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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  November 19, 2012 5:00pm-7:00pm PST

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was part to probably just going about his business on a friday night. and you could see that this bmw had a 23 in. rims and decided that they would take his car. >> troy but carne mccarthyney..y fought back tears as he visited a memorial here as this 7-eleven. keieley boulevard where his nephew, 22 year-old - oldparkpettiford was shot
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and killed friday. >> he was doing what any of us do. which is stopping a convenience station for a soft-drink, cup of coffee >> at a city hall news conference monday police and the mayor, chuck reed announced a $20,000 their reward for information leading to the capture of the man in this sketch described as a hispanic male, 20-25 years old, 180 lbs., wearing a white hooded sweatshirt, the second a suspect, 26 are old jonathan dawson willbans. was a rested friday following a string of armed robberies at gas stations and convenience stores. ending in a gunbattle with police during which one officer was shot but escaped serious injury, a barely saved by a metal based bottler
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>> the friends of the victim of flowers and condolences on the sidewalks of the 711. >> san jose, rob fladeboe come >> the oakland police officers to the union is criticizing the department's leadership that, as a judge gets ready to decide weather to hand over control of the force to federal this is from may 2003 misconduct settlement. when a rookie officer accused four veteran officers, known as " the writer's " of beating suspects, planting drugs, and making unjustified arrests. >> not to adjust to the police department accountability needs to be objective for the entire system. we're talking about elected officials on down to
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this is a nine or 10 year old process to get compliance. and to think that any police officer, or the ran rank of a police officer is really misguided. nobody has said that but certainly that is the implication what we did not want to do was leave those allegations, suggestions and non-answered. it is our his answer and responsibility to stand up for the honor, the integrity that work in the most difficult city in america. they're understaffed. there out demand. they're outgunned. and it is not meet their out - manned and is a war zone if you look of the numbers. we want to help fix the problem. we have done our share. how let us have other people step up an respect accept responsibility. >> oakland police were
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ordered to make reforms but now or nearly 10 years later, like to say this hasn't happened yet but the attorney representing the police union says that rank- and-file officers are the only ones to blame. mayor jean quan was contacted it but not enough only still pictures were allowed in court during kaviar kings. appearance with-his feet and hands were shackled. he seemed to relax as the judge announced bail set at $4.5 million. he will be tried as an adult facing 10 counts, kidnapping cover it, attempted murder, prosecutors announced that there will be trying him as an adult because the violent nature of the crime. if convicted he could face life in prison. it was here at
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the smaller shopping center last week that police said the 14 year-old approached the victim and forced her to drive several miles away he sexually assaulted her as well as speaker. leaving her on conscience. they say the victim's family was contacted for a ransom but when they went to the scene for of the crime king returned and they arrested have matured the family showed up at the hearing, but what they did say to kron 4 news will be coming up 8:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m., terisa estacio, kron 4 news. >> were getting video from oil goes to university in april. if these are the victims from oikos.. go has pleaded 'not guiilty' is
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among there is a community vigil to many that could be deported scott is live in san francisco at that rally who could be deported. >> is just getting under way in. several people love, out in the last couple of manassas thing and the support. some people-just coming out to -- this is 26 year-old jesus diago. he is pending a deportation. he has been living in the san jose since he was 4 years old. he lives there, works for, pays taxes this is the only way of life that he knows and this is all could be coming to an end because he was detained and he could be deported at any time. coming up at 6:00 p.m. we will speak with friends, family and a share those
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stories. coming up at 6:00 p.m.. >> and the yes, will speak to you again at 6:00 p.m. >> we are getting a break in the wet weather in the bay area on the top right, you are looking at our live camera on mt. tam. on the bottom right, a live look at downtown san francisco from our roof cam. cloudy skies right now. the big question, have we seen the last of the rain for a while? jacqueline? >>jacqueline: with more cloudy skies. mostly clear conditions. and the rainfall is approaching morgan hill through washington and the state of oregon. this is the tail end of the system that is going to be trekking through tonight and tomorrow. fans will take a look at futurecast for this evening some light showers possible. well to the north
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of santa rosa. and the shower activity north of the golden gate and even later, the chance of showers along the coast. not much activity remaining in the north bay but we do have our second round of rainfall. tuesday evening. it will impact more of the bay area and press into tonight towards wednesday morning. we will time is to act on futurecast and look for your thanksgiving forecast. for >> the forty-niners quarterback, alex smith has because of the concussion. he was hurt eight days ago against a game with the st. louis rams. you can see the tough hits he stock. the 49ers will start second year
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will cauliflowerkaeper nick... >> the tail gators at candlestick park it feels more like a sunday on this monday night football. mohawk but no one has is the alex smith. j. cutler is out it is the battle of the back ops tonight toward what these fans to have is a lot of pre-gain confidence. >> these back ups i think that the 49ers have been playing down. if they could opponent. >> it is going to be a big defensive battle it is going to be about the turnovers. >> we are going to kill at all day. i do not care about concussions. the bears are going down! going down! >> the fans are going in at
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5:30 we will be here all night with reports and our newscast, later. >> charles, let us show you from the video from of the last time we showed you. that embarrassing power outages. they've halted debt nationally televised game and i'm going to be guessing that that is fixed any concerns? >> because that did happen last year there have been three night games and pg&e & the city of hard. with no problems. and to it was embarrassing. let us hope it does not happen again tonight. >> thank you, charles. we will speak to you again at 6:00 p.m. >> perhaps if you are not able to see this this interceptor missile it is the iron dome interceptor. you just saw that flash in the sky it is just intercepted. >> the fighting between israel and hamas is not
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stopping and this group of exchange students from berkeley are now in the middle of a war zone. we will speak to the young woman in israel, next. [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible.
