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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  September 10, 2010 4:30pm-6:00pm PST

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our breaking news the aftermath of the san bruno gas line explosion and fire we've been waiting word on an update to news conference on the state and local officials who been looking into this. we just got word moments ago that the news conference is going to begin at 6:00 now. we have word from whenever reporters on the scene he told us moments ago that they were waiting for some of the officials to ride to that location of the command center. we will bring you that news conference when it does begin at 6:00. right now the chicken with kron 4 christine conley was in the fires on area. >> were rate above plymouth and clement st.. are going to pan over here so you can get a good idea of what looks like in this
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neighborhood. you can see just cars sitting there on the street, no one walking around on the street to. this is a few blocks away from the fire zone but still this neighborhood has been evacuated and once allowed been carried i do see a police officer walking down the street. acacia they brought a couple residence in for a short second to get medication for going to pan and ensure you from our vantage 0.1 of the homes that was destroyed in this place. i can barely make out the foundation and that will trade it's tapered rounded and all day long as the fire truck stations nearby. we don't see any smoke no smell of smoke from this area were still several blocks away. he definitely can see the damage here. we have seen a lot of pg&e crews going up and down this
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area trotted check the power lines in this area and maybe make sure it's safe at some point for residents to come back. talking to police officers that are holding residents back here on the lane. some say not to back to their new homes all homes until tomorrow. these are homes that are if blocks away from the damage. a lot of people frustrated because they want to get in. the cars you see their people can't get their vehicles. some people tell me they're having a hard time getting to work. obviously police are working on this as quickly as they can and trend elbow residence in any way they can. at this point they're not letting people back into their homes in this area. >> christine job a sense from your vantage point whether the hot spots are out now?
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>> from our vantage point we see no smoke and advanced only smoke. why does see the one home that was damaged. from here looks like things road. there are helicopters in the air when it obviously no way support water on the flames that they did yesterday. i don't know if you can see this but it looks like a police officer over there that's talking to some residents occasionally some residents are being led back and to probably get medication and clothing from a lot of them being taken into the area by police officers like to see right there. that's helpful that are least able to get some the items from their homes. >> right christine conley ensure that its a great deal to those residents comforting knowing promise to make it through this
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tragedy. has been telling you as christine mentioned not only our police in the area keeping a tight rein on the perimeter enjoying their roman control, the search crews have been going block by block there collecting evidence includes anything that will help them in the assessments of events that led to this tragedy and devastation this check in with stand firm in his at the command center location were waiting at 6:00 news conference. we just heard from the ntsb he had some interesting information. >> that's right can basically some of the key things he talked about he noticed there were an accessible hundred and 70 houses that were damaged or destroyed we have not heard that number is 4. he talked about there was an 8 #ntsb team they will be investigating an on site for the next few days. though not be issuing a report for another 14 the 18 months still not be pointing the finger anybody still just look to find out the
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cause was and what needs to be done to fix that. they're going to look at a variety of things including the safeguards a pg need. the installation, operation, meat and see much pressure they put in it will also look at the people factor. people repairing this line who's been working on the line, when did they suffer from the tee cluster alcohol involved. if the fall in this news conference that we had with them he was asked if you question one of them was inquired about he was asked specifically about the impression of the crater. the second question had to do with those reports that we've heard that people in the neighborhood had smelled the gas for up to three weeks. here's what they had to say about both of those questions. >> i'm the assessment was the amazing destruction, the area that was flat and appeared to the melted charred cars and houses that disappeared. was an
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amazing scene of destruction that was my immediate reaction. >> the question will definitely want to talk to anybody who's had any information pertinent to this event. that would be >> pertinent> there you have the ntsb will be looking into those reports of people selling natural gas up to three weeks prior to this explosion. just a few moments ago someone came up to the microphone to tell us the reason this was posted be a 5:00 news conference and now it 6:00 it's delayed because police and fire gathering knew what did information which they're going to bring to us at 6:00. this is a news conference begins will bring it to you. what can tell you lieutenant governor is here among others as well as familiar faces we've come to
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know throughout the day. >> the ntsb also offered federal help for them. the of the family business program. >> in addition to the investigators will be here for few days to do have a family assistance program that brought people out there and they're going help people cope emotionally with the devastation and things you might need as a result of this. if it's accessible hundred 70 homes damaged and destroyed. there lot of people impacted by >> the news conference will now begin at 6:00 a delay because police and fire officials are gathering new information to share with the public about the spirit a gas line explosion and fire will take a break will be only at verizon when you buy the hot new samsung fascinate with its super amoled screen.
