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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  December 7, 2011 5:00pm-7:00pm PST

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>> now to our developing story in san francisco you are looking live at the justin herman plaza that is where the police officers raided and broke up the occupy in canada this morning. only a few people are there, you see the police officers standing by and a pedestrian walking by. the protesters say they plan on showing their disapproval. we will have a live report from the scene on that in just a moment. grant lodes is here to show us exactly what happened this morning. >>reporter: occupy sf protesters did not see this coming. after deadlines to evacuate came and went, and
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it was early this morning when the police moved out they were breaking down tens and making arrests and moving out more than 100 occupy protesters from justin herman plaza. >>reporter: this was the chaotic scene early wednesday morning. >>reporter: police charged onto market street removing a group of protesters that were blocking traffic near the ferry building. this came hours after the kama at justin herman plaza had been raided. police moved in just after 1:00 a.m. and they announced that there were clearing out the encampment in the did the protesters five to 10 minutes to get out. the police chief says that more than half of the protesters vacated. at least 85 others were cited in taken into custody most for illegal logging and failure to disperse. they were loaded onto a police bus and
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taken to be processed. please remove tens from the encampment. it was a symbolic defeat for the occupy protesters. by 4:30 a.m. the department of public works was clearing the plaza removing everything from scooter to shopping carts. but the action was not over. as commuters across the embarcadero walking to work, some of the tent is protesters were shouting at them. back on market street restaurant employees retrieved shares, some protesters had thrown shares into the street. two people threw a chair at an officer cracking his face shield. speaking live on the kron4 morning news the chiefs defended the raid. >> the situation seemed to be deteriorating inside the camp and outside the camp. processors complain that the city only did about five minutes to gather their belongings. the mayor was try to the protesters to move to a location in the
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mission, and the mayor said the situation in the communication with occupy sf had deteriorated to the point where it was clear that no progress could be made. >>pam: let us go back live to justin herman plaza. j.r. stone is standing by live monitoring a protest that is supposed to begin this evening. >>reporter: one thing that you will not see out here right now is protesters because they are not here right now. as i step out of the way and you can look in the distance you can see that there are a lot of officers. they are still here in heavy numbers. as we can to the left, you can look at the grassy area. so different than what we have become accustomed to seeing. there are no tents out here disallow officers in a number of different areas. these officers have been busy all day. i do want to go to some of the video for the last two hours. several arrests were made this afternoon. see this guy sitting in the middle of market street in a chair. he
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was with a group and he was told to even get out of market street. the majority of the people in that group that out of the street but he did not he was arrested. but to other people were arrested for similar offenses. one person had a 12 in. knife, and another person had a knife. we have had a number of cruise out here all day long. teresa estacio is out here in the midst of those confrontations. but death were >>reporter: protesters are angry about the police force in and out of justin herman plaza. about one hour later, watch as they suddenly decide to march down market street towards the ferry building. look at how the police are close live. as that closer to officers, some of the occupy members started to talk to the officers. many officers
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struggled to keep their cool. protesters want to get more on a move, they tried to reoccupy justin herman plaza but as you can see the police formed a human barricade. in response, the group marched along the plaza and held a small rally. >> the call many people as possible we need support tonight. >>reporter: then it was back to market and drum street once again. >>reporter: out here live at justin herman plaza you can see some of the officers in the distance. as for the rally, there is one scheduled tonight at 6:00 p.m. in this area. we are also told that some of the protesters might make their way to one of the police meeting, the police commission meetings that is going to be held later this evening. reporting live in san francisco i am j.r.
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stone with kron4 news. how >>pam: our team coverage continues with will tran. he was out of the protesters this morning as san francisco police confronted the group. the almost ended up being a part of the story rather than covering it. >>reporter: there were possibly seven to 75 people arrested there could be more more, me. around 4:30 a.m. i was walking side by side with the police chiefs and that is when his officers printed into action. i instinctively follow them. i ran with them. here is real me been pushed back by one of the officers. he did not know who i was, he probably thought i was an occupy protesters. it was not until i showed them my media bads that was allowed to go beyond the police line to get to my camera woman. we had a chance to talk with the police chief about my incident. here's what he had to say. >>reporter: what did you almost arrests a reporter will tran? i am just
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kidding. but i didn't hear your question about whether he belonged there as he was running. >> the officer wrote rushing in hysterically and will try to bt's news truck that was on the other side. he got out the other side before it was closed. >>reporter: he got a little taste of what is like to be on the wrong side of the law i suppose. when you see those police officers, they mean business and you have to speak up. >>reporter: ok very good. >>reporter: the police chief told me that in 31 years he never told anyone run to get arrested. and i told the police i was not thinking at the time my instincts took over. i was thinking about more portly what was happening in from my camera woman in that is when i ran in. fortunately i was not injured in everything it did ok for me. reporting from san francisco i am will tran with kron4 news. pam
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>> we have more resources on our web site be sure to take part in our conversation on facebook and twitter. >>jacqueline: outside from our mount tancam out towards the ocean. look at that, fog is already forming. we will see falk close to the coastline. we'll have a little bit of a change for more we have seen over the past couple of days. the current to the jews in the '50s when i get as near as cold as it did last night. temperatures will still be chilly in some spots but no 20s out there. temperatures are down for the most part over what we saw yesterday except for at the coastline. as we head into the overnight hours, the fog is mainly going to be for the coastline but this will stretch into the bayshores vary slightly into the early morning hours. clinging to the coast at noon, we still have a few temperatures in the upper 50s. but these morning temperatures, they
