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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  March 18, 2012 8:00am-10:00am PDT

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good morning. strong winds in the bay area. the snow levels are at 2000 ft. in the sierra. janu will give us the forecast.
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>>marty: she has been missing since tuesday. family members say that he
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suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. in the fremont, one of the protesters held a vigil on saturday for the 16 women and children murdered in afghanistan. many people will meet a tweet civilian casualties are another example of why it is time to bring the troops home. a string of has the largest afghan population in the u.s. and hoax the president will take notice of their message. >> not we do not want any more troops to die in afghanistan and we do not want our own people dying. will the children of america back home to their loved ones and families. >> it is not doing any good. it is costing the u.s. a lot of money. >>marty: protesters signed a letter in a banner demanding that the continent since the course of the war. >>ysabel: in santa clara county, authorities are looking for this 15 year-old girl.
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police say the morgan hill teacher lepton friday morning to go to school that never arrived. she does not have a history of running away. craig skalar is live in morgan hill with the latest. >>craig: this is a quiet and rule syria. in an unincorporated area. at 6:00 a.m. on friday, the girl had been headed off to school when the shares the province as she disappeared. here is the picture of the 15 year-old. her high school is not very far from here. the surest of burma was al searching on saturday with dogs and helicopters. they have not had any luck.
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xi was walking to the bus stop from her home. the area that there is surging in is very tightly concentrated. >>marty: police are still on the lookout for a drunk drivers amid concerns about the accuracy of several fields of writing tax. hundreds of a drunk driving tests are now being reviewed. its officials say the devices were not properly calibrated. >>marty: of the storm broke
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away and just in time to insure a dry is invested rig into the 164 year of the van with the usual close, marching bands, and cable cars and dancers also bring her sculpture. this is the largest st. patrick's day celebration was in the desert heat. >>pam: a noisy explosion in discounts and francisco had nothing to do with the st. patrick's day celebration. >>marty: we're waking up to a cold morning. snow in some areas. here's a live look from mt. tam. we will be right back.
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(car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... (phone rings) that's a step forward. with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters.
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>>marty: it news around the big time a mission in walnut creek try to get in middle school girls waste into his car. the suspect is described as
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a white man in his 60s. the first recruits to the girl on wednesday when she exited her school bus. when he offered a ride home, she ran away. the next day she was leading a walnut creek into the school when she spotted the man began. police did search for the suspect but did not find him. in this ago, a woman is charged with extending it can driver and an carjacking his taxi friday evening near west manor drive. the taxi driver fled the vehicle after being stabbed. his taxicab was later found, the suspect was arrested. the woman was arrested and booked on attempted murder and carjacking. >>ysabel: an underground explosion downtown killeen manhole cover around 10:00 a.m.. pg&e believes that it was caused by an underground
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electrical -- luckily no one was injured. >>ysabel: here is a live look outside. everything looks call on the big bridge. we will be right back. bay area ! here's big news from verizon wireless and xfinity from comcast. now get the xfinity triple play and verizon wireless together. call 855-704-7400 to sign up and get a free smartphone. choose one of our hottest phones.
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verizon wireless and xfinity. tv, home phone, internet and wireless together. we left there now with the rate on real light with untold neatly or unfair
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rate on real light with untold neatly or unfair when hey guys, breakfast! ♪ [ female announcer ] if whole grain isn't the first ingredient in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first on the side. from honey nut cheerios to cinnamon toast crunch to lucky charms, get more whole grain than any other ingredient... without question. just look for the white check.
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>>marty: will convert to kron4 news weekend. here's a sneak peek talked plenty of cloud increase of a dispirited is ago when i did seizes an aggressive mark janu >> yes.
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from the mt. tam cam. foggy in to windy. we are expecting he will be acting in the cool temperatures. we are expecting scattered
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damages something.
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>> on this launch rates it repealed. >> in the area was accounted for days or wind and rain. >> i think it was the additional incidents land. for a desolate are not our task. with the rain, it became heavy. many trees like this one failed. >> it lot of trees healthy life isn't in deep inside there is something that happened over the years been the one consultant. >> in this house supports this theory is root damage. it is like this in the neighborhood all over. danger and damage to property when you least expect it. >>marty: it is it time of the year again, another
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great whale has been spotted. voters are being asked to steer clear. the will is one of several spot in the bay since please attend her casket. >>ysabel: this week republican presidential candidates have rise on illegally google's a primary on tuesday. the spotlight right now is on a pr in its 20 delegates. santorum stock in missouri yesterday but there is yet no recorded winner. in scenes conference runner mitt romney statistic in an elegantly where the
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republican base is not as ideologically conservative. there are 54 delegates grass. all shall see what this all leads. >>marty: police in the this is why teenagers or wounded in a shooting st. patrick's day weekend, two of them are now listed in critical condition. shots rang out noon oct. downtown police were in the area of checking on reports of a fight when they heard gunfire. >>henry: slavery existed in the u.s., we do not think a bit as slavery but it is human trafficking. we do not know exactly how many there are costs that
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there are many women and children being oppressed in this land. this is a way of finding it. we will tell you how the tourism industry is we will tell you how the tourism industry is mobiliziif you want less, you can always have less, but i like having a lot more a lot more than having a lot less. and the more more i have, the more i like having more. and that's exactly what i get at embassy suites. more post-meeting celebrations, more complimentary drinks, more for my money... mmm, more bar snacks... ♪ more olives. definitely. i want so much more it's more more than a mortal man can handle. now that's more like it. [ female announcer ] complimentary drinks. free breakfast. more room. embassy suites. get more.
