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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  December 2, 2011 5:00pm-7:00pm PST

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you are looking at the end of the block that is the liquor store were seven people were shot earlier this week. we talk with the chief for a good while this afternoon as well and he had some harsh words to say. you will hear what he had the same will follow the breaking news all evening long. reporting live in oakland i'm j.r. stone with kron4 news. >>pam: this is a live children's hospital with a family of hiram lawrence has
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been meeting. let us listen in while the family speaks. >> he continues to fight but... unfortunately we have come to a crossroads and we are unable to agree on the continuum of care for higher-income--for hiram as a result we are seeking help from the patient rights attorneys. i appreciate everything medical team is doing but i want to make sure, absolutely sure that my baby received every opportunity to survive this vicious ordeal.
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>>pam: you are listening to a live news conference called impromptu by hiram lawrence family your listing to his mother, this is the child's picture he is 1 years old and he was about to become two years old. he is in a hospital in critical condition he was shot and the head in the incident that unfolded on monday night in west oakland. we want to reiterate some of what the family said it is on your screen. the family said the following on your screen.
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>>pam: again, this the statement being read by baby hiram lawrence mother is a partial excerpt that she read we read the entire statement she sent this to kron4 earlier today. seven people and all were shot on monday and the little boy was one of those seven. again, he was shot in the head and is still in critical condition after the medical care that is going on at children's hospital. we will hear more from his family as well as new details about this case throughout the newscasts. we will keep you posted on developments. we will switch gears and move on to the weather situation that we have all been dealing with. we want to for show the damage that continued to take its toll on people around the bay area. these are just a few of the pictures in scenes. you can see the crews working trying to make the repairs and there is so much damage because of all the trees around the bay area that have come crashing down on
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to people's homes and cars and into row ways.-- roadways. then kirnan joins us from the oakland hills where the cleanup will continue for some time. >>reporter: this trees behind me came down at 1:30 a.m. yesterday. it is a pretty spectacular sight. i want to roll some video to show a little bit more of this, repair crews were hearing contract as i've been out to remove the 80 ft. trees from the house. today the repair crews discussed this with the homeowner, with the insurance company and while this will not be easy, they do plan to get underway tomorrow. >> our plan right now is to stabilize it laterally will lighten the load from the backside and what will have to happen is that we have
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some temporary structure and then cut the remaining part of the tree off. the tree has fallen but not completed has not settled completely down it is being supported by some of the cross branches on the home. there will be no claim on this job, as you can see we are on a pretty steep hill. the crane's ability to live to be compromise. so this will be purely man labor. >>reporter: we are back live in the oakland hills, and unlike some horror stories we have about with insurance companies and repairing things the homeowners here told me they had nothing but good news from their insurance agents and that is why this repair work and the removal of this tree is expected to get underway tomorrow. do not expect this tree to be gone in a day, it could take about five days to get this removed but they will be pretty happy to get
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it off and then the repairs on the house can begin. reporting live in the oakland hills i am dan kerman with kron4 news. >>pam: those pictures are amazing to see over and over again. our coverage continues from the santa cruz mountains. again, the main problem is all the trees down by high winds. rob fladeboe reports that the storm has taken quite a toll on scotts valley. fossils >>reporter: scotts valley seem to be in the eye of that storm that howled through the bay area most of the wind is gone and only a light breeze is moving through the trees. many of the trees are now on the ground. some of them like this one landed on homes and others on cars and still others gawking rose. no one was hurt when this tree crashed into the side of this home at the end of the
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street. but there is considerable damage to the rules as well as to the siding and one exterior wall. the crew said that it will take the better part of the day to get the tree down. they said that there are enough down trees throughout the mountains to keep them busy for the next two weeks. >>pam: look at this scene, the high winds on wednesday brought down this home. but it's this, the dreams of a man came down with it he was looking to renovate this home on elizabeth ave. last night the home collapsed into the building next door that held a hair salon. >> i heard the big crash because the wind had came up. before i even went out the door i knew it was. i just wish to with gone this way instead of kind of clicked into that building next to it. >>pam: fortunately no one was hurt in the collapse and the owner says that he will rebuild his dream home. it
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is sad to see so many building shattered by the high wind. are we out of the woods yet with all of this? >>jacqueline: we are and we will continue to see this offshore wind pattern. is called the diablo wind. we will continue to see this tomorrow morning. right now the wind speeds are as follows. it looks pretty decent everywhere else but we will see the wind pick up as we head into the overnight hours. now this evening we see when gus into the 20s, by midnight 20's and 30's yet again. >>jacqueline: by 6:00 a.m., we will still see 20 mao power to 30 mouth are a wind gust. as we head into the later morning and early afternoon the wind gusts will die down just a little bit and later in the afternoon it will be much calmer. as for the wind
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advisory we still see it in effect it has been extended for the north bay hills and the east bay hills. wind gusts up to 50 mi. per hour. so, down trees and a possible power lines through the overnight hours and into tomorrow are possible. we will look at the temperatures for tomorrow as well coming up. county has been declared and more strong winds could be on the way this weekend. chainsaws are screaming from much of southern california, a massive cleanup effort is underway after strong winds pummeled the area wednesday night and thursday morning. hundreds of thousands are still without power on friday and some customers are being told that the power may not be restored
