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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  January 28, 2013 4:00am-6:00am PST

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professional steam pocket mop.
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>> (male announcer): live from the bay area this is the kron 4 morning news. kron 4 news at 4 start now. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the 49ers are in the big easy. and while the superbowl is sunday at the games have already begun we will explain. >> one of wanna bve there devils
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shut down a bay area freeways to the little stuff striving. why video of their antics could be their downfall. >> and president obama has barely begun his second term. already people are looking to will replace them when it ends. >> >> good morning annny. it is a cold start to the morning. it does not bad compared to what we saw last week. temperatures in the '50s. there tonight mostly clear skies light winds in the forecast. everyone dropping to the '40's. a pretty mild today. upper '30's for santa rosa. 37 in vallejo. 37 in napa. mid '40's and oakland. 45 in san mateo. >> taking a look at the wind
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speeds we have strong winds of 18 mi. per hour along the coastal waters. national weather service did talk about the slight chance less than a 10 percent chance to see light rain over the coastal waters. i do not think it will be a possibility. any rain we see their original plan will be very light. >> into the afternoon expect mostly sunny skies and dry conditions in clear conditions. >> we will be a few degrees warmer than yesterday. fairfield at 57. 59 and hayward. lows 60s and oakland. 58 for downtown san francisco. >> satellite and radar shows high pressure in control. we are clear and dry. we will remain dry as we head into the next several days. >> off looking at the extended forecast clear conditions and son sunshine. by thursday mid to upper 60s.
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>> those around the heart of the vacancy low seventies for house south bay spots. inland lows will not be too bad--those are around the heart of the south bay. >> a very nice looking forecast coming up. those of you heading the rose no hot spots is a quiet start to the monday morning. >> the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza looks good no backups to contend with. >> here at the san mateo bridge the drive is 12 minutes from into in. >> live outside to the golden gate bridge no cars within camera shot no accidents to report. those of you coming out of marin county is a 23 minute trip out of navto into san francisco this our james. >> the 49ers are in new orleans this morning getting ready for the superbowl. >> along with the media and fan frenzy that surround the
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lead up to the big game. gabe slate was there at the team's santa clara headquarters for hard-core fans lined up to see them off. >> (cheers and applause) hard-core fans came out to which the team look on their journey to the big easy to the big game. >> the journeteam headquarters hope to see the team low to the bus. the teen had to keep a tight schedule so the only lead media into the area where they were loading up. >> we are in the shell of a new stadium being built. there is a lot of security and team handlers heading about. >> the players and coaches do not have time to speak to the press they just walked by. the team seemed upbeat i sauce miles. >> colin kaepernick exported a winter hat.
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>> once the team was loaded up it was decided that would drive the buses passed the crowds gathered out front. >> hundreds of fans cheered them on. they cannot see through the tinted windows that did not matter. there is a special bond between hard-core fans and players. >> no autographs. is one to show it's in love and support. hope they bring the championship home. we will not see them until they come home. >> a lot of us do not have the money to go to the superbowl they seen us they know that we love them. >> gave slate kron 4 news. >> hours later the 49ers touchdown and norman to conceive of 49er flag sticking above thein the north u
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can see the 49ers flag- waving from the top of the plane. the team and their families applie piled into five buses that to tempthem to the hotel. as you can imagine the excitement is high for the players and their families. >> here is a moment captured on camera called harbaugh holding his kids and he walked off the plane. he is wearing a black cat. there he showed a little humor and a press conference. >> off and with excitement surrounding the game this week keeping the players focused on the game and out of trouble will be a priority for the coaches. >> there is a laand of a parts of this team that make it easy for me to go out there. >> they will face baltimore
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in the superdome looking to bring home their sixth super bowl crown the last time was 1994. >> the ravens will arrive in new orleans later today. >> and all the excitement surrounding this game keeping the players focused on the game and out of trouble will be a priority. kron fours jrd stone explains why in what coach harbaugh had to say on the matter. >> when it comes to making sure his players follow the rules and normain new orleans tt was wall coach had to say. >> if we will make sure the players follow the rules. >> if you have not thought players in trouble during super bowl weekend think again. >> the night before super bowl 37 clear when on a drinking binge in tijuana mexico. yo
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>> another player with the giants was on injured reserve he got an extreme d.u.i. the night before the superbowl meaning he was two times the legal limit. he was sent home. >> finally threabrett favre felt the sting be to the men one pages and allowed to play even though he was seen drinking with fans-awas seen drs and was allowed to play. >> a fatal collision closed the road for several hours on sunday. the collision
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involved at least two cars including a black s u v. one person was killed. all four lanes of westbound highway 84 close while the chp investigated the road way every opened at 1130. >> take a look at this. a free way sside show and oakland. we have eyewitness accounts of what stops traffic on interstate 880-- 880 saturday afternoon. a bunch of cars parked along the freeway watching other spinning out. as kron fours phillipe djegal reports.
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>> cars were stopped on interstate 880 in oakland. >> a side show was being recorded young man spinning doughnuts while traffic set still creating a traffic mess for at least two minutes. >> this is another ankle of it. >> it is not just one car spinning out there are several. >> the california highway patrol said it received a call about a side show around 320 in the afternoon. an officer responded. several others follow on motorcycles and cars. >> the chp was on scene within two minutes. by then a spokesperson says of those involved in the side show had already left. >> let's go! let's go! 50 50.
