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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  September 20, 2010 3:00am-5:00am PST

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live, from the bay area's news station, this the kron 4 morning news. >> ken morning, 4:00 a.m. on this monday morning. a live look there's sam taylor bridge camera highway 92, let's talk about the weather. as promised we did have sprinkled over the weekend louisa is calling the forecast. let's see what's in store. hi. >> good morning james. temperatures are action going to warm up to slightly today. dry forecast for you dealing with a little bit in the way of low clouds, fog but it to burn off rather quickly. as we had after the first of all we have some c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú great now, the fog is kind ofjsú settled in a raid on to the north bay, oakland, fremont. as
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we take a month through the day your 6:00 hour shows us that we will be contained to the peninsula, east bay. as to make it on through the day a looks like the fog will burn off rather quickly. by 9:00 he conceded a matter of lifting. 11 we should be in the clear. 57 degrees, 63 oakland, fremont area's temperature of about 60, in the afternoon we'll warn those temperatures in the upper 70's in santa rosa, napa. 81 fairfield, concord. down in the south bay temperatures as angry around 75 degrees for fremont, a word and 65 for half moon bay. 82 los daughters. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. a little bit of a cooling trend as we had demit version of the week, first of all the game is on thursday much, much for up to
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that. back to you. >> of to a great start, reserve clear starting your for the project, bridges are moving goods into the city at the westbound. no size of any broker, it should be in this dummies' teacher for you. dry times during what is the minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze as you make your way into fremont. jumping on over to red december tell you can see conditions are slightly thicker here that the bay bridge toll plaza. pretty good conditions as you make your way headed westbound. again, no signs of overnight construction. keeping a very good track time just about 13 minutes from end to end. wrapping up here with a live look at the golden gate, just a few cars on iran now headed southbound in the commute direction. novato in the southbound direction is a 22 minute check trip. james.
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>> one of our top stories. counselors will be on hand at hostile or following a roll over crash that killed 17 and injured four others this year from the scene of the 16 year-old driver has been arrested on suspicion of drunk driving in gavin friday morning on the bmw lost control off across the center line and slammed into a tractor-trailer hauling cattle. woodson's was pronounced dead to others serious injuries and 30 citified in the beer cans and liquor inside that b&w during five high school students. one story through the morning. another developing story is the standard of gasoline explosion when family remains missing. this morning, their families mourning their losses. even though authorities are back a carol services were held for all
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of the victims confirmed dead just dark, her mother says she remembers the good times. >> i will miss our fun times shared. archers to the beach park with the kids are in this together eating snacks, watching tv. when there is the house's lead. i will miss the times when ed porter and she would hide behind a door or a wall and sneak up behind me nw. but mostly i will miss your laughter. i hear it so clearly as your smile so vividly. >> and we have the entire
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session of our website set aside to the gas line explosion if you'd like more information you can find out more of a mission at the website. also reformation on how you can help. and for the first time in 17 years san jose's police government is without its violent crime enforcement team. the elimination of the unit is out as result of the budget crisis. kron4 is up rain kelly explains what this means. >> this video shot during arrive on two years ago shows the violent crime enforcement team in action. this team house of four patrol officers in combating gang activity by responding to all incidents they're credited with 1000 gain related arrests last year. as was 800 proliferation and more searches. the san jose police officers' union says the closing down of this unit is going to have a big impact on crime-
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fighting in the city. >> the majority of homicides in san jose are gang-related. we simply will not have the resources to address things today like we did yesterday. >> where the fire or a high risk years of cuts will have noticed a cut. >> shutting down the island hmyg team does not mean they're giving the green light to gains. boaster still on the street but their version of the matter unit. >> all fleer not stopping doing today enforcement all but there's no way it will be continuing at the same level. the chief maintains that police pressure on 50 active gains will continue. but other lower rope rhymes lugger be the forces of the specialized units. >> street level prostitutions, giving dealings, home is in caymans. >> they have been trained to
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respond to those crimes help pick up the slack. but the chief of ned's is getting harder to do more with less. you cannot attend in the people or 8% of your department and not have something of the table. >> and the police union says the closure of the unit is because city unions failed face-up 40 on public safety when creating the budget. the mayor says two of measures and wav are meant to reform public pensions which is what has caused this. the first optional carpool lane on 680 open this morning but there are some rolls using it. kron4 was a really need to know before ignored. >> 7 of 680 here's where you need to know. starting monday september 28th from 5:00 a.m.-
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8:00 a.m.. the four-lane also becomes a toll lane for fast track, that means if you want to avoid traffic on this 14 mi. stretch starting at highway 84 and ending at highway 237 it will cost you somewhere between 30¢ up to $6 during the heavy commute hours. for followers may continue to use the land and across however kron4 is need to put their fast path entrance to a broader below to prevent being charged as your vehicle drives under. by the way the chp says expressly and violators will receive a ticket worth about $381. >> we will take a break, we'll be back with more headlines in a moment. let us go out that another live look from our rooftop camera showing you a another live look from our rooftop camera showing you a hazy, foggy start.
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on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ louise ] l'eggo my eggo.