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until sunday. wind gusts of more than 80 mph is being blamed for knocking down at least 200 trees in the city of pasadena alone. hundreds more trees were damaged and traffic lights flickered on the ground and tossed from their usual perch of of the streets directing traffic. sidewalks buckled as large trees were uprooted. >>reporter: this statue had been place since 1935. at the height of the storm on thursday the scene was a real. >> it is in st. feels like a post apocalypse. >>reporter: hurricane force winds are rare in california just asked conan o'brien. >> a lot of people lost power with the good news here in l.a. for about 70 minutes, the kardashian were not on television. [laughter]
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>>reporter: our weather coverage continues on line, you can find the latest details on our web sight it >>pam: coming up... the gop presidential candidate herman cain is kuwait's to make an announcement about his campaign, when that might happen and what his wife is doing to support him despite allegations that he had an affair. honda is recalling hundreds of thousands of vehicles. the problem with air bags that could hurt people in a crash instead of protecting them. >>pam: as family members screen members of the california national guard back from overseas we have the emotional scene in san mateo as the final iraq unit from the golden state returns home. and ticketmaster is getting money back to customers why
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the large degree tell was ordered to give refunds and how much you might get back all the head. ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends,
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so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
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now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. ♪ going to the bank without going to the bank... that's a step forward. with chase quickdeposit on your smartphone, you just snap a picture, hit send and done. chase quickdeposit. take a step forward and chase what matters. ♪ we just keep on keepin' on ♪
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♪ keep on >>catherine: tonight he meets with his wife and tomorrow to meet the media. herman cain has promised a big announcement on saturday speculation is high that he will in his run for the presidential nomination. herman cain in south carolina spoke with the public. >> i will be making an announcement. >>catherine: his campaign was brought down by sexual harassment claims and infidelity. the most recent was a woman who detailed a 13 year affair. he admitted knowing the woman and he admitted giving her money and and did not telling his wife about her but he denied any hanky panky.
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>> there was no sex? >> no. >>catherine: these pictures show his motorcade heading into his gated community monday afternoon. that did not sit well to his supporters. >> how quick you think i would get back to my wife? two days, three days, or five days i would be chartering a jet. >>catherine: there was a web site called women for cain naming his wife gloria as the chair. and women on the photographs are not even for him, this is a photograph of you can get for about $20. and president obama and former president clinton are pushing a plan. they are trying to draw attention to
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a $4 billion and initiative aimed at fuel savings and more employment and no increased cost to the taxpayers. this is considered a way to create jobs and bill clinton says this only makes sense. >> i hate to sound like a broken record, we could create some an unlimited number of jobs out of this even-even-in this lousy economy even if we can just worked out financing. >>catherine: this is another in a string of white house initiatives designed to address the weak economy without having to get congressional approval. honda is recalling the air bags and more of its cars the problem is that the driver's airbag might deploy with too much pressure in drawing the driver. the cars affected include the city can the accord made in the early 2000's. certain actor models are affected and honda says that it will notify customers by mail later this month.
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[music] >>jacqueline: the wind is a lot calmer out there but it will pick back up. let us talk about the temperatures right now, we have 71 degrees in napa, 68 in redwood city. it was very now out there with two vouchers in the '70s. notice places like fairfield in half moon bay dropping off into the 50s. the same thing in navato right now. the temperatures could continue to slide until the wind picks up again. for the second attacker when speeds, they're not that strong, this will help, the cooling of the temperatures and in my warm them back a few degrees of. it happened last night and it will probably happen again tonight, winds are picking up yet again and will continue to see that overnight into tomorrow morning. the wind is in place, it will not allow temperatures to drop off and just like we saw this morning it will be mild to warm out there in the upper
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elevations above 1,000 ft. will be in the '50s foreshore. now take a look into the afternoon hours, the wind is starting to die down. we will see, conditions in the late afternoon hours. tickets to the jews for tomorrow morning once again will be on the mild side upper '40's and low 50s through the bay area. the one place that it will get pretty chilly is down and mortgage--it is down in morgan hill. into tomorrow morning we will see cooler air into the area so the temperatures will drop a few degrees. we have upper 60 for the most part, inland valleys are in the '60s. here is in mature extended forecast. we have windy conditions to tomorrow morning and in the early afternoon the we will die down later in the afternoon. the temperature will start to cool the tomorrow and a little bit more on sunday.
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then we will see about 60 degrees all the way through the extended forecast, stay with us we will be back after this. honey...? [ mom ] yes.
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so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪
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>>pam: police say that as the bond that you see here was jealous of michelle le. she went missing back on may 27th from kaiser hospital. her remains were later found in a remote area. and the increase in the reward for a hit and run, donald who you see here was struck by a white f-150 truck. this was
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back in august but they say no new leads have developed in the case. the war is now $50,000. we will take a break and be right back. xtra 15% off. no exclusions! doors open extra early saturday. go to to see everything on sale. jcpenney. [ female announcer ] is your medicare plan keeping up with you? ♪ since you've never been one to slow down, now through december 7th, you won't have to. it's faster and easier than ever to switch your medicare coverage to anthem blue cross. ♪ we've created medicare solutions that are just right for you. we have plans with low monthly premiums. plus you have the freedom to choose your own doctor and the comfort of knowing you are protected from high out-of-pocket costs. but this is a limited time offer.