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(sirens) >> the death toll is soaring. with rockets nearly hundreds of palestinians have been killed including
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young children. talks for a cease-fire are underway but there is not much work on any progress had yet. evolution tha emily schmidt hase latest. >> the background the deadliest attacks 04, palestinians health officials say and is really air strike killed 10 relatives this mother lost her two year-old and 4 year- old children and gaza city. she says " i am in shock i do not believe it. >> it is the sixth day of israel's air offensive against because of militants targeted because of rocket attacks against israel. the second day in a row that gaza city of that was hit
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palestinian sources say a palestinian informational it was killed in an attack and two children wounded. >> clearly israel sees the media of live in gaza as a means to distribute what they would call operational information, so in their mind if it meets the criteria for engagement. >> israel has called up 75,000 reservists and gathered tanks near the palestinian border. if a although palestinians don't want a grunt work, they to not fear it. the mobile not accept any israeli conditions because they are the ones who committed the aggression. >> is really president blames the loss. >> they are really focused producers of death, and without any consideration. , it hardly sounds like language for a cease-fire though an egyptian general involved in negotiations says he is optimistic about
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progress so far. an analyst says a sustained a cease- fire requires two things. >> you have to, in effect create a victory speech for both the moss and israel. emily shawna president obama is looking for ways to deal with the with the situation he was on the phone today with the egyptian president and israeli prime minister. he expressed regret for the deaths of israeli and palestinian civilians. he repeated his position. to defend palestinians -- defend itself from palestinian attack 57
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percent of americans believe israel's current military strikes against costs are justified 25% said the action is " not " just ellis what you think >> vicki liviakis caucus has more. >> it is one thing to look at the hostilities in the gaza and israel from the comfort of your living room. it is quite another to be thrust into the conflict by bad timing. there's a young american girl from berkeley who are right at as an exchange student. just as the rockets started fili flying. >> it was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime, spend some months in israel, as an exchange student but the minute rebecca lee from berkeley landed issue, and
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our small group of american students were faced with the unexpected. rockets would, and it was not frequent. >> rockets, fired on the small town in southern israel were rebecca was set to study a >> are you frightened? >> i am not ready nervous about my safety i think the chances of something happen to me personally are actually slight. >> they have had schools close, people aren't going to work you have to stay near your home because if the sirens go off your supposed to go in a shelter. i think i've stayed pretty call when the sirens have actually gone off. what is your to be is any time i hear a siren or lard car start to wonder. >> the parents of rebecca are worried but so far rebecca has no plans to
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>> i kind of wanted to come home and it is not fun but i have a commitment here. >> i am fortunate that i have the luxury to say i want to come here and there and people living here that cannot even leave the town the let alone a lot they cannot leave the country >>catherine: hostess might actually have somebody that could be interested helping them instead of going out of business. the company is already in bankruptcy and has been in court today to liquidate they cite a crippling strike last week. >>jacqueline: we can see some decent conditions but rainfall with even heavy
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showers associated with this system. beyond the golden gate by 2:00 a.m. b 4:00 p.m. 4:00 a.m.-and eve largely difficult driving conditions. temperatures tomorrow in the 60s from low 60s closer to the coast. upper 60s away from the coast. pleasanton, and and in san jose and as for the sierras we will be getting rainfall with this system. dry pavement and the snow on the side of the roads but these fellows are going to be high that there is cornering, when the wind in the from wednesday, and through the thanksgiving holiday. there is-going to be some of that-wind. on the corner of the roads- >> >>catherine: let us check on traffic with the golden gate bridge on this cloudy evening. it is moving decent and both directions. at the
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james lick where it is moving slowly particularly headed towards the 101 and the peninsula. the upper deck towards the beverages also slow. >> if you have a dog? you have two different choices. or a camel. now, there is a new start up. were to take your dog to the -- kennel. however, we have a different option coming up gabe slate tech report [ female announcer ] welcome one and all
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to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor, a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway will have everyone raving. there's fresh, natural, frozen, whatever you're craving. spend 25 dollars and a frozen safeway turkey is 59 cents a pound. or spend 25 dollars and get a fresh safeway select turkey for 99 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life.
