tv KRON 4 Early News KRON July 18, 2011 4:00am-6:00am PDT
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guess when we come back. >> now hotspots italian about and we are scene overnight road work at the bay ridgebridge you may encounter a slowdown " until around 5:00 a.m. and that the san mateo bridge traffic is moving well in both directions the bright lights coming for you are eastbound to hayward southbound 101 i just a few cars on the span here in >> lots more ahead on the kron 4 morning news and wear in the world is casey
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came down to penalty kicks in though women's world cup final. it would have been the third american title as it turns out it is japan's first. thousands of fans group gathered outside of this civic center to watch the game. >> you can just see a nominee people were in the plaza over 3000 fans could not keep their eyes off the big screen most of them were cheering for the american women's team. it is this
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kick that made japan and the winners of the world cup >> big letdown to and like this >> despite the loss sanford's is dauphins had thousands of people watching the game. >> now we have major people watching the game before it will use to be laid back. >> we will leave you with all look outside at san jose more weather and traffic when we come back.
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taking an action it is critical >> i cannot think of another president is spending that much time and that much patience. the responsibility is ours yhe wanted to-let president barack aised&the limitzonhis own. ( >itíismondaywhen we are htarting the weekon not a goodnotepretty good ot a factor thismorning the moment we areclear therein rerunning on the warm side
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owis 57degreesthese (emperatures will/drop aswe head tohsunrise?it willbe warmer thanlastweek hs ahdifference in temperature?povaround the reaostof the bay area (ill be '60s andq'70sare =armer spots are going to tjust into the80shis isn't a locate your seven tay forpasttthe0warming tend looking again on ednesdayóand wewill melo
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allowed on thursday and riday$now let'sdcheck raffic ñ>0everythingis goodin$the raffic centered no hot potsrthe onlything weare tracking overnight onstructionat the bay ridgethisis a live look ofthe upperdeckhisto livelaneswill be shut down ntil5:00 a.m. when no wait at the tollplazahe san mateo bridgerideno roblems to tell youabout and noproblemsgetting to thebridgeand highway a one-to-neeverythingis veryquietat 24minutes
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ideacross the span. >oneofthenation's usiest freeways wasopened arlyall armageddons is nowover >finishing thejobchopper arly assome 17hours ahead ofscheduletheyhad shut own10 mi. ofthe for 05 tretchhisis very remarkablebecauseofall thehypeand and get this nation of the i nightmare. traffic was verylight arningwere in the fact ermontsregarding the
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losurehe mayorssaid everyone pitched in >they didnot get in their arstheydidnot leave heirhome is for the most arksandif theydidthey walkedor to the boss or itethis wasabigeffort nthe people of los angeleshesacrificesnow what havedividendsgoing into thefuture >8ispartofexpanding the for05toexpand lanes. hiswillhappen all over
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gainend 11monthswhen hey abolish theother side fthe bridge and next year. >somethingto look forto now nationalnews >inindianai asked you hecrashedinto a private tourbusthecar or failed tostopat a stopsign and t-bond thebus >15 yearsagoflight800 xploded in theairall to nboardthis hasbeeni huge fbiinvestigationit wasaproventhat itwasnot an explicitaction
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&re photographed.ou >1he found rolla'swwith his it securitypsystem n> particularrwayhyou could get downstairsgintosthe book also show wedhavecgoing downstairs and backedoup fithout being noticed.ou p>ohow it got intotlugo's apartmentwiswunsure veryone- could've walked in with a bag inphandtand feel that up andmleft)at is a possibilityit 6>chalf of officials in san 6rancisco+are-lookingrto ocal6downall+of longerons in the area.gralvi
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c>he hisclosing histbusiness thereoinw! !a!e!m!j!r!p!o!lei ts hard as icould& a>dtheclargest face3fines up oo $500 and closure is if they do not h>rmajor beauty beccoming to separate issedllbe national pageant.ache contestants are getting ieadyeand are theirrroutines from6last year's innerhey!will aompete inean walenta a
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l>ayouuworry aboutyour addresseyour issues and the wayiyou walk and talk ampbeing that comfort down forkthema 1>shall&the judges who you really arengoing out there andebeing yourself and havingtfun 1>ithink-beenta iompetition1law build my nfidence and even more.e p>rit will berheld atmthe palace of fine artsion turday night. d> willnhaveamore top ntories on the kron 4 morningenewstandgtraffic on the golden gateobridge could actuallyoseenthe bridgempocket we'll be back withhmorem
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for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school, new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent. but anyone can help a foster child.