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so call today to schedule an in-home visit, attend a local seminar, or get answers right over the phone. if you're eligible for medicare, you only have until december 7th to switch to anthem blue cross. so call today at 1-855-8-anthem. that's 1-855-826-8436. ♪
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ a big thank you this friday & saturday. save an extra 20% off all your holiday gifts when you use your jcpenney rewards credit card. don't have a card, you still get an extra 15% off.
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no exclusions! doors open extra early saturday. go to to see everything on sale. jcpenney. >>catherine: coming up at 5:30 p.m. the last national guard unit to be stationed in my rack are now home. the families are delighted that it will be this and how they've within hamas and today a very big transition and iraq. the iconic spot that was handed over to the i iraqis, you will hear more about that. as work continues on the transit station in san francisco you will not believe some of the things that they're finding we will show the artifacts that crews are unearthing from the city's past. those stories are coming up. ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends,
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so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
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>>reporter: when is the last time you saw your brother? >> about one year ago. >> i am happy for them to be home i am happy for all of them to be home.
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>>reporter: all that waiting finally paid off as the soldiers arrived back home. >> it is wonderful to see everyone here, familiar faces and my family is just wonderful. >>pam: the kids have been asking me, or my daughter, he cannot talk get, but they will say when is he coming home and i say now for a while, not for a while and finally i could tell them today, he is coming home today. scotts >>pam: as far as what comes next, most everyone echoed a similar theme they want to get back to living a normal life. >>reporter: besides family what else did you miss? >> the things that we take for granted the little things, having toiletry. >> the food, asian food, just the clean air, the things that we take for granted. >>reporter: everyone also
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added that the timing could not a vendetta. >> a great christmas present. >>catherine: for the first time in nearly nine years, the job of ruling and running out rask for--the job of ruling and running i rack is solely in the hands of the all iraqis. troops have been packing up and pulling out of camp of victories for the last six weeks. everything is just about all gone tonight. when the official handover happens it was out of the side of the reporters and someone described it as closing on a house still, papers were signed in a few handshakes and it was all over. there was a public ceremony on thursday with vice president joe biden thinking both the u.s. and i iraqi forces valleys saying the words that many people have been waiting for years to hear. >>pam: because of you and
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the work that those in uniform have done they're now able to in this war. >>catherine: the ceremony was happening in one of nine palaces that had been built for so don who say on the grounds of camp victory they are huge and ornate and no one is sure to--what to do with the now. >> there are 62 rooms and 29 bathrooms in this camp. >>catherine: this of the largest u.s.-based operating since april 2003 at its peak, 40,000 troops were based here along with 20,000 contractors. and what happens next is all to the i iraqis. the prime minister was sounding an optimistic note. >> the forces are responsible for carrying out its tactic of protecting the country and its citizens. >>catherine: but maybe they are not ready because as the
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prime minister was making that speech nearly 20 people were killed in violent attacks in baghdad in a 60 people have been killed in weeks. >>pam: this was one of the best weeks for wall street since 2008 but by the end of the week they came with some mixed results. take a look at the numbers, the dow was mainly of today but closed down less than one point to finish the week get 12,019. the nasdaq finished up nearly one point. the s&p lost under a point to wrap up at 1244. the up and down they was spurred by the new report on unemployment in the united states. grant lodes is here now to explain all that. >>reporter: early friday the dow was up reacting to the new positive numbers. the national unemployment rate dropped 8.6%. it was at 8.6%, it had been 9% back in october that is good news.
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this lowest unemployment rate in almost three years. retail and health-care industries are hiring and that is good news. the u.s. labor department says the 120,000 new jobs were created in november however it is worth noting that 315,000 people stopped looking for work in november. so there are no longer included in the unemployment rate so you have to consider that. we will get a stake in bay area job numbers and about two weeks. coming up tonight at 6:00 p.m. what impact these new numbers have on the political scene, and what president obama is saying the next step is in the road to economic recovery. >>jacqueline: the wind is forecast to pick up again tonight a wind advisory has been extended. this will be
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for above 1,000 ft.. >>jacqueline: is this will happen tonight into tomorrow morning, the winner will pick up a round tin and lasting through tomorrow morning. down trees and power lines are possible and they will carry down to the valley floor it will stick to the mouth of the night with the wind picking back up. into tomorrow we will have the wind in the morning and for the early afternoon. the later afternoon will be a little more, and a little bit cooler. into sunday we have, winds and cooler temperatures will take a look your extended forecast coming up. >>pam: let us tell live to another trouble spot for our of the windy weather and down trees. charles clifford joins us live with an update. >>reporter: right now and in the backyard of a home on starr avenue that is not too far away from downtown castro valley about 6:00 p.m. wednesday evening the big tree fell into the backyard of this home and it
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smashed up the corner of the tool shed, to get that and over here to that part of the fence. they treat like this if it had fallen on the street or it will taken out a power line at the city of account with taking care of it. but this is routed on to private property and it fell to two other pieces of private property is pretty much for the homeowners to take care of and tony has been on the phone for the last few days talking to insurance companies and his neighbor and trying to figure out to pay for this. he has not had any luck so far he says he does have a tree removal service to line up and come and clean this out of here, but they cannot figure out how to pay for it he does want to have this tree taken out within the next couple of days. >>pam: and in that stole a picasso sketch in san francisco has pleaded not guilty in new york to a string of other art thefts. mark lugo is being held without bail. he was recently released from a jail in san francisco after
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admitting from stealing from a gallery in the city. authorities say that he also lifted prices artwork from the new york hotels. they also claim that all of the paintings were found hanging in his apartment in new jersey. he was also charged with stealing $6,000 is periods, an archaeologist and san francisco have discovered thousands of artifacts at several construction sites where the new trends bay transit center is being constructed near mission. about 70 historic items are now on display. the artifacts date back to the late 1870's and to the early 1900's. they include porcelain dolls, and marvels that kids used to play but back then, in bottles a much more. >> bags then as chief you what to write something in each you had to have a quilt, and then you had these inkwells.