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and we're back, here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. see of this work we could shape up, a lot of morning fog you'll see them monday to wednesday temperatures mild, only 82 degrees. 62 along the coast, what did that which a backhand filigrees as we head into the middle of the week. it will be a cool one in of course wednesday is the first day will thursday's the first day of fall. lookit that may be a slight warming as we head towards the weekend. more details on that. the well in the gulf of mexico has been declared dead. it is official that announcement comes five months after the explosion at least for the joy of a million gallons of crude into the water. here's the latest. >> ascended to lift the spirits of the gulf coast after months c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú officials said on oil wellpr,jsú blowout that polluted marshes
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killed wildlife and beaches has been permanently fogged. workers spent the weekend calling of the pipes used to pump the cement that sealed shut. an estimated 4.9 million bar. escaped during the disaster before the flow was contained. >> when we drove into red there was no sign of carbon that means it is unlikely that there is our oil flowing up the backside of the casing. >> 40 mi. off an explosion in late april on the oil rate killed 11 people and unleashed the worst real spelled american history. intense national and international attention sprang up with a microscope on energy co. bp. the amount of press focus absolutely is the most different from the previous projects we've been involved in. president barack obama held the
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ceiling off but said the government will continue to work in the region to repair economic and environmental damage from the disaster aid for williams, kron4 news. >> check on wall street, stock futures are up after ending friday on a positive note in fact with the modesties we saw the key averages are now in positive territory for the year. as for today the national association of home builders releases its analysis. they are spreading arise. or " is in the business of selling servers. or " is in direct competition with ibm and h-p. speaking of housing barrier home sales were up there was point for any august in the past 15 years. it is back home sales were down over 1% from july and more than 10% from last year. solano county has a large restructuring of 20%. napa county is the only got anywhere it cells were higher up almost
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8%. across the bay area the median price and now through hundred $60,000 it is down $25,000 from july. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. lotus notes id and a live look this morning from james lick traffic in and get a sense of the still looks like it's moving at a pretty good clip. will check of your kid, for gas at a pretty good clip. will check of your kid, for gas coming out. male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina.
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outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer in mayor back, a live look care westbound 802 albany traffic seems to moving fairly well. headlights headed westbound rate do the 580 merge. traffic is moving fairly well. carolco will be along with a full check of the commute. for now let's get
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an update on the forecast. goodman and louisa. >> morning james. monday, a little bit of fog, where along 101 in the state. and the east a worker way to morning we'll really cns amount of lifting to the north bay, lifting up pretty quickly by 9:00. the fog will dissipate liebig's of more clear conditions as we head towards about 11:00 a.m. current temperatures set aside 57 for san francisco half moon bay by 53 and your oakland. upper 50s and mountain view, 62 for san jose. auction highs bringing of temperatures into the upper '70's for santa rosa, napa about
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a.d. one for fairfield, concord. done and there redwood city taking as temperatures and to the mid-70s about the same for mountain view and into fremont. 82 degrees in antioch, 80 livermore, 81 morgan hill. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. a cool down over the next couple of mornings and we will continue to see that fog in the picture first day of balking on thursday. and then kind of the opposite where you'd think gavin temperatures start to warm up is just in time for the weekend to get back up into the '90s. eighties around the bay upper 60s for the coast a good- looking weekend ahead, timing hours for 4:00 pm a checked on the commute. >> we're not treking any problems is very quiet conditions outside. tequila to commute, you can see just a couple cars on road ahead of westbound towards the city coming from the 580, 800. no
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signs of any road work pretty easy drive into the city rain now drive time just eight minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze into fremont. your ride from the cortines bridge to the macarthur maze 17 minutes. if you're thinking of taking the san mateo note from was very few cars on the road. those bright lights making their way into hayward we're tracking and ideals 13 minutes for men to demand. that is also pretty quiet at the golden gate just a few cars on the road, no drums northbound roads over your right novato and san francisco 22 minute trip. highway 37 to the east bay clocking in about a minute. no drums here. wrapping up with a quick shot of albany's s curve, note from zero livermore company that we have seen but still pretty easy conditions and no delays whatsoever or problems as you make your way to the bay bridge road plaza. james.
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>> thank you. starting today drivers on 7 of 680 will get a chance to use the bay area's first express lane is a toll lane it will allow solo drivers use the carpool lane by paying a electronics roll. it runs along innsbruck the existing percolation between presence in the milpitas it will produce a richer and 30¢ and $6 depending on the time the drive. kirkwall's will still be able to use that lane for free. if you're driving on highway 80 this week he may run into some delays, the far right lane is going to be closed from 9:00 a.m. till 230 in the afternoon if that will be in place between today, thursday. all of that select cruz to repair damage pavement. we will have westbound on the ramps to will be closed.
