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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  August 29, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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on soft surfaces everyday when you're cleaning up to kill 99.9% of bacteria. lysol. mission for health. >> >>darya: q. can see the wins there what is your brain that is the big problem. -- you can see the winds but is the rain that is the big problem appeared we will tell you about the living. >> here is the vice presidential candidate, paul ryan.
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here it is his chance to talk tonight. >> there is a fire at a nursery pin >>james: we're expecting this afternoon to be on the warm side and all were returned irian we will have a noticeable cooling trend and we will tell you more about that will make a back. >>george: here is a quick commute check appeared we have smith conditions at the bay bridge. >>mark: we are falling at the latest whip hurricane isaac. it is a slow-moving storm.
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if first made landfall on the southern tip of the mississippi river. then that when back out and made landfall again over night. at isaac will weaken as it begins to move to the north. we're keeping cure our eyes on the path. on the east side of the storm we are seeing a wall of water being pushed into the shore. this peninsula on the south east of new orleans has water coming over the levee. many people are looking at
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12 ft. of water and are stranded on the roofs. in new orleans right now, if they're getting the first real test of the reenforce levee system there. >> i would say that the levies are in a lot better shape pit we can have isolated is -- incidences'. however anything that was built by man can be destroyed by mother nature. >>mark: there have predicted 20 in. of rain will release scene here. >>darya: isaac is far less powerful than katrina and
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2005. this storm damage was in the billions of dollars then. the levies have been closed for the first time after they have been built. today is the anniversary of katrina. new orleans is far better able to handle the surge. >> we have a lot of standing water and the city. we have potential for a lot of electrical outages >>darya: there are evacuation orders. but mostly affects a sparsely park bullet -- a sparsely populated areas in the are concerned about the
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low lying areas that have been affected where about 700 patients of louisiana nursing-home is are affected. >>mark: you may want to check with your airline before departure. isaac is causing some delays in irian >>darya: the red cross volunteers have been dispatched to the gulf coast. they said that they are going to provide shelter and 8 and open up centers. that expected to be there for up to three weeks. thousands of workers from across the country will join the volunteers. >>mark: firefighters responded to a fire at a nursery in san jose. will tran is on the scene.
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that claims are out. they are still checking hot spots. the flames are out. while this smoke is not just from what it is from pesticides and insecticides said was turning over night. this fire was burning over night. when the firefighters got there they thought it was just a structural fire but when they arrived they discovered that the flames started to change colors and indicated that there was some pesticides and insecticides on fire. they decided to allow them to burn and some -- instead of going into the water.
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we did get a chance to talk to the captain this morning pin this is what he had to say. >> what you had was a volatile fast-moving fire. we modified our tactic based on that. we were able to allow areas that needed to burn on the on to burn and then be extinguished after the chemicals can burn out. >>will: the pesticides or of gaunt. there was some concern about the pesticides getting into the water. >>mark: as we continue our coverage of isaac to out the morning we will be keeping a live picture at the bottom of your screen. this is from mississippi. you can see the flood waters
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coming ashore. >>justine: dutch media is reporting that the passenger plane was not hijacked. the original reports came and that it had to be escorted. dutch media back away from this course. they said the plane was not high tech. we will keep you updated >>darya: tonight's vice presidential candidate paul ryan will have his turn to speak. they say that he is wintus showcase his personality and home town values. you can't up with the
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commercial free coverage of all the speeches on our come back cast channel 193. -- comcast 193. [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible.
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>>mark: one of the speed freak killers is out of prison right now. is taken to a location 95
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mi. east of san francisco to help identify where the human remains of the possible victims are. >> i am very pleased. i have received calls from several families. they're glad the the investigation is happening again. >>mark: meanwhile the bounty hunter has spent in touch with the man. this be free killers may have been responsible for more than 20 deaths and the 1980's and 1990's. >>darya: we will be back with whether traffic and the latest news from new orleans about hurricane isaac. it has come a short and is causing a lot of flooding
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and louisiana. there is one stretch of a levee that has been over talked irian-- that is overflowing. we will be right back.
