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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  December 6, 2011 5:00pm-7:00pm PST

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the final hurdles of moving the 49ers to santa clara are being cleared away today. today they announced a long- term deal with those in the area. forking had been a great concern with next-door neighbor great america. j.r stone is following the story and spoke with the mayor of san francisco. this really does sound like a done deal, but it is over, isn't it? >> the mayor looks at it as though it could be a done deal but the fact is, if he reiterated today--he reiterated today it is not definite until the nfl makes a definite. he realizes the city's plan is a plan before the 49ers. the mayor says that meetings with the 49ers have not yet ceased but he realizes the offer made santa clara deal and says he wants to be in a position where san francisco can still be viable option for the 49ers. thick
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>> i am not giving up, i do not think it is over but i think the clock is ticking. drugs are probably down to the final minutes, maybe if the nfl does not feel this is a solid change. one thought that occurred to me is that the thought of them not playing in candlestick does not mean they are leaving the state, they are still here, they just are not in candlestick. >> they're leaving the city. presence, i assure you. the presence of the 49ers will continue being here. we will this have to look at our options.
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>> there is a public meeting held this evening in santa clara really going through this new plan with a lot of people in the community because this is going to mean taxes, this could mean a lot for the city, a lot of changes for the city. >>pam: and a lot of money. >> when you have three different banks backing you to go to santa clara, you have a lot of people. >>catherine: several bay area commuters have had their cell phones stolen on a muni. grant lodes is here to tell us where it is happening. >>grant: we're tracking
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neighborhood crime. watch out on this one. we're talking about cellphone robberies, there have been four separate cell phone robberies' monday night in san francisco while people were writing muni and had their phones out like this. the first one happened at 6:50 p.m. at third and king streets right outside of at&t part. police say the suspect demanded the victims of fat and punched the 27 year-old several times in the face before grabbing his bond and running off of the train. the next one and 9:35 p.m., this happened on a minibus at the 1500 block of baker, a 41 year-old woman was sitting there playing a game went to teenage boys behind her grab for font and wrapped off of the bus. around 11:00 p.m. on monday, this on the 23 month to rely near the lead hartford station, to suspect's with knives took a phone with force from a 26 year-old
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man. none of these victims were hurt, fortunately. however, a 50 year-old man at did suffered life- threatening injuries when he was stabbed around 9:30 p.m. last night if this one on the 19th hole, vote--bust. woman asked to borrow the victims of, police stations would not give it back. the guide overpower the woman to get his own back. the woman and stabbed the man in the chest. police say, you can use your phones, but be a clear of your environment. >>officer: criminals are opportunistic. if they see someone who is distracted by these electronic devices, they will take that chance to steal it. that is what we're seeing. >>grant: police say that sulfone thieves are not targeting one particular neighborhood, he does have to be careful.
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>>catherine: bart has been targeted in a recent copper wire fence. the most recent case was discovered overnight near the west oakland bart station. officials spoke with haaziq madyun about the thefts. >>haaziq: thereto 20 ft. sections of copper cable wiring that were stolen from the bart tracks in oakland. the crime was discovered by bart employees conducting a routine inspection of the tracks between the 12th street in west oakland station. jim allison says copper theft is a growing problem for the transportation agency. >> we have had three cases in the asphalt 45 days. >>haaziq: he says the task usually occur in the early morning hours. in order to gain access to copper wire cables, fees scale barbed wire fences or use cutters to break in, ignoring posted danger signs as the copper
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wire is directly connected to the high-voltage third real. >> we have seen a recent increase in people risking their lives. >> a train operators saw someone in the wayside by the tracks. we suspected that they were attempting to steal some metal. an inspection revealed that something was missing. >>catherine: in this city of a vallejo, thieves have been targeting street and traffic lights. it has gotten so bad the city has been posting these signs at signal lights, the price to fix the damage done by thieves have is cost the city more than two of a thousand dollars. >>maureen: here is a city worker replacing copper
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wire at one of the city lights. it is a tough time for police to solve. >> it is difficult to prosecute unless he can catch someone actually stealing it. once it is in someone else's hands, they would just deny the fact that the ticket. >> the city has tried a variety of ways to keep the wire from being struck. a utility box with a layer of concrete, that does not always work. >> that these will take several days to break through the concrete. once there through it, they will still with the next night. >>maureen: to ways awareness, police have reported these signs. >> the city needs the public's help that has already cost taxpayers $42,000 already.