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>> the chp says witnesses are cooperating sending in tips and more photos. >> the chp says participating in a side show is considered reckless driving. it is a misdemeanor with enhancements it could mean jail time. >> and the news room phillipe djegal kron 4 news. >> for this is more so far video of an oakland sideshow. >> this also happened saturday. but this time at night on city streets. it looks very dangerous. with a crowd of people sort of around spinning car the car came extremely close to spectators at times. but no one was injured in the video. >> a. harrington scheduled
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for today to determine the fate of the man accused of fatally shooting seven people at oakland's oikos university last april. this after one goh was ruled incompetent to stand trial earlier this month. goh is currently being held without bail at the at alameda county jail in dublin. >> we will be back with more on the kron 4 morning
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>> welcome back. in national as federal investigators are saying the 787 that experience a battery fire earlier this month was delivered to japan airlines last of three weeks before the fire. the national transportation safety board says the plane had on the record 169 flight hours and 22 flights on the fire erupted among the airliners to lithium batteries on january 7th. the fire occurred at boston's logan international
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airport shortly after the plane landed. a second battery incident led to an emergency landing by another 787 in japan on january 16th. >> the 787 fleet of dream lineres have been grounded. >> the next time is like a card you might be saving money if you choose thatdebit rather then credit . >> that is because of new fees stores cannot charge. it is all part of a settlement between viosa mastercard and nine banks. because of the settlement merchants can now pass on the fees the credit issues make them pay. this means customers to be charged 1.5 to 3 percent more on your purchase if you choose to charges. the free does not apply to debit transactions
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. >> if you plan sending an e- mail but out the old- fashioned way you have to send out an extra penny for postage. first-class answer going up 46¢ and postcards will now cost 33¢. international mail when of even more and will not cause the dollar insensate. the hike in prices comes while the u.s. postal service continues to struggle financially. >> casey anthony, the florida mom who was acquitted of murdering her two year-old daughter, for bankruptcy. >> reports joe anthony f iled for bankruptcy on the same day an appeals court tossed out to convictions against her. the court upheld the convictions. anthony's estimated liabilities are between 500,000 and million dollars, with the majority of that stemming from legal fees.
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>> a major get from new york mayor michael bloomberg is making the headlines. is giving $350 million of his alma mater, johns hopkins university. a hundred million of that is earmarked for financial aid for students in need. bloomberg is given more than a billion dollars to the school since he graduated in the mid- 1960s. he is believed to be the first person to give $1 billion to a single u.s. university. >> we will be back with more on the
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>> we're back at 4:18. in national news secretary of state hillary clinton has said she is not planning to run in the 2016 presidential election. but that is not stopping supporters from hoping she does. >> senator dianne feinstein of california toll see in a state of the union she firmly in that camp. i think she has accomplished and in a record. >> i think she has unbridled popularity. she has a total knowledge of all the issues. she has served in dissented.
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i would love if she would run. >> she is not alone. >> and other senators echoed that sentiment during last week's congressional hearings on the benghazi attacked. when she told clinton she would be missed but hopefully not for long. we will see what happens. >> for both democratic and republican lawmakers to to morning talk shows proclaiming the need for the gop to tackle immigration reform. this comes after the republican party's poor showing among latino voters in the president's election. >> former presidential candidate and current arizona senator john mccain describe the party's shift. >> what has changed is honestly there is a new appreciation on both sides of the aisle including more importantly on the republican side of the aisle that we have to end at a comprehensive and immigration reform. >> president obama is
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expected to push new immigration reform. his call to get his top presidential legislation for his second term. >> let us find out about the forecast. >> and good morning james. it is clear we do not have many areas of dense fog. we do have high clouds. looking at downtown san francisco 46 degree weather. low '40's in concord. upper '30's in livermore. as we see where temperatures go throughout the day by 8:00 a.m. the purple on your screen indicates those locations in the '40's. we will hold onto upper '30's for vallejo and toward napa. setting the clock into motion by lunchtime everyone makes their way into the 50s. heading into 8:00 p.m. you will see a mix of fifties around the heart of the bay and '40's for amylin spots. >> a mild day. expect a lot
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of sunshine, high clouds, and upper 50s in the south bay. >> san jose 58. 57 in santa clara. similar in the east bay. 57 for concord and danville. 58 in union city. >> in san francisco 58 degrees a lot of sunshine. 56 and richmond. mid-60's for navato and petaluma. mid-60's expected in napa. >> high-pressure back in control we have no wet weather to talk about. >> we are drying in the bay area. the temperatures will be on the warmer side mid to upper 60s later this week. >> the chance for rain is at 0%. enjoy the sunshine and nice warm weather for this time of year. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows and
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lows will start to come up and your afternoon highs and out of 66 degree range our south bay spots could climb into the low seventies. >> nice conditions as we transition into the weekend. no rain in the extended forecast. i will have more on your weather in a minute. >> off looking at the traffic desk and light starts to the morning. no hot spots to follow. >> the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza a handful of cars out of oakland into san francisco. >> those of you heading to the san mateo bridge is a typical commute no incidents to report. the tail lights heading toward foster city. the lights coming toward you heading eastbound into hayward. >> south bound 101 a few cars on the span the head lights striding into san francisco. >> looking at the traffic maps the south bay shows
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green on the center's northbound 101 and interstate 280. >> no incidents to report along the mid peninsula. >> if anny . >> thank you erica. >> actors that in a hollywood sunday to honor the best performances of the year in television and film. >> ed payne has a look at the night's big winner at the dag awards. >>--sag awards. >> 30 rock was recognized it was in his final season. >> alec baldwin and tina fey took on statues. >> just save the big bang theory for once for crying out. >> modern family was awarded best ensemble cast. >> clair danes was
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recognized for a homeland and brian kranston for a homeland. >> jennifer lawrence won four silver lining playbook. >> anne hathaway for her supporting role in les m iserables. >> daniel day-lewis won for lincoln. >> it is only fitting that every now and then an actor tries to bring lincoln back again. >> the big award went to our argo . >> aement award went to dick van dyke. >> i am ed payne reporting.
