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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  May 23, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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winds will stay with us. things will cool down as we head to the into the week. >>erica: nothing but good news in the traffic center. we have no hot spots are major accidents. the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza is getting a little busier with no metering lights to deal with. the peninsula is moving well with no major delays for those of you coming out of marin county. >>mark: in the south bay, the search for sierra lamar continues today. as a covered extensively yesterday, police have made an arrest in connection with this case. garcia thorez was booked on monday night and arrested on suspicion of one count of murder and kidnapping. he is the owner of the red jetta the police released pictures of three weeks ago as they're looking for that vehicle.
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will tran is live in morgan hill this morning where volunteers will be back out shortly to resume their search. >> they will be out into our streets the search every wednesday and saturday. her body has not been located yet and the mother of sierra says as a mother have to believe that she is still there. in morgan hill, sierra is everyone's daughter. for them it is personal. at the bare minimum we have seen maybe 100 volunteers turning out, often times more than that but a dedicated group continues to turn out. we will get reaction when they arrived.
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>>mark: it will be interesting to see how large of a turnout there will be today, especially after the arrest. >>will: there could possibly be new volunteers. investigators are going to continue searching bodies of water.
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>>mark: stay with kron4 for the latest breaking in details as the search for sierra lamar continues. >>darya: the president will be in the bay area today. to bring you more news faster, at jackie sissel is in front of the fox theater in a redwood city where the president is supposed to make an appearance. >>jackie: this is one of three stops that the president will be making here in the bay area. he is expected to fly it later this afternoon. from there he will go from moffett field directly to efforts into a private party where the tickets there if should start at $35,800 per ticket and then he will slip over here to the fox theater in downtown redwood city. it is a steal at two under $50 a ticket all the way up to $1,000 a ticket.
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another fund-raiser rally. there are barricades and no parking signs. security is paramount. that will be the case today. this campaign swing is in lieu of making money for the reelection campaign. it is expected to folded millions of the next couple of days. the last time he was here was back in february. >>darya: they do have some barricades of the you cannot tell which streets will be closed out and when, kenya? >> i did not.
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the secret service is very secretive about their plans. i can't tell you that broadway in front of the fox theater will be closed. they have barricades of is and no parking signs out. middlefield is to my east hamilton to the west. i would guess that both of those streets will have limited access as will the street behind the fox theater. to make sure that security is in place. >>darya: know that is happening to the aesthetic impact it travels. >>mark: a rough day on wall street. there are worries about the future of the euro zone.
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the dow futures are off 90 points right now ahead of the opening bell. hewlett-packard could develop another round of a substantial job cuts today. seven percent of their work force. >>darya: the governor estimated that the state of california would generate 1.9 billion over the next 13 months because of sales of facebook stock but those estimates were based on prices at $35 a share. facebook stock has gone down. at last check it was trading
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at $31 a share it we have not had the opening bell. this could increase the governor's budget deficit estimate. this is so flat over facebook and trading with top executives now serving is a unit to martin >>stanley: over allegations that they gave only select clients negative information about facebook before the ipo. people are crying foul. >>justine: we're just about to get an update on the wildfire that has the
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destroyed homes and businesses in the reno. authorities are just gathering now. it is the topaz fire. it has offered 4,400 a. already. the fire is still the away from residential areas. it is right near topaz lake. there are a lot of firefighters on the scene. former 50 of them are trying to battle the blaze. >>mark: a beautiful start to the date. a little windy at times. a lot of sunshine today with highs of the mid-60s.
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towards another recession.
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>>darya: to find out more about the clear program of a link on we are back with more in a couple of minutes to get you going on this wednesday morning. things are looking in lot clearer. things are looking in lot clear[ male announcer ] it would be easy for u.s. olympian meb keflezighi
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to deposit checks at the nearest citibank branch. ♪ like this one. ♪ or this one. ♪ or, maybe this one. ♪ but when it's this easy to use citibank mobile check deposit at home...why would he? ♪ woooo! [ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way.
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>>mark: a new poll shows that the president's announcement didn't make a difference in his campaign. according to a poll, 17 percent say they are much more likely to vote for the president but 20 percent say the announcement will make
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them more likely to vote for mitt romney. >>darya: there are reports that four of the key witnesses said the treyvon martin case have changed their initial accounts of what they said they saw the night treyvon martin was shot and killed by george zimmerman. the sentinel says that three revisions could hurt the case for zimmerman. a fourth witness changed her initial story about seeing one person choosing another. the changes appeared in evidence that was released last week. >>darya: the u.s. airways passenger that claim to have basically incentivize on her is now listed on the terrorist watch list or any other law enforcement databases. the committee said this morning that the woman whose identity has not been
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released was checked for all of the databases. her name has not shown up anywhere furious >>james: a chance of rain by friday. a system to the north that could bring a 20 percent chance of the sprinkel. as for today, we are doing it.