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>> there should not be anyone in and around our street lights and traffic signals at odd hours. if they are, it should be reported. >>grant: new details, the u.s. postal service is shrinking, they're fighting to stay relevant. as a way to save money, they now want to close half of their mail processing centers. on the chopping block in northern california get centers in modesto, stockton, eureka and petaluma. and the bay area, petaluma and burlingame. they are looking to cut all of these centers. it is not a done deal yet. rob fladeboe got reaction from customers in the burlingame location. >>rob: the postal service distribution center off of rollins wrote in berlin game is where all of the male downfall residents of san mateo county is sorted. we are talking some 3 million
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pieces of mail every day. that could change when this and as many as have such facilities across the country are closed. when that happens it will affect service. a stamped letter will no longer reach its destination the next day. the good news is, the people who work at these facilities will not necessarily lose their jobs. >> we do not lay off people in the postal service. we are repositioning employees . >> traditionally, since the birth of the postal service, people have put stamps on are envelops and mailed bills religiously every month. that is not happening anymore.
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>>jaqueline: sunny skies and temperatures exactly where we told you they would be. fifties and low 60s. >> 40 degrees right now in nevada. it is going to be another chilly night. the freeze warning is only for the delta and fairfield areas. that does not mean it will not be cold elsewhere, it is certainly going to be cold, by 12:00 p.m.--12:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m., low temperatures for several hours. premier pets inside. bundle up. here is a look at whether headlines. warmer
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over ninth, in some spots it is going to be cold. a lot of 30 degree readings. it will be tried this week it changes into next week. details coming up. >>president obama: today, we are a richer nation and stronger democracy because of what he fought for in his last campaign. >>catherine: president obama traveled to promote his campaign. >>catherine: protesters got up close and personal lawmakers today. >>catherine: a bay area grocery store added to the list of businesses hit by identities and what experts say to watch out for before using your credit card. >>catherine: a new domain on the internet. why controversy played organizations like penn state are adding. x x x to
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their web sites. that is ahead.
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>>pam: president obama travel to a small town in kansas where teddy roosevelt fifth championed the rights of the american middle-class. today, the president accused republicans in congress of betraying his legacy. >>president obama: after the war economic crisis since the great depression, they want to return to the same practices that got as into this mess. in fact, they want to go back to the same policies that stacked deck against middle-class americans for way too many years. their philosophy is simple, which are better off whenever one is left to fend for themselves in play by their own rules. i am here to say that they are wrong. >> in 1910, teddy roosevelt came here and he laid out
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his vision, what he called a new nationalism. he said, our country means nothing unless it means the triumph of a real democracy, of an economic system under which each man shall be guaranteed the opportunity to show the best that there is in him, it is heartbreaking enough that there are millions of working families in this country who are now forced to take their children for food banks for a decent meal. the idea that those children might not have a chance to climb out of that situation and back into the middle class and no matter how hard they work, that is inexcusable. it is wrong! >>catherine: the president
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also drew cheers as he drew in to those trying to take the side of the wealthy. >>catherine: the latest stalemate over payroll tax cuts could affect your paycheck and in a matter of weeks. emily schmidt has the latest. >> the partisan divide is so deep in washington, even when the parties agree on something like extending the payroll tax cuts set to expire at the end of the year >> time is running out, time is running out. >> the disagree on details. house democrats want to extend the tax cuts and increased the amount most people take home by calling for a surtax on people who make more than $1 million. >> if we do not do that, 160 million americans including these people here will see their taxes go up by an average of $1,000 and it would badly weakened our
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recovery. >> republicans argue that when that would hurt job creators. >> no party wants to tell americans that their taxes will go up. president obama told this kansas crowd that the nation needs to pull together. this is the same town where teddy roosevelt delivered his new nationalism speech. i >> clear skies and cool temperatures. right now is
