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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  July 20, 2010 3:00am-5:00am PST

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live, from the bay area's news station, this the kron 4 morning news. >> this morning, tuesday here at 4:00 a.m. on the kron 4 morning is a live look at westbound 80. traffic is light detailed of coming up. take the top of the chair and the forecast. good morning louisa. >> good morning james. golden gate bridge was starting to think and look at the marine layer the bin. allowed the fog is moving on shore. low clouds and fog is widespread. the marine layer is expected to continue red on to the work week. then as we end to the week is that there remain pretty seasonal really where they should be. satellite picture
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giving an idea of where the fog is you can see abortion rate under the bay in december and are got wrapped around the coast line down the south bay as well in fact is moving from fremont into san jose we're also seeing plenty of fog up to the north bay as well. kron temperatures in the '50s. 57 and oakland, concord 55 degrees for livermore. fog tracker is set for 6:00 a.m. showing as the fog is expected to continue even bridge in its way into the delta, livermore valley as well. fairly widespread. by about adm years of the continued sale of low cloud cover a lot of hot out there and then as we head toward a run on a lot we could go to the fortunes of the delta into the north bay endowment to the soap is while keeping the fog along the peninsula and even into the east bay even to about 10:00 hour. 11-12 loser to see the fog lifted. afternoon highs getting
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into the '70s much cooler in the north bay is 76 for santa rosa, 74 novato, 65 san francisco, dozens of bases out there. 84 morgan hill 7 is around the bay a little cooler oakland and 68. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. fairly consistent forecast might see a slight warming by the end of the week into the weekend about for the most part orders and get ready for the morning clouds a little bit clearing into the afternoon. morning commute their good. >> to gallaudet your writer in the bay area traffic conditions are light to a quick rejection is the bay bridge toll plaza just a croakers of side of it was bound for the city no signs of any overnight construction of courses leading lights are of keeping a really large rare gem of eight minutes. jumping on over to your right to examine daly really dark out there but i assure you it's a pretty easy ride is a major win new
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direction towards a foster city and of course those spreads are making their way into a word now. 12 minutes from end to end. golden gate, foggy out there just like louisa said. everything is clear traffic rise banana occurs on the road 21 minutes for novato into the city. james. thank you >>, another traffic note for you if you ride easy transit be referred for possible delays this week in a cost-cutting contract was imposed an unusually high number of drivers have been calling in sick. to under nine busters province against bids almost 20 percent overall operators. union members are agreed to continue to work for the contract dispute goes on in the arbitration today were the engine and 25,000 people ride ac transit each day. saw the lazy as religion of there is any today. new details in the violent shooter and oakland this past weekend i less rough ground 580 closed for 20 hours. the
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suspects in hospital we're told that the fbi is now joining the investigation this is a picture of brian millions from a prior arrest this is a suspect in the shootout the 45 year-old from california has an extensive criminal history including armed robbery oakland police are kron4 williams is now talking the homicide detectives and his mother has reportedly said that he was upset because he could not get a job because an excellent. new video justin to of the shooting of a 580 here is from the son of the road, and by the video do not know if you can hear beating your gunshot rid of the top jobs moving around guns drawn. they contend here's our that audio. stress yes of zero reports on this should and how pleased what believe williams survived. >> look at this rate a drawer or riddled with bullets, here their windows are shot out. cl leila markers on the freeway officers
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tell that more than 60 shots were fired at byron williams. after he opened fire. beseech the spokesperson says the violent confrontation started saturday evening amid that an officer saw williams driving erratically and weaving through traffic on 580 near park boulevard officers attempted to column over several times this a friendly when they did that for the boulder again and started to shoot. listen as you can hear gunfire erupted in this video posted by when this. officers say that hail of gunfire lasted around 10 minutes with more than 10 chp officers involved. they say was finally surrendered after suffering multiple wounds. this is why is being taken to highland possible. police say he tried to divide this year's run heavy-duty body armor. kron4 has learned that while officers sunday morning when drew williams car they found three guns. in addition to brahms'
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god and mechanical robot recalled in when a suspicious package was discovered inside the truck here you can see the robots will of this binder it says california, fbi agents are now analyzing the binder officers tell that they believe williams was heavily armed is using some unknown location. they believe that the traffic was stopped for fronted it possible that the situation from occurring. meanwhile oakland police are also continuing their search for a sniper opened fire and officers this week and kron4 stand harmon has more on that story. >> this was the scene around 11:30 p.m. after someone opened fire on police officers who had pulled over a bar girl in the 1000 block of eighth street near adeline. >> during a curse of that investigation and discovered a large round of crack cocaine in the vehicle. as a further investigated someone from an apartment complex that was there started to fire a weapon
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of the officers. please backed off called an additional officers and ended upsurge in the apartment building only to find nothing. still search for the shooter is our top 30. >> any i have somebody is willing to stretch a decrease of their danger to society, very dangerous to the public and officers. hopefully to tips coming and we'll we'll to locate these individuals. >> oakland police say they will now take a look at surveillance video from various locations in the area to see if it helps them track down the sniper. oakland, dan kerman, kron4 news. attempted reno and ends with the death of a father of three. he was around town he was in the bay area for a job interview at google. kron4 takes a closer look. it happened here and 19th street around 11:30 p.m. sunday, oakland police a 45 year-old a
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fairfax reggie resident was here this deadlock as for what appeared to be a late-night program. afterwards they were leaving from when suddenly they were approached on the street both knocked to the ground by two men demanding money investigators say he was shot and killed by one of the two suspects is a female friend was not injured the question surrounding the of the atchison is why was he here getting its teeth cleaned so late on sunday night was you can see here there'll and on mondays then once it-out of sight of the month ended. lacy was in town to buy for java google this renders as a last minute work said he would look good. there appears to be no connection between the victim, the suspects and location. >> this is an isolated incident that oakland. very unusual that this type of robbery would move on to the next level homicide. >> to will officials have
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responded to the murder there released this statement saying " we were saddened, to hear the news, our hearts go out to his family in this very difficult time. a quick break will be back with more of lives in a moment let us go outside give you a quick look for margins like europe is moving well.
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far 9:00 a.m. new this morning let's talk for toyota. they have been subpoenaed by a federal grand jury in new york to submit documents related to problems was steering really robs the world's largest automaker says it was the company's second subpoena from a federal grand jury this is trevor goes before a judge in seven california state hundreds of lawsuits have been filed after its recall due to acceleration problems in several the barack models. u.s.
