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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  September 16, 2010 4:30pm-6:00pm PST

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to be oroszko inhalation and that is why residents are going through 30 minutes safety training. -risk of inhalation. >> with a personal protection gear, with white suits, booties, gloves, masks. as they sift through that brought to rubble and look through their belongings. there has been a forecast for rain fall which is a concern. with sandbags from the ststorm drains could slow as to not run into the storm drains. you can see how what windy it is. it was also windy yesterday that is the reason why they're taking these precautions. with awarding coverage, jeff bush was there to residents went to pick up some of their belongings. >> homeowners were in white protective suits and picking up the pieces of what was look of their possessions with his not about much. the head
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firefighters with sifters sifting to what ever they could. jose tubar live in here for 20 years. >> and my home was two stories. now, everything and now nothing. the second-floor went down to >> the safe survive but most everything in sight it was burned. firefighters helped him but there were guns inside but destroyed. and jose found a gold ring that had a sentimental value and one more thing in tact. when buddhist tattoo that was part of a collection from all over the world. and at least he has those two items. >> off and 20 years, and you collect items. and now we have nothing! [laughter] >> his spirits are high despite that is home was burned to the ground and most of his
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belongings or gone. but he says the possessions are not important. >> everything is replaceable. i am work, i am alive, i can still work, my daughters are still alive. in the san bruno, chaff bush. >> we did some digging and how they are doing your money. and in 2007, pg&e claimed that the needed five more in dollars and ratepayer money to repair a section of natural pipeline. and within miles of the san bruno explosion and three years later? no work done. and and that seemed year, $5 million on bonuses for six of its highly paid executives! the month of june, they spend $46 million to help pass proposition 16. it did not work to force counties it to get two-thirds voter approval to start a power agency. three
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different instances, you paid for it, a total of $56 million. we asked pg&e, the focus on the gas on a parent is yet to happen. and this is the ". statement they provided. >> meanwhile, four people have been arrested as posing as victims. you can see these people deonte bennett, and they claimed that the live in the burned out area. burberry, perjury, and submitting forgery to a government agency. and this has been known to bring out criminals exploiting people who are in desperate need haaziq madyun and how the city of san bruno is trying to protect homeowners from thieves. >> the san per no homeowners in the gas line explosion
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beware! that is the message that the d.a.'s office and the contractors state license board is giving out. warning signs like these on front of the lawns of damaged homes. and the spokesperson for the contractors state license board on how to detect a phony contractor. >> and they're using a pretty slick sales people to will to what they can to be your friend and help you to the situation and get a lot of money, up front. >> and to ask for a huge down payment is a common sign it you are dealing with an unlicensed contractor. >> by law, not more than $10,000 of$1,000 or 110 percent of the contract. whichever is less. >> and to look for the license. -test and% of the contract. >> and jonathan is doing-10 percent. >> and also, he showed me this contractor's license and pointed out the same number can be found on the side of the truck. he
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said it is the law. >> and you are required to put your license number on the side of the truck. >> so far, that there's been no complaint of fraud in the gas line explosion area. and to get the word out by the state license board, they hope to keep it that way. in san bruno haaziq madyun >> stay with kron 4 for continuing coverage of this in progress line explosion. we have comprehensive coverage of the incident. for ♪ spino >> temperatures up by 10 degrees mainly in the north bay. 83 degrees in napa, 77 degrees in san rafael. also, inland and in the south bay but along the coast we're still seeing fog at this hour! and it is pushing through san francisco, and will continue to move into the bay. and even overnight, inland. with
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that morning fog and cooler temperatures with an increasing clouds! the storm is hit to me land in the bay area and exactly what you could expect. >> jacqueline, we do have a programming note to tell you about. a p.m., you can catch the season premiere of the apprentice. at 8:00 p.m.. this special edition of kron 4 news at 10:00 p.m. the black widow spider's severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite.
