tv Teen Kids News KRON November 12, 2011 2:30pm-3:00pm PST
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>> you're watching "teen kids news," and here's what's coming up. >> a new video game aims to change the way boys treat girls. >> we'll visit a universityirls. where academics are just the beginning of what students learn. >> i'll tell you about one of our nation's most controversial state flags. >> i'll have the buzz on a class where you can get a's in bees. >> we'll talk with a teen singer who's really taking off. >> that and lots more, right now on "teen kids news."
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>> welcome to teen kids news. i'm mwanzaa. >> and i'm siena. here's our top story for this week. >> violence against girls is a major problem in communities around the world. as tyler reports, some college students are taking a unique approach in an effort to change attitudes. [ cheering ] >> in soccer, a breakaway is when a player speeds away from the pack and has a good chance of scoring a goal. in the new video game "breakaway," players are working toward a different kind of goal. >> the game is trying to teach about essentially gender equality, but it also tackles a lot of issues that are just generally focused on bullying and peer pressure. >> lauren and steve are part of a creative group of more than 100 students from vermont's champlain college.
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the students partnered with the united nations to create the video game specifically for boys. >> a lot of work has been done to educate girls on the subject, but not many projects have attempted to go to the boys, which you know, it makes sense. boys need to be just as informed as girls. so, yeah, video games was a natural choice. >> they chose soccer because it's played by kids around the world. but how does a video game about the world's most popular sport help us learn about appropriate behavior between boys and girls? steve says the messages are built into the game's storyline. >> there's the narrative where you're talking with your friends and you're making decisions that affect the rest of the game. >> for example, in this scene, hanna comes to cheer from the sidelines, but the team's arrogant captain sends her away. the ball's now in the player's court. they have to decide if they're going to stand up for hanna. >> after playing this game, they can talk with their friends and say, "hey, did you see what happened in the game? what do you think about that?"
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and it makes them start thinking, and then hopefully through thinking, it can change how they behave towards girls or women. >> in researching the game, student creators traveled tohc saint lucia and as far away as south africa. they studied local attitudes and even things like the architecture. the goal was to make "breakaway's" design and storyline as believable as possible. >> we've had a lot of young people involved in the project just by giving us feedback while we were working on >> the game has 14 episodes. as the team gets closer to the championship, situations get more complicated. players have to make increasingly tough decisions, even if it means breaking up the team. >> our message to teens is just to look at what they stand for in life, to not be influenced by other people, to support other people whenever they can. just to really reflect on, you know, what's important to them and what can they can do in their own lives to become a champion. >> one of africa's most
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respected soccer stars, samuel eto'o, is "breakaway's" spokesperson and role model. >> [ speaking french ] so far, kids from more than 100 countries have played the game. to see if you have what it takes to be a true champion, give it a try at we have the link on our website, too. >> stay with us. there's a lot more coming up on "teen kids news." >> we'll be right revlon launches growluscious plumping mascara. with a conditioning formula that helps strengthen and plump lashes up to 200% instantly... for maximum volume... new revlon growluscious plumping mascara.
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>> georgia is one of our original 13 states. during the civil war, however, georgia changed allegiance from the stars and stripes to the stars and bars, the first national flag of the confederacy. at the battle of bull run, georgian soldiers discovered it was difficult to tell the two flags apart. so, they created the confederate battle flag, also known as the southern cross. when the war ended, georgia returned to the stars and bars, but without the stars. >> georgia is the most controversial state flag. it set national records for having eight different state flags, and it was a controversy steeped in the history involved with their ties to the confederacy. >> many people believed those ties were too reminiscent of slavery. others believed georgia's confederate past needed to be recognized. in 2003, georgia introduced a flag that addressed the concerns
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of both sides. >> it features the stars and bars, which is the first flag of the confederacy, but in the canton, you see three pillars, which are supposed to represent the three branches of government, and words like wisdom, justice, and moderation. >> a soldier bearing a sword symbolizes georgia's commitment to defending the constitution. >> so it seems as if georgia has finally settled on a flag. >> one thing that isn't controversial is georgia's important role in agriculture. its nickname is "the peach state." pretty sweet. with flag facts, i'm scott. >> on "speak of the week," we find out what you think. >>hce always hear warnings about driving and texting, yet many teens still do it. so, rather than hearing more adults tell us why not to drive distracted, here's some advice from other teens. >> it's very hard to pay
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attention to the road in the first place, and so imagine doing it while being distracted. i couldn't imagine. >> you're putting your life and other peoples lives in danger. >> teens shouldn't drive distracted, because first of all, they might get into an accident. >> well, because we're new drivers, so we don't have as much experience as we think we do, so it's easier for us to get into accidents. >> and even if you don't hurt anyone, that's still damage to your car or the car that you hit into, or if you, like, hit into like a lamp post or something, so it causes damage, and it's not a very good idea. >> teens shouldn't drive distracted, because then they're gonna lose focus on the road and things surrounding them. they're not gonna be paying attention to stop lights or people crossing the street, and it's just a disaster waiting to happen. >> need i say more? >> this report is brought to you by ralph lauren. jessica alba and jerry seinfeld are just some of the many stars who came out for a special evening at new york's lincoln center. >> i'm wearing a designer called ralph lauren. [ laughs ]
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>> naomi watts was kidding. just about all the celebs were wearing ralph lauren. after all, this glittering event was in honor of the famous fashion designer. >> every single version of his brand is so beautiful and classy. >> it was also a big fundraiser for the performing arts and for the fight against cancer. a record-breaking $7 million was raised, with much of the money going to the ralph lauren center for cancer care and prevention in harlem. >> the center takes care of people in underserved communities who would not otherwise get access to proper healthcare, especially when it comes to cancer. >> oprah winfrey gave the audience a rare glimpse into the designer's personal life. she asked him the secret to his success. >> i love what i do, and i know you love what you do. >> is it more challenging and difficult when you're creating the american image for foreign countries like china? >> it's not the american image. it's an international image, 'cause good taste is international.