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are a lot warmer. we will talk more about those in the that the fog coming up in a minute. >>pam: an embattled penn state football coach was taken back into custody. and the myth lusters misfire. why the start of the popular discovery channel show the damage to ease the homes after an experiment did not go as planned yesterday. and remembering pearl harbor how the remaining survivors of the japanese attack are remembering that infamous day. pam >> a new study says the you would be better off the new kids cookies for breakfast instead of this serial. that all is the head. run 8x (q
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♪ [ female announcer ] during the holidays, there's a lot to get done. and safeway select appetizers help you rise to every occasion. ♪ from delectable to amazing. there are over 20 affordable safeway select appetizers ♪ to make all of your gatherings just as merry as can be. ♪ only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
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>>catherine: jerry sandusky has been arrested again. he's the former penn state football coach accused of molesting young boys. two
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more alleged victims have come forward bring in bringing the total to 10. he was arrested again wednesday and put behind bars we could not, when the $250,000 bail. the reason, to accusers prosecutors said that one was 10 when the abuse first began, the other with 11 or 12, like the others they met him through the second mouse charity for young people that he founded in 1977. the 67 year-old is now facing more than 50 charges involving 10 alleged victims over a 15 year span. >> they asked what was next and i said do not answer that question. >>catherine: prosecutors say that he groomed his victims giving them gifts and money before sexually assaulting them. he has maintained his innocence but when interviewed he seemed uncomfortable and evasive when asked about any attraction to young boys. an
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interview given with the new york times was just one example. >> if i say no, i am not attracted to boys that is not the truth because i am attracted to young people, boys, girls. that is what i was trying to say, i enjoy spending time with young people i enjoy spending time with people. >>catherine: you may remember his attorney had to answer a lot of questions as to why he let his client talk with reporters in the first place. in the second mile charity says that the scandal has made donations are drying up. is being forced to lay off some employees. in other national news, no sex abuse charges will be brought against the syracuse assistant basketball coach that is because the statute of limitations had expired. this is bernie find who has denied any wrongdoing. he was fired november 27th.
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today the syracuse be a sharply criticized the police and the syracuse university about how they handled the accusations. he said the two alleged victims are credible. and the man accused of sexually assaulting ab--and being a little girl to death in georgia has now been arrested. investigators said they he very carefully planned the killing. he was a maintenance worker that live and work and the atlanta area apartment complex where she lived. the little girl disappeared after leaving a playground. her body was found three days later in a gun. and a former black panther will not be executed for killing a police officer nearly three decades ago. philadelphia prosecutor said today they will no longer pursue the death penalty. this end years of court battles. he was convicted and sentenced to death for gunning down and officer.abu
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jamal will continue to serve a life sentence. >>jacqueline: temperatures will be chilly in a few spots but we will have fog over the coastline. the inland valleys will still be cold. was it in the could the temperatures in just a minute. take a look at that fog that is forming offshore right now. it will be pushing towards the coastline into the overnight hours. by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning we have fought for san francisco and parts of the sand until coast mind. reports you'll notice that we do not have much of a push to the bayshores into the early-morning hours spherical think of the coast, that is will see the fog. but by 3:00 p.m. it will start to fill in along the coastline. as for the morning temperatures, have a look. it will be a little bit warmer especially close
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to the coastline. we still have cold temperatures in places like fairfield. afternoon temperatures tomorrow are nearly identical. 59 if san jose, 60 in all of you, 58 in redwood city, 58 in any not, and upper 50s and 60s for the north bay. a live your extended forecast, again we do not have a lot of change going through the next few days. we will have that coastal fall on thursday, friday and saturday through the weekend the temperature stays about the same but it looks like by monday will see some big changes. it looks like we could hear rain possibly on wednesday. we will keep you posted as it gets closer. >>pam: the bay area could be leading the country out of a recession. specifically a major technology boom is
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happening. that means more jobs in silicon valley and the bay area in general. the u.s. department of labor released a report saying during the 12 months towards the end of september and october the job market group. architect reporter date slate visited some of the hot companies and found out that there is so much demand for talent that companies are having trouble recruiting people. >>gabe: there are now so many new tech startups in the south of market area near market in second street that they are calling this area the start of alex. these new tech startups are thriving. >>gabe: hold till tonight is a perfect example of an expanding company is a travel application of four smart phones and it helps you find the best deals for hotels. right now there is a huge demand for people that work and technology. >> i think has always been competitive in silicon
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valley but there is a second when of start-ups that even more competitive. >>gabe: of here is proof, these companies have to offer major perks to keep rocard rules group and get talent. they have hotel tables--they have couches, lunch tables, pool tables, ping-pong tables. they have free food and drink, there are no dress code. they give you a $500 travel stipend. and for some stress relief, you can smack the gong. corporate >> we have unlimited vacation time, people can take a vacation as they fit. we treat people as responsible adults. and that is seen as a big perk.-but that is quite expert i have never heard of unlimited vacation time. i am gabe slate with kron4 news.
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>>catherine: it has been one week since when storms ripped across southern california. more than 2000 customers are still without electricity not--tonight. there is no estimate on how long it will be until the repairs are complete. one man in pasadena was arrested for allegedly threatening utility workers. stay with us, we have more news coming up after the break. honey...? [ mom ] yes.
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honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t?
