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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  November 3, 2011 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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shutdown support. at the meeting thomas 50 people were arrested. they occupied a vacant building in downtown overnight. >>mark: the port of oakland is still shut down right now as a part of the general strike from last if a pedestrian was hit last night during the protests. the driver of the bmw became protestfrustrated and drove his car through the crowd, hitting a pedestrian. he has not been charged. >>darya: will tran is live on the scene. >>will: there is still plenty of damage. i am in front of one of the buildings that was attacked
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by protesters. they spent the night cleaning up the graffiti. look at that, someone threw a rock or whatever object that shattered the window. there is debris on the ground. this door is opening this morning. perhaps it they think the worst is over. let's walk through this area at 14th and broadway, there is tagging on that wall. as we move to the intersection, across the street there is a rite aid. on the wall over here, there is graffiti. across the street at walgreen's as well. interestingly enough, no one here seems to be on the same fate. some people think this is a necessary evil. i spoke with some people will live in oakland and they say, it
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is not. here is some reaction. >> why do i need to see their advertisements every time i'm in a public space? >> the point i am trying to make is, although there are certain groups that are taking certain decisive actions, i have not seen as a much community ever before. >> fact people are coming up and tearing up our cities. you are seeing the same faces from before occupy oakland started and now, you have people from other cities coming in, people think we are doing something wrong, you have people coming into vandalizing. my sister works at this coffee shop. they broke the window. what it is that doing for
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the business? they were already losing business because of the strike. now they're losing more money to fix the windows. if the vandalism and tagging, go tear up your city. do not come to oakland and tear up our cities. we do not like that. >>will: here is another peoplbuilding a that was taxed. police officers arrested at least 60 anarchists. at this point we do not know where they are from. the person you heard from, he is basing his comments on history. during the oscar grant protests and last tuesday, many people were not from oakland. if more on this story as a show you the damage throughout the morning to. >>mark: the fifth largest port in america was shut down. the port of oakland. we heard that they will be
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moving towards the port again. craig skalar is live. >>craig: what you see some of the doubt. a chain-link fence cut up by protesters. this truck was denied access to the port of oakland. all morning and they have been turned around by protesters with the chain-link fence and dancers. that is the situation coming and going from the port. a longshore many union person says that they are concerned. around 6:30 a.m., they are supposed to come to work off but they are not getting any information as to what date should be doing. there are no police at the moment.
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trucks are being turned away. nothing is getting through at this point. >>darya: let's get a look at the weather. it is really chilly. >>james: absolutely. in san francisco, clear skies. cold temperatures this morning. let's take a quick look at some of the weather headlines. a cold front passing through the bay area today. temperatures will drop into the 50s and 60s this afternoon with a chance of light rain all day long and into the evening. another round of wet weather in the overnight hours. we expect clearing by friday afternoon. let's take a look at temperatures. compared to
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yesterday, we are a good bit colder. here is where temperatures are at the moment. the band of showers is making their way through your recap. between 10:00 a.m. and demand showers will pop up in the north bay and gradually builds. we are
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looking for light-moderate rain and then over the center of the bay by 2:00 p.m.. the east bay, a peninsula and the south bay will see rain by 2:00 p.m.. by 6:00 p.m., the bulk of the front should pass by. here is where temperatures will go this afternoon. third xanthan cisco is coming in at 61. cloudy and wet. here is your 7 day around the bay. the chance
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of showers stays with us to the weekend. cold temperatures with us until at least the first half of next week. we will take a quick break and be right back. fifth
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>>george: a developing hot spots and a problem in the north bay. the pavement is deteriorating just north of highway 37 on 101 southbound. traffic is backed up to atherton avenue. emergency road repairs are being ordered for lanes on the redwood highway. there are two lanes that are reportedly close to 41 a one southbound. more in a complete traffic of the coming up. >>justine: of the white house will be served with a subpoena and related to
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fremont base solyndra. the hearing has just started. the reason this committee wants to serve the white house with a subpoena is because they are saying that the white house has delayed or denied several requests to hand over thousands of documents related to solyndra. solyndra received a half billion dollars federal long before filing for bankruptcy in september along with laying off thousands of workers, you're looking at video from the day that workers showed up and got their pink slips. in a previous hearing, the ceos lead the fed and refused to answer any questions. an energy department spokesperson says that the administration provided 80,000 pages of documents already.
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>>mark: we're waiting for the opening bell on wall street. dow futures are up 151 points. we had a better than expected unemployment report coming out. below 400,000 for the number of americans who filed for unemployment. the dow dropped five of the 50 points combined monday and tuesday. all eyes on europe as well. we are still waiting for more numbers to come out.