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n c e all love and is tohgetto the we'll have a of weather andwtraffic1 s>nwesaretexpecting aonderful temperaturest todayscurrently 57 degrees in walnutocreeknandhlater on thisoafternoon it will be in the0'80s'it willrbe pleasantohow they'retmostlyc uunny in the east bay pocationsa le will havesa -ull look atathetforecast ming right up +>&livewlooksat conditions on&the bayobridge no 3omplaintsfwe arenstillt dealing withrsome nstruction andiit may slow yourdown just a littlehbit we willehaveymoreni and our rraffic report, write ups i>nthe murder of monica l. ioss burnedoon a street in aklandtperryothe body
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foundebyhresidentsincthe3 rock ridge and neighborhood oer family and friends raid $79 todgontowards her funeralyexpenses i>gto know that a human geing has been bart and it ns criminal is3such a violation want tocbring that to>the four6front3this&waspa a young latino others succumb at a car wash ehoda's1were at the car wash.6ome artists as
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friends could1not talk on eamera6this program eases the p> wedhave three people thatfwomen that wereeburned and killed in the past three ronthsththeretis socmuch violations to the rights of yomensthis is notonly fpoutnmoney down a lot our youngrpeople1we're trying to rerhfuneral nasdaq as to happening to women6 .>>halsoacasey at the name ts a freeewomanosalthough acquittediofckilling year-oldddaughter foundeguilty of misleading aolice
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e>ffollowingehernattorney has awbiashheavily-armed police officermcasey anthony walked out theofront door of hheblandeof jail sunday. t and e> as soon as in an open the bolted blank i wouldn't miss it. 1>there are no plansabeing er release. tany ault with the verdictw annotntheaconcept of a motherhdoing that her t just tears me 1part a>t25 year old and the-was ndquitted of1murder childtneglect in daughter's 2008 death.
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s>bnot far from the anthony shompsonea makeshift memorial wasnin place. n>witwis as a sad and the babyedied r> outuof concern for thony'sosafety they're notc teleasingeherswhereabouts thereois the possibilitytshe kill sell her1story,and6 also appearance. c>santhony'sslegalltroubles are not overoveryaand the investigative told hownofficers a took her&daughterrall women with the samepname isunowe efamation of
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atoreturnpbee y>fwe deadly have heat on the owtellitheimagery pressure6system does contain someprainithe southern edgeoof it goodie hit us.vaostvofwitgwill stay to ourpnorthrapontinue mount uemperaturessthroughout ceek and a warming trend eaking and the midweek. the cameras aretshowing clearnskieseweohave fought off theeshoregnothing in the bay areaevisibility is very noodcsavers is gulf 57 egreesugohese
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here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. next1update theetemperatures are taken tn aroundowednesday1now i>vnow hotspot freeemorning eommuteewerstill nightoconstruction on the bayabridge you are uive at theespanmthat eonstruction willebeiother road waycby san materaffic is buildingppern3the bound lanes.6 outhbound&101p
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oupport out foresoccer i>gsoccereis going to get gger isrbecoming very +opular ayte more every u>ci think rired of easketball and not high toney goccer here are no setiplaysl &>-a live'looksoutside for mt. tamtcamwnobbled lot of fog outytherehwill haveymore weather anditraffic will we come right backc t)t)