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>> @ 4:25 but us take a quick break. looking at walnut creek the ride on 680 is moving well this morning. we will be right back.
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>> now it is time for the tech report with gabe slate . >> there are some consumers waiting for the ipad mini to have the new screen before they buy one. this could boost sales. the ipad mini is $330. once the second generation comes out it to lower the price of the ipad mini 1 closer to $200. >> 8 $200 ipad mini is tempting. the iphone 6 should be unveiled in june. analysts predict it will feature a bigger 4.8 in. screen closer to the popular
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android model like the galaxy. >> a tougher scratch resistance screen the body. it will have fingerprint recognition technology for security. >> lastly, no official word we expect apple to unveil a apple television set this year probably in the fall. this would be an apple granted tv that is connected to the web and would integrate with itunes to make it easy to play your music and purchase movies. >> people renting movies from apple could bring in a lot of money not sure how the product with sales we would see how affordable they could make it and if it would be simple to use. >> other test of these internet style tvs have failed because they are too expensive and too complicated to operate. >> gabe slate kron 4 news. >> coming up a live look outside. a chilly start. more sunshine is in the
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forecast parent also
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>> we're back at 4:31. a quick live look from our roof camera. erica is looking at the forecast she says it should be dry today. what are the attempt to fight this morning erica? >> we are seeing a mixture of '40's and '30's. not too cold. not seeing the fifties when we had cloud cover and dense fog keeping the storm. >> you can see the mount tam cam shaking around you concede win in the higher elevations. i wilcan see the wind's blowing. >> we are expecting a warming trend upper 60s for most of was. if not low
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seventies trickling in for the south bay. extended forecast is dry. i will have details in your 7 day around the bay. >> 374 fairfield, napa, vallejo. 40 in concord. 46 in oakland. looking at wind speeds we saw strong winds along the coastline. half moon bay reporting 14 mi. per hour winds. 13 in navato . the wind's will start to die down later tonight. as we focus on your afternoon highs mid to upper 50s. >> oakland at 61. could see 60s up in napa. 574 fairfield and antioch. 56 in fremont. satellite and radar shows no rain in sight. high pressure in control. we will experience an off shore flow. that will keep temperatures for the afternoon hours on the warmer side over the next several days.
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>> take a look at the 66 degree readings very pleasant civilly one conditions with no wet weather to talk about. >> and lows would not be back. we will bottom out in the upper '30's. we could see low seventies developed for some of our south bay spots. more on the forecast in just a bit. >> a quick bridge check nothing going on no slowdowns. >> the approach the bay bridge toll flaw is fine no wait at the pay gates. >> a san mateo bridge no problems getting to the bridge once you make your way towpast the toll plaza. >> south bound 101 no problems with visibility. traffic conditions equal no delay is tops fees for those of you coming out of marin county. >> the 49ers are getting ready for the assault and so is the city of san
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francisco. kron fours will tran is live this morning outside city hall with details about what the city has planned. >> there is a lot going on today. the team will be in norman's. there will hav media availability new orleans. >> if you are thinking about coming to city hall to watch the super bowl it is not going to happen. >> here is video of the 49ers leaving yesterday's. they will do what they need to do in new orleans talk to the media as well as practice. >> here in san francisco officials are gearing up for a possible victory. they plan to have all hands on deck to make sure we do not see what we saw after the giants won the world series. there was vandalism in the mission district and some of
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arrest. >> the mayor is talking about possibly curtailing alcohol sales during the superbowl. we will have sounds from the mayor as well as san francisco police chief as what they plan to do. >> jr stone is in the northla new orleans and we plano hear from him later. >> all the updates for the big game can be found here on kron 4. we will have continuing live coverage. coach harbaugh and some of the players will hold a press conference at 130 today. you can catch that on our 24/7 channel, comcast channel 193. for any superbowl information check out kron 4 .com. as was our
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face book and twitter feeds. >> it is not just football on the bay area is buzzing about. a's fans got to meet their favorite players that fan says, before the baseball team has to arizona. >> kron fours reggie kumar tells us many still energized their team clinched the a.l. west championship last season. >> coco chrrisp and others were some of the plant on hand to greet fans. they signed baseball shirts and posters. some fans get a close-up look at the world series trophy from years past. >> a j griffins signature we
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watch the highlights. >> i am a big fan. we were born and raised we are all big a's fans and we just got our season tickets. >> it is a great opportunity to meet the fans. they are always so friendly. it is cool to meet them and have fun with them. >> fact at athletics representative said this year's fans says was sold out and oakland reggie kumar kron 4 news. >> parking meters in san francisco were turned on for the first time on a sunday from noon to 6 m all over the city were in force. fours scott rates history to show of what people think about having to pay parking on sundays. >> i have folks around town
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what they thought about paying for parking on sundays. >> it is bad. >> you're not happy about it? >> no. >> i honestly really do not think it is fair. >> you are ok with hang on sundays? >> yes. it is something good. it will create something better. i am fine. >> we are tourist i have no excuse. >> i don't think it is a big deal. i take public transit in the way it is not a problem for me. >> enjoying your day and you have to pay for parking. >> you never used to on sunday. today is the first day. >> right. >> reporting in san francisco scott rates kron 4
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news. >> i like it. parking on sunday should be free! >> the time is 4:39. a chilly start to the morning. the latest on a deadly nightclub fire coming up next.