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this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. because we know how much you do to make the holidays just right. from ornaments to ottomans, memories are made with ikea.
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>> earlier we asked if the u.s. should be involved in the middle east. we did get a big response and people are very passionate about this topic. and they say " no " why not do with domestic issues. >> and this is also another no saying that it is religion. and yes because of the value that it replaces with its relations in israel
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and palestine. go to our facebook fan page let us know what you think. [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on, for two whole years. from at&t. [ female announcer ] a great price for a great triple-play bundle. [ male announcer ] call now. bundles with u-verse tv,
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internet and home phone start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable, high speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ [ male announcer ] only from at&t. [ traffic passing ] ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers...
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of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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>> it has been 24 years michaela garecht disappeared from the bay area. she is being remembered. however, why investigators she could be the victim of to cereals kill coming up at 5:30 coming up. she could be the victim of two different serial killers
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>> dollar at 5:30 kidnapping -- no at michaela garecht's 24th anniversary of her missing. she was just 9 when she was snatched from in front of a convenient store on mission
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boulevard in hayward. that is where maureen kelly attended a vigil today. >> a song, was played by michaela garecht's 24 year- old brother who was only a bay in arms when his sister went missing and people tied ribbons to the tree where the kidnapper was part where he lowered her to his car. some of the ribbons were in >> i wonder if this is the last time that we will have to do this. and even feeling the larger of uncertainty loomed over this year's memorial but investigators are currently waiting for dna tests to be alone on a bone fragment taken from the same walking county well link to the so-called >> was the sherman tiny and
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loren herzoz were convicted of killing four are suspected in as many as 15 other murders. sherman time began revealing burial sites. after the sentence was overturned of is accomplice. herzog when he learned that the sherman time was working with authorities they said that sharon says investigators have told or the bone is from a child and there is a good chance of all belongs to a >> investigators will have the delays for the results of but they are still
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taking it day by day. >> the san jose bishop has apologized after allowing a registered sex offender to volunteer at san jose grade school last month mark gurries was recognized by somebody else a sex offender at the festival. he was not arrested but was escorted off campus. he is on probation, and not allowed to beat near children the
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school and bishops thing that they take full responsibility and promise that it will not >> the final preparations are underway this morning at the sacred heart community service in the san jose for a thanksgiving food giveaway. will tran. >> this is a well they have been able to master this they've been doing this for several years. people are able to even sacred to even register for a turkey
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donation with all of the trimmings. many people haven't relied on this for several years. it is a tried and true charity that is a nondenominational and supported by altering disseminati and the bay area-- >> blackford >> these people figure the time in line is worth it even though black friday is still four days away >> we expect to we expect to save at least four, 500 tellers to be $600. my son has encouraged me to wait in line for that television. >> these people are saying that it is still worth at >> if you need somebody to take your call on vacation
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or what you are standing in line, gabe slate tech report dog vacay... it is the start up of the week. >> you have it a couple of choices, to ask a friend, relative or take your dog to a kennel however, this is a new startup company helping dog owners. he is free to have an account. what owners need to find a border to the website. it will check out the borders, and hand pack of them. it provides insurance and emergency room availability and 24/7 support of the phone. they make this very easy for the owners. today, the official border said that they make good money. >> we did this relief for companionship it was fun to
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a dog's around. and it was a nice way of having a pet without having a long-term commitment. and when you start to make some nice side money, entertainment money is always nice to have that. >> it is 50% and the rest goes to the border. >> for less than a kennel is a cage-free environment and more personal attention for each of the docks. we have even when we have three, four dogs we still have a lot of one on one personal time. gabe slate tech report the among other news, i am giving away copies of this holiday season's hottest video came from the x box 360. check us out
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futurecast, coming up in just a bit. >> the bay bridge toll plaza where it looks slow. remember, there was football traffic earlier in the 680/walnut creek at the 24 interchange moving at its regular pace. stay with us [ female announcer ] welcome one and all to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor, a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway will have everyone raving. there's fresh, natural, frozen, whatever you're craving. spend 25 dollars and a frozen safeway turkey is 59 cents a pound. or spend 25 dollars and get a fresh safeway select turkey for 99 cents a pound.