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but there's an even deadlier predator
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>> san jose with new allegations of racial profiling. rob fladeboe texa grim reality. >> through an interpreter, she says she was pulled over by san jose police recently because she is latin. >> and the police did not seem
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to stop someone spitting. >> server by the people acting together or pact 65% of other parishioners. it is the guadeloupe church has claimed to be stopped by police without charge. >> if we count this 80 numbered surveys, of those people, 600 people are afraid this so from 1800 people that were surveyed if. >> just over a one half of those surveyed do not go safer in a predominantly latin community. 90 percent want a better relationship with police. chief rob davis who is stepping down at the end is the defending racial profiling. >> we bend over backwards to put out policies on immigration, and we are constantly having an influx of individuals. and constantly need to be reeducated. and we need to make
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the connection to be able to connect and why we are doing weird doing. >> one thing the organizers of the church is that we're doing we're doing, to say the same police and the same police beats longer than only six months. they're also asking the polcity to make racial profiling a top priority for the replacement of the chief of police. rob fladeboe. in a big changes, a storm will push through an raran your full forecast coming up in just a few minutes.
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>> republican gubernatorial meg whitman intense questioning. ylep and none of the topics that was discussed is the new information that she has become a record holder. she has spent more of our own money in and the
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candid, any history of any. >> $11 $9 million! and she laid out her plan on how california should run. >> and i agree entirely up different approach. silicon valley takes challenges and what is the new way to solve these problems? the state that brought young who, google, intel, the who, apple, and an entirely different approach. let us do three things really really well, to focus california back to work, and the governor of california gets 3000 apartments to the governor's administrative. let us to the right people in the right jobs come on the same agenda. and let us work with the state legislators to focus on things that matter the most. here is storm going to crate jobs, to cut taxes come with
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manufacturing, and streamline regulation and i'm not going to spend more money than we take in and compete for jobs. and to get spending under control, to make sure with the right number of people at the state. with employee pension benefits, that is not bankrupt california and reform welfare and cut its market is to run the state. >> national news, a biography of french first lady. she is compared to michele obama. that life in the white house is " hell ". and there is a denied that michelle obama never said that. >> the poverty rate johnson's 1994. 14.4%, one in seven people are considered poor. if family of four earning 22 k or less is considered, impoverished. also,
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that 44 million as the highest number in 54 years. >> san francisco has had a milestone. for mayor gavin newson he said the city has taken 12,000 homeless people off the streets and into permanent housing. since he took office in 2004, and jonathan blum sound that some perhaps see a problem with his math. >> it is now worth close to call thousand, and if we had that many? would be a first to kiss him, and to pay huge a noticeable difference and the people on the streets. >> shot a homeless coalition director is in no hurry because she's a that is a huge exaggeration perhaps he is counting jail cells? with the set-flye proposal or would be putting people in jail for 30 days to just sitting-lying on the sidewalk. >> they're not counting jail
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cells but they are counting five calls and tickets back to their families in other cities. >> we contact those families and make sure they have a safe place to go. we will pay for the plus ticket and food for them to go. >> the other 7000 have been put into affordable housing and that is where it gets tricky. the mayor's office has a different definition of homeless affordable housing. >> and they haven't showing that over 2000 have been moved into public housing funded by public tax money. and 4000 have apparently been fueled by taxpayer money. perhaps they spend up to 85 percent of their money on of rent. home of the 2000 are really in permanent, affordable housing. however, if you count everything, it is nearly 12,000. and both sides agree on one thing. we feel like
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we're in right direction with more work to do. jonathan blum, kron 4 news. >> now, your stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. this suv is going the wrong way in san francisco! and the driver quickly pulls over. and destruction of this old transportation terminal with new boss lines increasing. these claims were made for boss lines of directly over the bay bridge so commuters can avoid delays. rodham? more than just city buses. let me show you who this is an forcing drivers to change directions. coming up a 6:30 toward on the next edition of people behaving badly. ♪ a little warmer out there today, with current conditions still in the 80s, inland. 80s and portions of the north bay. and
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62 degrees in san francisco, and the rest of the bay area. with big changes in our forecast through this weekend. overnight tonight and into tomorrow much of the same. fog will be moving in and of widespread. with dense patchy fog closer to the coast. as we head into the afternoon slightly cooler temperatures and increasing cloud coverage. high of our next storm. i will have more on that in a moment but first, the fog tracker in the morning. 6:00 a.m., widespread and it is going to be slow to peel back. 10:00 a.m., still over pleasanton, livermore in the north bay and in the south bay! pilling to san francisco by noon. for perhaps this is a bit exaggerated,-killing back to san francisco by noon. peeling back. perhaps this is more accurate. and regardless, it is going to
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be foggy tomorrow morning in a cooler day tomorrow afternoon. 78 in santa rosa, 73 in san rafael, 77 napa. and 70's down the shoreline. in the south bay. let us talk about the rainfall. pretty strong storms, to the northwest and most of this is going to miss us. however, we are going to seize light shower activity. overnight, saturday, and with a light shower activity. and a better chance with the north bay, the south of the golden gate into sunday afternoon. by 12:00 p.m.-noon, pretty good rainfall in the north bay. and towards the south bay, the rainfall totals are not going to be that impressive s all but this is so very early for us to be seen rainfall. again, the north they will begin and the rest of the air on sunday. cooler temperatures will prevail as we go towards next week. dry, slightly warmer conditions are expected. stay with us, we will protect after this new direct back
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baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible.