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>>darya: the president says the most important task is to resolve the european crisis. there is the president as he is reading nicolas sarkozy. the president says the european union is taking important steps to a comprehensive solution but the details have to be worked out. the global economic meeting was overshadowed by the european debt crisis and the situation in greece. the prime minister of greece has called an emergency cabinet meeting for today. lawmakers are reporting against a referendum planned.-- lawmakers are revolting against a referendum planned. they are urging the prime minister to recall his decision to call a referendum on the bailout package. >>george: we have a hot spot
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in the north bay. 101 southbound in novato. first reported as a large part whole--pothole just before highway 37 in the right hand lanes. vehicles were getting flat tires and having to pull over. now, the chp is reporting that the pavement itself is deteriorating.
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>>george: the san mateo bridge right is a problem free but the volume is heavy westbound. your kid on the golden gate bridge, 101 southbound, no problems across the standard of course from there are problems in northern marin. let's get a check
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>>james: as we make our way through the morning we have clouds in balance. temperatures in the 50's, 40's and even upper '30's. the rain is moving north to south. those showers will stick with us as we headed to the overnight hours. we all must say goodbye to the weather until tomorrow afternoon. look at the temperatures. chilly in the north are really, everywhere around the bay is cold. here
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is where temperatures should be at noon do not be surprised if you need a jacket all day long. there is a winter weather revisory in effect from 5:00 p.m. tonight until 5:00 a.m. tomorrow. light-moderate snow expected, 2-4 in., more if you are above the
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2,000 ft.. here is where the weather will go over the next several days. cold weather over the weekend and a chance of showers. it looks like maybe the first half of next week, we will gradually warm things out. >>mark: the president's jobs plan has been broken down into smaller pieces, trying to get it through congress. 60 billion for infrastructure spending to create jobs. that is expected to fall victim to a gop filibuster. republican lawmakers are likely to unanimously oppose the president because his legislation is financed by a 7/10 of 1 percent tax on income over $1 million. republicans are refusing to raise taxes for anything. last month republicans blocked the entire form of $47 billion jobs package.
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now, they are trying to pass it in $35 billion pieces. >>darya: we will be back with more, our big developing story, the day after the huge march, there are still protesters in oakland. we are looking at a live shot from the port of oakland. protesters are standing their ground.
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>>darya: and at risk teenager is missing this morning. she was last seen with a wanted felon. shelby harris was last seen on halloween. she went to school that day, but she never returned home. here is
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her picture. pleasanton police believe the teenager is with the man you see on the right. the two were spotted and concord. they could be an elite '90s black honda civic. it is unknown if she is with him voluntarily or against her will. we're back with more in a couple of minutes. i enjoy it the most when i'm with sidney. she doesn't notice that it's too crowded or that it can run a half hour late. i'm bevan dufty, and i'm running for mayor
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because it's not enough to just "get it done"-- we have to get it done better. sidney thinks muni is magic. we go underground and come out someplace new-- just us. i want all of us to see it that way.
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>>darya: we are looking for a better day on wall street. we are respecting things to be down out of the day, we had some slightly below expectations earnings coming in.--we are expecting numbers to be low today.
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>>mark: in a developing story in oakland, police arrested at least 50 protesters overnight as a part of occupy oakland. reports of a group of anarchists took over later in the evening. the occupied a vacant building overnight in downtown oakland. at least 3000 people were marching to the port of oakland, shutting down the port. there is video of some of the businesses damaged including whole foods. there were two demonstrators hit by a mercedes in downtown oakland. the driver allegedly became frustrated with protesters blocking the street and growth is car forwarded to the crowd.--he drove his car forward into the crowd. the driver was
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not arrested. some of the pedestrians suffered broken ankles an. >>darya: will tran is live on the scene at the port. >>will: for a long time, telly's is open for business.--tallies will be open for business today. third protesters are saying that this damage does not represent them. they want to make sure that people understand that they are not the ones who did this. it was done by anarchists. you can see some other places were also attacked including foot locker.
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i spoke with some protesters who do not even agree on is this is good or bad. >> you cannot humanize anarchists like you could not demonize republicans or christians. everyone has a right to have their own ideology. something like graffiti, that can be washed off, in comparison to corporate advertising that children grow up with is nothing. >> our kids have to walk through year. when you go across that bridge, it is the project. now, they have downtown looking like the project. it is not so what. we have to be down here. it is affecting our community. we care.