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54 and sent to cisco. it will be 46 overnight and into tomorrow afternoon, 55 degrees. it is one to be cold in a number of places. temperatures will warm slightly in some locations. a freeze warning in effect for the delta, fairfield and the central valley. temperatures in the upper 20s and the low 30s. this will be from 12:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. on wednesday morning. bring your pets inside. here is a look at some of those readings. very cold in fairfield, 29 degrees. in napa, 32. 31 in santa rosa. 32 in livermore. upper '30's for the peninsula and the south bay. >> the afternoon is going to be very similar to today, maybe a degree or to school or in some locations. 60 in
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san jose, 61 in mountain view. upper 50s to the inland valleys. >> we will keep this pattern going through the week. we will see cloud cover into thursday morning. for >>jaqueline: as we head into the weekend there is a possibility of changes into the weekend and early next week, a breakthrough, possibly rain into monday morning. we will be right back. call off its four
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>>catherine: in your looking at a live picture from oakland. this is being
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called occupy our homes. protesters are marching to look for parks. more on this story at 6:00 p.m.. occupy protesters in washington d.c. are marching their message to the capital staging sit-ins' in front of lawmakers' offices. the movement is calling itself take back the capital. some protesters were given a chance to talk representatives about problems facing the unemployed. >>catherine: in new orleans, occupy protesters were ousted from their encampment. scores of police officers marched into the camera across from city hall. protesters have been there since october 6th. >> during the raid there was a lot of yelling and complaints from protesters.
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>>catherine: stay with us, more news after the break. len from
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>>catherine: breaking news on the set of myth busters. something went very wrong. the alameda county fire department is confirming that the krona's fired a cannon ball that went through several homes in dublin. fortunately, no one was hurt. more on this developing situation tonight. stay with us, more news coming up after the break.
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announcer: this is the kron4 news at 5:30 p.m.. >>grant: the majority of california voters want a revolting furious anubis system would connect to the area of the central valley, los angeles and down to san diego. the new poll is a big shift from 2008 outthrust
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when it was passed with a majority vote. >> the price tag has soared to 90 billion with a finish date of 2033. almost two- thirds of people in california would now oppose it. the real authority that supports the project says that backpedaling now would mean billions if the list of money to be rejected. 100,000 new jobs would be lost and highways would be more congested in years to come. here is a look at high temperatures from earlier today. upper 50s and low 60s exactly where we told he would be. temperatures are
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already starting to cool off. it will be another goal line. the freeze warnings for, and also yahoo it will affect. kofu " temperatures are going to continue to slide as we head into the overnight hours, especially this evening. says here is a look at freeze warnings. temperatures are very cold, the 20th and low 33 very cold temperatures are expected overnight. the freeze morning expected until 9:00 a.m.. he certainly did not want to leave your pets inside-- outside. bring them inside. here is a look at whether headlines for tomorrow. warmer and sunspots but still quite cool. sunny if
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mild tomorrow afternoon. we do have changes in the extend forecast, details coming up. >>catherine: a second round of clashes between demonstrators and police in moscow. people are angry over alleged fraud in recent elections. they're targeting the prime minister and his ruling party. they lost a lot of seats in an election but they do still maintain majority. at least till the 50 people have been detained. >>catherine: riot police and protesters are clashing in greece. a student rally marked the third anniversary of the shooting death of the teenager by police. protesters threw molotov cocktails at police. there were other protests expressing anger over the debt problem. more than 7000
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police officers have been deployed. the right-hand man of saddam hussein will face the death penalty next year. here he is standing in decades.. iraqi prime minister says he will be executed once the u.s. forces leave the country. he was captured by u.s. troops in 2003, shortly after the start of the invasion. last year he was sentenced to death in an iraqi court for his role in trying to get rid of >>catherine: more bay area supermarkets have added to the list of identity theft rings. all of the stores are in the lucky chain. dan kerman is joining us on the fall with more on the story. >>dan: there are 23 lucky stores that were victimized . we do not know how many customers have been victimized. they installed