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>>pam: the artifacts will be on display through january and the exhibit is free. or, for whom will now hear this and the robber to founts of people behaving badly. new >>stanley: are you are looking at video of occupy san francisco taken from an amount of physical still leading maker of printed is now from above is of sit drivers leave the
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monolith take business video convenience store in massachusetts but he was surprisingly store clerk on the ground fought back. but get him he is now shifting to hunch to robert here in the midst of a struggle the clerk was that. the robber turned and he flee away. he did not get anything but the clerk was rushed to the hospital and now he is back at work. police have not made any direct in this case there get to connect video, in the running across the parking lot crashing through the front of a hospice center and you can see the windows shattered when the deer crashes right through.
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fortunately, no one was inside the building at the time. and take in the get this a flair for fashion that a jacksonville teenager into major trouble. the girl was not allowed to board a flight because her purse had a gun design on it. it was not actually a gun, but the tsa agent said it was a federal offense they said the gun was not real, they told her to check the back or handed over sheehan the missing her scheduled flight and had to is a resident car go on a late one. tsa stands behind their decision and say that replica of weapons have been banned since 2002. and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes...
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combined. we have a lot more work to do.
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i joined the navy when i was nineteen. i spent four years in the military and i served a tour in iraq. all the skills that i learned in the military are very transferable into the corporate and real world. chase hired me to be a personal banker. the 100,000 jobs mission has definitely helped me get my foot in the door. chase is giving opportunities to vets who don't think that there's any opportunity out there. chase and these other companies are getting a great deal when they hire veterans. chase is proud to help 100,000 veterans find jobs at home. >>catherine: all iranian diplomats have been expelled by the government. it seems like this one,--it's due to scenes like this one. british ambassador said that the mob trash rooms, damage
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furniture and tore up the porch of of queen victoria. >>catherine: of--broadcast a statement on syrian tv trying to rally her father's supporters to overthrow lydia's new government. algeria is saying that she is violating the terms of per and south korea and the wikileaks founder may be in legal trouble but he is still releasing secret information. he is announcing that he is releasing 300 files that he describes as spy files. he says that they expose the reach of the global surveillance in the shade. he says anyone with a smart phone or g mel is essentially being trapped. he is fighting extradition to sleep in the meantime on sexual assault charges. and president obama missing in the treasury secretary to europe next week. timothy
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got there will be working on a plan to solve the european debt crisis. he has a series of meetings scheduled in germany, france and italy the white house and has been pushing european officials to take more forceful action to deal with the debt problem that is threatening the global economy. [music] >>jacqueline: it was pretty mouth out there today temperatures are widespread in the '70s. we will be seen mild conditions again overnight as the wind is forecasted to pickup. right now it is fairly calm out there. >>jacqueline: here is a look at the forecast, let us take a look at midnight tonight we have 20 and 30 mouth are wind gust picking up once again. the forecast is to continue to the over my area. we will see plenty of
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wind gusts. it was pretty mouth out there this morning in the same goes for tomorrow as you can see, the wind is just not letting up even though at 1:00 p.m. it starts to calm down a little bit but we are still in the '20s. they look at our morning temperatures, tomorrow we have the 40's and low fifties for the most part. 54 and open, 46 in redwood city, 45 in san jose. morgan hill is getting a little bit cooler. we have 47 livermore and 49 in fairfield to start the day. as we head into the afternoon i think that the temperatures will cool down a few degrees. we will have colder air moving into the bay area disallow it. we have 63 in livermore, 63 and antioch, 66 in redwood city, 65 in san jose and up the north bay we have 69 and 68 in napa and 64 in san francisco. here is it your extended forecast we have windy conditions tomorrow morning by the late afternoon hours the temperature i expected to
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die down all live.--died down a little bit. stay with us we will be back after this.
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>>kimberlee: if you bought tickets from ticketmaster for any event since 1999, you could be available for a refund. for each person she made you could get a $1.50 amid. the claim says that ticketmaster was deceptive and did not disclose any processing fees. now to get a refund you have to meet a number of requirements. it is only applicable for tickets purchased on ticketmaster got, from october 24, 1999 of 2 october 19, 2011. it had to include an order processing fee and you had to live within u.s. when he purchased the ticket. now you will get this in the refund of a credit that will be applied to other ticketmaster purchases.
