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tv   ET Entertainment Tonight  NBC  February 17, 2016 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

7:00 pm
coca-cola foundation, rockwell international, and sony corporation what would we do, baby without us what would we do, baby without us and there ain't no nothing we can't love each other through what would we do, baby without us
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can i talk to you? i'm finishing my resume. talk to your father. no. it's about boys. yeah. how would i know about them? you know my philosophy, mallory. if a boy makes you start asking questions, cut him loose. how's the resume coming, ma? finished. i fudged a little,but basically it's me. did youtake my advice? i left out the part about me designing the eiffel tower. they nevercheck that stuff. well, i hope not. i put all my attributes on page one, right on top. then i hid the fact i haven't worked in an office for 12 years on page two under the staple. i changed 12 years to 144 months. why am i goingon this interview? they probablydon't want me.
7:05 pm
grandma moses started painting at 80. yeah. that still gives you a couple of years. just trying to relax you. you've repeatedly saidyou want this job. i thought you wanted to expand your horizons? you wantedmore challenging work. i thought you wanted to make more money. i do want those things, but i'm scared. you've got first day jitters. i get them every fall going back to school. really? i worry about my new teacher, everything, but the first day always works out. it will for you, too. thank you, jennifer. of course, sometimes i throw up around lunch time. what are you worrying about? you're a terrific architect.
7:06 pm
let's go over yourassets and liabilities. let's just review my assets. may i? ok. "elyse keaton." a nice name. that counts as an asset. it's a fine name, but it won'tget you the job. your referencesare in order. enough. forget your assets and liabilities. when they meet you and read this resume, they'll be very impressed. thank you. you've all been very supportive. any last minute advice? ask aboutvacation. ask about a gumball machine. be yourself. don't tell them you're a woman. don't changea hair for me
7:07 pm
you'relooking at her. just kidding.actually, i'm karen dugan. kidding again.i'm bill channing. really? would i kid you? elyse keaton. here for the new job? uh-huh. i'm an architect myself. you are? you are. elyse, i'm karen banks. no kidding. she is. we're meeting in bill's office. the conference room's full. bill, i'd like to conduct an interview here. ok, what would you like to know? when you're leaving. out of here. bye. he's actually a very fine architect. i could tell. may i see your resume, please? there'snothing to hide.
7:08 pm
why work a full-time job again? well, uh,i am an architect, and... now that my kidscan care for themselves, i thoughti'd return to work in a moremeaningful way. i see. mostly, i'mtired of workingout of my kitchen. know how hardit is working knowingyou're inches awayfrom fudge brownies? you won't have that problem here. there's one question i've asked all applicants-- what's the architect's role in the 1980s? what did they say? i think, uh... we should take advantageof the new technology, but to buildand not destroy.
7:09 pm
it's 200 years old. they tore it downfor a parking lot. that was one of our jobs. sure this dress will beready for chrissy's party? positive. it's a very simple pattern. i'll pick up this sewing stuff really quickly. remember, mallory,the thread goesthrough the needle. so, how did the interview go? hi. not very well. she didn't like me. she was very, very cold. i didn't expect a banner saying, "welcome back to architecture," but i thought at least a cake. i'm sure you made a good first impression. from our first moment, i knew you were the only architect for me. maybe i shouldn't be employed. what do i need a job for? i'm doing ok working here at home.
7:10 pm
i could take geometry. there's a chance i couldn't handle it. so why bother, right? i don't think it's the same thing. it's ok to admit you're scared. i'm not scared! [telephone rings] don't answer that! maybe i'm a little scared. hello. yes, she moment, please. mom... hello. hi. yes, speaking. hi, karen. uh-huh. uh-huh. thanksfor letting me know. i'm sorry. i got the job! they liked the fact that i was older and that i had experience, and they appreciated my honesty.