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highly sophisticated schemers on debit and credit card machines, those are the ones the checkout on. one in each of the 23 stores, the self checkout lanes each had one. people are advised, if you shop at a lucky store in the bay area to check your credit card statement and tracking the account statement for any unauthorized charges. >>catherine: let me ask you, there could have been plenty of people ripped off by do not know it yet, correct? >> absolutely. >>craig: >>dan: the people from the lucky stores say they have received phone calls from over 80 people. we do know
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that the u.s. secret service is investigating this and trying to determine exactly how the skimmers got into the machines and at what point they were put in. they were discovered last month and moved-judge removed shortly before thanksgiving. we do not know when their work in. until we know that, the woman and how many victims. >>catherine: the criminals did use very sophisticated technology called skimmers to pull this off serious gabe slate explains how skimming works. >>gabe: the criminal waits until no one is around and then they go to the card reader, open it with special tools and plant is given
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device. the process can be done in seconds. this evening device itself is a circuit board, hard to detect. once it is planted, no one knows is there. this camera records of transactions. a period of time later, the criminal goes back to retrieve this camera, they can take home, look at the information recorded in the steal money from bank accounts and make charges of people's credit card numbers. this is a hard time to fight. there is not much anyone can do about it until card reader technology is increased. one idea is to use cash. another idea is to not use those self check out kiosk. those card readers are sitting there on monitor. you must do online banking to check your account every night to make sure there are no surprise charges. it is
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claimed that is the world we live in. >>catherine: if you're looking at the favorites toll plaza. no problems there. on the james lick, the tail lights towards the lower deck of the bridge are moving very slowly. that is always a slows but this time of night. stay with us, more news coming up after this.
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>>kimberlee: check this out, a buddhist temple was destroyed by a raging fire in a denver suburb. one monk who alerted the others was taken to hospital with hearns and suffering from smoke inhalation. he is expected to be ok. firefighters tried to save the buddhist statues inside, some of over 100 years old.
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here's a look at them after nighttime felt. because of the fire is under investigation. this is all that is left of home in tennessee. firefighters stood nearby doing nothing to save a. fear is a $75 annual fee for fire service and the family did not take it thing they never thought this would happen to them. check out this surveillance video. there are people going out and the car goes crashing into the restaurant. customers were scrambling to get out of kuwait. at least two people suffered minor injuries. police are still trying to decide whether to charge the driver. check this out, and alleged robber back in jail after he picked the wrong person to target. police say he pulls a gun on a driver in chicago. the would lead to the strain in mixed
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martial arts fifth vatican and glenn at one point accidently shot himself. demand is now facing armed robbery charges. take a look at is a man who had his big toe grafted onto his hand and, surgeons may be unusual suggestion after they were unable to sell its arsenal from on. two months after the operation, his mom works just fine. >>pam: stanley roberts found some people behaving badly. >>stanley: you are looking at an ac transit bus located at the bart station in oakland. the truth is, this could be any us in alameda or contra costa county. i chose this one because this is a favored spot for people to pull up and drop off passengers and sometimes give a long goodbye. had you know, those long goodbyes
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could actually cost you. for that matter, even a short of five-year this d.c. transit bus zones are off-limits to anyone other than ac transit buses. disney's you are not permitted to park or stop, just like the sign says, no stopping people with hearing aids will aha has talked the deputies used cat interested if they capture your plate, it a denial. >> i know it is the holiday season, this is my gift to you. avoid public transit bus zones like the plague had keep $260 in your
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pocket. but
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>>catherine: thousands of web sites will now be using. x x x. . warren makes
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3 million a year in u.s. >>pam: --3 billion a year. if you offer adult content anyone eight. x x x web site they would get one but they're not just given to adult entertainment. if you want to protect your web site's name from being registered to it. x x x side, it will help you do that as well. penn state university and did that. it paid $200 a pop to protect a variety of names and their mascot.
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>>catherine: we have more news coming up after the break. >>gabe: i am giving away copies of a new game for nintendo three bs and excise 360 with over 20 story based missions and bonus levels, this new game will allow fans to explore endlessly and have some last a long way.