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ticketmaster will continue to charge the processing fee but they have to be upfront about it on there website. to find out if you qualify for the refund visit the kron4 facebook fan page. we will be back after this quick break. [ female announcer ] at jcpenney, we're giving you
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a big thank you this friday & saturday with the simplest way to save extra. just use your jcpenney rewards credit card and save an extra 20% off all apparel, shoes accessories and home. no exclusions. that's an extra 20% off gifts for her. all the greatest gifts for him. must have kitchen electrics for the home. and dazzling fine jewelry. save an extra 20% off all your holiday gifts. doors open extra early saturday. go to to see everything on sale. we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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>>jacqueline: this is a live look outside from our roof camera. the winds may have die down for now they're coming back. i will tell you when what you can expect the news is 6:00 p.m. is up
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next. ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends,
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so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
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>>reporter: the mother of hiram lawrence spoke about the crossroads of his care. she did not comment about what that meant, but she did make a plea asking for help from a health advocate or a lawyer to help her navigate this situation. >> my son remains in critical condition and continues to fight for, and he continues to fight, but ... >> unfortunately we have come to a crossroads and we are unable to agree on the continuum of care.
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>>reporter: there will be a fund raiser tomorrow, saturday morning at j and eight auto body in oakland to try and raise money to help pay for the medical bills. reporting live in oakland i am paid thomson with kron4 news. >>pam: windy weather continues to the problems around the bay area. there are still wind advisories in some areas and tonight many homeowners are dealing with the aftermath of the wind related power outages and down trees. then turning joins us live from oakland in the hills where there have been a lot of problems over these last couple of days. >>reporter: i want to see how short these roots are very shallow on this tree and that is how this 80 ft. tree came down on this house. we showed it to you last night and that is why it is still here on some of this house tonight. but it will not be here so long. that 80 ft. tree that the wind blew down on this home remains where it was. but
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not for long, crews plan to begin removing it on saturday. >> our plan right now is to shore in the trunk and stabilize it laterally will live in the low from the backside will happen to--and what will happen--and what will have to happen is that will cut tree off. a crane will not be sufficient or affective as the crane from the street would be booming out 100 ft. and as the crane booms out, its ability to lift is compromise. this will be purely manual labor. >>reporter: in the meantime across the street to relieve--tree removal crews were across the way killing back branches from the streets. now the homeowner is having them trim back even further to make sure that the house is safe should and other windstorm arrive.
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>>reporter: she wants to make sure that what happens to the house that you see here does not happen to her house. imagine this fall in the pitch dark at 1:30 a.m., of course the good news is that no was injured and more good news for the homeowner is that they have been meeting with contractors and insurance agents and everything seems to be on track to get the tree out of here it may take about five days and then the repairs of the house can begin. reporting live in the oakland hills i and then turned with kron4 news. >>pam: the powerful wind brought down an entire home, we spoke with the home owner and told you about the damage there. >>reporter: and it was limiting his home when wednesday's win storm through. >> it looks like it was wobbling. it was supported by a couple of jacks, the wind came and pushed it over. >> before i even went out the door i knew it was. i dismissed it would've gone this way.
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>> it just hit us, the house just hit us. i just feel like there should be some red ruby slippers here like dorothy the wicked witch. >>reporter: as he surveyed the wreckage that was once his home he saw a new opportunity. >> i am trying to be optimistic about it. this way, what's all this is cleared out i can redesign the house i can enlarge it this way, i can change the walk way. it seems to be a blessing in disguise. >>reporter: the power outages are widely scattered throughout the greater santa cruz announced. as many as 30,000 people were without power. many of them are here in the san leandro valley one of the larger outages impacted as many as 500 homes here in the mouth are many areas
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outside of felton inkling the mount hermon conference center. power lines are down all along, since drive that has been closed forcing many residents to walk to and from their homes. >> we are used to it, being under the trees you have to be ready and we all have our emergency lights and candles and we are ready for any storm. >> we are holding up pretty well. we have used a lot of candles. we have generators for power. >> i have gas heat, but everything has gone rotten in my refrigerator. >>reporter: dozens of trees have come down like this big redwood that to about the deck on this mountain cabin. fortunately no one here was hurt. a total of two dozen rolls are close. pg&e is expected to have the power back on by the end of the day. there is a chance that some of the smaller more remote outages could linger through the weekend.
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[music] >>jacqueline: the wind is much calmer and it should stay that way. current wind speeds are calmer and we have 12 mph wins in san francisco this is a far cry from the '20s and '30s that we have been out there yesterday and in part take a look at the feature forecast. 20 and 30 and 40 mi. per hour wind gusts. this means we have another mile night on tapster the bay area as the wind will help keep the temperature up overnight. the gusty winds continue through the morning and through the early afternoon all the will start to die down in the afternoon and we will see, conditions for small. taking a look at the wind advisory that is an effect.