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it is a mild stir this morning. we do expect things to run unless we come this afternoon. the caveat is it is going to be another windy day. as you make plans this afternoon a this going to be breezy ferias >> in downtown san francisco will be right at the 65 degree mark and slightly cooler at the beach.
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tran >>james: mostly sunny for today and tomorrow and then, the clouds roll in. >>erica: the metering lights have been activated. we're starting there are no problems getting to the san mateo bridge. the backup is 14 minutes from end to end its. on the golden gate, nothing but clear conditions. no special traffic visors to tell you about.
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in downtown livermore speeds dropped just 20 mi. an hour. intercity 80 is moving well for cupertino. >>mark: one requirement is for open top tour buses to have sound systems that are not callable from 50 ft. or
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more away. the buses will have to be inspected by the form of public health before going into regular operation. >>darya: in at berkeley, remember this deadly crash? a man is facing multiple felony charges for the crash that killed his girlfriend in and paralyzed her son. police say that he was speeding and driving drunk when he crashed the car killing his girlfriend who just read twitter from college. she was killed in the crash and her successor old son still on life-support at children's hospital. san francisco police are asking for your help in identifying the people involved in a fight in golden gate park of the weekend. the five left the man hospitalized with life- threatening injuries on sunday afternoon.
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there were a bunch of people dressed as troll dolls. stunt argument broke out. some of the women wearing purple. one woman was wearing an orange to. when the fight broke out, one of the man hunched the man, he fell and struck his head of the crown was unconsciousness. he is now in the hospital. >> oakland police have released a sketch of america is a sexually assaulted a woman near the intersection of holly street and 90th ave. police are now offering a
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$5,000 reward in the case. oakland police are offered in 15 of the dollar were to find this man who attempted to rob a wells fargo bank on monday. before he got any money he ended up leaving.
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in >>darya: let's take it look at the weather outside that the approach to the bay bridge. the metering lights are on. let's take a peek at the 7 day around the bay. we will top out today at 77. the winds are picking up. windy today in a win here tomorrow. full sun shines grubs' out of the clouds tomorrow. third friday, mid '60s. that is what a chance of showers roles in. things do get better for the weekend. >> berkeley police are
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responding to allegations that the department used resources to search for stolen iphones for the chief's son. a spokesperson said that the chief did not order an investigation into his son's stolen phone. the phone was stolen back in january. i'm thinking of asking carlina to have dinner at my place.
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she's italian... and you can't cook. ♪
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roar! alright, what do lions eat? ♪
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>>stanley: selectively informed clients giving them an advantage. >>james: here is that you for mt. tam. release of the cleary and breezy. >>erica: it looks like a backup is starting to form at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. that is for those of you using interstate 80 or was about 580. a quick commute check shows good conditions in the east bay with light traffic around the south bay. there are no accidents to
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report of a peninsula into the north bay traffic is moving well. >>darya: in the south bay, the search for missing teenager sierra lamar continues. police made an arrest in the case the. half antolin garcia torres was booked into the santa clara county jail in he is charged with one count of murder and one count of kidnapping. he is the owner of the red jetta that police have released pictures of. fullback must searchers will be back out here in about 90 minutes serious investigators have been sought -- have been following the skies since
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march 28th. volunteer searchers had no idea about the case. they continue to turn out over and over. we will see if the numbers will drop for rise based on what happened yesterday. marlene lamar says she has to believe that her daughter is still out there. that is what she is hoping a lot of people turned out including marc klaas klass kids foundation. people who have turned out
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are loyal supporters. >>will: they do believe that sierra lamar is dead. that is how they're able to charge him with murder. if they did not think so, robert would be off the table. >>darya: either way investigators said the searches have been good.
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>>justine: mark zuckerburg and several banks were just sued by shareholders who claim they hit facebook to weekend forecast. they are accused of concealing from investors during the official market processed face severe and pronounced reduction in the revenue growth forecast. bill lawsuit was just filed in u.s. district court in manhattan. >>james: the president will be in the south bay to raise some campaigns-the president will attend a dinner at the efforts at home of a philanthropist. tickets for the dinner costs of $36,000 a person. from there he has to the fox
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theater in redwood city. tickets there will raise 50 ft of $50,000. first half all backhouse aha s >>darya: it is official that the golden state warriors are moving back to california. a privately funded water for a review at the base of the bay bridge. of the this for both deal this city will provide the site and were they say there will be no the taxes and no money from the city's civil fine. here is what the mayor and
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the colder headstay. then the lead in the year no but ah, mayor quan, we let her know that this was the opportunity we had to pursue. >> their the golden state warriors. that is what they are. we didn't have clear to do anything different at this point. fast as the warriors have call oklahoma since the '70s. oakland will not have to work hard to keep its two remaining professional teams. oakland says the warriors will always be will come to back of their plants in san francisco fall through. >> leaders want to make sure we're able to keep their raiders and we hope that major league baseball will make a positive decision.