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>> oprah also asked about his strong support for causes, like fighting cancer. >> we're all people that have done well and have had success and done the things we want to do, but there's a strong part of our life about giving back. >> and giving back is always in fashion. i'm carina for "teen kids news." revlon just bitten. it's a two-in-one lipstain and balm. the lipstain gives me a light flush of color while the moisturizing balm softens my lips. have you ever been bitten? revlon just bitten lipstain and balm.
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shortly after the american revolution, the founding fathers saw the need for an educated and virtuous class of citizens to lead the young nation. the ink had barely dried on the constitution when john carroll founded what would eventually be known as georgetown university. but georgetown's roots go even deeper into history. it's the oldest jesuit university in the country. jesuits are known for a commitment to learning and intellectual inquiry. they've been around since saint ignatius started the society of jesus in europe back in 1540. >> he wanted a group of priests who would not be bound to a particular church or parish or town. he wanted to start a religious order of men who would go anywhere where the needs of the world were greatest. >> so what does it mean to be a catholic and jesuit university? >> to be a catholic and jesuit university means to be committed to academic excellence, to be committed to exploring one's faith across different faith
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traditions - catholic, protestant, jewish, muslim, orthodox christian, or people who may be struggling to find their faith. >> while most of the 7,500 undergrads here come from catholic or other christian backgrounds, all faiths are welcome. >> actually, right in there, if you go into healy hall, there's the jewish rabbi, the muslim imam, and the head priest, all in the same building -- offices right next to each other. >> georgetown is actually one of the first universities in the united states to have a muslim chaplain -- a full-time muslim chaplain. >> and the school motto is "utraque unum," both into one. can you explain that? >> yes. "utraque unum." it's a latin phrase. "from the many into one," or "from the one into the many." so, for instance, we strive to be one community here at georgetown, but yet we're a very diverse community, and we welcome a diverse student body. one in many.
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>> students are encouraged to uphold the jesuit ideals of being active on behalf of others. so, it's no surprise that georgetown grads fill the ranks of service organizations, like habitat for humanity, teach for america, and the peace corps. >> it's a great school academically, but also the commitment to serving others and using your education to further the good of the world and humanity. >> there's a whole variety of programs to get involved in, depending on your interests and language abilities oftentimes. so you can take what you learn in the classroom and apply it to social justice in d.c. >> georgetown has a very important saying, and that's "men and women for others." >> there's yet another latin phrase that you hear students use to describe their georgetown experience. >> it really fosters "cura personalis," or, you know, "the formation of a person as a whole," and it emphasizes each aspect, so your intellectual development, your spiritual growth and development, and academic growth and development. >> and that leads to leadership. for example, the georgetown
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class of 1968 delivered three future presidents -- arroyo of the philippines, cristiani of el salvador, and our very own 42nd president, bill clinton. georgetown has four undergraduate schools and offers degrees in more than 40 majors, and most students opt to spend at least one semester studying abroad. its world-renowned school of foreign service has trained generations of diplomats. [ cheers and applause ] georgetown athletics are world-class, too. the teams got the name "hoyas" back when every student was required to study greek and latin. so, do you have a latin phrase for that, too, that you cheer at games? >> well, we do. it's a latin and greek phrase called "hoya saxa," which has a lot of disputed origins. >> [ laughs ] >> if you were to translate that directly from the latin and the greek, it would mean "what rocks." >> i've met some great people, i've had fantastic professors, and i'm having a great time. >> one of the deans here truly captured the spirit of the
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>> there are workers in this country that have an important responsibility -- they help grow much of our foods and flowers. but these workers are mysteriously dying, and that's leading to a crop crisis. but here's one school that's trying to make a difference. >> on the roof of this school, some students spend their lunch
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period with...bees? and not just a few bees, but thousands of bees. >> i never knew that there could be this many bees in one place. 80,000 bees -- that's a lot of bees. >> it is, but our country needs a lot more. in recent years, bees have been dying by the millions. scientists call it "ccd" -- colony collapse disorder. so all over america, people are helping honey bees build hives to survive. >> that's a good one. >> oh, yeah, that's a good one. that's the best one, i think, today. >> that is. >> yeah. >> bees are important. one-third of all our crops depends on bees. without their pollination, we'll have a lot fewer fruits, vegetables, and flowers. that's why these student beekeepers are working hard toen ensure their bees thrive. >> when i come up here, i usually refresh the water, and i'll open up one hive that hasn't been looked at in maybe like three days and just check it out and see if everything's