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>> vicki: =--- >>jacqueline: we will talk more about the wind and when that would die down in just a bit. >>reporter: this just in, we have 20 minute delays on the bart line between ashley and macarthur. they said someone was on the tracks the top the train--so they stopped the train and look for him or harbor could not find them. there were 20 minute delays because they had to stop the train that is on bart richman lines between ashby and macarthur. that is the latest, we will still on top of it and take a short break and be right back. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪
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kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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[people chatting] everyone, it's $37 a piece. paying with your smart phone instead of cash. that's a step forward. with chase person-to-person quickpay, you can send money directly to your friend's checking account. all you need is their email address or mobile number. don't worry honey, i'll show you. thanks everyone. so take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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a big thank you this friday & saturday with the simplest way to save extra. just use your jcpenney rewards credit card and save an extra 20% off all apparel, shoes accessories and home. no exclusions. that's an extra 20% off gifts for her. all the greatest gifts for him. must have kitchen electrics for the home. and dazzling fine jewelry. save an extra 20% off all your holiday gifts. doors open extra early saturday. go to to see everything on sale. we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. >>pam: the state division of occupational safety and health has issued severe fines of up to $21,000 related to violations during
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a fire response that killed two veteran firefighters. anthony valerio and vincent perez die from injuries while battling a house fire and die and heights. osha says that the fire department failed to follow safety procedures for the workers that were entering a life threatening environment. and a man suspected in a deadly shooting outside of the occupy opening kama is behind bars tonight. lawrence calls--tarrell was a rested. it happened at frank about plaza on november 10th police believe the suspect may have been staying in the occupy tense right before the shooting. at least four other arrests have been made in connection with the crime. we will be right back with more news to come.
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>>pam: the labor department shows that hiring is up and unemployment is down. the numbers are better than
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expected but they say there is still plenty of room for political finger-pointing. >>reporter: the new labor department report shows 120,000 new jobs added in november. it is a lois into a half years. president obama says that this is progress. there are still more than 13 million people out of work. republicans say that that is the president's problem. >> today marks the 34th consecutive month of unemployment above 8%. as you may remember the obama administration promised that unemployment would not exceed 8% if we had passed other stimulus bill. that promise has gone unfulfilled. >>reporter: private sector hiring went up in the retail industry that added 50,000 jobs but the numbers show that more people drop out of the job hunt than were hired. in a statement that the proposed--that the republican presidential hopeful called a devastating
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landmark in the obama jobs crisis greeted president obama puts the ball in congress's court calling for renewed unemployment benefits and an extended payroll tax cut before it expires at the end of the month. >> it is eyes --, we need to get this done and i expect that it will get done before congress leaves. otherwise, congress may not be leaving and we could all spend christmas here together. >>reporter: it is how washington may begin the election year, focused on jobs because so many americans remain without one. >>catherine: this is in 2012, tonight he meets with his wife and tomorrow he meets the media herman cain has promised a big announcement on saturday. speculation is running high he will in his run for the republican presidential nomination. >>catherine: herman cain and rocky hills out for a line in what might be his last appearance as a
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presidential one >> tomorrow and lsi will be making an announcement. >>catherine: his once high- flying campaign brought down by allegations of sexual harassment and infidelity. the most recent from a woman that detailed a 13 year affair. herman cain admitted knowing the woman admitted giving her money and in midnight telling his wife about her but he denied any hanky-panky. is >> there was no sex? >> the nook! >>catherine: that was on monday, it took him four days to get back home to his wife. this shows is motorcade entry into hit the gates of his community. >> how quick you think i would get back to my wife? i would charter a jet. >>catherine: as this drama unfolded the came campaign
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unveiled a women for herman cain web site and as the honorary chair they named his wife gloria but there is no message from her on the web site. and win on the stick with their thumbs up they are not refer herman cain. this is a stock photograph that is available for sale for about $20. >>jacqueline: it was very now the today, to to continue to be on a mouse cited a number of spots. taking the get fairfield it goes to show you how cool it will be when the winds died down. >>reporter: right now we have 63 in san francisco, 64 in oakland, and the wind is pretty, out there right now and we have certainly die down quite a bit. the are forecast to pick back up. the wind advisory is expected to be intact from 10:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. tomorrow morning. and from midnight tonight to see the wind picking back up.
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continuing through the overnight hours and then to 6:00 p.m. tomorrow on-- continuing through out overnight and then continuing through 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. it is still windy out there tomorrow morning we have sunny skies going off live through the day. it will be a little bit cooler into the afternoon as well. temperatures mainly in the '60s and taken the get morning temperatures first. we have the upper 40's and low 50s, 52 in san francisco, 50 in san raphael. we have 49 in hayward, 45 in san jose and a little cooler down in morgan hill. as for the afternoon, we will be a little cooler than what we saw today. we have some cool air moving through the bay and especially to the inland valley. >>jacqueline: here is a live your extended forecast it will be windy out is through the overnight hours and into
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tomorrow morning. later on in the afternoon hours in the evening the winnable, down we will see cooler to the to tomorrow and even cooler for sunday. we have sunny skies of blood to the extended forecast. >>pam: jacqueline is talking about the continue wind, let us have out live from another trouble spot about the down trees. charles clifford joins us live with an update. >>reporter: 59 in the back yard along star ave.--right now i am in a backyard a long star ave. the gentleman that live here said it sounded like a car hit his house. for the last couple of days he and his wife have been trying to figure out how to get the tree out of here. the problem is, they're trying to find a way to pay for tree removal. if a tree falls out by the road and it's a power line and take it out or block the roadway, the city or county
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might come down to pick up the tree but this is all on private land. fell on private land and it is pretty much all up to the homeowners to take care of this. he has been on the phone for the past couple of days and talking with his neighbors to see who was responsible for paying to get this tree clean up. so far has not had any luck but he is hoping to get this tree removed within the next couple of days. live in castro valley and charles clifford with kron4 news. >>pam: just ahead grant lodes will have an update on the windy weather in southern california, stay with us.
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>>reporter: in california news, we have not seen this in years. one day after hurricane force winds tore through much of southern california there is not a state of emergency for the entire bay area.