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more headlines, but 60 man is recovering from severe beating he was attacked, rob near fisherman's wharf. kron4 is dahlin talked to him about this attack which he fears may be part recurring problem. >> this man hopes rest from workers will learn some lessons from his attack he worries that robbers are targeting a food- service workers after they get off work. they're funnier of restaurants here and those workers typically carry cash from the tips they burned. >> my face. >> the attack happened at 10:30 p.m. it is right next to the popular fissions grotto restaurant. marcos as a waiter. he is gone now fork was walking to his car he says that's when a group of people jumped out from behind some parked cars drowned. >> between two cars, they jumped
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over me they told me. i couldn't see. i was yelling, yelling and screaming help please don't please please don't. >> he's is the least three people were in their group that attacked him one person was let go while the other to be them up and robbed him. the beating lasted for about two minutes, marker said the robbers to drop a ball of his money aside from strips, bruises on his body a doctor says she suffered a fractured rib marker did not get a good look of the attackers but there are several cameras, san francisco police have not said if the attack is part of a pattern targeting food service workers in the area but there might fuel to be vigilant at all times. >> in other is a big scare for dan down the rhetoric of the weekend after the story of three c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú evacuated some surroundingpr,jsú houses for a short time. they c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsú
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>> shane and draws do not c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>&f be in prisy c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>0y was. we cod c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhpno ca
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was no cut gencorp, an easy read from of land is san francisco. had it in your commute direction westbound out to foster city, as you can see a lot of gaps between the cars, traffic is light driving up the limit. golden gate, there's a far shot, and we have some fog working its way to the gates. traffic on southbound 101 looks like it is moving parallel not a lot of companies out there. easy ride if you're heading out any time in the near future will check and your commute coming up. world headlines two trains collided today in india 21 bodies have been recovered from the wreckage, officials say the death toll could rise as they continue to search the wreckage. you can see how severe so that damages of freight train was on the wrong track it slammed into a stationary passenger train at a rotary station during heavy rain and these 53 were injured, their reports that the driver
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may have overshot a stop signal which caused the accident. and these 47 people were killed when a heavy rain and landslide hit northern india over the weekend you can see how high the water got 24 people died yesterday when boulders crushed their homes and three villages. the 19d waters and landslides more rain c,gv)+pno carrier ringconnect 2400 
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you with the answer is yes this type of salmon could be the first animal approved for americans to be the fda are reset the salmon which occurs c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,js, the issue is whether not the,js, government will allow the marketing end labeled as genetically engineered. there's a quiet revolution going on for deaf people. text messaging has been a revolution may lysing life for deaf people. for the first time they can communicate with the hearing world on its c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,j'y of the nation's deaf or hard ofy people are using testing, but an c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jsg no carrier ring no carrier ring no carrier
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ringconnect 2400 
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empty beer cans and an empty liquor bottle inside that b&w a. ganic was caring five high school budget cuts havei]ççç eliminated san jo's violent crime unit. it tells of four patrol officers and combating gangçç activiá shunning them down does not mean the department is giving the green light to a gang activity the officers have merged with the venture unit the chief maintain their place pressure on 50 active gains will
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continue but other low-level crimes nlrb the focus. other developing story the standard of gas by an explosion when family remains missing after that explosion more than a week ago the fact this morning their families morning eros even though authorities have not positively confirm their death friends now say they craig, william and their grandmother most likely perished backgrounds a tavern at the family has not been seen since. investigators did recover human remains that they have not been identified yet. just seven, one of the victims of a gas-fired storage and will be buried. saturday's funeral services were held for the 20 rob in fact many of the families of an affected our alumni or currently have students to attend a high school. yesterday the school hosted a benefit for the victims called " neighbors for neighbors " kron4 talk to people who were
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fishing in including the benefits organizer 15 year-old sophomore. >> so let me think you for your time and try not macarthur maze anymore.she is not just the orgr she was there to sing for the people look came to support c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46jpeighbors. >> when my friends foster home. çi'm scared like it or else. im a great flood of that is my house. one of the things out to his music what is the best way to use music to raise what they need and what they need is money. that's right it. >> start getting an ok from school officials just five days before the event she enlisted the help of her mother helped organize the benefit. >> we ran with it. what you want, would he need? >> the stage, microphones. it
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would be cool have lights or fruiter something. we started asking friends, family membersç it was amazing the response was unbelievable. >> the event had all the happenings of a high school festival complete with the antics, facing and you could see that many of the popular local businesses ron gant to donate time, the goods. but the main attraction was musicç wita full line of the bands and musicians. çaspired to performy this river car worker who lives near the site. >> i play begins as i get paid for to come and play in the spirit of services if as a lot better. do >> online donations in the event on sunday she says they raise around $12,000 to donate to the lions club runs for the fire victims. >> and of course we're gonna entire section never website dedicated to the latest in the
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athletic sergeant you can find out more by going to with everything from the reports of iraqis do things and-how about the starting today dryers and several of the state's zero good chance to use the bay area's first express line that toll lane will allow solo drivers to use the curve: by paying a troll the runs on the existing car full linecooli. because the chain 30¢ and $6 depending on the time of day these that lanes. kirk fuller's will still be able to use that for free. back with more headlines in a moment. a live look this morning from bay bridge, where a special 80 traffic is headed to the toll plaza. no drums, and the backers, no delays. more headlines, weather, traffic straight ahead into 60 seconds.
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in mayor back, here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. this week is going to be: 82 es degr, not bad but morning fog to contend with 72 around the bay 62 of the coast, as we head towards wednesday temperatures pull back,: \ a as a head towards the first day of fall. up for the weekend, a kind of interesting louisa will have a full breakdown coming up. quick market checked, it is making news, stock futures are up an early morning trading. ending the day friday on a positive note. with the modestç gains tt we saw wall street's key in. so wall street is making a profit so far in 2010 as for today the national association of home builders it will release its market index they're looking for a one point rise oracle is in the business of selling servers
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co sherlock the new machine or goal is in direct competition with ibm and h-p. we saw sales last month at their lowest level for any august in the past 18 years in fact home sales were down over 1% in july and more than 10% from august of last year. solano county dropped 10%. there rows about 1 percent across the bay area the median home price $360, down 25,000 from july. sports, monday, monday night football and the 49ers will have their home governor tonight they will take on super bowl champs of 5:30 p.m. at halftime they will retire and jerry rice is a jersey number. the raiders had their first season at halftime
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bruce took over as quarterback he ledç them to three scores. being seen those 16 to 14. john q. what did not say he would start next week. the a's also look sure of last night, they spread out six runs or the c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz4éq their 30 robert d. had his second 30 c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4sno carrierú
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airlines canceled flights, fishing boats returned harbor six thousand residents have been evacuated this is just one of the weather stories we're
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watching around a world. weather here in the bay area louisa keeps an eye on that. good morning. >> the weather is coming down this month morning. the bay bridge approach shows is clear conditions, there is little bit of fog in the forecast as to whether or oakland high temperatures today over of 71 degrees. satellite picture which gives you an idea where the fog is. oakland is one of spots, livermore valley down to san jose some patchy fog sitting up in the north bay. rain now you temperatures are in the '50s and '60s, 61 and your antioch than livermore. about 57 degrees for san francisco by about the time across our continue to see widespread '60s there was a to or about brinson '70s and the forecast as we head towards renewing time this afternoon highs talking and the east.