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stock futures are pointed cell that is our weaker than expected results did not help. investors are waiting for earnings report including goldman sacks today for the first time ever kindles the books, are out selling hardcover books from almost 50 percent. amazons as of 0 hundred and 43 books for every 100 regular work for the past three months. under motor co. says it plans to sell a plug and hybrid vehicle in 2012. as part of its strategy to push the front of the pack in the race to develop more fuel-efficient cars senate democrats are said to try to break a republican filibuster today clearing a path for an unemployment benefits extension. millions of people sat on the jobless rolls will be received an extension of unemployment benefits of version $309 a week again if it passes. meanwhile 36 record good will become the and the senator when he takes the oval office today. to succeed
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the longest serving on the late senator robert byrd, that course means democrats will pick up to that crucial vote that in the the senate is to pass an extension of jobless benefits of that legislation is scheduled for road just a few minutes after goodman is what this morning. they say democrats do not have a way to pay for the cost of extending those benefits. senate judiciary committee votes today on the nomination of selena kagan. democrats call the 12-7 lead to the on the question really is the margin of error for river. democrats are united in backing a dinner broken so far are unanimous in their opposition are those senator linda grant may vote for kagan. there is little doubt that the full senate will confirm kagan. a pupil scheduled to release this is the california voters are not rock-solid on their opinions of
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same-sex marriage. 51 percent support 42 percent opposed 7% have no opinion. when giving a third option of allowing civil union's banana marriage, 34 percent preferred the alternative drop in the support down to 44%. 19 percent favored no legal recognition and 3% have no opinion. also in developing in the news this morning the oil spill in the gulf of mexico scientists are not convinced yet the cap over the blue note rockwell is making things worse. the run has warned for days of the experiments are cab could cause more leaks and while it is seeking help but officials say at this point it is currently not a big issue. the government is allowing the countermand shed another day under close monitoring. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. let's go back get side the head things are shaping appearance san francisco as a louisa was saying there is low cloud cover, fog
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and the marine layer is really heading into the bay area this morning we will have a complete look at your weather and a look for today and commute coming up. look at your weather and a look for today and commute coming up. sure. and, mom, did you know that in every bowl of chef, there is a full serving of -- [ gasps ] but there's a full -- no, but in every bowl of -- don't -- with the -- but it's -- there's -- stop...talking. but there's a -- nope. [ female announcer ] there's a full serving of vegetables in every bowl of chef boyardee big beef ravioli. that's the third time that's happened today. [ female announcer ] just don't tell them. shh.
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and we're back. a developing story now was a showdown and walnut creek as protestors in support of oscar brand and face- to-face with protesters in support of johannes mehserle kron4 is kate thompson has more on the heated scenes. >> he did, he was in handcuffs. >> using agnes. >> >> emotional. >> confrontational. >> accident. there really is a partner of former johannes mehserle quickly disintegrated into a screaming match with oscar brand performers your shirt to voice their opposition.
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>> how do not know the difference? >> anarchy. >> anarchist's >> your un-american. >> your fruitcake. >> police in full cry and repair lined up the main role was shut down for hours or for just spoken to the straight plays and the sheriff's department kept a close on a crowd of several hundred people as the blood rushes raised on. >> black-right wise and the reported. >> please call the rally is success with no arrests and no property damage and no violence. the 41 accrete kate thompson kron4 news. >> well the and i johannes mehserle protesters got to walnut creek on bart, johannes mehserle was of course the berkley's man who shot and killed grant as prosecutors headed to and from the court
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house kron4 is mark jones says their work closely watched by park police. >> down the middle the active protesters walked back to walnut creek. commuters getting off the train on the creek were surprised to see a process under way here. the gate was closed for six minutes those departing passengers took emergency exits. people getting on the general allowed in one-one the key to reopen the protesters did their fares and walk the line of berkeley's. as the protesters got on the train officers followed it was a strange mixture of protesters face of an ems member police. the officers did their distance the protesters to me they have no from today with berkeley's they were upset with the off 40 police resorts and during the rally ignoring the very laws the officers had sworn to enforce. they're using racial profanity >> and as you guys are shore >> yes. theirs was the
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professionals. theirs was a hand as of what professionals if you're for the voice told law whatever leadership is that? >> the door several trains director oakland birds as they had no trouble with any of the nt johannes mehserle for justice of the six men gate closing there were no incidents to report. mark jones. >> of course they would kron4 for continuing coverage of the verdict real special section on were you can see video screen stories m. forster commons. we're gonna take a quick look at the forecast louisa the standing by. >> what is it going to be warming and this afternoon? >> the big story today is the fog is most realistic and up, compared to yesterday we are seeing a lot about fog pours on shore. pushing inland as well, this is going to be a pattern
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with respect to continue through the week here's john san jose attorney in san jose tempters about 56 degrees by new and michigan to the upper 60s high- temperature today's 77 back down again to 70 by o'clock. here's a look of that satellite giving an idea the fog this morning you can see the typical summer potter and the fog moving to the bay up into the delta also down to the east bay as well renta december nerve gas. and along the coastline. portions of the north bay story to develop. turn the temperature sitting in the '50s. the upper 50s and oakland, hayward 55 for livermore, done to the south may about 59 degrees closed at 60 degree mark. a little cooler than in san jose at 56 degrees. buyers is a clock tower of course it is in the boxer in to thicken up the bed. it cochlear so they continue to see widespread coverage as a head for the 1:00
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will start to see a little bit of clearing through the delta and in two portions of the north bay. but we'll keep the father on the peninsula and around the knees bent reruns. 10:00 hour. there will start to see a good amount of lifting. in the afternoon temperatures slightly cooler in the '70s or the north bay. 74 novato, 76 napa, 85 los gatos, 84 morgan hill, 73 around the bay and upper 60s for oakland. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. what does choses rate consistent temperature is a this is going to be a very similar pattern day-day with that low cloud coverage to. marmite the cover of the more road connection see a little bit of drizzle produced of that as well. check in the morning commute their cut. >> thank you, taking a look to drive around the bay area for those of his tenure on the door, what it decides the bay bridge toll plaza where you can see not really a lot of cars
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have to decide westbound towards the city. no sons or night construction all lanes are open. keeping a really good drive down to is the minutes from the macarthur maze into fremont. getting a look now i try to san mateo you can see traffic conditions are little with thicker here, still a pretty good ride is to make sure in the commune direction george foster city and of course the bright lights making their way into hayward now about 13 minutes from end to end. over the golden gate you can see it's foggy of their banal a lot cars on the road here red for high 37-580 is a short eight minutes. wrapping up here's a look of the south bay here is 1 01 traffic is moving along just fine. james. >> thank you. here's a quick update light winds are helping firefighters gained ground on wildfire that is bring 10,000 a. of dry grass and brush in washington. as of last night the fire was 35 percent contained the fire destroyed two
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buildings and damaged a big structure. three firefighters castro for minor injuries this fire started sunday, here on tuesday morning is 34 percent contained. it was a devastated arson fire that practically burned a san jose school down to the ground, some say the fire trees elementary could have been prevented release put out earlier if the school had severe fire alarms and sprinklers. most schools in san jose do not have them. as kron4 scored rows as the district is doing what only the state requires receipt date because of tight budgets. >> nearly morning fire untune theft of trees elementary school the vast majority of its damage before the fire department to get on scene the blame on all fire alarm system slow descent and a mallard half the schools in this district do not have updated to reverse systems. trace elementary is the example of have-have not. then your
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portion has an automated fire alarm system, the older part the 20,001 up in smoke did not have these modern systems and burned up for to be salvaged. even in the new part is that was resistant, the reason? they denounced the money. >> we will put sprinklers in when code requires 8 and it makes sense. by law the district fastest install modern systems in new or renovated buildings the city cannot afford to update the systems in every school. parents of kids going to school says mike schmidt's fund somehow. >> i think we cannot afford not to do it. me to do weekend to raise the money to make sure our children are safe. drizzle harmon your alarm system 20 of the schools want to rile manual alarms. san jose, kron4 news.