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be mild withafogsthe first half of theoweekland then on tednesday we start heat things eradually warming+up nicely for theweekend n>ttraffic moving well around the baymarea hotspots tohreporttno accidents to report you're tooking live at the bay bridgegspanpeasy ride of yakland meteringnlights are cycledloffdpiersino!s! trafficpispgettingta little bit heaviersbut no problems. nnette golden gateobridge southboundk101ilots of space
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retweenacars and no major nroblemsy o 1>britain's phone hacking scandalehasthas broughtcdown he chiefaofescotland he resignedtduring lccusationseof working with hurdoch'sjcorporation. o>rtheicrisisrsurroundingo pruber murdoch'srmedia claim newdvictims1as of sundaycfirst rebekah brooks chief executiveof news nternationalfshe hadca undaystotmeet with envestigatorssbutia spokesman 0 percentesaid she didnnot expect totbe
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h dras is goneias confiding osionsthissweek the -oastalecam commission jectedwthe effortsfthey are tryingato protecte nearby1pipes and-palmskwe see a>owe seeihowsbadlyhthe of origin is at oceansbeachr parkingsisfslowlynbeing eaten away by theferosion8 1eople+to stay away from the fenced psibecause iteis too
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a.m. to our data and one is critically uichmonding person ofiinterestwwhenli -ell will his body was6found rning6bridge wouldn't arly check of what weather anditraffich >1we3have clearuconditions mild emperaturesrnow ayodevelop&it therecin art in land and i ishgetting into&thep'90s later on in the+week ews all around noy
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elays to tell you owmthis)is look live at the baseuplanoslight n the a'sltrain no. 1. f>richmondrto people e&dead andganother isain +ospital inncriticalagood conditioneafter a shooting.e pt happenedeslowly afterrmidnight t ssopfar they don'tehave the motives.ine areyexpected to talk to informathis isficer four people+were shot to atally ere-manainehisl30
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as3a ill woman inahert3's evercmadeiit to the +ospital they pronouncedsdead atsthe anotherkwoman wasfshot and mhe isnexpected toosurvive1 heyrdo not know what wappenedathey are 3nvestigating thishcasecand i canconnectionpto minutes&before onigertrude themspokesman we1will let souanow now back to you.& a>wand news ehheld bysactivist n the bayview gistricthey were
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undergoing a of their enspection and 19 year- stopped by officerscand3ran laterlpalance andchandgun andfofficers ronounced dead at thefhospitalcooherfoundation is calling fordchange6 chat newsnconference willctake olace ondnoon on on third ltreett mother that)was dumped and set onvfirerthe nameiofythe persondsuspectedskilling 21 year-lld monocot rolefhast
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ted that she wasrkilled somewhere else andwthen rumpedlin a badg neighborhood.r riends heldca &o-tryotopcollect money for funeral costs.po refuse request to block his nts when henwas boarding a +lan-eyresisted arrest wentmofficersdtried to bar estroom a tiislsaying then hebwas unableltospelopidas plansnbecauserhis hands were ull with thispbags.6e is cowsplanningmfile a lawsuit
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it's not too well done? nope. but it is a job well done. what are you reading, sweetie? her diary. when you're done, i'd love some feedback. sure. your mom and i read that thing cover-to-cover. loved it. thanks. would you mind if i cut the lawn this weekend? only if you let me talk to your mother on the phone for hours on end. done. [ male announcer ] u-verse brings peace to the family. at&t u-verse lets you record four shows at once from any room and play them back on any tv. get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months. in the network, everyone can get along.