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get a free samsung intensity, a free blackberry bold or any other phone in our lineup. don't miss out. offer ends soon. buy a samsung fascinate and any other phone is free. only at verizon. as governor, he cut waste got rid of the mansion and the limo budgets were balanced. $4 billion in tax cuts. world class schools and universities. clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs created. california was working. i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes. we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how to get california working again.
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you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your iphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. at&t. rethink possible.
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onyou inhale, they inhale.t at&t u-verse tv. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones.
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of average continues see this all started just about 24 hours in both this after 6:00 thursday evening at 30 in. gas line that erupted in san bruno. that led to explosions throughout the community tree you can see there's helicopters all evening long. the flames won on and on it took awhile to understand what was causing this fire. now look today at the devastation left behind. that's your from some of the eyewitnesses just last night's account. >> this is the bowl with the scorpion's tail. look at the
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bullhorns still lags down the scorpion's tail. it's incredible. the key just press around to a rumbling roar of your the plane going by. it was about a hundred times louder and it was just rolling over and over again lycra river plains. it is exploding out in the world can explode some times. but that's what it was doing >> it wasn't just fire he had deferred a gas explosion. she thought the whole block was going should just drop the kids off at my mom's. >> web producer kimberly has more on the many donations coming in to help the victims of this tragedy. twitter is a great resource for people to post information. let'sw+s take a le earlier we did report san francisco giants announcing that
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they're going to dedicate this tuesday september 14th game to the victims of the san bruno fire. $3 of every ticket are going to go towards relief efforts. also i just found this one it's a top goal it's based in montgomery and sacramento in san francisco they used to cater to people with financial district if san francisco and instead they ditched plans and decided to go in san bruno. the owner said they gave that as many as they could and they handed out nearly 100 free talk us today which is about as many as they would of sold downtown the san bruno patch reported this earlier its cappuccino high school. they're holding a free spaghetti feed tonight from 5 until 8:00 p.m. in the cafeteria of that's cappuccino high school in san bruno. they said all
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sambar no are welcome also the editor for the san bruno patch which is an online community also treated that the san bruno park pta council they're going to write thank-you cards for firefighters and police tomorrow from 4 till 6:00 p.m. at the old navy at the ball tomorrow. if you'd like to join them that to get at the old navy at the mall tomorrow at the san bruno park pta. we have information on our web site great links, videos lotsñç resources about this. sit just go to and check out all resources. >> this just in to the kron 4 news room we just learned that two state senators are planning a senate investigation and a public hearing into this blast. this is coming from senator san francisco and loss angeles they say once again on this right away they're going to start the
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investigation as soon as possible and get some of these hearings started in the coming weeks. >> we want to show you video this is congresswoman jackie spirit of this area sambar in a san mateo county. her area in congress use during the evacuation center and the damaged area and san bruno. one of the number state and local officials on seemed were waiting at news conference at 6:00 will be right back after this break.