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when will keep our options open would warriors. >>darya: the warriors could leave as early as 2017. >>mark: a quick break as the kron4 news continues. the dow is off 73 right now. we will be right back. ♪
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[ male announcer ] it's one thing... to have created an icon and quite another to have done it generation after generation. to the long line of legendary mercedes-benz sl roadsters... ♪ the 2013 sl. >>mark: bikers will be able to cross the golden gate starting today. yoli eceves is live with details. it seems like it has been closed forever. >>yoli: especially for bicyclist. they had to share this side of the golden gate since
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starting today they will be able to use the other side of the bridge. half lamar hunt >> walkers can only use the bay side.
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bicyclist can use the west side of themselves. >> it all with this afternoon at 3:30 p.m.. >>james: the golden gate what we finally reopened. >>darya: we of back in a couple of minutes. here is a live look outside at the james lick. a lot of sunshine into the traffic.
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>>mark: at mitt romney is a 110 delegates shy of winning the republican domination. how
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>>darya: if nancy reagan fell down six weeks ago and wrote one of for ribs. she was supposed to attend a speech last night at the reagan presidential library of her doctors did not want her to go because they do not want her to be at any large gathering. mrs. reagan is 90 years old. let's get a look at whether. >> the big story today is the wind. we should get to about 80 degrees or so it would. whether to they will be relatively clear. temperatures right now are pretty mild.
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the '50s and concord, upper 50s in india. temperature wise, we are ok. this afternoon the with starts to kick it. by this evening, the numbers will begin to climb. it is mainly said to of the north bay about this. house tab for wise it will be warm.
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all of a peninsula bailey 60 degree weather. small here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. tempers will drop quite a bit especially inland for the fifth at this point, does it twitter for is the fifth for free. for the memorial weekend the weather should be beautiful. >>erica: the typical back up at the approach to the bay bridge this morning. the biggest delays are for those of you coming off of interstate 80 on the east shore freeway. we are certain to see traffic free buckley 880 over crossing. metering lights for activated a little differently and traffic is a bit slow as the a high and across the upper deck. the drive time right now is about 15 minutes. we are one minute ahead of
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skiffle for the right of a cliff. if you are heading down to the san mateo bridge, no problems to over into the air. the golden gate bridge right, southbound 101. a lot of space between cars. squaw no problems for adjusted to 80. that looks like we are waiting on the road with sensors for those equally out of the north bay. a quick check for the beach where freeways shows light conditions and no problems to report for a trustee to 80. as for public transit we have been monitoring that for the as col. >>darya: there is worth this morning at the gold dust
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lounge, one of san francisco's longest running bars, is closing its doors this week it relocated. the business is closing on saturday into moving to an undisclosed location a fisherman's wharf. the location will be revealed at a news conference later this morning. this will and the long battle between the bar's owners here that the landlord. the bar will be replaced as an interest for a new express' clothing store. new charges are being brought against the accused of beating bryan stowe. federal prosecutors are charging luis sanchez and market norwood with weapons charges. during this first police say they uncovered several firearms and the home of norwood. since norwood is a convicted felon, possessing firearms if illegal it carries a sentence of 10 years in prison.
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hot >> this advance is the giants have won eight of their last 11 games. for a second night at a robust opposing homered off of the villa park scoreboard. says was his 11th save of the year. at the coliseum, of work for holes is breaking out of his season lost love. he homered for the third time in seven days. oakland has been shut out for the seventh time this year.
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>>mark: the kings are in the >>stanley: cup file for the first time with less than three minutes in a second overtime hit it is the first of a final since 1993. >>mark: of the kings of 1 ft. straight road games. house >>darya: 6:53 a.m., we're back with more in a couple of minutes. here's a look at the setting golden gate bridge.
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>>darya: new moms may want to think about getting a flu shot when they are pregnant. a new study says expecting mumps and get the flu vaccine might actually be helping their babies. off researchers found vaccinated mothers were less likely have an undersized baby and found that these women were less likely to have preterm births. >>mark: the alleged killer of sierra lamar is behind bars. another surge is scheduled to start to find the missing 15 year-old. new lanes are opening today at sfo. we're watching wall street. we are back with more in two minutes as the kron4 news continues.
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tsongas this
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