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yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ >>catherine: coming up at 5:30 p.m. that tvs stunned that went wrong. we are there as the stars of miss busters take a tour. they see the damage for themselves. and this is the 70th anniversary on the attack on pearl harbor. we will talk with some of the people that survived that day. and yet another cellphone robbery in the bay area. there have been a lot of these. stanley roberts will show you why you might be an easy target. those stories are coming up next.
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plus with jcpcash get 10, 15 or $20 off storewide. no exclusions! unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save! go to to see everything on sale. we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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[music] >>pam: a reality show taping is today in dublin went horribly wrong when a cannonball misfired into a nearby neighborhood. the crew was filming for a so- called miss lusters. the cannon shot through the house. it then continued down the street into a parked minivan fortunately no one was hurt. dan kerman is a live tonight or the host of the show missed busters met with the homeowners a short time ago. >>reporter: you have to see it to believe it. jamie hyman was here along with the host of niche busters. they went to this house and you could see the cannon ball right in the back that is where is shot through. they met with the family that lived in this house and they assure them that safety was a top priority and they will determine exactly what
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went wrong and make sure never happens again. about 3:00 p.m. it's busters host adams savage and jamie time and arrived in dublin to visit the family that lived in this home where a cannon ball shot through the front door and out of the back of the house. >> we are deeply sorry for this happening this the worst thing that we can imagine happening. the host -- >>reporter: the host say they're not sure what exactly went wrong but they believe it has to do with the positioning of the can. >> the canon was aimed at a street and low trajectory right into our barriers somehow wind upward. >> again we have not watched the footage of it so we do not have a real opinion as to whether or not that is the cause. but we will be looking at that. >>reporter: the host met with the family for a little under a half hour and promise that the home will
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be put back the way it was or better. >> we are speechless. >> i cannot imagine how i would fill in his position but i want to be reassured that this would be taking care of and this would never happen again. >>reporter: that live in dublin, this is the whole that the cannonball shot through when the mishaps took place. we can tell you that the host of the show said they will not be using this footage in the actual show. they said they do not want to make entertainment value out of something that went horribly wrong. in the meantime maureen kelly traces the trajectory of the cannonball. >>reporter: what you are looking at is the alameda county bomb disposal range were the crew of miss busters were conducting their test. the homemade cannon that fired the shot was right here. it missed its intended target going through a cinderblock wall and hitting the hillside right about here. and then like a rock skipping across
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the lake the careened up and over the hill and kept going. here is the view from the other side of the hill. it flew an estimated half mile over it in several other homes before crashing on the cement right here. the steel ball left this indentation in the sidewalk and then smash through the front door of a home. the cannonball then slammed through another wall in the home and then went through the master bedroom wall where a woman and her two year-old child were napping, luckily there were not hurt. the cannonball that is described as being slightly larger than a soft ball tore through the back part of the home and then continue flying over this major roadway. it cleared all of these houses before breaking some roof tiles on this corner house and bouncing across the street crashing into a vehicle parked on this drive way. check out these pictures of the smashed window of the minivan. the cannonball also went through the dashboard before finally coming to rest on the floor of the vehicle. this x marks
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the spot with the cannon ball ended up after traveling and estimated eight football fields from where it started on the other side. >>catherine: -- >>pam: deborah madison previously admitted to taking small amounts of drugs from evidence that in 2009 she was never charged with stealing. her alleged death from the drug analysis unit led to the eventual closure of the facility and if force prosecutors to dismiss hundreds of criminal cases. in a separate case she pled guilty to possession of cocaine and she received counseling. >>jacqueline: the low temperatures were very cold this morning there were exactly where we told you they would be. here's a look at our highs mostly in the upper 50s.
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>>jacqueline: temperatures are cooling down little bit right now. they will not be quite a school is what we saw this morning.--quite as cool as what we saw this morning. here is a shot from our mount tancam, tomorrow morning we will have temperatures a little bit warmer than today. the fog will be mainly at the coastline. into the afternoon the temperatures may be in the upper 50s. we will take a look at the temperatures neighborhood by neighborhood coming up in just a minute. >>catherine: the former soviet union is calling for new elections. thousands of protesters have been angry about this for days. there have been demonstrations in moscow and st. petersburg. tens of thousands of russian police have been deployed.
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independent observers say that there was some vote rigging here. in japan, 400,000 cans of baby formula were recalled. trace amounts of radiation had been found is to blame on the country's nuclear disaster earlier this year. the manufacturer says it does not have any way of knowing how many cans reach people. exclaims the babies would not have gone 6 even if they drank the form of every day but that is a clan that environment lists are disagreeing with. and a little boy that sparked an international custody battle involving cuba and the u.s.. you can see him back with his father, he turned 18 today. he was 6 when he and his mother and several others tried to escape from cuba to the u.s.. but the boat capsized and he was the only survivor fishermen found off the coast of florida in 1999. relatives
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in miami try to keep him from being sent back to cuba eventually he was released to his father. that is the father and they did go back to cuba. it is the day that will live in infamy as president roosevelt said. today marks the 70th anniversary of the japanese attack on pearl harbor. >>catherine: in the league has more from washington. >>reporter: 70 years ago pearl harbor change from a place on a map to a milestone in history as thousands of unsuspecting americans looked on. >> i was outside waiting at the japanese planes and not knowing that they were not ours. >>reporter: she was 10 years old when this happened. more than 2400 americans were
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killed when a day that the nation vowed not to forget. >> 1941, the day that lives in infamy. >>reporter: david cal lived through this experience but it haunted him so much he never went back with this year he could not stay away. >> the more i thought about it the more i realize it has been 70 years. >>reporter: he decided to join about 3000 people at pearl harbor the place where will want to started in united states. >> will all pearl harbor survivors stand as able. >>reporter: the pearl harbor survivors association founded in 1968 is dissolving at the end of the month because of health and other issues for its members. time has taken a toll on the generation. this
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makes it all the more critical that december 7th is not forgotten. there's a lot to get done. and safeway select appetizers help you rise to every occasion. ♪ from delectable to amazing. there are over 20 affordable safeway select appetizers ♪ to make all of your gatherings just as merry as can be. ♪ only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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only at safeway. so, open your eyes and check out your new living room!