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>> teachers and harris are raising money to help replace supplies the burned up about 16 teachers was all the supplies. enough has been raised so far for lease to those teachers to recover their losses. the money was raised a sale and other events the district says there are half way there to covering the one hand under thousand deductible and the $10 million in damage to his elementary off. that money has been donated to the silicon valley community association. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. a live look outside a shot 0101 right by sfo and as you can see traffic looks like it's moving pretty good.
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and we're back, let's do you creek project traffic looks like it is moving pretty well on westbound 80 new issues at the toll plaza notion on the stand either traffic is moved under the upper-lower deck. san mateo bridge traffic and 92 looks like it's line at the limit from both west-chiefs and direction no problems here on the high- rise section i believe this is 12 minutes from hayward to foster city. one last look the golden gate, little foggy little uneasy and their. the fog is expected to grow as we head into the morning so far does not slowing down. 101 teheran moving well cell found ride just 21 minutes at this turn our. state health officials say that this year's outbreak of living of could be the biggest in 50 years, in fact there now
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recommending that women and seniors decorations as well as small children from four as more. california >> as recorded nearly 1500 cases over oping cross three times as many as last year five events as died and all were too young to be immunized. as for the state government is urging by duration of women of child-bearing age. those are 64 those especially to have parents caring for infants to get the vaccine. anyone else were in front of the three women are infants while liberals or cover quickly infants because of their delicate areas have more difficulty surviving infection. will bring pop was once a major killer of children in america more than one-quarter million cases were reported in 1934 before mass vaccinations cut the number by 99 percent now hoping pop is once more on the rise and the spike in 2004-5 and an even bigger one expected this year. >> typical case may appear
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similar to become involved least up to two weeks. that can be followed by weeks or even months of rapid coughing that sometimes and with whopping sound. we have got to take a quick break woo back with more of a couple of minutes. beckett's i give you there live look from a rooftop kerman you can see some of that low cloud cover and wagon-lits is talking about it will get bigger as the morning progresses. detailed look to coming up.
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and we're back, and maybe closer to 429, a live look from our james lecturing traffic is find some friends say the we are getting some low cloud cover, fog. louise is tracking them. >> all those in this town. the >> when you're getting up in the morning. >> it matters. >> outside you can see the lights of downtown san
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francisco is a little low cloud cover is a lawyer to continue throughout the morning and factory could see it again and tomorrow the marine layer is going to stay pretty much throughout the workweek this will be a pattern that will have to get used to begin next week it is the morning drizzle. temperatures, pretty seasonal cooley of slightly but server should be. here's a look to the fog you can see bridge and ran on into the delta jet done its these days well as to the standard of rap visibility about 4 mi. not too bad of and the north bay were seeing some types of fog as well. during temperature of 53 degrees 51 in oakland, 59 in a neon that into the south bay upper 50s the run view and 57 in low status. severs says roger and widespread fraud this is expected to continue through much of the morning you about 8:00 you can
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see most of the blazes are dealing with low clouds and fog. will see a good amount of lifting to the delta and portions of the north bay. we will continue to keep fog in the venture along the peninsula and to ease bank. they should start to see a good amount of mixing. after anheuser and stay cool. 76 and there are said about the same napa. datasets boehmite see a few aides said there. 84 morgan hill, upper '70's reenters san jose and mountain view. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. what it does show us is this typical summer pattern with morning bob clearing in the afternoon but again tomorrow we could see the box that the number big as it could produce a little better drizzle. fasted and a commune with their dead. >> thank you. ride around the bay area and no hot spots, or delays. take your the century the bay bridge toll plaza cars
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are streaming on my head was bowed toward the city all lanes are open to dublin in nice, easy ride of their just emitted from the foot of maize into fremont. jumping on over to read the same day and the reports of any problems, delays as across the span, over the golden gate pretty fun get their way clear traffic rises a couple cars on the road. your read from highway 37 to 580 is related taking a minute. wrapping up showing the company can this was monday 0 traffic is moving just fine at the limit of. james. thank you. here's another traffic motive here red easy transit been rare for possible delays this week off. as a new cost-cutting contract and imposed under orders by the agency and we we are seeing an unusually high number of drivers that have been calling in sick to under nine busters called and suggested that is almost 20 percent of their fleet of operators' union members are agreed to continue working while the contract is
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under arbitration. were the injured and 25,000 people ride the siege is that each day some reported delays yesterday willing of an pop today. new details on the budget and of and the love westbound 580 closed for some 20 hours the suspects of money in hospital. picture of that person, byron williams, this is a much of refresh arrestees 45 years old his broken california he does have extensive criminal history including andre he is now talking to a homicide detectives his mother has reportedly said her son was upset because he cannot get a job because there is an excellent. fbi agents are now analyzing the binder was pulled from his prior record california renan it. outlays are searching for a person who opened fire at officers from a nearby building investigators to try to determine whether the sniper was linked to a group of
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people in the vehicle of the officers were trying to detain. the officers were shot while attempting to detained three people, watch what i should say. no one was injured during that shooting sunday night at the corner barber complex as a police helicopter employees on the ground searching for that suspected sniper meanwhile an attempt to green oakland and with the debt of the father of three. the minister of a town he was in the bay area on a job interview at google. kron4 takes a closer look at what transpired. >> canadians in and webster a fairfax virginia robert leonard was gunned down following an attempted robbery of said of his dental office late sunday night oakland. police say he had just finished a late-night teeth cleaning and was on his way to his car with a friend when the shooting occurred, investigators say he was in the bay area
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applying for jobs ago these are offering up to 10,000 roger ward for information leading to an arrest of the suspects in a case. oakland, kron4 news. >> meanwhile a tragedy for family visiting northern california from pennsylvania in 17 year old fell to his death near beach l look the boy was hiking around 1:00, he fell about 400 ft. his father climbed down to give the cpr if there was pronounced dead for emergency responders about an hour later. the paradox of the country people in golden gate park have been euthanized you may recall back july 1st, they're running around the park they did a middle-age man and also built a 71 year-old woman, the torrent of a person's clothes police and animal control captured the dogs the dogs were male football and the fuel mix no one came forward to kelly in them. so and will control how to put them down
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because they're considered dangerous. meanwhile a least 13 people have been arrested for online distortion of job pornography it is resolved and investigation by a mob that department was forced is headed by the san jose police tran kron4 talk to this in as a police chief this means have is our sports recalled. laser printers by the suspects were arrested after the sixth and long investigation by the internet crimes against children which is a price of 13 local law enforcement agencies including the fbi. san jose police chief it screens have a task force rows able to track down the suspects. research the public internet sites on the waves as you well chief be able to identify digital figure france every prison children who are engaged in some type of joropo central extradition has become identified heard is that is changing that information
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we're able to search runs on the table because the contract and vendor on your own private of their doing these arrests were made in july 50 there only a small sample of this effort by the committee investigated from san jose. this is a tip for whispered, " if we focus our morgan on locally that the anemic not target any given area. technology's revenues to strand crawling internet. >> in our developing story here's the budget crisis tough times for firefighters and vallejo as two more fire station close their doors. it having a stray kron4 subject george tells us why now the bigger city had to make this move. >> fire station 25 here on major vallejo closed its doors a day and station 21 restraint as before about the kron is a curious bay a move to the
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agreement or rescission 22 which had been closed bourse reopens as perot show the changes are resolved over city council decision earlier this month the closures are an attempt to save money off the overall staffing in the rodeo department will go down from 18 to 15 per share. there were no layoffs as a result because the trend has already lost so many firefighters in 2006 the kron of 71 under and 22 today the government has done 57. the stage's reduce the number of engine companies on duty from 5 to 4. the shortfall will result in increased response time for service calls. a quick break the record more headlines in a moment in his jacket weather and traffic. a live look good side shop and a retired camera very see their father, low clouds affecting the coast and a whole lot of other parts of the big,
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and the debris down with a reasoned amendment.