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back to kron 4 is continuing coverage of the sambar no gas line explosion and fire. this is the fireball the result of the rupture of the 30 in. high pressure gas line. this happened last night just after 6:00. backcast line was installed back in 1948. it exploded and backfired into the homes along that street and then that exploded those homes and led to the fire that we've been showing you the devastation of the aftermath today. kron 4 heather donald has how all this
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unfold last night. >> at 6:24 p.m. a giant lasting fireball and sampras knows rest more canyon. this man was at ground zero looking down for skyline drive. there was dirt starting to come out here became 20 ft. in the air trees and i was like oh my gosh look like something was coming out of the ground next thing i knew was this huge explosion. boom, boom, boom when i open the door was the flames. >> was unbelievable. >> the blinds are melting and risk for catching on fire the east or catching on fire. >> to grab my keys and ran for the front door. >> it was like a 911 seen trade >> by 730 + ordering residents to do what many have done voluntarily. >> evacuate immediately >> shortly after 8:00 piccinni confirm a 30 in. pipeline is ruptured. terrible >>, a terrible tragedy is on our
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city >> in the next hour red cross sets up an evacuation center. c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46n0ñathathathatg
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connect 2400ñ 
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the searches continued. amazingly and the unfortunate tragic numbers of four confirmed
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fatalities remains the same trade despite extensive work as we told you at our last press conference that would broaden too early search and rescue teams with 12 k-9 teams out there searching and so far we have not found any additional fatalities. launderers and is working on a matching amount and making sure were looking at missing person report to matching that. for making sure we of the phone number available for people to call when we added additional operators in the homelands to make sure that phone can be used in the absurd. we will continue the search was six more k-9 teams tomorrow the difficulty in terms of drinking six more k-9 teams tomorrow the difficulty in terms of drinking and searches is
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>> karen baker on the secretary of service and volunteering for the state of california and one at comment on the unbelievable outpouring of the energy and support for this community. san bruno is really here for its neighbors. that was evident today. our first lady maria
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shriver visited the local assistance center meeting with the victims of this tragedy. being able to see firsthand all of the hundreds of volunteers on the ground expecting donations everything from clothing, checks for the american red cross to you name it. folks were there with baby formula all kinds of important donations. i will make a comment though we've recognized were in this stage of this response transitioning to recovery where those types of donations are not needed. while were now looking for who are the cash donations. if you're interested in making such a donation pleas to go to california volunteers stopped work there's a list of various charities were you can contribute. that will be the way that we will find your engagement and involvement in most helpful. on the volunteer
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friend i can lead to no that you can get connected through the san francisco volunteer center and the san mateo volunteer center. also goed the california volunteer center to get connected there any will be listed and notified about any opportunities that are going to be forthcoming were you can contribute. there's been an outstanding it outpouring of that energy and maria shriver was so touched by that energy. thank you so much for all of your caring for these families that it been so tragically affected by the instant. thank- you. >> our city administrator. >> i'm connie jackson the city manager, we apologize for being late we've been at the recreation center nearly all day with two to 300 residents who awaiting nearly all day to
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find out to what their there is a probability that their property has either been i total loss or has any significant damage. what we have told them is that we have distributed them a list that's available to you as well. but that list was developed by public safety professional based on visual inspection of the properties in the destruction area. at this time, that is all the information is. where we have shown properties as significant lost or destroyed that is a pretty straightforward observation what has not yet been completed or distributed is a complete inspection by air building inspection staff. this
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will identify a even among some of those properties on your list that you have this evening that appear visually to have relatively minor damage, that perhaps there is also to the untrained perhaps limited damage but potentially significant structural damage. we will have that information for residents and for you tomorrow. were receiving a great deal of questions and concerns from residents about when they will be allowed to access the neighborhoods of their homes. at this time are informations is still at best case scenario he may be able to release access to some of the various of the destruction territory by tomorrow. that is the earliest