5:42 pm
[ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t. secondhand smoke affects at teveryone's it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it.
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than >> when you take a look penstocks, the dow hit its highest level since october that was nice to see. there was a little bit of concern about what is happening in europe tomorrow and on friday. see group was down today. they lost a lot of
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jobs. there are good stories considering. >>catherine: why are you calling j.c. penney's a winner? >> i have not been in one and 10 + years. >>catherine: you said the last time your there was with your mother. >> j.c. penney took stake in this look ladies' company, martha stewart. j.c. penney's is run by ron johnson he is the genius behind the apple stores. he darted out of apple a couple of months ago, this is his first big step on the company he is also brought over a couple of his friends from target which is where he was at. he also brought over a cup of apple executives. i cannot get excited but i am intrigued. j.c. penney and sears,
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department stores are like a dying. guys like me who have absolutely no fashion in the world and we are stickleback jonathan r. 20s we are like hey, let us get a cool sheet made from martha stewart. i get it, and i get that middle america will like it. >>catherine: but you personally? >> i am excited to see what ron johnson does. >>catherine: and other winter that i am in joining is is in the. >> one of the first things that came to my with this had to be a pr stunt. the game called a word with friends, everyone is talking about it. z the is getting ready to become public next week. they say he is not doing a study he is is an anchor person. >>catherine: he was playing it on the plane and they
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said he would not get off of it when the stewardess asked into. >> it is like when you see jay leno plane with a slinky, slinky pays him to do that. but he cannot take any money from zinga because they're going public by next week. >>catherine: and the final winner is your seminar. >> yes, tomorrow i will have a wealth preservation and retirement planning at the claremont hotel. >>catherine: are you serving coffee? >> coffee, wine, cheese and a wealth of information. >>catherine: ok, see you tomorrow. >>jacqueline: here is a look at our morning lows. we had in the warmer temperatures in san francisco and half
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moon bay. over all our temperatures were very close to where they actually hit. remember within three degrees either way is a good forecast. the only place we miss was redwood city. everywhere else was within the three degree range. our temperatures for this afternoon are right on the money as we head into tomorrow we will see a little bit of a change. temperatures will want a little because especially off the coastline where the fog is expected to roll in overnight. into tomorrow afternoon we will see to it features mainly into the upper 50s. let us take a look at that fog right now forming off shore. by 7:00 a.m., you can see it here near san francisco and san bruno. filling in along the coastline by 3:00 p.m. you see in not making much of and in the push of a sitting closer to the coast. as for our morning temperatures there will be a little bit warmer. still in the '30's
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in a number of places. afternoon temperatures are very similar to today's. upper fifties and low 60s. >>jacqueline: here is a quick look your extended forecast, not a lot of change over the next few days. as we head into next week a pattern shift looks likely. we have a better chance of seeing rain on wednesday. we will keep you posted on that. >>pam: a man was punched in the face last night and had his phone stolen and had been near third street in gilman avenue when the man was on the train. one suspect is under arrest and four others all lose. the victim will be ok. what you do to keep yourself safe?
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stanley roberts shows you how to stay clear of people behaving badly. >>stanley: let us watch this young lady walking on market street in san francisco using a smart phone. she is also wearing headphones. guess what else, she is totally oblivious to the world around her. how do i know this? well, see for yourself. not once does she ever notice that i am following her with a camera. even when she stops at the life she does not even look around to see what is going on. she is not aware of her surroundings. believe it or not, that is exactly what the bad guys out there are looking for. they're looking for people not aware of their surroundings. back in the day, he would find people reading the 255 newspaper at a bus stop. now people are watching $700 mobile
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devices. as far as i know, no one ever stole a 255 newspaper. but you're smart phone or tablets are well up for grabs. so, just how easy is it to become a victim? look at this man for example. every few seconds i get closer and closer. he never noticed me until i got about one arm's length and then he turned to the camera. for this lady in the brown jacket she is so engrossed in her phone, again i am able to get super close and she never notices me. the bad guys are opportunists. please, do not give them the opportunity to behave badly. do not be a victim even on a public phone. in san francisco i am stanley roberts kron4 news. get up to $20 off with no exclusions!
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we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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no exclusions! with jcpcash, get 10, 15 or $20 off on the spot storewide! unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save. get up to $20 off with no exclusions! we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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>>pam: a study has found that some cereal has more sugar than cookies. kellogg says that it has cut sugar in its feet by 16 percent and the company says that its cereals only make a small part of the sugar in the u.s. diet. the countdown to 2012 and the kron4 new year's live is underway. this is the only local countdown show that is hosted by catherine and gary. this brings home the spectacular fireworks show of the bay and attention to the best and biggest parties around. the show starts at 11:30 p.m., we will be right
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>>pam: coming up at 6:00 p.m. occupy sf was evicted from its campsite. we show you what was left behind and how protesters tried to take back the camp. and as a one year old boy cling to life, his heart broken family shares their pictures only with kron4. >>gabe: there is such a huge tech bloom right now in the bay area, tech companies are having to offer crazy perks to lure and keep talent. i am gabe slate in that is coming up in my tech report.