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they're backwe are back stocks r after late day rally. the dow closed up a little more than half a percent and get 10,00154 doc 43. santa in summer, retailers are hoping to get some of theirs to lose in their purse strings early with sparkly ornaments holiday music and special prices in july. target is entering the game for the first time, with a one day on- line sale starting friday morning on 500 items of clothing to two biggest buyers of small local courts or the sale of the big to play goal during thanksgiving weekend sears enters a restaurant so dramatically promoting christmas and july of '90 sales based on success that the sun during last year's efforts will
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read to see what kind of prices you can dry. marin is a misfortune to have san francisco calls one of the world's biggest sporting events in one sentence is to host the 34th america's cup yacht race would bring in about $1.4 billion to the city rating on 9000 jobs the third four rebel-held in 2013 or 2014 at the city of choosing. as if he and the golden gate blood come hurley hold the cat. the debate touched off by the loss prototype of the iphone has ended quietly with the borders agreement to cooperate in a judge ordered a search on redrawn and seize items returned to jason chen and his murder investigators had raided his house as part of its investigation as to any laws were broken the website and other organizations said the raid was illegal because stay
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lopper. the seizure of kron4 was notes from journalists. google has pulled the plug on their necks is one smart phone the next as one was the bulls' first attempt to break into the soul from within handsets that they had designed. the device did not catch on and once the current inventory is sold off the phone will cease to exist. meanwhile motorola's having a huge success with its trade phone reruns goes android. the new george x. has just the market apparently is getting a whole lot of buzz kron4 stark reporter does this look. >> madrid exit google injured smart phones for rise and you better act creek roasters are really low inventory i think it's a very dreary heart from the summer a thing of the first round tubing a real iphone competitor runs of the rise in net working uses the side of physical to the board of the first-rate but you get a giant 4.3 in. touchscreen off the
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spigot in the iphone, great for watching videos surfing the web. the battery on this is really impressive most phones die quickly because they do so much of the power each of the battery life of this phone has a good, solid battery in may but so camera their records ht video you can use get with it for free phone calls and has a nifty new typing system called swipe it lets you type in a different way by dragging your finger from leather to letter. i know it sounds weird but it is cool ones to get used to it is a faster way to type on this touchscreens rising as letting existing customers get the upgrade price if their contract expires any time in 2010 the average price is $2 for the two in your contract great fun, if ever arise and anyone in my phone like to rise this is that the downsizing is big it will not fit in a rocket that is not the physical side of keep order the first right of the peoples and light. >> we're going to take a break,
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we will be back with more in just 60 seconds.
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smelling story ever on the creek it was a share than in the creek as protesters in support of grant went face-to-face with protesters in support of johannes mehserle kron4 is kate thompson was there. in walnut creek heated exchanges been no violence in the rally to support barbara police officer johannes mehserle he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the shooting death of oscar brand his supporters are a bit here at the superior court rows and walnut creek but there were also joined by supporters of oscar grant. they too had many heated exchanges arguing back and forth, the police did not get involved but stood by in full rigor of watching over them. part of the valley road in will shutdown for zero hours as the
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protesters building to the streets of lycee this was a sense they had no rest no property damage, no violence. kate thompson, kron4 news meanwhile the protesters got to walnut creek on bart and course johannes mehserle birthplace of reserve for shot and killed oscar brand as protesters headed to and from kron4 is mark jones as they were closely watched bart police. and walnut creek to the anti protestors richard burt since the whole oscar grants are began tensions were high. towed-18 bart sears roebuck trains from the purchasers said they had no issues this said they were upset with the off-duty officers allegedly swore them of the rally, it was a peaceful ride home for protesters police and base of fans. >> stay with kron4 for continuing coverage of the verdict with a special section
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on our web site at were you can see videos, read up on stories and post your comments get involved in the discussion at let's get a check on the forecast louisa is tracking fog at this early hour. >> pretty darn good side, but we are dealing with some form this morning caerleon san francisco temperatures are still sitting in the '50s. many in time we should get to the upper 50s high st. david's sister 52 back down again to 58 by a crock. satellite venture giving you an idea where the fog is kind of moving in the conceit of rushing in close to the delta and the state. getting a good amount of fog along the coastline in looks like visibility's are 04 miles current temperature 57 in oakland south bay upper 50s for montreal mid-50s into livermore
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widespread fraud thickening of even deliver more into the delta and along the north bay debate. it o'clock we're serving keep a widespread it is our really until 9:00 the portions of the so they will start seeing a good amount of lifting by 10:00 we will see somebody along the peninsula in the east bay. here's a look at your afternoon highs getting up and the '70s pretty cool in san rosa 7674. seeing is a maze of further inland ago 85 in livermore, 77 san jose your here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. does continue to show us low clouds, fog of factor are it could to get the bid we could see some drizzle. the marine layer is going to stay pretty thick as we have under the week. clearing in
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the afternoon. now here's a check on your morning to meet with their debt. >> thank you, for those of his hand and the door to get outside and do a quick bridge check. a couple more cars on their road sooner is coming easy commute as you make your way westbound towards the city in all lanes are blocked across stand and said the toll was up a really low drive a giant eight minutes from the macarthur maze and to fremont. san mateo, you can see conditions for the kurds, no reports of any problems in any direction. golden gate traffic conditions nice, light barely any cars inside traffic is moving and limit your ride for novato and the san francisco is on again and take you 21 minutes. wrapping up sharing your standards is your camera james lick, traffic is moving while the 101 you can see traffic is just fine around the
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city and towards as a vote. james. thank you, you find speeders just about everywhere people who were adjusted to the jury to get where they're going to pay attention to some of the laws but as kron4 stanley roberts does as you might not always be able to talk your way of a ticket. >> surplus overstory please. >> the driver of this weicker claims to more medical emergency his mother has a doctorate from it. and since his brother was supposed to take her daughter flood the was rushing to pick his brother robert wyman. for some time to time the california highway patrol and dogs speed enforcement and from areas highway 24 just inside the caldecott tunnel is one of the problem areas allow me to explain. drivers on highway 24 often get caught in traffic waiting to enter the tunnel so
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when it finally ends of the tunnel they try to make up for lost time. now on a glance you might think the officer writing the ticket is the rear is someone is sharing the ticket but it is not. is this officer city on the shoulder using a speed impression the rise against the credit. lighter you can target individual curs and then call in their speed to waiting officer who then writes a ticket. this big rig drivers caught doing 63 mi. per hour. masson for trucks is 55. even at normal speed is 65. plus the juror was are registered. on this day every george ticketed were driving them least 15 mi. or the rows of speed limit this driver argued he was only during 68 he was issued a ticket for driving 81 in the 65. this
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ride no idea how far she was going and this juror in a large mercedes was issued a speeding ticket for another officer and was where to back up on the freeway which would been a totally different ticket. in just two hours. the high speed 92 mi. per hour. and highway 24 and of land stanley roberts kron4 news. >> the imitation is out there if you got a comment or suggestions for stanley let him know you can send him an e-mail i people behaving badly also making headlines this morning for illinois governor they probably take their in the sand said its own corruption trial he is expected to testify today as prosecutors finish examining his brother robert was also george yesterday rob or