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>> and national news, authorities are showing a two year-old girl smoking marijuana. the 21 year-old mother and she has been indicted on several charges including two of the detriment. angela has more. child endangerment. >> and prosecutors are saying you are hearing his voice in the video to egging her on. smoking marijuana. she shot this yourself and send it to others. somebody turned into the hamilton job and family services. >> i am grateful that somebody in the community was savvy enough, smart enough and cared enough about this little girl that they've brought this to authorities. >> just released indictment has cause to with three different felonies. and the office was
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horrified! and upset by how well at ease the child seems to be with the joint. >> it does not seem to be that it is brand new. maybe this is going on for a while? on this happened at the springfield township earlier this summer. at one point, she try to delete the video and fled >> the mother was at large, and the truck was taken to protect its services. -the child. was taken. to find out services >> they always thought that the children are not taking care of. >> and i have had them in my driveway and they are not supervised because i do not want them to get hurt in my driveway. >> now, this child at least is in the care of a relative. >> and this world is getting
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world recognition for the longest tongue and 4.5 in.! it is nearly as long as the body. in the latest edition of the guinness book of world records which was launched, today. also, stephen from inland. he lays claim to all this stuff, the biggest collection of smurf remote village, 1600 items and a 10 ft. statue of papa smurf. my big changes, with a cool off and increasing cloud coverage. and ahead of this storm. the north bay has a chance of rain fall, showers late saturday night. the main event of rain will be early saturday morning and a saturday afternoon. after the relieve the bay area will
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have drier conditions and a slightly warmer conditions. >> a live look a outside with a little bit of fog. from the san francisco skyline. kron 4 news the 6:00 p.m. is coming up, next. [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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when you buy the hot new samsung fascinate with its super amoled screen. get a free samsung intensity, a free blackberry bold or any other phone in our lineup. don't miss out. offer ends soon. buy a samsung fascinate and any other phone is free. only at verizon.
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live from the bay area's news station at 6:00 p.m. >> our big store, the san pronounced gas explosion for many residents were allowed back in. the san bruno gas explosion our big story. and portola elementary evacuated in san bruno. and the check for a leak and not find one perhaps it was carter monoxide built into the schools heating system just a small example of what is in the air and san bruno. and christine connolly is alive and uncovering the details of last
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week's explosion. christine? >> and as the wind blows there is a concern about what is in this fire debris. as it goes around the neighborhood a live look you can see those white suits. possibly emergency crews to for sifting through the rubble but the whole to pardon has the ash has not been tested. and from previous fires that burned out cars, and the homes, there could possibly be a asbestosis. there is definitely a concern and take a listen to what the hold different had to say. >> the environmental hazard of the burn site is all in the debris in the ash that is left because of the hazard. if you are in an immediate contact? that is going to be a risk of inflation. that is where residents and are going back are sending through a 30 minute
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safety training so they can understand the health and safety risks. they are being provided all the protective gear they need, masks, gloves companies, and to go through 80 con situation. - decompression. >> and also the rainfall will help a little bit. and to be cautionary, we are in the process of putting together protection of the storm drains. if there is any runoff. and our concern is the wind and blowing the dust, offsite. with fire crews going to once, twice, depending on the wind and spraying water. in with the possibility of rainfall emergency crews say that it could possibly become more difficult for residents to sift through with their belongings. and the return to get as many people and now before the brain begins.
