tv Nevada Newsmakers NBC February 22, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm PST
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pro group ma >> closed captioning of "nevada newsmakers" is brought to you by the nevada trucking association, trucking moves america forward. this is "nevada newsmakers" with host sam shad, a no holds barred political forum. now from the "nevada newsmakers" broadcast headquarters, here is sam shad. >> back on "nevada newsmakers," we are pleased to welcome for the first time to the program, jennifer terhune, candidate for assembly district 25, pat hickey's old district. >> pleasure to have you on the program. >> thank you. >> i followed your career being supporter of rand paul, tea party express, we know what position you come from. you're going to be running against toles, the establishment candidate, it appears at this time. how tough is that going to be? >> it is a challenge. i think we're up for the challenge, this is going to be a tough race, we are doing well
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on doors and we are going to be hitting the streets. i think that is going to make the difference is getting out and talking to the voters. that is something that i'm excited to do and like i said, we've started that. it is going well, i think we're going to make a good race of it. i am glad, actually, to not be considered part of the current establishment and glad to be the underdog in this. >> do you think that -- i know you're against the commerce tax that has passed. do you think this is going to be something that we'll actually get republicans who are mad at the governor for passing the commerce tax to look away from the establishment candidate? >> i think that it might. i believe that there are a lot of people who normally would be supporting an establishment candidate who are looking for other options. a lot of people are angry and feel betrayed by the last legislature that passed very large tax increase, this is largest tax increase in the history of the state against the will of the voters. i think a lot of people were
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betrayed. they are looking for other options. >> in past days, we would have been regarded as a libbertarian, i think you still are, do you think the libertarians will get out and canvas the streets for you in a strong way? >> well, i consider myself more -- i will not say i'm a libertarian, traditional republican, more conservative with limited government and power in the hands of the people, where it constitutionally belongs. there are supporters of that philosophy in this area. we have a pretty good network of people. we definitely have volunteers who are raring to go. >> does it make a difference, since this is presidential election and there may be more people out in the primaries than normally? >> i'm not sure. probably. there is definitely a lot more interest in politics. one thing we're run intoing a little bit right now, with all the interest and focus on the
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a lot of people out walking, a lot of people are getting numerous phone calls and door knocking that, is something after the caucus, i think we can step up our efforts more and not be so congested. >> what are your thoughts on the caucus and how well attended it will be? >> you know, i hear all kinds of different stories out there. it was 7% in 2012 and so they're hoping for much higher turnout. 10% is what they think might, but i've been hearing some very large numbers like 20 to 30%. i don't know. there is a lot of interest, i think with the very sad passing of justice scalia, there will be more emphasis on the presidential election and you know, i think there will be a lot of people turning out. i've been working with the caucus committee for washoe county and it is very well organized, we have a lot of caucus locations, they are doing caucus training, hopefully it will go as smoothly as possible.
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university and talked to student? >> yes, i attended a college republican meeting a couple weeks ago. >> what were the things being said to you? >> they have a really good group there. miranda hooveris the president, they are doing a great job. very active group. when i was attending unr, they were not as big. they are well organized, i was impressed with the turnout they had at the beginning of the semester. >> if young people come out and vote on either side here, it could make a big difference. >> right. >> i don't think people are expecting that after the youth vote for obama and all of a sudden, it's coming out but not for the candidates they thought it would. >> right. that is politics, it will depend who shows up, that is who will win the election. bernie sanders did a great job in iowa and obviously came out for him in new hampshire, we'll see if that happens in nevada. as far as the republican side, we'll see.