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>> welcome back. >> the time is 4:41. >> the deaths toll climbed to more than 230 people after a fire tore through a nightclub in southern brazil. when the fire started the club was at twice its maximum capacity. christina mutchler takes us to the scene. >> the original corner of civil defense says the blaze started at about 2:00 a.m. after the acoustic insulation caught fire in the kiss nightclub in southern brazil.
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>> there was a show going on when flames broke out. authorities said the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> i would like to say to the people of our country that in this time of sadness we are all together and we are going to overcome this sadness while still in mourning. >> officials say more than 200 people were killed, many from apparent smoke inhalation. >> the fire was at double maximum capacity. >> of the incident calls to mind another deadly nightclub fire in recent years. >> five months ago in thailand killed four. >> in february of 2003 pyrotechnics' used by the band great white started a fire that claimed 100 lives in a nightclub in rhode island. >> we are really sad. >> congregants of a church
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in marietta, ga. are gathered to pray for a victim. >> we are people in that community and the community here. >> christina mutchler kron 4 news. >> erica will be along in a couple of minutes with a full look at the forecast on his back to work
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>> ( male announcer): now here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly . >> the driver of this weatherford bmw man is about to get a ticket, a ticket that was totally unavoidable. the reason why don't is because you don't on the freeway pass those cones. >> i am out with officer homeister of marin office of the california highway patrol. wait before we go any further i have a better ideal to tell the story.
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>> let us go back to the beginning of this violation and let us stop the video here. ok here is the man about to enter highway 101 at lucky drive and look up here this sign and this sign reads right lane must exit. to ensure the driver exit correctly caltrans install these white barriers so no one is tempted to cross over. because this is a safer interest on to highway 101 identified by those market and signs. ok back to the bed. lethanvan . >> let us roll the video, what the driver does, is crossing over despite the barriers and the signs. this is called a failure to obey regulatory size and it will be a violation. but he was
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not the only driver to do this dangerous maneuver is black issue be the same. go ahead pull right into this cut out. good morning. and so did the driver of the silver s u v. i need to see your driver's license and insurance. >> the driver as the question. how are you supposed to get on the freeway that is why there to black and white signs that say white flame--right lane was exit and pull of these plastic white cones to keep it from tried to do it. >> and the driver of this pruis did the family google was also clocked at 75 and 55 zone as the officer tried to catch up. the citation is not for obey in the regulatory black-and-white sign all right side in the red box for me. for the record she did not get a ticket for speeding. in marin county stanley roberts kron 4 news.
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>> the wins will continue into the afternoon they will die down into tuesday. as yowe sample afternoon highs we anticipate high clouds and sunshine with mid to upper 50s to the south bay. san jose 58. 56 for sunnyvale. 574 fairfield, concord, danville. 574 walnut creek. downtown san francisco an afternoon high of 58. >> navato @ 55. >> 56 for richmond. high pressure building back into place over the west coast. we are dry and clear we are seeing high clouds in the distance. nothing to concern yourself with. >> we have big changes to talk about not any rain in sight. it will be dry for the next several days. >> we could cool off as we head into tomorrow. overall
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similar conditions compared to what we will expect to day. >> wednesday clear skies and on the cooler side. >> by thursday mid to upper 60s. >> south bay locations flirting with the 70 degree mark. >> big changes and nice weather to look for to into the weekend. more details on the extended forecast in just a bit. >> looking at traffic conditions not monitoring any hot spots. we have instances of overnight road work and nothing to slow you down. we are busy at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. there are no backups. the majority of the traffic is coming from the east shore freeway. >> it is quiet for those of you using the nimitz freeway approach. tops speeds up the incline and across the upper deck. >> the san mateo bridge of no problems. the drive 12 minutes from end to end. >> south bound 101 good at the golden gate bridge. the
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problems that you drive into san francisco. no issues with visibility. >> looking at our traffic maps was down 24 looks good the drive under 13 minutes from hercules to berkeley. >> north bound 101 slowing approaching mount you. speeds averaging about 45 mi. per hour. it is an easy life right coming out marin county the drive is under 24 minutes from navato into the city. >> thank you erica. >> check out this video from san diego. a pot of about 20 to 25 gray whales appeared just off the coast last week. a couple visiting from oklahoma city took is amazing photos of the whales. >> the birch aquarium executive director said it is normal see a lot of whales around this time of the year. >> it is a mating season for the whales as they migrate
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down to baja , california. local marine experts say this might be the largest oil ever seen in this area. >> a live look from our mount tam cam appear it as clear a start to the morning. cool. the forecast is one you like. you just heard from erica. if you listed stick around and other
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>> we are back. we have seen it happen before. and now it is happening again. dv are on the way out just like vhs vital records, a tracks and to set before pyriform the story we go to dan simon. . >> sometimes i will keep them for a few days and watch and then. beating the
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last several years have not been pretty for anything that represents a physical media. >> from see these, the thecd's tp dvs's . bd's . >> in terms of consumption about as we have set states to watching more movies physically then there are physically. >> net flicks, amazon, i tunes, and on demand video have redefined our viewing experience. >> others are also ditching the dvd drive altogether. >> are missing the last the the physical media. >> analysts say it could take years to happen.
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studios still earn more revenue from hard copies. >> the overall trend the money is falling consumption relatively slowly. >> at red box the kiosks >> business is having success. in 2012 digital streaming was expected to go up 135 percent and climbing. >> today you may not immediately recognized this the cassette. those born today will probably not know what thea dvd is. >> and nostalgia factor would be old vinyl records and actual books as opposed to the breederse-readers.