7:11 pm
hi, bill. hi, roomie.congratulationson getting the job. whoa! that's my table. where's mine? right here. just breaking it in for you. nice to see's everything? acutally, i'm having a rough week. my girlfriend won't give me her new phone number. look in the book. you know her last name? you'll really like it here. let me introduce you to the machines. yo, machines! come on over here. all right. have it your own way. we've got the runnymede 1,800 k word processor, the marywell cad system. these machines are unbelievable. yes, they are.
7:12 pm
we're talking about the machines. you're familiar with the marywell computer aid to design and drafting system? i've never actuallyused the marywell, but, how differentcan it be from anyother appliance? it could be helpful with the manhattan corporation project. we're bidding ona combinationoffice/health club. bill is designingthe office. you're workingon the health club. sounds exciting. we havetentatively scheduled a presentationwith mr. halifax,head of manhattan, for two weeksfrom tomorrow. two weeks? isn't thatenough time? more than enough. ok. you go. site plan,budget, specifications. good luck. thanks for everything. let's get to know each other. tell me something about yourself. family? kids? i don't have any myself. i was married once. twice if you count my cousin.
7:13 pm
well, the last-- my senior project was an entire city of the future. it was quite a challenge-- maximizing geometric aesthetics while maintaining a restrained functionalism. what did you say you did last? i finished a remodelon the wilson's ranch house. we totallyredid the kitchen, putting up a new beamto support the roof. wow... a beam. bill, let's review these designs. there's nothing i wanted. it's the opposite of what we discussed! she wants me. can't be much differentthan a typewriter.
7:14 pm
oh! bing. [bell rings]
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you're still working?take a break. the presentation is tomorrow. i'll break after that. what do you think? it's very flattering. have you alerted women's wear daily? you've got to show mallory how to do the other sleeve. i'm sorry. i forgot we were sewing tonight.
7:17 pm
she'll grow into it. i won't growinto it by saturday. i need itfor chrissy's party. sorry. i can't help you tonight. you've said thatfor five nights. after you go to bed, i'll finish it. the whole idea was for me to learn how. honey, i am doing the best i can! girls, your mother's really busy. well, if you'retoo busy for us... mom, i sympathize withwhat you're going through. today's woman isin a very difficultposition-- tradition andcertainly biologyhave put her in the home. now there arethese ridiculousnew feminist pressures for her to do thingsoutside the home. your anxietyis natural, mom. you can't foolwith mother nature. say good night, alex.
7:18 pm
elyse, i've done a lot of presentations. sometimes a little joke can get you started. maybe something like this-- a guy and his dog go into a bar. steven, that's ridiculous. i'm just trying to help. aren't you supposed to design just one health club? thank you. i thinki know what i'm doing. once i've laid outall the options, i'm goingto synthesize them into a singlecoherent proposal. elyse-- i can handle it!i can handle it! it's after 10:00. you promised to sew jennifer's dress. you'll be up all night. you're obviously overworked. why not talk to karen? i can't tell heri'm having problemsalready. you're pretending you know how to use the computer.
7:19 pm
you're not used to their system. say i'm failingon the job! maybe you should ask for a little help. i could use help here! i'll be glad to help. that is exactywhat i don't want! i'm trying to be supportive. i'm trying to help. all sorts of womenhave families and full-time jobswithout your help! i'm not married to them. you're saying you'dlike it if you were? you're under lots of pressure. you've got to let off a little steam. nothing you can say will make me mad. and you callyourself supportive! so, in conclusion, mr. halifax, my goal was to design an office
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than the offices of general motors, ibm, at&t, for, in my opinion, you're more impressive than their executives. i understand. well, that's the office in a nutshell. it was a pleasure to design, and may i boldly say, you were an inspiration. thanks, bill.that was good. what do you think? it's not what i had in mind. i didn't think so, but i'm willing to work on this until it's exactly right. it's not what i had in mind, but it was brilliant. i'm glad you're so pleasedwith the office building. now elyse will show usthe health club. warmed him up for you. go get him.