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drolled heat and no part in plans to trade president barack obama as of former senate seat for campaign funds. lindsay low and is scheduled to stores serving our 90 day sentence for violating probation today this is video from her sentencing earlier this month her new home will be 12 by 8 that is as as a result she will be buyers overall production she will be allowed to leave for sell an hour a day however it is unlikely she will serve her entire sentence is our regarding. john-roger door has a new issues as surgery for four hours characterized and everything went well she's 93 years rows to broker an accord to reach for the phone 0 watch in jeopardy in bed and fell on the floor she's partially paralyzed from a cars and back in 2002. we will be right back
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with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. know the stain. after an alpaca? i have. it was awesome. ♪ call 1-800-steemer why do women like you love activia light? sometimes i have no choice but to eat heavy greasy food that's hard on my diet... and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. it helps me feel good and look good too!
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♪ activia! 53 san francisco, 57 oakland, 55 livermore, 55 fairfield, 59 and at a antioch, 55 livermore, 56
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san as a, 57 los goddess. it is cynical side. all of the '70s semaphore put what cuppa series of novato, 71 of lamb, 85 fairfield, 65 san francisco, 80 palo alto, 73 redwood city. these are pretty seasonal temperatures. upper 60s to castro valley, oakland renowned through walnut creek in danville we're looking at temperatures in the '80s. the upper seventies, eighties. santa clara temperatures for the most part in the '70s. 85 for los gatos 84 for morgan hill. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay., a typical summer pattern with the morning fog clearing into the afternoon to morning sparked more low clouds, fog in fact it could pick it up enough to give some drizzle. james. thank you,
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a quick update on dr.phil, tonight 8 he tries to help couples >> do you really want to fix this? to >> yes i would like to have a happy family. >> are you mean? >> i can be. >> are you bully? >> to use your children as pawns of lovers? when you know it breaks your heart. to get back of her is her mother the boy she raised no we do not know my children of this are you mean and manipulative daughter-in- law manipulate my billable strong. they got on the doctor felt tonight abm right here on strong. they got on the doctor felt tonight abm right here on sweet n' sour filled twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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and we're back one minute before 5:00 a.m. top stories ac transit is warning passengers to leave her for delays after over
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200 drivers called in sick due to a labor dispute. live report coming out. new polishes little has changed california voters and still does in any in the fight to legalize same-sex manage. they're finally cleared to pass a jobless benefits to millions americans bristled all these stories and a bit. closer look at our weather, cooler temperatures this morning and fog and rain there's really bridge and in louisa hodge was been talking up. louisa. >> could morning gains. a different from yesterday were the fog was tracking it is restored to thicken up this morning. golden gate, there's a lot of low cloud cover of their this morning like to mention the marine layer has our citizens and the beneficial early deep through much of the work week, freddie similar weather pattern surf as we had to the rest of the days. but in fact these temperatures are pretty much what we should be seeing this
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summer of your. you can see them during the year, fox repression read on to the san bernardo up along the coastline. here's a look to your current temperature 53 san francisco a little warmer and oakland in the upper 50s, mid-50s the livermore valley in down to the south bank. temperatures in the upper 50s to los gatos. upper 50s and none view. the afternoon it is going to cool down, a jacket of a lot of seventies out there to the north bay, napa valley, down into mill valley and along the peninsula cool 62 san francisco, ocean beach and pacifica. should he get to about 74 degrees in daly city, east bay temperatures in the upper 60s to cases like alameda, berkeley, oakland, castro valley. we're seeing flow '80s places like concord, its rich, antioch. said they may be some
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eighties in los gatos, morgan hill. 77 is a comer number for. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. we have a very redundant for test it really does include a lot of morning fog, and fax market the connecticut and produce a little bit of drizzle than in the afternoon we will clear 7 july very too much say as slight warming as we headed to the week. jerkin your commute with their guard. >> thank you, drying dishes are nice, light barely in occurs on the road. quick bridge structures the bay bridge just a couple cars on their road no big backups, and no delays in short a minute ride from the foot of the maze is a fremont. you're right to resume until conditions are a little bit thicker as a major win the commute direction towards foster city relies making their way into hayward really low drives
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and drove it is fermented end. over the golden gate in arrive from highway 37 is only insurance payments. arriving at showing your mill they pam brady said russophile you can see traffic is unwell on 101 headed towards palo alto. james. >> thank you, the latest on a field full of schedule to be released today, it shows california voters are not rock- solid when it comes to their opinions of same-sex marriage. 51 percent support. 42 close of. 7 percent had no opinion on. when giving a third option allowing same-sex civil unions instead of marriage 34 percent prefer that alternative dropping the support to just 44%, 19 percent favored no legal recognition and 3 percent had no opinion. also making news this morning a developing story
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writers my notice another day of frustration a contract dispute between the agency has riders caught in the middle, >> lots of delays after ac transit's it was a usual high number is 66 girls and one of five drivers called in sick on monday. on sunday see transit oppose the new contract and contract workers do not like. the union says the workers were not engage in this ago, is is that the drivers were not used to work schedule. >> meanwhile a rally in support of johannes mehserle anaconda protest against the former berkeley some sort of ended peacefully with no arrests or injuries it was originally started as a group slowing their support for the former berkleys officer. he is of course of the person who was found guilty of
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involuntary manslaughter the counterpurchase started a short time later with people shouting down the canyons. despite those exchanging arguments as you can see here in the return ryland. investors were both sides of the state. >> i am for the family of roster grant i feel sorry for them but i want he was are horrendous mistake. does not to be accountable yes but it was a mistake a was an accident. what we want to do is make a statement and make a point and let them understand that your bad your badge numbers do not give you their right to shoot it is some people in the back, server project not kill a lemonade. >> officers from several friends were on hand in case things got out of hand you can see them here and they're right here and they shot should down nature driver for 45 minutes until some of the crowd started to disperse. also new details for
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you we're learning that more road the violence to go. the left was about 580 closed, 20 hours the suspects drove and in hospital with the picture of the man this is a mug shot for prior arrest the 45 year-old has an extensive criminal history and his mother has said her son was upset because he cannot get a job because of his excellent rowsx and fell in past. they're groping to find some details from his. oakland fire from officers of a nearby building investigators are trying to determine whether the sniper was linked to a group of people that officers tried to detain when they come under attack. oakland police were looking up surveillance of your from various locations in the area to see the cubs and track down a
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sniper. the officers were shot that will trying to detained three people on the street there are in a car in inside the car the five is a large amount of cocaine is no one was injured during that shootings sunday night, but the aken apartment complex. and while it attempted robbery as in the death of a father of three he was reminded of town he was in the bay area for a a job interview that the 19th street and webster. this is a video of that area oakland police a 45 year-old was founded in additional losses in the area just before he was shot to death he was there getting its teeth cleaned for the interview afterwards a few of the the dredges left together when they were approached or industry by two men and demanding money there road not to the ground investigators say he was shot and killed by one of those two suspects the female was not hurt. police are offering up to $10,000 reward money for any