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it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver only from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t.
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railroader is. >> parallel world actors is the of millions phenocryst buying into slavery. year to people who go, what an interesting way of providing you in trafficking.
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cindy and ted are your readers. there will in the tourism institute. it worked in the travel industry which is the place that can help fine-tune track speaking. explain how. >> a tour directors travel all over the world. when you are trained to understand what traffic is about you can pick up people on airline some restaurants and hotels, and you can actually see this but the training that they get. we have 7000 directors all over the world. >>henry: airline personnel as law, with each region?
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>> it is happening in the year because transport is as inefficient. the drug lords are now coming into the trafficking games carried at a much as we learn, they're learning were. an airline ambassadors international we have developed a training. in the power and have training we were with air agencies to bring about awareness. >>henry: give me one example of what your looking series >> it is rather obvious, we think about children, cuba might not fit. intuition is a big part of this. flight attendants have been able to identify is almost
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100 percent of a time when they are aware of what is going on pierce's >>henry: what do they do with the information? >> unit for concern anyone other than going to the pilot or colony tippling. >> our students come from all over the world.
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>>marty: coming out the search is on for a missing girl, we'll have a live report coming up on that. >>ysabel: will be right back. asks half topped put into
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the alternative is it new- line is needed it.
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currently, its tail is sitting and 46, 61 minute. -will be going back into the mid-40s writing p.m.. let's take a look in an storm tracker 4. scattered showers but to the most breathe and repeated inland areas are pretty common. in the south bay, a mix of snow in and green. along the screen is indicating snow showers. snow levels are at and a geneva hundred feet. this isn't any other. wind speeds are at another 24 mi. an hour. highs will be getting into the 50s today, barely into the 50s or half moon bay
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committees in the market. coming up. >>marty: we have been asking you to send in pictures of the recent storms. here are pictures that we got some vallejo. you can see snow on the ground in we have records of snow on mount hamilton and possibly on mt. diablo as low. zynga in your weather pictures or video were true our facebook fan page. >>pam: the land in iran are taking their toll of the bay area. this time it was not the rain to blame, it was the strong winds. a tree can crashing down on benicia record, the street blocked traffic westbound cricket of time. >> the guys got off on friday and went back to work
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friday night cooling trees of all cars in a little. it has been nonstop with this letter. is a lot of the rule was cleared to hours later in. in santa cruz county, school -- screws will be out again in an effort to team people of long san lorenzo river. the meeting begins to the boardwalk is flooded that has not forced businesses to close. residents of closely watching this situation >> and there is a large underground cavity beneath the boardwalk or the case rain exists. it undermines the base and there will be major flooding. >>ysabel: in this is not purse under her to change its course that you
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residents can reverse such a radical or streams. >>marty: investigators are looking for this group. it had greater does not have a history of running away.
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to ban i still cannot believe it. did not define it could not have done that.
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accommodate it looked behind it. this is idiotic checkpoint on the st. patrick's day. dozens of drivers earth for to be checked out for possibly driving under the influence. officers a besides making new-line arrests this is also an education operation to remind people of other dangers of drinking and driving.
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>>marty: still ahead on the kron4 is we dance, but were niners signed a new super bowl hero to their roster. whatcha lookin' for hon?
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ah, these new jeans i want. i've been looking everywhere. new blue jeans? oh, don't be crazy, i've got tons of blue jeans. frank! frank! get my jean bin, susie wants my jeans. no she doesn't. here we go. nice and loose. ohhh. those are loose, but i actually just ordered three pairs of this kind. ooooohhhh. oh. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay.
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anything not moving forward is moving backward. [ tires screech ] [ engine turns over, tires squeal ] introducing the 2013 gs. with the lexus enform app suite, the most connected information and communication technology available in an automobile. [ tires screeching ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. >>marty: center court is focusing in on its ear. over two years now learned. it'd bay area, the rain has moved near our advisories on all of the bridges.