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>> christine connolly. fed >> and-before the bash republicans. >> and after a parent of 0 herbalifneither agency found a d the mother thought she smelled carbon monoxide built up in the school's heating system. and that was turned on the this morning. it was only 1 mi. away from the deadly pipe explosion. 200 students were taken and in this video some of the children. the portola elementary was closed for one day as a precaution. many parents and students were shaken by the experience but they are happy the situation was handled. >> a little scary, i was scared. worried about the kids after what happened in this inferno. >> i was kind of freaked out. what happened and-a-san for now. >> and you do not know what is going to happen next. what
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happened in san bruno last week stressed it was very alarming, everything was very fresh in our mind and i'm very happy to note that the school reacted so quickly. demarking and a thing to happen at any time and the olive into . is that the did an excellent job. >> it is better to be sick and sorry. it is better to be safe than sorry. >> live, friends and families are gathered to remember 44 year-old jacqueline creig and 14 year old janessa this begins the 7:00 p.m.. and a funeral mass is set for tomorrow. stay with kron 4 pour continuing coverage of the san bruno gas
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line in explosion comprehensive coverage, and live in oakland. the scene of a gas leak and this was very small. east 18th. apple near lake merritt. working crews from pg&e were able to cap this leak. that building was evacuated and a few surrounding buildings as a precaution. and they are hoping to get people back into their homes within the next few hours. as long as they are able to declare this area as safe. those are live pictures from oakland. kate thompson is there, live. kate? >> pg&e has successfully blocked this gas line. they had to dig this up. and at&t struck the pipe around 1:00 p.m. this afternoon. people from the
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apartment building at lake view court were evacuated. gas/electricity turned off. serval working crews on the scene, the police department, the oakland police tfire department. and shutting down surrounding areas. they did not turn off the gas to the entire pipeline because the out of left thousands of customers without gas. this is their standard procedure. the will clamp, plug the pline on either side, and expect people to get back by early this evening. and reopen the streets as well. reporting in oakland, kate thompson, kron 4 news. >> let me show you on google earth. this is the intersection of 18th and apple street at lake merritt. this is where the gas leak happened on the corner of
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east 18th and ample st. that building reported it and this building or both evacuated-apple street, and as kate thompson mentioned, to get people back and early this evening. ♪ sunny skies for most of the bay area rock and warmer temperatures. especially in the north bay. eight degrees in santa rosa, inland still mainly in the 80s as well. 70's for most of the bay area. and closer to the coastline we are still seeing some fog. the satellite is still hugging the coast line and some of this is pretty tense. and even misty. that is starting to move through san francisco, oakland over the bay bridge. and will continue through the evening with the dense fog moving into the bay and even inland. an overnight, and by 7:00 a.m., patchy, dense, with widespread. half mostly
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closer to the coastline and slightly cooler conditions. as we wait for a storm to approach us. with increasing cloud coverage table in crise this weekend. stay with us. real mess. and i'm not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don't go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats
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but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i'm prepared to do exactly that. you inhale, they inhale. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones. texting...blogging... all this technology, but you're still banking like pilgrims! it's time for new school banking, bubbie. interest plus savings at why earn bupkis, when your savings can earn three times the national average!! three times the national average!!! new school banking at capital one bank.
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with interest plus savings, go to!!!!! what's in your wallet? somebody help me down. what's in your wallet? no one fights harder than jerry mcnerney. when some vets were forced to travel hours for care, mcnerney fought for a new v.a. medical facility, and won. mcnerney took on washington gridlock, to improve care for vets with traumatic brain injuries.