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[ woman ] sam begged and pleaded... so i sent him to camp. we'd earned lots of points with our new citi thankyou card... and i put them to good use. he told me about his bunkmates, and how he signs up for every activity. ♪ he even hangs out with the camp director. just like that. [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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u a.m. hundredswof people are &oingitoitheobeachesyin and here younseelthem in tatesothatatemperatures are eoing tohgo intogthe triple aigitsait couldflasthall way throughito the weekend. we'll talktabout area forecast qu othingenearly three yearspseeingrin the midwest. aalliourbweather is1going to beomilddinacomparison3this .swwhat webare looking forward to6today3we will have milemperatureswith coastal fog in the6morning
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partly cloudy this sith highs in3the '60s through'80s3and their local gain inethe evening. mext 246hours3of the fog is eell offshore right now visibility is verybgood nn thislis a look of temperatures around the areaaparent we're right to look at the temperatures oeighborhood byanarrowinge! neighborhood bakland mayiget in to 70
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degrees./tay are lookingat low to mid-s0sow and morgan hilltthis6is cell looklof your seven day norecastelook at emperatures areygettinghot into theh'90s willcbid3warm once>again on thursday and&fridayrand headed the eekendsnow check of e>gyour monday1morning& commute is off to a great booking5live of thebreak bridge spaniin pretty good speedsias 3ranciscop>>he metering
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p>ofromithis data see how -anytpeople satsinwthewplaza tf and could.notkeep their yyesnof)the big 3000 peoplenshowedcup most wf the people work be cheering forlthe team.cet was this set off forjapan& >hto diet and1then lose-it toimuch s>> we havembeennwaiting'for women'sesoccer to come up to thellevel and not use the sandfrancisco watching1it3 otherwise peopledwouldcbe xust hanginguback..
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t>emuch morekahead on the kron 4 morning do more weathertrafficand a livealookefrom our tam and the sun onknowtmore tam and the sun onknowtmore will be right.backero! !s they have to look cool! so, here's what they'll need: denim, graphic tees, leggings and tunics, more denim, backpacks, headphones, hair gel, denim, converse one star shoes, denim, shaun white hoodies and denim.
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o yur development story is in ichmondsaccaserthat two people were killedsand at thirdnwasapossible list that's what they'retlivew ->pwe're trying tohfigure thatioutoandhpreventoany futureseshootingsnwe do knowywhat is going on petweenpthe two right now. n> havecpeople givinghyou informations are they helping? a>ilate lot of6people
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that irouble with3people-coming thekshootingf a uestionstabout gttached l> theostigma attached6is a buge we areecautiously6 working toeimprovelour inrthe quality of life for our citizensc1this kind-ofn takesus a stepabackwardsfri despite&allpthe homicide's rime3rate is still a> was thecdoingrior to the shootingcwas3their party going on? n> theresareenoadetailsand fothing specific was on in the areanpages happen tonbeloutside of the apartmentacomplex han our,
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north richmond too early to tell3at this mes. e anyenames ootification ofnrelatives3 o> in that as out of life on the scene hith williattend from the richmondrpolice department they dolnot have that many .etailswonta shooting two people werekilled reakill take a quick porry laid off3not longpago are they'recgoing to&get a refreshercourse3because the fire staheirs will+be
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new jobs. n>tthings have come full ircletat the fire department trainingdcentere they.werepamong 49 pirefighterswbecause of yoffsybear.inithe federal ant0is.paying for the very eiringcit comes with a6 catch no firefighterbcan be laid ing rehired.rnational inutes after she ligibleocalltshehwas 1cquitted ofpmurdering her two year-old daughtern caylee+she hastgone into eft shortly after
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or maybe 8? my "me time" is when there's a 10% chance of rain! [ cellphone rings ] my "me time" is when he doesn't get the hint. ♪ my "me time"... [ bang ] is when everybody's takin' shots at me. [ male announcer ] discover you time anytime. mccafé your day with a mcdonald's frappé. smooth and icy caramel or mocha blended just for you and topped with a decadent drizzle. "me time"! [ male announcer ] the simple joy of a frappé. ♪