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and best case scenario at this time i cannot guarantee that that will occur as i mentioned we have still a significant amount of work to do to be absolutely confident about the structural integrity of the building and homes of residents. councilman will make a few comments and we also have police chief and fire chief as well. >> the evening sorry for delay we were meeting with the residents and we wanted to give them our time and the opportunity yet ask the questions that may have to try and come for them and make them feel well served. on behalf of the mayor myself city council on the citizens of some sambar know we want to thank and appreciate all the support that we've received from our state, the c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú
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state's north to south. it's,jsú been incredible, let me tell you they ask your tired e do not need to sleep when you see the volunteers, when you see the commitment and courage of those c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú folks to of lost our homes andsú walked out with the close on the back and they're still proud to live in the city they call home. they are proud of the response of our public safety and they're thankful to the outpouring of love and concern that everyone has been giving them. it is comforting, it's helpful and we thank you very much. just reminded that tomorrow 2:00 p.m. st. robert's church which is located on both avenue crystal springs road there will be a c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú
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noticed that will be open to the public the council and staff will be there and available and the community as well come to get questions answered, to be together as a community and to support one another. thank you. >> great, big you very much. we look forward to working with you in the town hall community meeting it's very important for all of us to be together and give specific answers. we have to be quick here will open it up for any questions. >> (no audio) c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú about what the dogs you've gotsú hot spots in some of these places and so they might not be
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completely searchable. it also when you have the key to of this it can impacted. what we've done is we've narrowed down for tomorrow search areas that we want to look dad and were going to reassess how we did those search areas with k-9 dogs. >> (no audio) >> 95%. >> (no audio) c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú reports of missing persons atjsú c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú
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believe three burn victims atjsú st. francis remained hospitalized the others were a lot of watkins and as far as i know i'm not have been discharged. i don't have that at this time no. c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú persons. i really don't, it wasú at the bottom of lindsay drive. (no audio) we've got utility
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folks up there trying to get the power restored so we can allow people back into the neighborhoods. there's a lot of dangerous operations going on it's still very much dangerous operational area. >> (no audio) >> power lines are being recharged in the area. were trying to put a damage assessment together probably by tomorrow. pardon? that would be up to the corner to release at intermission. (no audio) can you tell us about piccinni's involvement at this point? >> i don't see any representative here is they're
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looking up there the power lines in reconstructing the gas line. the looking at the water c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú >> any records of peoplehppr,jsú complaining about to gas in the area. >> at this point have not had an opportunity to go back to our dispatch records and to see the were requested to go up there and i can't speak to pg&e. >> (no audio) >> were fairly certain we have a hundred percent contained at this point again, there are hot spots we have to dig up the debris to get to the hot spots. >> and reports of utility crews around there either yesterday or the day before? >> i do not have that information carried >> up to this point no i have not had an opportunity. i'm
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sure it's probably a permit that there is work done in that area. >> were not sure how they're doing a damage assessment whether it's the gas pipelines going into the houses are damage there. the standards we use a never disaster in terms of how we define destroyed a major minors damaged homes. that's where that is. i'm not sure how they're counting when they say you have hundreds of the damaged homes. were occupancy in looking at those issues. i have a number of copies that spell out to the destroyed major and minor damage homes with the addresses. i probably don't have enough for
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all of you should i just toss them up in the air i can also read them out if you want me to. >> (no audio) >> probably around 3:00 they were giving us their update of the situation as it stands of this hour. following now 24 hours after the explosion that devastated the neighborhood in san bruno you see the pictures on your right to trade is a picture of what existed they the will to news conference begins to they still only have four fatalities recorded with this
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devastating explosion and fire. no people are listed as missing at this hour there certainly hopeful it stays that way. the number of homes destroyed it is now down the current number is 37 homes destroyed instead of the 38 reporting earlier. they continue their assessment the brent information 38 homes have minor or major damage. four fatalities, 37 homes destroyed, eight homes with major indoor minor damage. dilettante a governor as well as the number of others stress over and over that the area is still very dangerous. a number of hot spots are still there have to check the stability of utilities and the integrity of structure. the news conference just wrapping up will be back after break with a lot more news.