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his plan became law. that's why vfw state commander dave norris endorsed mcnerney. i'm jerry mcnerney, and i'm honored to approve this message. thanks, dad. >> this is back live in san francisco the crowd is growing larger for a vigil. and 50 minutes for jacqueline and je nesssa greig dictums of the san bruno gas line explosion. - victim' it is thes and one week since the san bruno gas line explosion and the victims of been able to go back again. jeff bush will tell you what it is
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>> homeowners have been sifting through and you can imagine. not much is left. and with one man helped with a safe to pry it open and on for july, most of the and for burned. what was left in his gun collection. his daughter from a camera that was destroyed and there were two things there remained intact. there was one gold ring that had a sentiment of value and one the single statue of buddha collection. this was from pieces from all over the world! and the weird thing is that this was made by the homeowner, himself. this entire ordeal has been stressful, to say the least. he reminded me that those can be replaced in the most important thing is that his family is okay. >> i can work, my family is so committed daughter is still okay. >> in san bruno, jeff bush, kron
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4 news. >> we want to go back live to st. cecilia and the san francisco. this memorial service will begin for 45 minutes. both victims. a very big crowd gathering. we will be right back. but what really happened? cnn -- not me --
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cnn says his assertion about his tax record was "just plain wrong." jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he's going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn't tell the people the truth.
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and a deficit when he left. the riveras are taking their first family vacation. [ dad ] hey, do you guys want to see the largest artichoke ever grown? [ kids ] artichoke! artichoke! they needed some tools to help them keep track of their spending along the way. wells fargo checking with mobile banking lets them check their balance wherever they happen to be. the widest one or the tallest one? the closest. the closest. well, if you got the 4-wheel drive, you could go down this road here. [ mom ] i think we're lost. [ dad ] it's ok. we'll find some other big vegetable. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when life is mobile. ♪ [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when life is mobile.
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but deadly on fleas. so ask your veterinarian for advantage, the flea specialist, for effective, but gentle flea control. >> concord police are investigating a police officer shooting. the lieutenant of the police department of what happened. >> just before 2:30 a.m., concord police officers attempted to stop a subject was walking near astor drive. the officers wanted to stop the subject because they thought that he was wanted on outstanding warrants for robbery. after contact the thames, he started running and they pursued him. they needed about one half way and officers
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confronted the subject. they produce h produced a weapon, ane subject was wounded. he was transported to the walnut center medical center walnut creek. and his current condition. there were two officers that identified. and as per department policy, they have been placed on paid administrative leave. and any officer involved shooting we are working in conjunction with the district attorney's office of contra costa county and the criminal law but just a clever toward of contra costa county. >> 29 year-old brian keith with felony arrests, and a total bail of nine that a thousand dollars! and and the $900,000. two men are dead, while trying to go with the chp. this happen
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before 1:30 when they tried to stop in s u v that was missing a front license plate. they pulled over near carlisle/neuter dame and as they approached, the car took off. they chased, in turn this chase the 0 suv lost control. overturned. four people were inside, the two in the backward dead, and the two were taken to an injuries that are not the lea believe to be life threatening. >> and national news, a stand-up is deadly at the world-famous john hopkins university hospital. 50 year-old paul, who went by the elites, warren davis is suspected of shooting a doctor, killing his mother, killing himself, and he was distraught after a morning the condition of his mother. fed >> during the course of the conversation with the doctor, mr. davis removed a small, semi-
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automatic handgun. from his waist area, waistband area. and fired a single gunshot that struck the doctor in the lower chest/upper abdomen. >> during the to award stand off parts of a hospital were closed, temporarily. the doctor is expected to be okay. and the washington woman through a >> before this giant confession, she told police that a woman allegedly walked up to her and said haiti want to drink this and then threw the cup of acid. and let us take a look before. the left, and on the right, during the treatment. covered with bandages and with out the bandages all the damage that was sustained. and
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officials would not speculate on her motives that she is very remorseful and it did not happen as she described. there were some discrepancies in her account. what's on the web with kimberlee sakamoto. >> jacqueline? ♪ >> a big changes in store for this weekend forecast. we've been enjoying pretty mild temperatures but it is going to be cooler in the were first storm of the week. and first, the chance of rain fall and the northbound section and to the rest of the bay area. shower activity. saturday morning, and cooler temperatures will prevail as this presses through. first, let us talk about what is going on outside right now. warmer but that fog is hugging the coastline and pressing inland tonight and tomorrow morning. by 6:00 a.m., fog of the to the inland valleys, the delta, and to the south bay. the-year real wide and is going to be slow to
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peel back. and through pleasanton, livermore, and also through the north bay it will be bay-area wide. scaling back and later morning early afternoon. still lingering over san francisco but i do not think it is still going to be over pleasanton and livermore. we will are going to get a blast of cool air. as that storm trans precious through, tomorrow be transition day. and mostly the 63 degrees and the coast and '70s and '80s. let us talk about that rainfall a pretty strong storm is going be pushing to the northwest. and as i mentioned will be clipped. the rainfall is starting to push to the north bay and south of canton. when chances are going to pick up. by 12. and, widespread, and the best of the chances will be in the dark green section. the rest
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of sunday afternoon, the jurors for removal will push out. not an remarkable totals but it is still pretty early. that storm pushes through saturday, sunday, with " temperatures. as we go into next week, dry, and some of the warmer conditions are expected during the back of 52 st systems a church in san francisco the crowd gets bigger and bigger by the moment. this is for said at 7:00 p.m. for jacqueline and to mess ujanessa and remembering the greirs.