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>>kimberlee: the mayor announced a new global application of the s those socks--shows shots from the city. the application is available for $2.99. so it
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provides users with information of more than two of the 30 films that have been shot in over a house locations around the city. on the left the concerts by actor or by the name of the film. if you look up the alfred hitchcock film vertigo, you will find information on the film itself, the actors, the writer and what was released. reiner away this
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that at and why at our peril javier riley hinted hall
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still he easily be at some
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him i see it that high is a hell of
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>>president obama: today we are a raider nation and a stronger democracy because of what he fought for in his campaign. earth minimum wage for women face, thin insurance for the full life in the field life and those with disabilities. 544 felt he noted that the economic inequality that he championed it is once again on the rise. ye old used
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your it's-just use to turn it 30 times more than as a worker now earns a 110 times more in gets to keep profit. but the president >> today the wealthiest are paying lower taxes, some have a tax rate as low as 1%. >>reporter: the president says the the years right after world war two, a child born into hochtief added better than 5050 chance of eventually join in the middle class. now, the chances are down to one in three. if >> >> there are millions to are now forced to take their children to work things for eighth-just to food banks for a diesel. it's >>president obama: the chance that those children may not climb out of that situation the matter how hard they work, that is inexcusable. it is wrong. >> the president painted the
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republicans as a party of privilege. >>president obama: they are wrong! >>grant: republicans lashed back at the president. mitt romney said that teddy roosevelt was head of the bull moose party, only one of those words applies to president obama is handling of the economy. >>catherine: he is planning to make big cuts in nationwide. we're learning more about how the bay area will be affected. three different mill facilities will be set down, one in petaluma and one in burlingame. rob fladeboe went to the burlingame office to find out why it is on the chopping block and how it could affect postal workers. >> the postal service is losing money. almost $5 billion if so far this year. but as a result, facilities like this one in the burlingame and another just like it and petaluma
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could be close. that means it could take longer to sort and deliver mail. that it
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causes some time as we know the dollars to repair the damage that was caused by a $25 worth of sold copper. the >> it is quite time consuming them. >> and this is a city worker putting in new wire. the cost to repair the damage has run the city more intuitive million dollars. that was not budgeted. >> the public works department now need to ask the city council for more money to cover the growing cost of the crime rate. maureen kelly, kron4 news. >>catherine: more than a half-dozen people have had
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their cell phones stolen. half the victims were violently attacked in some cases. people should be aware of what is happening around them. >>stanley: this lady is walking on market street in san francisco with a smart phone. she is also wearing headphones. guess what else? she is totally oblivious to the world around her. how do i know this? see for yourself. not once a day she even notice that i am falling dollar the camera. even when she stops at the light, she does not look around to see what is going on. she is not aware of her surroundings. for that is
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exactly what the bad guys are looking for. people who are unaware of their surroundings. thank now, if you are watching seven of the dollar mobile devices. as far as i know, no one ever sold a newspaper. smart phones and tablets are well up for grabs. how easy is it to become a victim? let's look at this man. in a few seconds i get closer and closer. he never notices me until i am arm's-length-- arm's length and then he turns to the camera. this >>stanley: the bad guys are opportunists. do not give them the opportunity to be a badly, do not be a victim.