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we need a sofa. something i can stretch out on! ooh... that will go with those lamps my mother gave us. or we could get some new lamps. or we could get no sofa. negotiating, eh? you got it! how about a nice home for our tv? how about doors to hide that drive-in theater? how about a cowhide rug? yee-haw! and the snacks? get their own place. let the marathon begin! for a limited time buy select seating and get 15% back, at ikea, the life improvement store. is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope.
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is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ >>pam: police raced in to remove the occupy san fran fiscal encampment. an early morning raid pushes protesters out of justin herman plaza. the show you what happened, what is left behind and have the occupy protesters are retaliating.
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we have live team coverage. the family is heartbroken as their little love one clings to life in hospital. he is one of seven victims injured when gunfire erupted at the filming of a rap video. tonight, the tylers family shares a pictures only with kron4. and help wanted in the south bay. a lot of jobs available and we show you where to find them. pam >> at 6:00 p.m. occupy san francisco protesters promise that they will express their outrage over the removal of their encampment. this is a live picture of justin herman plaza where it is relatively quiet. at this hour, you can see police officers standing in the area. it was a different story earlier this morning that is when the camp was raided. police rushed in and force out the occupy protesters and made more than 80 arrests. the protesters have been blocking sections of market street. right now, they are
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organizing to possibly hold another rally. j.r. stone is live at justin herman plaza with the latest. >>reporter: yes pam there are scheduled to be a rally at 6:00 p.m. the that is a rally that has not yet started. i want to step out of the way so that i can show you what it looks like here. in the distance, you can see some of the officers. they're not here in big numbers like to see right here. but keep in mind, there are a number of officers in this area of downtown. as you look off in the distance, you concede-- can see some of the yellow tape. i did hear some chance coming from the federal reserve building that is about two blocks from where i am standing right now. i do not know if you can see but in the distance on the street, some of the protesters are marching as we speak making their way back to justin herman plaza. they have marched here and number of times
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during this afternoon but again, they went back to the market street location in front of the federal reserve building. that was where three different people were arrested. those three people were arrested because they did not get out of the street after officers told them to get out of the street. now those people that were arrested and they were found with a chain and also a knife. now you can see the protesters there. and then you can see the heavy police presence right here. police who were geared in right here this evening in keeping a close eye on the many protesters who are here in the distance and who are walking up. these are live pictures of them walking up from the market street location. now, will there be problems? will the be confrontations? we can here chanting as we stand right here. that is something that we do not know. some processors have
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gone under the all tape and some have taken down the yellow tape and they are walking around in the plaza as we speak. this is all really unfolding in front of our very eyes. >>pam: we would check back with you j.r. stone. thank you. >>reporter: occupy protesters were not march in this morning they were either getting arrested or getting out of dodge. they do not see this happening. it was early this morning the police moved in and moved out more than 100 occupy protesters at justin herman plaza. >>reporter: this was the chaotic scene early wednesday morning. police charged on to market street removing a group of protesters that were blocking traffic near the ferry building. this scene
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came hours after the in camera at justin herman plaza had been raided. the police moved in just after 1:00 a.m. and announced that they were clearing out the in canada. they gave the protesters five to 10 minutes to get out. the police chief says more than half of the protesters vacated. at least 85 others were cited in taken into custody for illegal logging in failure to disperse. there were put onto a police bus and taken to be processed. the police removed tents from the encampment. a symbolic defeat for occupy protesters. by 430 in the department of public works was clearing the plaza removing everything from schools to shopping carts but the action was not over. as the first very low of commuters pass the embarcadero some of the tens list protesters were shouting at them. back on market street, a restaurant employees retrieved chairs, some protesters had thrown them into the street. two
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people threw a chair and officer cracking his face shield. speaking live on the kron4 morning news, the chief defended the raid. >> the situation did appear to be deteriorating inside the camp and outside the camp. >>reporter: protesters are complaining that the city only give them five minutes from the start of the raid. the mayor says that the situation and the communication between occupy sf had deteriorated to the point that there was no clear progress inside that could be made. teresa estacio is here on where the displays protesters occupied the rest of the day. >>reporter: this was the scene at 12:00 p.m. on wednesday carried about 60 occupy itself occupy protesters occupied a street. for about one hour the police to watch from a
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distance and diverted traffic. first they were on the move they marched down market to justin herman plaza. they attempted to take over the plaza once again. for about 30 minutes they confronted the police to block the entrance. at 1:30 p.m. they were on the move again. this time to the ferry building and around the south end of the plaza. again, there were unsuccessful. and after that they to the street in march back to the intersection of market and drum wanted to keep the faith and out of their cause. >>pam: tonight in a kron4 exclusive. the mother of a taller, this little boy was shot in the head food for more time in a second opinion on the condition of her child. this is one year old hiram lawrence. the victim's family only should this with us it was taken earlier this week at children's hospital in oakland. this was the scene tended to go when three gunmen opened fire on a crowd of people out of a