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[ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina.
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outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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>> biggest is a lot of buzz about this oscar nominated. why are people so upset? >> for the 25th anniversary oct.
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there are four separate special covers featuring these four actresses. and let us take a closer look. and gabby is the only one that is french close. and as we see on the left side and the roadside another picture in a different event. people are wondering why they look heard skin look so light on the cover. they say there was not retouched. and each of these women were shot in different ways for different reasons. to read about this controversy, to see this close up. what's on the web with kimberlee sakamoto. >> big changes come into this weekend as a storm pushes to the bay area. and stay with us, a rate cap of the top stories
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right after this break. recap.
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meg whitman's nose keeps growing. whitman says california lost jobs under jerry brown. turns out 1.9 million jobs were created. she spent millions saying jerry brown raised taxes. fact is brown cut 4 billion in taxes. but whitman's nose keeps growing by the millions.
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>> we are back live friends, family gathering for jacqueline and janessa vigil starting in 30 minutes. both victims of the san bruno gas line explosion. and christine connolly is live uncovering the air quality. >> and especially a win the it is and there is a concern as the debris from the players' own could possibly blow to the area. let me show you. some chemicals, and homes, nothing but the chimneys left behind. and a concern of asbestosis. this is what the health department had to say about their concerns just a little bit ago. >> while we tested this ash similar fires in the san
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diego/lake tahoe. we expect to find a limited types of contaminants, metals, potential asbestos. if you are in immediate contact? that is going to be a risk of inflation. that is where residents are going back on the site-risk of inhalation, with 30 minutes of safety training. that is where residents have been given personal protective gear. they have been given to eds, gloves, masks to make sure that they are safe. and since there is a forecast for rain fall the receip co th storm drains. the down the drains. they are also trying to wet down the ash to keep it from blowing around. another precaution. reporting live, christine connolly, kron 4 news. >> we sit dthis in digging, and
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according to the utility watchdog group. 2007, they claimed that they needed $5 million to repair a natural pipeline. he is just miles from the san bruno and three years later? no work done. and then, another $5 million spent on it and only six of the highly paid executives bonuses! and then 46 $9 for proposition 16 it did not work. it would of required two- thirds of voter approval to start a part company. and you d for this! a $56 million and they focused on the gas line repair the as yet to happen. because they are readily identified and said that this is a high priority project but after an updated assessment of a line and the insurance provided cut the
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risk of the project. >> number of this, four of these people posing as victim's trying to receive aid. deonte bennett, and the other three are submittinalleged of submitting g false documentation to a government agency and claiming they were victims of the san bruno gas explosion. and with this recent catastrophe, it can bring out the worst. >> san bruno and the gas line explosion area should be aware of fake contractors. that is the message of the seven atomisan tn mateo county with warning signs like this. through lawns of calling the damaged area. the spokesperson for the contractors were reports about how to detect phony contractor.
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>> what these unlicensed contractors r. boris luck there will try to do in you they are very slick, to try to get a lot of money up front. >> and to ask for a huge down payment is a common sign that you are dealing with an unlicensed contractor. >> by law, they cannot pass for 10,000 of the contract or $1,000, whichever is less. >> to look for the license. the contractor has to have one of these. and restoration work with the explosion of damaged homes. in pointed out the same number can also be found on the side of his truck. he said it is the law. >> and you are required to put your number on the topside of the truck. >> so far, no contractor fraud out the bus line explosion. by getting out the word, the gas line--explosion, and san bruno.