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>> it has been two years since amazon announced that kindle books began outselling physical copies. >> one of the lessons of struggling retail operation. nothing lasts forever. >> as kodak and polaroid. to iconic brands surpassed by modern technology. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news the 49ers have landed in new orleans for the superbowl. we will recap you on the latest events and the high. >> crime lab technician debra madden trial is concluding today. >> casey at the knanthony has fd
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for bankruptcy. we will have more when we come back.
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>> (male announcer): live from the bay area this is the kron 4 morning news. kron 4 news at 5:00 a.m. starts now. >> new this morning the san francisco 49 is waking up in normanew orleans . in the meantime i will tell you what the city of san francisco is doing to keep everyone safe. >> we will talk to their coach jim harbaugh and hear from the players as well. >> we are watching bay area weather as erica keeps an eye on the forecast for monday as people are heading back to work. >> high erica. >> good morning james barrett is monday fortunately the forecast is not crazy. we have some cold spots upper '30's and some of our north bay and east
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bay interior valleys. we have high clouds temperatures mainly on the mild side. later this afternoon we will see sunshine. windy conditions will persist >> mostly clear conditions later tonight light winds the forecast temperatures down to the '40's. we are waking up to plenty of '40's. 47 in downtown san francisco pier 46 in oakland not bad of a start. we have pleasant conditions head our way later this week. i'll have full details on our extended forecast. >> it is 5:00 as checked the traffic with george. >> it looks good on the freeways a quick commute check from the bay bridge toll plaza where it is like an easy ride westbound. light traffic through the east bay on interstate 580 and highway 4. south bay, peninsula, north bay problem free. >> the castro valley there is a report of a power pole down. not sure if it will
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affect the ride. more on that later. >> let us get to santa clara where the 49ers left their yesterday's they are in the big easy. will is in san francisco where watch in the city's plans for a the 49ers. >> hey wheel. they arewill. th'e planning for the best and worst right? >> the city has spent less week and plans to spend this week talking about possible measures should the 49ers win the super bowl. >> here is video of the 49ers leaving santa clara going to a charter plane to normwe orleans. >> they will be available to
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the media after having breakfast there is a 2 hour difference between the cities. >> san francisco police are telling people they will have a full team of officers just to make sure to show a presence and to prevent what we saw during the night the giants won the world series with vandalism in the mission district. also mayor ed lee is talking about what the city plans to do to make sure everybody has a great time. here is the mayor. >> small businesses, merchants, and residents we will do everything to keep our city save as we do our best to celebrate. it should be everyone's celebration and no destruction in any way. we will keep the safety of our city the number one priority as we go on to celebrate hopefully what will be a super bowl win for the last 18 years. >> a couple of things to note you can see the lights
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behind city hall not on they should be on letter. they have the flag to represent the san francisco 49ers. thousands of people like to get in here during the world series however, the nfl will not allow the game to be shown on double kron. >> we will have more--shown on the jumbo tron. >> the mayor wants to keep it as sober as possible. >> i will leave on wednesday morning and arrived in new orleans and you can see my reports all morning on a weekday mornings on kron 4 from norman'. new orleans . >> i want them to enjoy it. i want him to enjoy every
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minute. especially enjoy the competition that is the most exciting thing to look for to is plaz plane the ganying the game. >> coach harbaugh is holding his kids with a backpack i am sure with that supplies. >> the coach has a black hat on. colin kaepernick says he has been prepared for this moment but he adds there has been too much focus on him. >> i think they do not realize the of the weapons we have on this team spirit we have a great offensive
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line they do not realize that. there are a lot of other parts that do great things that make it easy on me to go out there. >> just wanted to focus things on the team. before the 49ers face off on sunday. there are looking to bring home their sixth superbowl win. in 1994 was the last year they did that. the baltimore ravens will arrive in new orleans later today. stick with our coverage. coach harbaugh and some of the players will have a press conference today. that is at 130. you watched that on our 24/7 news channel comcast 193. >> for any superbowl information you can catch it on our web site will keep you updated for facebook and twitter. >> on to bay area headlines
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today we may learn the fate of the man accused of fatally shooting seven people at oakland's oikos university last year. >> last month won goh , was ruled incompetent to stand trial. today, the hearing will determine which the hospital he will be sent to. is currently being held without bail at alameda county jail in dublin. >> president obama will be talking about immigration today. and what else he will talk about in the wake of the recent shooting. >> a huge relief may be on the way for those who were swept up in superstar on sandstorm sandy. >> a live look at the golden gate bridge. we will be back with more.
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well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. when you bundle tv and internet. strongroer so s hol h up u be. vebeit''s now noilt ilth tth soshiesh™
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use fre fedom oomluncluwithwia! gechase asfreedoeeh .. >> good morning. developing new this morning it is a
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fifth consecutive day of street violence in egypt. police have fired tear gas at rock-throwing protesters near tahir square in cairo. the latest violence comes a day after its president declared a state of the emergency in the three hardest hit provinces. the violence is up more than 50 people dead since friday. >> today president obama will meet with police chiefs from three communities that have experience mass shootings. art of his administration's push to address gun violence. obama is drawing attention to the worse shootings of 2012, in buying the police chiefs from all rock, colorado oak creek, wisconsin and new town, conn. vice-president joe biden will also be in the meeting held at the white house. >> the senate is scheduled to vote today on more than $50 billion in aid to north is the state's battered by october's super storm.
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>> this is video of the damage. the senate approved a 60 billion a package for the hard-hit region and lights odecember in late decemb >> but the house speaker john boehner scrapped a vote on the bill before the clock ran out on the last congress on january 1st. >> we're watching wall street this morning, with opening bell at 6:38 a.m.. u.s. stocks are light changed right nowlittle changed. investors will get smothered by a string of economic smoke signals this week, starting with demand for big-ticket u.s.-made goods and ending with the key january jobs report. >> investors will focus on results from caterpillar, due before the start of this trade this morning. ya hope is up after the bell today.