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slowly back down by 7:00. here's draft and in high as 78% rosa about 10 degrees cooler than that los '70s and into the mid- 70s ridden through their words are fremont. dear livermore and to enact. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. a cooler gender the next couple of days continuing to keep the fog in the forecast as we had to monday, tuesday, wednesday. we are barely just getting into the '70s in your inland spots, '60s around the bay upper 50s to the coast. after thursday, and we exit warm-up. as we head towards the weekend bringing it back into the '90s. çcreek church ad to me with your goods. qój)e
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not tracking in the incidence is yet released as early morning commute. another project, take it outside, a couple more kurds arizona roster for the solar delays coming from all approaches. no. i construction in fact, meeting lights remain off still underway or 89 minutes. here red in a courteous talks'g,2ç in about 17 minude"n mateo and traffic isççç movil in bothiñç directions you canñ this tailless making their way foster city, no overnight construc(ion or delays so keeping that pretty ideal drive timeçóç just throw 13 minutes.o very quiet i will be a foggy, just one car in camera shot, very easy conditions traffic is moving on parliament fears
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about crown communing the rotor and the city limits 22 minutes. i george sure you a quick wrap, the new toll lane is an effect for the set down 6/80 ride the begins and the verge of minutes so if youç are growing to try t out at your fast track ready. james. >> let us continue on with that. that sets found succeeds 0 prolate being activated the first express line in the bay area. the lane which will allow solo drivers use delaying by acquiring its role with fast- track will run along the existing for full line between presence in the milpitas. it will cost you some money dependent and when you hit the road. 30¢ up to $6. depending on demand in time of j. kerr foes will still be of use that land for free. are the driving story
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of the gas line issversion 1 family remains missing after the explosion more than a week ago this morning family members will the morning there was even though authorities have not officially confirm the death the french now say they drag and william and the bonds most likely perished rounds of #nine we have not seen them since. investigators did recover human remains although they did not identify the dead today there will be looking to see if they can extract dna from those remains. today just across one of the other victims will be very. saturday there was a service called you can see the event there and your screen. less than 48 hours after that explosion happened with a chance of this man greg, december nehru native was burned on his head, arms, legs. he underwent seven hours of surgery which included skin grafts. we spoke to his
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wife, she says her husband really is lucky to be alive. >> the body that spurned 10% initially does he was burned by 7%. that hit pretty close to home. he's free ride. the neighbors on either side faster rate. we were the other direct hit, in direct line pipeline went directly throws. he's walking miracle. the lord saved him. he is now looking at a long, delicate recovery process is desperate hospital bed and wheelchair have been provided for arms. do not forget you can always go to our web site for the latest as to continue our coverage of the gas line explosion we have a dedicated section where you can hear from the evacuees and find out about how you can help all of that is available at this morning a 60 year-old man is recovering from a severe beating he was attacked and robbed near fisherman's wharf after getting
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off work. kron4 is dahlin had the chance to speak to them. >> restaurant waiter is speaking out after he was beaten up. he he worries that robbers are targeting food service workers after they get off work. those workers typically carry cash from the tips they aren't a group of young men are barred him saturday night in this parking lot right next to the popular fishermans water was strong he is a wider their police have not said if the attack is part of a pattern targeting food service workers in the newsroom, dahlin. >> also oakland city councilwoman jean antoine had her first race saturday night when she was in a parking lots on did not suffer any injuries her purse located esther time later she is one of the several candidates running for mayor in november earlier this month at
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his home burglarized for the second time. forme statand 13 members of a seven california called have been found in fact we have video of the scene from yesterday the group had been missing since saturday that left behind letters indicating they were waiting for the rapture. 13 adults and children were found praying in a park, in was the leader has been hospitalized for a mental evaluation. this morning to people from the religious sector say they fear for their safety or a misunderstanding. more on that story to come 14 candidates are competing for san francisco supervisor see. come november districts across borders will be choosing a representative. for the course time in a decade some
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are hoping that a more modern canada a will replace him others want to continue daly is a live for ways we will follow that. we'll take a break, will you back with more headlines here on the kron 4 morning news. a live look from a rooftop camera of soggy start to this monday morning in the city. woman: so here are the keys. congratulations! it's officially yours. i'm sure you'll have many happy years here. except for you. because you'll be gone three years from now. struck down by the same disease that got your father. so you won't be around for them.
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and sadly, it could have been detected early with a simple test. but you didn't have it. ok! who wants to check out the back yard? announcer: for a list of tests every man should have, go to welcome back to the kron 4 morning news, leading up to a little bit apaches fought get there mainly to the east bay down insist that is well. getting a little patchy fog also wins the north bay. the good thing about this fraud is a live pretty quickly by 6:00 which continue to see that fog really sitting over the peninsula and the east bank. 7:00, clearing the north bay, clearing cells elsewhere as it netted about nine. pettifog remaining along the coastline and portions of the peninsula. here's a look to your current temperatures 57 san francisco, half moon bay. 55
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redwood city. sixties ran along san s.a., hayward, concord. warming it up to about 68 degrees in san francisco, 10 degrees warmer and santa rosa, napa, vallejo 74 degrees. 7 these along the bay. along the coastline 65 degrees. att degrees for los gatos. the same in india. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. cooling- off the next couple of days, you'll notice a significant cool down by wednesday barely getting up to about 70 degrees. staying in the low sixties around the bay. after that first day of fall you would think it would get cooler know it gets warmer. reno's temperatures back into the '90s. eighties around the bay upper 60s for the coast.