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haaziq madyun >> stay with kron 4 for continuing coverage of the san bruno gas line explosion. we have comprehensive coverage of the incident. now, other news with more news crews from the bay area. >> in oakland, pg&e have successfully plucked a small gas leak on east 18th near lake merritt. small buildings nearby were evacuated and nonsense that has been successfully plougged for. hideki we can return to their home, and-a evacuees to return to their homes. >> and in san jose, deep mistrust of those police and the predominantly latin culture of the east side. this pressure says that the police are guilty of racial profiling-per-share of this church of parishioners.
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hand and a possible solution would be to keep the police on the same beat for more than just six months. the police chief robert davis, is expected to step down at the end of this year. a new police chief is hoping to address the racial profiling issue. >> and victims of the san bruno explosion and/fire to restoration total for free. if that issue? their issue? the wise, it is if that is you? it is only 29¢ per print. big changes coming up with clouds coming in
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later. with saturday, mostly cloudy skies and a chance for rain in the north bay. showers in the north bay late saturday and into sunday morning. and a rain likely to the bay area and cooler temperatures will also prevail. as this pushes through. 75, inland. 56 along the coast, and along the rainfall is going to be pushing to the north bay. by 9:00 p.m. on th9:00 a.m. on , and it is going be mostly to the north bay. and it is pretty impressive totals but still too early to predict. >> a saint cecilia of a growing crowd 25 minutes until a vigil for two victims of the san bruno blast.
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the black widow spider's severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite.
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but there's an even deadlier predator let's go! we got a 1-2-0 in progress. what's a 1-2-0? another airline is charging up to $120 roundtrip for two bags. [ imitating siren ] pull over! looks like we got a runner. pull over! we know you've been charging for bags! we can't stop every plane. we're gonna stop this one. you can fly, but you can't hide. ♪ [ ding ]
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>> folsom st., in san francisco this driver is making an illegal u-turn and also this driver. the driver of this suv is driving the wrong way against traffic. the vehicle almost makes it one halfway down before pulling over to stop. and then blends in with traffic. what is causing these drivers to behaved badly? let me take you two bucks a week to give you the p full picture. with the taxis, and this to do not enter except for bcity buses. and these are new city bus only with essex street directly onto the bay bridge. what you end up with is a constantly stream of u-turn and a thai na occasionally, a wrongy
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driver. like his mercedes-benz. and attempt while he is approaching. some drivers will stay at the light and 180 to the light and go to the bridge? these cars are going on off illegally every day. right in the presence of the police but there are so many people in this city bustling. not one officer and possibly catch them all. a city bus lane. and gary has sports, coming up next.
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nouncer ] we know jerry brown was mayor of oakland, but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours... they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can't deliver the results california needs now. >> good evening, everybody. before we will get started i would like to praise heather donald. and they're so much busi jealousy in this business
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and what you did to entice viewers to stay for us tonight. >> gary has sports, coming up next. >> and a thing for you, gary. >> and our producer always says enough time lot >> and jacqueline? >> i am good. the writer's home opener will not be shown on local television. not enough tickets purchased for oakland piecfor since the rams, and with the monday night singletary. he is going to try to silence all the critics. it is been a rough week for san francisco with three delayed game penalties. in other words, they sent the place down to the sidelines and to alex smith the did not get it right. jimmy wright, and singletary under the gun! >> and i do not gobble anything and i think i speak with conviction and express myself
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pretty well. >> i do not want to deal with a rafwrath or spend my time who sd this, who said that the article is not factual. >> and perhaps the person making these allegations should come forward? >> and with yah hoo getting in the sports business and that they had a report that jimmy raye with your having trouble understanding cam. and what is going to keep everybody quiet as it went coming up. with the home opener, jerry rice have is a butcher is a retired at halftime. once again, the giants cut-his jersey-judge, and also, the balance last night. och the bullpen was great and the story