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so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life. u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems.
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you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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>>catherine: and now for today's market update stocks had their best day since the election. with new optimism about avoiding the physical cliff. that dog chained to a battered eight points, the nasdaq 63. >> rob black, the existing home sales. >> yes. this could help the market go up by 25% in 2013.
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with all the we should slow, housing is good it creates a sense of wealth. we hire people, go to williams sonoma,:vacation, these are important. with the inventory is in down we are not building we are just selling what we have. and that is a low inventory level. is a seller's market. >> what was inventory like when it was really in the 1990's? >> even or six months it was a buyers' market. now, a sellers' markets of home prices are up 11%. high-end homes sold well. they are pushing forward their open time poor black friday. hvm on thursday and--four black friday-the workers on-wal- mart. >> it should be a day of
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family, bla bla bla.. but work with me on this. they are trying to do a protest but i guarantee that wal- mart shoppers to do not care it is going to be of the people not going to stop shopping. and they say that they want more pay and we want flatter television but these people have no chance against the shoppers that wanted to be in television. we do not care about wal- mart workers. >> let us talk about the twilight side of. it pulled in the big money for saga.... >> you love twilight? >> teams tyler [laughter] lions gate owns twilight and
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they are going to make this money much like harry potter. i am waiting for the wolverines.. high school.. red dawn. the school mascot 'licolon'... lincoln -- was a great movie and even at the james bond franchise. >> one of your losers. americans:spend three but in dollars on pats and you do not like that? with $3 billion -- on family pets? >> they spend $51 billion. just to show you how crazy
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this is. we do not safe for retirement but there are polo, all the top designers, isaak misrahi and even croco skin carriers... >> we have more rainfall but showers approaching the north bay as we speak. more rain fall impacting the entire bay area. late but it will be dry for thanksgiving. first, the satellite & radar with the increasing cloud coverage to
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the north bay. the clouds are spreading south of the golden gate. towards northern california and still the bulk of the rainfall remains to the north. we will remain in this sliding towards northern california. into the overnight hour. at the futurecast and pointing this in the north bay in the bed by midnight. notice, by 6:00 p.m., it is staying north of the golden gate. there would be a slight chance slav of the golden gate by 10:00 p.m. but the bulk of the activity in the north bay- south of the golden gate -- >>jacqueline: this round of rainfall could bring a moderate rainfall. that yellow indicating moderate but this will press in, overnight. 1:00 a.m., pressing towards san francisco. and the east bayshore by 2:00 a.m.-48 and towards the south bay. with mainly clear conditions-4:00
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a.m.--with a lingering showers possible for the north bay your high temperatures? we will stay in the 60s. upper 60s away from the coast like a san jose. 65 and concord. also in livermore as we take a look at the sierras, dry conditions but we're not going to take any snowfall through this system of the rain/wind toward gusting at lake level at 50 m.p.h.! with gusting at 100 m.p.h. at the rich level ridge--to tonight/wednesday morning mainly rainfall but the possibility of rain showers still possible of the wednesday. mild conditions on thanksgiving and will stay dry. >> another check on the 101 san jose near the guadeloupe overpass. it is moving well. the san jose bridge.
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headlights, towards foster city. traffic moving to stay with us, more news after the break. that is my luggage! >> we will spend some time at oakland international airport in the next edition of people behaving badly
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you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. save up to 15% on an ikea kitchen.
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. save up to 15% on an ikea kitchen. (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. >> these two ladies have a slight problem. >> okay, just go or ground! >> while there s u v is over here, their luggage is let us follow her for a second >> do not laugh, it happens. welcome to oakland international airport where if you wait a moment you will see some interesting things and if you are on the subject of waiting there are several posts signs posted.