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west oakland the restore will be seven people including the chow. tonight the chow's mother shows photographs that she believes proves his condition is improving. >>reporter: will this is a photograph a one-year zero hiram lawrence stake in one week after being in it sure isn't talked a little convincing near fatal gunshot head wound. >> all we ask for is more time. >> if they give him time he'd come home. >>reporter: more time in which some of low to give doctors the final say on whether not hiram lawrence is removed from life support. who has the cleanest power from the baby's mother to the children hospital.. >> the first day of these economic and out of surgery and needed that shows she >>reporter: send a before and after pictures of her son showed that he has improved. and her >> the first picture desk, his eyes and release: who had a net brace to keep his
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head steady. in with in the week and this woman went down and there's hardly any swelling. i think he may wake up may be in the next week. speaking >>reporter: on behalf of the family pastoral the vet tanner said that bryan stow recovery gives the family hope that hiram lawrence could do the sanguinarias >> he was in a coma for three weeks, not only you was he in a coma for three weeks he has that that may have to take part of his brain that. that was three weeks, this baby have been in there seven days, all we are asking for is time. kama >> as first quarter and kron4 a person of interest was taken into custody last wednesday at children's hospital after being involved in a fight with members of hiram lawrence family. given the lead
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investigator in the case exclusively to hazzig manyud about the rest. >> that person does appear to have a connection to the case and that is all i could comment about regarding that person. we haven't a lot more about the fence that happened on last monday. i feel like we have a very good perspective on who was there and the people of interest, the people that we need to contact and the direction that the investigation needs to go. we have people we know they're related to the incident in some way shape or form. subsequently it be when we contacted the five people some of them had previous, previous bad standing of probation and parole and other into then, that led to or a resolution on has been a resident is in to them were from the family has been absolutely, very helpful to the investigators here and i have had contact with the family, every family member that was involved in the incident that is up to the
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hospital every day. we have never had a delay receiving assistance from the family and they have been very helpful. >>pam: oakland police investigator said any more help from the community to help to solve this case. crime stoppers are offering a $35,000 reward for information the to the rise for those responsible for the shootings. >>jacqueline: is going to be a little bit war rather tomorrow morning but still quite cold in place for areas like fairfield. we will talk more about the morning temperatures and falk coming up. california should be proud.
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we were the first to ban smoking on airplanes. the first to have smoke-free bars and restaurants. all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do.
6:13 pm
so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
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>>catherine: rob fladeboe says that technology companies are doing most of the hiring and that they're not doing--not just looking for engineers.
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>>reporter: the increase here is more than three times the national average. steven levy with the pullout will center of a continuing study of the palo alto economy said that it is being driven by technology. >> you have companies like google apple and facebook that are hiring. if you go one block over you have tons of people getting off trains and heading into new start- ups in the retail and permit there. >>reporter: companies like dell are expanding in the bay area. he also says that there is a spillover effect. >> they do not just expand the tech workers, they have to expand the cafeterias, the administrative people, they begin to see health in restaurants and stores. >>reporter: he says that there are jobs out there in
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new technology like electric cars and solar power. >> we have people developing mobile applications is not the old days when it was hard where it is not software and mobile applications, it is job searches, is also some exciting ways to use the internet. so, we are in a new round of innovation. >>reporter: analysts say the job rebound is for real. and based on both job and income growth is the fastest- growing economy in california. in palo alto i and rob fladeboe with kron4 news. >>pam: san jose police officers may be taking another pay cut. they have signed an agreement with the city to take the 10 percent pay cut starting in july of next year. if the bill passes simeon's the layoffs will be unlikely in 2012 and the city will save about $25 million. and a prison riot
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at california state prison at fulfilled. as about 20 mi. east of sacramento. correction officials say some inmates had been stabbed and were shot by guards. this is video from earlier where the prison officials got the situation under control. officials say they're still working to determine how many inmates and guards were injured. the prison is known as the new folsom state prison that is next door to the older prison. >>jacqueline: the
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temperatures will mainly be in the upper 30's and '40's. the fog tomorrow morning will mainly be at the coastline. who be in the upper 50s at the fog clings to the coastline. take a look the fog is forming off shore this afternoon into the overnight hours. it will push-ups' the coastline. by noon, it will cling to the coastline in the same all around the 3:00 p.m. hour. the fog is expected to stay with us over the next couple of days. as for the morning to to stay will be a little warmer out there tomorrow morning. we will see temperatures mainly in the '30's, up 37 04 is as well. 42 in hayward, 40 in our view, 39 san jose and 34 in fairfield and 36 in napa. we have a big bump over what we saw today. the afternoons very similar to the past few days. we have upper 50s in
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the '60s for the north bay. we have been seen a very similar pattern of the past several days as we have warm dry air blocking any storm from getting through. it looks like the rain will break apart as it moves through on monday. we could have more organized rain pushing in we will keep you posted and on both as we get closer. stay with us, will be back. 8x (q
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honey...? [ mom ] yes.