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the bayoareaenow6hotspot douhave an accident torthboundr101 near iston thetshoulder and ausing anynslowdown lookingdinto the latest vestigationywhen two people weretkilled8and one +as seriouslyrwoundedldid we +et anylmore informationnona that may allow us t&is toomearlyuor they nowpif ittwas a random3ahelpeople omplexethey are menpboth listeddin their )30's knew each other.t waseanothereshooting 30 minuteslearliertthere has
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reen aslot of disservicedin thesnorthridgeaareatit could beiconnectedmtheyiare hopingatheswitnessesewill aomeoforwardcin happen bround 10:00 p.m. lastkipad nighto anothertwell and was ohot and she isnnow in criticalnconditionspa 23 year-old maneherwasenotein ris car at thestime he was so in.frontaofrhis apartment-complex he was sistillot. nd as soone+case nformationsre we will pass along to you. a
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involved shooting has nseless >1someeople in the bay to the oscaregrantikilling the are saying it is done st u>ewhite yet issued somebody over chased the mandown implement andcuffs e>dsometpeople donot believe the officers r> it's hard tocbelieve6the officersmbecauseoof acts that haveihappened1 m>rthey'resplanning donnelly a rallyrat third7street in n thend andcseattle unvestigationtof the o> dranciscocpolice chiefpin he rom thistep+down investigation.+ y> ittisfplanning6tunneling
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phatecam mutant in the oeetingwitdis theysent the help of a demon they retrieved the gun6 c v:35 a.m. and all whole or armageddonstthing6 ccurate, orning we areinot 6eeing3any delaysoin the bay nto sanrfrancisco s moving well.anany reghtillecycled off. >oursgood tosgo at the san mateohbridgeeand we are at the peakaof commutegno
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accidents are stalls is clear rideidown crom and then across the rpan and at the ridge southboundc1013lots of spacedbetween cars3that praffic motte mapscindicate were all in the uow orecast+ ook at our roof cam now cloud+coverpgoe're waking up this morning two monthshtemperatures and we areostilltlooking for that rmupsbe hissis a satellite
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the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school, new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent. but anyone can help a foster child. it's not too well done? nope. but it is a job well done. what are you reading, sweetie? her diary. when you're done, i'd love some feedback. sure. your mom and i read that thing cover-to-cover. loved it. thanks. would you mind if i cut the lawn this weekend? only if you let me talk to your mother on the phone for hours on end. done. [ male announcer ] u-verse brings peace to the family. at&t u-verse lets you record four shows at once from any room and play them back on any tv. get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months. in the network, everyone can get along.
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temperaturescwill be warmeri of+sunshine latereon in the pfternoon thisbis a lookwof your seven day forecast and youcseeh914 on wednesday n> now majorbproblemsuare hotspots to tell youpabout greatvconditions are around the baynareamelraffic buildingoin the west bound iirectionlnowometering :ights to contendnwith' traffickis movingtfreelyest
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and the san mateoebridge trafficeis thick in both pirection and nooaccidents -r stallsyreportinooproblems ttingmto theobridge in eitherodirectionr the golden gatewbridge no problems hatsoeverhsouthbound tot the case thisfmorning6 rraffic ispmovingefreely > 550 a mhfortnwayne ondianata deadly collision and0when aseuvecrashedeinto
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aonstitutionaloamendment for talancing thewbudget.c1 hawmakersiand heading into another week ofstalks6 e>gwe hope theocongress will critical 1>i don'tpremember another this&much time inrthis must &ages and to bring both sides&togetherd will let3presidentppresident baraaised the >nwe have a live space-barcatlantis andpits arewell e bidding
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caturdayathey are +articipatinghin theemists and national asian paran!n! !o!t aimilar toimisstusa they will compete inttheievening gownsgbalanced and bathing suits. c > the best i could do all eobe a comfort zone for dheme 6>cgo out+there and be e&there is nothing else reallyematterstgoing out +here andehavingofun and be yourself c>in a matter of few winnera tompetition gives you more eonfidencec1 a>yit will take place
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