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however, this driver. >> what are you going to ask me? >> i was going to tell you that my daughter is on the way out. >> did you say that the sign has no waiting? lot and mushy " said the issue is going to move but she only moved a few feet. a lot -- >> and i paid her another visit. >> you know that you only moved a few feet? of lthe l it is game of cat and mouse with the alameda parking. they like to drive and park as long as humanly possible. until this tucketucket ticket person could show up -- >> do not left this vehicle unattended the driver left this too long. and he took his time. and even though he
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drove off we still will get that ticket in the mail. at oakland international airport, stanley roberts, kron 4 news. if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, you can email us at m ♪
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secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it.
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>> coming up at 6:00 p.m. the 14 year-old that was arrested for the kidnapping of a 65 year-old woman. >> and this 26 year-old is facing deportation. he has been in the united states since he was 4 years old. the rally to keep him in the united states. >> as we take a look at the overnight hours more rain fall tuesday, coming up details on your forecast.
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>> is a disturbing crime, a 65 year-old woman kidnapped from a balloon or shopping center. she was raped and left by the road. the suspect is only 14. will get a law san jose police are information. it was part
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of a crime spree that ended with a that the carjacking. and also kron 4 is light of the rally in san francisco on behalf of a man who is live in this country since it was 4 years old first, kdaviar king... >> it was a disturbing crime, a 65 year-old woman kidnapped from italy a shopping center, right, left by the road the suspect is 14 years old. we're getting a first look at him terisa estacio was not it was last week when police sicking approached the victim in this shopping center kidnap her, raped her, left from the side of rover bystanders
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founder hours later >> with his hands and feet in shackles, 14 year-old king seemed relaxed as he stood by his attorneys for the public defender's office turn this hearing. the video cameras were not allowed. however, his. , has he been in trouble before? >> his bill could no - he did nr a plea to man ran out of the court house, to get away from our cameras. the hearing lasted only a few minutes of the bill could be set. he did not also, there
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is a rally right to jesus is a great child who has a dreams to join the marines. however, they want to send him back to mexico. he has been living in the san jose since he was 4 years old his family is very upset. >> we are his family and we want him home. >> it has been pretty hard he is a role model for me. since i was young, he would
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teach me what was good or bad. i lived with them for tend years he was like a big brother to me. >> we spoke with the attorney and they're going to keep the fight up. they are expected to keep delivering their message like they are, now. reporting live, kron 4. >> a $20,000 reward is being offered in san jose for information leading to the capture of this man in this police sketch. this letter to mitchell, 20-25 years old, 180 lbs. wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt. he is wanted for the killing of 22 year-old rory pettiford. he
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was shot outside of a 7- eleven during an attempted carjacking. surveillance video is show the suspect and the san jose police announced a reward at a city but this second suspect is identified as 26 year-old jonathan willbanks of san jose. and identified police officer was injured, although not seriously and a gun battle with the suspects. police showed one a photo of a bullet riddled police car. and another, showing no a metal bottle of mace and the officers belt deflected a bullet and that could have saved his
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now, the possibility of the oakland police probing under federal control is growing closer. an attorney representing the police union says that it is not fair. >> i am not talking just about the police department i am talking about the entire city of oakland. and the elected officials are they being held accountable? let us talk about the people that supervise the cops and i got total of eight lt., sergeant, or the chief of police but everybody in the city. who manages the police department? >> the police union says that it is not advocating that the police be under federal control but it could happen. this city, the plaintiffs if they do not reached an agreement by december 13th. >> pg&e is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the conviction of two suspects in the walnut creek kidnapping case. this is surveillance video. they
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forced her into the car, and tied her up and and they drove her to a different string of atms. while trying to withdraw money from her account. the woman was later released that night and the oakland hills. >> the death toll in gaza has reached within 100. with fighting between israel and gossip based militants. despite the talks aiming for a cease-fire.