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going well. >> the students also pay particular attention to the honeycombs. these hexagonal structures are where bees store their honey. >> in the winter time, they save up their honey so they don't have to fly around, and they just eat the honey throughout the winter time and stay warm. >> in the "bee"-ginning, the novice beekeepers thought they had to "bee"-ware of the bees. >> i was nervous at first, 'cause, like, i've never been stung by a bee. i've never had really any interactions with bees. >> i was scared of them a little bit. >> the first time, yeah, i was afraid. i didn't want to get stung. >> but the more familiar they "bee"-came, the more they learned just how benign bees can be. >> there's no need to be afraid of bees or bugs or anything, 'cause they're just alive and living, so there's nothing to be afraid of, really. >> basically, if you don't mess with them, then they won't mess with you. >> in addition to conquering their fears, the students
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realized something else about bees. >> when i first heard about it, i didn't really know, like, whether i should join it, but then when we had a club assembly, i thought, "well, this could be a lot of fun," and so i decided to join, and right now we're having a lot of fun. >> if you want to start a beekeeping club at your school, the internet is filled with organizations across the country that can help you "bee" on your way. >> a picture is worth a thousand words, but a picture thatmade of a thousand words is worne... well, who knows? wordle makes a word cloud out of any text you paste into this box. words that are repeated more often appear larger. here's one of barack obama's speeches. here's the script to "star wars." and here's the script to this episode of "teen kids news." you can try different color combinations and layouts to customize your creation. then, take a screenshot and
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share it with your friends. who knows? that boring history paper you wrote might look great on your wall. >> here's another weapon in the war against obesity -- a talking plate. it actually weighs the food you're eating and tells you if you're eating too fast. wait a second -- that's not new. that's mom! s being called one of the
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hottest new singers out there, with a unique sound that's part classical, part pop. as ben reports, this teen performer is really on the rise -- literally. >> cloudy skies are no problem for california-born charlie williams. he's been flying since he was 13... >> ♪ fly together >> ...and singing since he was now at 16, he's been getting a lot of buzz. the singing pilot has landed
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some high-profile appearances at events like this fundraiser for an animal-rescue group. >> ♪ take my hand >> "dreams come true" is the title single from charlie's second album. the words are his own, but the music might sound familiar. it's a famous classical piece called "pachelbel's canon." >> ♪ only joy >> charlie is what's called a classical-crossover artist. he told us about his special sound. >> the music is really inspiring and really easygoing. you know, it has a message, which i think is very important, 'cause, you know, every song should have a story. >> charlie's story is a combination of talent, training, faith, and opportunity. even as a kid, he was performing the national anthem at hometown gatherings. then he went to a performance that changed his life. >> well, when i was about 10 years old, i went to a concert for a choir -- a children'sne choir called voena. it's out in venetia, california, where near i live. >> voena is a multicultural choir, and they perform all over the world. soon, charlie was singing with
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them. >> and from there, i became a soloist, and the director became my vocal coach. so, from 10 years old to now, i've been training with her. >> at the same time, he's been able to fit in his training as n pilot. this talented teen certainly has a flight plan for making his dreams come true. >> ♪ dreams come true >> charlie says the song's message is if you follow your heart, you'll reach your goal. sounds good to me. for "teen kids news," i'm ben. >> this report is brought to you by dreamworks animation. >> it's hiccup! [ cheering ] >> and our dragons! [ cheers and applause ] >> those fire-breathing stars from the hit movie "how to train your dragon" are back. they're lighting up two all-new adventures exclusively on dvd and blu-ray. >> everyone is gonna be so surprised. [ whistle! ]
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ow! >> surprise! ugh! >> in "gift of the night fury," the young viking hiccup discovers an island of never-before-seen dragons. >> want to train dragons, do you? >> in the new "book of dragons," viewers learn some of the hottest secrets to dragon training. and for the first time ever, dreamworks animation has created a dragons online video game. here, players can use their skills to become ultimate dragon trainers. >> the eggs explode? the eggs explode! sorry!aming ] [ screaming continues ] sorry! >> the dreamworks dragons double dvd and online video-game pack includes both adventures and exclusive access to the game.
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