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information leading to an arrest and conviction. in what officials are responding to the murder the statement that the issue " we were saddened to hear the news, or have skoda to his family is typical time. " we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. bart or more lines of a checked on weather and traffic coming up james lick as we go a shot of your driver coming in and out resemblances go we will your back.
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sozzled is the futures of little higher or lower this and their higher yesterday in the end of the lead the rally with the dow closing up about half a point and it and doesn't want to do for the nasdaq near rose nearly 1% this is the day at two dozen 198, u.s. start futures or funding celtuce morning we had a weaker than expected results from ibm, investors are waiting for earnings report from a string of companies including goldman sachs. will see that
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changes the numbers. kendall e books are out selling hardcover books by almost 50 percent the amazon saying this morning it sold 143 votes for every 100 regular books or the past three months honda motor co. says it plans to sell it plugging and hybrid vehicle in 2012, as part of its strategy to push to the front of the fact in the race to develop more fuel-efficient cars. democrats are said to try and break a filibuster clearing a path for an unemployment extension millions of people start on the jobless rolls will receive an extension averaging three and $9 a week. again of course if the legislation passed. new this morning toyota says it has been subpoenaed by a federal grand jury in new york to submit documents related to problems with the steering really rob, second of subpoenas from federal grand jury system says ritter goes georgia and
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california were hundreds of lawsuits have been filed after it recalled due to accelerate rounds in several models. now are developing story. out of the story the cap over the bono well in the gulf is not convinced that it is making things worse the government has feared for days that the experimental cup would cause a more weeks on the sea for oil is seeping up, but officials say iran now it is so minute that it is now really an issue the government therefore is allowing the cap to remain shut at least one more day
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of the mets and non-farm morning news time now is 516 and your looking at a shot of south bay, san jose, 101 looks clear. we are seeing some low cloud cover and fought as well. morning yesterday. 66 degrees in san
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jose 69 my new high-temperature 77 back down again to 70 by 8:00. here's some pictures ran our sitting in the '50s. down into the south bay above 59 degrees in mt. view, los gatos mid-50s the livermore valley and upper 50s in most of these bay. fog tracker we are dealing with quite a bit of what this morning by the 6:00 hour to restrict the can of widespread was elected for 6:00, nev., 8:00 this morning by the time to get about 9:00 a.m. a kid at the places like delta in the south bay, really keeping not fog around much of the peninsula and the east bay even to about 10:00 hour then we will start to see a mixing them in temperatures in the afternoon could say on the cool side however a little bit cooler than yesterday. the rich is fairly typical for this time of year. 72 mill valley, 60s
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along the coast 65 san francisco, san mateo 70, as we have gone over to the east bay temperatures in the upper '60's, low '70's. union city about 73, are dealing with a few days a week to top one place that concord, antioch, livermore. getting up to about 85 degrees. 7 is done to the subway to the senate clara valley, 84 degrees in morgan hill. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. shows that pattern of morning clouds and fog clearing is the afternoon. tomorrow we could see a bit more in the way of fog, that action produce a little bit of drizzle it is not rain is drizzle. keep that in mind and you had out the door. judson your commute their good. >> taking a look to drive around the bay area the reason pretty good shape, bay bridge toll plaza or is on the roadway. all lanes are clear coursers meter
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and lights are still of. dry time a minister in the foot of the minister fremont. getting elected to read this hamadan no problems reported in the the direction across the span, over the golden gate bridge a couple more cars here that allows record. traffic is moving is the limit. nice easy it 21 minutes from nevada to san francisco. wrapping up weather san jose, 101. traffic is a little bit that what it is moving pretty well as to make away from downtown san jose and santa clara jane.. thank you >>. san jose police have arrested 11 suspects trading and distributing child sex abuse images on the internet the following a week investigation. the case involved 141 investigators from 13 law enforcement agencies including the fbi. they have served a search rows at 15 different locations in santa clara county, san as a police chief rob davis explains how they're
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able to track down the suspects. >> research the public internet sites, the public internet waives the frequencies if you will, to be with to identify digital third reference, photographs of prepress and children who are a gauge in some type of horrible, sexual, exportation. hence we can identify who it is a that is changing that information to those digital figure prensa go searching for, we will to search search runs on these individuals because a contract and down through their local and your they're doing. >> all or portions of pornography charges and some suspects traditional church rector offenses. in other teachers, parents are raising money to help erase wise that burned up in the trace elementary school fire about 60 teachers lost all their supplies. and that has been raised for to those teachers, at least three punish their supplies this money was raised to bake sales and other events the sister says there are half way to covering the $100,000 in
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deductibles of that to come up with on their $10 million coverage for the damage to trees elementary, a silicon valley community foundation. a tragic day for family visiting northern california from pennsylvania, a 17 year old fell to his death near beach over look yesterday, the boy was hiking around 1:00 p.m. when he fell about 400 ft., his father climbed down to give him cpr. but it was on that, he was pronounced dead by emergency responders an hour later. it her guards attacked three people in golden gate park rows month have been utilized. back on july 4th they're running around the park they been middle-age men and, then that it is 71 year-old woman, the even toward the close on another person. police and animal control captured the dogs and mailed the pole and a female makes pre jeopard, so far no one had come for it to plan and so in will patrol was forced to put him down because there were considered
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and we're back, the lost order type of double iphone has ended quietly with the loggers agreement to cooperate with investigators. pop and d.c.'s
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adams have been returned investigators had raided his house and sees a crime as part of its investigation into whether any laws were broken the web site and other media organizations said the rate was illegal because they lopper it reads the seizure of unpublished notes from journalists. google has pulled the plug from their necks is one smart phone the next is one was google first attempt to break into the soulful with hands that they had designed the device did not touch ron. once the territory is so that we were told it will cease to exist in while motorola's having to assess what the story from so the new trade x has just hit the market kron4 is a checked report uses a review. >> if you want the new droid-x to will enjoy its mark kron4 fries and you better act quicker
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clusters are sold out or at really low inventory a, i think is a lot from the summer. i this is the first round to be real iphone competitor, it runs on the rise in network and uses the slide out feed the. but to get a giant 4.3 and stretched the nets began the iphone. great for to videos, surfing the web. the battery and this is really impressive most google bonds die quickly because they do so much. all the parties that the battery life. this run has a good solid battery, as they may present camera that is three more than the iphone, a record 80 video. you can use get with it for free phone calls, and as this nifty new typing system called swipe and lets you type in a different way by dragging your finger from letter to letter and then lifting up in the word is done. i know sounds were by the school allowed to gate used it's a faster way to type of such screens. the rise in his letter existing testers get the upgrade price of their contract expires any time in 2010. the upgrade for is our new