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send it back to you james. >> thank you. we will do a quick check on what was big at the box office. top spot the new action okthriller at the town, 23.8 million common ec x, comedy ease trends yourself surrounded by rumors after telling away like an 18 million and #3 the new horror film devil, the protein previous to that it's about strangers trapped in an elevator chicken about 12 million. a historic discovery in the suit paleontologist unearthed a 4 ft. fossil defrauded at a construction site that the zero the fossil includes this call, a tale, for debris still intact it will be taken to a museum for more analysis. finally this morning
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you will not find these players at your local baskin-robbins. they're stealing pot and used eyestrain patients can choose from flavors like bananas and triple chocolate brownie. we will take a break more had less in a moment. another live look as we have to break, golden gate bridge, probably the fog is camera we have an emory in there continues to linger. traffic is not too bad, making good times, we'll get more
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and merrimack 5:00 a.m., a top stories morning students bracing for arrest they back at novato high school following the death of a student. it was
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administered as planned to do coming up in would piccinni's next move could be in the gasoline explosion and how it could affect other bay area cities details coming up. starting today drivers on 680 will get a chance to use the bay area's first expressly we'll talk more about that in a moment. a live look from golden gate, good morning louisa. >> warming up slightly today especially inland temperatures back into the 80s 81 into fairfield also concord as well. keeping in the '70s red around the bay. san francisco is going to talk of around 68. changes in store as we head towards the first day of golf we'll get to that in just a few minutes. james. >> starting today drivers and 7 above 680 get a chance actually to use the bay area's first
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express lane. that rain or runs a wrong it existing carpool lane. that elaine will allow solo drivers to use the carpool lane by paying electronically musing there for a fast track. the carpool lane will also be used as an express lane, the new hours 5:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.. express lane users must have fast-track it will cost between 30¢ and $6 depending on when you drive it purple drivers need to have a static badge to protect their fast track toll readers the violators will get a $381 ticket. morning commute let's say good morning to erica. >> great start for monday morning traffic is moving at a limit just about every where we will start you off with a quick
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bridge check heading over to the bridge bay bridge, just a few cars on the road had westbound coming from the 580. no overnight construction in effect this meeting lights remain of tracking a good drive time of about eight minutes. if you are coming from the cortines bridge from the macarthur maze it is looking at a 19 minute trip. if you're thinking of taking the san mateo no problems. nice, easy ride as you make your way in the commute direction. the bright lights making their way into hayward rain nowright now.3 minutes from one end to the other wrapping up with a live look to the golden gate. foggy ride. no problems cars moving at the limit for yourself but commute. about a 22 minute ride a now highway 37 over to these
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bay clocking in at just eight minutes. james. >> thank you. the developing story of the north bay grief counselors will be on hand at novato high school this morning following a roll over crash on friday that killed one student and injured four others. a 16 year-old was behind there will suspicious of drug driving it happened on friday, it was hauling cattle when it was crashed into one student pronounced dead to other serious injuries authorities say the five empty beer cans and liquor bottle inside that car again five high school students were injured three counselors on sites a day. other developing story of the gas line explosion pg&e is preparing to release a list of 100 high or risk natural gas lines san jose have been told that two of that lines are in milpitas. the california
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public utilities commission asked for the list which could be released as early as today 12 days ago the gas line exploded this during the 37 homes and killing at least four people meanwhile members of the family are still missing after that explosion investigators could find their today if they can extract the dna evidence from human remains friends and now say that great, long, william most likely perished back on september 9th at the family has not been seen since. today just deck, one of the of the victims killed will be buried. saturday funeral services were held, 20 road just stop her mother says your arms the good times that she shared with just that. >> i will miss the fun times shared our trips to the beach on the part of the kids are late nights together eating snacks and watching tv when the rest
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house was asleep. i will miss the times when out of boredom she would is tied behind a door or wall and sneak up by neil bill but mostly i will miss your laughter i hear it so clearly. i see your smile so vividly. >> with an entire section of our web site set aside for the gas line explosion the latest information can be found there along with the witness accounts, stories rectories also links on how you can help. the well that spewed millions of gallons of oil into the gulf of mexico is finally plugged. finally sealed, the print cement plug that bp will nearly 2.5 mi. it was made official over the weekend and many people are still struggling to make ends meet with some water so closed to fishing shrimpers in fact were allowed to fish or friday it difficult, because of the
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çperception that the seafood is not safety the disaster has taken its toll on the ones giant b p their marty shelled out nine and a half billion in cleanup costs and they promise set aside another 20 billion for victims' compensation fund. >> we are dealing with a little bit of fog. group continues through the morning but it is expected to lift fairly quickly today temperatures areç warmer, drier today we do has some changes to talk about. so here's a look at where we're dealing with fog kind of a pocket to these big, livermore valley. patchy fog this morning sitting up and to the north bay. current temperatures in the '50s, '60s. a little warmer through oakland and hayward. keeping in the '60s for livermore and upper 50s into monday. as the maker with your the morning 10:00 will bring as funny as '60s than by about noon
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all of this seles's as the '70s.t(wú hi stop against '70s n reaching '80s in some ofw3ççe warmer locations. 7:00 would down into the '60s and '70s. about 10 degrees: 7 cisco 68 keep me in the low seventies to richmond, oakland. mid-70s their redwood city, hayward about 80 degrees. eighties also bennett the lowç status and more and help. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. we're calling of the next couple of days by wednesday will feel chilly, some of the warmest inland spots only getting up to about 70 los '60s around the bay upper 50s by the coast, warming up by the end of the week into the weekend. james. >> thank you, we'll take a quick break callaloo back of your head winds overnight developments in just a minute. a live look out
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side, san mateo bridge traffic is building, but nice, light. moving at the limit will be is building, but nice, light. moving at the limit will be right have some heavy duty demands. like enough horsepower and torque to get out of just about any situation. a payload that beats the other guys flat out. a frame sturdy enough to bear up a max towing capacity that's over 10 tons. and a braking system tough enough to bring it all to a stop. heavy duty demands? gentlemen, your truck is ready.
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saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online.