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live officials in the news conference making very clear if the area is still very dangerous. there are some new developments in the fires of christine conley is standing by. >>, can you looking at live to this is watered that's started spreading out into the air that we noticed about 15 minutes ago. cal fire people are out in the area they say there's been a lot of fire hydrant and water main breaks. we don't see any smoke or anything like that we did see the water spreading up into the air. referred a lot of fire trucks going by recently and another thing i want to point out to as we pull out and see the neighborhood which is been evacuated. he noticed about going door-to-door putting green tags on the homes in this neighborhood. we've been told unofficially those green tags mean those homes are safe and they are going door-to-door and checking homes. at this point we don't sell any smoker see any other flames were just to the water spurting up into the air. reporting live christine conley
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kron 4 news. >> will take a as governor, he cut waste got rid of the mansion and the limo budgets were balanced. $4 billion in tax cuts. world class schools and universities. clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs created. california was working. i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes.
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we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how to get california working again. what are you doing, friending somebody? you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? are you a pisces?
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630 breaking news the continuing coverage of the standard of gasoline explosion and fire the crater left behind it from me gas line ruptured explosion that led to the devastation in the community. the chicken would stand firm and. and we just heard officials give us an update on the situation and one bit of good news was that fewer homes have been destroyed one less on the we saw earlier today. >> are now looking at the seven homes destroyed, eight with a major or minor damage. the other thing i said at this point they haven't found any additional victims at this point. according to the fire and police department is still having got reports of anybody missing. that proves to hold true that would be a pretty amazing thing considering the devastation of only four people is dying is pretty amazing when you look of
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the destruction of this area. the next at according to emergency management officials is getting people back in their homes. they told us today that will not happen tonight. >> we are working hard and very hard on the reentry plan. that is the priority for this next operational. . we've got to identify the hazardous materials of that excess. we also have to restore power to utilities. we also have sewage problems because of the explosion. yet to make sure that this area is safe. >> back comes to someone bad news to resonance to been trying to get back inside their homes. some of them may get back tomorrow but not anywhere before c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú them. they did tell us duringjsú the search today they had to urban search and rescue teams aided by 12 k-9 teams and they were able to they searched about u the homes. they
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still 5 percent of the homes that into hot to search through the opening get to those tomorrow. the delta 66 additional k-9 teams that are coming in tomorrow. part of the problem is that these areas are very warm and hot and in many cases that makes it more difficult for the dogs to search. this will continue tomorrow. but and that's the latest from this latest news conference that just broke up. >> one thing i overheard u.s. that discrepancy between information from the ntsb on news conference about how many homes were affected by all this. >> basically but state and local officials did as they pass often kind of set aside what the ntsb said. basically saying they don't know how they're counting and they say there's a pipeline that damage on the way into the house maybe there can in that house. and there say they're just looking at general safety standards that they always go by. the california emergency officials look bad and that is
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how they've come up with these 37 homes destroyed and it beats with minor or moderate damage. it looks as though those in the numbers we should go by at this point. we might get more clarification on the ntsb members during the news conference tonight at 9:00. since all this started. kron 4 web producer kimberly is here with more information on the homes that of been affected by it. the city of san bruno has a number of great resources on the web site including a listing of those homes that were affected by the fire. the take a look at the website right here they have a number of resources. a number for the emergency line information about the town hall meeting that's what did take place tomorrow and right here this is what you want to know. the listing will homes that were affected by the glenview fire once you click the link it will take you to a pds that list of homes that were destroyed.
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dozens of homes they happen on glenview, earl, claremont and, as their more pared most of them did take place on claremont rate here. they also list the ones that just had major damage to them. tool on here one in glenview one on claremont. one with minor damage. six of them with minor damage. we do have a link to this web site on so if you put a look for the city of san bruno website you can check out the list there. on get a devastating aftermath home after home level by the explosion and fire that had started last night just after 6:00. those families now beginning the process of trying to appease the lives back together with a great deal of help and support for those in the bay area making donations to help them get back on their feet.