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cars to dollars with a two-year contract. rates fell, and if you and i felt like the rise in, this is that. downside its big it will not fit in every pocket a, it is that the physical side out keyboard of the first round of people seem to like. gabe slate, kron4 news. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news ac transit is warning passengers to be prepared for delays after over to greet drivers called in sick due to a labor dispute more on that story coming up. was a san jose man is arrested after pepper spray in a vietnamese pop star or weekends-where mr. videos all cotton to if. lindsay well and is reporting for jail. we will show you what's in store for the actress weather, dropped but all that straight ahead as the kron actress weather, dropped but all that straight ahead as the kron 4 morning news j
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our real national pastime? saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined.
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i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. in the air back, here's a live look for in two different locations on the left-hand side that is one of a creek was 680, on slate that's love story on
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the right of said the head of the toll plaza, so far so good driver tries to get more on that moment otherwise we're getting a little foggy of their good morning louisa. >> good morning. here's a start of albany is a pretty clear shot however there are a lot of low clouds of tear this morning and it is going to continue in fact it is going to be a pattern that we're going. the marine layer is still deep but that will be upon as well, we will see temperatures for the seasonal for this type of your cooling off slightly from yesterday here's a look at that sat like giving you an idea of where the fog is locked in this morning red on through the north bay portion into the east may not distorting to moving to portions of livermore and down and san jose around 1012 martin know. the coastline is tyrannizing visibility's other road for miles. 52 is san francisco redwood city about 56 in oakland at the stern our datasets bay upper 50s run view 56 degrees in
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san jose. as we head into the afternoon it's going to stay cool weather temperatures in the '70s and generous that petaluma mill valley 72, 85 degree in fairfield and along the peninsula staying cool in the '60s to places like half moon bay, pacifica endorsee the east bay upper '60's, low 70's to much of the state, in city about the same and 80 degree readings, and places like concord, walnut creek antioch. 70 degree rid of your milpitas sunnyvale santa clara, down to los gatos and morgan hill we could see some eighties today. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. is going to continue the show's low clouds, fog to market even be a little bit thicker than today which could produce a little better drizzle, a slight warming by friday but a fairly consistent forecast. morning commute their gut.
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>> ride around the bay area traffic is moving at top speed pretty much all around we want to get outside the jury the bay bridge toll plaza but still a nice, easy ride headed westbound towards the city we're in a pocket about nine minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze into fremont san francisco getting a live picture ride traffic is moving pretty well across the span for we still have some overnight construction on 92 between seaford's creek and hill was 6:00 a.m., over the golden gate you can see it is foggy out there but traffic is dublin moving at the limit, we want to finish off ensure your albany jim westbound 80 traffic is moving well headed towards the bay bridge road plaza. james. thank you, a developing story traffic related we're talking with ac transit riders may have to endure another day of delay as well kedging airbus there's a contract dispute going on between ac transit and its
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drivers and of course the writers are getting caught in the middle at least they were yesterday. kron4 is will tran explains. >> your love and ac transit to get around your boss might delay in all the funds on the of drivers who called in sick yesterday will return to work today. yesterday nearly one of the five drivers called an sec. ac transit officials said there was an unusually high number of the calls forcing the agency to apologize to writers. conference sunday icy transit impose a new contract on the workers a contract to their workers simply do not like. the union claims the workers were not engaged in the sickout. will tran, kron4 news. >> will keep an eye on the story through the dave your read ac transit and you find yourself experiencing delays today let us know, you yourself want to send as a tweet or you give an update on our face mortgage as well twitter at let us
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know and we'll give you some real time numbers on what kind of delays people are seeing as it ought to work. new details this morning a 61 year-old man dressed as a woman allegedly pop persuade the musicians performing at santa clara sunday evening, lee approached musicians dressed as a woman as he is doing enough flour if she sprayed him with an iridescent pepper spray. believe to be was in a canister it affected server concertgoers and another female performer in the nearby the kennedy. police believe the assault was politically motivated. being held on $52,000 bail. he'll be arraigned kerman. most writers are opposed to it several back unfair prices at least according to a new survey for receive $26 million
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from the state meaning that bart will start the 2010-2011 with the 4 1/2 million dollar budget surplus more than 2 million of the extra money will be used for cleaning cars and improving customer service and several other measures but less was set aside while the survey was inserted to steve writers weren't favor of some sort of grows rich for all black. the 20% of ryder's more in favor of a 3% reduction in shares for four months. and labor 24 percent were in favor of a 5% for three months. the survey concluded that rogers word or group for logger sorcerers cleaner cars and morgan's vehicles bart directors will vote on thursday on how much of that surplus to use. housing activists meanwhile have taken over the second floor of the building in the mission district they say they're not leaving until they are forced out. the building which houses 18 mobile
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star on the first floor level is at the corner of 20 the industry. the groups and irresponsibility is calling themselves direct action to stop the cuts. they say they're protesting the home building is vacant sent you we're going of their shelter of some of the same organizers turned over to other buildings earlier this year. lindsay law and is expected to start serving their jail time today the 24 year-old actress was sentenced to jail earlier this month after a judge found out low and had violated the terms of reprobation for drug case the negro star is likely to serve as far less so than her three months ago fund because of overcrowding she will then be required to spend three months in rehab a. and be monitored fire officer. lo and remains on probation after entering a plea deal we're going to take a break, we'll be back with more headlines in a moment. a live look for marceau's big carrot 101 by the seven
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interchange traffic is building but still moving. during temperature 56 degrees, it will warm of about 20 years so degrees to the mid-70s the day. [ poof! ]
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and we're back, a quick check on the markets the down closed a little high area's chapter late day rally stock futures are points in-but the data deneb 56 lines at 10,00154 the nasdaq also ended the day at nearly a percentage point and 19200198 we will watch in the opening bell to see were the numbers go that evening was said to the ring at 05 minutes senate democrats are said to try and break a filibuster today clearing a path for unemployment benefits millions of people stuck will receive a extension averaging about $309 a week it. this causes the rest of strip the bill down to the bill is stencils to get what the votes they need. mayor newsom is
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pushing to have san francisco calls one of the biggest sporting events, the 34 the american cup, the mayor released a study suggesting that the offer is would bring in about a little more than a billion dollars in extra revenue it would also create nearly 9000 jobs the 34 double will be held in 2013 or 2014 will be held at the city of troy is for or colosio larry ellison it was him, and his golden gate lot yacht club that won the last cup so they get to pick or the next one will be. but we're hoping they you'll take the city by the bay. another brickle would back are headlines in a moment shot of the golden gate sunlight fog and rain their kind of pushing up against the gate is running closer look coming out. ?ow
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welcome back to kron 4 morning news time now is 5:45 a.m.