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you know, i don't know, i've already had been surprised by a couple of things in this presidential election. >> for example? >> i was surprised that rand paul dropped out as soon as he did, surprised chris duel christie didn't do better in new hampshire. we'll see. >> well, do you not think rand paul looked at the tvs and said, i'm better off hang og to my senate seat. >> exactly. yeah, he needed to focus on kentucky, absolutely. >> let's take a break, more with jennifer terhune, run nothing district 25, pat hickey's hold district. >> to contact "nevada
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>> back on "nevada newsmakers," we are speaking with jennifer terhune, she is the candidate for assembly district 25, pat hickey's old seat. she is a constitutional conservative, would that be appropriate to say? >> yes, yeah. >> talk to me about what people have been saying about the school district, because you have some concerns about that. education is a big concern and i think a lot of people were concerned with the whole situation that happened with the school board, a lot of people upset with the situation with pedro martinez, a lot of people felt major changes were needed on the school board. people are concerned about education, that is one of the top things -- >> i would say number one. >> yeah, yeah. >> i appreciate that. i really feel that education is key to having a really strong state and a strong country. we need our children to understand and have the opportunities to get out there and make the best they can for the state, for our country and
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i really appreciate the concerns with education. as i talked about, i come from a background where i was in public school, also private schooled and home schooled. so i really appreciate all the options out there and feel like parents really need to be in control of education. that needs -- they need to be the final decider of how their children's education is run. i would like to see more power being given to the parents, which is why i'm a fan of the school voucher program. because i really think that parents need to have options. we pay the taxes for education and the school voucher program is giving a little bit of that money back. >> what do you think about some of the studies done that show that most of the school vouchers are being applied for in wealthier district, rather than poor districts and poor people will not have the opportunity because they don't have any additional money to put toward the schools? >> i would like to see that change.
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have a school voucher program that poorer family consist utilize that and get their children out of the failing schools. that is something, school voucher program is not perfect and i've heard various concerns about it. but i think that it's a step in the right direction and we need to continue working that way to expand school choice, to make it a real choice, not just for wealthier neighborhoods, but for poorer families, as well. >> when you look at, we're talking about washoe county school district in particular, take clark county out of the equation, washoe county schools are in the middle of the pack as far as nationally. if you were a teacher, wouldn't you feel pretty beaten up people keep talking about the failing education system when we are turning out smart kids, >> yeah. i think teachers do get blamed a lot, 25067. i think teacher dos an amazing job. i went and visited a second grade classroom recently here in reno and i am always so
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they manage to do with what they have is really impressive and i think these are individuals who really care about what they are doing. i feel like we're putting a lot of extra burden on them that we don't need to with excessive regulation and state, the state telling them how to teach. for instance, i was speaking with a high school teacher and she was one of the teachers who started home economics classes here in washoe county. it was her baby, she really was into teaching this. the state came in and was trying to tell her and reorganize her click curriculum. it upset her. she's retired now. that is a loss to the community, we need to not have the state interfering so much in education. and i feel that what will work in washoe county may not necessarily work in elko county. we need the counties and the parents, teachers need to be running education, don't need the state oversight, it causes
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>> i'm thinking you are thinking the same thing about common >> absolutely. i know there is a lot of concern with common core. >> what is your big sneft >> well, the data mining is something i've been hearing a lot about lately, that is a big concern that they're actually they are doing data mining on the children and there is database of information about the children being collected without the consent of the parents and that's a problem, something we definitely need to look into. but i know common core and no child left behind, neither were popular with teachers. >> it is interesting, you have a situation here where folks are complaining, you are not the only one about common core and potentially data mining. on the other side, you have people giving up freedom by being on social media. >> very good point you have there, sam. i know. it's kind of funny, people are concerned about privacy, but they're carrying around a phone that they are sharing their
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everything. so that is something for people to think about. >> tell me about the contract with nevada. >> the contract with nevada was spearheaded by assemblyman brent jones. it has 10 basic points, these are things we believe in and these are things we stand for. i'm not going to be able to recite those for you. >> we have a minute and a half. >> it is basically we believe in smaller government, lower taxes, that is the first one, the tax issue. we also believe in getting rid of common core, getting the government out of healthcare as much as possible, getting nevada out of the silver state exchange and also support of the second amendment is on there. there is a lot of -- >> back to healthcare just briefly. what would you like to see? obamacare is the law of the land. there is nothing that you can just say, okay, let's end obamacare and let's move to something else, there is nothing else. >> right. well, we didn't have obamacare a
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to get rid of obamacare. i work in the health profession, i work in healthcare, i see this everyday, since obamacare has been implemented, we've seen people losing coverage because the cost has gone up so much. the monthly premium has gone up, deductibles have gone way up, a lot of people are less covered than they were before. >> wouldn't the good plan be to fix what we have with obamacare, rather than trying to get rid of it? the republicans have come up with nothing new, they just say let's get rid of it, but there is no other plan. >> my objection to obamacare tis mandatory. i don't believe there is a constitutional right or basis or authority in the constitution for the federal government to be telling people they have to buy anything. so that is a problem. it's being run from the federal level. i would rather see healthcare program instituted by the states and then we could have the different states working out
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pro group management, and the >> this is "nevada newsmakers." >> back on "nevada newsmakers," great power pundit panel, elisa cafferata, lobbyist with planned parenthood, mendy elliott, partner capitol partners, along with paul enos. pleasure to have you here. your thoughts on the supreme court process that has been playing out over the last week since the passing of justice scalia. >> i've just been fascinated that the republicans have been so quick to jump in and say, or mitch mcconnell specifically,
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obama's nominees and i sort of feel like at this point president obama could solve world hunger and mitch mcconnell would find fault with it. and you have heard a lot of republicans like -- not on your show, saying it is the president's job to fill the vacancy. >> he can fill the vacancy, but the senate's opportunity to actually vote and -- i can't think of the word, concern. thank you. >> the republicans and the senate, if they maintain -- we are starting to see cracks in this already. >> i was going to say, they're backing, they're backing that they are not going to hear it, but i would be shocked if they confirmed. obama himself, he filibustered on alito's, filibustered himself. now that was a mistake. come on.