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>>jaqueline: here is a live look outside in downtown san francisco. a very clear shot, there are no clouds and snow fall. kazakh and
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>>jaqueline: this definitely not until up tonight, bring your head inside. you do not want to leave them outside, more on the cool temperatures, we will be back after this is. but
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>>catherine: occupy protesters took on congress today. once they got there, they walked into offices in staging a sit-in. one representative at the time to speak with protesters of of problems facing the unemployed and encouraged them to continue spreading their message. >> i think it is important that he do what you're doing here fear in congress and in
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every community around the country people need to hear from the grass roots, but the need to hear it everywhere in it needs to get amplified over and over again furious i think that fee for beginning to get the sf. fourth >>catherine: a mass exodus from big banks earlier this year was not as a as everyone thought. the credit union national association says its survey on how many customers switched from big banks to credit unions was off. instead of 650,000 customers, it was more like 214,000. the organization isn't blaming the mixup on ambiguous language. >>jaqueline: we are off to a
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chilly start. temperatures were mild this afternoon. we are in for another cold night. take a look at temperatures already falling rapidly in places like fairfield. upper 40's for the inland valleys. temperatures will only continue to slide this evening. he tomorrow morning, temperatures sylvie's slightly warmer than what we saw today. it is still one to be very cold. >>jaqueline: take a look at the freeze morning in effect. the upper 20s and
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low '30's for the fairfield area. we have several hours of very cold temperatures. bundle up out there tonight. here is a look at the overnight lows. 29 in fairfield, very cold. it is freezing in livermore, 32 in napa, 31 in santa rosa. if 38 and san rafael. warmer in half moon bay, san francisco and oakland. temperatures for the afternoon will be similar to today. fifties in the north bay, a city in santa rosa. if here is a look at your extended forecast. not a lot of changes. a little bit of cloud cover for thursday. half
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>>catherine: the winter spare the air season begins november 1st in runs through for every 29. more news after the breakup. and
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sixth los half half half pill to leave front for >> on guitar protesters have taken over this for closed hall, they say they're here did be supportive of the families who recently losses their offhand in addition to that some of their holdings to send a message to banks fear telling them that they need to do a better job and work with families so that families could stay in their homes. his sphere
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>>grant: ruths cell phones were stolen on the muni buses. if one man was shot. police believe the four smart phone robberies are unrelated. they warn people to be aware of their surroundings. >>haaziq: officials at the bart police department are looking for someone responsible for getting on to the bart tracks and stealing copper wires like this. fan >> we have had three cases in the past. we're looking towards forming a mini task force to not only address the thieves but the businesses that are buying this still and concord. ha
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>>reporter: the city of a vallejo is also being harassed by copper thieves. it has gotten so bad, the city cannot keep up with repairs. signal lights are nonfunctioning because of the event. the costs for years have run a city near $200,000. >>reporter: groups have installed skimmer's on debit and credit card machines used during checkout, stealing people for some information and racking up charges. right now, we do not know how many people are impacted but we are being told if you shop at a lucky in the bay area, check your legs statements carefully. the machines that have been
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compromised have been removed. >>gabe: the criminals behind the pilates crime ring implanted sophisticated technology called skimmers. listening device looks like a 2 in. thick circuit board. it records credit- card and debit card information. the criminal goes back at a later date to retrieve the skimmer. to protect yourself, do not use self check out registers and demonic tutor banking online every bit. >> here in san francisco and across the country, the u.s. postal service is bracing for changes that will almost certainly mean higher postal rates and less service. as many as half of the mail processing facilities could close including those in the early gains and petaluma. the postal service lost $5 billion in revenue, most of that was because of the
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internet. a stamped first- class letter will no longer reach its destination overnight. >> in the stands as the presidio, workers are digging up and realigning marble headstones in this cemetery. some of the greens are more than 150 years old. many of the headstones have settled into the ground and the fallen out of alignment. the crews are using gps mapping to make sure each headstone is returned to the correct web site. >>craig: the 49ers are closer to finalizing any stadium deal in the santa clara. the mayor spoke out on tuesday. >> that does not mean they are leaving the state. they are still here. >>caller: they're leaving the city. it will not be in
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san francisco. >> i assure you, they will have a presence. we have to work at what those options are. >>reporter: the first of three public meetings is taking place tonight. the city council is calling these study sessions where the future of the 49ers stadium will be discussed. the three banks that agreed to finance the stadium will be giving a presentation. the next public meeting is on thursday. >>jaqueline: our big weather story tonight, cool temperatures on tap. it is going to be a cold night with 20 and 30 degree readings. upper 20s and low
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30's in the area. definitely bring their pets inside overnight. this will look at that temperatures tomorrow morning, he will need your heavy jacket as you head out the door. freezing in livermore and in napa. here is a look at your extended forecast. possible rain in the forecast for monday of next week. if for
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half will follow if this
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hip-hop sphere even live the loose his vaudeville footloose law and a whole lot hall
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>>kimberlee: two weeks before her directorial debut, evangeline angelique is in being sued by a journalist who says she stole ideas from his book and she is trying to block the film's release. representatives insisted that she has never read his book. the film in the land of lead and honey premiered last night. today, alex baldwin was kicked off of an airplane at lax for having words with a flight attendant over 80 fee was playing on his phone. as american airlines has not commented on the situation. >>kimberlee: lady gaga to commissions and baleen to the white house. this is video showing the singer leaving, she met with obama
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administration staffers discuss her work on police prevention furious you did not get a chance to seek with the president. they have met previously at a california fund-raiser earlier this year. for >>catherine: and andrew love win the heisman? the cardinal women's soccer team kicks off the perfect season with a national championship. theory sits down with two of the stars, next. bonds off home of
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this this this long in 1 1/2
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off 1/2 hoffa hall. to >>gary: the heisman trophy seems to be slipping away from and truelove. family has been named a first-team all-american quarterback. this whole for me, is hard to believe, he will be the no. 1 pick in the professional draft. his numbers are terrific. stanford only lost one game and averaged a 44 per contest and raise fish
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less--this nastily. 31 wins in 37 careerist losses--thin 37 career games. you'll only degree >> on when you are on top and have been on top for as long as this kid has banned, people look at you and they try to pick on you. on your way up, people love you.