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here's a shot of the golden gate bridge, we are looking at some low clouds and fog and fact aluminum was science there were a kind of hiding the coastline now is kind of pushing inland san francisco 52 degrees, by noon time getting up to 59 high temperatures today 62 degrees getting back down again to 58. trent temperatures 52 degrees and 7 cisco 66 in oakland about salmon concord, livermore than a cesspit upper 50s remind you. a lot of fog this morning and is going to continue to say widespread the practice thickening of a bid by 6:00 a.m. we will continue to see low clouds, fog and the picture you and your a.m. don't be surprised a cloudy continues for sister much of the morning by 9:00 a.m. we're going to see some fog may be letting up in the south bay. these big, the peninsula. as we head into the afternoon where only to this day in the 70 states to the north bay sow will
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be a little bit cooler though always i yesterday's 77 and sarah's at 76 and run the park, 74 for petaluma along the peninsula '60s do san francisco, and about 74 degrees for daly city. to read these bay upper 60's, low 70's so overall it is kind of cool even as far east as castro valley, 80 degrees for current amateur and walnut creek, danville. we'll continue to see these in places like india, but for but in the seven upper '70's and the most part morgan hill in campbell. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay.. sharing a pretty consistent forecast we're not gonna see any drastic changes a little bit cooler out there around the bay seeing some '70s, '80s. 63 close. that pretty much continue through most of the workweek will see low clouds, fog continue. to market the canucks and produce even a little bit of drizzle. slight warming by the end of the week. check and a commune with
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>> erica> to reality red on the bay area for those of you just cutting out the door one final bridge check for the hour we want to assure you the bay bridge toll plaza we're seeing more cars out there and is on our last report is still pretty easy ride is a major westbound towards the city rocking in about nine minutes into fremont. getting elected directors san mateo conditions are pretty clear across the span we're still that was the overnight construction on highway 92 that is in both directions resulting in one way traffic control only until 6:00 a.m. so it is almost or. heading over to the golden gate, nuys, laid out here. barely any cars inside. your right is only getting taking about 22 minutes we want to wrap up with a brief peek at the creek. really dark get there but traffic is they get along just fine line 680 and highway 24 no delays either. james. a new poll
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reveals that a majority as as as a residence support a $10 vehicles be. a fee that is projected to raise about $5 million annually and will be used to clear precise or improvements my school transit networks upgrades to transit and sobs. residents support the feet 36 or opposed to it to present are undecided. the deadline to get a license fee on the ballot is july 31st meanwhile will think of the cases have increased fivefold over the same period last year of officials are asking women, seniors to get vaccinated against whooping cough as california's epidemic continues to grow. the number of cases is almost 1500 cases are least as of july 16th by california's server have died of moving pop. light winds are helping firefighters gained ground now on a firefight. as of last night the fire was 35 percent contained and fire
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officials say they can from the fire has destroyed two buildings, damaged at least one big construction three firefighters have suffered minor injuries while fleeing their truck that was overrun by flames. that fire started this past sunday. the senate judiciary committee votes today on the nomination of a lean and kagan. democrats hold a 2012 city on the question really is the margin of the vote will be approved. democrats are united in backing her republicans are steadfast in her opposition the senator may also vote for a kid in this is needed for certain meyer there is little doubt that the full panel will ultimately confirm her nomination secretary of state has held an international conference that the u.s. and the world supports the country and the fears about the ninth world war. urging
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international partners to of this country with responsibility and for government programs. to try where does the media says 17 people have been buried by a landslide near the world's largest dam the landslide near the dam was triggered by an days of heavy rain you can see how powerful the water is from this video flooding and landslides have left 15 people and another 54 dead. just in this past week alone. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. we want to go outside give you a live look of such reserves as the international airport. one-hour delay said sfo because of the low cloud cover. that is one of the stores are falling today. ?ç?çoñoñoño
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and we're back, and the carrots here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. dealing with some morning fog, low clouds. the sfo is running one hour delays here and arrival flights because of that low cloud cover that will be with us fremont all week long temperatures this afternoon milder new debt middies inland low seventies around the bay mid to low 60s along the coast a tad bit cooler them had yesterday. other stories this morning san debt in summer. retailers are crowley hoping to get shoppers to loosen their purse strings through early christmas specials. and by
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their using the same tactics that they normally do during things giving christmas holidays in july and five target is entering the game for the first time they have a one day on-line sale starting friday morning that left 500 miners that richard and clothing to bloom radius there are modeling this over the sales of the tip road or was thanksgiving weekend. tears come to his arrest is promoting their christmas in july online sales they say was a big hit last year dual trading in this year. also in the news a former illinois gov. rubble of privilege may take the witness stand he is expected to testify after prosecutors finished cross- examining his brother who is also a church in this case the estivate robert true jersey had no part in planes to trade present our mamas former seat. tonight 8:00 p.m. dr.phil tries to help couples and dealing with in lot drama.
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