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>>reporter: chain saws are screaming from much of southern california a massive cleanup effort is underway after strong winds, the area out wednesday night and thursday morning. hundreds of thousands are still without power on friday and some customers are being told that the power may not be restored until sunday. wind gusts up to a miles per hour are being blamed for knocking down of its 200 trees in the city of pasadena. hundreds more trees were damage. traffic lights flickered on the ground and toss from their usual perch above the street directing traffic. sidewalks buckled as large trees were uprooted. treed damaged a crucifix and knocking the jesus back to down. that statue had been place since 1935. at the height of the storm on thursday this scene was a real. >> it is in st. it feels like a post apocalyptic thunderstorms.
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>> and not only were we hit by strong winds, but allow little lost power and the good news here in l.a., staff and run not on a television for seven to ministerial [laughter] >>reporter: the wind forecasted for this weekend is expected to be a lot lighter and that is obviously a good thing. we will be right back. and even death. it can cause heart disease speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it.
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>>reporter: in oakland five people have been detained in connection with that shooting case it happened earlier in west oakland were seven people were shot including a young boy. they are persons of interest in this case and they're being held on unrelated charges. this afternoon mayor quan along with the police chief basically went door to door in the west oakland area. in that area they asked people to come forward with new information. they say they still need new information at this point. as for those
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people, those persons of interest we do not have much information on who they are and how old they are the that is all the information that i am working at getting. reporting live in oakland i am j.r. stone with kron4 news. >>reporter: in oakland the mother of a one-year-old and zinc a condition at children's hospital in oakland says that her in the hospital are at a crossroads and they cannot come to an agreement on continuing care for her one- year-old son. her son has been in critical condition here since monday night when he was shot in the head. she made an emotional plea asking for help from a health advocate or a lawyer. the hospital would not comment on the kayseri --the hospital would not comment on the case. >>reporter: here in oakland, and national guard troops return home from i iraq. families of one
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another nonstop and a lot of pictures were taken. they say they hope to get back to normal life and do normal things like take a shower. also everyone said that this was the ultimate christmas gift to return home in the united.--to return home and the united. >>reporter: in san francisco at the new trends bay terminal, there are artifacts on display they date back to the early 1900's. they are on display here at 201 mission st.. some of the items include old apothecary jars, to toothbrushes, to porcelain dolls. this exhibit will begin january 2012. [music] >>jacqueline: our big leather store tonight if the wind that is continuing through the overnight
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hours. from the wind ranges from 20 to 35 mouth power as it. is--we will see pretty gusty conditions below 1,000 ft.. >>jacqueline: continuing through the rest of the morning, it will start to die down into the afternoon and the wind will be, in the later afternoon hours. temperatures remain on the mild side. there are a couple of exceptions. >>jacqueline: it will also be a little cooler into the afternoon, temperatures many into the upper 60s and the wind will die down in the late afternoon. we will see car conditions on sunday and slightly cooler conditions as well.
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>>reporter: here in the oakland hills, this 80 ft. tree that landed on top of this house later in the week is still here. but the work to remove it will begin on saturday. it should take for--take about five days as the construction crew tries to take this off piece by piece without damaging the house and then repairs to the home can begin. >>reporter: in castro valley it has been two days since the wind blew this tree over into this home is backyard. this tree recruited on private property and it fell on to two other pieces of private property. anthony has been on how phone try to figure out who was responsible for paying for the cleanup and whether or not his insurance will fit the bill. either way he hopes to have the tree removed within the next couple of days. >>reporter: the when storm
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on wednesday toppled this house on a list of its street. the structure was under major renovation when heavy wind gust pushed the building over and then the roof a push into the salon next door. no one was hurt in the collapse. >>reporter: continuing our storm coverage, a tree crews are going 24/7. hundreds of trees are down and some of them like this one in scotts valley crashed into the sides of homes and on top of cars. as many as 30,000 people lost electricity. this was mostly a result of the trees taking down power lines, some are expected to be without electricity through the weekend. more than two dozen mountain roads are also closed. >>pam: here is stanley roberts to founts of people behaving badly.
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[music] >>stanley: some people are calling occupy sf a protest. i prefer to call it a party. so sit back a while and watch a little occupy sf tv people behaving badly style. it is a party that appears to start with a loss of boos as soon as the sun pops up the drink of choice, anything that is wet. it could even be a gallon jug of burgundy wine, apparently they still sell those and the ear which of course all of these are banned. >> if i could buy this at the liquor store i can walk out with it. >>stanley: here is something else cannot picture rarer. if you are carrying out for
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weeks, where is the money coming from for all of that weed? and the boccie courts that were supposed to be kept clean now have a structure made from a fence. one thing i am sure of is that writing slogans on an american flag is a no, not to mention dragging it on the ground. the conditions inside of this camp is deplorable. the only difference between the camera and a homeless camps are catchy signs. >>pam: kim has the buzz when we come back.