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emily shred has more intercepted. >> the fighting between israel and hamas is not stopping and this group of exchange students from berkeley are now in the middle of a war zone. we (sirens) >> the death toll is soaring. with rockets nearly hundreds of palestinians
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have been killed including young children. talks for a cease-fire are underway but there is not much work on any progress had yet. emily schmidt has the latest. >> the background the deadliest attacks 04, palestinians health officials say and is really air strike killed 10 relatives this mother lost her two year-old and 4 year- old children and gaza city. she says " i am in shock i do not believe it. >> it is the sixth day of israel's air offensive against because of militants targeted because of rocket attacks against israel. the second day in a row that gaza city of that was hit palestinian sources say a palestinian informational it was killed in an attack and two children wounded. >> clearly israel sees the media of live in gaza as a means to distribute what they would call operational information, so in their mind if it meets the criteria for engagement. >> israel has called up 75,000 reservists and gathered tanks near the palestinian border. if a although palestinians don't want a grunt work, they to not fear it. the mobile not accept any israeli conditions because they are the ones who committed the aggression. >> is really president>> they are really focused producers of death, and without any consideration. , it hardly sounds like language for a cease-fire though an egyptian general involved in negotiations says he is optimistic about fire requires two things. >> you have to, in effect create a victory speech for emily shawna president obama is looking for ways to deal with the with the situation he was on the phone today with the egyptian president and israeli prime minister. he expressed regret for the deaths of israeli and palestinian civilians. he repeated his position. to percent of americans believe what you think >> vicki liviakis caucus
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ha >>jacqueline let us take a look at futurecast. by tomorrow, some spotty shower activity. it could impact your morning commute towards the golden gate. and conditions will stay dry for the most part. there is a slight chance of showers along the san mateo coast and the bulk of the rainfall still is to the north as we go towards tuesday afternoon. mainly dry but here are the next round of rainfall that will impact the entire bay area. by 9:00 a.m., the north bay with moderate shower activity associated. for the most part, it will be overnight. a 11:00 p.m., the rest of the north bay and assault of the golden gate by 2:00 a.m., 4:00 a.m. and we will see drier conditions for the
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morning commute on wednesday. here is a look at your weather headlines. we will stay dry to the south with the remaining north of the golden gate tomorrow. however that rainfall will move in late tuesday. let us take a look at your extended forecast with thanksgiving and weekend, coming up. >> the 49ers are posting their first game of the monday night football since last year. alex smith is not in the game tonight. >> public nudity could be over, details on that and a touching story of a good samaritan after a suspicious fire. that is coming up, next.
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6:13 pm
i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
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>> the 49ers are taking on the chicago bears tonight. both teams are without their starting quarterbacks alex smith and cutler. also, both men suffered concussions last week. 49ers coach jim hall hospitalized thursday an irregular heartbeat. charles clifford? >> the game started about 40 minutes ago it was a beautiful day with a lot of tailgating. take a look at this video. there were a lot
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of people it felt more like a sunday and a monday. perhaps people coutook the day off. with a lot of food and the question a round of fans is how are the bears going to play or the 49ers going to play without their starting quarterbacks? i spoke with some of these fans about calling >> he is a good guy and he runs a lot it cannot confuse the defense it could be >> i know that he has been doing well. he helped us at a tie with that is phenomenal. alex smith is our protection and the defense on the chicago bears is so awesome if your not a defined quarterback or not going to get the ball in there. >> i still think that the 49ers have been playing down to their opponents there open up to them, this time. >> the last monday night football game was last
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december and if you recall? the power went off twice, the power before, and there are no problems hopefully tonight. we will have more details for you tonight at 8:00 p.m. candlestick park, charles clifford, kron 4. >> this oakland she lost most of their belongings in a suspicious fire. and it's coming from people they do not even know. daniel villareal was there when a woman drove up from vallejo to help out. >> look >> she has never met the family she was so moved that she decided to move to oakland and bring twins. >> i brought you some twins for your baby. some
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clothing. >> she was very mode. >> thanksgiving is in today's i did not even have a pam and people are thinking about me and i really it is a blessing. i really, what i'm finding out is that there are people that really to care. >> it makes my heart feel good. >> the family is doing well but they are still trying to get back to normal. the woman is going to return with more donations for the children. >> coming up more rainfall but the good news is that the thanksgiving holiday will be dry. showers expected north of the golden gate but there could be more rainfall. the increasing cloud coverage to the bay. tonight with the baby most of the rainfall, however is
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up near washingto state and th oregon... here is a look at futurecast. with early tomorrow showers starting in the north bay. notice that most of the shower activity will be confined to the golden gate. but there is a slight chance of the golden gate notice, some lingering showers over the north bay by 8:00 a.m. wednesday notice,
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temperatures are going to range from the 60s near the coast and the north bay. upper 60s on the inlan 67 degren livermore. 65 and san jose as for the sierras this system is not wish to bring that much snowfall to the lower elevations there is a dry pigments. however, what we are going to see it is wind gusting at lake level at the m.p.h. and ridge gusting at 100 m.p.h. and the snow levels will be above 7,000 ft., well above 7,000 ft.. a look at your extended forecast with showers in the north bay. and tuesday/wednesday we are going to see afternoon sunshine. thursday, the thanksgiving holiday looks like a great day. sunny, warm and we are going to stay on the mild side. for most of the weekend. go to our new channel. comcast 193
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for the latest news, weather and traffic updates and on digital 4.2. [ crickets chirping ]
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[ traffic passing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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>> san francisco supervisors are set to vote tomorrow on an ordinance that would ban nudity and most public places. the supervisor, stopp..scott weiner. received a lot of complaints that there were too many nude men.