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>>darya: hundreds of
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visitors that state at yosemite park red june july be an odd guests may have been exposed to a virus spread by mouse feces. this bill -- this was connected to curry village. >> at one of the women that said that say their claims it's he has been tested for the virus pin when i >> when i came, i felt had
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a cent stomachaches. i went to the lab and got tested. they said that i was hit carrying the virus. >>mark: governor jerry brown has unveiled a pension plan that is said to save billions. they say that it well as required employees to pay half of their pension costs. a will also increase the retirement age by two years for all new employees. >> it is very important to know the employees are making sacrifices. these steps we're taking because of what's happened in the market. we had to make some
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cutbacks. this will require sacrifice. >>mark: the governor is projects that this will save $30 billion of the the next three decades. >>darya: here are picks his life from call. mississippi as we are tracking hurricane isaac. >>james: they are experiencing dramatic and this said severe conditions. we will talk about that in a minute. here is a live look from our rules camera -- approved--- roof camera appeared near
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the conditions right now. today will be than last nice warm day. we'll have another sunny afternoon and then gradual cooling will take: friday and into the weekend. here are the temperatures for this afternoon and today's highs.
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this is but as we look into thursday and friday you will see a cooling trend. there is much cooler air around the bay. that is the way the temperatures are headed. we will take a look at the rest of the week coming up and 7 day around the bay forecasts a grid
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>>george: we are not tracking any hot spots getting to the bay bridge even though there was an on ramp close temporarily due to a pedestrian a delicate the the drive time is running 12-13 minutes of um macarther maze. take a look at the san mateo bridge pin it looks as though there is a possible stall on the shoulder. it does not seem to be backing things up. your golden gate bridge in looks like is picking up a little bit of fog and the southbound direction. take a look at the ride on
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interstate 80 as it heads to the bay bridge toll plaza, it looks pretty good year. there are no problems for your driving on highway 280 in the northbound direction. the drive time on 101 north bound is 16 minutes as you come up the coyote valley toward mountain view. the drive time that is under 25 minutes from novato to the golden gate bridge. >>mark: to and since at a hospital and sacramento is infected with a staff and
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action pin this is a strain that is we sit resistant to many antibiotics. here is the parents comment about the outbreak did >> they are responsible, they should have answers. there the hospital they should know what to do. >>mark: the ft a has released and they want today hiv treatment. they can charge as much as $24,500 per year for this drug. the companies sensitive is in line with other products to treat hiv. >>justine: you can see pictures were found in new
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orleans at hurricane isaac. there is flooding that will last all day into the night. we will have more on this when kron 4 news comes back. it's time to change the way we clean.
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it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health.
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>>darya: and a fresno county mom say your child from a kidnapper pin. she thought the man that he got a daughter out the door. that is when she scrapped her shotgun and the man dropped the daughter. the victims struggled with this guy. he thought back. then she thought back and the child seems to be doing quite well. digamma >>darya: they are saying that all invasions and burglaries are too frequent in this rural area. >>mark: we will be right
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-what's up? i'm chris. -and i'm erik. both: we're the fruit guys! back in 1998, we had this idea to deliver fresh fruit to offices in downtown san francisco. we built these wooden crates, filled these with fruit in my one-bedroom apartment. the fruit guys has been with bank of america since they first started. we work with them to help them grow and succeed. we're coming up on 50 employees and delivering to thousands of companies every week. i would definitely say this is a fruitful business.
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>>mark: we're keeping our eye on hurricane isaac. piquancy the eye wall rating around louisiana's right now. they're watching this storm surge at 12 ft. of water being pushed by the strong wins. it will begin later tonight and to bring some flooding
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rains in some drought written locations in southern arkansas. we're finding the worst flooding right now at the mouth of the mississippi the winds caused the massive flooding. the store now it makes its way to new orleans area. >> the storm surge is wheat cent less and people did evacuate. we have resources ready to go out until the winds calmed down we cannot trust the people. they're telling people to stay with an act -- where they are at.
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>>mark: this storm will be back turning your lens for many hours to come. -- this normal be -- this storm will be slamming into new orleans for many hours to come to it. >>james: this storm go make landfall in head up toward chicago. it will drop about 20 in. of rain over the next 48 our time. we will expect some flash flood advisories in some of the northern states that it will be going through because of that extreme drought in the heart of land.
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>>george: we're looking for some smith conditions expected -- except for some typical areas the start to slow. south a is a to good. there is only a little bit of slowing on 101 north bound. >>darya: other is no power and no water and a san francisco neighborhood this morning. there is nothing but a big hole where they had a huge water main break yesterday. will tran is on the scene did -- jackie sizzle as on the scene. >>jackie: this whole remains.
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it is about 25 ft. long by 50 ft. wide. this is the result of a water main break yesterday morning. thousands of gallons was spilling out into the neighborhood knocking power out into many of the home. and led to the evacuation of several residents of around this area in a nearby elementary school. aquino that pg&e crews and the department of public works will be out here this morning to determine what kind it issues they have a to and get this pipe it back up and working. the heavy equipment is here
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on cnn right now but they have not started the work right now. that's -- we do know that the evacuated residents is still out of their houses. the other issue is the safety of the homes. you can see how close this house is to the hall. they will not send out building inspectors to determine whether this house or other houses are safe in which to return. our lady of the visitation elementary school has been closed and it may be at least a week until they are allowed back into the school. they have to determine what kind of damage has been to the school.