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[ male announcer ] jerry brown's good old days. but what really happened? cnn -- not me -- cnn says his assertion about his tax record was "just plain wrong." jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he's going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn't tell the people the truth.
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and a deficit when he left. drive a heavy duty truck, have some heavy duty demands. like enough horsepower and torque to get out of just about any situation.
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a payload that beats the other guys flat out. a frame sturdy enough to bear up a max towing capacity that's over 10 tons. and a braking system tough enough to bring it all to a stop. heavy duty demands? gentlemen, your truck is ready. california's governor is not the country but maria shriver is in
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san bruno she toward the evacuation center today talk to victims' offering words of comfort. she wanted to give rhone assessment of exactly what happened in the last 24 hours. jonathan blum was one of our many reporters were in san bruno. here's his report now. >> here inside the veterans memorial recreation center of the red cross has been holding orientation sessions for people who've been evacuated and are looking for help. they're the stopped hundred people who are being told where to find food, clothing and other more intangible things like hell. if read cross stress services upstairs and providing not only stress counseling by religious counseling with scenes of " members of the clergy offering help. a lot of people often helpless and standing your people walking by whisper card is trying to help out to in any way they can carry to the folks
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that are here on site are being good-natured about it. a lot of them still not sure whether the be will return their homes in what state those homes will be in. they're very grateful they say for the help that's being offered here today carried >> here in daly city at the alpine inn on carter street sambar no fire victims can stay here for free starting saturday through monday. the front desk clerk said they have three rooms available on saturday, 3 and send in for monday terrific there are a first-come first- served basis only. the clerk said they'll also help the victims find temporary housing. in daly city kron 4 news. >> this is video out what the red cross evacuation centers where all kinds of donations have been coming in. we see clothes and staples of people using the home. with a roomful of shoes for the victims of this tremendous there's water tremendous effort unfolded. the
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red cross and state officials say what is needed now is money. we'll be right back.
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as is video of the aftermath of devastation for blocks. san bruno has 40 to 50,000 residents and as you can see this large area has been affected with a least 37 homes destroyed kimberly sakamoto has some new pictures to share with us. >> some amazing pictures just came into the kron 4 news room. it let's take these fall seeking get a better look at them. they're showing the extent of the damage right here. this was a house but you can see it's completely annihilated by the blast, the explosion from the natural gas pipeline. you can see the chimney to the left-hand side of the screen is still standing with the rest of the home completely gone. reduced to rubble just a few bricks left standing. the next picture we have shows the street i believe
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this is on earl street and you can see there's absolutely no ash fall left. it just crumbled distort laughed you can see a little bit of the water. the money so word to waters sanger the flow in the streets right now. even the cars and wheels completely melted the body of the cars sitting on the ground. this is all hold in some ways route. you can see how large it is either something from the house blow up or perhaps from another house blend of the house and the last picture i have for you this is the picture of the cement that broke through this person's off completely annihilated pieces of whatever word third dust and this is the damage that were seeing all across this neighborhood in san bruno purity i camera taking fewer pictures in your video so please feel free e-mail them at breaking news at
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you can go to learn medicine is your e-mail. >> these pictures of the destruction help us explain why officials are not allowing residents into the area yet. they stress over and over again this is a very dangerous area the checking hot spots, if the stability of utilities and as well the integrity of the structures that are still standing. it homes have major or minor damage they're hoping now that they may be will let some people back to their homes tomorrow. i can that is the best case scenario. we'll be right back. as governor, he cut waste got rid of the mansion and the limo
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budgets were balanced. $4 billion in tax cuts. world class schools and universities. clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs created. california was working. i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes. we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how to get california working again.