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in the aftermath, this just in the air back, suspected u.s. missile strikes have killed six militants in northwest pakistan more permission to come. after being released on $500,000 bail sarah the woman held captive in tehran in prison is back, we have video of her walking into your cartel with her mother. you'll see the both of them in the second. she tells reporters she is thankful to run around leaders for releasing her bed only fills one-third free because of her fiance is still in jail. take a listen. >> chain andros do not deserve to be in prison one day longer than i was. we committed no
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crimes. we are not spies. in no way intended any harm to their government or their people. and believe a huge misunderstanding the lead toward the tension and prolonged imprisonment. >> after she spoke she hugged her mother as well lachine and joshes mom. both women clutching cutters of their sons they say they put the two men on trial. a break now, more airlines in just a moment the latest overnight news a live look as a good break. a foggy start to this monday morning for those driving in from marin county. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments.
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welcome back, time now for a shot of the james lick. we're dealing with little bit of thought. current temperature and san francisco 56, in jumping up
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and to the '60s high 60s today for an afternoon i back down into the upper 50s by the clock tower. here's a look at where road yet thought. 2 as a major way to the morning that fog is really expected to lift quickly, to be along the peninsula, east bay by about 7:00 we're clear in the north bay, pretty clear elsewhere by 9:00. for the most part most of that fraud will be dissipated. turn temperature of 56 for san francisco, into the sixties this morning to oakland, hayward. also into livermore the upper 50s to remind you and root 60 degrees in san jose. afternoon highs up into the upper '70's for santa rosa, napa. 73 richmond upper 60s for san francisco, said bay bringing us up and the low eighties for was daughters, morgan hill. keeping
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it in the '70s around the bay, 75 degrees and their record city, hayward. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. cooling off for the next couple of mornings wednesday will action feel pretty chilly. there is a first day of fall and then after that kind of the opposite everything, temperatures start to warm up a fact check out the weekend, looking good. getting back into the '90s inland. ladies around the bay, upper 60s to the coast. check on the traffic. erica. >> thank you, bay area ridge and bridges are in good shape.ç no delays. to get side, from free bay bridge toll plaza, cars are streaming on by, and their way towards those pay dates. meeting lights are off. pretty comfortable eight minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze as your perch fremont citizens group. no proms on your right to san mateo,ç till it's and makig çi]xdtheir way to commit arsone
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headlights making their way into hayward renown no reports of any problems, delays in the the direction across the span. very good dive time of an ideal 13 minutes from one end to the other. golden gate, foggy, nice, easy. a couple cars within camera shot traffic is moving well for yourself down ride. nevada san francisco 22 minute trip. wrapping up with a quick look at the upper shore freeway, this as you make your way past golden gate and approach downtown san francisco on about 15 minute trip. a little bit of a company but no problems at the bay bridge toll plaza. >> james> thank you. and the the traffic of starting today, drivers on such unsexy tier will get a chance to use the bay area's first express lane that lingle as solo drivers use the carpool lane by paying a toll with your fast track transponder it runs along an existing car pool lanes. the new hours for
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the curve will lanes 5:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. all day long. express lane users have to use a fast track id badge itçó will cost between 30¢ and $6 depending on the time of day did you drive on the lane. caltrans is drawing drivers to expect delays on interstate 80 because of pavement repairs.çç it'll be close from 9:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. monday-thursday as their roads. the hon. the shutdown during the same hours and midway and regan. motorists should allow for extra time to get around that construction zone. quick check on the markets. stock and futures are up with the modest gains that we saw the key averages are in positive territory for the year.
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does on as for today the national association of home builders will release its estimates. bay area based oracle is in the business of selling servers ceo showed off the new machine so oracle is in competition with ibm and h-p for servers. zñhome sales in the bay area were the lowest for any august in the past 18w3 years there down over 1% from last month we're talking about july. and more than 10 percent down from august of last year. solano county had the highest drop with about 20%. napaw3 is the account yourç home sahhuu(. across the bay area at the median price is $360,000, that is down $25,000. budget cuts have eliminated silent standards is violent crimes unit. san as a
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police chief says it jetting down the team does not mean they're giving the green light to gang activity the officers there were in the unit are now being merged into a miniature unit. >> we're at the five or eight years of cuts there is no other place to cut. ç>> we're not stopping doing is sagging enforcement at the same time there's no way we will continue during the same level there were before. you cannot cut 90 people or 8% of your department and not have ççsomething of >> now the chief maintains that police pressure on the 50 active gains will continue, but other low-level crimes will no longer be the focus of specialized units. police say this man that we had a chance to interview 68 year-old marco is interview 68 year-old marco ç g after he was attacked and robbed near fisherman's wharf. he was leaving the progress from where near fisherman's wharf. he was leaving the progress from where he is a!sñno carrierringconnect
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kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments. more had land straight ahead, here's a live look to the bay bridge toll plaza as we go, light traffic as you make your way through the gates and across
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band\ this rid of the mansion and the limo budgets were balanced. $4 billion in tax cuts. world class schools and universities. clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs created. california was working. i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes.
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we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how to get california working again.
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pullulate is the national news zero wild fires burning in utah, here's the latest pictures. flames burning on the hillside to homes are confirmed destroyed, more than 1200 others have been evacuated. the flames spread across 300 lake acres, after dry brush caught fire during an altercation training session with the utah national
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guard. that's quite an interesting way to start a fire. hurricane igor is forcing rask relieving a good number of people without power no initial reports of doing any major damage. but igor is now a hurricane category one, it is expected to veer away from u.s. coast but could still bring high surf, strong returns to the seaboard. world news, to trains in and live in india, 21 bodies have been recovered from the wreckage, you can see video of the accident scene officials do expect the death toll to rise as they continue research directed to air freight train on the wrong track slammed into a stationary passenger train during heavy thunderstorms at least 53 passengers have been injured their reports that the driver may have overshot a stop signal which caused the accident the least 47 people
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have been killed by heavy rain and landslides that weather hit northern india over the weekend from a 24 people died yesterday when boulders crashed your homes. the others were killed by a flood waters and landslides. more rain is expected. we will take a break, more headlines read ahead. will you back in just one minute. here is a live read ahead. will you back in just one minute. here is a live look for eaking, we are fourteenth in line for take off. beep, beep, beep. looks like its bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! should have skipped that second soda. remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! (train child) the train is now arriving. (announcer) the train has arrived indeed. amtrack. enjoy the journey.