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as in his crews to get out here working we're going to find out how long it is pointed be before they get the pipe working. >>darya: they found a big sink hill in menlo park. they fixed the cinco and traffic is back to normal >>mark: a victim of a shooting died at the hospital. the victim was on the street when a suspect got out of the car and shot at him. there is no word or discussion about the suspect. then and northern oakland cadiz-- thieves are
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targeting patrons. >> and i do not have myself and i do not have my wallet. i think it is nuts. >> at people with their stuff down and then is taken. then there's people selling appeared >>mark: oakland increase the patrols and the area and as the residence be more careful. >>darya: and all armed robbery was caught on camera and san pablo. the gunman got away. he took off before police can get there.
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>> a man that impersonated the officer's actions resulted a woman. this happened in pleasanton. here is a sketch. this was earlier this month. he pulled a girl zero -- sheep would a woman over and ordered her out of our car then handcuffed into her to a remote area and sexually assaulted her. >> the first incidents happened on august 20th and where a victim said that you as pawns in the face after being pepper spray and then robbed. >> at two women said that they were to is turning the corner when they wear attack. >> the guide pepper spray us and then punch my neighbor in the face. she was trying to grab my purse.
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>> at it which is to the ground and making disciplines as pin here is a description of the suspects appeared. they got away in a car described as a green. >>darya: this is a look from our mt. tam cam. it is pretty clear. will be back a minute.
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>>justine: we are falling hurricane isaac. here is what is happening in new orleans right now.
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as to concede that as a a lot of weight and the-rain and wind and. this is coming ashore on the anniversary of hurricane katrina. we will have more on the kron 4 morning news right after this break.
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if if that were quickly hides in the heat of a little coast right >>darya: and the big stories that we're following is hurricane isaac. there isn't a mile section of a role levy that is
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flooded pin >> firefighters on the scene of a nursery fire. nobody was hurt in the investigating the cause pin. >>mark: if news from the u.s. the company economy. it is slightly apart. >>rob: when you take a look at it mathematically it is a slow the number pit. is to to sen to say whether or not work went into recession. >>mark: what we doing to kickstart the economy. >>mark: and needs confidence and policy.
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there is not a lot of job growth as a lack of policy. then turning e is coming up friday-- ben burn anke berni >> and to say that i what an ipad or to spend money takes confidence. >>rob: we do not go into a great depression we went into a greater recession.
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. let the fed you has done their job. the lower the cost of money. >>mark: why did they not do this sooner. >>rob: it is tough to say. we don't let the government to lower the value of the mortgages. that is sold to other investors. we can see that the ability to shorts sell your house is expiring this year.
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that is a good thing he yelled will on least-- yelp will lease some shares today. >> mrs. romney talked about love and trust. we have a back end of the year that does not look rosy. >>mark: we will talk with you later on with theirs and losers on wall street. >>darya: we're going to take a look of what's happening in new orleans and louisiana later but now we are quite to look at what's happening here. james.
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>>james: today is going to be a clear. tamara's kennedy's son sign with a slight cooler. and then tilt will be dramatically " whereas we had to friday. we'll be talking about the rest of the week in detail later. here are the temperatures right now. we will have some possibility of some 90 degree weather by the afternoon. here are today's highs. here's a 7 day around the bay forecast. as i said, a dramatic cooling by friday. it was a mile to the weekend and into next week. if you want continuing coverage of the weather and news here and go to our comcast's channel 0193 pi.
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at what >>erica: is below and will not be prosecuted for stealing sun causes from a hollow holiday hills home. >> this picture of creek queen elisabeth has gone viral as she appears to be driving around in a hoodie. >> in a tent to do not stage a big fight citing, the man was struck and killed on the highway.
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and he went to find out more about the story is checked my fan book a >>darya: police noticed a 59% drop while this program has begun. the next checkpoint will tomorrow add 1/3 inch in streets. >>mark: parents are trying to do everything they can to send their kids to college a lot of people are asking them to live than on the commute to class's. many parents are even asking the children to start saving for college
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themselves starting at 13. that average cost is about $28,500 per year. >>darya: we will get back in a couple of minutes. at regan scene that hurricane isaac pictures from the were landslide on the screen right there. their eggs that seeing about 20 in. of rain.
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mark >> at bear


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