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>> this is tit for tat. mitch mcconnell is saying, the democrats did this to us when george w. bush was president, now turnabout is fair play, boys. is it right? no, it's not right. but is it all mcconnell? no. this is a symptom of the problem we have in washington, d.c. and the problem we've had for decades with the filibustering or we're going to bork a nominee. that is really are where this started. >> all right, let's look at bigger picture, mitch mcconnell has been trying to get the senate running in a more normal fashion. paul ryan has come in and tried to do that, doesn't that start to blow this up? >> well, the president can nominate somebody, i fully agree with that. constitutional right to nominate a justice. it is the senate's job --
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>> it is the senate's duty to vet and vote to either confirm or not to elevate that individual up to the bench. i think, you know, mitch mcconnell's problem, i think, was a matter of timing. he should have waited to see who barack obama was going to nominate -- >> you think? >> i agree with that. >> before he made the move. i said this the other day, the day justice scalia was pronounced dead, that should nominate sandra day o'connor, if you want to be shrewd, nominate somebody who has been a swing vote, showed up in the baltimore sun yesterday, that you have somebody who is 85 years old, you will not have this fight over having impact on the court for generations, you have somebody who was appointed by ronald reagan, already vetted, who has been a swing vote on the
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shrewd of this president to do. i don't know that he is willing to do that or if he doesn't want to have a fight. i think barack obama wants to have a fight with the senate on this. >> well, it is interesting because some nays senator reid put forward are more moderate, democrats, but more moderate, do you think they would be acceptable? >> i think the president will nominate someone who has been confirmed to a federal judgeship and, you know, it is going to be a challenge for republicans because if they voted to put someone on the federal bench, a lifetime appointment, some folks are talking about were enan mussily approved, then what's the reason not to have them on the supreme court and there are at least, you know, half a dozen folks who fit that description. >> mendy, how does that play? >> i don't see the senate confirming --
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has been 100 days, every day you go past that, you will have a meter running on the news saying, they won't confirm, they won't confirm. >> the reality is -- this would be the same thing if the president was a republican and the senate was controlled by democrats. >> correct. >> ronald reagan had a last-year appointment. >> but they started vetting long before the appointment was -- >> and that was after, that appointment was after a contentious, very contentious hearing over justice -- >> and you have -- >> the senate -- >> okay. >> it is not the republicans, it is the process. >> let me throw this in here, don't you think with the age of the supreme court members, there has already been a lot of vetting going on? i mean, seriously, this is not like it came out of a bubble, it was a surprise it was scalia, with retirement or passing, there was going to be changes in this administration and your
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>> well, somebody suggested maybe he should pull a west wing two for and get one of the other ones to go off and put somebody from two ends of the spectrum. we'll see. lots of options. >> it would be one thing. the supreme court has become the third executive branch in washington, d.c. from the standpoint of legislating from the bench. the court has become certainly judicious from the standpoint, they are legislated from the bench, go all the way through the court and you will see it. to me, it seems like it is a very important person who is going to be there and who is going to be confirmed and it could be historical in nature. >> oh, it's definitely going to be historical in nature. we'll be right back. >> to get a cop of "nevada
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