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the lake tahoe area is getting a pile of this note. traffic in is any -- up again this year is a link rolling. check for june requirements. theft >>marty: the 49ers have signs memorial manning him. no word on whether or not peyton manning will be signed. his decision will be made this lee griffin
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>>ysabel: another explosion in syria marked the one-year anniversary of roe against the syrian president. >>marty: here's a look of the approach to the bay bridge. traffic is nice in the ec. overcast skies. keep in mind the conditions over the bay area bridges.
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>>marty: we have been talking about cold temperatures and windy conditions. here is a live look from on top of mt. tam. is it now than it is downright dark out there. where is sunshine? janu >> this is a live looks from the roof camera. we are waking up to our live
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cloudy conditions. here's a look in your current wind speeds. they will go into the internet. but his 7:00 hour things go on down.
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>>ysabel: an explosion was triggered the 20 residents of buildings in syria this link harry caught toch "
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tsk groups when best cut to
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they're being and is in mamaroneck for wagner in she environment and said at a car of of welfare than need as the selected as the from gorlovka of comedy and the that the steps she it would not all the it is not an earlier era.
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fifth are our to >> a us the all this since a fast aren't backed your flat
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l[ male announcer ] the draw of the past is a powerful thing.
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but we couldn't simply repeat history. we had to create it. introducing the 2013 lexus gs, with leading-edge safety technology, like available blind spot monitor... [ tires screech ] ...night view... and heads-up display. [ engine revving ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back.
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allman will loot route after half found roofs wouldn't lukman a bit of na not winning all wrong in
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pete, did you forget yours? me pete, me use pen! (laughter) sorry i'm late, i was in the 16th century looking for pete's pen. (laughter) guys, guys. take it easy, ok? pete's mom is videochatting me, and she wants her pen back! ok, alright, well. i just got one. so... yeah, you've got a little... yep, i can feel the wet patch. don't look at it. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay.
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still up and walked her to lose it yet faugh essex islam fetishes calls refused here's linden
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linden with will warrant does steal the ball as an addict what we're moore
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route a a a a this is a pretty to the data. perfect digital animals of the jurors are in this update. windy and cold dishes with low hostile lowe's.
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the janu >> the blue on this rain indicates solos -- zero levels dropping to about two dozen be. temperatures are in the '40's for everyone. let's talk about the wind gusts. already in the 39 hour range. they will get into the afternoon. as is that the clock ahead until about 2:00 p.m., mostly everyone will get wind gust in the 30 mi. per hour range. it is not until sunset in the hands and things will start to calm down. as for your 7 day around the bay, we are expecting on and off showers throughout the week.
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partly sunny conditions expected quarterly work week. >>marty: another great wheel has installed in san francisco bay. voters are being asked to steer clear. the wheel is on a several spotted in this past month including a mother and her captain receives on your last word. but this was a it is not reared in the wilson the biggest tournament here, and they're on their wits migration in war waters treaty to warn voters edition and get close to the wheels. its >>ysabel: elite if teredo are having their caucuses during missouri held its
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caucus yesterday, or there's no winners report. mitt romney sent his weekend in italy where the republican base is not as conservative. there are too deep for delegates up programs there. new gingrich's also in town, ignoring calls to isn't race. polls showed romney has a solid lead. still with kron4 and for continuing coverage of the presidential primary race. >> police in indiana stick by teenagers were injured after a shooting on st. patrick's day weekend. to the marlins in critical condition. police or already in the area and checking account a report of young people writing when they heard gunfire. the 14 year-old "lin-sanity" program were seriously injured >>henry: we are here with
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christine policy. she is an activist, organizer, dr. and attorney. she is our guest.
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faugh >>henry: welcome to campaign decamps. that is the book by christine pilosi, political -- full activist, organizer, attorney and daughter of the minority leader. thank you for joining us. first of all, the book is a way for a grass roots people to get involved in politics? >> absolutely. figures for having me. i have travelled the country with an ipad and my daughter doing a series of campaign boot camps.
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we were meeting people who were interested in channeling their emotions in to political actions. >>henry: for people, there who really did not like politics but really care about issues that want to have some say, what with the success? >> most people and politics do not like politics, they want to impact society. we can use technology to build social networks. as i say, whether you are talking about the war on women, hopes for the occupy movement, if you are not
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willing to vote, it is not a political conversation. >>henry: what if i want to do more than vote but i do not want to run for office. >> work with a non-profit. it is important to find your call to service and make it happen. >> i think the president will win again in 2012. i think >>henry: who are you voting for? >> barack obama and joe biden.