7:21 pm
as i'm sureyou are, too. before i start,here's a little story. this man and his doggo into a bar-- elyse. the presentation. ok. here isthe one-story plan. here isthe multi-story plan, and we have a specialunderground gymnasium plan. now within each plan, there areseveral subplans. we can discuss each, and you can decidewhat you like best. you're being cute, right? you really just have one proposal. you did design a health club, didn't you? i wasn't able to narrowit down to just one. i wanted to,but there wasn't time. i made everyone's lunch, then i lost the sleeveon jennifer's dress. let's start withthe undergroundgymnasium plan.
7:22 pm
who deserves that more than you? i'm a busy man. i don't have time for this. i'm paying you to design my building. if i wanted to design it myself, i would have. and done a heck of a job. i have an idea. put these planson the computer. right... the computer. i'll just draw it. the computer's so impersonal. that's why i like it. let's go. uh...well... forget it. i can't use the computer. why not? i simply don't know how to use the machine. karen, what's going on here? is this some kind of affirmative action thing? did you have to hire that person? now see here! what is it? see here...
7:23 pm
mr. halifax, i apologizefor wasting your time. karen, i'm sorry. i'm tired of pretending... pretending i know everythingabout architecture today, pretending that having a joband three kids is easy. it's hard to design a buildingunder this kind of pressure! it's hard using machinesyou've never heard of! it is damn hardcoming back to work after all these years. well, that seemed to go pretty well. i acted so foolish. whatever made me thinki could handle that job? just because this one presentation didn't work, doesn't mean you're not qualified for the job. how did the joke go over? did you go "arf arf arf" like i told you?
7:24 pm
uh, yeah? steven, it's karenand bill from the office. come on in. hi, steven. heard a lot about you, big guy. i think you'll beat that morals charge. elyse, que pasa? you left your purse at the office. you got a lot of interesting things in there. you three must have lots to talk about. you're out of here. you have a way with words, bill. come and sit down. why didn't you tell me you were having problems? we all help each other. i wanted you to think i was qualified. that's exactlywhat i do think. elyse, you haveyears of experience. you're one ofthe most creativepeople i've ever met. thank you. i am really embarrassed.
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and, uh... i can't do it. i thought that was what you expected. all the frustration built up and...came out. i'm sorry. actually, it was something to see. you're quite beautiful when you're angry. we sifted throughyour ideas at the office. you came upwith some good things. i think we shoulddiscuss them together. i'm still on the project? yes. we'll talkabout it in the morning. oh, thank you! i was ready to clean out my desk. clean out mine. i'll give youa blowtorch. we have to go. we're meeting mr. halifax for dinner. last time he wouldn't let me eat until he was finished. thank you. i appreciate it. bye. one of your beams?
7:26 pm
kids! what is it? i'm still a working woman. oh, great! i owe everyone an apology. at's a verynoble gesture. what did you do? ever since i started working, i've taken all my irritability out on you. i was trying to be the perfect working woman, the perfect mother, the perfect wife, and i'm not perfect. ahh, perfectionis overrated. i know.i've been there. it hasn't been all your fault. we've got to make some adjustments, too. as a future working woman, i'm with you 100% that goes double for me. not the bit about working. we're willingto help out more. thank you. so, mom,what's for dinner? what i mean is...
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7:30 pm
it was a very blustery day across the truckee meadows as a fast-moving storm blows in. storm watch coverage tops channel 2 news at 5:30. the wind didn't let up this afternoon... good evening i'm kristen remington. and i'm landon miller, thanks for joining us tonight. we begin with storm watch team coverage tonight... amanda ketchledge is live up in truckee with a look at the damage the storm caused. but we'll start with chief meteorologist mike alger, who has been trackingthe storm system as it moves in... the strong winds will slowly abate thursday, but the strong cold front responsible will bring snow to the valley floors and leave behind a foot or more of


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