesses with 100 or more employees regardless of whether they contract with the u.s. government. average long-term mortgage rates fell for a fourth straight week.
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further below the 4% line. it has shown s about how global pressure could affect a slowing u.s. economy after of course this most recent rate hike by the feds. let's toss it over to tim studebaker. he will talk about a storm headed our way. >> we have gusty winds in the forecast for today and rain for elevations within the sierra. a very high snow level to start off on your friday but that snow level will drop into the weekend so that will allow for the accumulation of snow and in tonight mountains and dry breaks in between so it is a complicated system. valley showers for today with rain showers stilling over to the mountains and valleys of western nevada. calm winds at the moment and 66% humidity. 30s there.
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moisture starting to arrive and stilling over. we're shadowing in western neff never so cloudy skies for most of us. rain showers to our east out through central nevada and the rain is in the mountains and we'll continue to see rain coming through for the sierra as we head through the day today. then the snow level drops as we head into the overnight hours tonight and into tomorrow. that is going to allow for that accumulation of snow. it is very high right now, the snow level 9,000 or so feet in elevation. it will drop through the storm system into tomorrow morning. rain showers today in western nevada starting to mix with snow showers as we head into tomorrow and the rest of the weekend. on and off in nature as well. here we go. the winds today for the sierra 20 to 30, ridge top gusts as high as 90 to 115 miles per hour. snow tonight and into the drops.
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30, gusting to 45 to 60. wind prone areas could get to 60 to 80-mile-an-hour wind gusts and turning to rain and snow showers in tonight weekend. how much snow in the mountains 6 to 12 above 7,000. 1 to 3 in the foothills and 0 to 1 in the valleys. the snow out there in the mountains is going to bow that very heavy wet snow known to cement. we have wind advisories as well as winter storm warnings, winter weather advisories and also for this morning, in eastern and central parts of the state, a freezing rain advisory. more details on that over on mornings on fox 11 from 7 to 9:00 this morning. we do have the storm system around for the weekend. some dry breaks as well so we'll start to see those working in during the storm system and heading into next week, things are drier. mostly cloudy and quite cold to
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the so-called teen is in a juvenile facility. ethan couch arrived at the airport on thursday morning in handcuffs. also with a police escort. the teen and his mother were subjects of an international manhunt after he missed a probation meeting. they were arrested back on december 28th and transferred to im breaks authorities. he will be in court to determine if he will receive bond or be moved to an adult prison. the fbi released video of the fatal traffic stop shooting of the wildlife refuge in oregon earlier this week. at a press conference officials showed video taken pie an fbi plane that was overhead during the incident. officials say robert "lavoy" finicum's vehicle tried to maneuver around the roadblock and got stuck in a snow bank. he got out and reached toward his pocket and then was shot.
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9-millimeter semi-automatic in that pocket. they want to remind everyone that occupation is not over. four people remain inside the refuge in remote or gone. we're getting our first look at the roof of the california jail where three inmates escaped last weekend. the three escaped sometime last friday from the orange county men's jail. that is about 40 miles southeast of la. they cut through steel bars and repelled down with sheets. several arrests related to the escape have been made but no more details have been released. the third was charged with kidnapping. fish which eat the larva, the mosquito which carries the zika virus are being used in the fight against the disease. it is the main fight here.
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2012 by a local health official trying to fight break bone fever, another mosquito borne illness. they carry other viruses which have plagued the rejohn for years. some 300 families care for the fish which live in small water storage tant ks throughout the area. they put them in containers and open water bottles in their efforts to rid the area of the larva. they killed at least eight people yesterday. security and medical officials said. one of the militants, a dutch national carried out the attack outside the palace in the main city of southern yemen. at least 17 were wounded. a security source said the attack appeared to target the convoy of a local businessman who was entering the presidential complex.
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damaged at least six vehicles and a nearby mosque. thank you. if you want to check out your airline delays they are on the screen. we have some water on the way in for the west coast that could cause delays as well as the wind we'll be experiences later today.
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we're back after this. good morning. want to send it over to the today show but first what is coming up. scott birmingham will give us his take on dirty grandpa. >> the food truck fest kicks off today. ryan kern will give is a preview. than five minutes. >> ironic that scott is previewing dirty grandpa because he is one. we're just teasing. forecast. >> yes, there is. day and rain in the mountains wilt a lowering snow level tomorrow. you're killing me bill. rain and snow showers for your weekend down in the valley floor as well.
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on fox 11 in a few minutes through 9:00 a.m. a breakdown of the watches and warnings also. next week quieter but cold, upper 30s on your monday. starting to recover as we felt to the middle and end of the week as well, but a lot more snow talk on mornings on fox 11. >> if you would like to join us, please do. "the today show" is coming up in about 3 minutes if you want
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safe if you're out
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the main events.
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