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the company's fourth quarter earnings are a big test for ceo mariss mayer . the results will be a look at the all laws new business strategy. the all laws new business stratat ikea, we don't just design furniture. we design good mornings. little experiments. big ideas. brighter ways. and better tomorrows you can take home today. imagine if everyday was just a little bit better for everyone. right
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>> i think i've always been prepared for this. i mean all of the coaches i had growing up in high school, college. coach harbaugh. everyone that has ever worked with me has helped me get to this point. >> that was colin kaepernick with 49 is there in new orleans now preparing for the big game. we have crews of there, here, everywhere. we will bring you coverage throughout the week. >> at 5:15 a.m. lead us turn to ericlet us turn to erica. >> is a clear start to the morning with no issues with visibility. temperatures are chilly in some spots. upper '30's out there. all or all mild. 37 for downtown san francisco. 36 in oakland. half moon bay 10
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mi. per hour sustained wind spirit 14 in the bottle. drive with extra cost navato. >> napa and vallejo is struggling to make it out of the '40's. >> 12:00 p.m. bridge conditions. light blue on your screen indicates all of us in the '50s. we will hold on to the '50s around heart of the bay by 8:00 p.m.. dropping into the '40's from all of our interior spots. >> your afternoon highs show a few degrees warmer of their to yesterday. santa clara 57. 56 in mountain view. >> over to the east bay 57 in fairfield, concord, danville. a degree warmer in pleasanton. downtown san francisco at 58. 56 expected in richmond. >> satellite and radar picture shows high pressure trying to build back into the forecast. we are dry for
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the next several days. the extended models showing a 0 percent chance of rain. we will start to warm up as we head into later this week. >> thursday, your highs climb into the mid to upper 60s. inland lows not bad. very pleasant weather continues in to the weekend. not only mid to upper 60s but potentially low seventies south of us. places like monterey, gilroy, morgan hill. they are flirting with the 70 degree mark. overall pleasant conditions in your extended forecast. more on your weather coming up. >> at 517 let us check with george. >> a good ride around the bay area no hot spots and no delays for a drive around the bay. >> the bay bridge toll plaza light traffic here as you can see no delays. >> a problem was reported in
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the east bound direction but will not slow the ride. >> the san mateo bridge, 92 light in smooth with no delays. >> the golden gate bridge ride looks good. >> updating drive * 12-14 minutes for the east shore freeway. a good commute. no delays or 24. 680 to the san ramon valley looks good. the problem on city streets and hayward on san lorenzo boulevard a car had a power pole there may be traffic diversion of of his parif of es road. >> in san jose light traffic for all the freeways with no delays. the north bay ride is easy through marin county 101 southbound. darya. >> thank you george. >> all lanes of westbound
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interstate highway 80 in el cerrito are open after a fatal collision close to the road for several hours sunday. >> the collision, at the cutting boulevard off ramp was first reported just before 9:00 p.m.. and what the least two cars, including a balack suvs. one person was killed. >> all four lanes of westbound highway were closed while the chp investigated. the road where repo at 1130. >> take a look at this. the freeway sideshow in oakland. we're getting eyewitness account of what stopped traffic on interstate 880 saturday afternoon. >> cell phone video of loaded on to you too, shows spectator stopping their cars near the oh dot co
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coliseum and oracle arena. the california highway patrol says it received a call about a side show around 230 in the afternoon. the officer responded, then several others then follow on motorcycles and cars. the chp was on scene within two minutes. by then those involved in the side show had already left. the investigators are reviewing the video of loaded on line as a several license plates are visible. the chp say witnesses are also cooperating. >> this is more sulfone video of another oakland sideshow. this one happened after the weekend as well. but this time at night on city streets. it looks very dangerous. with a crowd of people surround the spinning car the car came extremely close to spectators at times but no one was injured. >> casey anthony, the floor
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among was acquitted of murdering her two year-old daughter, has filed for bankruptcy. reports show anthony file for bankruptcy on the same day an appeals court tossed out to convictions against serb. for a pill both conditions. antony's estimated liabilities are between $500,001 million, a majority of that stemming from legal fees. >> the next time you swipe your card you might be saving money if you choose debit rather than credit. that is because of new fees stores can now charge. it is all part of a settlement between visa, mastercard and nine banks. >> because of the settlement merchants can now pass on the fees the credit issuers make them pay. this means customers could be charged
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1.5 to 3 percent more on your purchase if you choose to charge it. the see this your purchase if you choose to ch[ male announcer ]his citibank's app for ipad makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank. giving quite a show for tourists. the koi??çóñk?wç
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[ male announcer ] with citibank it's easy for jay
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to deposit checks from anywhere. [ wind howling ] easier than actually going to the bank. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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>> we are back in world news this morning authorities are beginning to work on the grim task of identifying the bodies of more than 230 people who died in a brazilian nightclub fire. witnesses are saying the flair of fireworks lit by the band the of started the blaze earlier sunday morning. >> authorities as saying that at the time of the fire roughly 2000 people were inside the club nearly double the maximum occupancy. >> doctors say toxic smoke cause most of the victims' to suffocate. more than 100 people are being treated at hospitals for their injuries. >> flooding continues to be a major problem in parts of australia. you can see just how hard the waters are raging in brisbane and queens onland . there's
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been a number of water rescues of the last few days. the brisbane times reports three people dead as a result of the flooding, to others are missing. the flooding started with former tropical cyclone of wall. the flooding is also prompted some 500 people to evacuate their homes and southern wales. >> take a look at this new video into kron for a pod of about 20-25 were whales appeared just off the coast san diego. a couple visiting from out of town to the decimating photos. >> the birch aquarium executive director said this policy a lot of will to run this time of year. is mating season for the whales as they migrate to baja , california. local marine experts say this might be