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fifth >> the heisman trophy winner is a this griffin, he will apparently be announced on saturday. here is a story in boise state, if you do not think college sports is all about money, of boise state is now a member of the big east conference. third >> i think everyone is tired of the ccs. that is the bottom line. everyone is frustrated. no one really knows what to do anymore. it does not make sense. i do
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not think anyone is happy anywhere. >>gary: when you join a major conference in noon call zahara who
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>>gary: and jim harbaugh is in and letting it all away. >> our guys have been really all about that for the entire season is. this winds will leave the championships. if we can get better today than we were yesterday, we will chase that. >> is there a rule that we have to hear him say nothing today? >> i am asking my producer, is there a reason? bill >> all is quiet at the baseball winter meetings. the big story is centered around albert pulls, the
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floor of marlon known as the miami marlins, they have offered him a 10 year deal for a little over 200 million. he spent his first tenure san with st. louis. q >>gary: when we return we salute the ncaa stanford women's soccer team. we are coming back with a chance in
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a moment. lukens in when
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veterans all love golf half
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fee if of hawthorne- if it
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>>gary: off for the first time, a stamford are the champions of the college soccer world. over the last two years they reached a champion game and lost 1-0 each time. guess what they did on sunday against duke's? if they won a fourth game of 1-0. it's six sanford c. this stars are here. >> you guys lost in back-to- back years one-nothing. in
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the back of your mind are you a little bit nervous as? >> it was definitely in the back of my mind. as we all had a feeling that this was our year. >>gary: when you hear something like andrew lack, that is the big deal, when you bring home the ncaa trophy, is that a big deal on campus? was it a big deal on the stanford campus? >> definitely. we had a really nice reception. there were quite a bit of people. it was nice to see all of these support. >>gary: for a lot of people watching the show with their appearance tonight, what does it take to be a good women's soccer player?
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>>caller: i do not think there is a particular age. a good sports performance code does not heard. >>gary: call if you are going to play a team sport, this is the one to go for it you are a woman. >> that is one thing ever one of the team would agree with. the greatest moments are the ones sit team makes. >>gary: here is the game- winning goal flight out of the sportscaster and the theory take us through the championship golf year e.f.
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>> she did all of the site work--all the hard work down the sideline. i was back there. she does that every day in practice. >> what do you major in in stamford with our samples biology, human biology. >>gary: when you graduate you will do what? >> i would love to go into sports performance. i want to work with athletes. >> math and computational science. i really like computer science. hopefully something in that area. >>gary: congratulations.
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ashton kutcher's first red carpet without demi moore. what was he doing arm in arm with a "glee" star? i'm kevin frazier. "the insider" is on. i'm so happy. >> ashton premiere night with lea michele. the after-dark outing. plus -- fergie and josh. the "new year's eve" couples. >> if you don't come, i will kill you. then, muhammad ali's wife's 911 call. >> my husband seems to have passed out. >> the boxing champ's prognosis today. >> he's come back from the dead so many times already. mindy mccready's first interview after her court date for kidnapping. >> i'm a happy girl. a new beverly hills housewife's breakdown. why taylor armstrong is still crying after her catfight.


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