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i was pleased with jerry brown's plan. >>henry: what do you think about the occupy movement? >> there is a tremendous amount of support for addressing the issues of inequality. there is tremendous support for the command citizens united decision. vote in california for two things, the millionaires' tax >>henry: how are the giants going to do this year? >> we are going to win the new york -- they're
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going to win the world series this year. >>henry: the book is called a campaign of the camp. thank you. >>marty: coming up we will hear from the mother of a 15 year old girl who has been missing for two days. >>ysabel: we're keeping our eyes on the bridges. not too much traffic. there are advisory's for several of the bay area bridges.
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>>ysabel: a live look outside.
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a win the san mateo bridge. there are wind advisories in effect for the three bay area bridges. on the top rack, mt. tam. look at the wind. janu >> here is a live look at the golden gate. blue skies, it is chilly but sunny. it is going to be a cold afternoon. currently san francisco is at 40. we are still saying scattered showers across the bay area. we have rain over half moon bay. scattered showers in the south bay .
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third a chance of snow showers tomorrow and a mix of rain and snow tuesday night.
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goff >>ysabel: here is a look at a tree falling down on vacation dry theory if off and >> into the cruise two hours to clear the road. in santa cruz, bulldozers will be out again. they're pushing stand along the seawall in an attempt to contain never fit from half
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off car buffs might want . >>marty: when the authorities are looking for this 15 year-old girl who
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never showed up for school on friday. she has not returned home since. she does not have a history of running away curious car is a portent ahead for she was last season. the understanding you have spoken to her mother? >> e.f.. i just left the command center where the search the info from. life that got hurt what a rough and a.m. 5 she received a fifth of her daughter fan doesn't excuse she walked down this street for her school bus software and and and is a description of the fact taskforce the
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mother had gotten a phone call from the foot of the films they never got a have not filled up very gentle lover and goblets everyone for helping. if the figure of fun. ulu after four at cahow out
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bonds sweetheart. we need to talk.
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i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes?
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honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. tryomething funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t.
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>>marty: police are continuing to look for the woman did believe may have been shot and killed by her son.
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all told more than 70 friends and neighbors joined a search crew on saturday. she has been missing since tuesday, just one day before the body of her son and her 11 year old daughter. police believe he was suffering from post- traumatic stress disorder. >> local afghan people want faster action for u.s. troops to be removed. >> in fremont, they say
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images of the dead children depict a war that has lost its purpose. many believe the latest civilian casualties are another example of why it is time to bring troops home. >> we're looking for a swift withdrawal. >> we do not want any more troops to die in afghanistan and we do not want the people of afghanistan dying. we want the children of america back home to their loved ones and families. >> i do not think it is
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doing any good. it is costing the u.s. people a lot of money. >> that he hoped the president will listen, fremont has the highest afghan population in the u.s.. >> for me was having a sense of unity. >> protesters signed a letter and a banner demanding the president to change the course of the war. organizers hope to give bay area lawmakers to sign a banner. >>marty: let's check in with henry. >>henry: for teachers all of the state, many received pink slips last week. they may not have a job in the fall. we will meet a parent who is really angry and is doing something about it.
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qr and bat
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>>marty: here is a postcard view from yosemite. hough >>ysabel: a lot of snow around the bay area. janu >> we will continue to see windy conditions throughout the afternoon.
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we are expecting on and off showers. this is a look at storm tracker 4. tsk your afternoon highs today will be pretty chilly.
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we will continue to see on and off showers throughout the week. we are expecting partly sunny conditions thursday, friday and another chance of rain as the head into the weekend. >>henry: all over the state of california at young people were protesting education cuts that are taking place in this state. they are participating in a demonstration where they were blowing bubbles and yelling loudly. let me introduce you to one of the organizers. crystal brown is the organizer of the web site educate our state. thank you for joining us. almost 20,000 teachers
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received backing slips this past week. is that going to happen comedy thing? >> that is just the beginning of the discussion. all of the districts had to notify their teachers. there is the potential but then, the negotiations start. until june we will know for sure exactly what happens. if by june as schools have to submit budgets. can school will be losing teachers or losing days of school.
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look! here she comes!
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♪ she'll be comin' 'round the mountain when she comes... ♪ ♪ when she comes. ♪ it'll be spinning new chrome wheels when it comes. ♪ ♪ when it comes. ♪ custom spoiler, race grade pistons, ♪ ♪ gt35 turbo charger. ♪ and they'll all know that it's kevin's awesome car. ♪ bought em! ( clears throat ) sorry. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay.
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>>ysabel: traffic in the sierra has been steadily growing. chain requirements on interstate 80 and interstate 50. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. cox >>marty: they give for
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watching. >>ysabel: we will see you next saturday.
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