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for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ >>catherine: the former illinois governor has been sentenced to 14 years in prison. a tough sentence, one of the toughest ever in a state with a history of cricket politics. as he left his chicago home for court, some and asked him if he was prepared to show remorse. it has been a tough three-year battle for the former illinois gov. but it was not until today that he took responsibility for his crime saying that he had made
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terrible mistakes. among his 18 corruption convictions, the explosive charge that he tried to sell or trade the senate seat that president obama left behind when he left for the white house. the judge said today when a governor goes bad it tears the fabric of the state. he gave the 54 year-old democrat 14 years. >> this is a time to beef strong, this is the time to fight through adversity, this is the time for me to be strong grandchildren. this is also a time for me to be strong for patty and a time for me and patti to get home so that we can explain to our kids what happened and what all this means an where we are going from here. >>catherine: some argued that the sentence was too harsh and they are making an example of him and the u.s. attorney's office did nothing to contradict the notion. >> we do not want to be back here again. the message that goes out to those that are thinking about being corrupt the consequences not just to the state but for
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the people themselves at the punishment is severe. this is the state's fourth governor in recent memory to go to prison. the former governor is serving a six and a half year sentence also for corruption. >>catherine: outside of the his house when he came home from court, cameras and reporters all over his property under those trees. he has 90 days to turn himself in. he said that he will keep fighting in there will be an appeal. more news is coming up after the break. with no exclusions! o $20 off we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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>> my baby is fighting in if they give him time, he will come home. >>reporter: we are here live at justin herman plaza. san francisco police officers in riot gear and shields when in to disrupt
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the gathering at justin herman plaza this was the former occupy san francisco location. in the distance, police officers are trying to control the crowd. there are telling them to disperse and they're trying to get them out of this area. for some reason they're trying to get them to move away from this area. right now we are monitoring the situation. who gives you more on kron4 news tonight at 8:00 p.m.. >>reporter: continuing our coverage around noon on wednesday about 60 members of occupy sf took of the center station market right in front of the hyatt. they then decided to march down market street to reoccupy justin herman plaza. however, the police formed a human barricade and prevent them from doing so. in response they decided to march around the entire plaza. by 2:00 p.m. they
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came back to the intersection of market and drum street to talk about what their actions are next. >>reporter: here in palo alto, a hiring boom is underway. companies like apple, google, and facebook have had a hiring increase. steve levi of the center for continued research on the california economy says that there are hiring more than just skilled engineers but also administrators, food service and german tourist food service workers and janitors. >>reporter: this location has been closed after an experiment during the taping of the tv show missed
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busters went awry. he can always send over this hill smashing through a home about a half mile away breaking roof tiles on another house before crashing into the minivan. no one was hurt but investigations into the incident and a safety procedure here at the facility are ongoing. >>reporter: here in dublin, the stars of miss busters came to this home were a cannon ball bounced on the pavement and through the front door of the home. they assured the homeowners that they would make everything right as far as damage is concerned. they also said the city's top concern for them. there are investigating what went wrong with the experiment. >>reporter: the area near market and second street is now called start up alley because there are hundreds of new companies that are thriving there are rapidly expanding so much so that they have to offer their employees crazy perks to try to acquire talents and to
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keep talent. you will not believe what they're offering people to come work for them. the competition is so stiff, be sure to tune in tonight at 8:00 p.m. i will tell you all about it. >>reporter: in san jose, a cheerleading coach has been arrested on suspicion of child molestation. the san jose police parma's says that during a three month. he repeatedly abused a minor. they also say that he--they also say that it does not appear that there were any other victims. >>stanley: this is a sign located on wilson street in the city of a little. it reads that the signal lights are nonfunctioning due to copper wire theft. the sad part, the city actually has to make a sign like this so
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now, drivers see flashing red lights at some intersections. this is where the problem arises. apparently some drivers keep that part of the driver's manual. you know the part that and trucks and drivers on what to do and a flashing red light. tonight at 8:00 p.m. i will show you how copper thieves are causing so many drivers to break the law in the next edition of people behaving badly. >>jacqueline: we have big changes especially along the coastline. temperatures are warming of the bill for the morning. the fog will step along the coastline all afternoon. in the later afternoon hours we will see temperatures mainly in the '50s. take a look at the fog tracker. by tomorrow morning we will see a sliver of fog for san francisco and the san mateo coastline. it will
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start to fill in as well to the afternoon. low temperatures will be a little bit warmer at the tomorrow. >>jacqueline: here is a mature extended forecast. the afternoon was the mild all the way through the weekend but change is in store for next week. willie lee see cloud coverage on monday but possibly some rain and that will happen again on wednesday. it is like a more structured store for wednesday. we will keep you posted as it gets closer. >>pam: the countdown to 2012 and kron4 new year's live is underway. this is the bay area's favorite way to bring in new years. this the only local count on our show. we
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bring home the spectacular fireworks show of the bay and taking to the best and biggest parties around. this happens new year's eve night starting at 11:30 p.m., we will be back. 8x (q
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♪ [ female announcer ] during the holidays, there's a lot to get done. and safeway select appetizers help you rise to every occasion. ♪ from delectable to amazing. there are over 20 affordable safeway select appetizers ♪ to make all of your gatherings just as merry as can be. ♪ only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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>>pam: is a day that will live in infamy. today marks the 70th anniversary of the japanese attack on pearl harbor. that tad drove the united states into world war two. survivors mark the moment today while recognizing that this will be the final time that many of them will gather together. >>reporter: 70 years ago prole harbor change from a place on a map to world history. pat thompson was 10 years old when the japanese launched a sneak attack
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against the pacific fleet sinking and that the damaging eight battleships and damaging or destroying 350 aircraft on the ground. more than 2400 americans were killed on the day that the nation's out not to forget. >> the day that lives in infamy. >>reporter: david callahan lived through that incident. it haunted him so much he never went back with this year he could not stay away. >> the more i thought about it the more i thought you know, it has been 70 years that is more than some people live. >>reporter: he decided to join about 3000 people in pearl harbor the place where war two started for the united states. >> will all pearl harbor survivors stand as able.