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and we're back, a live look and san jose, let's get an update on your forecasts. louisa. >> hi. a dryer forecast monday, and little but the fog rolling into the picture to some patchy fog it should lift pretty quickly those inland temperatures expected to really shoot up compared to yesterday we had some changes to talk about a first day of fall. randy
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these big, pockets of the livermore down to san s.a., and also some patchy fog into the north bay. turn temperature 56 degrees, and into the 60s sir oakland, hayward. down into monday about 50 degrees. reentry 10:00 hour we will continue to bring '60s, and all this yellow shows the '70s. were mid-70s by noon topping and in the '70s, '80s. by 7:00 we're calling on down mainly see some fifties may be a few sixties. afternoon highs 70 degrees and santa rosa. 10 degrees cooler in san francisco about 73 for a richmond keeping in these in places like india, livermore. here is a look at your 7 day
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around the bay. bid does highlight a bit of a cooling trend over the next couple of days in fact wednesday looks to be the clothes they. and then for your first day of fall with certain heated up just in time for the weekend plan isn't done on saturday. it is around the bay, upper 60s for the coast. check under traffic for their care. >> for those of you having at the door the good news is we're entering pretty light traffic all around the bay but to commute is building at the bay bridge toll plaza more cars on the road there was on our last report headed westbound, of course the good news is this meeting lights areç still cycle of berlin no delays as a major way to the pay dates and up the incline. eight-nine minutes from the foot of the maze. coming from the martinez bridge to the macarthur maze its 20 minute trip. your read these images to let the bidding by design had
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been the commute direction no reports of any delays or problems in either direction across the span. traffic is steadily building, bumping of your dry time by just a minute or so cocky about 14 minutes for men to to end. no problems your says founder at heading for marin. traffic is moving at the limit. says bay traffic, or lack thereof, cars and getting along just fine. if you're headed in the can you direction, seeing little more cars on the road but still no delays, your ride from downtown san as a of torts and declare a 13 minute ride. james. for >> starting today, drivers on cells found 680 will get a chance to use the bay area's first express lane, this is the general assistance that we're talking about elaine runs along the existing curbs fully in on a 14 mi. stretch rate from seven pleasanton down to milpitas you
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can see the line and read it will allow solo drivers to use the carpool lane as long as they pay a trolled it will play it electronically here's the need to know, one of the carpool lane will also be used as the express lanes the u.s. share of the traffic the new hours 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.. all day long. express lane users must have fast track. it will cost to between 30¢ and $6. kirkwall drivers and need to use their static shields beg just to make sure fast-track does not charge you for using violators will be ticketed $381. at of the north bay, nev. abuse counselors will be on hand at novato high school following a roll ever crashed on friday that killed wednesday and injuring four others the 16 year-old driver arrested on suspicion of drunk driving. he crashed into a tructractor-
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trailer. they had a big rig hauling cattle at the time. one student was pronounced dead, two others suffered serious injuries authorities found empty beer cans and an empty liquor bottle inside that car. the latest in a standard of gas by an explosion pg&e is preparing to release ellis' of 100 high risk national and gas lines san jose has been notified that two of those lines are in the northern part of that city will be this year's roundup the ossify that they have to buy a printing concern. they asked pg&e for that list which could be released as early as today 12 days ago as an international gas line exploded destroying 37 homes. members of the family are still missing after a bad explosion. an investigation could be pivotal to find of they can extract the dna evidence and
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remains that war left the house of friends did a great, and william most likely perished. the family has not been seen since. jessica will be buried xdtoday, she is one of the victs of thatç?3 explosion of funel service was held saturday he. ç oakland city councilman and mayor a candidateq had her purse stolen saturday night was used in the parking lot ofç the for dale avenue safeway stores she did not suffer any injuries her purse was located a short time later she is oneç of zero candidates running for mayor in november. earlier this month city mayor had hisç home burglarized for the second time. a 2007 former resident who was running for mayor had his carjacked were driving in north oakland some of these council members and political candid suffering violence and oakland.
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here is a live look at the drive their on eastbound party westbound 80 as you had to the best turf traffic is building but [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets.
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i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this messa.
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[ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer
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and we're batts 13 members of the calls have been found yesterday that left a high in a letter saying they're waiting for the rapture that led authorities to worry that they're contemplating a mass suicide of 13 adults and children were found alive yesterday morning they're paying in a park. the leader has been hospitalized for mental the valuation. two people from the religious they thirs or their safety were just a misunderstanding. the fda is starting to days of hearings on whether not genetically engineered salmon should be sold in stores near you if the answer is yes and this type of salmon
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could become the first genetically engineered animal approved for americans to eat. the verdi said the salmon occurs prices fast is safety. this issue is whether or not the government will allow that salmon to be marketed or their past to be labeled. qthere is a quiet revolution going on for deafçççç people, text messas been revolutionizingç lifer may c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jse they can communicate with thejse hearing world on its terms. and no one is sure how many of the nation's deaf or hard of hearing people are using text think but an industry group says the morgan 260 million cell phones are used in the eds dates. we will take a break from all were right back. latest overnight news in a moment, here's a live look from the stuff they are traffic jam here and then there's a showing that things are moving well in the northbound direction those taillights,
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male announcer ] the turn changes everything.