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>>will: here is more video that i got earlier, overnight cruise for cleaning up the dumpsters that were set on fire. that caused the police department to come out. next to the workers, you can see that someone broke a window there. they also attacked a nearby business.--they also attacked a nearby business. most of the cleanup work done by >>will: we will have much more coming up at 7:00 a.m. including what the police department is doing at this hour. >>mark: three-quarters of a
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mile from where will is is the port of oakland, one of the busiest courts in the country shut down by protesters. the protesters will be marching back there this morning. craig skalar is light at one of the port entrance is. >>craig: they are changing their strategy. there are not just walking off the intersection from the sides, it is blocked off straight on where the trucks have been turning around. such rocks are at a standstill. it has been like this all morning. if listen to some of the conversation with protesters. there was a succession--there was a suggestion that they go to all of the gates and block them. it looks like they have decided to intensify what they're doing. they are moving fences from one side of the intersections of the other. there are basically
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blocking off the entrance altogether. at this point i do not even know how the trucks will be able to turn around. it is unknown if or when police will come here. we did talk to a longshoremen union representative who says they have workers trying to get in but are unable to. >> they are ordering us to go to work in the foot as in harm's way. we are ready to go to work, we are ready for them to tell us if it is needed or not furious >>craig: they said they are not hearing anything from the port of oakland. at this side of the intersection, one of the protesters got their head injuries when a car kusch its way through. there could be some serious problems potentially, but
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they are lucky that has not happened at this point. >>mark: the port of oakland is the fifth busiest port in the united states. we will wait to see what happens in the see of business will resume. fifth >>erica: this is a hot topic on our facebook fan page. i asked be worse off if is a general strike was an overall success. we are getting some mixed comments. here is what dallas said. here is what nicole said. those are just some of the comments. if you would like to participate in the discussion, check us out on our facebook fan page. fo an
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>>justine: , i am keeping my eyes on this solyndra hearing. the committee is now deciding whether or not to serve the white house with a subpoena in relation to the field fremont's so marked. here is what happened so far this morning. the committee is saying that the white house has been stonewalling on solyndra releasing some documents but not all of them. the republican controlled house and energy committee has said that the subpoena was necessary because the white house has denied or delayed requests. an energy department spokesperson says that the administration has cooperated and provided more than 80,000 pages of documents and turned over 50
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dozen pages of documents just this week. the committee says they need white house cooperation ended they think the only way to get it is with a subpoena. there are some members of the committee that says a congressional subpoena is overstepping the boundaries. george is in the traffic center with a hot spot. >>george: statement problems have shut down the two left lanes of 101, the redwood highway, just north of highway 37. they hope to have the lanes reopened in the next hour. fiske is
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going to require emergency cavemen repair. we will have a complete traffic check when the kron4 morning news returns. thoughts
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>>mark: more on our developing story is. occupy protesters continued to block the port of oakland. >>craig: right now they have changed their strategy. they have blocked the entrance.
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>>craig: we did have one a vehicle that pushed through and injured the hand of a protester. many truck drivers are paid on an individual basis. this is potentially taking food out of their mouth. this seems to be the focal point of the time being.
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>>george: traffic is backed up beyond the novato narrows. there ride coming south will be slow coming out of petaluma. sadly of course there are no good alternatives. some people are taking 116 over to late phil and legal to 37. the road sensors have crashed. they are not even able to calculate a drive time. typically would take 20-30 minutes traffic is heavy through antioch. a bridge
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check starting at the bay bridge toll plaza. the backup is the west grand ave. a 16 minute drive time. your san mateo bridge ride, let's look at the golden gate bridge. the ride on 101 southbound is in easy trip across the span. james fletcher has a look at the forecast. >>james: here is a look at your current temperatures.
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the rain will cover the north bay by noon. the rain will continue to push through into the early evening hours. by 6:00 p.m. we are hoping for a dry evening commute.
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>>james: in terms of total accumulations, this is not a big rainmaker. temperatures this afternoon will be in the '60s. quite a bit colder today than yesterday. we have cold weather sticking
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with us and a chance of showers through the weekend. it looks like next week, monday, tuesday and wednesday, it will still be cool but we will see some slight warming. >>mark: everyone loves the new iphone 4s and the siri. there are a lot of problems with battery life link to the new operating system thing. the software that is used, company officials say that customers apple found bugs in a program that could shorten the life. they are saying that they will address it with a software update. we will wait and see if that fixes it.
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>>darya: closing arguments set to begin today in the trial of dr. conrad murray, summarizing 22 days of testimony. the prosecution will try to show that dr. murray was criminally negligent by giving the singer propofol as a sleep aid without proper medical equipment. the defense will try to say that dr. murray did not administer the fatal dose. >>mark: we will go back live
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to the port of oakland right after the break.
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>>mark: we want to give it quick update on the weather. here is a look at current temperatures and how much colder it is compared to yesterday. it is a cold start to the day. we have a wet day ahead. we have storm tracker 4 and your rain coming up in a minute. we will be right back.
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