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sleep train has your ticket to tempur-pedic. experience the pressure-relieving comfort of tempur-pedic, and sleep risk-free with sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee. get 36 months interest-free financing: no down, and no interest for 3 years. plus, get free same-day delivery. sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee, interest-free financing, and free delivery? that's the ticket! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is on now. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ a fresh-cut tri tip sirloin served with a succulent lobster tail. just $16.99. sizzler.
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>> coming up what bay area city has been named the healthiest in the country. 84% are exercising regularly. >> coming up, there are only two types of black people in oakland. >> three hours that i cannot
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get back in my next edition of people behaving badly. >>jacqueline: these current conditions in the '50s and '60s with the increasing cloud coverage. the rainfall coming. what time it is out on futurecast.
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>> this 14 year-old it could be charged as an adult after abducting a 65 year-old k old icaviar king.. this savi facing several charges. >> also, there is a reward out to this attempted carjacking at this 7 of 11. this was on friday evening and a second suspect, will banks is already in custody. >> of the oakland police officers association as saying that it is not fair for the city to blame their clients if a judge places
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the oakland police department under federal authority. >> the question is that it is anybody above a year lt., sheriff i am not talking just about the police to par when i am talking about the entire city of oakland and the elected officials. are they being held accountable? haazig madyun the bajin oakland, and in hayward, michaela garecht for more uncertainty is looming over the ceremony as they wait for dna to be tested from the d n a well that is possibly connected to the speed freak killers. the mother is going to come back year after year matter what the test results will bring. maureen kelly, kron 4. this would be secure old
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is facing deportation. friends, family are gathering in protest against that. let us take a look. they are screening their message. the 26 year-old has been detained since september. his friends and family has lived his nearly his entire life in san jose and the once to join the marines. the lawyers are owed to try to fight this until the very end. >> the questions tonight about the chevron repair plan regarding the pipe that burst on the august refinery fire. the chemical safety board that this type of pipe is certainly better but they did are not convinced that it is the best for prevention. the type of pipe they want to use in the past as far as predictability, reliability but the need to convince the city of richmond to obtain a permit.
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dan kerman, kron 4 there with us monday night football but with the forty- niners and the chicago bears is under way. at candlestick park it has been beautiful. it felt more like a sunday in a monday. many people are cooking, playing games and just having a good time ago for the first monday night football game of the season at candlestick. san francisco, kron 4 news. >>catherine: this stand off he refused to take off that boss he was armed with a screwdriver this was at the intersection of first and key st. they were able to finally get him down. the streets were closed for a while but have since, reopened. >>jacqueline: we are looking at tonight and tuesday and
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even wednesday. this tale and to the north as we try it here on futurecast. some of those showers going to the north bay as we go towards tomorrow. 6:00 a.m., it is confined to the north bay but by 10:00 a.m., there is that chance of rainfall south of the golden gate. for the second rainfall band, it could bring a more moderate showers south of the golden gate. and by 4:00 a.m., we could see that rain pressing towards the south .. with a fast-moving storm in dry conditions on wednesday and even on thanksgiving. a look at your extended forecast with showers may north of the golden gate tomorrow. rainfall tuesday night with a drier conditions and thursday, thou rest of the extended forecast if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, you can email us at m half (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found people behaving badly.
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>> i literally count on one hand of how many times i've been in an altercation with a celebrity. this, the event that started one hour late was one of the most bizarre events for me, ever. there were fights, and people fighting because there were fights and. and people are like why are you fighting because they are fighting. at one point a heckler was tossed out. as they walked him by meet a small man jumped over me to get to that heckler in that small man was kat williams. this is one i wish i had a video camera but i have the help of you tube. at one point he called all the essentia-- single broke woman... and
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one even the security guards were being involved when it's the performance was throwing $100 bills. cat williams it did what we thought was a lead into his routine and talking about getting arrested and how he felt of the stadium when the warriors could not an attractive but taking everyone's money. and he went on a rant that nobody could understand. and the crowd began b began boo.. there was even a point when he started to try to fire his deejays. and even one of the event personnel a told kat needed to wrap it up of but he hinted that event
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planner on top of the head it however, it turned out to be a kat tastrophe... this has turned into three hours of my life that i will never be able to get back. hey, look! a shooting star!