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6:48 pm
'cause i'm a papa bear. you -- look at you, mr. high-tech hollywood, with all your high-tech gizmos. it's how i roll. you roll like a dinosaur with that tiny interest rate. try new school banking at your savings will be earning three times the national average. hmm. you gotta stop earning zippo, t-rex! get a higher rate, pterodactyl. interest plus savings at three times the national average. go to what's in your wallet? two spoons please! as areas still dangerous just foam spoke with christine conley you were showing as a water main problem are still some more things like that happening in the burn zone? >> were right above plymouth increments street. i'm going sure you over here if we had for the past 20 minutes seen water spurting up into the air here of of the homes possibly in a burn
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zone. that just popped literally seconds ago. they've got that under control we don't know maybe it was even intentional and not shore. another thing at one point out that we've noticed all the homes in this area that i can see how the green tags on them. we just learn more about what those green tags mean trade damian that the house and has been checked and the house is structurally sound. it doesn't mean that residents can be allowed into those homes because there still could be problems with the power, this a worthe sewage. it they're still keeping people away just because of a green tech going to roll it doesn't mean that you will be allowed back into it. some homes could possibly have yellow tags or red tags meaning that they are not structurally sound. we're going to pan over and see from our vantage point it's a little hard to see at this point but, there's a home over there
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that was burned in the fire and basically all i can see is just the foundation of that home. crime tape is the rounded end of the bart trucks around it pretty much all day long torh&c3,#t of that in this crater that's blocked by the trees that's where the burn zone is. we just see that one home from our vantage point here. i get this whole neighborhood still blocked off that and we've seen throughout the day fire trucks going through the neighborhood, police officers going through the neighborhood trying to let residents back into the homes. were just a few seconds to possibly get medication, closed things they need you concede there are cars left on the street they just had to leave their cars here and maybe possibly until tomorrow when they can go back. reporting live in san bruno kron 4 news. >> officials are working to try and get people back in the homes. this is the devastation left behind will let all the
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viewers know that the news conference leak had led by the ntsb and state and local officials there were held within the last hour to. they're both up on our website at you can go there for all that information. we'll be right back.
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within the last hour and a and we have an update from the state and local officials about the status of the development in san bruno. the anchorman is standing by with the latest. >> date updated us until this 37 homes now destroyed, seven with minor to moderate damage and four people dead. that number is still holding the at no additional reports of anybody missing. if they have surged 95% of homes at this point summer too hot to the sentence search dogs spayed another set of canines going in tomorrow. the ntsb has investigators here they will be here for the next several days and the lieutenant
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governor said the finding out what caused this is very important to him. >> we need answers, we need answers to the incident. the community of san bruno need answers, the people california need answers to we need to know why this happened to and we need to know how if this happened. and we need to make sure that this never happens again. >> now the ntsb has said they will be looking into allegations by residents that they smelled natural gas in the neighborhood erupted three weeks. the say that is one of the things the looking into pure emergency management officials also had bad news for residents to not getting back into the burn area today. they say they're still issues regarding hazardous materials, power out to and sewage issues and until that's cleared out residents will not be getting back in the earliest it could get back and would be
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tomorrow and not only be a small area. that's the latest from the command center. >> we want to check in with their web producer kimberly sacramento who has a new viewers. >> discussed this and let's take a full so it can take a better look at this video that came in from a viewer from yesterday's. you can see the person on the side trying to convert the person rubbing the back because they're looking at those huge flames of the distance. they're not sure what's going on but this is at the beginning when the fire to started taking place. this video is at the top of the greenwood way he also sent us another video from a different vantage point. this one was at the church of the highlands and huge flames of lifting in the sky thick black smoke. go to the sun as your pictures and videos. >> of course it's been a difficult and hard richen 27 hours for the people sambar know and for the bay area community.
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we will back up kron 4 is continuing coverage of the san bruno explosion with a complete wrapup of the day's events on kron 4 news at eleven o'clock. wrapup of the day's events on kron 4 news at eleven o'clock. tonight everybody. ntage topical solution treats dogs... ( barking ) but destroys fleas. so ask your veterinarian for advantage, the flea specialist for gentle, but effective, flea control.
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