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♪ the turn will make you think. ♪ make you re-examine your approach. change your line. innovate. and create one of the world's fastest-reacting suspensions, reading the road 1,000 times per second. it's the turn that leads you somewhere new. introducing the new 2011 cts-v coupe. from cadillac. the new standard of the world. from cadillac.
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saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online.
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cruz counselors will be on hand falling a roll over the crash that killed one student and injured four others. authorities found empty beer cans and a liquor bottle inside that car. piccinni's preparing to release a list of 100 high risk gas lines as early as today san jose's 30 been told to of those lines and the north part of that city. nolte is told they also have to pipelines in concern that comes trop days after the gas line explosion and fire. starting today drivers on a southbound 680 will get to use the bay area's first express lane which allows solo drivers to pay eight toll to use the c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhppr,jse between 30¢-$6 depending on when
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you drive that road. >> a bit of a warmer forecast for you today, here's a shot of san mateo. not too bad a little bit of patchy fog but expected to relived quickly today currently in san mateo 54 degrees, by noon jumping up and to the upper 60s a high temperature today of about 73 degrees. upper 60s by o'clock. satellite shows were the fog is this morning sitting over the golden gate also recounted the east bay as those pockets of the livermore valley. nor is facing some fog as well. current temperature 56 degrees for san francisco, 55 cinephile. down in the south bay we're warming it up into the upper 50s. 62 degrees in toussaint as a. by about 10:00 hour will see widespread '60s out there. by noon of distillers shares as funny as '70s working their way
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into the area and that afternoon highs topping out kind of a mixture between '60s, '70s keeping it in the '70s red along the coast. the temperatures will top but about 81 degrees and fairfield, concord. 70 degrees until now the upper 60s to san francisco. south bay temperatures in the eighties to low status, morgan hill. seventies in places like bridge city and fremont. 80 degrees and livermore. but cool down over the next several days is expected in fact wednesday will feel pretty chilly. after that we start to form an upgrade towards the end of the weekend into the weekend. sunday on over to the traffic center. thief's 15 minutes in a nonjury direction do daly and richmond and pleasanton. hopefully it
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won't affect many of you but we'll keep our eye on this, no problems on their road rage. the look the bay bridge toll plaza, traffic is building but the meeting lights are still off. the drive time is about nine minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze as you approach fremont street san francisco, if you're thinking of taking the san mateo bridge traffic is building but no delays like this taillights heading into foster city those bright lights making their way into hayward. tracking about 14 minutes from an end to end, wrapping up with the fog to look at the golden gate, a few cars on the road no problems. traffic moving at a limit. ride from nevada to city limits 22 minute trip. james. >> thank you, just last week we brokers story first you about a
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major flaw in the new clipper card that is in use at news the fare gates stanley roberts followed up to see just where riders respond this in this edition of people behaving badly. >> it did not take nothing for the unofficial testers to arrive and tried to the clipper or pandering technique. on thursday i share to the father was discovered if you wave your hands near the tracks answer the fare gates will open and live to ride for free. >> in fact or over apostates there were a little over half a dozen the some spiri >> the flies near them. resource and send it to me they knew about it during training crosses. the issue is is even
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without the flaw people have been exporting system and many other ways. like this man walking to the gate that a woman is dead set. after seeing my camera he attempted robbery. >> in our lead from me. >> or this man who walks up or bonds of the ferry. or the classic walking to the emergency exit year at and not paying the fare. >> he said you can use your hand as of the news. >> muni will always have a prom was very evaders. incenses there, stanley roberts, kron4 news. >> and help stanley find stories that affect you in the bay area's send an e-mail people behaving badly i kron4 got on. i the bay area news 14 canada's are competing for a supervisor's seat being vacated by chris daly has turned out. come november
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district said the orders have to choose their representatives for the first time in the decade. some are hoping a more monitored candidate others want to continue daly is a liberal ways. we'll take a break, back with more headlines in a moment. a quick look of the san francisco, showing you a foggy day off beginning here on this monday.
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monday means monday night football. at halftime there and retired jerry rices jersey number that will be fun to watch. yesterday the raiders had their first-round game, you can see some highlights. they lived pretty sure that half pint bruce took over as quarterback led the raiders to three scoring drives off than in the end oakland beat st. louis. the coach has not said who will start as quarterback next week we'll let you know on the find out, is of your classmates. spread six runs over the course of the game and third year-old rookie bobby cramer had his second straight win. the a's victorias, they beat the twins 6-2. the giants are back converse with it the he ended nine to the finals for the contras also lost that means the giants are up in the nl west
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pyriphlegethon here's something died of cold a historic discovery at the zoo over the weekend paleontologist under the 8 24 ft. 3 million year old fossil. it was founded a construction site of the zoo last week it him pop a conclusive scall, tail end verdigris still intact it will be taken to the museum for analysis. here's something kind of interesting you not find these flavors of your local baskin-robbins and medical marijuana this month 3 is now selling pot and use the ice- cream. patients can choose from players like banana business foster and triple chocolate brownie. and while laszlo character box office winners for the weekend grabbing the top spots the thriller the town band affleck directed and starred in are the little more than $23 million, 24 million. opening in
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second place a common ec-8, a teenage girl finds herself surrounded rimmers after telling away like it made about 18 million. top three new half-hour from double, that is the one about strangers trapped in an elevator. that once again about 12 and a half million dollars. quick check on forecasts. >> here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. today is warming up just slightly. dealing with a little foggy to lift quickly. the next couple of days we should deal the cool down by wednesday. the wars and only getting up to about 70 degrees you'll certainly feel that will then things start to change at the the first day of fall. much for forecast ahead of full details coming up. to ames. >> thank you. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments.
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