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make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
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>> a new report from self magazine " to the doctor's " (cheers & applause) and vicki liviakis. >> san jose, calif.! it is the " self " to magazines
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healthiest city. (cheers & applause) i did for of the good news to the mayor of city hall. >> san jose is a no excuse. if there is no excuse for not feeling good. >> the cbc on prevention reported that women in the san jose live three years to locker than the average city. to the age of 84. there are a couple of reasons the primary is that 84% exercise regularly. if one is going on behind me is not a flash mob it is called you jam fitness by suzy, this is your baby. calories burned. >> perhaps the least 1,000 cals in every class. upper body, lower body. and a lot of unity, love and support. >> i have-dancing shoes on, let's go.
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>> thank you, vicki of the caucu libya cyou can see the entire section of the vicki liviakis is describes as fun on 'the doctor's.. coming up, sports with the oakland raiders and gary radnich. look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy
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u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
6:45 pm
>> good evening, everybody. if you are watching the 49ers? 20-and nothing in the second quarter. the backup to alex smith this morning was told that you cannot play because a concussion. he never started a game. he is going crazy and he looks
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like he is a better athlete >> and kevin?, the bodyguard. >> and if maryland is going to the big tent? >> it goes right here. to the big-ten where should i say? and it is after barkley. and the other is winning college football. >> that is kevin, the bodyguard. and then i said but without my man, kevin. it is a and nerve wracking business. and these he dug kids say just read what i
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told to, grandpa. these young-kids--this is why you to not watch the 49ers you're able to meet the kron 4 staff. believe me, at least one half of them will be eligible to vote carole truin the you know what i mean the and on the flip side, the 49ers success these are tough times in oakland. they were steamrolled again for the third consecutive game. drew brees and the sanits made it three straight blowout losses for those brees did have to do much but it did throw for three
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touchdowns. 38-17. it is the raiders' third straight loss and have given up 135 points in those three games. the owner status is not happy they had beat the previously undefeated oregon ducks. after they said that he got his shoulder down to just in time it went into overtime and shorted williams said. not by much. and here we go, the motor gained believe me, the national television folks are jumping for joy. daughter dame vs. alabama they play for the national championship. or give the number five, and the win over ucla with the stanford at the pac 12. however, they
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have to beat the bruins. notre dame is more than likely going to state notre dame because the u.s. to see is not going to another all- american quarterback. he suffered a sprained a faughc joint in the loss against ucla blog against him with barkley with out-of- berkeley. and it must be if the money. must be the money because they are switching conferences the maryland terrapins and to be made and the big tent. $50 million
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was their exit fee. after boulogne to the acc. if you're going to be $50 million just to leave just think how much they're going to make. and the big 10 will have the maryland, can you imagine? that is a university that is why we always left the student athlete. and if they do not get paid anything but the school will pay $50 million to leave to go to a conference. jackie you have known people in college sports. the white just say that you have. [laughter] -just say-test that you have. >> but the point is that the money. some of these schools. stanford is $50,000 per year. and usf, is
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$55,000 per year and they do not even have a football that is a lot of money at stake for them to go out and possibly limp for the rest of their life. when your 18, 19, you are not thinking about your future. if you make the professionals, great. >> and they do not all get a scholarship. , some of them to, most of them to. >> the big schools. and right now, the 49ers 20- nothing there is no need to watch the game will keep you updated. i beg you did not know who was the most coach with the most wins? >> we will keep you updated with john gagliari 489 wins
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his 86 years old p >> what are you most proud of >> this press conference. >> it is hard for me to believe and grateful that i could mak level living and make a living and raise a family on just a game. but, here we are >> after his 60 years at st. john's. and ogwimike pac 12 was the player of the week. take a look, this was the stanford now number 1 in
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barf checks chart forme >> check out a former santa clara guard and 2 time nba
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mvp ghitting his style on in last nights lakers win over the rockets hash is iexpected to miss another - weeks with a sall fracture in his left leg.. steve nash. gangam style..
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anderson cooper today on his close call with an exploding bomb on live tv. i'm kevin frazier in new york city. "the insider" is on. >> centers -- that was a rather large explosion. >> anderson's middle east near mishap. the new interview with talk show fill-in rosie. >> you look well for a guy who almost got blown up. robin roberts' hospitalization. her donor sister's new sitdown about the "gma" anchor's new virus. plus, sex, lies and spies. the cia scandal makes "people's" cover.


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