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the largest group of wales ever seen in this area. >> more news is on the way, but first, 49ers head coach jim harbaugh talks about being a rookie superbowl coach. being a rookie superbowl coach. >> well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. when you bundle tv and internet. whoa hoeverybery gey erybery gey use csehase fseedomedt drt stot th qua qer, ert 5%t ash act aivate atyour 5urcashcaacc ase.asm/frm/domdo
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>> 529 a m and let's talk about the weather. >> good morning in the forecast is pretty quiet it is overcast what we did not have problems with visibility. sunny conditions on tap for later on today and high clouds to contend with. at mid to upper 50s for just about everyone. it will be a very similar story as we head into the afternoon tomorrow. a little cooler than today. a warming trend begins around thursday mid to upper 60s. into
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saturday and sundaright now holt 30 degrees in fairfield and vallejo. 46, oakland 40 in hayward. temperatures right now are not too bad the mid to upper fifties later on today. full details on what to expect that coming up in just a bit. >> we are not tracking any hot spots and still looking at light traffic around the eight bay area. a little slowing on the east of interstate 580 and highway 4. south finessed also has light traffic through north bay for 1 01 southbound. >> the 49ers are getting ready for the super bowl and your lens. will tran is in san francisco outside city hall to see what is planned back here and 49ers
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territory. >> good morning, we are six days away from the super bowl. plenty of time for the city of seven discover start preparing for a possible victory celebration. they have a lot of practice for it because over the past three years the san francisco giants have won two world series and they know things can possibly get out of hand. here is video of the 49ers leading santa clara yesterday. they have done a charter plane and took off to norland 456 days a full of media attention. hopefully we will speak with this city of san francisco on more plans of what they plan to do this week. mayor ed lee has asked a lot of sam francisco bars to not serve hard alcohol during super bowl if they possibly can. he made a plea to
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bartenders out there that if you see a drunk patrons please do not serve them. they want to cut down on the rowdy this and what he calls knuckleheads. he is very tentative to this because the night the giants won the world series is of vandalism and parts of san francisco and especially in the mission district. the san franciscthey want to show tn that is sampras's go wins we are a world-class city and we know how to celebrate. this symbol is not here but we are getting into that mood. here is a grand auditorium and use of city hall not live up but this time. >> closing arguments will be held today in the retrial of former stanford cisco police crime lab technician accused of taking cocaine from of
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the facility. deborah madison previously admitted to taking small amounts of drugs built from evidence in 2009. her first trial ended in hung jury last fall. her alleged death from the labs of drug analysis unit led to the eventual closure of the facility. it also forced prosecutors to dismiss hundreds of criminal cases. this morning a man faces charges for allegedly grabbing a victim and stealing his car in san leandro. it happened saturday night on bristol ave. police say the suspect armed with a compact machine gun approach the victim at gunpoint. the suspects all victims cellphone in cash and car before driving off. the victims as the suspect was with another person driving a honda accord. police later located both vehicles annotate the suspect was been identified as oakland resident alex
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myers. this morning a man as a hospital in serious condition after a house fire in san francisco. the plans work out just after 430 yesterday afternoon. it happened at all, and 800 block of tapestry in the excelsior district. the pirate apartment says the blaze started in the lower floor of a two-story home. smoke reach the top floor where the elderly man was saying all along. he was arrested general hospital in serious condition. >> of apostle immigration reform bill will be outlined today by a bipartisan group of senators. the sweeping deal covers or a security, guest workers employee verification. it also covers the path to citizenship for 11 meet the legal immigrants already in this country. this morning federal investigators are saying that a 787 that is there is a battery fire earlier this
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month was delivered to japan airlines less in three weeks before the fire. the national as the agency board says the plane had only recorded 169 flight hours and 22 flights when the fire erupted in one of airlines to lithium ion batterie january 27ths on january 7th. the fire occurred at logan international airport shortly after the plane landed. a second battery is that led to an emergency landing by another 787 in japan on january 16th. the 787 fleet has been since grounded. >> another close call on the hudson river but this time it was a much smaller plane. a single engine plane crashed down into the river just north of new york city this weekend. the plane went down near the marina and yonkers. belize city quickly
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pull the 43 year-old man in the 39 year-old woman out of the chilly water. both showed signs of life of their man in their rush to the hospital. we have everica keeping an eye on the weather for you. it should get up to about 58 later on today. we will be right back.
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>> welcome back by 30 9:00 a.m. and happy monday to you. right now here's a live look at the san mateo bridge. it is 45 degrees in san mateo and we're looking for high 57 today. plenty of sunshine in the afternoon. >> secretary of state hillary clinton said she is not planning to run in the 2016 presidential election. that is not stopping supporters from hoping she does. senator dianne
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feinstein of california told cnn's state of the union it she's firmly in that camp. >> i am not as concerned with that as i am then what secretary clinton as the about 2016. she has accomplished an incredible record and has unbridled popularity. she is total knowledge of the issues, i am a fan. >> barbara boxer also echoed that same sentiment last week. she told clinton who was testifying that they that she would be mess will hopefully not for long. >> both democratic and republican lawmakers took to morning talk shows proclaimed the need for the gop to tackle immigration reform. this comes after the republican party's poor showing among latino voters
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in the presidential election. our presidential candidate kurt arizona senator john mccain had this to say >> what has changed is honestly there is a new i think appreciation on both sides of the island including more importantly on the republican side of the aisle that we need and a comprehensive reform bill. >will have more news for you and weather and traffic coming up but first 49ers just as the talks about being comfortable and orleans. >> being already been here this year, it is just a comfortable factor. we have stated as hotel we have done all that it's just a short ride over there. he does
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have a bus and go play. this type of game i don't think you're really worried about those types of factors. you roll your punches and you get up and play.