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>>reporter: the pearl harbor association is dissolving at the end of the month because of health and other things is telling its members. time has taken a toll on this generation. this makes it all the more critical that the december--that december 7th is not forgotten. >>pam: coming next, gary has the answer to sports and the head. and how could she corn began winning touchdown actually cost the high school the state championship? gary explained all up next in sports.
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>>gary: good evening everybody, miami said today they were out of the bidding for the game's best player. meanwhile, everyone is feeling good in miami. they signed this guy, he is a
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left-handed pitcher for 40 years and $58 million. they were showing off their new uniforms here is jose reyes. fell there they are commonly used to be the shorter marlins and now they are the miami marlins. he will get 22 million in each. now supposedly they're out on albert tools,--albert pulos. >>gary: in this photograph you can see that this is a former miss teen missouri usa and a former miss missouri. good luck to those kids. again, we have that kind of money that is why i am so proud to be next to
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two women that do not care about the man in their lives or the men from the years. you always gone for character. it does not matter. the same for you jackie, you did not care if a guy had a nickel if he had a good character and a churchgoing man in he was kind. >>pam: thank you. >>jacqueline: maybe jackie, but not him. now if you are a man with a lot of money don't you always... i'll be honest you think alecia marry me because i was a nice guy with a receding hairline? no. [laughter] >>gary: i never forget, pam always takes care of the and the people the african- american internes and alecia was taking care of her and can handle this work hard, and speak clearly. you know what alecia did, she found only white guy with a few
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bucks. alecia skipped all 10 of them. and he should see her. a big success, are right in fact one of our success is my daughter is out walking in the audience also dad is... >>jacqueline: you are saying very extra nice things about her mom. >>gary: are you kidding me, i am one of these guys, i am like--i am out on the air but i come through. now the in the is getting ready for a christmas day start. the warriors in one of their better players isn't in the middle of a rumor. crystal ball is one of five or six best players in the nba. the warriors supposedly would be able to get him for a package deal. who knows what will come through, but chris ball is looking for a new home he wants to get out of new orleans. 49ers are making everyone feel happy
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especially alex smith. >> i think we're still just kind of scratching at what we can become and we are doing some good things in the meantime. but i think we are still forming in becoming what our potential really is. that is encouraging with disney to continue to be better these last few weeks. >>gary: you ask me why joke around so much, you ever listen to five minutes of that i would be long gone. and the wife, gone. [laughter] >>gary: cal coach hugh jackson seems a little tight. >> we lost one game, ...
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>>gary: camden has had a change of heart. he gave the ball to a 16 year-old fan and now newton and the carolina panthers say we would like a bull back. they will have to negotiate with the young lady but he wants the ball back. that taking the rules to the extreme. the cathedral high school quarterback matt you owns running for the touchdown in its shift in should gain. it turns out the touchdown was disallowed. cathedral high loss instead of winning because the quarterback phil the football concelebration when he was running and the team lost 16 to 14. referee says it was excessive and unnecessary celebration. when return one of the bay
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area's classiest athletes. and for this show he is ideal, he can talk. dan is up next. ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends,
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so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t.
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now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t. >>gary: the sharks are always first-class, san jose will treat 40 underprivileged families and make their holiday a little bit better. each family will receive gifts of clothing and toys and other necessities from their adoptive a player or staff member from get here is one of the stars of the shark and everyone tells me that he is the best conversationalists going in that action is something, believe me dan is that correct? >> we will see, i hope so. >>gary: i am always curious, all the athletes in
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football, basketball and baseball always let is very vehicles will hold off why is that? her formal--you have very little to no avail in people off why is that? >> i to thing is important to some time to recognize that others around us are not as fortunate as we are. >> could it be that you guys are tough guy thing you do not have to pretend that you are tough? >> that is it, it is tough out there on the icepack think we are a family. we are a lucky family off the ice and again, this is one of those times when we just come together and it is unfortunate for some of these families there will be going through some tough times but for us to help put a smile on their faces is what makes us happy. if >>gary: now, about the sharks on the ice would i be
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making this up if i said people around these areas either win the stanley cup or in many eyes the season would not be considered successful? >> you are absolutely right this is my fourth year in the expectations are high and they should be. i think if we do not win the cup it will be a disappointment. that is the only goal i have in mind. >>gary: we have dallas and you tomorrow night you guys have lost four out of five how we turned around? >> we have a good start against minnesota and did not win the game. at the end of the day you have to win a hockey game i think we did have to work harding to the work ethic up. there's too less talent locker room for us to be losing games like we have been. >>gary: congratulations on all the good war that the sharks a doing in the community this christmas season and a look tomorrow night. ok, that is then
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boiled. and hockey players are the coolest he is like i am tough and i and spit. these guys are tough and they're agree to deal with all the time. >>pam: we will see you at 8:00 p.m.. e coolest hoodies. and 19.99 boots for juniors. plus with jcpcash get 10, 15 or $20 off storewide. no exclusions! unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save! go to to see everything on sale. we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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alec baldwin's air rage. thrown off a flight. now the eyewitness who saw it all. i'm kevin frazier. "the insider" is on. tell us what happened, alec. sorry. >> alec rough landing back in new york. the celeb passenger on baldwin's first-class fight. >> he just got a little angry. >> the attendant said, oh, my god, alec baldwin is getting kicked off the plane again. it's official, you're out of your mind. why do you insist on doing your own stunts? >> i don't like sitting in the trailer. our one-on-one with tom cruise as he takes dubai by storm. did marc anthony quit their show because of j. lo's boy toy?


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