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♪ going to the bank without going to the bank... that's a step forward. with chase quickdeposit on your smartphone, you just snap a picture, hit send and done. chase quickdeposit. take a step forward and chase what matters. ♪ we just keep on keepin' on ♪ ♪ keep on
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>>kimberlee: collegiate or not to de britney spears turned 30 years old today ikaria the mother of two has been through many of and downs. she has had her fair share of scandals but after a few rocky year as a cheese back on track with her to no. 1 album. an hbo popular show on to rise may have ended in september but have no fear, the ontological is will be back. during a late-night interview one of the actors confirm that the movie has been commissioned it is going to happen. he >>kimberlee: has talked about before, but now the jersey shore actor paulie d has signed with 56. 505 says that he is a great addition to the ge unit family calling him creative and
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smart. and sinkers and became a notch and cady perry are about to become a party dogs. mattel has already started production on each of the dolls. the niki doll will be auctioned off on line. >>pam: coming next gary is joined by his lovely wife as the open of the kron4 mailbag and answer your e- mails. and vern glenn and his latest assignment it has since seen stars. gary has the story in all sports next.
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>>gary: bit evening everybody, the warriors will open up their season on christmas night. this will be the first time a we nationally televised emplane on christmas. it used to be they play the prestigious three games but now with the truncated schedule, they
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have to make room for five games to get things rolling . >>gary: orlando mclean before he steps on the field must meet with the raiders coach hugh jackson. raiders will play miami in miami on sunday and that is where supposedly the meeting will take place. there is no video of the alleged victim as he was leaving the hospital he claims to have suffered broken ribs, a busted nose and a mild concussion. mclean allegedly pulled a gun to the victim's head and made him beg for his life before firing one round into the ground. >> he got the gun and told me to put the knife down and shot me in my face. i was just standing there and he shot the gun by my face phoenix >> he did not shoot my child but he shot at my child. i want justice i do not care who he is.
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>>gary: i am very disturbed by this but this is the bottom line. >>gary: you can say all you want, we do not know anything about is taking place in alabama but if he is on the football field, is hugh jackson is going to be under fire. here's a guy that had no idea what took place in alabama, but i do not believe that i will be on the field on sunday. and tiger woods was on his game. his partner not down a sign with his head. and then tiger laughed. this was basically his own event, the chevron sponsors and their egos. he does not fall but he settles for a birdie. tiger woods will not down the eight flitter and
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tighter finished the day after two rounds, he wins the field vice three strokes with a score of minus eight. woods is to appear in the bay area twice next year. tiger woods is playing well and that is good for the sport. >>reporter: the final practice for the redwood city 49ers. they are unbeaten at 14 and 0, this collection of 10, 11 and 12 year olds were a wrecking ball through the peninsula conference. now, they set their sights on orlando fla. starting saturday in the national checking ships.--in the national championships. the head coaches ray like it. whom >> we started also when he
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had the talent that could compete. >>reporter: just like the nfl team down the road, the 49ers get after it get what they did to this reporter. but this trip is not come cheap, the average is $1,000 per player. is a squad of 31. a family of four average cost is $3,900 and it is all due on monday. that is the price of a national championship run for the 49ers. in redwood city i am vern glenn with kron4 sports. >>gary: vern, almost like the old days he is to knock out three of these per week and now the business has changed so it is tough to get these on the week--on the air. but here it is vern glenn getting pummeled. oh my gosh! there it is. and he gets up, that is why we show this he can take a good
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punch. when we return is e- mails time. the giants fans are making off-season noise. we will finish with an audience member screaming about how poorly we treat the women at kron4. that will be rolling are you ready of the show? >> i was ready to go. ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends,
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so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
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the >>gary: what you have and
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those e-mails questions? >> tom says the following. the >>gary: what i said is when the season for started, all a sudden the 49ers were good. then they got this enormous lead in their going to clinch the division more than likely on sunday. i think they will win it. and the playoffs will start. i think people think they are good, there is nothing to get mad at. now rolling along. >> les says the following. >>gary: look, there is only
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so much money. the idea is to try to get in and said, and pain sign up ahead of time.--g roomet lensacome and cain sign up ahead of time. people can only pay so much and i would rather have those two guys then a big name. >> patrick says the following. >>gary: when we had joe montana park recant her john charles i the way varied interesting figure the black power salute, the man had just, believe me it has affected his entire life. he
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could never really get a good job he never looked on as the head of a track and field program because that would always in the back of the mind of people that were hiring. but the deal is we have joe montana and tiger woods selling books on the same week. at the end of the week all the e-mails say why do in seoul pam? i would love to do a serious interview every night of the week. >> you are fabulous, that interview many want to read the book. >>gary: that is like to get two minutes for scores, if i tickled people i get six minutes. go ahead. the >> and marty says the following. >>gary: none. he wants to go to l.a. he is in the last year of his contract and may have to move them as much as i like the new owners, i think he would much rather play and your loss and less. >> and laura says...
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>>gary: all the key figures are women in the morning there is no one i can go hunting with. i do not have a chance here. ♪
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"the insider" is taking you in depth on today's big celebrity headlines. i'm brooke anderson. >> "the insider" is on. muhammad ali reportedly rushed to the hospital. the 911 call. the boxing legend's last public appearance and our interview with his daughter. >> my dad fought with fighters when people weren't afraid to fight each other. >> how much is he now worth? mindy mccready abducts her own son. >> are you worried that she might harm either herself or your son? >> the custody battle. the country singer's drug rehab past. then, j. lo and her boy toy's moroccan adventure. where "the insider" found him getting slapped by women. will real-life "twilight" couple robert and kristen fail our "insider" quiz? in t


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