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is that to beat the throw and the jains victorious two-one. toni ross pre-game conversation. >> after the all-star break one of the teams are doing. cody to slope, see what is going on and at the end of the day, it only matters what we do. what we do, and we can do to step up and control our own destiny. >> bad news for tony mitchell, he is going to withstand a trial that he punched a man and the head several times in southern california. if convicted? this 48 year-old kevin mitchell could face four years in prison. he is free on a $25,000 bail. and you remember that he was a spectacular baseball. >> and when you are done, what
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the white do? and kevin is one of those guys. -what to wide--do now? and derrik cheater.jeter and the reh cjleay slh shows that joe madded without that instant replay. tampa bay, and jacqueline bennett is a fan of derrik did you find disconcerting? >> i do not know if i am a fan! >> and with a good-looking guy and a big salary. >> it does not surprise me with the yankees. >> and it is funny that in baseball, that if you cheat and
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life? that and baseball, he is a competitor? >> to do his job. >> if you are not cheating, you are not trying perhaps that is the model. and with a rod, that is >> and-model. and did you steal that? and the bay area's pride will play for the women's soccer. they will do it with a great march. the most valuable player. she led the wps and the pride of the hosting the championship contest championship on september 26th. last night. ken burns' documentary, and it was a really strange to see all the strange and i've never seen pam kidder picture taken. >> did she? >> and she was so excited she
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took the day off today, and yes, everybody enjoyed this as we go from ken burns' to maybe if somebody is somebody that you do not know somebody about? when we return, a store that passes us exclusively but our new executives. this is about a man of following his athletic less by planning has basketball in san quentin. known as child on the courts and san quentin.
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time meg whitman told a lie her nose would grow? newspapers report the claims in this meg whitman ad are false. and she knows it. taxes went down under jerry brown. but whitman's nose keeps growing by the millions.
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which would be great... if i was seven. i'm forty-six. and the tooth fairy doesn't come when you're forty-six. just lots of referrals and appointments and bills that cost tons. maybe i'll keep it... it adds character... right? [ male announcer ] losing a tooth is a big deal at any age. that's why we offer dental coverage. blue shield.
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meg whitman's nose keeps growing. whitman says california lost jobs under jerry brown. turns out 1.9 million jobs were created. she spent millions saying jerry brown raised taxes. fact is brown cut 4 billion in taxes. but whitman's nose keeps growing by the millions. >> and we made this mistake of
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saying that he is going to play baseball in san quentin, now is understand that it is out of tres. >> and he grew up in sacramento? >> 56. >> he is one of 64 finalists, and the king of the rocks. saturday night on alcatraz island. the winner gets $10,000 of first it sporting event, ever on the rock. your nickname perform. >> yes, the child. >> which you prefer? permit child. >> child. >> why do not stay home? purlieu are too old? the most of days it hurts that morning, i tried to make it and nothing hurt. >> what is amazing is that the child, a look at the basis. and this is the child did they give
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you any heat? >> actually know, with accolades and pats on the back. >> and why alcatraz? >> they never had a sporting event. >> and the one on one is close to a fool. that persoprison yars a lot of history and that place ---more of a duel. >> and were to pick this up? and you did not play in high school, college, what made you said you wanted to be a " playground legend? >> and with the wholharlem globetrotters, came through in
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1964. and they put a great spin on the game. and you play some magic? larry bird? >> yes, i tried. >> and i would say that i have patted my game closer into the raquel, electric worm. >> that is traffic. >> and if somebody is is sitting at home-terrific. and if you are at a certain age? that if you are wrong, i am right? >> a live taken my care and there's only so much red on the tire and once that is blown out? >> tread. >> and as i mentioned, the executive producer, she says you
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have to have the child on to wish us luck. >> i appreciate it. >> saturday night, $10,000, one on one, good luck. instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? are you a pisces?
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>> the "insider" has the most detailed report behind today's new star headlines. i'm lara spencer. on.age in you future? >> our new jessica simpson exclusive.ating in new york with her new man. air. news on her new fashion line, and is she firing back about the weight headlines. >> never look at what size it is, because it does not matter. cut the tag out.s "hell."indisc. >> a new book about the bombshell claim.n miss daughter bristol's premier.


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