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>> 545 a m and the 49ers are facing the baltimore ravens on sunday up at the superdome looking to bring home their sixth super bowl crown. today we may learn the fate of an advocate accused of fatally shooting seven people at oakland a coast university last year. last month won the goh was ruled
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incompetent to stand trial. today the hearing will determine which mental hospital he will be sent to. >> it is definitely a good looking forecast, one to show off. i will have full details on coming up in just a minute. right now we're turning our attention to the numbers currently. 47 san francisco, upper 30's livermore, chilly and spots mainly the easily interior valley. in the north bay mid to upper 50s and it looks like some spots like napa and oakland will reach the 60 degree mark. jim rogers will be a little warmer compared to yesterday. high pressure starting to regain control. scattered showers from the north let most of the rain fell over the
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water. we are enjoying drier weather here in the bay area. i'm sure you have noticed how dry it has been this past january. a lot of locations have received under a half an inch of rain this month. we are little more than 3 in. for san francisco, oakland. 5 in. to where we should be for this time of year in santa rosa. because december was so wet, we are not too far behind schedule. we are almost on par with where we should be. the dry stretch of weather will continue into the rest of your work week. sunny warm conditions will begin right around thursday. mid
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to upper 60s for just about everyone and we could see some seventies for some of spots. >> pre quiet ride at this morning, no hot spots. a little bit of a delay at the bay bridge toll plaza, likely the result of the shift change. the metering lights have not yet been activated. the san mateo bridge ride looks good with no delays either eeastbound or westbound. looking at the drive times around the bay, 14 to 15 minutes for interstate 82 east shore freeway. no delays for twenty-four's to the cut caldecott tunnel. antioch on highway four the optima past and through dublin to the interstate 580 was down. south bay freeways look good, no problems here. the
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north bay is also still an easy one through marin county for 1 01 southbound. >> and marin county under age d y arrest for minors under 18 years old doubled last year compared to 2011. according to the california highway patrol and 201110 teens' under 80 years ago were arrested for driving under the influence. police say that number doubled last year to 20. officers made tend your deal iras for underwrite tender age drinkers between 19 to 21 years of age. this past year, officers arrested 40 people between 19 and 20 for driving under the influence. the arrests were primarily made on freeways and on inc. county roadways with in this chp jurisdiction. >> severance is called water niners fans are getting excited this week with the
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super bowl now under one week away. we have received thousands of your family photos and we want you to keep them coming. sinister and pictures breaking news at kron4 .com, or seven to our facebook page facebook .com/kron4. chronos lab continuing live coverage in the ordnance dropped out the week leading up to the big game. coach of law and some of the players will hold a press coverage that 130 today. in cash and not twenty-four's seven channel comcast channel 193 for any civil informations check out kron4 .com. >> and the checking the sharks as a host of the vancouver canucks as it was a director from five and
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all. patrick marleau added a goal of his own. joe thornton also scored and the coach turned his 200th career victory. next out is the search is the anaheim ducks tomorrow. tiger woods is starting to play like his old self. he has a chance to win the farmers open today. yesterday was suspended because of darkness. he had a six shot le. >> ever lawrence of the
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comedy silver linings playbook ending of the laws of the civil war epic lincoln won acting prizes at the screen actors guild awards. supporting actors honors went to ann hathaway for performance of the musical late as a rock and tommy lee jones for his role in the movie lincoln. dick van dyke was presented with a lifetime achievement award. >> we are going to take a quick break and coming up after the kron4 morning is dr. phil speaks with a man who survived an attack by his former in-laws. have you been a victim of a crime? don't miss the doctor fills coping strategies coming up
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at 10:00. you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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when you bundle tv and internet. at ikea, we don't just we design good mornings. little experiments. big ideas. brighter ways. and better tomorrows you can take home today. imagine if everyday was just a little bit better for everyone.
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>> we are back is by 50 6:00 a.m. and a reminder that if you plan on sending an e- mail out the old-fashioned way you have to sell extra penny for postage. first- class stamps are going up to 46¢ a postcard will not cost you 33¢. international mail went up even more m-1 now cost a dollar and 10¢. by in prices comes while u.s. postal service continues to struggle financially. thousands of aids aand a thousad the oakland coliseum and oracle arena to see their favorite a's players. some stood for hours to get an autographed, snap a picture even ask a question. several players included coco crisp
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and a dagger from or on hand to meet and greet fans. fans got a close-up look at the team's world series service from the years pass. >> it is always a good opportunity to meet the players. they are always so friendly. i think they're the best guys in the league and the school to meet them and have fun with them. >> and a's a representative said this year's ban fast was a sold-out event. >> 5578 am and coming up on the kron4 morning news the niners start their day in new orleans. we will hear from the players as the countdown the super bowl sunday. i could complete mess of a commute and parts of the midwest this morning. we are watching this dangerous storm. watching this dangerous storm. sleep train has your ticket to tempur-pedic. watching this dangerous experience the pressure-relieving comfort of tempur-pedic, and sleep risk-free with sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee. get 36 months interest-free financing:


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